Criminal Law (Pre-Week) - SBCA

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University of Santo Tomas


Pre-Week Notes 2023

SECRETARIES-GENERAL: Angela Beatrice S. Peña & Katherine S. Policarpio

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Ron-Sophia Nicole C. Antonio, Herlene Mae D. Calilung,
Patrisha Louise E. Dumanil, Alexandra Maureen B. Garcia, Hannah Joy C. Ibarra,
Jedidiah R. Padua, Paulinne Stephany G. Santiago



MEMBERS: Stephen Nicole R. Aran, Danie Lois B. Bautista, Axele E. Bayombong,
Alyssa E. Feliciano, Kyla Ardene V. Lopena, Danica Ella C. Nagorite, Angelika B.
Puzon, and Alondra Marie F. Sto. Domingo
SBCA 1611




Academics Committee
Faculty of Civil Law
University of Santo Tomas
España, Manila 1008

All rights reserved by the Academics Committee of the Faculty of Civil Law of the Pontifical and Royal
University of Santo Tomas, the Catholic University of the Philippines.

2023 Edition.

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Released in the Philippines, 2023.

4. Parliamentary Immunity (e.g., Members of the
I. BOOK I Congress are not liable for libel or slander in
connection with any speech delivered on the floor of
the house during a regular or special session. (Sec. 11,
Art. IV, 1987 Constitution);

A. GENERAL PRINCIPLES 5. Public vessels of foreign friendly power; or

6. Members of foreign country stationed in the

1. MALA IN SE AND MALA PROHIBITA Philippines with its consent.

Q: Distinguish between crimes mala in se and mala
prohibita. (1988, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2017,
Territoriality Principle (1994, 2000 BAR)
2019 BAR)

GR: The penal laws of the country have force and effect only
A: Mala in se and mala prohibita are distinguished as
within its territory.

XPNs: Art. 2 of the RPC

(1) Mala in se are inherently wrong or immoral, while mala
1. Should commit an offense while on a Philippine ship
prohibita are only wrong because they are prohibited by
or airship (fact of registration is in the Philippines);

2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note

(2) In mala in se, good faith or lack of criminal intent is a
of the Philippine Islands or obligations and securities
defense, while in mala prohibita, it is not;
issued by the Government of the Philippine Islands;
(Arts. 163 & 166, RPC)
(3) Modifying circumstances can be appreciated in mala in
se, while in mala prohibita it cannot be appreciated unless
3. Should be liable for acts connected with the
the special law adopts the technical nomenclature of the
introduction into these islands of the obligations and
penalties of the RPC;
securities mentioned in the preceding number;
(4) Mala in se are punishable under the RPC; or special laws
4. While being public officers or employees, should
where the acts punishable therein are wrong by nature.
commit an offense in the exercise of their functions;
Mala prohibita are punishable under special laws. (UPLC
Suggested Answers)

5. Should commit any of the crimes against national

2. SCOPE AND CHARACTERISTICS security and the law of nations. (Arts. 114-123, RPC)

a) GENERALITY Q: If the crme committed involves exploitation or

destruction of marine resources and is beyond the 12
GR: Penal laws and those of public security and safety shall nautical miles but within the 200 nautical miles of the
be obligatory upon all who live or sojourn in Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), will the Philippines
territory, subject to the principles of international law and have jurisdiction to prosecute the crime?
to treaty stipulations. (Art. 14, New Civil Code (NCC))
A: YES, the Philippines shall have jurisdiction to prosecute
XPNs: crime of exploitation or destruction of maritime resources
1. Treaty stipulations and international agreements (e.g., if it is committed within its EEZ. (Peralta, 2021)
PH-US Visiting Forces Agreement and Asian
Development-Philippines Agreement (1966)); c) PROSPECTIVITY

2. Laws of Preferential Application, (e.g., R.A. No. 75 GR: Acts or omissions classified as crimes will be
penalizes acts which would impair the proper scrutinized in accordance with relevant penal laws if
observance by the Republic and its inhabitants of the committed after the effectivity of those penal laws.
immunities, rights, and privileges of duly accredited
foreign diplomatic representatives in the Philippines.) XPN: Penal laws shall have a retroactive effect insofar as
(2014 BAR); they favor the persons guilty of a felony, although at the
time of the publication of such laws, a final sentence has
3. The principles of public international law; been pronounced and the convict is serving the same. (Art.
22, RPC)

1 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
XPNs to the XPN: The new law cannot be given retroactive 5. INTERPRETATION OF PENAL LAWS
effect even if favorable to the accused:

When the law is clear and unambiguous, there is no room

a. When the new law is expressly made inapplicable to
for interpretation but only for the application of the law.
pending actions or existing causes of actions. (Tavera
However, if there is ambiguity:
v. Valdez, G.R. No. 922, 08 Nov. 1902)

1. Penal laws are strictly construed against the State

b. When the offender is a habitual delinquent as defined
and liberally in favor of the accused; and
in Rule 5 in Art. 62 of the RPC. (Art. 22(5), RPC)
2. In the interpretation of the provisions of the RPC,
the Spanish text is controlling.


Penal laws are to be construed liberally to the offender as is
consistent with the constitutional guarantee that an
GR: Penal laws are applied prospectively.
accused shall be presumed innocent until his guilt is
established beyond reasonable doubt.
XPNs: When retrospective application will be favorable to
the person guilty of a felony, provided that:
Doctrine of Pro Reo in relation to Art. 48 (Penalty for
Complex Crimes) of the RPC (2010 BAR)
1. The offender is NOT a habitual delinquent under
Art. 62(5); and
Following the Doctrine of Pro Reo, crimes under Art. 48 of
2. The new or amendatory law does NOT provide
the RPC are complexed and punished with a single penalty
against its retrospective application.
(i.e., that prescribed for the most serious crime and to be
imposed in its maximum period). (People v. Comadre, G.R.
No. 153559, 08 June 2004) However, Art. 48 shall be applied
only when it would bring about the imposition of a penalty B. FELONIES
lesser than the penalties imposable for all the component
crimes if prosecuted separately instead of being complexed.
Elements of Felonies (2015 BAR)
An ex post facto law is one which: (M-A-C-A-A-D)
1. An act or omission;
1. Makes criminal an act done before the passage of 2. Punishable by the RPC; and
the law and which was innocent when done, and 3. The act is performed or the omission incurred by
punishes such an act; means of deceit or fault. (People v. Gonzales, G.R. No.
80762, 19 Mar. 1990)
2. Aggravates a crime, or makes it created than it was,
when first committed; Intentional Felony vs. Culpable Felony (1999, 2001,
2003, 2005, 2010 BAR)
3. Changes the punishment and inflicts a greater
punishment than the law annexed to the crime INTENTIONAL FELONY CULPABLE FELONIES
when committed; (DOLO) (CULPA)
As to Malice
4. Alters the legal rule of evidence, and authorizes Act is malicious. Act is not malicious.
conviction upon less or different testimony than the As to Intent
law required at the time of the commission of the Injury caused is
offense; unintentional, it being an
With deliberate intent.
incident of another act
5. Deprives a person accused of a crime some lawful performed without malice.
protection to which he has become entitled, such as As to the Source of Wrong Committed
the protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or Wrongful act results from
a proclamation of amnesty. (In re: Kay Villegas Kami, Has intention to cause a imprudence, negligence,
Inc., G.R. No. L-32485, 22 Nov. 1970) wrong. lack of foresight, or lack of

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 2
Deficiency in perception or lack of foresight, or failure to
pay proper attention and to use due diligence in foreseeing Causes which May Produce a Result Different From that
injury or damage to be caused. which the Offender Intended (2019 BAR)

Intent 1. Mistake in Blow (aberratio ictus) – A person

directed the blow at an intended victim, but because
Refers to the use of a particular means to effect the desired of poor aim, that blow landed on somebody else. In
result. It is a mental state, the existence of which is aberratio ictus, the intended victim and the actual
demonstrated by the overt acts of a person. victim are both at the scene of the crime.

Categories of Intent in Criminal Law Example: A was aiming to shoot B, but because of
lack of precision, hit C instead. (1993, 1994, 1996,
1. General Criminal Intent 1999, 2015, 2018 BAR)
2. Specific Criminal Intent
2. Mistake in Identity (error in personae) – The
Motive offender intends the injury on one person, but the
harm fell on another. In this situation, the intended
It is the moving power or force which impels a person to a victim was not at the scene of the crime.
desired result.
Example: A, wanting to kill B, killed C instead.
Motive as Determinant of Criminal Liability (1999, (2003, 2015, 2017 BAR)
2013 BAR)
3. The injurious result is greater than that intended
GR: Motive is not an element of a crime and becomes (praeter intentionem) – The injury is on the
immaterial in the determination of criminal liability. intended victim, but the resulting consequence is so
grave a wrong than what was intended. It is
XPNs: Motive is material when: essential that there is a notable disparity between
the means employed or the act of the offender and
1. The acts bring about variant crimes; the felony which resulted.
2. The identity of the accused is doubtful;
3. The evidence on the commission of the crime is purely This means that the resulting felony cannot be
circumstantial; foreseen from the acts of the offender.
4. In ascertaining the truth between two antagonistic
theories or versions of the killing; and Example: A, without intent to kill, struck the victim
5. Where there are no eyewitnesses to the crime and on the back causing the victim to fall and hit his head
where suspicion is likely to fall upon a number of on the pavement. (2020-21 BAR)
Requisites of Mistake of Fact
1. That the act done would have been lawful had the facts
Classifications of Felonies According to their Gravity been as the accused believed them to be;
(2019 BAR) 2. That the intention of the accused in performing the act is
lawful; and
1. Grave – those to which the law attaches the capital 3. That the mistake must be without fault or carelessness
punishment or penalties which in any of their periods on the part of the accused.
are afflictive, in accordance with Art. 25 of the RPC. (Art.
9 (1), RPC) Proximate Cause

2. Less Grave – those which the law punishes with That cause, which, in natural and continuous sequence,
penalties which in their maximum period are unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, produces the
correctional, in accordance with Art. 25 of the RPC. (Art. injury, and without which the result would not have
9(2), RPC) occurred. (Vda. De Bataclan v. Medina, G.R. No. L-10126, 22
Oct. 1957)
3. Light – those infractions of law for the commission of
which the penalty of arresto menor or a fine not
exceeding P40,000 pesos, or both, is provided. (Art.
9(3), RPC, as amended by R.A. No. 10951, 29 Aug. 2017)

3 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Requisites of Proximate Cause Impossible Crime – a Formal Crime (2005 BAR)

1. The direct, natural, and logical cause; By its very nature, an impossible crime is a formal crime. It
2. Produces the injury or damage; is either consummated or not consummated at all. There is
3. Unbroken by any efficient intervening cause; and therefore no attempted or frustrated impossible crime.
4. Without which the result would not have occurred.
Efficient Intervening Cause Art. 6, RPC

It is an intervening active force which is a distinct act or fact Stages of Acts of Execution (1992, 1994, 2009 BAR) (C-
absolutely foreign from the felonious act of the accused. F-A)


2. Frustrated; and
Criminal Liability (1997, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2009 BAR) 3. Attempted.

Criminal liability is incurred by any person: Consummated Felony

1. Committing a felony although the wrongful act done be A felony is consummated when all the acts necessary for its
different from that which he intended; (Art. 4(1), RPC) accomplishment and execution are present. (Art. 6, RPC)
Frustrated Felony
2. Performing an act which would be an offense against
persons or property, were it not for the inherent A felony is frustrated when the offender performs all the
impossibility of its accomplishment or on account of the acts of execution which would produce the felony as a
employment of inadequate or ineffectual means. (Art. result, but which nevertheless do not produce it by reason
4(2), RPC) of causes independent of the will of the perpetrator. (Art. 6,
Q: X stabbed Y in the abdomen penetrating the liver and
Requisites of an Impossible Crime (2003, 2004, 2009, chest of Y. Y was rushed to the hospital, was given
2014, 2015 BAR) (OPP-E-I-N) immediate medical treatment, and survived. Is X liable
for consummated homicide?
1. Act performed would be an Offense against Persons or
Property; A: NO, because the prompt medical treatment received by
2. Act was done with Evil intent; the offended party saved his life. The offense committed by
3. Accomplishment is Inherently impossible or means the defendant was therefore frustrated murder. (People v.
employed is either inadequate or ineffectual; and Honrada, G.R. No. 112178-79, 21 Apr. 1995)
4. Act performed should Not constitute a violation of
another provision of the RPC. Crimes Without Frustrated Stage (2017, 2014 BAR)

Essence of an Impossible Crime 1. Rape – the gravamen of the offense is carnal

knowledge, hence, the slightest penetration to the
The essence of an impossible crime is the inherent female organ consummates the felony;
impossibility of accomplishing the crime or the means 2. Corruption of public officers – mere offer
employed to bring about the crime. consummates the crime;
3. Physical injury – consummated at the instance the
Kinds of Inherent Impossibility injuries are inflicted;
4. Adultery – the essence of the crime is sexual congress;
1. Legal Impossibility – occurs where the intended acts, and
even if completed, would not amount to a crime (e.g., 5. Theft – the essence of the crime is the taking of property
killing a person who is already dead); and belonging to another. Once the thing has been taken, or
in the possession of another, the crime is consummated.
2. Physical or Factual Impossibility – occurs when
extraneous circumstances unknown to the accused Attempted Felony
prevented the consummation of the intended crime
(e.g., pickpocketing an empty wallet) (2018 BAR) There is an attempt when the offender commences the
commission of a felony directly by overt acts and does not
perform all the acts of execution which should produce the

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 4
felony, by reason of some cause or accident other than his 3. Special Complex Crime or Composite Crime – one in
own spontaneous desistance. (Art. 6, RPC) which the substance is made up of more than one crime,
but which, in the eyes of the law, is only a single
f) CONTINUING CRIMES indivisible offense.

Continued Crime or Continuous or Delito Continuado Ordinary Complex Crime vs. Special Complex Crime
(1996 BAR) (2003 BAR)

It is a single crime consisting of a series of acts but arising ORDINARY SPECIAL

from one criminal resolution. COMPLEX CRIME COMPLEX CRIME
As to Concept
Here, the offender is impelled by a single criminal impulse It is made up of two or more
but committed a series of acts at about the same time in crimes being punished
about the same place and all the overt acts violate one and under distinct provisions of It is made up of two or more
the same provision of law. the RPC but alleged in one crimes which are
information either because considered only as
Continued Crime is Different from Transitory Crime they were brought about by components of a single
a single felonious act or indivisible offense being
Transitory crime, also called “moving crime,” is a concept in because one offense is a punished in one provision
criminal procedure to determine the venue. It may be necessary means for of the RPC.
instituted and tried in the court of the municipality, city, or committing the other
province where any of the essential elements thereof took offense or offenses.
place. As to Penalties
Only one penalty is
g) COMPLEX CRIMES AND specifically prescribed for
COMPOSITE CRIMES all the component crimes
which are regarded as one
Complex Crime The penalty for the most indivisible offense. The
serious crime shall be component crimes are not
Exists when two or more crimes are committed but they imposed and in its regarded as distinct crimes
constitute only one crime in the eyes of the law. Here, there maximum period. and so the penalty to be
is only one criminal intent; hence, only one penalty is imposed is that specifically
imposed. provided for under the
special complex crime
Kinds of Complex Crimes (2019 BAR) committed.

1. Compound Crime – when a single act constitutes two Q: The single act of A in firing a shot caused the death of
or more grave or less grave felonies. (Art. 48, RPC) two persons, arising from one bullet, who were
standing on the line of the direction of the bullet. Is A
Requisites: liable for two separate crimes of homicide?
a. Only a single act is performed by the offender; and
b. The single act produces: A: NO. Since the deaths of the two victims were a result of
i. Two or more grave felonies; or one single act of firing a shot, a compound crime was
ii. One or more grave and one or more less grave committed.
felonies; or
iii. Two or more less grave felonies.
2. Complex Crime Proper – when an offense is the
necessary means for committing the other (Art. 48,
RPC) Circumstances Affecting Criminal Liability
a. At least two offenses are committed; 1. Justifying circumstances;
b. One or some of the offenses must be necessary to 2. Exempting circumstances;
commit the other; and 3. Mitigating circumstances;
c. Both or all the offenses must be punished under 4. Aggravating circumstances; and
the same statute. 5. Alternative circumstances.

5 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
a) JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES 2nd Requisite: Reasonable Necessity of the Means
Employed to Prevent or Repel It
Justifying Circumstances
Test of Reasonableness: (PO-P-W)
Justifying circumstances are those where the acts of a
person is said to be in accordance with law, so that such 1. Nature and quality of the Weapon used by the
person is deemed not to have transgressed the law and is aggressor;
free from both criminal and civil liability. 2. Physical condition, character, size, and other
circumstances of both the offender and defender; and
There is no civil liability, except in Art. 11(4) (State of 3. Place and Occasion of the assault.
Necessity), where the civil liability is borne by the persons
benefitted by the act. (Reyes, 2021) 3rd Requisite: Sufficient Provocation

They are: (Se-D-D-A-F-O) It refers to “any unjust or improper conduct or act of the
victim adequate enough to excite a person to commit a
1. Self-defense; wrong, which is accordingly proportionate in gravity.” (Cruz
2. Defense of relatives; v. People, G.R. No. 216642, 02 Sept. 2020)
3. Defense of stranger;
4. Avoidance of greater evil or injury (or State of “Battered Woman Syndrome" (BWS)
5. Fulfillment of duty or exercise of right or office; and It refers to a scientifically defined pattern of psychological
6. Obedience to an order of a superior. and behavioral symptoms found in women living in
battering relationships as a result of cumulative abuse. (Sec.
SELF-DEFENSE 3(c), R.A. No. 9262)
ART. 11(1), RPC
BWS used as a Defense (2014, 2015 BAR)
Rights included in Self-Defense
Victim-survivors who are found by the courts to be
Self-defense includes not only the defense of the person or suffering from battered woman syndrome do not incur any
body of the one assaulted but also that of his rights, the criminal or civil liability notwithstanding the absence of any
enjoyment of which is protected by law. Thus, it includes: of the elements for justifying circumstances of self- defense
(Ho-La-Ho-P) under the RPC. (Sec. 26, R.A. No. 9262)

1. Defense of the person’s Home; The law now allows the battered woman syndrome as a
2. Defense of rights protected by Law; valid defense in the crime of parricide – independent of self-
3. The right to Honor; defense under the RPC. (Sec. 26, R.A. No. 9262)

Requisites of Self-Defense (U-R-L) (1993, 1996, 2002, DEFENSE OF RELATIVES

2003, 2005 BAR) ART. 11(2), RPC

1. Unlawful aggression; Requisites of Defense of Relatives (U-R-NP)

2. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
prevent or repel it; and 1. Unlawful aggression;
3. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person 2. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
defending himself. prevent or repel it; and
3. In case the provocation was given by the person
1st Requisite: Unlawful Aggression (P-A-U) attacked, the one making a defense had No Part therein.

1. There must be a Physical or material attack or assault; Relatives Covered under the Justifying Circumstance
2. The attack or assault must be Actual, or at least,
imminent; and 1. Spouse;
3. The attack or assault must be Unlawful. (People v. 2. Ascendants;
Mapait, G.R. No. 172606, 23 Nov. 2011) 3. Descendants;
4. Legitimate, natural or adopted brothers and sisters, or
GR: When the aggressor retreats, the aggression ceases. relatives by affinity in the same degree (namely,
ascendants-in-law, descendants-in-law, and siblings-
XPN: Unlawful aggression still continues when retreat is in-law); and
made to take a more advantageous position to ensure the 5. Relatives by consanguinity within the 4th civil degree.
success of the attack which has begun.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 6
NOTE: If the degree of consanguinity or affinity is beyond b) EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES
the fourth degree, it will be considered defense of a
stranger. GR: No criminal liability, but there is civil liability.

DEFENSE OF A STRANGER XPN: Under Art. 12(4) (Accident) and (7) (Lawful or
ART. 11(3), RPC Insuperable Cause), the offender is exempted from both
criminal and civil liability.
Requisites of Defense of Stranger (U-R-NI)
The Following are Exempted from Criminal Liability
1. Unlawful aggression; (2000, 1994, 1992 BAR)
2. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
prevent or repel it; and 1. An imbecile or an insane person, unless the latter has
3. The person defending be Not Induced by revenge, acted during a lucid interval;
resentment, or other evil motive.
2. Minority
AVOIDANCE OF GREATER EVIL OR a. A child under 15 years of age;
STATE OF NECESSITY b. A child over 15 years of age and under 18, unless
ART. 11(4), RPC he has acted with discernment, in which case, such
child shall be subject to appropriate proceedings
Requisites of State of Necessity (2004, 1998, 1990 BAR) in accordance with R.A. No. 9344; (2000 BAR)
3. Any person who, while performing a lawful act with
1. Evil sought to be avoided actually exists; due care, causes an injury by mere accident without the
2. Injury feared be Greater than that done to avoid it; fault or intention of causing it; (1992, 2000 BAR)
3. There be no other Practical and less harmful means of 4. Any person who acts under the compulsion of an
preventing it; and irresistible force;
4. That the state of necessity or emergency was not Due 5. Any person who acts under the impulse of an
to the fault or negligence of the person claiming the uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury; and
defense. 6. Any person who fails to perform an act required by law,
when prevented by some lawful or insuperable cause.
ART. 11(5), RPC
Requisites of Fulfillment of Duty (Pe-N) ART. 12(1), RPC

1. Accused acted in the Performance of a duty or in the Imbecility vs. Insanity

lawful exercise of a right or office; and
2. Injury caused or offense committed be the Necessary IMBECILITY INSANITY
consequence of the due performance of duty or the As to its Definition
lawful exercise of such right or office. An imbecile is one who,
while advanced in age, has Insanity exists when there
OBEDIENCE TO AN ORDER ISSUED a mental development is a complete deprivation
FOR SOME LAWFUL PURPOSE comparable to that of of intelligence in
ART. 11(6), RPC children between 2 to 7 committing the act.
years of age.
Requisites of Obedience to an Order Issued for Some As to its Existence of Lucid Interval
Lawful Purpose (M-O-L) No lucid interval There is lucid interval
As to Exemption from Criminal Liability
1. An Order has been issued by a superior; Not exempt from criminal
2. Such order must be for some Lawful purpose; and Exempt from criminal liability if it can be shown
3. Means used by the subordinate to carry out said order liability in all cases. that he acted during a lucid
is lawful. interval.

7 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
MINORITY the butts of their guns. They compelled him to bury the
ART. 12(2 and 3), RPC, as amended bodies. Is he liable as an accessory to the crime of
by R.A. No. 9344, as further amended by murder?
R.A. No. 10630
A: NO. Baculi is not criminally liable as accessory for
Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility and concealing the body of the crime of murder committed by
Treatment of Child Below the Age of Responsibility the band because he acted under the compulsion of an
(2017 BAR) irresistible force. (U.S. v. Caballeros, G.R. No. 1352, 29 Mar.
ART. 12(6), RPC
The child shall
be subjected to a Elements of Uncontrollable Fear (R-U-G)
15 years old or community-
below based 1. Existence of an Uncontrollable fear;
intervention 2. Fear must be Real and imminent; and
program. 3. Fear of an injury is Greater than or equal to that
The child shall
Above 15 years
be subjected to a Requisites of Uncontrollable Fear
old but below 18
years old, who Exempt
based 1. Threat, which causes the fear, is of an evil greater than
acted without
intervention or at least equal to that which he is required to commit;
program. and
2. It promises an evil of such gravity and imminence that
Above 15 years the ordinary man would have succumbed to it.
Such child shall
old but below 18
be subjected to a
years old, who Not exempt Irresistible Force vs. Uncontrollable Fear
acted with
discernment IRRESISTIBLE
(R.A. No. 9344, as amended by R.A. No. 10630)
As to the means to Compel a to Commit a Crime


A person is compelled by A person is compelled by
another to commit a crime another to commit a crime
ART. 12(4), RPC
by means of violence or by means of intimidation or
physical force. threat.
Elements of Accident: (Law-D-A-W)
As to Whom the Force/Threat is Directed
1. A person is performing a Lawful act;
The uncontrollable fear
2. With Due care;
The irresistible force must may be generated by a
3. He causes injury to another by mere Accident; and
have been made to operate threatened act directed to a
4. Without fault or intention of causing it.
directly upon the person of third person, such as the
the accused, and the injury wife of the accused who
feared may be of a lesser was kidnapped, but the evil
ART. 12(5), RPC
degree than the damage feared must be greater or
caused by the accused. at least equal to the
Requisites of Compulsion of Irresistible Force (P-I-T)
damage caused to avoid it.

1. Compulsion is by means of Physical force;

2. Physical force must be Irresistible; and
ART. 12(7), RPC
3. Physical force must come from a Third person.

Requisites of Lawful or Insuperable Cause

Q: Baculi, who was not a member of the band which
murdered some American school teachers, was in a
plantation gathering bananas. Upon hearing the
1. An act is Required by law to be done;
shooting, he ran. However, Baculi was seen by the
2. A person Fails to perform such act; and
leaders of the band who called him and struck him with
3. Failure to perform such act was due to some Lawful or

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 8
NOTE: It applies to felonies by omission. ART. 13(1), RPC

c) MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES It means that not all the requisites to justify the act or to
exempt the offender from criminal liability are present.
Circumstances which can Mitigate Criminal Liability (I-
EAT-PIP-VOPIS) Unlawful Aggression: Condition Necessary Before
Incomplete Self-defense, Defense of Relative, or
1. Incomplete justifying or Exempting circumstance; Defense of Stranger May be Invoked
2. Age
a. over 15 but under 18; or The offended party must be guilty of unlawful aggression.
b. over 70 years old; Without unlawful aggression, there can be no incomplete
3. Praeter Intentionem; self-defense, defense of relative, or defense of stranger.
4. Sufficient Threat or provocation;
5. Immediate vindication of a grave offense; Effects on the Criminal Liability of the Offender of
6. Passion or Obfuscation; Incomplete Self-defense, Defense of Relative, or
7. Voluntary surrender, and voluntary confession of guilt; Defense of Stranger
8. Physical defect;
9. Illness of the offender; and 1. If only the element of unlawful aggression is present,
10. Similar and analogous circumstances. the other requisites being absent – ordinary
mitigating circumstance
Classes of Mitigating Circumstances
2. If aside from the element of unlawful aggression,
1. Ordinary mitigating another requisite but not all is present – privileged
2. Privileged mitigating mitigating circumstance

Privileged Mitigating Circumstances under the RPC 3. If there are at least three (3) mitigating circumstances
– in the first two, the penalty is lowered by one degree
1. When the offender is a minor under 18 years of age; while the last mitigating circumstance is imposed in
(Art. 68, RPC) (2013, 2014 BAR) minimum period after being lowered by one degree.

2. When the crime committed is not wholly excusable; AGE

(Art. 69, RPC) ART. 13(2), RPC

3. When there are two or more mitigating circumstances Coverage

and no aggravating circumstance, the court shall
impose the penalty next lower to that prescribed by Offenders who are:
law, in the period that it may deem applicable,
according to the number and nature of such 1. Over 15 but under 18 years old who acted with
circumstances; (Art. 64(5), RPC) (1997 BAR) discernment; and
2. Over 70 years old
4. Voluntary release of the person illegally detained
within 3 days without the offender attaining their Legal Effects of the Various Age Brackets of the Offender
purpose and before the institution of the criminal with respect to his Criminal Liability
action; (Art. 268(3), RPC)

5. Abandonment without justification of the spouse who AGE BRACKET EFFECT ON CRIMINAL LIABILITY
committed adultery; (Art. 333(3), RPC) and
Under 15 Exempting circumstance
6. Concealing dishonor in case of infanticide. (Art. 255(2), Over 15 under Exempting circumstance, if he acted
RPC) 18 without discernment
18 to 70 Full criminal responsibility
Mitigating circumstance; no
imposition of death penalty;
Over 70 execution of death sentence, if
already imposed, is suspended and

9 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
ART. 13(3), RPC
Requisites of Sufficient Threat or Provocation (S-O-I)
Not Applicable to Felonies by Negligence
1. Provocation must be Sufficient;
Q: Buenamer committed robbery inside a passenger FX 2. It must Originate from the offended party; and
by threatening to shoot the passengers if they do not 3. It must be Immediate to the act.
give their wallets and cellphones. Buenamer was
successful in taking the things of the passengers. Tan, IMMEDIATE VINDICATION OF
one of the passengers, chased Buenamer who boarded A GRAVE OFFENSE
a passenger jeepney in order to escape. Buenamer ART. 13(5), RPC
boxed Tan when he held on to the handlebar of the
jeepney, causing him to lose his grip and fall from the Requisites of Vindication of a Grave Offense
jeepney and thereafter was ran over by the rear tire of (G-F)
said jeepney and died.
1. A Grave offense has been done to the one committing
Buenamer contends that he should be given the the felony, his spouse, ascendants, descendants,
mitigating circumstance of lack of intent to commit so legitimate, natural or adopted brothers or sisters, or
grave a wrong. Is Buenamer entitled to the mitigating relatives by affinity within the same degree; and
2. A Felony is committed in vindication of such grave
A: NO. This mitigating circumstance addresses itself to the offense.
intention of the offender at the particular moment when the
offender executes or commits the criminal act. This Lapse of Time Allowed between the Vindication and the
mitigating circumstance is obtaining when there is a Doing of the Grave Offense
notable disparity between the means employed by the
accused to commit a wrong and the resulting crime It is enough that:
committed. 1. The offender committed the crime;
2. The grave offense was done to them, their spouse,
The intention of the accused at the time of the commission their ascendant or descendant or to their brother or
of the crime is manifested from the weapon used, the mode sister, whether natural, adopted or legitimate; and
of attack employed, and the injury sustained by the victim. 3. The grave offense is the proximate cause of the
commission of the crime.
Here, the records showed that Buenamer boxed or struck
Tan with such force that the latter lost his grip on the NOTE: Where 4 days elapsed from the knowledge of the
estribo or handlebar of the vehicle, fell off and run over by supposed sexual assault and the attack, there was sufficient
the vehicle's rear tire. He subsequently died. The legal time to regain composure and self-control. Thus, there was
postulate enshrined under Art. 3 of the RPC decrees that no “immediate vindication of a grave offense.” (People v.
every person shall be held responsible for all the natural Rebucan. G.R. 182551, 27 July 2011)
and logical consequences of his felonious act and,
complementing this Art. 3 is Art. of the same RPC, which PASSION OR OBFUSCATION
provides that “criminal liability shall be incurred (1) by any ART. 13(6), RPC
person committing a felony, although the wrongful act done
be different from that which he intended.” These two Elements of Passion or Obfuscation
articles of the RPC must thus apply with implacable force
against Buenamer; he must be called to account for all the 1. There is an act, both unlawful and sufficient to produce
natural and logical consequences of his felonious act; and such a condition of mind; and
hence must be deemed to have incurred criminal liability,
although the felonious act he committed might have been 2. The said act which produced the obfuscation was not
different from that which he intended. (People v. Buenamer, far removed from the commission of the crime by a
G.R. No. 206227, 31 Aug. 2016) considerable length of time, during which the
perpetrator might recover his normal equanimity.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 10
ART. 13(10), RPC
There is no uniform rule on what constitutes "a
considerable length of time." The provocation and the d) AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES
commission of the crime should not be so far apart that a
reasonable length of time has passed during which the Aggravating Circumstances
accused would have calmed down and be able to reflect on
the consequences of his or her actions. What is important is Those which, if attendant in the commission of the crime:
that the accused has not yet "recovered his normal
equanimity" when he committed the crime. (People v. 1. Serve to increase the penalty without, however,
Oloverio, G.R. No. 211159, 18 Mar. 2015) exceeding the maximum of the penalty provided by
law for the offense; or
VOLUNTARY SURRENDER AND 2. Change the nature of the crime.
ART. 13(7), RPC Kinds of Aggravating Circumstances (1999 BAR)

Requisites of Voluntary Surrender (No-Su-Vo) 1. Generic – those that can generally apply to almost
all crimes.
1. Offender had Not been actually arrested; 2. Specific – those that apply only to particular
2. He Surrendered himself to a person in authority or to crimes.
the latter’s agent; and 3. Qualifying – those that change the nature of the
3. The surrender was Voluntary. crime.

Requisites of Voluntary Confession of Guilt (1999 BAR) 4. Inherent – those that must of necessity accompany
(S-O-P) the commission of the crime. They are already
elements in the commission of the crime. Thus,
1. The offender Spontaneously confessed their guilt; they are no longer considered against the offender
2. It was made in Open court (that is, before the so as to increase the imposable penalty. (Art. 62(2),
competent court that is to try the case); and RPC)
3. It was made Prior to the presentation of evidence for
the prosecution. 5. Special – those which arise under special
conditions to increase the penalty of the offense
PHYSICAL DEFECT and cannot be offset by mitigating circumstances,
ART. 13(8), RPC except for privileged mitigating circumstances.


ART. 14(1), RPC
1. The offender is deaf and dumb, blind, or otherwise
suffering from some physical defect; and Taking Advantage of Public Position
2. Such physical defect restricts his means of action,
defense, or communication with their fellow beings. The public officer:
1. Abused his public position; or
NOTE: The physical defect of the offender must have a 2. At least, the use of the same facilitated the
relation to the offense committed. commission of the offense.

ILLNESS OF THE OFFENDER NOTE: To be applicable, the public officer must have used
ART. 13(9), RPC their: (I-P-A)

Requisites of Illness (Di-No) 1. Influence;

2. Prestige; or
1. Illness of the offender must Diminish the exercise of 3. Ascendancy.
will power; and
2. Such illness should Not deprive the offender of
consciousness of their acts.

11 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
ART. 14(2), RPC The circumstance of lack of respect due to age applies in
cases where the victim is of tender age as well as of old age.
Requisites of Contempt or Insult to Public Authorities
as an Aggravating Circumstance: NOTE: The accused must have deliberately intended to
offend or insult the age of the victim. (People v. Diaz, G.R. No.
1. That the public authority is engaged in the exercise of L-24002, 21 Jan. 1974)
their functions;
2. Such authority is not the person against whom the crime Sex
is committed;
3. Offender knows them to be a public authority; and It refers to the female sex, not to the male sex.
4. Their presence has not prevented the offender from
committing the crime. Accused must have deliberately intended to offend or insult
the sex of the victim or showed manifest disrespect to her
Public Authority womanhood.

Public authority, also called a “person in authority,” is a Dwelling

public officer directly vested with jurisdiction, whether as
an individual or as a member of some court or A dwelling must be a building or structure exclusively used
governmental corporation, board, or commission, shall be for rest or comfort.
deemed a person in authority. A barrio captain and a
barangay chairman shall also be deemed a person in It is not necessary that the accused should have actually
authority. (Art. 152, as amended by P.D. No. 1232) entered the dwelling of the victim to commit the offense. It
is enough that the victim was attacked inside his own house,
NOTE: Teachers, professors, and persons charged with the although the assailant may have devised means to
supervision of public or duly recognized private schools, perpetrate the assault (e.g., a triggerman who fired the shot
colleges and universities, and lawyers in the actual from outside the house, while his victim was inside).
performance of their professional duties or on the occasion
of such performance, are persons in authority only for ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE OR
purposes of direct assault and simple resistance. OBVIOUS UNGRATEFULNESS
ART. 14(4), RPC
SEX, OR DWELLING Requisites of Abuse of Confidence: (F-A-T)
ART. 14(3), RPC
1. The offended party had Trusted the offender;
Ways of Committing the Aggravating Circumstance 2. The offender Abused such trust by committing a crime
under Art. 14(3) (2017 BAR) against the offended party; and
3. The abuse of confidence Facilitated the commission of
The act must be committed: the crime.

1. With insult or in disregard of the respect due to the Requisites of Obvious Ungratefulness: (T-A-O)
offended party on account of his: (R-A-S)
a. Rank 1. That the offended party had Trusted the offender;
b. Age 2. Abused such trust by committing a crime against the
c. Sex offended party; and
3. That the act be committed with Obvious
2. In the dwelling of the offended party, if the latter has ungratefulness.
not given sufficient provocation.
ART. 14(5), RPC
It refers to official, civil, or social position or standing. There
must be a difference in the social condition of the offender Places of Commission of Offenses
and the offended party.
1. In the palace of the Chief Executive;
2. In his presence (of the Chief Executive);
3. Where public authorities are engaged in the discharge
of their duties; or

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 12
4. In a place dedicated to religious worship. AID OF ARMED MEN
ART. 14(8), RPC
PLACE, OR BY A BAND Requisites of Aid of Armed Men:
ART. 14(6), RPC
1. That armed men or persons took part in the commission
Instances when Nighttime, Uninhabited Place, or By a of the crime, directly or indirectly; and
Band is Considered Aggravating 2. That the accused availed himself of their aid or relied
upon them when the crime is committed.
1. It facilitated the commission of the crime;
By a Band vs. Crime With the Aid of Armed Men
2. It is especially sought for by the offender to ensure the
commission of the crime; and WITH THE AID OF
Art. 14(6)
3. The offender took advantage thereof for the purpose of Art.14(8)
impunity. As to Number of Armed Malefactors
Requires more than 3 At least 2 armed
Nighttime armed malefactors malefactors
As to Participation of Armed Malefactors
Nighttime or nocturnity is a period from after sunset to This circumstance is
sunrise, from dusk to dawn. It is necessary that the At least four malefactors
present even if one of the
commission of the crime was commenced and completed at shall have acted together
offenders merely relied on
nighttime. in the commission of an
their aid, actual aid is not
Darkness of the night makes nighttime an aggravating As to Criminal Liability
circumstance. Hence, when the place of the crime is Band members are all Armed men are mere
illuminated or sufficiently lighted, nighttime is not principals accomplices
Uninhabited Place ART. 14(9), RPC

It is where there are no houses at all, a place at a Requisites of Recidivism (TriPS-Con):

considerable distance from town or where the houses are
scattered at a great distance from each other. It is not 1. That the offender is on Trial for an offense;
determined by the distance of the nearest house to the 2. He was Previously convicted by final judgment of
scene of the crime but whether or not in the place of the another crime;
commission of the offense, there was a reasonable 3. Both the first and second offense are embraced in the
possibility of the victim receiving some help. Same title of the RPC; and
4. Offender is Convicted of the new offense.
By a Band
Q: Suppose the first offense in 1975 was homicide, then
It means that there are at least four (4) armed malefactors the second offense in 2004 was murder. Can
acting together in the commission of the offense. aggravating circumstance of recidivism be
NOTE: All must be armed; otherwise, the aggravating
circumstance under Art. 14(8) (Aid of Armed Men) shall A: YES. Homicide and murder are crimes both under crimes
apply. against persons. Hence, both crimes are embraced in the
same title of the RPC.
ART. 14(7), RPC
Requisites of Reiteracion:
When Considered as an Aggravating Circumstance
1. That the accused is on trial for an offense;
1. The crime is committed on the occasion of a 2. That he previously served his sentence for:
conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic, or a. Another crime to which the law attaches an equal
other; and or greater penalty; or
2. The offender takes advantage of it. b. Two (2) or more crimes to which it attaches a

13 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
lighter penalty than that for the new offense; and BY MEANS OF INUNDATION, FIRE,
3. That he is convicted of the new offense. ART. 14(12), RPC

“Has been previously punished.” Aggravating Circumstances under this Paragraph

This phrase in Par. 10 means that the accused previously If the crime be committed by means of: (IF-PESDA)
served sentence for another offense or sentences for other
offenses before his trial for the new offense. (People v. 1. Inundation;
Abella, G.R. No. L-32205, 31 Aug. 1979) 2. Fire;
3. Poison;
Reiteracion vs. Recidivism 4. Explosion;
5. Stranding of the vessel or intentional damage thereto;
REITERACION RECIDIVISM 6. Derailment of locomotive; or
As to Requirement of Service of Sentence 7. By use of any other Artifice involving great waste and

It is necessary that the Not necessary. It is enough EVIDENT PREMEDITATION

offender shall have served that a final judgment has ART. 14(13), RPC
out his sentence for his been rendered in the first
first offense. offense. Requisites of Evident Premeditation: (T-A-S)

1. The Time when the offender determined to commit the

As to Offenses Committed crime (determination);
Previous and subsequent
Offenses should be
offenses must NOT be 2. An Act manifestly indicating that the culprit has clung
included in the same title
embraced in the same title to his determination (preparation); and
of the RPC.
of the RPC.
3. A Sufficient lapse of time between the determination
As to Consideration in Fixing Penalty
and execution, to allow him to reflect upon the
Always to be taken into
consequences of his act and to allow his conscience to
Not always an aggravating consideration in fixing the
overcome the resolution of his will (time).
circumstance. penalty to be imposed
upon the accused.
Appreciation of Evident Premeditation

For evident premeditation to be appreciated, it is
indispensable to show concrete evidence on how and when
ART. 14(11), RPC
the plan to kill was hatched or how much time had elapsed
before it was carried out. (Peralta, 2021)
Requisites of In Consideration of a Price, Reward, or
ART. 14(14), RPC
1. There are at least two (2) principals:
a. principal by inducement
Craft vs. Fraud vs. Disguise
b. principal by direct participation; and


2. The price, reward, or promise should be before and in
Involves the use
consideration of the commission of the criminal act.
of intellectual Involves the use
trickery and of direct Involves the use
cunning not to inducement by of devise to
arouse the insidious words conceal identity.
suspicion of the or machinations.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 14
ABUSE OF SUPERIOR STRENGTH OR MEANS BE Instances that may be Absorbed by Treachery
ART. 14(15), RPC 1. Abuse of superior strength;
2. Aid of armed men;
Requisites of Abuse of Superior Strength 3. By a band;
(Not-Ad) 4. Means to weaken the defense;
5. Craft; and
1. That there be Notorious inequality of forces between 6. Nighttime.
the offender and the offended party in terms of their
age, size, and strength; and IGNOMINY
ART. 14(17), RPC
2. That the offender took Advantage of this inequality of
forces to facilitate the commission of the crime. Ignominy

Requisites of Means to Weaken Defense: It is a circumstance pertaining to the moral order, which
adds disgrace to the material injury caused by the crime.
1. Means were purposely sought to weaken the defense of Ignominy adds insult to injury or adds shame to the natural
the victim to resist the assault; and effects of the crime. Ignominy shocks the moral conscience
of man.
2. The means used must not totally eliminate possible
defense of the victim, otherwise, it will fall under Application of Ignominy
1. Crimes against chastity;
TREACHERY 2. Less serious physical injuries;
ART. 14(16), RPC 3. Light or grave coercion; and
4. Murder.
Elements of Treachery (Emp-Del):
1. The Employment of means, methods or forms in the ART. 14(18), RPC
execution of the criminal act which gives the person
attacked no opportunity to defend himself or to Unlawful Entry
retaliate; and
2. The said means, methods, or forms of execution were There is unlawful entry when an entrance is effected by a
Deliberately or consciously adopted by the assailant. way not intended for the purpose.

NOTE: In order to appreciate treachery, both elements NOTE: This circumstance is inherent in the crimes of
must be present. (People v. Corpin, G.R. No. 232493, 19 June trespass to dwelling and robbery with force upon things.
2019) But it is aggravating in the crime of robbery with violence
Essence of Treachery against or intimidation of persons.

The suddenness, surprise and the lack of expectation that BREAKING WALL, ROOF, FLOOR,
the attack will take place, thus, depriving the victim of any DOOR OR WINDOW
real opportunity for self-defense while ensuring the ART. 14(19), RPC
commission of the crime without risk to the aggressor.
Likewise, even when the victim was forewarned of the Requisites of Breaking Wall, Roof, Floor, Door, or
danger to his person, treachery may still be appreciated Window
since what is decisive is that the execution of the attack
made it impossible for the victim to defend himself or to 1. A wall, roof, floor, door, or window was broken; and
retaliate (People v. Villacorta, G.R. No. 186412, 07 Sept. 2. They were broken to effect entrance.
Frontal Attack does NOT Negate the Presence of MEANS OF MOTOR VEHICLE OR
ART. 14(20), RPC
Although frontal, if the attack was unexpected, and the
unarmed victim was in no position to repel the attack,
treachery can still be appreciated. (People v. Pelis, G.R. No.
189328, 21 Feb. 2011)

15 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
CRUELTY NOTE: The drug test in Sec. 15 does not cover persons
ART. 14(21), RPC apprehended or arrested for any unlawful acts listed under
Art. II of R.A. No. 9165. Thus, this qualifying aggravating
Requisites of Cruelty: (Ali-En) circumstance shall be considered only to crimes punishable
under R.A. No. 9165. (Dela Cruz v. People, GR 200748, 23 July
1. That at the time of the infliction of the physical pain, the 2014)
offended party is still Alive; and
2. That the offender Enjoys and delights in seeing his e) ALTERNATIVE CIRCUMSTANCES
victim suffer gradually by the infliction of the physical
pain. Alternative Circumstances

Other Special Aggravating Circumstances Those circumstances which must be taken into
consideration as aggravating or mitigating according to the
1. Organized or syndicated crime group; nature and effects of the crime and the other conditions
2. Under influence of dangerous drugs; and attending its commission.
3. Use of unlicensed firearm.
These are: (R-I-D)
USE OF LOOSE FIREARMS (R.A. No. 10591) AND USE OF 1. Relationship;
EXPLOSIVES (R.A. No. 8294) 2. Intoxication;
AS AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCE 3. Degree of instruction and education of the offender.

Effect of the Use of Loose Firearm when it is Inherent in RELATIONSHIP

the Commission of the Crime ART. 15(1), RPC

The use of a loose firearm, when inherent in the commission Relationships Taken into Consideration
of a crime punishable under the RPC or other special laws,
shall be considered as an aggravating circumstance. (Sec When the offended party is the: (SAD-LAR)
29(1), R.A. No. 10591)
1. Spouse;
Q: If an unlicensed firearm was used to kill a person, can 2. Ascendant;
he be held guilty for a separate offense of illegal 3. Descendant;
possession of firearms aside from murder or homicide? 4. Legitimate, natural, or adopted brother or sister;
5. Relative by affinity in the same degree of the
A: NO. Where murder or homicide results from the use of offender; and
an unlicensed firearm, the crime is no longer qualified 6. Other relatives included by Analogy to ascendants
illegal possession, but murder or homicide, as the case may and descendants (e.g., stepparents – it is their duty to
be. In such a case, the use of the unlicensed firearm is not bestow upon their stepchildren a mother/father’s
considered as a separate crime but shall be appreciated as affection, care and protection).
an aggravating circumstance. (People v. Avecilla, G.R. No.
117033, 15 Feb. 2001) INTOXICATION
ART. 15(2), RPC
NOTE: The same ruling will be applicable under R.A. No.
10591. Intoxication considered Mitigating (2000, 2002 BAR)

USE OF DANGEROUS DRUGS If intoxication is:

CIRCUMSTANCE 1. Not habitual;
2. Not subsequent to the plan to commit a felony; or
Use of Dangerous Drugs as Qualifying Aggravating 3. At the time of the commission of the crime, the
Circumstance (2005, 2009 BAR) accused has taken such quantity of alcoholic drinks
as to blur his reason and deprive him of certain
Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary, degree of control.
a positive finding for the use of dangerous drugs shall be a
qualifying aggravating circumstance in the commission of a Intoxication considered Aggravating
crime by an offender, and the application of the penalty
provided for in the RPC shall be applicable. (Sec. 25, R.A. No. If intoxication is:
1. Habitual; or
2. Intentional. (subsequent to the plan to commit a felony)

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 16
High Degree of Instruction and Education 3. PERSONS LIABLE AND
High degree of instruction or education is aggravating when
the offender took advantage of his learning in the
commission of the crimes.

ART. 17, RPC
Absolutory Causes
Kinds of Principals: (D-I-IC)
Those where the act committed is a crime but for reasons of
public policy and sentiment, there is no penalty imposed.
1. Principal by Direct participation;
2. Principal by Induction/inducement; and
3. Principal by Indispensable Cooperation

Happens when a public officer induces an innocent person

Requisites of Principal by Direct Participation
to commit a crime and would arrest him upon or after the
commission of the crime.
1. They participated in the criminal resolution; and
2. They carried out the plan and personally took part
Entrapment is NOT an Absolutory Cause
in its execution by acts, which directly tended to
the same end.
Entrapment does not exempt the offender, nor mitigate his
criminal liability.
Requisites of Principal by Inducement

Entrapment vs. Instigation (1990, 1995, 2003 BAR)

1. That the inducement be made directly with the
intention of procuring the commission of the crime; and
ENTRAPMENT INSTIGATION 2. That the inducement be the determining cause of the
As to Intent commission of the crime by the material executor.

Ways of Becoming a Principal by Inducement

The idea and design to
The criminal design
bring about the
originates from and is 1. Directly forcing another to commit a crime by:
commission of the crime
already in the mind of the
originated and developed
lawbreaker even before a. Using irresistible force
in the mind of the law
entrapment. b. Causing uncontrollable fear
2. Directly inducing another to commit a crime by:
As to Means and Ways
a. Giving price, offering, reward or promise
The law enforcers induce,
The law enforcers resort to
lure, or incite a person who
ways and means for the Requisites:
is not minded to commit a
purpose of capturing the i. Inducement must be made directly with the
crime and would not
lawbreaker in flagrante intention of procuring the commission of the
otherwise commit it, into
delicto. crime; and
committing the crime.
As to Criminal Liability
ii. Such inducement be the determining cause of
The circumstance is no bar
This circumstance the commission of the crime by the material
to prosecution and
absolves the accused from executor.
conviction of the
criminal liability.
b. By using words of commands
(People v. Dante Marcos, G.R. No. 83325, 08 May 1990)
i. The one uttering the words of command must
have the intention of procuring the
commission of the crime;

ii. He must have an ascendancy or influence over

the person who acted;

17 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
iii. Words used must be so direct, so efficacious, 3. Harboring, concealing, or assisting in the escape of the
and powerful as to amount to physical or principal of the crime. (2008 BAR)
moral coercion;
NOTE: An instance when Accessories are NOT Criminally
iv. Words of command must be uttered prior to Liable is when the felony committed is a light felony.
the commission of the crime; and
Accessories who are Exempt from Criminal Liability
v. Material executor of the crime has no (1998, 2004, 2010 BAR)
personal reason to commit the crime.
GR: An accessory is exempt from criminal liability, when the
Principal by Indispensable Cooperation principal is his: (S-A-D-Le-R)

A principal by indispensable cooperation is one who: 1. Spouse;

2. Ascendant;
1. Participated directly in the criminal resolution; or 3. Descendant; or
2. Cooperated in the commission of the crime by 4. Legitimate, natural, or adopted brother, sister; or
performing an act, without which it would not have 5. Relative by affinity within the same degree.
been accomplished.
XPN: Accessory is not exempt from criminal liability even if
NOTE: If the cooperation is not indispensable or with or the principal is related to him, if such accessory:
without his act the crime will be accomplished, the offender
is only an accomplice. 1. Profited by the effects of the crime; or
2. Assisted the offender to profit from the effects of the
ART. 18, RPC
Elements: (Com-Pe-D)
Conspiracy (1996, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2005 BAR)
1. The Community of criminal design, that is, knowing the
criminal design of the principal by direct participation, Exists when two or more persons come to an agreement
he concurs with the latter in his purpose; concerning the commission of a felony and decide to
commit it.
2. The Performance of previous or simultaneous acts
which are not indispensable to the commission of the GR: When conspiracy exists, the degree of participation of
crime; (People v. Tamayo, G.R. No. 138608, 24 Sept. each conspirator is not considered because the act of one is
2002) and the act of all; thus, they have equal criminal responsibility.

3. That there be a Direct relation between the acts done XPN: Even though there was conspiracy, if a co-conspirator
by the principal and those attributed to the person merely cooperated in the commission of the crime with
charged as an accomplice. insignificant or minimal acts, such that even without his
cooperation, the crime could be carried out as well, such co-
NOTE: In case of doubt, the participation of the offender will conspirator should be punished as an accomplice only.
be considered that of an accomplice rather than that of a (People v. Niem, CA No. 521, 20 Dec. 1945)
XPN to the XPN: When the act constitutes a single
ACCESSORIES indivisible offense.
ART. 19, RPC
Requisites of Conspiracy:
Accessories (1992, 1998, 2004, 2008 BAR)
1. Two or more persons came to an agreement;
Those who do not participate in the criminal design, nor 2. Agreement concerned the commission of a crime; and
cooperate in the commission of the felony, but with 3. Execution of a felony was decided upon.
knowledge of the commission of the crime, he subsequently
takes part in three (3) ways by: (Prof-C-Har) NOTE: Mere knowledge, acquiescence to, or approval of the
act, without cooperation or at least, agreement to
1. Profiting themselves or assisting the offender to profit cooperate, is not enough to constitute a conspiracy. Except
by the effects of the crime; when he is the mastermind in a conspiracy, it is necessary
2. Concealing or destroying the body of the crime or the that a conspirator should have performed some overt act as
effects thereof in order to prevent its discovery; and a direct or indirect contribution in the execution of the

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 18
crime planned to be committed. (2) HABITUALITY (REITERACION)

Ways in Committing Conspiracy (1996 BAR) The offender has been previously punished for an offense
which the law attaches an equal or greater penalty or for
1. Direct or Express Conspiracy – There is an express two or more crimes to which it attaches a lighter penalty.
GR: The liability of the conspirators is only for the
crime agreed upon. Any person who shall commit a felony after having been
convicted by final judgment before beginning to serve
XPNs: such sentence or while serving such sentence shall be
a. The other crime was committed in their presence punished by the maximum period prescribed by law for
and they did not prevent its commission; the new felony. (Art. 160, RPC)
b. When the other crime is the natural consequence
of the crime planned (e.g., homicide resulting from Elements of Quasi-recidivism
physical injuries); or
c. When the resulting crime was a composite crime 1. Offender was already convicted by final judgment of
or a special complex crime. one offense; and
2. He committed a new felony before beginning to serve
2. Implied Conspiracy – The offenders acted in concert in such sentence or while serving the same.
the commission of the crime. Their acts are coordinated
or synchronized in a way indicative that they are Applicability of Quasi-recidivism (2018 BAR)
pursuing a common criminal objective, and they shall
be deemed to be acting in conspiracy and their criminal Art. 160 of the RPC applies although the next offense is
liability shall be collective, not individual. different in character from the former offense for which the
defendant is serving sentence. It makes no difference
Legal Effects of Implied Conspiracy (1998, 2003 BAR) whether the crime for which an accused is serving a
sentence at the time of the commission of the offense
1. Not all those who are present at the scene will be charged falls under the RPC or under a special law.
considered as conspirators;
2. Only those who participated by criminal acts in the (4) HABITUAL DELINQUENCY
commission of the crime will be considered as co-
conspirators; and Requisites of Habitual Delinquency as an Aggravating
3. Mere acquiescence to or approval of the commission of Circumstance
the crime, without any act of criminal participation, shall
not render one criminally liable as co-conspirator. 1. Within a period of 10 years from the date of his release
or last conviction;
Proposal 2. Of the crime of serious or less serious physical injuries,
robbery, theft, estafa or falsification; and
Exists when the person who has decided to commit a felony 3. He is found guilty of said crimes a third time or oftener.
proposes its execution to some other person or persons.
Offender can be a Recidivist and a Habitual Delinquent
Requisites of a Proposal at the Same Time

1. A person has decided to commit a felony; When the offender is a recidivist and at the same time a
2. He proposes its execution to other person or persons; habitual delinquent, the penalty for the crime for which he
and will be convicted will be increased to the maximum period,
3. The proposal need not be accepted or else it shall be a unless offset by a mitigating circumstance. After
conspiracy. determining the correct penalty for the last crime
committed, an added penalty will be imposed in accordance


The offender at the time of his trial for one crime shall
have been previously convicted by final judgment of
another crime embraced in the same title of the RPC.

19 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S

Obstruction of Justice (P.D.1829) in Comparison with

Accessories Exempt from Criminal Liability

While Art. 20 exempts certain persons from criminal

liability, for being an accessory, P.D. 1829 (Obstruction of
Justice Law) penalizes the act of any person, without any
distinction, who knowingly or wilfully obstructs, impedes,
frustrates or delays the apprehension of suspects and the
investigation and prosecution of criminal cases, which is an
act of an accessory. Thus, those exempted as accessory to
the crime committed under the RPC can still be prosecuted
as principals for Obstruction of Justice under P.D. 1829.

The benefits of the exception provided in Art. 20 of the RPC

do not apply to P.D. 1829 since under Art. 10 of the RPC,
offenses which are punishable under special laws are not
subject to the provisions of the Code and shall only be
supplementary to such laws. P.D. 1829, being a special law,
is thus controlling, with regard to offenses specially

Accessory Charged Simultaneously under Art. 19(3)

and for Violating P.D. 1829

A person who harbors, conceals, or assist in the escape of an

author of the crime can be charged simultaneously as
accessory under Art. 19(3) and for violating P.D. 1829. What
the Constitution prohibits is putting an accused twice in
jeopardy for the same offense.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 20
Recidivism, Reiteracion, Habitual delinquency, and Quasi-Recidivism, Distinguished

As to Definition

There are at least three

There are at least two
convictions. Within a period Felony was committed after
convictions. No prescriptive
There are two convictions. It of 10 years from the date of having been convicted by
period on the commission of
is necessary that the offender release or last conviction of final judgment of an offense,
the offense; it does not
shall have served out his the crimes covered, he is before beginning to serve
prescribe. It is enough that a
sentence for the first offense. found guilty of any of said sentence or while serving the
final judgment has been
crimes a third time or same.
rendered in the first offense.

As to Crimes or Offenses
Offender has previously
served sentence for another
crime to which the law
First crime for which the
Requires that the offenses be attaches an equal or greater
offender is serving sentence
included in the same Title of penalty or for two or more Crimes covered are serious
may be a felony under the
the RPC crimes to which it attaches a or less serious physical
RPC or an offense under a
lighter penalty. injuries, robbery, theft,
SPL but the second crime
Covers felonies under RPC estafa, and falsification
must be a felony under the
only The previous and
subsequent offenses must
NOT be embraced in the
same Title of the RPC.
As to Effect
Shall be punished by the
Not always aggravating; its
It increases the penalty to its Shall suffer additional maximum period of the
appreciation is within the
maximum period penalty penalty prescribed by law for
discretion of the court
the new felony
As to Offsetting
Special aggravating
Extraordinary aggravating circumstance which may be
A generic aggravating A generic aggravating circumstance which cannot offset by special privileged
circumstance circumstance be offset by a mitigating mitigating circumstances not
circumstance by ordinary mitigating
NOTE: If recidivism and reiteracion are both present, only recidivism must be appreciated because it is easier to prove.

21 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
3. Rape (as amended by R.A. No. 8353)
The subsequent valid marriage between the offender
and the offended party shall extinguish criminal
liability or the penalty imposed. In case the legal
1. IMPOSABLE PENALTIES husband is the offender, subsequent forgiveness by the
wife as offended party shall also produce the same
Only that penalty prescribed by law prior to the commission effect.
of the felony may be imposed. No person shall be subject to
criminal prosecution for any act of his until after the State 2. CLASSIFICATION OF PENALTIES
has defined the crime and has fixed a penalty therefore (U.S.
v. Parrone, G.R. No. L-7038, 07 Jan. 1913)
General Classifications of Penalties

Situations when a Defendant May Benefit

1. Principal Penalties – those expressly imposed by the
from a Favorable Retroactive Effect of a New Law
court in the judgment of conviction.

1. The crime has been committed and prosecution

2. Accessory Penalties – those that are deemed included
in the imposition of the principal penalties. (Reyes,
2. Sentence has been passed but service has not
begun; and
3. The sentence is being carried out. (Escalante v.
3. Subsidiary Penalties – those imposed in lieu of
Santos, G.R. No. L-36828, 02 Feb. 1932)
principal penalties, i.e., imprisonment in case of
inability to pay the fine.
Applicability of the Principle of Retroactivity to Special
Scale of Principal and Accessory Penalties (Art. 25, RPC)

It is applicable even to special laws which provide more

favorable conditions to the accused. (U.S. v. Soliman, G.R. No.
11555, 06 Jan. 1917)
1. Capital Punishment
a. Death
Non-applicability of Principle of Retroactivity

2. Afflictive Penalties (RR-Dis2-Ma)

1. The new law increases the civil liability; and
a. Reclusion Perpetua;
2. The new law is expressly made inapplicable.
b. Reclusion Temporal;
c. Perpetual or Temporary Absolute
Effect of Pardon by the Offended Party (Art. 23, RPC)
d. Perpetual or Temporary Special Disqualification;
GR: Pardon by the offended party does NOT extinguish the
criminal liability of the offender.
e. Prision Mayor.

XPN: Pardon by the offended party will bar criminal

3. Correctional Penalties (PASD)
prosecution in the following crimes:
a. Prision Correccional;
b. Arresto Mayor;
1. Adultery and Concubinage (Art. 344, RPC)
c. Suspension; and
d. Destierro.
EXPRESS or IMPLIED pardon must be given by the
offended party to BOTH offenders. Pardon must be
4. Light Penalties (AP)
given PRIOR to the institution of criminal action.
b. Arresto Menor; and
c. Public Censure.
2. Seduction, Abduction, Acts of Lasciviousness (Art.
344, RPC)
5. Penalties Common to the Three Preceding Classes
Pardon must be given PRIOR to the institution of the
a. Fine; and
criminal action. However, marriage between the
b. Bond to Keep the Peace.
offender and the offended party EVEN AFTER the
institution of the criminal action or conviction of the
offender will extinguish the criminal action or remit the
penalty already imposed against the offender, his co-
principals, accomplices, and accessories after the fact.
(People v. Dela Cerna, G.R. No. 136899-904, 09 Oct. 2002)

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 22
SCALE OF ACCESSORY PENALTIES 1. Is the penalty proper? Explain.

(Dis2 – SuC – InForC) A: NO. Imposing the penalty of fine jointly and severally on
E and M is not proper. The penalty should be imposed
1. Perpetual or Temporary Absolute Disqualification; individually on every person accused of the crime. Any of
2. Perpetual or Temporary Special Disqualification; the convicted accused who is insolvent and unable to pay
3. Suspension from public office, the right to vote and be the fine, shall serve the subsidiary imprisonment.
voted for, the profession or calling;
4. Civil interdiction; 2. May the judge impose an alternative penalty of fine
5. Indemnification; or imprisonment? Explain.
6. Forfeiture or confiscation of instruments and proceeds
of the offense; and A: NO. The judge may not validly impose an alternative
7. Payment of Costs penalty. Although the law may prescribe an alternative
penalty for a crime, it does not mean that the court may
3.DURATION AND EFFECTS impose the alternative penalties at the same time. The
sentence must be definite; otherwise, the judgment cannot
attain finality.
Duration of Each of Different Penalties


20 yrs. and 1 day to 40 yrs.
12 yrs. and 1 day to 20 yrs.
Temporal Subsidiary Penalty or Imprisonment (2005 BAR)

Prision Mayor 6 yrs. and 1 day to 12 yrs., except Subsidiary personal liability is to be suffered by the convict
when disqualification is accessory who has no property with which to meet the fine, at the rate
Temporary penalty, in which case its duration of one day for each amount equivalent to the highest
Disqualification is that of the principal penalty minimum wage rate prevailing in the Philippines at the
time of the rendition of judgment of conviction by the
Prision trial court. (R.A. No. 10159 approved on 10 Apr. 2012)
Correccional 6 mos. and 1 day to 6 yrs., except
when suspension is an accessory
Suspension Imposition of Subsidiary Penalty
penalty, in which case its duration
Destierro is that of the principal penalty
1. When there is a principal penalty of imprisonment or
any other principal penalty and it carries with it a fine;
Arresto Mayor 1 month and 1 day to 6 mos. or
Arresto Menor 1 day to 30 days 2. When penalty is only a fine.

The period during which the bond NOTE: There is no subsidiary penalty for nonpayment of
Bond to Keep the
shall be effective is discretionary damages to the offended party.
on the court.
Instances when Subsidiary Penalty is NOT Imposed
Penalty Cannot be Imposed in the Alternative
1. If the penalty imposed by the court is higher than
The law does not permit any court to impose a sentence in prision correccional (i.e., prision mayor, reclusion
the alternative, its duty being to indicate the penalty temporal, or reclusion perpetua); (2013 BAR)
imposed definitely and positively. (People v. Mercadejas,
C.A., 54 O.G. 5707; People v. Tabije, C.A., 59 O.G. 1922) 2. No subsidiary penalty for nonpayment of:
a. Reparation of the damage caused;
Q: E and M are convicted of a penal law that imposes a b. Indemnification of the consequential damages;
penalty of fine or imprisonment or both fine and and
imprisonment. The judge sentenced them to pay the c. Cost of the proceedings.
fine, jointly, and severally, with subsidiary
imprisonment in case of insolvency. (2005 BAR) 3. When there is no fixed duration; and
4. Non-payment of income tax.

23 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
b) INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW A: 10 years of prision mayor as minimum to 17 years & 4
(R.A. No. 4103, as amended by Act No. 4225) months of reclusion temporal as maximum.

Q: Explain the application of the Indeterminate Reason: 17 years and 4 months is the commencement of
Sentence Law (ISLAW). (2012, 2016 BAR) the duration of the maximum period of reclusion temporal
while 10 years is part of prision mayor, the penalty next
A: The court must, instead of a single fixed penalty, except lower in degree to reclusion temporal.
where the imposable penalty is 1 year or less, determine
two penalties, referred to in the Indeterminate Sentence NOTE: In determining penalties for a complex crime, the
Law as the “maximum” and “minimum” terms. The graver penalty shall be considered, thus, direct assault is
maximum shall, in view of the attending circumstances, be there to confuse the examiner. What should be considered
properly imposed under the rules of the RPC, and the is the penalty for homicide since it is graver.
minimum shall be within the range of the penalty next
lower to that prescribed by the Code for the offense; and if Q: Bruno was charged with homicide for killing the 75-
the offense is punished by any other law (special law), the year-old owner of his rooming house. The prosecution
court shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate proved that Bruno stabbed the owner causing his death,
sentence, the maximum term of which shall not exceed the and that the killing happened at 10 in the evening in the
maximum fixed by said law and the minimum shall not be house where the victim and Bruno lived. Bruno, on the
less than the minimum term prescribed by the same. (Sec. 1, other hand, successfully proved that he voluntarily
Act No. 4103 as amended by Act No. 4225) surrendered to the authorities; that he pleaded guilty
to the crime charged; that it was the victim who first
Rules in Imposing a Penalty under the ISLAW (1999, attacked and did so without any provocation on his
2005, 2009, 2010, 2013 BAR) (Bruno's) part, but he prevailed because he managed to
draw his knife with which he stabbed the victim.
GR: The ISLAW is mandatory in all cases where the
maximum term of imprisonment exceeds one (1) year. The penalty for homicide is reclusion temporal.
Assuming a judgment of conviction and after
XPN: If the accused fall in any of the following exceptions: considering the attendant circumstances, what penalty
(METH-1DeaP-VJ) should the judge impose? (2013 BAR)

1. If convicted of Misprision of treason, sedition, A: Bruno should be sentenced to an indeterminate sentence

rebellion or espionage; penalty of arresto mayor in any of its period as minimum to
2. Those who Escaped from prison or evaded sentence; prision correccional in its medium period as maximum.
3. If convicted of Treason, conspiracy, proposal to Bruno was entitled to the privileged mitigating
commit treason; circumstances of incomplete self-defense and the presence
of at least two ordinary mitigating circumstances
4. If the offender is a Habitual delinquent; (voluntary surrender and plea of guilt) without any
aggravating circumstance under Arts. 69 and 64(5) of the
NOTE: Recidivists, who are not habitual delinquents, RPC respectively, which lowers the prescribed penalty for
are entitled to the benefit of the ISLAW. (People v. homicide which is reclusion temporal to prision correccional.
Jaranilla, G.R. No. L-28547, 22 Feb. 1974)
How to Determine the Indeterminate Sentence
5. Where the maximum term of imprisonment does not
exceed 1 year; 1. Consider first the Privileged Mitigating Circumstance, if
6. If sentenced with a penalty of Death or life any;
imprisonment; 2. Consider the Ordinary Mitigating Circumstance;
7. If convicted of Piracy; 3. Determine the maximum term of the sentence after
8. Those who Violated the terms of conditional pardon of considering all the justifying, exempting, mitigating, and
the Chief Executive; and aggravating circumstances, if any; and
9. If convicted by final Judgment at the time of the 4. Determine the minimum term of the sentence.
effectivity of ISLAW.
Conditions to Release Prisoner on Parole
Q: X was convicted of a complex crime of direct assault
with homicide aggravated by the commission of the Prisoner is qualified for release on parole whenever he
crime in a place where public authorities are engaged shall:
in the discharge of their duties. The penalty for direct 1. Have served the minimum penalty imposed upon him;
assault is prision correccional in its medium and 2. Appear to the Board of Indeterminate Sentence, from
maximum period. What is the correct indeterminate the reports of the prisoner’s work and conduct, and
penalty? (2012 BAR) from the study and investigation made by the board
itself that:

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 24
a. Fitted by his training for release; What are the Graduating Factors
b. Reasonable probability that such prisoner will live
and remain at liberty without violating the law; 1. Stages of execution;
c. Release will not be incompatible with the welfare 2. Nature of participation; and
of society. (Sec. 5, Act 4103, as amended) 3. Presence of privileged mitigating circumstance.

Prisoner on Parole is Entitled to Final Release and Two Classifications of Penalties

1. Indivisible
If during the period of surveillance, such paroled prisoner 2. Divisible – can be divided into 3 periods:
shall: a. Minimum;
b. Medium; and
1. Show himself to be a law-abiding citizen; and c. Maximum.
2. Not violate any law. (Sec. 6, Act No. 4103, as amended)
NOTE: The Board may issue a final certification in his favor
for his final release and discharge. (Sec. 6) 1st RULE: Where the graduated penalty is a single full
Consequences when the Prisoner Violates Any of the
Conditions of his Parole Single penalty – one full penalty
Compound penalty – composed of two penalties
The paroled prisoner may be: Complex penalty – consists of three penalties.

1. Rearrested; and NOTE: Whether the prescribed penalty is single, compound,

2. Thereafter, he shall serve the remaining unexpired or complex, the graduated penalty is single and full penalty.
portion of the maximum sentence for which he was
originally committed to prison. (Sec. 8, Act No. 4103, as 2nd RULE: If the prescribed penalty is in period, then the
amended) graduated penalty is also in period

5. GRADUATION OF PENALTIES Single period – one full period

Compound penalty – composed of two periods
Complex penalty – consists of three periods
Basis of Application of Penalties

3rd RULE: When the prescribed penalty is composed of

1. The stages of commission of the felony:
a full penalty and penalties with period.
a. Consummated
b. Frustrated
Example: Sec. 5(b) of R.A. 7610 – the prescribed penalty is
c. Attempted
reclusion temporal in its medium period to reclusion
perpetua – the graduated penalty must be a complex period.
2. The offenders and their participation:
One degree lower is prision mayor in its medium period to
a. Principal
reclusion temporal in its minimum period.
b. Accomplice
c. Accessory

3. Aggravating and mitigating circumstances.

What are the Indivisible Penalties:

Factors that should be Considered in Computing the

1. Reclusion perpetua;
Proper Imposable Penalty
2. Death; and
3. Reclusion perpetua to death. (Campanilla, 2017)
1. Prescribed or graduated penalty;
2. Indivisible or divisible penalty; and
Rules for the Application of Indivisible Penalties (Art.
3. Applicability or non-applicability of the ISLAW.
63, RPC)


1st RULE: The law prescribes a single indivisible
Graduated Penalty

Whatever may be the nature or number of aggravating or

The graduated penalty is the imposable penalty after taking
mitigating circumstance that may have attended the
into consideration certain graduating factors.
commission of the crime, the court shall apply the

25 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
prescribed penalty. Application of Graduated Scale
2nd RULE: The law prescribes two (2) indivisible
penalties. The graduated scale is followed when the law prescribes a
penalty lower or higher by one or more degrees than
When the penalty is composed of two indivisible penalties, another given penalty.
the following rules shall be observed: SCALE 1 SCALE 2
1. Death 1. Perpetual or
1. When there is only one aggravating circumstance, 2. Reclusion Perpetua Temporary Absolute
the greater penalty shall be imposed; 3. Reclusion Temporal Disqualification
4. Prision Mayor 2. Suspension from
2. When there is neither mitigating nor aggravating 5. Prision Correccional Public Office, the right
circumstances, the lesser penalty shall be imposed; 6. Arresto Mayor to vote and to be
7. Destierro voted for, the
3. When there is a mitigating circumstance and no 8. Arresto Menor profession or calling
aggravating circumstance, the lesser penalty shall be 9. Public censure 3. Public Censure
imposed; and 10. Fine 4. Fine
(Art. 71, RPC)
4. When both mitigating and aggravating
circumstances are present, the court shall allow them Penalties Imposed on Principals, Accomplices,
to offset one another. (1995 BAR) Accessories, in accordance with the Stages of
Committing a Felony
Q: What are the Divisible Penalties: One (1) degree Two (2) degrees
lower than the lower than the
1. Penalty composed of three (3) periods; prescribed by
penalty penalty
2. Penalty not composed of three (3) periods; law for the
prescribed by prescribed by
3. Complex penalty; and offense.
law. law.
4. Penalty without a specific legal form. (Campanilla, Accomplices
2017) One (1) degree Two (2) degrees Three (3)
lower than the lower than the degrees lower
Penalty composed of Three (3) Periods penalty penalty than the penalty
prescribed by prescribed by prescribed by
When the penalty is composed of three (3) periods, the law. law. law.
following rules shall be observed: Accessories
Two(2) degrees Three(3) Four (4) degrees
IF THE PENALTY COMPOSED OF lower than the degrees lower lower than the
THREE (3) PERIODS penalty than the penalty penalty
No Mitigating and prescribed by prescribed by prescribed by
Medium period law. law. law
One (1) Mitigating Minimum period (Arts. 50-57, RPC)
One (1) Aggravating Maximum period
When there are the court shall offset those of GR:
aggravating and one class against the other 1. Penalties are imposed upon the principals.
mitigating according to relative weight 2. Whenever the law prescribes a penalty for a felony in
penalty next lower, in the general terms, it shall be understood to apply to a
Two or more consummated felony.
period applicable, according to
mitigating and No
the number and nature of such
Aggravating XPNs: This shall not apply if:
No penalty greater than the maximum period of the 1. The law expressly provides penalties for accomplices
penalty prescribed by law shall be imposed, no matter and accessories of a crime.
how many aggravating circumstances are present 2. The law expressly provides penalties for frustrated
and attempted stages.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 26
Place of Service of the Penalties
Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification and
Perpetual or temporary special disqualification may either a. Reclusion Perpetua, Reclusion Temporal, Prision
be a principal penalty or an accessory penalty. Mayor, Prision Correccional, and Arresto Mayor – In
Duration the places and penal establishments provided by the
Administrative Code. (Art. 86, RPC)
1. If PERPETUAL – for life
2. If TEMPORARY: b. Arresto Menor –
a. Principal – 6 years and 1 day to 12 years; 1. In the municipal jail; or
b. Accessory – its duration shall be that of the 2. In the house of the offender, but under the
principal penalty (Art. 27, RPC) surveillance of an officer of the law whenever the
court provides in the decision due to the health
PERPETUAL OR TEMPORARY of the offender and other reasons which may
SPECIAL DISQUALIFICATION seem satisfactory to it. (Art. 88, RPC)

Effects of Perpetual or Temporary SPECIAL Service of Sentence of Defendant in his House

Defendant may serve his sentence in his house when:
For Public Office, Profession, or Calling: 1. The penalty is arresto menor;
2. It is conditioned with surveillance by an officer of the
1. Deprivation of the office, employment, profession or law; and
calling affected; and 3. Either it is due to:
2. Disqualification for holding similar offices or a. The health of the offender; or
employments perpetually or during the term of the b. Other reasons satisfactory to the court. (Art. 88,
sentence. (Art. 31, RPC) RPC)

For the Exercise of the Right of Suffrage: Instances or Situations in Criminal Cases wherein the
Accused, Either as an Adult or as a Minor, can Apply for
1. Deprivation of right to vote or to be elected to any and/or be Granted a Suspended Sentence (2006 BAR)
public office; and
2. Cannot hold any public office during the period of 1. Where the accused became insane before sentence
disqualification. (Art. 32, RPC) could be promulgated under Art. 79;

CIVIL INTERDICTION 2. Where the offender, upon conviction by the trial court,
filed an application for probation which has been
Civil Interdiction granted; (Baclayon v. Mutia, G.R. No. L-59298, 30 Apr.
It is an accessory penalty which produces the following
effects: (Pa-Ma-Ma-D) 3. Where the offender needs to be confined in a
rehabilitation center because of drug dependency
1. Deprivation of the rights of Parental authority or although convicted of the crime charged;
guardianship of any ward;
2. Deprivation of Marital authority; and 4. Where the offender is a youthful offender under Art.
3. Deprivation of the right to Manage his property; and 192 of P.D. 603;
4. Deprivation of the right to Dispose of such property by
any act or any conveyance inter vivos. (Art. 34, RPC) 5. Where the crime was committed when the offender is
under 18 years of age and he is found guilty thereof in
NOTE: Offender may dispose such property by will or accordance with R.A. No. 9344, but the trial court
donation mortis causa. subjects him to appropriate disposition measures as
prescribed by the Supreme Court in the Rule on
INDEMNIFICATION Juveniles in Conflict with the Law;

It refers to moral, exemplary, and actual damages. 6. Under R.A. No. 9165:

27 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
a. First time minor offender – an accused is over 15 Effect of Filing for Application for Probation
at the time of the commission of the offense but not
more than 18 years of age at the time when A judgment of conviction becomes final when the accused
judgment should have been promulgated after files a petition for probation. However, the judgment is not
having been found guilty of said offense if he has executory until the petition for probation is resolved. The
not been previously convicted of violating any filing of the petition for probation is a waiver by the accused
provision of R.A. 9165; of his right to appeal the judgment of conviction.

b. He has not been previously committed to a Center Q: In what instance may an accused who appeals a
or to the care of a DOH-accredited physician; judgment of conviction still apply for probation?
Explain. (2019 BAR)
c. The Board favorably recommends that his sentence
be suspended. A: Under Sec. 4 of PD 968, as amended by RA 10707, no
application for probation shall be entertained or granted if
7. When the sentence is death, its execution may be the defendant has perfected the appeal from the judgment
suspended or postponed by the Supreme Court, of conviction. However, when a judgment of conviction
through the issuance of T.R.O. upon the ground of imposing a non-probationable penalty is appealed or
supervening events. (Echegaray v. Secretary of reviewed, and such judgment is modified through the
Justice, G.R. No. 132601, 19 Jan. 1999) imposition of a probationable penalty, the defendant shall
be allowed to apply for probation based on the modified
1. THREE-FOLD RULE decision before such decision becomes final.

Conditions of Probation
Three-Fold Rule

1. Present himself to the probation officer designated to

It means that the maximum duration of a convict’s sentence
undertake his supervision at such place as may be
shall NOT be more than three times the length of time
specified in the order within 72 hours from receipt of
corresponding to the most severe of the penalties imposed
said order;
upon him but in no case shall exceed 40 years.

2. Report to the probation officer at least once a month at

NOTE: It is the Director of Prisons that shall compute and
such time and place as specified by said officer;
apply the Three-Fold Rule, NOT the judge.

3. The court may also require the probationer to

Application of the Three-Fold Rule
cooperate with a program of supervision, meet his
family responsibilities, devote himself to a specific
The rule applies if a convict has to serve at least four
employment, refrain from visiting houses of ill- repute,
sentences, continuously.

Q: X was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of 3

Sanctions Imposed if the Probationer Commits any
counts of homicide and 1 count of frustrated homicide,
Serious Violation of the Conditions of Probation
wherein the RTC imposed upon him the penalty of 15
years of reclusion temporal for each count of homicide,
1. The court may issue a warrant for the arrest
and 10 years of prision mayor for 1 count of frustrated
of a probationer.
homicide. How shall X serve these multiple sentences?

2. If violation is established, the court may:

A: The most severe penalty is 15 years. Three times the
a. Revoke his probation; or
most severe penalty is 45 years. Since after applying the
b. Continue his probation and modify the conditions
three-fold rule X’s sentence would be beyond the limit of 40
thereof. This order is not appealable.
years, X would only be serving 40 years.

3. If probation is revoked, the probationer shall serve the

2. PROBATION LAW sentence originally imposed.
P.D. 968, as amended by R.A. No. 10707
When Probation shall be Denied
If the court finds that:
It is a disposition under which a defendant, after conviction
and sentence, is released subject to conditions imposed by 1. The offender is in need of correctional treatment that
the court and to the supervision of a probation officer. (Sec. can be provided most effectively by his commitment to
3, P.D. No. 968) an institution;

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 28
2. There is an undue risk that during the period of Effects of Termination of Probation
probation the offender will commit another crime; or
3. Probation will depreciate the seriousness of the offense 1. Case is deemed terminated.
committed. (Sec. 8, P.D. 968) 2. Restoration of all civil rights lost or suspended.
3. Totally extinguishes his criminal liability as to the
Disqualified Offenders (2004 BAR) offense for which probation was granted. (Sec. 16, P.D.
The benefits of the Probation Law shall not be extended to
1. Sentenced to serve a maximum term of imprisonment R.A. No. 9344, as amended by R.A. No. 10630
of more than six (6) years; (1990, 1995, 2002 BAR) in relation to P.D. 603

2. Convicted of any crime against national security;

Juvenile Justice and Welfare System

3. Have previously been convicted by final judgment of an

It refers to a system dealing with children at risk and
offense punished by imprisonment of more than 6
children in conflict with the law, which provides child-
months and 1 day and/or fine of more than P1,000;
appropriate proceedings, including programs and services
for prevention, diversion, rehabilitation, re-integration, and
4. Have been once on probation under the provision of
aftercare to ensure their normal growth and development.
this Decree; and
(Sec. 4, R.A. No. 9344)

5. Already serving sentence at the time the substantive

“Child in Conflict with the Law” (CICL)
provisions of this Decree became applicable pursuant
to Sec. 33 hereof;
It refers to a child, who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged
as, having committed an offense under Philippine laws. (Sec.
6. If he appeals the judgment or conviction;
4(e), R.A. No. 9344)

XPN: Sec. 1, R.A. 10707 and People v. Colinares, G.R. No.

Q: What is now the age of doli incapax in the
182748, December 13, 2011. (2013 BAR)
Philippines? (2017 BAR)

7. Convicted of violation of Election offenses;

A: The age of doli incapax in the Philippines is now 15 years
8. Any person convicted for drug trafficking or pushing
of age or under. If the accused is 15 years of age or below
under R.A. No. 9165, regardless of the penalty imposed
the accused of such age is exempt from criminal liability
by the Court.
since lack of discernment is conclusively presumed. (Sec. 6,
R.A. No. 9344)
Period of Probation (2005 BAR)

Automatic Suspension of Sentence (2013 BAR)

Imprisonment of not Probation shall not exceed 2
Once the child who is under 18 years of age at the time of
more than 1 year years
the commission of the offense is found guilty of the offense
Imprisonment of more
Shall not exceed 6 years charged, the court shall determine and ascertain any civil
than 1 year liability which may have resulted from the offense
Fine only and made to committed. However, instead of pronouncing the judgment
Twice the total number of
suffer subsidiary of conviction, the court shall place the CICL under
days of subsidiary
imprisonment in case suspended sentence, without need of application: Provided,
of insolvency however, that suspension of sentence shall still be applied
even if the juvenile is already eighteen 18 of age or more at
Court may Issue a Warrant of Arrest against a the time of the pronouncement of his/her guilt. (Sec. 38, R.A.
Probationer No. 9344)

The court may issue the warrant for violations of any Application of Suspension of Sentence
condition of the probation.
The benefits of the suspended sentence shall not apply to a
Termination of Probation (2005 BAR) CICL who has once enjoyed suspension of sentence but shall
nonetheless apply to one who is convicted of an offense
The court may order the final discharge of the probationer punishable by reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment
upon finding that he has fulfilled the terms and conditions pursuant to the provisions of R.A. No. 9346 prohibiting the
of probation. imposition of the death penalty and in lieu thereof,
reclusion perpetua, and after application of the privileged

29 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
mitigating circumstance of minority. (A.M. No. 02-1-18-SC,

NOTE: If the CICL reaches 18 years of age while under

suspended sentence, the court shall determine whether to
discharge the child in accordance with the provisions of R.A.
No. 9344, or to extend the suspended sentence for a
ART. 89, RPC
maximum period of up to the time the child reaches 21
years of age, or to order service of sentence. (A.M. No. 02-1-
Total Extinguishment of Criminal Liability (1990, 1992,
18-SC, 24 Nov. 2009)
2000, 2004, 2009 BAR) (SAD-MAPP)


BASED AND THE FINES IMPOSED UNDER THE RPC 2. By Amnesty, which completely extinguishes the penalty
(R.A. NO. 10951) and all its effects. Extinction of criminal liability does
not necessarily mean that civil liability is also
5. COMMUNITY SERVICE ACT extinguished. (Petralba v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No.
(R.A. No. 11362 and A.M. NO. 20-06-14-SC) 81337, 16 Aug. 1991)

3. By the Death of the convict, as to the personal penalties;

Community Service Act
and as to pecuniary penalties, liability therefor is
extinguished only when the death of the offender
This law promotes restorative justice and jail decongestion
occurs before final judgment; (2013 BAR)
by authorizing the court in its discretion to require
community service in lieu of service in jail for offenses
4. By Marriage of the offended woman in cases of
punishable by arresto menor and arresto mayor.
seduction, abduction, rape and acts of lasciviousness, as
provided in Art. 344 of the RPC; (Art. 89, RPC)
In relation to the RPC

5. By Absolute pardon;
According to Art. 27 the RPC, the duration of the penalty of
6. By Prescription of the crime; and
arresto mayor shall be from 1 month and 1 day to 6 months;
7. By Prescription of the penalty.
whereas the duration of the penalty of arresto menor shall
be from 1 day to 30 days.
Effect of the Offender’s Death to the Criminal and Civil
Under the Community Service Act, the defendant may
render community service, upon the discretion of the court,
a) Before Final Judgement – Extinguished (Both
in lieu of imprisonment in the service of penalty for arresto
criminal and civil liabilities)
menor or arresto mayor.
b) On Appeal – Extinguished (Both criminal and civil
liabilities) (2020-21 BAR)
Similar to those persons under probation, a defendant who
c) After Final Judgement – Criminal liability is
shall be imposed with a penalty of community service shall
extinguished, but pecuniary penalties are not
be under the supervision of a probation officer. The court
will prepare an order imposing the community service,
specifying the number of hours to be worked and the period Q: A prisoner who had been convicted, but whose
within which to complete the service. The order is then appeal was pending, died due to complications caused
referred to the assigned probation officer who shall have by COVID-19. Should the prisoner’s pending appeal be
responsibility of the defendant. dismissed as a consequence? Explain briefly. (2020-21

A: YES, the appeal shall be dismissed due to the death of the

prisoner. Criminal liability is totally extinguished by the
death of the convict, as to the personal penalties and as to
pecuniary penalties, liability therefor is extinguished only
when the death of the offender occurs before final
judgment. (Art. 89, RPC)

In this case, both the criminal and civil liability are

extinguished since the death of the prisoner occurred
before final judgment or pending appeal. Civil liability

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 30
arising from other sources of obligation other than delict NOTE: Act No. 3326 is not applicable where the special law
may, however, proceed against the estate of the deceased provides for its own prescriptive period. (People v. Ramos,
prisoner. G.R. No. L-25265, 09 May 1978)
Interruption of the Running of the Prescriptive Period
The running of the prescriptive period shall be interrupted:
Prescriptive Period of Felonies (1994, 1997, 2004,
2010 BAR) Crime punishable upon the filing of the case before
by the RPC the fiscal’s office.
PENALTY PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD upon the filing of the case before
Death, RP, RT 20 years the fiscal’s office even for
punishable by
Prision Mayor 15 years purposes of preliminary
special law
Correctional Penalties, investigation.
10 years
except Arresto Mayor Violation of
upon the filing of the case before
Arresto Mayor 5 years municipal
the appropriate court.
Libel 1 year Situations which do NOT follow Art. 91 (Computation of
Oral Defamation Prescription of Offenses)
6 months
Slander by Deed
Light Offenses 2 months 1. Continuing crimes – prescriptive period will start to
run only at the termination of the intended result.
PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD 2. In crimes against false testimony – prescriptive
(Art. 26, RPC)
period is reckoned from the day a final judgment is
Afflictive Penalties 15 years
rendered and not at the time when the false testimony
Correctional Penalties 10 years
was made.
Light Penalties 2 months

3. Election offense –
Prescriptive Period of Offenses Punishable under
a. If discovery of the offense is incidental to judicial
Special Laws and Municipal Ordinances
proceedings, prescription begins when such
proceeding terminates; or
Act No. 3763, amending Act No. 3326, provides:

b. From the date of commission of the offense.

NOTE: In computing the period of prescription, the first day
Fine or imprisonment of not
After 1 year is excluded and the last day is included. (Art. 13, NCC)
more than 1 month
Imprisonment of more than 1
month but less than 2 years
Imprisonment of 2 years or Period of Prescription of Penalties (1993, 1994, 1997,
After 8 years
more but less than 6 years 2004, 2010 BAR)
Imprisonment of 6 years or
After 12 years
PRESCRIPTIVE Death and Reclusion Perpetua 20 years
PERIOD Other Afflictive Penalties
Violation of municipal (Reclusion Temporal to 15 years
After 2 months
ordinances Prision Mayor)
Violation of orders, decisions Correctional Penalties
and regulations, of or 10 years
(Prision Correccional)
conditions of certificate of 60 days Arresto Mayor 5 years
convenience by the Public
Light Penalties 1 year
Service Commission
(Art. 92, RPC)
Offenses under the National
After 5 years
Internal Revenue Code (NIRC)
Rules in Prescription of Penalties (2015 BAR)

1. The period of prescription of penalties commences to

run from the date when the culprit evaded the service of

31 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
his sentence. sentence already final and
executory at the time the
same is granted.
2. It is interrupted if the convict— As to whom granted
a. Gives himself up; The grant is in favor of Amnesty is granted in
b. Be captured; individual convicted favor of a class of convicted
c. Goes to a foreign country with which we have no offenders, not to a class of offenders, not to individual
extradition treaty; or convicted offenders. convicted offenders.
d. Commits another crime before the expiration of As to the crimes subject of the grant
the period of prescription (Art. 93, RPC) The crimes subject of the The crimes involved are
grant may be common generally political offenses
PARDON crimes or political crimes. not common crimes.
As to nature of the grant
Pardon by the Chief Executive vs. Pardon by the The grant is a private act of
Offended Party (1994 BAR) the Chief Executive which It is a public act that
does not require the requires concurrence of
PARDON BY THE PARDON BY THE concurrence of any other the Philippine Senate.
As to extinguishment of liability
It extinguishes the It does not extinguish PARTIAL EXTINCTION OF
criminal liability of the criminal liability of the CRIMINAL LIABILITY
offender. offender. ART. 94, RPC
As to civil liability
It cannot exempt the Partial Extinction of Criminal Liability
Offended party can waive the
offender from the
civil liability which the
payment of the civil 1. By conditional pardon;
offender must pay.
indemnity. 2. By commutation of the sentence; and
As to period and offenders 3. For good conduct allowances which the culprit may
Pardon should be given earn while he is undergoing preventive imprisonment
It is granted only after
before the institution of or serving his sentence. (Art. 94, RPC as amended by R.A.
conviction and may be
criminal prosecution and No. 10592)
extended to any of the
must be extended to both
(Art. 344, RPC)
Nature of Conditional Pardon
When delivered and accepted, it is considered a contract
It is an act of sovereign power granting oblivion or a general between the sovereign power of the executive and the
pardon for a past offense, and is rarely, if ever exercised in convict that the former will release the latter upon
favor of a single individual, and is usually exerted on behalf compliance with the conditions.
of persons, who are subject to trial, but have not yet been
convicted. (Brown v. Walker, 161 U.S. 602) PAROLE

Effect of Amnesty Parole consists in the suspension of the sentence of a

convict after serving the minimum term of the
It completely extinguishes the penalty and all its effects. indeterminate penalty, without granting a pardon,
(Art. 89(3), RPC) prescribing the terms upon which the sentence shall be
suspended (Reyes, 2008). Parole system cannot exist
Pardon vs. Amnesty (2006, 2015 BAR) without the indeterminate sentence law.

PARDON AMNESTY Conditional Pardon vs. Parole

As to definition
The convict is excused The criminal complexion of CONDITIONAL PARDON PAROLE
from serving the sentence the act constituting the As to when given
but the effects of crime is erased, as though
conviction remain unless such act was innocent
expressly remitted by the when committed; hence
pardon. Hence, for pardon the effects of the conviction
to be valid, there must be a are obliterated.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 32

It may be given after the

prisoner has served the
It may be given at any time
minimum penalty by the
after final judgment by the
Board of Pardons and
Chief Executive.
Parole under the
provisions of the ISLAW.

As to effect of violation GOOD CONDUCT TIME ALLOWANCES

For violation of the For violation of the parole, Art. 97, RPC as amended by R.A. No. 10592
conditional pardon, the the convict cannot be
convict may be rearrested prosecuted under Art. 159. Deduction from Period of Imprisonment due to Good
or reincarcerated by the He can be rearrested and Conduct Allowances
Chief Executive or may be reincarcerated to serve the
prosecuted under Art. 159 unserved portion of his PERIOD OF DEDUCTION FROM PERIOD
of the RPC. original penalty. IMPRISONMENT OF SENTENCE
(Guevarra, in Reyes, 2008) First 2 years of 20 days for each month of
imprisonment good behavior
1. AN ACT AMENDING ARTS. 29, 94, 97-99 23 days for each month of
3rd to 5th year
OF THE RPC (R.A NO. 10592) good behavior
25 days for each month of
6th to 10th year
good behavior
11th year and 30 days for each month of
successive years good behavior
ART. 29, RPC as amended by R.A. No. 10592
15 days, in addition to the
At any time during
foregoing, for each month of
Preventive Imprisonment the period of
study, teaching, or mentoring
service time rendered
Refers to the detention of accused while the case against
him is ongoing trial either because:
NOTE: An appeal by the accused shall not deprive him of
entitlement to the above allowances for good conduct. (Art.
1. The crime he committed is a non-bailable offense and
97, RPC as amended by R.A. No. 10592)
evidence of guilt is strong; or
2. The crime committed is a bailable offense but he does
not have the funds.
ART. 98, RPC as amended by R.A. No. 10592
Rules in Deducting the Period of Preventive
Imprisonment Special Time Allowance for Loyalty of Prisoner

1. If the detention prisoner agrees voluntarily in writing, DEDUCTION

after being informed of the effects thereof with the CIRCUMSTANCE FROM PERIOD
assistance of counsel, to abide by the same disciplinary OF SENTENCE
rules imposed upon convicted prisoners, the credit The prisoner, after having evaded
shall be full time during which they have undergone service of sentence, gives himself up
preventive imprisonment. to the authorities within 48 hours 1/5 the period
after proclamation announcing of sentect
2. If the detention prisoner does not agree to abide by the passing of the calamity or
same disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted catastrophe enumerated in Art. 158
prisoners, he shall do so in writing with the assistance Prisoner chose to stay in the place of
of a counsel and shall be credited in the service of his confinement notwithstanding 2/5 the period
sentence with 4/5 of the time during which he has existence of calamity or catastrophe of sentect
undergone preventive imprisonment. enumerated in Art. 158

3. There shall be no credit: Circumstances Under Art. 158:

a. When they are recidivists, or have been convicted a. On the occasion of disorder, resulting from a
previously twice or more times of any crime; and conflagration, earthquake, explosion, or similar
b. When upon being summoned for the execution of catastrophe; or
their sentence, they have failed to surrender b. During a mutiny in which he has not participated

33 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S

Elements under Art. 102(1), RPC

Persons Civilly Liable for Felonies

1. That the innkeeper, tavernkeeper, or proprietor of the

GR: Every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly
establishment or his employee committed a violation of
liable. (Art. 100, RPC)
municipal ordinance or some general or special police
1. If there is no damage caused by the commission of the
2. That a crime is committed in such inn, tavern, or
crime, the offender is not civilly liable.
establishment; and
2. There is no private person injured by the crime.
3. That the person criminally liable is insolvent.

Q: Since a person criminally liable is also civilly liable,

does his acquittal in the criminal case mean extinction
of his civil liability?

Liability of Employer, Teacher, or Person or

A: NO. Civil liability may exist, although the accused is not
held criminally liable, in the following cases:

1. The employer, teacher, or person or corporation is

1. Acquittal on reasonable doubt
engaged in any kind of industry;
2. Acquittal from a cause of non-imputability
2. Any of their servants, pupils, workmen, apprentices, or
employees commits a felony while in the discharge of
XPN: The exemption from criminal liability in favor of
their duties; and
an imbecile or an insane person, and a person under 15
3. The said employee is insolvent and has not satisfied his
years of age, or one who over 15 but under 18 years of
civil liability. (Art. 103, RPC)
age, who has acted without discernment, and those
acting under compulsion of an irresistible force or
under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of an equal
or greater injury does not include exemption from civil
What is Included in Civil Liability
liability. (Art. 101, RPC)

1. Restitution
3. Acquittal in the criminal action for negligence does not
2. Reparation of damage caused
preclude the offended party from filing a civil action to
3. Indemnification for consequential damages
recover damages, based on the new theory that the act
is a quasi-delict.
Civil Liabilities vs. Pecuniary Liabilities

4. When there is only civil responsibility

5. In cases of independent civil actions
Art. 104, RPC Art. 104, RPC
Both include (a) reparation of the damage caused; and
Civil Liability of Persons Exempt from Criminal Liability
(b) indemnification for consequential damages
Does not include
GR: Exemption from criminal liability does not include Includes restitution
exemption from civil liability.
Does not include fine and Includes fine, and the costs
XPNs: costs of the proceedings of the proceedings
1. No civil liability in Art. 12(4) of the RPC (injury caused
by mere accident); and RESTITUTION
2. No civil liability in Art. 12(7) of the RPC (failure to
perform an act required by law when prevented by Restitution of the thing itself must be made whenever
some lawful or insuperable cause). possible, with the allowance for any deterioration or
diminution of value as determined by the court. (Art. 105(1),

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 34
REPARATION from and based solely on the offense committed, i.e., civil
liability ex delicto in senso strictiore.” Corollarily, the claim
Determination of Reparation for civil liability survives notwithstanding the death of
accused, if the same may also be predicated on a source of
The court shall determine the amount of damage, taking obligation other than delict. Art. 1157 of the Civil Code
into consideration: enumerates these other sources of obligation. (People v.
Bayotas, G.R. No. 102007, 02 Sept. 1994)
1. The price of thing, whenever possible; and
2. Its special sentimental value to the injured. (Art. 106,

NOTE: Reparation will be ordered by the court if restitution

is not possible. It is limited to those caused by and flowing
from the commission of the crime.


Indemnification of consequential damages shall include:

1. Those caused the injured party;

2. Those suffered by his family or by a third person by
reason of the crime. (Art. 107, RPC)



Extinguishment of Civil Liability

Civil liability shall be extinguished in the same manner as

other obligations in accordance with the provisions of the
Civil Law:

1. Payment or performance;
2. Loss of the thing due;
3. Condonation or remission of debt;
4. Confusion or merger of the rights of creditor and
5. Compensation; and
6. Novation.

Other Causes: Annulment, rescission, fulfillment of a

resolutory condition, and prescription. (Art. 1231, NCC)

Q: Florencio was an appellant of a case for the crime of

murder. Pending his appeal, he died while in
confinement and notice of his death was belatedly
conveyed to the court. Does his death extinguish his
criminal and civil liabilities?

A: YES. Florencio’s death prior to the court’s final judgment

extinguished his criminal and civil liability ex delicto
pursuant to Art. 89(1) of the RPC. (People v. Agacer, G.R. No.
177751, 07 Jan. 2013)

Death of the accused pending appeal of his conviction

extinguishes his criminal liability as well as the civil liability
based solely thereon. According to Justice Regalado, “the
death of the accused prior to final judgment terminates his
criminal liability and only the civil liability directly arising

35 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S

Elements (2010 BAR)

1. That the offender must be owing allegiance to the

A. CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY Government, and not a foreigner;
AND THE LAW OF NATIONS 2. That he has knowledge of any conspiracy to commit
Arts. 114-123 treason against the Government; and
3. That he conceals or does not disclose or make known
the same as soon as possible to the Governor or Fiscal
TREASON of the province or Mayor or Fiscal of the city in which
Art. 114, RPC he resides.

1. That the offender is a Filipino citizen or an Alien Art. 122, RPC
residing in the Philippines; (R.A. No. 7659)
2. That there is a War in which the Philippines is involved; Piracy vs. Mutiny
3. That the offender either: PIRACY MUTINY
a. Levies war against the Government; or As to offenders
b. Adheres to the enemies, giving them aid or Offenders are strangers to
comfort. the vessel. Hence, Offenders are members of
offenders are neither the complement or the
NOTE: Treason cannot be committed in times of peace. passengers nor crew passengers of the vessel.
(Reyes, 2021) members.
As to the act committed
How Treason may be Proved
Done with animo furandi
(intent to steal) and with Against the authority of the
1. Testimony of two witnesses, at least, to the same overt
the intention of universal commander of the ship.
act (Two-Witness Rule); or
2. Confession of the accused in open court. (Art. 114(2),
RPC) As to intent to gain

Treason as a Continuing Offense Intent to gain is immaterial.

Intent to gain is an element
The offenders only intend
of piracy.
It can be committed by a single act or by a series of acts. It to ignore the ship’s officers.
can be committed in one single or different times. In
As to attack
treason, there is only one criminal intent.
Attack from the outside. Attack from the inside.
Art. 123, RPC
Art. 115, RPC

Circumstances Qualifying the Crimes of Piracy and

Conspiracy to Commit Treason
Mutiny: (2006 BAR)
It is committed when, in times of war, two or more persons
1. Whenever they have seized a vessel by boarding or
come to an agreement to levy war against the Government
firing upon the same;
or to adhere to the enemies, and to give them aid or comfort
and decide to commit it. (Reyes, 2021)
NOTE: This qualifying circumstance does NOT apply to
mutiny since the offenders are already on board the
Proposal to Commit Treason
It is committed when in times of war, a person who has
2. Whenever the pirates have abandoned their victims
decided to levy war against the Government or to adhere to
without means of saving themselves; or (2008 BAR)
the enemies and to give them aid or comfort, proposes its
execution to some other person or persons. (Reyes, 2021)
3. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder,
homicide, physical injuries, or rape.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 36
NO. 532)
The purpose of brigandage is, inter alia, indiscriminate
highway robbery. P.D. 532 punishes as highway robbery
or brigandage only those acts of robbery perpetrated by
(Sec. 2, P.D. No. 532)
outlaws indiscriminately against any person/s on a
Philippine highway as defined, not acts committed against a
Piracy under the RPC vs. Piracy under P.D. 532
predetermined or particular victim. (People v. Puno, G.R. No.
97471, 17 Feb. 1993)
THE RPC P.D. 532
As to Where it can be Committed 2. ANTI-TERRORISM ACT OF 2020
Can be committed while Can be committed only (R.A. NO. 11479)
the vessel is on high seas or when the vessel is in
in Philippine waters Philippine waters Calleja v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 252578, 07 Dec.
As to Who may be the Offender 2021
Can only be committed by
Can be committed by any The Supreme Court declared the following provisions of
persons who are not
person, including the R.A. No. 11479 as unconstitutional:
members of the vessel’s
vessel’s complement, or
complement, or the
the passengers of the 1. The phrase in the proviso of Section 4 which states
passengers of the vessel
vessel "which are not intended to cause death or serious
physical harm to a person, to endanger a person's
b) PUNISHABLE ACTS life, or to create serious risk to public safety;"
(Sec. 4, P.D. No. 532)
2. The second mode of designation found in
Elements of Piracy under P.D. 532: paragraph 2 of Section 25; and

1. That a vessel is inside the Philippine Waters; 3. The corresponding reference/provisions in the
2. That the offender is any person including Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. No.
members of its complement or passenger of the 11479 relative to the foregoing items.
3. That the offender attacks or seizes the vessel or
Secs. 4-12, R.A. No. 11479
seizes the whole or part of the cargo of said vessel,
its equipment or personal belongings of its
Punishable Acts
complement or passengers;
4. That the offender commits the acts by means of
1. Terrorism;
violence against or intimidation of persons or
2. Threat to Commit Terrorism;
force upon things; and
3. Planning, Training Preparing and Facilitating the
5. That the offender commits the act with intent to
Commission of Terrorism;
4. Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism;
Elements of Highway Robbery 5. Proposal to Commit Terrorism;
6. Inciting to Commit Terrorism;
1. That the offender seizes a person for ransom, 7. Recruitment to and Membership in a Terrorist
extortion or other unlawful purposes, or takes Organization;
away the property of another by means of violence 8. Foreign Terrorist; and
against or intimidation of persons or force upon 9. Providing Material Support to Terrorists.
things or other unlawful means;
2. The unlawful acts are committed on any Philippine TERRORISM
highway; and Sec. 4, R.A. No. 11479
3. Unlawful acts are directed indiscriminately against
any victim Acts Punished

Aiding Pirates/Highway Robbers Terrorism is committed by any person who, within or

outside the Philippines, regardless of the stage of execution
Any person who shall aid pirates or highway engages in the following:
robbers/brigands or abet piracy or highway
robbery/brigandage shall be considered as an accomplice.
Gravamen of Highway Robbery/Brigandage under P.D.

37 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
a. Acts intended to cause death or serious bodily TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, ASSOCIATION, OR GROUP
injury to any person, or endangers a person's life; OF PERSONS
(Sec. 4, R.A. No. 11749) Sec. 3(m), R.A. No. 11479

b. Acts intended to cause extensive damage or It shall refer to any entity organized for the purpose of
destruction to a government or public facility, engaging in terrorism, or those proscribe under Sec. 26
public place or private property; (Sec. 4(b), Ibid.) hereof of the UNSC-designated terrorist organization. (Sec.
3(m), Ibid.)
c. Acts intended to cause extensive interference with,
damage or destruction to critical infrastructure; ACCESSORY
(Sec. 4(c), Ibid.) Sec. 14, R.A. No. 11479

d. Develops, manufactures, possesses, acquires, c) SURVEILLANCE OF SUSPECTS AND INTERCEPTION

transports, supplies or uses weapons, explosives or AND RECORDING OF COMMUNICATIONS
of biological, nuclear, radiological or chemical (Sec. 16, R.A. No. 11479)
weapons; (Sec. 4(d), Ibid.)
Law enforcement agent or military personnel may, upon a
e. Release of dangerous substances, or causing fire, written order of the CA, secretly wiretap, overhear, and
floods or explosions; (Sec. 4(e), Ibid.) and listen to, intercept, screen, read, survey, record or collect
any private communications, conversation, discussion/s,
Purpose of the Acts data, information, messages in whatever form, kind or
nature, spoken or written words between:
a. To intimidate the general public or a segment
thereof, a. Members of a judicially declared and outlawed
b. Create an atmosphere or spread a message of fear, terrorist organization, as provided in Sec. 26 of this
c. To provoke or influence by intimidation the Act;
government or any international organization, or b. Members of a designated person as defined in Sec.
d. Seriously destabilize or destroy the fundamental 3(e) of R.A. No. 10168; or
political, economic, or social structures of the c. Any person charged with or suspected of committing
country, or any of the crimes under the provisions of this Act,
e. Create a public emergency or seriously undermine
public safety. (Sec. 4(6), Ibid.) XPNs: Surveillance, interception and recording of
communications between the following shall not be
Acts Not Included in the Definition of “Terrorism” authorized:
(P-A-D-I-S-O) a. Lawyers and clients;
b. Doctors and patients;
1. Advocacy; c. Journalists and their sources; and
2. Protest; d. Confidential business correspondence.
3. Dissent;
5. Industrial or mass action; and (Sec. 29, R.A. No. 11479)
6. Other similar exercises of civil and political rights.
(Sec. 4(5), Ibid.) Any law enforcement agent or military personnel,
authorized in writing by the ATC, shall, without incurring
b) WHO ARE LIABLE any criminal liability for delay in the delivery of detained
(Sec. 3(l) & (m) and Sec. 14, R.A. No. 11479) persons to the proper judicial authorities, deliver said
suspected person to the proper judicial authority within a
TERRORIST INDIVIDUAL period of 14 calendar days from the moment the said
Sec. 3(l), R.A. No. 11479 suspected person has been apprehended or arrested,
detained, and taken into custody by the law enforcement
A terrorist individual refers to any natural person who agent or military personnel. (Sec. 29(1), R.A. No. 11749)
commits any of the acts defined and penalized under Secs.
4-12 of this Act. (Sec. 3(l), Ibid.) The period of detention may be extended to a maximum
period of 10 calendar days if :

(1) Further detention is necessary to preserve

evidence related to terrorism or complete the

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 38
(2) Further detention is necessary to prevent the latter, to the extent that the victim is compelled to limit his
commission of another terrorism; and own actions and movements in accordance with the wishes
(3) The investigation is being conducted properly and of the accused, then the victim is, for all intent and purposes,
without delay. (Ibid.) detained against his will. (Astorga v. People, G.R. No. 154130,
01 Oct. 2003)
INTERROGATION Arbitrary Detention vs. Illegal Detention
(Sec. 33, R.A. No. 11479)
B. CRIMES AGAINST THE FUNDAMENTAL As to the Principal’s Capacity
LAWS OF THE STATE The principal offender The principal offender is a
Arts. 124-133 must be a public officer. private person.
As to his Duty to Detain a Person
The offender who is a The offender, even if he is
Offenders under this Title public officer has a duty a public officer, does not
which carries with it the include as his function the
GR: Offenders under this title are public officers or authority to detain a power to arrest and
employees. person. detain a person.

XPNs: Arbitrary Detention vs. Unlawful Arrest

Under Art. 133 (Offending the Religious Feelings), the
offender may be any person; and when a private person ARBITRARY
conspires with a public officer or acts as accomplice or DETENTION
accessory in the commission of the crime. As to the Capacity of the Offender
The offender is a public
The offender may be any
ARBITRARY DETENTION officer possessed with
Art. 124, RPC authority to make arrests.
As to the Purpose of Detainment
Elements of Arbitrary Detention: (1992 BAR) To accuse the offended
party of a crime he did not
1. Offender is a public officer or employee vested with the commit, to deliver the
authority and jurisdiction to effect arrest and detain a person to the proper
To deny him of his liberty.
person; authority, and to file the
2. He detains a person; and necessary charges in a
3. Detention is without legal grounds. (U.S. v. Braganza, way of trying to
G.R. No. 3971, 03 Feb. 1908) incriminate him.

Periods of Detention and Punishment DELAY IN THE DELIVERY OF DETAINED PERSONS TO

Arresto mayor in its maximum to Elements of Delay in the Delivery of Detained Persons:
3 days or less
prision correccional in its minimum (1990 BAR)
Prision correccional in its medium
4 to 15 days 1. Offender is a public officer or employee;
and maximum
16 days to 2. He has detained a person for some legal ground; and
Prision mayor
6 months
More than 3. He fails to deliver such person to the proper judicial
Reclusion Temporal authorities within:
6 months
a. 12 hours for crimes/offenses punishable by light
Arbitrary Detention Even If the Victims Were Not Kept penalties or their equivalent;
in an Enclosure b. 18 hours for crimes/offenses punishable by
correctional penalties or their equivalent;
The prevailing jurisprudence on kidnapping and illegal c. 36 hours for crimes/offenses punishable by
detention is that the curtailment of the victim’s liberty need afflictive penalties or their equivalent.
not involve any physical restraint upon the victim’s person.
If the acts and actuations of the accused can produce such NOTE: The time period for delivery of detained persons
fear in the mind of the victim sufficient to paralyze the prescribed in Article 125 does not apply to suspected

39 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
terrorists who are detained under R.A. No. 11479 (Reyes, Act considered Notoriously Offensive
An act is considered notoriously offensive when the act is
Delay in the Delivery of Detained Persons vs. Arbitrary directed against religious practice or dogma or ritual for the
Detention purpose of ridicule, such as mocking, scoffing at, or
attempting to damage an object of religious veneration.
DELAY IN THE (People v. Baes, G.R. No. 46000, 25 May 1939)
Art. 124
Art. 125 1. ANTI-TORTURE ACT OF 2009
The detention is legal at (R.A. NO. 9745)
the outset but becomes
arbitrary when the
The detention is illegal at a) ACTS OF TORTURE
detention exceeds any of
the very inception (Sec. 4, R.A. No. 9745)
the periods of time
because of the absence of
specified in Art. 125
lawful cause for such Torture, as punished under the law, may either be physical
without the person
arrest. or mental/psychological.
detained having been
charged before the
a. Physical Torture is a form of treatment or
proper judicial authority.
punishment that causes severe pain, exhaustion,
disability, or dysfunction of one or more parts of
Art. 129, RPC
b. Mental/Psychological Torture refers to acts
calculated to affect or confuse the mind and/or
Punishable Acts undermine a person’s dignity, and morale.

1. Procuring a search warrant without just cause; c. Other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
a. That the offender is a public officer or employee; Elements of Torture
b. That he procures a search warrant; and
c. That there is no just cause.
1. Any act by which severe physical or mental pain or
2. Exceeding their authority or by using unnecessary 2. Is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the
severity in executing a search warrant legally procured. consent or acquiescence of a person in authority or
his agent;
3. Intentionally inflicted on a person;
a. That the offender is a public officer or employee; 4. For the purpose of:
b. That they have legally procured a search warrant; a. Punishment for an act he or a third person has
and committed, or is suspected of having
c. That they exceed their authority or use committed;
unnecessary severity in executing the same. b. Intimidation or coercion;
c. Any reason based on discrimination of any
Art. 133, RPC d. Obtaining information or a confession (Sec.
Elements of Offending the Religious Feelings:
1. The acts complained of were performed:
Sec. 13, R.A. No. 9745
a. In a place devoted to religious worship; or
b. During the celebration of any religious ceremony As principals - Any person who actually participated or
induced another in the commission of torture, or who
2. Acts must be notoriously offensive to the feelings of the cooperated in its execution; Superior officers who issued an
order to commit torture; Commanding officers of AFP or
PNP, if by his act, omission or negligence allowed or assisted
in the commission of torture, or if he/she has knowledge
thereof but did not take preventive or corrective action

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 40
As accessory -Any public officer or employee will be liable COUP D’ETAT
as an accessory if he/she has knowledge that torture is Art. 134-A, RPC
being committed and without having participated in its
commission, either as principal or accomplice, takes part Elements of Coup D’etat; (2013, 2012, 1991 BAR)
subsequent to its commission (Sec. 13, R.A. No. 9745)
1. Offender is a person or persons belonging to the
military or police or holding any public office or
Arts. 134-160 2. There be a swift attack accompanied by violence,
intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth;
3. The purpose of the attack is to seize or diminish State
power; and
Political Crimes
4. The attack is directed against duly constituted
authorities of the Republic of the Philippines, or any
Those that are directly aimed against the political order, as
military camp or installation, communication
well as such common crimes as may be committed to
networks, public utilities or other facilities needed for
achieve a political purpose. The decisive factor is the intent
the exercise and continued possession of power.
or motive.

Principal Offenders of Coup D’etat

Art. 134, RPC
Members of the AFP or of the PNP organization or a public
officer with or without civilian support.
Elements of Rebellion:


1. That there be:
a. Public uprising; and
Art. 135, RPC
b. Taking of arms against the Government.

Q: If the attack is quelled but the leader is unknown,

2. Purpose of uprising or movement is either to:
who shall be deemed the leader thereof? (2002 BAR)
a. Remove from the allegiance to said Government or
its laws:
A: The leader being unknown, any person who in fact
i. The territory of the Philippines or any part
directed the others, spoke for them, signed receipts and
thereof; or
other documents issued in their name, or performed similar
ii. Any body of land, naval or other armed forces;
acts, on behalf of the rebels shall be deemed the leader of
such rebellion, insurrection, or coup d'etat. (Art. 135(6), as
b. Deprive the Chief Executive or Congress, wholly or
amended by R.A. No. 6968)
partially, any of their powers or prerogatives.


NOTE: If there is no public uprising, the crime is direct
Art. 138, RPC

Elements of Inciting to Rebellion or Insurrection

Theory of Absorption in Rebellion (“Political Offense
1. Offender does not take arms or is not in open hostility
against the Government;
If common crimes like homicide, murder, physical injuries,
and arson have been committed in furtherance of or in
2. He incites others to rise publicly and take arms against
connection with rebellion, then it is considered as absorbed
the Government for any of the purposes of the
in the crime of rebellion. But before these common crimes
rebellion; and
can be absorbed, it is necessary that there is evidence to
show that these common crimes have promoted or
3. The inciting is done by means of speeches,
espoused the ideals of rebels. Absent any of these, it cannot
proclamations, writings, emblems, banners or other
be absorbed in the crime of rebellion.
representations tending to the same end.

NOTE: The act of inciting must have been intentionally

calculated to induce others to commit rebellion.

41 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Art. 139, RPC Art. 148, RPC

Sedition vs. Rebellion Ways of Committing the Crime of Direct Assault

SEDITION REBELLION 1. Without public uprising, by employing force or

As to its Commission intimidation for the attainment of any of the purposes
There must be taking up of enumerated in defining the crimes of rebellion and
It is sufficient that public
arms against the sedition;
uprising be tumultuous.
As to its Purpose Elements:
May be political or social, a. Offender employs force or intimidation;
that is, merely to go against Always political, that is, to b. The aim of the offender is to attain any of the
the established overthrow the purposes of the crime of rebellion or any of the
government not to government. objects of the crime of sedition; and
overthrow it. c. There is no public uprising.
As to Absorption of Other Crimes
Offenses committed 2. Without public uprising, by attacking, by employing
Crimes associated with force or by seriously intimidating or by seriously
pursuant to rebellion are
sedition can be prosecuted. resisting any person in authority or any of his agents,
while engaged in the performance of official duties, or
Crime Committed if there is No Public Uprising on the occasion of such performance. (2015, 2013,
2009 BAR)
If the purpose of the offenders is to attain the objects of
sedition by force or violence, but there is no public uprising, Elements (1993, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002 BAR)
the crime committed is direct assault. 1. Offender (A-F-I-R)
a. Makes an Attack,
Art. 146, RPC c. Makes a serious Intimidation, or
d. Makes a serious Resistance;
Art. 147, RPC 2. Person assaulted is a person in authority or his
Illegal Assembly vs. Illegal Association
3. That, at the time of the assault, the person in
a. Is engaged in the actual performance of
As to Basis of Liability
official duties, or
The formation of or
b. That he is assaulted on occasion of such
organization of an
The gathering for an illegal performance;
association to engage in an
purpose which constitutes
unlawful purpose which is
a crime under the RPC. 4. The offender knows that the one he is assaulting
not limited to a violation of
is a person in authority or his agent in the exercise
the RPC.
of his duties; and
As to Necessity of Actual Meeting
5. There is no public uprising.
Necessary that there is an
Not necessary that there be
actual meeting or
an actual meeting. NOTE: The act of the accused in preventing by force the
holding of a popular election in certain precincts, without
As to Acts Punished
public uprising, is Direct Assault.
Act of forming or
Meeting and the
organizing and
attendance at such “On occasion of the performance of official duties”
membership in the
meeting are the acts
association are the acts
punished. It means that the assault was made because or by reason of
the past performance of official duties even if at the very
time of the assault no official duty was being discharged.
(Justo v. CA, G.R. No. L-8611, 28 June 1956)

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 42
“Qualified Direct Assault” Offended Party in Indirect Assault

Direct assault is qualified when: The offended party in the crime of indirect assault is not the
person in authority or his agent but the person who comes
1. Assault is committed with a weapon; or to the aid of the agent of a person in authority.
2. The offender is a public officer or employee; or
3. Offender lays hands upon a person in authority. NOTE: Art. 149 says “on occasion of the commission of any
of the crimes defined in the next preceding article” (Art. 148,
No Liability under Art. 148 for Direct Assault RPC). Hence, Indirect Assault can be committed only when
Direct Assault is also committed.
1. If the public officer or officer in authority is a mere
2. If the accused did not know that the victim was a person AUTHORITY OR HIS AGENTS
in authority; or Art. 151, RPC
3. If the person assaulted was no longer a public officer at
the time of the attack even if the reason for the attack Elements of Resistance and Serious Disobedience
was due to past performance of duties. (1990, 2001 BAR)

Q: Who are deemed to be persons in authority and 1. A person in authority or his agent is engaged in the
agents of persons in authority? (1995, 2000, 2002 BAR) performance of official duty or gives a lawful order to
the offender;
A: Persons in authority are those directly vested with
jurisdiction, whether as an individual or as a member of 2. The offender resists or seriously disobeys such person
some court or government corporation, board, or in authority or his agent; and
commission. Barrio captains and barangay chairmen are
also deemed persons in authority. 3. That the act of the offender is not included in the
provisions of Arts. 148, 149, and 150.
Agents of persons in authority are persons, who by direct
provision of law, by election or by appointment by Elements of Simple Disobedience
competent authority, are charged with maintenance of
public order, the protection and security of life and 1. An agent of a person in authority is Engaged in the
property, such as barrio councilman, barrio policeman, performance of official duty or gives a lawful order to
barangay leader and any person who comes to the aid of the offender;
persons in authority. 2. The offender Disobeys such agent of a person in
authority; and
In applying the provisions of Arts. 148 and 151 of the RPC, 3. Such disobedience is Not of a serious nature.
teachers, professors, and persons charged with the
supervision of public or duly recognized private schools, NOTE: When the attack or employment of force is not
colleges and universities, and lawyers in the actual deliberate, the crime is only resistance or disobedience
performance of their professional duties or on the occasion
of such performance, shall be deemed persons in authority. In Simple Disobedience, the offended party must only be an
agent of a person in authority.
Elements ART. 152, RPC

1. An agent of a person in authority or his agent is the Person in Authority

victim of any of the forms of direct assault defined in
Art. 148; Those directly vested with jurisdiction, whether as an
2. A person comes to the aid of such authority; and individual or as a member of some court or government
3. That the offender makes use of force or intimidation corporation, board, or commission. (2000 BAR)
upon such person coming to the aid of the authority or
his agent. Barrio captains and barangay chairmen are also deemed
persons in authority. (1995 BAR)

43 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Agent of a Person in Authority 4. Printing, publishing or distributing books,
pamphlets, periodicals, or leaflets which do not
Any person who by direct provision of law or by election or bear the real printer’s name, or which are classified
by appointment by competent authority is charged with as anonymous.
1. Maintenance of public order; and Art. 155, RPC
2. Protection and security of life and property.
Punishable Acts
PUBLIC DISORDER 1. Discharging any firearm, rocket, firecracker, or other
Art. 153, RPC explosive within any town or public place, calculated to
cause alarm or danger;
Acts Punishable
2. Instigating or taking an active part in any charivari or
1. Causing any serious disturbance in a public place, other disorderly meeting offensive to another or
office, or establishment; prejudicial to public tranquility;

2. Interrupting or disturbing performances, functions or 3. Disturbing the public peace while wandering about at
gatherings, or peaceful meetings, if the act is not night or while engaged in any other nocturnal
included in Arts. 131 and 132; amusements; and

NOTE: The crime is qualified if disturbance or 4. Causing any disturbance or scandal in public places
interruption is of a tumultuous character. while intoxicated or otherwise, provided Art. 153 is not
3. Making any outcry tending to incite rebellion or
sedition in any meeting, association or public place; NOTE: If the disturbance is of a serious nature, the case will
4. Displaying placards or emblems which provoke a fall under Art. 153. (Reyes, 2021)
disturbance of public disorder in such place;
5. Burying with pomp the body of a person who has been Possible Offenses Committed by Creating Noise and
legally executed. Annoyance (2013 BAR)

Q: When is the disturbance of public order deemed to 1. Alarms and scandals if the disturbance affects the
be tumultuous? (2012 BAR) public in general; or
2. Unjust vexation if the noise is directed to a
A: The disturbance shall be deemed tumultuous if caused by particular person or a family.
more than three persons who are armed or provided with
Art. 156, RPC
UNLAWFUL UTTERANCES Elements (2014, 2015 BAR)
Art. 154, RPC
1. There is a person confined in a Jail or penal
Punishable Acts establishment; and
2. That the offender removes therefrom such person, or
1. Publishing or causing to be published, by means of helps the escape of such person.
printing, lithography or any other means of
publication, as news any false news which may NOTE: Art. 156 applies even if the prisoner is in a hospital
endanger the public order, or cause damage to the or an asylum as it is considered an extension of the penal
interest or credit of the State; institution. (Reyes, 2021)

2. Encouraging disobedience to the law or to the Persons Liable:

constituted authorities or by praising, justifying or
extolling any act punished by law, by the same 1. Usually, an outsider to the jail.
means or by words, utterances or speeches; 2. It may also be:
a. An employee of the penal establishment who does
3. Maliciously publishing or causing to be published not have the custody of the prisoner; or
any official resolution or document without proper b. A prisoner who helps the escape of another
authority, or before they have been published prisoner.
officially; or

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 44
Delivering the Prisoners in Jail vs. Infidelity in the d. The failure to deliver the firearm or ammunition
Custody of Prisoners within 6 months after the death or legal disability
of the licensee shall render the possessor liable
DELIVERING for illegal possession of the firearm. (Sec. 26, R.A.
The offender is not the e. Buying or possession of stolen part or material
The offender is the from a company engaged in the manufacture and
custodian of the prisoner
custodian at the time of the sale of firearms and ammunition, and the buyer
at the time of the
escape/removal. or possessor of such stolen part or material is
aware that it was stolen. (Sec. 32, (3))
2. Offenses relating to Manufacture, Importation, or
Art. 157, RPC

a. Unlawful manufacture, importation, sale or

Elements (2009 BAR)
disposition of firearms, ammunition, major part
of a firearm or ammunition, or machinery, tool or
1. Offender is a Convict by final judgment;
instrument used or intended to be used in the
2. He is Serving his sentence which consists in
manufacture of a firearm, ammunition or major
deprivation of liberty; and
part thereof; (Sec. 32(1))
3. He Evades the service of his sentence by escaping
during the term of his sentence.
b. Unlawful taking, sale or disposition by laborer,
worker, or employee of a licensed firearms dealer
parts of firearms or ammunition which the
company manufactures and sells, and other
Art. 160, RPC
materials used by the company in the
manufacture or sale of firearms or ammunition;
(Sec. 32) and
It is a special aggravating circumstance where a person,
c. Arms smuggling. (Sec. 33)
after having been convicted by final judgment, shall commit
a new felony before beginning to serve such sentence, or
3. Other related offenses;
while serving the same. He shall be punished by maximum
period of the penalty prescribed by law for the new felony.
a. Carrying of registered firearms outside of their
(Reyes, 2021)
residence without any legal authority; (Sec. 31)
b. Tampering, Obliteration or Alteration of Firearms
Elements (1991 BAR)
Identification; (Sec. 34)
c. Planting of firearms, ammunition or parts thereof
1. That the offender was already convicted by final
as evidence (Sec. 38);
judgment of one offense; and
d. Failure to notify lost or stolen firearm or light
2. That he committed a new felony before beginning to
weapon; (Sec. 40)
serve such sentence or while serving the same.
e. Illegal transfer or registration of firearms; (Sec.
41) and
1. COMPREHENSIVE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION f. Registration of a firearm through fraud, deceit,
REGULATION ACT misrepresentation or submission of falsified
(R.A. No. 10591) documents by a public officer. (Sec. 41(3))

Punishable Offenses under this Act: UNLAWFUL ACQUISITION, OR POSSESSION OF

1. Relating to acquisition or possession Sec. 28, Art. V, R.A. No. 10591

a. Unlawful acquisition or possession of firearms; Elements of Simple Illegal Possession of Firearms:

(Sec. 28, R.A. No. 10591)
b. Unlawful acquisition or possession of 1. The existence of subject firearm; and
ammunition; (Sec. 28, R.A. No. 10591) 2. The fact that the accused who possessed or owned the
c. Unlawful acquisition or possession of major parts same does not have the corresponding license for it.
of a firearm; and (Sec. 28, R.A. No. 10591)

45 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Ownership is not an essential element of the crime of illegal Sec. 7, Art. II, R.A. No. 10591
possession of firearms. What is merely required is either
actual or constructive possession coupled with animus A permit to carry firearms outside of residence shall be
possidendi or intent to possess. (Mendoza v. People, G.R. No. issued by the Chief of the PNP or his/her duly authorized
234196, 21 Nov. 2018) representative to any qualified person whose life is under
actual threat or his/her life is in imminent danger due to the
USE OF LOOSE FIREARM IN THE COMMISSION OF A nature of his/her profession, occupation or business.
Sec. 29, Art. V, R.A. No. 10591 The following professionals are considered to be in
imminent danger due to the nature of their profession,
Rules in the Imposition of Penalties When Loose occupation or business:
Firearm was Used in the Commission of a Crime
a. Members of the Philippine Bar;
a. GR: The use of a loose firearm, when inherent in the b. Certified Public Accountants;
commission of a crime punishable under the RPC or c. Accredited Media Practitioners;
other SPLs, shall be considered as an aggravating d. Cashiers, Bank Tellers;
circumstance e. Priests, Ministers, Rabbi, Imams;
f. Physicians and Nurses;
b. If the crime committed with the use of a loose g. Engineers; and
firearm is penalized by the law with a maximum h. Businessmen, who by the nature of their business or
penalty which is lower than that prescribed for undertaking, are exposed to high risk of being targets
illegal possession of firearm, the penalty for illegal of criminal elements.
possession of firearm shall be imposed in lieu of the
penalty for the crime charged.
c. if the crime committed with the use of a loose Arts. 161-187
firearm is penalized by the law with a maximum
penalty which is equal to that imposed under the
preceding section for illegal possession of firearms,
the penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period
Art. 169, RPC
shall be imposed in addition to the penalty for the
crime punishable under the RPC or other SPLs of
Acts Punishable
which he/she is found guilty.

Forgery is committed by: (1999, 2008 BAR):

d. If the use of loose firearm is in furtherance of, or
incident to, or in connection with the crime of
1. Giving to a treasury or bank note or any instrument
rebellion or insurrection, or attempted coup d’état,
payable to bearer or to order mentioned therein, the
such violation shall be absorbed as element of the
appearance of a true and genuine document; or
crime of rebellion or insurrection, or attempted
2. Erasing, substituting, counterfeiting, or altering by any
coup d’état;
means the figures, letters, words, or sign contained
e. If the crime is committed by the person without
using the loose firearm, the violation of this Act shall
be considered as a distinct and separate offense.
(Sec. 29, Art. V, R.A. No. 10591)
Art. 171, RPC

NOTE: Where murder or homicide results from the use of

Falsification of Public Documents (1988, 1992, 1993,
an unlicensed firearm, the crime is no longer qualified
1999, 2000, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018 BAR)
illegal possession, but murder or homicide, as the case may
be. In such a case, the use of the unlicensed firearm is
Elements of Art. 171 (PuNoE-T-A-E)
appreciated as an aggravating circumstance. (People v.
Avecilla, G.R. No. 117033, 15 Feb. 2001)
1. That the offender is a Public officer, employee, Notary
public, or an Ecclesiastical minister;
2. That he Takes advantage of his official position;
3. That he falsified a document by committing any of the
following Acts (2008 BAR):

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 46
a. Counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting, Elements:
signature, or rubric. (Art. 171(1)) a. Offender is a private individual or public officer or
employee who did not take advantage of his
b. Causing it to appear that persons have participated official position;
in any act or proceeding when they did not in fact
so participate. (Art. 171(2)) b. He committed any act of falsification enumerated
in Art. 171; and
c. Attributing to persons who have participated in an c. The falsification is committed in a public, official,
act or proceeding statements other than those in or commercial document.
fact made by them. (Art. 171(3))
NOTE: Under this paragraph, damage or intent to
d. Making untruthful statements in a narration of cause damage is not necessary.
facts. (Art. 171(4))
2. Falsification of private document by any person
e. Altering true dates. (Art. 171(5))
NOTE: The alteration of the date in a document a. Offender committed any of the acts of falsification
must affect the veracity of the document of the except Art. 171(7), that is, issuing in an
effects thereof. authenticated form a document purporting to be a
copy of an original document when no such
f. Making any alteration or intercalation in a genuine original exists, or including in such a copy a
document which changes its meaning. (Art. 171(6)) statement contrary to, or different from that of the
genuine original;
g. Issuing in authenticated form a document
purporting to be a copy of an original document b. Falsification was committed in any private
when no such original exists, or including in such document; and
copy a statement contrary to, or different from, that
of the genuine original. (Art. 171(7)) c. Falsification caused damage to a third party or at
least the falsification was committed with intent
h. Intercalating any instrument or note relative to the to cause such damage.
issuance thereof in a protocol, registry or official
book. (Art. 171(8)) Mere falsification of private document is not enough.
Two things are required:
4. In case the offender is an Ecclesiastical minister, the act
of falsification is committed with respect to any record 1. He must have counterfeited the false document;
or document of such character that its falsification may and
affect the civil status of persons. 2. He must have performed an independent act which
operates to the prejudice of a third person.
Persons Liable under Art. 171
3. Use of falsified document.
1. Public officer, employees, or notary public who takes
advantage of official position; Elements:
2. Ecclesiastical minister if the act of falsification may a. In introducing in a judicial proceeding –
affect the civil status of persons; or i. Offender knew that the document was
3. Private individual, if in conspiracy with public officer. falsified by another person;
ii. The falsified document is in Arts. 171 or 172
FALSIFIED DOCUMENTS iii. He introduced said document in evidence in a
Art. 172, RPC judicial proceeding.

Punishable Acts NOTE: Damage is not necessary in the crime of

introducing in judicial proceeding a false
1. Falsification of a public, official, or commercial document.
document by a private individual. (1991, 1992, 1993,
2000, 2009 BAR) b. In use in any other transaction –
i. Offender knew that a document was falsified
by another person;
ii. The false document is embraced in Arts. 171
or 172 (1 or 2);

47 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
iii. He used such document (not in judicial A: Mr. U can be charged with the crime of Usurpation of
proceedings); and Authority or Official Functions. Under Art. 177 of the RPC,
iv. The use caused damaged to another or at least Usurpation of Authority may be committed by performing
used with intent to cause damage any act pertaining to any person in authority or public
officer of the Philippine Government or of a foreign
NOTE: The user of the falsified document is deemed the government or any agency thereof, under the pretense of
author of the falsification if: (1) the use was so closely official position, and without being lawfully entitled to do
connected in time with the falsification, and (2) the user had so. Here, despite his lack of authority, Mr. U knowingly
the capacity of falsifying the document. (1997, 1999 BAR) solemnized a marriage pertaining to Mayor Z.

Falsification of Public Document vs. Private Document FALSE TESTIMONY IN OTHER CASES AND PERJURY IN
As to Nature of the Crime Perjury
Aside from falsification,
Mere falsification is prejudice to a third person The willful and corrupt assertion of falsehood under oath or
enough. or intent to cause it, is affirmation administered by authority of law on a material
essential. matter.
As to Commission of a Complex Crime
Can be complexed with Commission of Perjury
other crimes if the act of There is no complex crime
falsification was the of estafa through Perjury is committed through:
necessary means in the falsification of a private 1. Falsely testifying under oath; or
commission of such document. Hence, when 2. Making a false affidavit.
crimes, like estafa, theft, or one makes use of a private
malversation. document, which he Elements of Perjury (2005 BAR)
falsified, to defraud
e.g., Malversation through another, there results only 1. Accused made a statement under oath or executed an
falsification of a public one crime: that of affidavit upon a material matter (2008 BAR);
document; falsification of a private
Estafa through falsification document. 2. Statement or affidavit was made before a competent
of a public document. officer, authorized to receive and administer oath;

USURPATION OF AUTHORITY OR 3. In that statement or affidavit, the accused made a

OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS willful and deliberate assertion of a falsehood; (1996
Art. 177, RPC BAR) and

Usurpation of Authority vs. Usurpation of Official 4. Sworn statement or affidavit containing the falsity is
Functions required by law. (1991 BAR)

USURPATION OF USURPATION OF Perjury vs. False Testimony

Mere representation is The offender should have FALSE TESTIMONY PERJURY
sufficient performed an act Art. 180-182 Art. 183
As to Definition
Q: X and Y approached Mayor Z and requested him to Any willful and corrupt
solemnize their marriage. On the day of the ceremony, assertion of falsehood on
Given in the course of a
X and Y proceeded to Mayor Z's office but he was not material matter under oath
judicial proceeding.
there. Mayor Z's chief of staff, Mr. U, however, and not given in judicial
represented that he himself can solemnize their proceedings.
marriage and just have Mayor Z sign the marriage As to applicability
certificate when the latter comes back. Mr. U Ordinary or special civil
Special proceedings
solemnized the marriage, despite his lack of authority actions
therefor. As to essence
Deliberate and willful
What crime may Mr. U be charged with under the RPC? Mere giving of false assertion of falsehood.
Explain. (2018 BAR) testimony (Saavedra v. DOJ, G.R. No.
93173, 15 Sept. 1993)

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 48
As to forms or means of commission of the crime Transportation of Dangerous Drugs
1. By falsely testifying
under oath; and As used under the Dangerous Drugs Act, "transport" means
1. False testimony in
2. By making a false "to carry or convey from one place to another."
criminal cases; (Arts.
affidavit. The essential element of the charge of illegal transportation
of dangerous drugs is the movement of the dangerous drug
2. False testimony in civil
NOTE: falsely testifying from one place to another. The fact of an actual conveyance
under oath should not be in or transportation itself is sufficient to support a finding that
a judicial proceeding. the criminal act was committed. (People v. Suico, G.R. No.
As to Time Committed 229940, 10 Sept. 2018
There is perjury even
during the preliminary Contemplates actual trial. MAINTENANCE OF A DEN, DIVE, OR RESORT
investigation. Sec. 6, R.A. No. 9165
(Reyes, 2021)
Committed By:

1. Person maintaining a drug den, dive, or resort

where any dangerous drug is used or sold;
2. Employees of a den, dive, or resort, who is aware of
the nature of the place as such and;
3. Visitor of a den, dive, or resort who is aware of the
1. COMPREHENSIVE DANGEROUS nature of the place as such.
(R.A. No. 9165, as amended by R.A. No. 10640; Den
Sec. 21 of the IRR)
A place where any dangerous drug and/or controlled
precursor and essential [chemical] is administered,
IMPORTATION OF DANGEROUS DRUGS AND/OR delivered, stored for illegal purposes, distributed, sold, or
Sec. 11, R.A. No. 9165
Committed By:
Elements of Illegal Possession of Drugs
Any person who, unless authorized by law, shall import or
bring into the Philippines any dangerous drug, regardless of 1. The accused was in possession of a prohibited
the quantity and purity involved, including any and all drug;
species of opium poppy or any part thereof or substances 2. Such possession is not authorized by law; and
derived there from even for floral, decorative, and culinary 3. The accused freely and consciously possessed the
purposes. (1990, 1992, 2006 BAR) prohibited drug. (People v. Padua, G.R. No. 174097,
21 July 2010)
DELIVERY, DISTRIBUTION, AND TRANSPORTATION OF NOTE: Mere possession of a prohibited drug constitutes
DANGEROUS DRUGS AND/OR CONTROLLED prima facie evidence of knowledge or animus possidendi
PRECURSORS AND ESSENTIAL CHEMICALS (DRUG sufficient to convict an accused in the absence of
PUSHING) satisfactory explanation. (People v. De Jesus, G.R. No. 198794,
Sec. 5, R.A. No. 9165 06 Feb. 2013)

Elements of Sale of Dangerous Drugs: (I-D-P) Constructive Possession under R.A. 9165

1. The Identity of the buyer and seller, object, and Constructive possession exists when the drug is under the
consideration; and dominion and control of the accused or when he has the
right to exercise dominion and control over the place where
2. The Delivery of the thing sold and Payment thereof. it is found. (Del Castillo v. People, G.R. No. 185128, 30 Jan.
(People v. Buenaventura, G.R. No. 184807, 23 Nov. 2011) 2012)

49 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Exclusive Possession is Not Necessary commission of the crime. (People v. Dela Cruz, G.R. No.
205414, 04 Apr. 2016)
Exclusive possession or control is not necessary. The
accused cannot avoid conviction if his right to exercise The delivery of the contraband to the poseur-buyer and the
control and dominion over the place where the contraband receipt of the marked money consummates the buy-bust
is located, is shared with another. (Estores v. People, G.R. No. transaction between the entrapping officers and the
192332, 11 Jan. 2021) accused. (People v. Fermin, G.R. No. 179344, 03 Aug. 2011)

ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF PROHIBITED DRUGS AND Prohibition on Plea-bargaining, Sec. 23, R.A. No. 9165 is
Secs. 13 and 14, R.A. No. 9165
The Supreme Court’s sole prerogative to issue, amend, or
Qualifying Circumstances repeal procedural rules is limited to the preservation of
substantive rights. Plea-bargaining is a rule of procedure.
The maximum of the penalty shall be imposed if illegal Sec. 23 of R.A. No. 9165 is declared unconstitutional for
possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia is during parties, being contrary to the rule-making authority of the Supreme
social gatherings or meetings or in the proximate company Court. (Estipona v. Hon. Lobrigo, G.R. No. 226679, 15 Aug.
of at least two (2) persons. (Secs. 13 and 14, R.A. No. 9165) 2017)


Sec. 21, R.A. No. 9165, as amended by R.A. No. 10640
Committed by:
Chain of Custody Defined (2009, 2016 BAR)
1. Any person apprehended or arrested, which us found
to be positive for the use of any dangerous drug after The duly recorded authorized movements and custody of
the confirmatory test; and seized drugs or controlled chemicals or plant sources of
2. Any person found to have in his/her possession such dangerous drugs or laboratory equipment of each stage,
quantity of any dangerous drugs. from the time of seizure/confiscation to receipt in the
forensic laboratory to safekeeping to presentation in court
Elements of Use of Dangerous Drugs (2005 BAR) for destruction.”

1. The accused was apprehended for the use of dangerous Links that Must be Established in the Chain of Custody
drugs; in a Buy-bust Situation
2. He/She was found to be positive for use of any
dangerous drugs; and The links that the prosecution must stablish in the chain of
3. No other dangerous drug was found in his/her custody in a buy-bust situation are as follows: (SM-I-Che-
possession. Co)

Q: Does Sec. 15 cover unlawful acts other than those 1. The Seizure and Marking, if practicable, of the illegal
provided for under Art. II of R.A. No. 9165? drug recovered from the accused by the apprehending
A: NO. The drug test in Sec. 15 does not cover persons 2. The turnover of the illegal drug seized by the
apprehended or arrested for any other unlawful act, but apprehending officer to the Investigating officer;
only for unlawful acts listed under Art. II of R.A. No. 9165. 3. The turnover by the investigating officer of the illegal
(Dela Cruz v. People, G.R. No. 200748, 23 July 2014) drug to the forensic Chemist for laboratory
examination; and
Nature of a Buy-bust Operation 4. The turnover and submission of the marked illegal drug
seized from the forensic chemist to the Court. (People v.
Q: Is there a valid warrantless arrest in buy bust Dahil, G.R. No. 212196, 12 Jan. 2015)
Inventory and Taking of Photographs
A: YES. There is a valid warrantless arrest when a crime is
actually being committed in the presence of the police Venue:
officer, more known as crimes in flagrante delicto. A buy- Warrantless seizure nearest police station or at the
bust operation is considered an entrapment in which the or buy-bust nearest office of the
violator is caught in flagrante delicto and the officers operation apprehending team
conducting such search has not only the authority but the Seizure by virtue if a place where the said search
duty to apprehend the violator and to search him for search warrant warrant was served
anything that may have been part of or used in the

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 50
Guidelines Adopted by the Supreme Court with respect NOTE: To show an unbroken link in the chain of custody,
to the Marking and Conduct of Inventory. the prosecution’s evidence must include testimony about
every link in the chain, from the moment the item was
In the case of Padilla v. People (G.R. No. 250927, 29 Nov. 2022, seized to the time it is offered in court as evidence, such that
J. Hernando), the SC adopted the following guidelines: every person who handled the evidence would
acknowledge how and from whom it was received, where it
NOTE: the case is beyond the cut-off period was and what happened to it while in the witness’
possession, the condition in which it was received and the
1. The marking of the seized dangerous must be done: condition in which it was delivered to the next link in the
a. Immediately upon confiscation; chain.
b. At the place of confiscation; and
c. In the presence of the offender (unless the It is from the testimony of every witness who handled the
offender eluded the arrest.) evidence from which a reliable assurance can be derived
that the evidence presented in court is one and the same as
2. The conduct of inventory and taking of photographs that seized from the accused. (Derilo v. People, G.R. No.
of the seized dangerous drugs must be done: 190466, 18 April 2016)
a. Immediately after seizure and confiscation;
b. In the presence of the accused, or the person/s
from whom such items were confiscated and/or
seized, of his/her respective counsel; and
c. Also in the presence of the insulating witnesses,
as follows:

i. If the seizure occurred during the effectivity

of R.A, No. 9165, or from 04 July 2002 until 06
Aug. 2014, the presence of the three (3)
witnesses namely, an elected public official; a
DOJ representative; and a media

ii. If the seizure occurred after the effectivity of

R.A. No. 10640, or from 07 Aug. 2014 onward,
the presence of 2 witnesses, namely, an
elected public official; and a National
Prosecution Service Representative or a
media representative.

NOTE: The conjunction “or” was emphasized

since prior to its amendment, both the
representative of the National Prosecution
and the media is required.

Justifiable Reasons for Non-compliance on the Chain of

Custody Rule

Minor deviations from the chain of custody rule is justified


1. Lapses in procedure were recognized and explained in

terms of their justifiable grounds; and

2. There is showing that the police officers intended to

comply with the procedure, but were thwarted by some
justifiable consideration or reasons. (People v.
Umipang, G.R. No. 190321, 25 Apr. 2012)

51 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S

(Reyes, 2021)

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 52
6. Financier or Capitalist- Any person who finances the
F. CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALS operations of any illegal numbers game;
(ARTS. 200-202)
7. Protector or coddler- Any person who lends or
provides protection, or receives benefits in any manner
in the operation of any illegal numbers game. (Sec. 3,
R.A. 9287)
ART. 200, RPC

8. Collector, agent, coordinator, controller, supervisor,

Elements (1996 BAR) (Pe-N-Hi-P)
maintainer, manager, operator, financier or capitalist of
any illegal numbers game is a Government employee
1. Offender Performs an act or acts;
and/or public official, whether elected or appointed.
2. Such act or acts be Highly scandalous as offending
against decency or good customs;
9. Parent, guardian or person exercising moral authority
3. Highly scandalous conduct is Not expressly falling
or ascendancy over a minor, ward or incapacitated
within any other article of this Code; and
person, and not otherwise falling under any of the
4. Act or acts complained of be committed in a Public
foregoing subsections, who induces or causes such
place or within the public knowledge or view.
Minor, ward or incapacitated person to commit any of
the offenses punishable in this Act.
NOTE: There should be consent to do the scandalous act. If
the scandalous act was done without consent, the crime
committed may be acts of lasciviousness or violation of R.A.
No. 7610 if a child is involved. G. CRIMES COMMITTED BY PUBLIC OFFICERS
Arts. 203-245

(P.D. No. 1602, as amended by R.A. No. 9287)
Art. 203, RPC
(Sec. 2, P.D. No. 1602, as amended by
Q: Who is a public officer? (1999, 2017 BAR)
R.A. No. 9287)

A: A public officer is any person who, by direct provision of

Illegal Numbers Game - Any form illegal gambling activity
the law, popular election or appointment by competent
which uses numbers or combinations thereof as factors in
authority, shall take part in the performance of public
giving out jackpots.
functions in the Government of the Philippine Islands, or
shall perform in said Government or in any of its branches,
public duties as an employee, agent or subordinate official,
Sec. 3, P.D. No. 1602, as amended by
of any rank or class.
R.A. No. 9287

Three (3) Forms of Breach of Oath or Duty

Punishable Acts/Persons Liable: (B-P-A-C4 -Go-Mi)

1. Misfeasance
1. Bettor;
2. Malfeasance
3. Nonfeasance
2. If the person acts as a Personnel or staff of an illegal
numbers game operation or If the person Allows his
vehicle, house, building or land to be used in such
operation; Performance of Omission of
performance of
some act which some act which
some act which
3. Collector or agent- Any person who collects, solicits or ought not to be ought to be
might be lawfully
produces bets in behalf of his/her principal for any done performed
illegal numbers game who is usually in possession of
gambling paraphernalia;
Crimes of Misfeasance (U-N-I-D)
4. Coordinator, controller or supervisor- Any person who
1. Knowingly rendering Unjust judgment (Art. 204, RPC);
exercises control and supervision over the collector or
agent. 2. Rendering judgment through Negligence (Art. 205,
3. Rendering unjust Interlocutory order (Art. 206, RPC)
5. Maintainer, manager or operator;
(2013 BAR); and

53 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
4. Malicious Delay in the administration of justice. (Art. INDIRECT BRIBERY
207, RPC) Art. 211, RPC

Crimes of Malfeasance Elements (1997, 2005, 2009, 2010 BAR)

1. Direct bribery (Art. 210, RPC); and
2. Indirect bribery. (Art. 211, RPC) 1. Offender is a Public officer; (BAR 2006)
2. He Accepts gifts; and
Crime of Nonfeasance 3. Said gifts are offered to him by reason of his Office.

Dereliction of duty in the prosecution of offenses (Art. 208, NOTE: If the public officer does not accept the gift, this
RPC). crime is not committed but the offeror is guilty of
Corruption of Public Officials under Art. 212.
Art. 210, RPC Direct Bribery vs. Indirect Bribery

Punishable Acts in Direct Bribery/Modes of Committing DIRECT BRIBERY INDIRECT BRIBERY

Direct Bribery (1990, 1993, 2001, 2005, 2009 BAR) As to the act punished
Public officer receives gift
A public officer commits direct bribery by: As to Agreement Between the Public Officer
and the Corruptor
1. Agreeing to Perform or performing an act pertaining to There is agreement There is no agreement
the duties of the office which constitutes a crime between the public officer between the public officer
2. Accepting a Gift in consideration of the execution of an and the corruptor. and the corruptor.
act which does Not constitute a crime As to Performance of An Official Act
by Reason of the Gift or Promise
NOTE: The act executed must be unjust. (Reyes, 2021) The public officer agrees to
The public officer need not
perform or performs an act
3. Abstaining from the performance of official duties. to perform any official act.
or refrains from
It is enough that he accepts
performing an official act,
Elements (1990, 1993, 2001, 2005, 2009 BAR) (P-A- the gifts offered to him by
because of the gift or
CUR-C) reason of his office.

1. The offender is a Public officer; QUALIFIED BRIBERY

2. That he/she Accepts an offer or promise or receives a Art. 211-A, RPC
gift or present by himself or through another;
3. Such offer or promise be accepted, or gift or present
received by the public officer: 1. Offender is a public officer entrusted with Law
a. With a view of committing some Crime; or 2. He refrains from arresting or prosecuting an offender
b. In consideration of the execution of an act which who has committed a crime punishable by reclusion
does not constitute a crime, but the act must be perpetua and/or death; and
Unjust; or 3. He refrains from arresting or prosecuting the offender
c. To Refrain from doing something, which is his in consideration of any promise, gift or present. (2006
official duty to do; and BAR)

4. The act which the offender agrees to perform or which NOTE: Art. 211-A is an insertion brought about by R.A. No.
he executes be Connected with the performance of his 7659 (Heinous Crime Law).
official duties.

NOTE: There is no frustrated stage, for the reason that if the

corruption of the official is accomplished, the crime is

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 54
CORRUPTION OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS explain satisfactorily. (Quizo v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No.
Art. 212, RPC 77120, 06 Apr. 1987)

Elements (1993, 2001, 2009 BAR) NOTE: Crime of malversation can be committed by
1. Offender makes offers, or promise, or gives gifts or
presents to a public officer; and Commission of Malversation by a Private Person

2. The offers or promises are made, or the gifts or A private person may also commit malversation under the
presents are given to a public officer under following situations:
circumstances that will make the public officer liable
for direct bribery or indirect bribery. 1. A private person conspiring with an accountable public
officer in committing malversation (People v.
NOTE: The crime committed is attempted corruption of Sendaydiego, G.R. No. L-33253-54, 20 Jan. 1978);
public official when a public officer refuses to be corrupted
or if the public officer did not accept the bribe. 2. When he has become an accomplice or accessory to a
public officer who commits malversation;
PRESUMPTION OF MALVERSATION 3. When the private person is made the custodian in
Art. 217, RPC whatever capacity of public funds or property, whether
belonging to national or local government, and
Punishable Acts (1994, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2008 BAR) misappropriates the same; (2017 BAR) or

1. Appropriating public funds or property; 4. When he is constituted as the depositary or

2. Taking or misappropriating the same; administrator of funds or property seized or attached
3. Consenting, or through abandonment or negligence, by public authority even though said funds or property
permitting any other person to take such public funds belong to a private individual.
or property; and
4. Being otherwise guilty of the misappropriation or Malversation vs. Estafa (1999 BAR)
malversation of such funds or property.
Common Elements to All Acts of Malversation As to Persons Liable
Committed by a private
1. Offender is a public officer; Committed by an person or even a public
2. He had the custody or control of funds or property by accountable public officer. officer who acts in a
reason of the duties of his office; private capacity.
3. Those funds or property were public funds or property As to Property Involved
for which he was accountable; and
Deals with public funds or Deals with private
4. He appropriated, took, misappropriated or consented,
property. property.
or through abandonment negligence, permitted
another person to take them. As to its Commission
Committed by personal
May be committed without
NOTE: Actual misappropriation of funds is NOT necessary. misappropriation only.
personal misappropriation,
It is enough that he has violated the trust reposed on him in
as when the accountable
connection with the property. Since estafa involves
officer allows another to
deceit, it must be
misappropriate the same.
Prima Facie Evidence of Malversation deliebrate. It cannot be
Can be committed through
committed through
The failure of a public officer to have duly forthcoming any negligence.
public fund or property with which he is chargeable, upon
demand by any duly authorized officer, shall be prima facie ILLEGAL USE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR PROPERTY
evidence that he has put such missing funds or property to Art. 220, RPC
personal uses. (Candao v. People, G.R. Nos. 186659-710, 19
Oct. 2011) Elements of Technical Malversation (1996 BAR)

An accountable public officer may be convicted of 1. Offender is a Public officer;

malversation even if there is no direct evidence of 2. There is public fund or property under his
misappropriation, and the only evidence is that there is administration;
shortage in his accounts which he has not been able to

55 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
3. Such public fund or property has been Appropriated by ESCAPE OF PRISONER UNDER THE CUSTODY OF A
law or ordinance; and PERSON NOT A PUBLIC OFFICER
4. He applies the same to a public use other than that for Art. 225, RPC
which such fund or property has been appropriated by
law or ordinance. Elements (Pri-C-E-Co)

Technical Malversation vs. Malversation 1. Offender is a Private person;

2. Conveyance or custody of prisoner or person under
TECHNICAL arrest is confided to him;
MALVERSATION 3. Prisoner or person under arrest Escapes; and
(Art. 217)
(Art. 220) 4. Offender Consents to the escape of the prisoner, or
As to offender person under arrest or that the escape takes place
Offenders are accountable public officers through his negligence.
in both crimes.
As to benefit NOTE: This article is not applicable if a private person was
Offender derives no Generally, the offender the one who made the arrest and he consented to the escape
personal gain or benefit. derives personal benefit. of the person he arrested. (Reyes, 2021)
As to the fund
Public fund or property is Conversion is for the 1. ANTI-GRAFT AND CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT
diverted to another public personal interest of the R.A. No. 3019
use other than that offender or of another
provided for in the law. person. a) DEFINITION OF TERMS
Sec. 2, R.A. No. 3019
Art. 223, RPC Persons Covered under this Act (BAR 2000)

Elements (BAR 1996, 2009) (Pu-C-E-Co) All public officers which include elective and appointive
officials and employees, permanent or temporary, whether
1. Offender is a Public officer; in the classified or unclassified or exempt service, receiving
2. He has in his Custody or charge, a prisoner, either compensation, even nominal from the government. (Sec.
detention prisoner or prisoner by final judgment; 2(b), R.A. No. 3019)
3. Such prisoner Escaped from his custody;
4. That he was in Connivance with the prisoner in the Government includes:
latter’s escape. (U.S. v. Bandino, G.R. No. L-9964, 11 Feb. 1. National government;
1915) 2. Local government;
3. GOCCs;
EVASION THROUGH NEGLIGENCE 4. Other instrumentalities or agencies; and
Art. 224, RPC 5. Their branches. (Sec. 2(a), R.A. No. 3019)

Elements of Evasion through Negligence b) CORRUPT PRACTICES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS

(Pu-Co-N) Sec. 3, R.A. No. 3019

1. Offender is a Public officer; Sec. 3(a), R.A. No. 3019

2. He is charged with the Conveyance or custody of a
prisoner, either detention prisoner or prisoner by final Persons Liable under Sec. 3(a)
judgment; and
3. Such prisoner escapes through his Negligence. 1. The public officer who persuades, induces, or
influences another public officer to:
The fact that the public officer recaptured the prisoner who a. Perform an act constituting a violation of the
escaped from his custody does not afford complete Rules and Regulations duly promulgated by
exculpation. (Reyes, 2021) competent authority; or
b. An offense in connection with the official
duties of the latter.

2. The public officer who allows himself to be

persuaded, induced or influenced to commit such
violation or offense. (Sec. 3 (a), R.A. No. 3019)

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 56
Sec. 3(b), R.A. No. 3019 for another; and

Elements of Sec. 3(b) d. That he requested or received the gift, present or

other pecuniary or material benefit in
1. The offender is a public officer; consideration for the help given or to be given.
2. He requested and/or received, directly or (Tecson v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 123045 16 Nov.
indirectly, a gift, present or consideration; 16, 1999)
3. The gift, present or consideration was for the
benefit of the said public officer or for any other NOTE: This is a special form of bribery.
4. It was requested and/or received in connection Sec. 3(d), R.A. No. 3019
with a contract or transaction with the
Government; and Elements of Sec. 3(d)
5. The public officer has the right to intervene in such
contract or transaction in his official capacity. a. The public officer accepted, or having any of his
family member accept any employment in a
Section 3(b) v. Direct Bribery private enterprise;
b. Such private enterprise has a pending official
SECTION 3(b) business with the public officer; and
R.A. NO. 3019 c. It was accepted during:
As to act/s punished i. The pendency thereof; or
Acceptance of a promise or ii. Within 1 year after its termination.
Mere request is sufficient. offer or receipt of a gift or
present is required. Sec. 3(e), R.A. No. 3019
As to Scope
Has a wider and more Act Punished (1990, 1991, 1997, 2005, 2009 BAR)
general scope:
The scope of Sec. 3(e) is (a)performance of an act Causing any undue injury to any party, including the
specific and is limited only constituting a crime; Government, or giving any private party any unwarranted
to contracts or benefits, advantage or preference in the discharge of his
transactions involving (b)execution of an unjust official, administrative or judicial functions through
monetary consideration act not constituting a crime manifest partiality, evident bad faith, or gross inexcusable
where the public officer and; negligence. (Sec. 3 (e), R.A. No. 3019)
has authority to intervene
under the law. (c) agreeing to refrain from Elements of Sec. 3(e)
doing an act which is his
official duty to do 1. The accused must be a public officer discharging
As to its Nature administrative, judicial, or official functions;
malum Prohibitum malum in se 2. He must have acted with manifest partiality,
(Reyes, 2021) evident bad faith, or inexcusable negligence; and
3. That his action caused:
NOTE: Sec. 14 of R.A. No. 3019 exempts the act if receiving i. Any undue injury to any party, including the
gifts by the public officer if: government; or
a. giving of the gift is unsolicited; and ii. Giving any private party unwarranted
b. gift is of small or insignificant value; benefits, advantage or preference in the
discharge of his functions.
Sec. 3(c), R.A. No. 3019
Two Ways of Violating Sec. 3(e)
Elements of Sec. 3(c)
1. By causing undue injury to the Government; or
a. The accused is a public officer; 2. By giving any private party any unwarranted
benefit, advantage or preference.
b. That in any manner or capacity he secured or
obtained, or would secure or obtain, for a person NOTE: The use of disjunctive term “or” connotes that either
any government permit or license; act qualifies as a violation of section 3(e). The accused may
be charged under either mode or under both. (Catindig v.
c. That he directly or indirectly requested or People, G.R. No. 183141, 18 Sept. 2009)
received from said person any gift, present or
other pecuniary or material benefit for himself or

57 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Good Faith is Not a Defense some business, transaction, application, request or
contract with the government, in which such public
Since bad faith is an element, good faith or lack of malice is official has to intervene. (Sec. 4(a), R.A. No. 3019); and
a valid defense.
NOTE: Family relations include the spouse or relatives
Sec. 3(g), R.A. No. 3019 by consanguinity or affinity within third (3rd) civil
Elements of Sec. 3(g)
2. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly induce
a. Accused is a public officer; or cause any public official to commit any of the
b. The public officer entered into a contract or offenses defined in Sec. 3. (Sec. 4(b), R.A. No. 3019)
transaction on behalf of the government; and
c. Such contract or transaction is grossly and d) PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN RELATIVES
manifestly disadvantageous to the government. Sec. 5, R.A. No. 3019

Sec. 3(h), R.A. No. 3019 GR: It shall be unlawful for the spouse or relative by
consanguinity or affinity within the 3rd civil degree of the
Act Punished President, Vice President, Senate President, or Speaker of
the House to intervene, directly or indirectly, in any
Directly or indirectly having financing or pecuniary interest business, transaction, contract, or application with the
in any business, contract or transaction in connection with government.
which he intervenes or takes part in his official capacity, or
in which he is prohibited by the Constitution or by any law XPNs:
from having any interest. (Sec. 3(h), R.A. No. 3019) 1. Any person who, prior to the assumption of office of
any of the above officials to whom he is related, has
Sec. 3(i), R.A. No. 3019 been already dealing with the Government along the
same line of business;
Elements of Sec. 3(i)
2. Any transaction, contract, or application already
a. The public officer directly or indirectly becomes existing or pending at the time of such assumption of
interested, for personal gain, or has a material public office;
interest in any transaction or act;
b. Such transaction or act requires the approval of the 3. Any application filed by him the approval of which is
board, panel or group of which he is a member; and not discretionary on the part of the official or officials
c. The board, panel, or group exercises discretion in concerned but depends upon compliance with
the approval of such transaction. requisites provided by law, or rules or regulations
issued pursuant to law; or
Sec. 3(j), R.A. No. 3019
4. Any act lawfully performed in an official capacity or in
Act Punished the exercise of a profession. (Sec. 5, R.A. No. 3019)

Knowingly approving or granting any license, permit, e) EXCEPTIONS

privilege or benefit in favor of: Sec. 14, R.A. No. 3019

a. Any person not qualified for or not legally entitled 1. Unsolicited gifts or presents of small or
to such license, permit, privilege or benefit; or insignificant value offered or given as a mere
b. A mere representative or dummy of one who is not ordinary token of gratitude or friendship according
so qualified or entitled. (Sec. 3 (j), R.A. No. 3019) to local customs and usage; and

c) PROHIBITION ON PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS 2. Practice of any profession, lawful trade or

Sec. 4, R.A. No. 3019 occupation by any private persons or by any public
officer who under the law may legitimately practice
Acts Punished his profession, trade or occupation during his
incumbency except where the practice of such
1. It shall be unlawful for any person having family or profession, trade or occupation involves
close personal relation with any public official to conspiracy with any other person or public official
capitalize or exploit or take advantage of such family or to commit any violations of said Act. (Sec. 14, R.A.
close personal relation by directly or indirectly No. 3019)
requesting or receiving any present, gift or material or
pecuniary advantage from any other person having

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 58
2. ANTI-PLUNDER ACT 2. By receiving, directly or indirectly, any commission,
R.A. No. 7080, as amended by R.A. No. 7659 gift, share, percentage, kickbacks or any other form of
pecuniary benefit from any person and/or entity in
connection with any government contract or project or
by reason of the office or position of the public officer
(Sec. 1, R.A. No. 7080)

Public Officers
3. By the illegal or fraudulent conveyance or disposition
of assets belonging to the National Government or any
Any person holding any public office in the Government of
of its subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities or
the Republic of the Philippines by virtue of an appointment,
government-owned or -controlled corporations and
election, or contract. (Sec. 1(a), R.A. No. 7080)
their subsidiaries;
“Ill-Gotten Wealth
4. By obtaining, receiving or accepting directly or
indirectly any shares of stock, equity or any other form
Any asset, property, business enterprise or material
of interest or participation including promise of future
possession of any person with the purview of Sec. 2 hereof,
employment in any business enterprise or undertaking;
acquired by him directly or indirectly, through dummies,
nominees, agents, subordinates, and/or business
5. By establishing agricultural, industrial or commercial
associates. (Sec. 1(d), R.A. No, 7080)
monopolies or other combinations and/or
implementation of decrees and orders intended to
NOTE: Ill-gotten wealth also encompasses those that are
benefit particular persons or special interests; or
derived indirectly from government funds or properties
through the use of power, influence, or relationship
6. By taking undue advantage of official position,
resulting in unjust enrichment and causing grave damage
authority, relationship, connection or influence to
and prejudice to the Filipino people and the Republic. The
unjustly enrich himself or themselves at the expense
alleged subject commissions may not have been sourced
and to the damage and prejudice of the Filipino people
directly from the public funds but it is beyond cavil that
and the Republic of the Philippines.
Disini would not have amassed these commissions had he
not exerted undue influence on President Marcos. (Disini v.
Republic, G.R. No. 205172, 15 June 2021, J. Hernando)

Two or more overt or criminal acts falling under the same

category of enumeration found in Sec. 1(d). (Estrada v.
Sec. 2, R.A. No. 7080 as amended by R.A. No. 7659
Sandiganbayan, supra).
Plunder (2014 BAR)

A crime committed by a public officer, by himself or in

connivance with members of his family, relatives by affinity
or consanguinity, business associates, subordinates or
Pattern consists of at least a combination or series of overt
other persons, by amassing, accumulating, or acquiring ill-
or criminal acts enumerated in subsections (1) to (6) of Sec.
gotten wealth through a combination or series of overt acts
1(d) directed towards a common purpose or goal, which is
in the aggregate amount or total value of at least fifty million
to enable the public officer to amass, accumulate or acquire
pesos (Php 50 million). (Sec. 2, R.A. No. 7080, as amended by
ill-gotten wealth, indicative of the overall unlawful scheme
R.A. No. 7659)
or conspiracy to achieve said common goal. As commonly
understood, the term 'overall unlawful scheme' indicates a
There must be at least two (2) predicate crimes committed
'general plan of action or method' which the principal
before one can be convicted of plunder.
accused and public officer and others conniving with him
follow to achieve the aforesaid common goal. (Estrada v.
Sandiganbayan, supra)


At least two acts falling under different categories of

enumeration provided in Sec. 1(d):

1. Through misappropriation, conversion, misuse, or

malversation of public funds or raids on the public

59 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
3. PROHIBITION OF CHILD MARRIAGE LAW an esssential element. A information shall be
R.A. No. 11596 separate information must prepared for all the
be filed for the parricide conspirators.
and the murder or
homicide on the part of the
non-relative conspirator.
Sec. 4, R.A. No. 11596


See page 76 for discussion on Prohibition of Child
Marriage Law
Art. 247, RPC

Q: A and B are husband and wife. One night, A, a security

H. CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS guard, felt sick, hence, he decided to go home around
Arts. 246-266 midnight. He opened the door very carefully and
peeped inside where he saw his wife B having sexual
intercourse with their neighbor C.
Art. 246, RPC A rushed inside and grabbed C but the latter managed
to wrest himself free and jumped out of the window. A
Elements of Parricide (1994, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2015 followed suit and managed to catch C again and after a
BAR) furious struggle, managed also to strangle him to death.
A then rushed back to their bedroom where his wife B
1. That a person is killed; was cowering under the bed covers. Still enraged, A hit
2. That the deceased is killed by the accused; and B with fist blows and rendered her unconscious.
3. That the deceased is the:
a. Legitimate/Illegitimate father; The police arrived after being summoned by their
b. Legitimate/Illegitimate mother; neighbors and arrested A who was detained, inquested,
c. Legitimate/Illegitimate child; and charged for the death of C and serious physical
d. Other legitimate ascendant; injuries of B.
e. Other legitimate descendant; or
f. Legitimate spouse. 1. Is A liable for C’s death? Why?

NOTE: Relationship of the offender with the victim must be A: NO. A is not liable for C’s death but under the exceptional
alleged and proved. If not alleged, it can only be considered circumstances in Art. 247 of the RPC, an absolutory cause.
as an ordinary aggravating circumstance. Art. 247 governs since A surprised his wife B in the act of
having sexual intercourse with C, and the killing of C was
Age of the Child immediately thereafter as the discover, escape, pursuit and
killing of C form one continuous act. (U.S. v. Vargas, G.R. No.
The child killed by his parent must be at least three (3) days 1053, 07 May 1903)
old. If the child is less than three (3) days old, the crime is
infanticide, which is punishable under Art. 255. 2. Is A liable for B’s injuries? Why? (1991, 2001, 2005,
2007 BAR)
Parricide vs. Infanticide
A: NO. A is not liable for the serious physical injuries he
PARRICIDE INFANTICIDE inflicted on his wife because the act falls under the same
As to Basis exceptional circumstances in Art. 247 of the RPC.
Its basis is the relationship
The basis is the age of the
between the offender and MURDER
the victim. Art. 248, RPC
As to Commission
Infanticide may be Elements
It can be committed only
committed by any person
by the relatives
whether relative or not of 1. That a person was Killed;
the victim. 2. That the Accused killed him;
As to Application of Conspiracy 3. That the killing was attended by any of the
Conspirary cannot be Conspiracy is applicable Qualifying circumstances mentioned in Art. 248;
applied because the because the circumstance and
relationship of the of age pertains to the 4. That the killing is Not Parricide or Infanticide.
offender and the victim is victim; only one

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 60
Murder Defined (1999, 2001, 2008, 2009, 2010 BAR) considered as generic aggravating.
4. That any of the qualifying circumstances enumerated
Murder is the unlawful killing of any person which is not must be alleged in the information. (Reyes, 2021)
parricide or infanticide, provided that any of the following
circumstances is present: HOMICIDE
ART. 249, RPC
1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength,
with the aid of armed men, or employing means to Elements of Homicide (K-W-I-Q)
weaken the defense, or of means or persons to insure
or afford impunity. (1995, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2015, 1. That a person was Killed;
2022 BAR) 2. That the accused killed him Without any justifying
If committed “by a band”, it is still murder because of 3. The accused had Intention to kill which is presumed;
the circumstance of “with the aid of armed men.” and
4. The killing was not attended by any of the Qualifying
2. In consideration of a price, reward or promise. circumstances of murder, or by that of parricide or
infanticide. (Reyes, 2017)
3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion,
shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault Evidence to Show Intent to Kill is Important Only in
upon a railroad, fall of an airship, by motor vehicles, or Attempted or Frustrated Homicide
with the use of any other means involving great waste
and ruin. (1997, 2005 BAR) This is because if death resulted, intent to kill is conclusively
presumed. In attempted or frustrated homicide, the
a. If the primordial criminal intent is to kill, and fire offender must have the intent to kill the victim. If there is no
was only used as a means to do so, it is murder. intent to kill on the part of the offender, he is liable for
b. If the primordial intent is to destroy the property physical injuries only. (Reyes, 2021)
through fire and incidentally somebody died, it is
arson. Use of Unlicensed Firearms in Committing Murder or
NOTE: Treachery and evident premeditation are
inherent in murder by poison and, as such, cannot be DID NOT USE THE USED THE UNLICENSED
considered as aggravating circumstance. UNLICENSED FIREARM FIREARM IN THE
4. On occasion of any of the calamities enumerated in the THE CRIME CRIME
preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, eruption of Separate prosecutions for Illegal possession of
volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic, or other public homicide or murder and firearm is merely taken as
calamities. illegal possession of an aggravating
firearms. circumstance.
NOTE: The offender must take advantage of the
calamity to qualify the crime to murder. DEATH CAUSED IN A TUMULTUOUS AFFRAY
ART. 251, RPC
5. With evident premeditation.
Tumultuous Affray (1997, 2010 BAR)
6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly
augmenting the suffering of the victim, or outraging or A commotion in a tumultuous and confused manner, to such
scoffing at his person or corpse. an extent that it would not be possible to identify who the
killer is if death results, or who inflicted the serious physical
Rules for the Application of the Circumstances which injuries, but the person or persons who used violence are
Qualify the Killing to Murder known.

1. That murder will exist with only one of the Tumultuous affray exists when at least four (4) persons took
circumstances. part therein.
2. Where there are more than one qualifying
circumstance present, only one will qualify the killing, Elements of Death Caused in a Tumultuous Affray:
with the rest to be considered as generic aggravating
circumstances. 1. There be several or at least 4 persons;
2. That they did not compose groups organized for the
3. That when the other circumstances are absorbed or common purpose of assaulting and attacking each
included in one qualifying circumstance, they cannot be other reciprocally, otherwise, they may be held liable as

61 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
co-conspirators; 3. Attempted homicide or murder if the person was hit
3. That these several persons quarreled and assaulted one and there is intent to kill;
another in a confused and tumultuous manner; 4. Physical injuries if the person was hit and injured but
4. Someone was killed in the course of the affray; there was no intent to kill; or
5. Grave coercion if the threat was directed, immediate
NOTE: Victim need NOT be a participant. and serious and the person is compelled or prevented
to do something against his will.
5. It cannot be ascertained who actually killed the
deceased; and INFANTICIDE
6. The person or persons who inflicted serious physical ART. 255, RPC
injuries or who used violence can be identified.
Elements of Infanticide: (C-L-K)
TUMULTUOUS AFFRAY 1. A Child was killed;
ART. 252, RPC
NOTE: The child must be born alive and fully
Elements of Physical Injuries Inflicted in a Tumultuous developed, that is, it can sustain an independent life.
Affray (T-P-Ca-K)
2. Deceased child was Less than 3 days old or less than 72
1. There is a Tumultuous affray as referred to in the hours of age; and
preceding article; 3. Accused Killed the said child.
2. A participant or some participants thereof suffer
serious Physical injuries or physical injuries of a less INTENTIONAL ABORTION
serious nature only; ART. 256, RPC
3. Person responsible thereof Cannot be identified; and
4. All those who appear to have used violence upon the Abortion (1994 BAR)
person of the offended party are Known.
It is the willful killing of the fetus in the uterus, or the violent
NOTE: This article will not apply when a person is killed. In expulsion of the fetus from the maternal womb that results
such instances, Articles 251, 247, or 248 will apply. in the death of the fetus. (Guevara as cited in Reyes, 2017)

GIVING ASSISTANCE TO SUICIDE Elements of Intentional Abortion: (P-V-D-A)

ART. 253, RPC
1. There is a Pregnant woman;
Punishable Acts (2008 BAR) 2. Violence is exerted, or drugs or beverages
administered, or that the accused otherwise acts upon
1. Assisting another to commit suicide, whether the such pregnant woman;
suicide is consummated or not; and 3. As a result of the use of violence or drugs or beverages
2. Lending assistance to another to commit suicide to the upon her, or any other act of the accused, the fetus Dies,
extent of doing the killing himself. either in the womb or after having been expelled
therefrom; and
DISCHARGE OF FIREARM 4. Abortion is intended.
ART. 254, RPC
Persons Liable for Intentional Abortion
Elements of Discharge of Firearm: (Di-No)
1. The person who actually caused the abortion under Art.
1. Offender Discharges a firearm against another person; 256; and
and 2. The pregnant woman if she consented under Art. 258.
2. Offender has No intention to kill the person.
Crimes that May Possibly Arise if a Firearm is ART. 257, RPC
Elements of Unintentional Abortion (2015 BAR) (P-V-I-
1. Alarms and scandals, if the offender discharges a D)
firearm in a public place but the firearm is not pointed
to a particular person when discharged; 1. There is a Pregnant woman;
2. Violence is used upon such pregnant woman without
2. Illegal discharge of firearm if the firearm was directed intending an abortion;
to a particular person who was not hit if intent to kill 3. Violence is Intentionally exerted; and
is not proved;

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 62
4. As a result of the violence exerted, the fetus Dies either Qualifying Circumstances of Serious Physical Injuries
in the womb or after having been expelled therefrom.
1. If it is committed by any of the persons referred to in
SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURIES the crime of parricide; or
ART. 263, RPC 2. If any of the circumstances qualifying murder attended
its commission.
How the Crime of Serious Physical Injuries is LESS SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURIES
Committed: (1992, 1993, 1995 BAR) ART. 265, RPC

1. Wounding; Elements of Less Serious Physical Injuries (1994, 1998,

2. Beating; 2009 BAR)
3. Assaulting; or
4. Administering injurious substance. 1. Offended party is incapacitated for labor for 10 days or
more (but not more than 30 days), or shall require
Instances Considered as the Crime of Serious Physical medical attendance for the same period of time; and
2. Physical injuries must not be those described in the
1. When the injured person becomes insane, imbecile, preceding articles.
impotent, or blind in consequence of the physical
injuries inflicted. NOTE: If a wound required medical attendance for only
2 days, yet the injured was prevented from attending to
Impotence includes inability to copulate and sterility. his ordinary labor for a period of 29 days, the physical
injuries are denominated as less serious. (U.S. v.
Blindness requires loss of vision of both eyes. Mere Trinidad, G.R. No. 1851, 23 Jan. 1905)
weakness in vision is not contemplated.
Serious Physical Injury vs. Less Serious Physical Injury
2. When the injured person:
a. Loses the use of speech or the power to hear or to SERIOUS PHYSICAL LESS SERIOUS PHYSICAL
smell, or loses an eye, a hand, a foot, an arm or a INJURIES INJURIES
leg; or As to Capacity of Injured Party
b. Loses the use of any such member; or The offended party is
The injured person
c. Becomes incapacitated for the work in which he incapacitated for labor for
becomes ill or
was habitually engaged in as a consequence of the 10 days or more but not
incapacitated for labor for
physical injuries inflicted. more than 30 days or
more than 30 days but not
needs medical attendance
more than 90 days.
3. When the injured: for the same period.
a. Becomes deformed; Importance of Medical Assistance
b. Loses any other member of his body; Medical attendance is not There must be a proof to
c. Loses the use thereof; or important in serious the period of the required
physical injuries. medical attendance.
d. Becomes ill or incapacitated for the performance
of the work in which he was habitually engaged in SLIGHT PHYSICAL INJURIES AND MALTREATMENT
for more than 90 days, as a consequence of the ART. 266
physical injuries inflicted.
Kinds of Slight Physical Injuries and Maltreatment
NOTE: In pars. 2 and 3, the offended party must have a (1990, 1994, 2003 BAR)
vocation or work at the time of injury.
1. Physical injuries which incapacitated the offended
4. When the injured person becomes ill or incapacitated party for labor from 1 to 9 days, or required medical
for labor for more than 30 days (but must not be more attendance during the same period;
than 90 days), as a result of the physical injuries
inflicted. 2. Physical injuries which did not prevent the offended
party from engaging in his habitual work or which did
not require medical attendance; or

3. Ill-treatment of another by deed without causing any


63 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
RAPE Elements of Rape by Carnal Knowledge
ARTS. 266-A, 266-B, 266-C (Man-C-A-FTI-DU-Ma-16)
AND 266-D, RPC and R.A. No. 8353
1. Offender is a Man;
Kinds of Rape under R.A. No. 8353 2. Offender had Carnal knowledge of the woman; and

1. Traditional concept of Rape by Sexual Intercourse – 3. Such act is accomplished under any of the following
carnal knowledge with a woman against her will. The circumstances:
offended party is always a woman and the offender is a. Through Force, Threat or Intimidation; (1992
always a man. BAR)
b. When the offended party is Deprived of reason or
2. Rape by Sexual assault – committed with an is otherwise Unconscious;
instrument or an object or use of the penis with c. By means of fraudulent Machination or grave
penetration of the mouth or anal orifice. The offended abuse of authority; or
party or offender can either be a man or a woman, that d. When the offended part when the offended party is
is, if the woman or a man uses an instrument in the anal under 16 years of age or is demented. (As amended
orifice of a male, she or he can be liable for rape. by R.A. No. 11648) (1995 BAR)

A violation of the body orifices by the fingers is within the XPN to d: Sweetheart Clause- There will be no
expanded definition of rape under R.A. No. 8353. Insertion criminal liability when on the part of a person
of the finger into the female genital is rape through sexual having carnal knowledge of another person under
assault. (People v. Campuhan, G.R. No. 129433, 30 Mar. 2000) 16 years of age when the age difference between
the parties is not more than 3 years, and the sexual
However, there should be evidence of at least the slightest act is proven to be consensual, non-abusive, and
penetration of the sexual organ and not merely a brush or non-exploitative. (Art. 266-A (1)(d), RPC, as
graze of its surface. (People v. Dela Cruz, G.R. No. 180501, 24 amended by R.A. No. 11648)
Dec. 2008)
XPN to the XPN: When the woman is under 13
Redefining Penile Penetration in Rape. years of age, the above exception shall not apply.
The Supreme Court in the landmark case of People v. Agao
(G.R. No. 248049, 04 Oct. 2022) reversed the long-standing Elements of Rape by Sexual Assault (2005 BAR)
definition of consummated rape. Prior to this
pronouncement, it has been held that the slightest 1. Offender (man or woman) commits an act of Sexual
penetration by the male organ or even its slightest contact assault;
with the outer lip or the labia majora of the vagina already
consummates the crime of rape. 2. The act of sexual assault is committed by any of the
following means:
In this case, however, the High Court clarified the a. By inserting his Penis into another person’s mouth
parameters for appreciation of “slightest penetration” in or anal orifice; or
cases of rape by sexual intercourse through penile b. By inserting any Instrument or object into the
penetration, viz: genital or anal orifice of another person.

“…that rape of a female victim by a male person through 3. The act of sexual assault is accomplished under any of
penile penetration reaches the consummated stage as soon the following circumstances:
as the penis penetrates the cleft of the labia majora, also a. By using Force or intimidation;
known as the vulval or pudendal cleft, or the fleshy outer lip b. When the woman is Deprived of reason or
of the vulva, in even the slightest degree. Simply put, mere otherwise unconscious;
introduction, however slight, into the cleft of the labia c. By means of fraudulent Machination or grave abuse
majora by a penis that is capable of penetration, regardless of authority; or
of whether such penile penetration is thereafter fully d. When the woman is under 16 years of age or
achieved, consummates the crime of rape.” demented (As amended by R.A. No. 11648)

NOTE: this case is beyond the cut-off period. Qualified Rape

1. When by reason or on occasion of the rape, a homicide

is committed. (1998, 2009 BAR)
2. When the victim is under 18 years of age and the
offender is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian,
relative by consanguinity or affinity within the 3rd civil

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 64
degree, or the common law spouse of the victim. penalty.

3. When the victim is under the custody of the police or Incestuous Rape
military authorities or any law enforcement or penal
institution. It refers to rape committed by an ascendant of the offended
woman. In incestuous rape of a minor, proof of force and
4. When rape is committed in full view of the husband, violence exerted by the offender is not essential. Moral
parent, any of the children, or other relatives within the ascendancy or parental authority of the accused over the
third civil degree of consanguinity. offended party takes the place of violence.

5. When the victim is engaged in a legitimate religious Statutory Rape

vocation or calling and is personally known to be such
by the offender before or after the commission of the Sexual intercourse with a girl below 16 years old is
crime. statutory rape. (As Amended by R.A. No. 11648)

6. When the victim is a child below 7 years old. Elements of Statutory Rape:

7. When the offender knows that he is inflicted with 1. That the offender had carnal knowledge of the victim;
HIV/AIDS or any other sexually transmissible disease and
and the virus or disease is transferred to the victim.
2. That the victim is below 16 years old or is demented;
8. When committed by any member of the AFP or (As amended by R.A. No. 11648)
paramilitary units thereof or the PNP or any law
enforcement agency or penal institution, when the XPN: Sweetheart Clause- There will be no criminal
offender took advantage of his position to facilitate the liability when on the part of a person having carnal
commission of the crime. knowledge of another person under 16 years of age
when the age difference between the parties is not
9. When by reason or on occasion of the rape, the victim more than 3 years, and the sexual act is proven to be
has suffered permanent physical mutilation or consensual, non-abusive, and non-exploitative. (Art.
disability. 266-A (1)(d), RPC, as amended by R.A. No. 11648)

10. When the offender knew of the pregnancy of the XPN to the XPN: When the woman is under 13 years of
offended party at the time of the commission of the age, the above exception shall not apply. (Ibid.)
Q: Suppose a 13-year-old retarded woman with mental
11. When the offender knew of the mental disability, capacity of a 5-year-old had sexual intercourse with a
emotional disorder, and/or physical handicap of the man, what is the crime committed?
offended party at the time of the commission of the
crime. (Art. 266-B, RPC) A: Statutory rape. Her mental and not only her
chronological age are considered. (People v. Manlapaz, G.R.
NOTE: The foregoing circumstances are in the nature of No. L-41819, 28 Feb. 1978)
qualifying aggravating circumstances which must be
specifically pleaded or alleged with certainty in the Testimony of Child Victims are Given Full Weight and
Information. Credit

Marital Rape There is no standard behavior expected of rape victims.

Depending on the circumstances and their personal and
Q: Can rape be committed by a husband? emotional situation, victims react differently. It is settled
jurisprudence that testimonies of child-victims are given
A: YES. Under the new law, the husband may be liable for full weight and credit, since when a woman, more so if she
marital rape, if his wife does not want to have sex with him. is a minor, says she has been raped, she says in effect all that
It is enough that there is indication of any amount of is necessary to show that rape was committed. Youth and
resistance as to make it rape. (People v. Jumawan, G.R. No. immaturity are generally badges of truth and sincerity.
187495, 21 Apr. 2014) (People of the Philippines vs. Renato Galuga y Wad-as, G.R.
No. 221428, February 13, 2019, J. Hernando)
Marital rape is recognized in Art. 266-C of the RPC which
provides that in case it is the legal husband who is the
offender, the subsequent forgiveness by the wife as the
offended party shall extinguish the criminal action or

65 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Sweetheart Defense in Rape Acts that Constitute Attempted Trafficking in Persons
where the Victim is a Child
As held in People v. Cabanilla, (G.R. No. 185839, 17 Nov.
2010) the sweetheart defense is an affirmative defense that 1. Facilitating the travel of a child who travels alone to a
must be supported by convincing proof. foreign country or territory without valid reason
therefor and without the required clearance or permit
A 'sweetheart defense,' to be credible, should be from the DSWD, or a written permit or justification
substantiated by some documentary or other evidence of from the child’s parent or legal guardian;
relationship such as notes, gifts, pictures, mementos and the
like. (People v. Quinto, G.R. No. 246460, 08 June 2020) 2. Executing, for a consideration, an affidavit of consent or
a written consent for adoption;
The sweetheart theory applies in acts of lasciviousness and 3. Recruiting a woman to bear a child for the purpose of
rape, felonies committed against or without the consent of selling the child;
the victim. It operates on the theory that the sexual act was 4. Simulating a birth for the purpose of selling the child;
consensual. It requires proof that the accused and the victim and
were lovers and that she consented to the sexual relations.
(People v. Udang, G.R. No. 210161, 10 Jan. 2018) 5. Soliciting a child and acquiring the custody thereof
through any means from among hospitals, clinics,
For purposes of sexual intercourse and lascivious conduct nurseries, daycare centers, refugee or evacuation
in child abuse cases under RA 7610, the sweetheart defense centers, and low-income families, for the purpose of
is unacceptable. A child exploited in prostitution or selling the child. (Sec. 4-A(2), R.A. No. 9208, as amended)
subjected to other sexual abuse cannot validly give consent
to sexual intercourse with another person. (Ibid.) b) ACTS THAT PROMOTE TRAFFICKING
Rape Shield Rule Sec. 5, R.A. No. 11862

The character of the woman is immaterial in rape. It is no Unlawful Acts

defense that the woman is of unchaste character, provided
the illicit relations were committed with force and violence. 1. Leasing or subleasing or allowing the use of a house,
building, vehicle, or any of their computer system or
1. ANTI-TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS other computer-related devices, or any of their digital
ACT OF 2003 platform and application, for the purpose of promoting
(R.A. No. 9208, as amended by R.A. No. 11862) trafficking in persons; (Sec. 5(a), R.A. No. 11862)

2. Producing or issuing fake government

certificates/stickers as regulatory or pre-departure
Sec. 4, R.A. No. 11862
requirements. (Sec. 5(b), , R.A. No. 11862)

3. Advertising, publishing, printing, broadcasting, or
distributing by any means of any materials that
1. The act of “recruitment, obtaining, hiring, providing,
promotes trafficking in persons; (Sec. 5(c), R.A. No. 9208)
offering, transportation transfer, maintaining,
harboring, or receipt of persons with or without the
4. Assisting in the commission of misrepresentation or
victim’s consent or knowledge, within or across
fraud to secure or acquire government clearances or
national borders;
necessary exit documents. (Sec. 5(d), R.A. No. 9208)

2. The means used include “by means of threat, or use

5. Facilitating, assisting, or helping persons with tampered
of force, or other forms of coercion, abduction,
or fraudulent travel documents in exiting or entering the
fraud, deception, abuse of power or of position,
Philippine (Sec. 5(e), R.A. No. 11862)
taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person,
or, the giving or receiving of payments or benefits
to achieve the consent of a person having control 6. Confiscating, concealing, or destroying the travel
over another person”; and passports or documents of trafficked persons for the
purpose of preventing them from leaving the country or
3. The purpose of trafficking includes “the seeking redress from the government. (Sec. 5(f), R.A. No.
exploitation or the prostitution of others or other 9208)
forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or
services, slavery, servitude, or the removal or sale
of organs.”(People v. Ramirez, G.R. No. 217978, 30
Jan. 2019)

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 66
7. Benefitting, financially or otherwise, from the labor or 9. When the crime has resulted in pregnancy;
services of a person held to a condition of involuntary
servitude, forced labor, or slavery; (Sec. 5(g), R.A. No. 10. When the trafficked person suffered mental or
9208) emotional disorder as a result of being victim of
trafficking; or
8. To tamper with, destroy, or cause the destruction of
evidence, or to influence or attempt to influence 11. When the act is committed by or through the use of ICT
witnesses, in an investigation or prosecution of a case or any computer system. (Sec. 6, R.A. No. 9208, as
under this Act; (Sec. 5(h), R.A. No. 9208) amended by R.A. No. 11862)

9. To destroy, conceal, remove, confiscate or possess, or NOTE: The offenses punished under Sec. 5 cannot be
attempt to destroy, conceal, remove, confiscate, or qualified by Sec. 6 as what the latter seeks to qualify is the
possess, any actual or purported passport or other act of trafficking and not the promotion of trafficking.
travel, or working document to prevent or restrict the (People v. Susan Sayo, G.R. No. 227704, 10 Apr. 2019)
person’s liberty to move or travel in order to maintain
the labor or services of that person; or (Sec. 5(i), R.A. No. 2. ANTI-VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR
9208) CHILDREN ACT OF 2004
(R.A. No. 9262)
10. To utilize his or her office to impede the investigation,
prosecution or execution of lawful orders in a case under
this Act. (Sec. 5(j), R.A. No. 9208)
(Sec. 3, R.A. No. 9262)

NOTE: Use of Trafficked Person is also punished under R.A.

No. 9208. (Sec. 11, R.A. No. 9208, as amended)

Those below 18 years of age or older but are incapable of

taking care of themselves. It includes the biological children
(SEC. 6, R.A. No. 11862)
of the victim and other children under her care. (Sec. 3(h),
R.A. No. 9262)
When are acts considered as Qualified Trafficking in
Four (4) Acts included under Sec. 3: (P-E-P-S)

1. When the trafficked person is a child;

1. Physical violence (Sec. 3(a)(A), R.A. No. 9262);
2. Economic abuse (Sec. 3(a)(D), R.A. No. 9262);
2. When the adoption is effected through R.A. No. 8043
3. Psychological violence (Sec. 3(a)(C), R.A. No. 9262); and
and said adoption is for the purpose of prostitution,
4. Sexual violence (Sec. 3(a)(B), R.A. No. 9262).
pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery,
involuntary servitude, or debt bondage;
Physical Violence

3. When the crime is committed by a syndicate, or in large

Refers to acts that include bodily or physical harm. (Sec.
3(a)(A), R.A. No. 9262)

4. When the offender is a spouse, an ascendant, parent,

Elements of the Crime of Violence against Women
sibling, guardian, or a person who exercises authority
through Harassment
over the trafficked person or when the offense is
committed by a public officer or employee;
1. The offender has or had a sexual or dating relationship
with the offended woman;
5. When the offender is a member of the military or law
2. The offender, by himself or through another, commits
enforcement agencies;
an act or series of acts of harassment against the
woman; and
6. Offended party dies, becomes insane, suffers mutilation
3. The harassment alarms or causes substantial emotional
or is afflicted with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
or psychological distress to her. (Ang v. CA, G.R. No.
(HIV) or the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
182835, 20 Apr. 2010)

Economic Abuse (2010 BAR)

7. When the offender, commits one or more acts of
trafficking under Sec. 4 over a period of at least 60 days,
Acts that make or attempt to make a woman financially
whether those days are continuous or not;
dependent (i.e., Withdrawal of financial support or
preventing the victim from engaging in any legitimate
8. When the trafficked person is a PWD;

67 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
profession, occupation, business, or activity, and etc.) (Sec. NOTE: The proper understanding of Sec. 5(e) of
3(a)(D), R.A. No. 9262) R.A. 9262, insofar as it deals with the deprivation,
or threat of deprivation, of financial support: There
Psychological Violence must be allegation and proof that the act was done
with the intent to control or restrict the woman's
Acts or omissions causing or likely to cause mental or and/or her child's or her children's actions or
emotional suffering of the victim (i.e. intimidation, decisions, consistent with the letter of Section 5(e)
harassment, stalking, marital infidelity, public ridicule, etc.). itself. (People v. Acharon, G.R. No. 224946, 09 Nov.
(Sec. 3(a)(C), R.A. No. 9262) 2021)

Sexual Violence f. Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical harm on

oneself for the purpose of controlling her actions or
An act, which is sexual in nature, committed against a decisions. (Sec. 5(f), R.A. No. 9262)
woman or her child (i.e., Rape, sexual harassment, acts of
lasciviousness, acts causing or attempting to cause the g. Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her
victim to engage in sexual activity, prostituting the woman child to engage in any sexual activity which does not
or child, and etc.) (Sec. 3(a)(B), R.A. No. 9262) constitute rape, by force or threat of force, physical
harm, or through intimidation directed against the
b) ACTS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN woman or her child or her/his immediate family. (Sec.
AND THEIR CHILDREN 5(g), R.A. No. 9262)
(Sec. 5, R.A. No. 9262)
h. Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct,
Punishable Acts: personally or through another, that alarms or causes
substantial emotional or psychological distress to the
The crime of violence against women and their children is woman or her child. This shall include, but not limited
committed through any of the following acts: to, the following acts:

a. Causing physical harm to the woman or her child. i. Stalking or following the woman or her child in
(Sec. 5(a), R.A. No. 9262) public or private places;
b. Threatening to cause the woman or her child physical
harm. (Sec. 5(b), R.A. No. 9262) ii. Peering in the window or lingering outside the
c. Attempting to cause the woman or her child physical residence of the woman or her child;
harm. (Sec. 5(c), R.A. No. 9262)
d. Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent iii. Entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the
physical harm. (Sec. 5(d), R.A. No. 9262) property of the woman or her child against
her/his will;
e. Acts committed with the purpose or effect of iv. Destroying the property and personal belongings
controlling or restricting the woman's or her child's or inflicting harm to animals or pets of the
movement or conduct, which includes but not limited woman or her child; and
to the following:
v. Engaging in any form of harassment or violence.
i. Threatening to deprive or actually depriving (Sec. 5(h), R.A. No. 9262)
the woman or her child of custody to her/his
family; i. Causing mental or emotional anguish, public
ridicule, or humiliation to the woman or her child,
ii. Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman including, but not limited to, repeated verbal and
or her children of financial support legally due emotional abuse, and denial of financial support or
her or her family, or deliberately providing the custody of minor children of access to the woman's
woman's children insufficient financial child/children. (Sec. 5(i), R.A. No. 9262)
iii. Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman Elements to Establish Violation of Sec. 5(i) insofar
or her child of a legal right; as it deals with Denial of Financial Support:

iv. Preventing the woman in engaging in any 1. The offended party is a woman and/or her child or
legitimate profession, occupation, business, or children;
activity or controlling the victim's own money 2. The woman is either:
or properties, or solely controlling the conjugal a. The offender’s wife; or
or common money, or properties. (Sec. 5(e), R.A. b. The offender’s former wife; or
No. 9262) c. Is a woman with whom the offender has or
had a sexual or dating relationship; or

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 68
d. Is a woman with whom such offender has NOTE: VAWC shall be considered a public offense which
a common child. may be prosecuted upon the filing of a complaint by any
citizen having personal knowledge of the circumstances
3. The offender willfully refuses to give or consciously involving the commission of the crime. (Sec. 25, R.A. No.
denies the woman and/or her child or children 9262)
financial support that is legally due her and/or her
child or children; and Acts of Violence as a Transitory or Continuing Crime

4. The offender denied the woman and/or her child The law contemplates that the acts of violence against
or children the financial support for the purpose of women and their children may manifest as transitory or
causing the woman and/or her child or children continuing crimes. Even if the alleged extra marital affair
mental or emotional anguish. (People v. Acharon, causing the offended wife mental and emotional anguish is
G.R. No. 224946, 09 Nov. 2021) committed abroad, the same does not place a prosecution
under R.A. No. 9262 absolutely beyond the reach of
Sec. 5(e) v. Sec. 5(i) Philippine courts. (AAA v. BBB, G.R. No. 212448, 11 Jan. 2018)

The Supreme Court in the landmark case of People v.

Acharon (G.R. No. 224946, 09 Nov. 2021) abandoned its Q: AAA had a romantic relationship with Melgar, which
previous rulings that a person charged with a violation of resulted in the birth of BBB, an illegitimate child.
Sec. 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262 may be convicted of violating Sec. Melgar freely acknowledged the paternity of BBB.
5(e) by applying the variance doctrine. However, AAA's relationship with Melgar turned sour
as the latter had an affair with a younger woman. When
The portions of Secs. 5(e) and 5(i) that deal with denial or BBB was just about one year old, Melgar stopped giving
deprivation of financial support punish different things. support, prompting AAA to file a case for support, which
was eventually granted. This, notwithstanding, Melgar
Sec. 5(e) punishes the deprivation of financial support for still refused to give support for her and BBB. As such,
the purpose of controlling the woman or to make her AAA was constrained to file the instant criminal case
and/or her child or children lose their agency. against Melgar.

On the other hand, Section 5(i), punishes the willful a. Is Melgar liable for violation of Sec. 5(e) of R.A. No.
infliction of mental or emotional anguish, or public ridicule 9262?
or humiliation upon the woman and/or her child or
children by denying her and/or her child or children A: YES. Melgar is liable for the violation of Sec. 5(e) of R.A.
financial support that is legally due her and/or her child or No. 9262 for his refusal to provide support to his child.
R.A. No. 9262 is a landmark legislation that defines and
“Failure” to Provide Financial Support is Not Enough criminalizes acts of VAWC perpetrated by women's
intimate partners, i.e., husband, former husband, or any
Mere failure or one's inability to provide financial support person who has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or
is not sufficient for a conviction under Sec. 5(e) and Sec. 5(i). with whom the woman has a common child, or against her
child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or without
Those entitled to support and are not given any have the the family abode, which result in or is likely to result in, inter
remedy of filing a civil case for support against the alia, economic abuse. As may be gathered from the
delinquent person, consistent with the provisions of the foregoing, "economic abuse" may include the deprivation of
Civil Code and the Family Code. support of a common child of the man-accused and the
woman-victim, whether such common child is legitimate or
To be liable under the penal provisions of R.A. 9262, not. (Melgar v. People, G.R. No. 223477, 14 Feb. 2018)
therefore, it is necessary to allege and prove the existence
of the facts that qualify the act of denial or deprivation of b. Is Melgar liable for violation of Sec. 5(i) of R.A. No.
financial support from one in which mere civil liability may 9262?
arise to one where a person may be criminally liable. (Ibid)
A: NO. Melgar is not liable for violation of Sec. 5(i) of R.A.
Prescriptive Period No. 9262 since it cannot be proven that his deprivation of
support caused mental and emotional anguish. In this case,
1. Acts falling under Nos. 1-6 shall prescribe in 20 years. while the prosecution had established that Melgar indeed
2. Acts falling under Nos. 7-9 shall prescribe in 10 years. deprived AAA and BBB of support, no evidence was
(Sec. 24, R.A. No. 9262) presented to show that such deprivation caused either AAA
or BBB any mental or emotional anguish.

69 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Sec. 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262, a form of psychological violence, Battered Woman Syndrome as a Proper Defense
punishes the act of "causing mental or emotional anguish,
public ridicule or humiliation to the woman or her child, Victim-survivors who are found by the courts to be
including, but not limited to, repeated verbal and emotional suffering from battered woman syndrome DO NOT incur
abuse, and denial of financial support or custody of minor any criminal and civil liability notwithstanding the absence
children or denial of access to the woman's child/children." of any of the elements for justifying circumstances of self-
(Melgar v. People, G.R. No. 223477, 14 Feb. 2018) defense under the RPC. (Sec. 26, R.A. No. 9262)


Secs. 8-16, R.A. No. 9262 (R.A. No. 9775)

Kinds of Protection Orders

(Sec. 3, R.A. No. 9775)
1. Barangay Protection Orders (BPO)- shall be effective
for 15 days (Sec. 14, R.A. No. 9262)
Child as contemplated under R.A. No. 9775
2. Temporary Protection Orders (TPO)- shall be
effective for shall be 30 days. (Sec. 15, R.A. No. 9262)
Child refers to a person:
3. Permanent Protection Orders (PPO)- shall be
effective until revoked by a court upon application of
1. BELOW 18 years of age; or
the person in whose favor the order was issued. (Sec.
16, R.A. No. 9262)
2. OVER 18 years of age but is unable to fully take care
of himself/herself from abuse, neglect, cruelty,
exploitation or discrimination because of a physical
or mental disability or condition. (Sec. 3(a)(1),
Sec. 26, R.A. No. 9262

"Battered Woman Syndrome"

A child shall also refer to:

Refers to a scientifically defined pattern of psychological

1. A person, regardless of age, who is presented, depicted
and behavioral symptoms found in women living in
or portrayed as a child as defined herein; or
battering relationships as a result of cumulative abuse. (Sec.
3(c), R.A. No. 9262)
2. Computer-generated, digitally or manually crafted
images or graphics of a person who is represented or
Cycle of Violence (2010 BAR)
who is made to appear to be a child as defined herein.
(Sec. 3(a)(2), R.A. No. 9775)
The battered woman syndrome is characterized by the so-
called cycle of violence, which has 3 phases: (T-A-T)
(Sec. 4, R.A. No. 9775)
1. Tension-building phase;
2. Acute battering incident; and
a. To hire, employ, use, persuade, induce or coerce a child
3. Tranquil, loving (or at least non-violent) phase.
to perform in the creation or production of any form of
child pornography;
NOTE: To be classified as a battered woman, the couple
must go through the battering cycle at least twice. (People
b. To produce, direct, manufacture or create any form of
v. Genosa, G.R. No. 135981, 15 Jan. 2004)
child pornography;

Women Who Can Avail of BWS as a Defense

c. To publish, offer, transmit, sell, distribute, broadcast,
advertise, promote, export, or import any form of child
1. Wife;
2. Former wife;
3. A woman with whom the person has or had a
d. To possess any form of child pornography with the
sexual or dating relationship; and
intent to sell, distribute, publish, or broadcast;

NOTE: The “dating relationship” that the law

NOTE: Possession of three (3) or more articles of child
contemplates can exist even without a sexual
pornography of the same form shall be prima facie
intercourse taking place between those involved.
evidence of the intent to sell, distribute, publish or
4. A woman with whom he has a common child, or
against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate,
within or without the family abode.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 70
e. To knowingly, willfully and intentionally provide a b) CHILD PROSTITUTION AND
venue for the commission of prohibited acts. OTHER SEXUAL ABUSE
f. For film distributors, theaters and telecommunication (SEC. 5, R.A. No. 7610, as amended by
companies to distribute any form of child pornography; R.A. No. 11648)
g. For a parent, legal guardian or person having custody
of a child to knowingly permit the child to engage in any Persons Liable under Sec. 5, R.A. No. 7610 (As Amended
form of child pornography; by R.A. No. 11648)
h. To engage in the luring or grooming of a child;
i. To engage in pandering of any form of child 1. Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or induce
pornography; child prostitution;
j. To conspire to commit any of the prohibited acts stated
in Sec. 4; 2. Those who commit the act of sexual intercourse or
lascivious conduct with a child exploited in prostitution
4. SPECIAL PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AGAINST CHILD or subjected to other sexual abuse.
R.A. No. 7610, as amended NOTE: When the victim is under 16 years of age, the
perpetrators shall be prosecuted under Art. 335(3) for
rape and Article 336 of the RPC, for rape, or lascivious
conduct, as the case may be
Sec. 3, R.A. No. 7610

NOTE: The penalty for lascivious conduct when the

Children as understood under R.A. 7610
victim is under 16 years of age shall be reclusion
temporal in its medium period; and
Children refer to:

3. Any person who shall derive any profit or advantage

1. Persons below 18 years of age; or
therefrom, whether as manager or owner of the
2. Those over but are unable to fully take care of
establishment where the prostitution takes place.
themselves or protect themselves from abuse, neglect,
cruelty, exploitation, or discrimination because of a
“Children exploited in prostitution” under R.A. No. 7610
physical or mental disability or condition. (Sec. 3(a),
R.A. No. 7610)
The phrase "children exploited in prostitution"
contemplates four (4) scenarios:
Child Abuse (2004 BAR)

1. a child, whether male or female, who for money, profit

The maltreatment, whether habitual or not, of the child
or any other consideration, indulges in lascivious
which includes any of the following:
2. a female child, who for money, profit or any other
1. Psychological and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty,
consideration, indulges in sexual intercourse;
sexual abuse, and emotional maltreatment; (2002,
3. a child, whether male or female, who due to the
2005 BAR)
coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group,
indulges in lascivious conduct; and
2. Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or
4. a female, due to the coercion or influence of any adult,
demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a
syndicate or group, indulge in sexual intercourse.
human being;

Effect of the R.A. No. 11648 in the Prosecution Acts of

3. Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for
survival, such as food and shelter; or

Under the Tulagan guidelines, if the victim is less than 12

4. Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an
years of age at that time, the crime would fall under Art. 336
injured child resulting in serious impairment of his
in relation to Sec. 5 of R.A. No. 7610, if the act is covered by
growth and development or in his permanent
act of lasciviousness. But if the act committed is covered by
incapacity or death. (Sec. 3(b), R.A. No. 7610) (2002
sexual assault under the RPC, the crime is denominated as
violation of sexual assault in relation to Sec. 5(b) of R.A. No.
7610. While if the perpetrators act involves acts of
lasciviousness, it makes reference to Art 336 in relation to
Sec. 5(b).

71 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Prior to the Tulagan case, any act of sexual assault or acts of
lasciviousness is denominated as Lascivious Conduct within
the concept of Sec. 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610.

The amendments brought about by R.A No. 11648 seem to

have an effect of reverting to the interpretation prior to the
guidelines set by People v. Tulagan (supra), that there is no
more distinction whether the act constitutes sexual assault
or lascivious conduct and will now be denominated as
lascivious conduct under Art. 336 of the RPC in relation to
Sec. 5(b), if the victim is under 16 years old. However, if the
victim is 16 years old or below 18, or 18 under special
circumstances, the crime is now lascivious conduct under
Sec. 5(b) of R.A No. 7610 punishable by reclusion temporal
medium to reclusion perpetua (Peralta, 2022)

NOTE: See the table on the next page as regards prosecution

of the crime of rape and acts of lasciviousness under the RPC
and R.A No. 7610.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 72

Under 16 years old or demented (as 16 years old or below 18, or 18 under
18 years old and above
amended by R.A No. 11648) special circumstances
Acts of Lasciviousness committed against children exploited in prostitution or other sexual abuse

Acts of Lasciviousness under Art. 336 of

Lascivious conduct under Sec. 5(b) of
the RPC in relation to Sec. 5(b) of R.A.
R.A. No. 7610: reclusion temporal in its Not applicable
No. 7610: reclusion temporal in its
medium period to reclusion perpetua
medium period

Sexual Assault committed against children exploited in prostitution or other sexual abuse
Acts of Lasciviousness under Art. 336 of
Lascivious conduct under Sec. 5(b) of
the RPC in relation to Sec. 5(b) of R.A.
R.A. No. 7610: reclusion temporal in its Not applicable
No. 7610: reclusion temporal in its
medium period to reclusion perpetua
medium period
Sexual Intercourse committed against children exploited in prostitution or other sexual abuse

Rape under Art. 266-A (1) of the RPC:

Sexual abuse under Sec. 5(b) of R.A. No.
reclusion perpetua, except when the
7610: reclusion temporal in its medium Not applicable
victim is below 7 years old in which
period to reclusion perpetua
death penalty shall be imposed

Rape by Carnal Knowledge

Rape under Art. 266-A in relation to Art.
266-B of the RPC: reclusion perpetua,
except when the victim is below 7 years
old in which case death penalty shall be

Provided, that there shall be no criminal

liability on the part of the person having
carnal knowledge of another person
under 16 years of age when the age
difference between the parties is not
more than 3 years, and the sexual act in
question is proven to be consensual,
non-abusive, and non-exploitative:

Provided, further, that if the victim is

under 13 years of age, this exception Rape under Art. 266-A in relation to Art. Rape under Art. 266-A of the RPC:
shall not apply. 266-B of the RPC: reclusion perpetua reclusion perpetua

NB: If the carnal knowledge is with

consent but is committed with deceit,
the accused shall be liable for simple
seduction under Art. 338, as amended
by R.A. No. 11648, punished by arresto

If seduction is committed by any person

in public authority, priest, home-
servant, domestic, guardian, teacher, or
any person who, in any capacity, shall
be entrusted with the education or
custody of the minor seduced, shall be
punished by prision correctional in its
minimum and medium periods. The

73 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
penalty next higher in degree shall be
imposed upon any person who shall
seduce his sister or descendant,
whether or not she be a virgin or over
18 years of age.
Rape by Sexual Assault
Acts of Lasciviousness under Art. 336 of
Lascivious conduct under Sec. 5(b) of
the RPC in relation to Sec. 5(b) of R.A. Sexual assault under Art. 266-A(2) of
R.A. No. 7610: reclusion temporal in its
No. 7610: reclusion temporal in its the RPC: prision mayor
medium period to reclusion perpetua
medium period
(Peralta, 2022)

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 74
(Sec. 6, R.A. No. 7610) INDECENT SHOWS
Sec. 9, R.A. No. 7610, as amended
Instances when There is an Attempt to Commit Child
Prostitution Persons Liable for Obscene Publications and Indecent
1. Any person who, not being a relative of a child, is
found alone with the said child inside the room or Any person who shall hire, employ, use, persuade, induce,
cubicle of a house, an inn, hotel, motel, pension house, or coerce a child to perform in, obscene exhibitions and
apartelle or other similar establishments, vessel, indecent shows, whether live or in video, or model in
vehicle or any other hidden or secluded area under obscene publications or pornographic materials, or to sell
circumstances which would lead a reasonable person or distribute the said materials shall suffer the penalty of
to believe that the child is about to be exploited in prision mayor in its medium period.
prostitution and other sexual abuse.
If the child used as a performer, subject, or
2. Any person is receiving services from a child in a seller/distributor is under 18 years of age, the penalty
sauna, parlor or bath, massage clinic, health club and shall be imposed in its maximum period. (Sec. 9, R.A. No.
other similar establishments. (Sec. 6, R.A. No. 7610) 7610, amended by R.A. No. 11648)


(Sec. 7, RA 7610, as amended by R.A. No. 11648) Sec. 12, R.A. No. 7610 as amended by
R.A. No. 9231
Persons Liable for Child Trafficking
Employment of Children
Any person who shall engage in trading and dealing with
children including, but not limited to, the act of buying and GR: No child below 15 years of age may be employed.
selling of a child for money, or for any other consideration,
or barter. Shall suffer the penalty of reclusion temporal to XPNs:
reclusion perpetua. The penalty shall be imposed in its 1. When a child works directly under the sole
maximum period when the victim is under sixteen (16) responsibility of his parents or legal guardian and
years of age. (Sec. 7, R.A. No. 7610, amended by R.A. No. where only members of the employer's family are
11648) employed: Provided, however, that his/her
employment neither endangers his/her life, safety
e) ATTEMPT TO COMMIT CHILD TRAFFICKING and health and morals, nor impairs his/her
Sec. 8, R.A. No. 7610 normal development: Provided, further, That the
parent or legal guardian shall provide the said
Attempt to Commit Child Trafficking child with the prescribed primary and/or
secondary education; or
There is an attempt to commit child trafficking:
2. When a child's employment or participation in
1. When a child travels alone to a foreign country without public entertainment or information through
valid reason therefor and without clearance issued by cinema, theater, radio, television or other forms of
the DSWD or written permit or justification from the media is essential: Provided, the employment
child's parents or legal guardian; contract concluded by the child's parent or
guardian, with the express agreement of the child
2. When a person, agency, establishment or child-caring concerned, if possible, and the approval of the
institution recruits women or couples to bear children DOLE;
for the purpose of child trafficking;
a. The employer shall ensure the protection,
3. When a doctor, hospital or clinic official or employee, health, safety, morals, and normal
nurse, midwife, local civil registrar or any other development of the child;
person simulates birth for the purpose of child b. The employer shall institute measures to
trafficking; or prevent the child's exploitation or
discrimination; and
4. When a person engages in the act of finding children c. The employer shall formulate and
among low-income families, hospitals, clinics, implement, subject to the approval and
nurseries, day-care centers, or other child-caring supervision of competent authorities, a
institutions who can be offered for the purpose of child continuing program for training and skill
trafficking. (Sec. 8, R.A. No. 7610) acquisition of the child. (Sec. 12, R.A. No. 7610,

75 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
(R.A. No. 11648)
(SEC. 3, R.A. No. 11596) a) AMENDMENT ON RAPE
Sec. 1, R.A. No. 11648
Child Marriage
NOTE: See page 64 for discussion on Rape
Refers to any marriage entered into where one or both
parties are children, and solemnized in civil or church b) AMENDMENT ON QUALIFIED SEDUCTION
proceedings, or in any recognized traditional, cultural or Sec. 2, R.A. No. 11648
customary manner. It shall include an informal union or
cohabitation outside of wedlock between an adult and a NOTE: See page 86 for discussion on qualified seduction
child, or between children. (Sec. 3(b), R.A. No. 11596)


Arts. 267-292
Unlawful Acts

1. Facilitation of Child Marriage;

Persons Liable:
ART. 267, RPC
a. Any person who causes, fixes, facilitates, or
arranges a child marriage; and
Elements of Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention
(P-L-I-C) (2006 BAR)
b. Any person who produces, prints, issues and/or
distributes fraudulent or tampered documents
1. Offender is a Private individual who is not any of the
such as birth certificates, affidavits of delayed
parents of the victim;
registration of birth and/or foundling certificates
for the purpose of misrepresenting the age of a
NOTE: If the offender is a public officer who has the
child to facilitate child marriage. (Sec. 4(a), R.A. No.
authority to arrest or detain a person, the crime
committed is Arbitrary Detention.

2. Solemnization of Child Marriage -Committed by any

2. He kidnaps or detains another, or in any other manner
person who performs or officiates a child marriage.
deprives the latter of his Liberty;
(Sec. 4(b), R.A. No. 11596)

3. Act of detention or kidnapping must be Illegal; and

3. Cohabitation of an Adult with a Child Outside
Wedlock - Committed by an adult partner who
4. In the commission of the offense, any of the following
cohabits with a child outside wedlock. (Sec. 4(c), R.A.
Circumstances is present: (2009 BAR)
No. 11596)

a. Kidnapping or detention lasts for more than 3

NOTE: If the perpetrator for these unlawful acts is a public
days; (2014 BAR)
officer, he or she shall likewise be dismissed from the
b. It is committed Simulating public authority;
service and may be perpetually disqualified from holding
c. Any Serious physical injuries are inflicted upon
office, at the discretion of the courts. (Ibid.)
the person kidnapped or detained or threats to kill
him are made; or
d. The person kidnapped or detained is a Minor,
Sec. 5, R.A. No. 11596
Female, or a public Officer. (1991, 2005 BAR)

The foregoing unlawful and prohibited acts are deemed

Essence of the Crime of Kidnapping
public crimes and be initiated by any concerned individual.
(Sec. 5, R.A. No. 11596)
The actual deprivation of the victim’s liberty, coupled with
the intent of the accused to effect it. (People v. Jacalne, G.R.
No. 168552, 03 Oct. 2011)

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 76
Ransom the Circumstances enumerated in Art. 267.

The money, price or consideration paid or demanded for NOTE: If there is a demand for ransom, the penalty is
the redemption of a captured person or persons, the Reclusion Perpetua to death just like when what was
payment of which releases them from captivity. committed was serious illegal detention and a demand for
ransom was made.
No specific form of ransom is required to consummate the
felony of kidnapping for ransom, as long as the ransom was Effect of the Voluntary Release of the Victim on the
intended as a bargaining chip in exchange for the victim’s Criminal Liability of the Kidnappers (1997, 2004 BAR)
freedom. (People v. Jatulan, GR. No. 171653, 24 Apr. 2007)
If the offender: (3-B-W)
Qualifying Circumstances of the Crime of Kidnapping
and Serious Illegal Detention (Ran-Di-Rap-Tor) 1. Voluntarily releases the person so kidnapped or
detained within 3 days from the commencement of the
1. If the purpose of the kidnapping is to extort Ransom; detention;
2. Without having attained the purpose intended; and
NOTE: If the victim is kidnapped and illegally detained 3. Before the institution of criminal proceedings against
for the purpose of extorting ransom, the duration of him, his liability is mitigated.
his detention is immaterial. (People v. Ramos, G.R. No.
178039 19 Jan. 2011) UNLAWFUL ARREST
ART. 269, RPC
2. When the victim is killed or Dies as a consequence of
the detention; Elements of Unlawful Arrest: (A-D-Not)
3. When the victim is Raped; or
4. When the victim is subjected to Torture or 1. Offender Arrests or detains another person;
dehumanizing acts. 2. Purpose of the offender is to Deliver him to the proper
authorities; and
NOTE: If the victim is a woman or a public officer, the 3. Arrest or detention is Not authorized by law or there
detention is always serious no matter how short the period is no reasonable ground therefor.
of detention is.
NOTE: In unlawful arrest, the illegal detention is only
Special Complex Crimes that May Arise in Kidnapping incidental. However, if it is arbitrary detention, it is the
unlawful arrest which is incidental.
1. Kidnapping with murder or homicide;
Essence of the Crime of Unlawful Arrest
NOTE: Homicide is used in the generic sense and
includes murder because the killing is not treated as a The arrest must be made for the purpose of delivering the
separate crime but a qualifying circumstance. person arrested to the proper authorities but it was made
without any reasonable grounds therefor.
2. Kidnapping with rape; or
3. Kidnapping with physical injuries. NOTE: If the purpose is not to deliver the person to the
proper authorities, the crime could be Illegal Detention
Kidnapping vs. Forcible Abduction under Art. 267 or 268 of the RPC since the person arrested
would necessarily be deprived of his liberty.
At the outset, the intention At the outset, the taking of Persons Liable under this Article
of the offender is merely to the victim is coupled with
detain the victim. lewd designs. Offender is any person, whether a public officer or a
private individual. However, the public officer must not be
SLIGHT ILLEGAL DETENTION vested with the authority to arrest or detain a person or
ART. 268, RPC must not act in his official capacity. Otherwise, Art. 124
(Arbitrary Detention) is applicable and not Art. 269.
Elements of Slight Illegal Detention (P-I-C-K)

1. Offender is a Private individual;

2. He Kidnaps or detains another, or in any other manner
deprives him of his liberty;
3. Act of kidnapping or detention is Illegal; and
4. Crime is committed without the attendance of any of

77 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
ART. 280, RPC
Elements of Qualified Trespass to Dwelling: (P-E-A) As to its Essence
(2002, 2009 BAR) Essence of threat is Essence of coercion is
intimidation. violence or intimidation.
1. Offender is a Private person; As to the Nature of the Threatened Harm
2. He Enters the dwelling of another; and The threatened harm or
3. Such entrance is Against the latter’s will. wrong is actual, imminent
The threatened harm or and immediate. There is
OTHER FORMS OF TRESPASS wrong is future and no condition involved;
ART. 281, RPC conditional. hence, there is no futurity
in the harm or wrong
Elements of Other Forms of Trespass: done.
As to Whom the Threatened Wrong or
1. Offenders enter the closed premises or the fenced Harm is Directed
estate of another; The threatened harm or The threatened harm or
wrong may be directed wrong is personal and is
NOTE: The term premises signifies distinct and against the victim or directed only against the
definite locality. It may mean a room, shop, building or his/her family victim
definite area, but in either case, locality is fixed.
2. Entrance is made while either of them is uninhabited; ART. 283, RPC

NOTE: A place is said to be uninhabited if there is no Elements of Light Threats (T-No-De-Pu)

one living on such place.
1. Offender makes a Threat to commit a wrong;
3. Prohibition to enter is manifest; and 2. The wrong does Not constitute a crime;
4. Trespasser has not secured the permission of the 3. There is a Demand for money or that other condition
owner or the caretaker thereof. is imposed, even though lawful; and
4. Offender has attained or has not attained his Purpose.
ART. 282, RPC NOTE: Light threat is in the nature of blackmailing.

Punishable Acts Grave Threats vs. Light Threats

1. Threatening another with the infliction upon his GRAVE THREATS LIGHT THREATS
person, honor, or property, or that of his family of any
As to the Acts Threatened to be Committed
wrong amounting to a crime and demanding money or
When the wrong
imposing any other condition even though not When the wrong
threatened to be inflicted
unlawful, and the offender attained his purpose; threatened to be inflicted
does not amount to a
amounts to a crime.
2. By making such threat without the offender attaining
As to the Existence of a Condition
his purpose; and
May or may not be
accompanied by a
3. By threatening another with the infliction upon his Always accompanied by a
condition. (3rd punishable
person, honor or property or that of his family of any condition.
act is not subject to a
wrong amounting to a crime, the threat, not being
subject to a condition.


ART. 285, RPC

Punishable Acts

1. Threatening another with a weapon, or by drawing

such weapon in a quarrel, unless it be in lawful self-

NOTE: Here, the weapon must not be discharged.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 78
2. Orally threatening another, in the heat of anger, with Unjust Vexation (1994, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 BAR)
some harm constituting a crime, without persisting in
the idea involved in his threat; and Unjust vexation is any act committed without violence but
which unjustifiably annoys or vexes an innocent person.
3. Orally threatening to do another any harm not
constituting a felony. 1. CYBERCRIME PREVENTION ACT OF 2012
R.A. No. 10175
Other Light Threats vs. Grave Threats

Sec. 4, R.A. No. 10175
ART. 285, RPC ART. 282, RPC
The threat is made in the The threat is made with
1. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity, and
heat of anger, and the the deliberate purpose of
availability of computer data and systems:
subsequent acts of the creating in the mind of the
accused showed that he person threatened the
a. Illegal access
did not persist in the idea belief that the threats will
b. Illegal Interception
involved in his threat. be carried into effect.
c. Data Interference
(U.S. v. Paguirigan, G.R. No. 5348, 16 Nov. 1909) d. System Interference
e. Misuse of Devices
GRAVE COERCIONS f. Cyber-squatting – The acquisition of a domain
ART. 286, RPC name over the internet in bad faith to profit,
mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive others
Elements of Grave Coercion: (1998, 1999, 2009 BAR) from registering the same, if such a domain name
is: (2019 BAR)

1. A person Prevented another from doing something 2. Computer-Related Offenses

not prohibited by law, or that he compelled him to do a. Computer-related Forgery
something against his will, be it right or wrong; b. Computer-related Fraud.
c. Computer-related Identity Theft
2. Prevention or compulsion be effected by Violence,
Threats or Intimidation; and 3. Content-Related Offenses –

NOTE: The threat must be present, clear, imminent

a. Cybersex –
and actual. Such threat cannot be made in writing or b. Child Pornography
through a middle man. c. Unsolicited Commercial Communications –

3. Person that restrained the will and liberty of another NOTE: This was declared unconstitutional by the
has No authority of law or the right to do so.
SC and held that to prohibit the transmission of
unsolicited ads would deny a person the right to
LIGHT COERCION read his emails, even unsolicited commercial ads
ART. 287, RPC addressed to him. Unsolicited advertisements are
legitimate forms of expression. (Disini v. Secretary
Elements of Light Coercion: (Cre-Se-Vi-P) of Justice, supra.)

1. Offender must be a Creditor; d. Libel (2022 BAR)— The unlawful or prohibited

2. He Seizes anything belonging to his debtor; acts of libel as defined in Art. 355 of the RPC, as
3. Seizure of the thing be accomplished by means of amended, committed through a computer system
Violence or a display of material force producing or any other similar means which may be devised
intimidation; and
in the future. (Sec. 4, R.A. No. 10175)
4. Purpose of the offender is to apply the same to the
Payment of the debt.
(Sec. 5, R.A. No. 10175)

Other Offenses

1. Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of Cybercrime

2. Attempt in the Commission of Cybercrime

79 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
NOTE: The Supreme Court declared void for being ROBBERY WITH VIOLENCE AGAINST OR
unconstitutional the following provisions of R.A. No. INTIMIDATION OF PERSONS
10175: ART. 294, RPC

1. Sec. 4(c)(3) which penalizes posting of unsolicited Punishable Acts under Art. 294, RPC (2000, 2005, 2010
commercial communications; BAR)
2. Sec. 12 which authorizes the collection or recording of
traffic data in real-time; 1. When by reason or on occasion of the robbery the
3. Sec. 19 which authorizes the Department of Justice to crime of homicide is committed;
restrict or block access to suspected Computer Data;
4. Sec. 4(c)(4) with respect to persons who simply 2. When the robbery is accompanied by:
receive the post and react to it; and a. Rape;
5. Sec. 5 with respect to Secs. 4(c)(2) on Child b. Intentional mutilation; or
Pornography, 4(c)(3) on Unsolicited Commercial c. Arson
Communications, and 4(c)(4) on online Libel. (Disini
v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No. 203335, 18 Feb. 2014) 3. When by reason or on the occasion of such robbery,
any of the physical injuries resulting in:
a. Insanity;
Arts. 293-332 c. Impotency; or
d. Blindness is inflicted

4. When by reason or on the occasion of robbery, any of

the physical injuries resulting in the:
ART. 293, RPC
a. Loss of the use of speech;
b. Loss of the power to hear or to smell;
Classification of Robbery
c. Loss of an eye, a hand, a foot, an arm or a leg;
d. Loss of the use of any of such member; or
1. Robbery with violence against, or intimidation of
e. Incapacity for the work in which the injured
persons (Arts. 294, 297, and 298, RPC);
person is theretofore habitually engaged is
2. Robbery by the use of force upon things. (Arts. 299 and
302, RPC)

5. If the violence or intimidation employed in the

Elements of Robbery in General (1992, 1996, 2002,
commission of the robbery is carried to a degree
2005 BAR) (P-U-I-V)
clearly unnecessary for the commission of the crime;

1. There is Personal property belonging to another;

6. When in the course of its execution, the offender shall
2. There is Unlawful taking of that property;
have inflicted upon any person not responsible for the
3. Taking must be with Intent to gain; and
commission of the robbery any of the physical injuries
4. There is Violence against or intimidation of any
in consequence of which the person injured:
person or force upon things.
a. Becomes deformed;
b. Loses any other member of his body;
NOTE: For the appellant to be guilty of consummated
c. Loses the use thereof;
robbery, there must be incontrovertible proof that
d. Becomes ill or incapacitated for the
property was taken from the victim. The appellant is guilty
performance of the work in which he is
of attempted robbery only when he commences the
habitually engaged for more than 90 days; or
commission of robbery directly by overt acts and does not
perform all the acts of execution which would produce
e. Becomes ill or incapacitated for labor for more
robbery by reason of some causes or accident other than
than 30 days.
his own spontaneous desistance.

7. If the violence employed by the offender does not

cause any of the serious physical injuries defined in
Art. 263, or if the offender employs intimidation only.

NOTE: The crime defined in this article is a special complex

crime. Art. 48 does not apply.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 80
Robbery with Homicide (2009, 2014, 2022 BAR) ROBBERY WITH ARSON
R.A. NO. 7659
Elements: (Ta-B-A-Ho)
Commission of Composite Crime
1. The Taking of personal property with violence or
intimidation against persons; The composite crime would only be committed if the
2. The property taken Belongs to another; primordial intent of the offender is to commit robbery and
3. The taking was done with Animo lucrandi; and there is no killing, rape, or intentional mutilation
4. On the occasion of the robbery or by reason thereof, committed by the offender during the robbery. Otherwise,
Homicide was committed. (People v. Baccay, G.R. No. the crime would be robbery with homicide, or robbery
120366, 16 Jan. 1998; People v. Mantung, G.R. No. with rape, or robbery with intentional mutilation, in that
130372, 20 July 1999) order and the arson would only be an aggravating
NOTE: Homicide as used in Art. 294(1) is to be understood
in its generic sense as to include parricide and murder. ROBBERY COMMITTED BY A BAND
ART. 296, RPC
Intent to Commit Robbery must Precede the Killing
Robbery Committed by a Band (2010 BAR)
The offender must have the intent to take personal
property before the killing. Robbery is committed by a band when at least four (4)
armed malefactors take part in the commission of a
No Crime of Robbery with Multiple Homicide (1995, robbery.
2007, 2009 BAR)
There is no crime of robbery with multiple homicide under ART. 306, RPC
the RPC. The crime is robbery with homicide
notwithstanding the number of homicides committed on Brigandage (HRV-4-Band)
the occasion of the robbery and even if murder, physical
injuries, and rape were also committed on the same There is brigandage when the following requisites are
occasion. (People v. Hijada, G.R. No. 123696, 11 Mar. 2004) present:

Robbery with Rape (1996, 1999, 2003, 2004 BAR) 1. There be at least four (4) armed malefactors;
2. They formed a Band of robbers; and
Elements: (T-B-A-R) 3. The purpose is any of the following:

1. The Taking of personal property is committed with a. To commit robbery in the Highway;
violence or intimidation against persons; b. To kidnap persons for the purpose of extortion or
2. The property taken Belongs to another; to obtain Ransom; and
3. The taking is characterized by intent to gain or Animus c. To attain by means of force and Violence any
lucrandi; and other purpose.
4. The robbery is accompanied by Rape.
Robbery by Band vs. Brigandage
Physical Injuries must be Serious Purpose
Purpose is to commit
To be considered as such, the physical injuries must always robbery in highway; or to
Purpose is to commit
be serious. If the physical injuries are only less serious or kidnap a person for
robbery not necessarily in
slight, they are absorbed in the robbery. The crime ransom or any other
becomes merely robbery. But if the less serious physical purpose attained by force
injuries were committed after the robbery was already and violence.
consummated, there would be a separate charge for the Commission of the Crime
less serious physical injuries. Actual commission of Mere formation is
robbery is necessary. punished.
Preconceived Victim
It may be committed even
There is always a
without a preconceived
preconceived victim.

81 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Highway Robbery vs. Brigandage 3. If the property stolen is a motor Vehicle, mail
matter or large cattle; (2002 BAR)
HIGHWAY ROBBERY BRIGANDAGE 4. If the property stolen consist of Coconuts taken
P.D. 532 Art. 306, RPC from the premises of a plantation;
As to the act punished 5. If the property stolen is Fish taken from a fishpond
Mere formation of band is or fishery; or
Crime must be committed
punishable 6. If property is taken on the occasion of Fire,
As to number of malefactors earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption, or any
At least four (4) armed other calamity, vehicular accident or civil
One malefactor will suffice disturbance. (2006 BAR)
As to the offended parties
Indiscriminately SWINDLING (ESTAFA)
Committed against ART. 315, RPC
committed against
predetermined victims
As to offender Elements of Estafa in General
The offender is a brigand
The commission of 1. Accused defrauded another by abuse of confidence or
who roams in public
robbery is only incidental by means of deceit – This covers the three different
highways and carries out
and the offender is not a ways of committing estafa under Art. 315, thus:
his robbery in public
brigand a. With unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence;
b. By means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts; or
c. Through fraudulent means.
ART. 308, RPC
2. Damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary estimation
is caused to the offended party or third person.
Elements (I-B-P-WithoutC-VI)

a. The failure of the entrustee to turn over the

1. There is taking of Personal property;
proceeds of the sale of the goods, documents, or
2. Property taken Belongs to another;
instruments covered by a trust receipt, to the
3. Taking was done with Intent to gain;
extent of the amount owing to the entruster, or as
4. Taking was done Without the Consent of the owner;
appearing in the trust receipt; or
5. Taking is accomplished without the use of Violence
against or Intimidation of persons of force upon b. The failure to return said goods, documents, or
instruments if they were not sold or disposed of in
things. (Baltazar v. People, G.R. No. 164545, 20 Nov.
accordance with the terms of the trust receipt.

Elements of Estafa with Unfaithfulness or Abuse of

Persons Liable (1995, 1998, 2000, 2008, 2009 BAR)
Confidence under Art. 315 (1):
1. Those who, with intent to gain, but without violence
1. Under par. (a):
against or intimidation of persons nor force upon
things, take personal property of another without the
a. Offender has an onerous obligation to deliver
latter’s consent;
something of value;
b. He alters its substance, quantity, or quality; and
2. Those who having found lost property, fail to deliver
c. Damage or prejudice is caused to another.
the same to the local authorities or to its owner;
(1998, 2001 BAR)
2. Under par. (b):
NOTE: There is no crime of frustrated theft (Valenzuela v.
a. Money, goods, or other personal property is
People, G.R. No. 160188, 21 June 2007)
received by the offender in trust, or on
commission, or for administration, or under any
ART. 310, RPC other obligation involving the duty to make
delivery of, or to return, the same;
Qualified Theft (S-G-V-Co-Fi-Fi) (2007, 2010 BAR) b. There is misappropriation or conversion of such
money or property by the offender, or denial on
1. If theft is committed by a domestic Servant; his part of such receipt;
c. Such misappropriation or conversion or denial is
2. If the theft is committed with Grave abuse of
to the prejudice of another; and
d. There is a demand made by the offended
party to the offender.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 82
3. Under par. (c): Application of Art. 315(2)(d)

a. The paper with the signature of the offended party Art. 315(2)(d) applies when:
is in blank; 1. Check is drawn to enter into an obligation
b. Offended party delivered it to the offender; 2. Obligation is not pre‐existing
c. Above the signature of the offended party, a
document is written by the offender without NOTE: The check must be genuine. If the check is falsified
authority to do so; and and is encashed with the bank or exchanged for cash, the
d. The document so written creates a liability of, or crime is estafa thru falsification of a commercial document.
causes damage to, the offended party or any third
person. Elements of Estafa through Fraudulent Means under
Art. 315 (3)
Elements of Estafa by means of False Pretenses or
Fraudulent Acts under Art. 315 (2) 1. Under par.(a) –

1. Under par. (a) – a. Offender induced the offended party to sign a

a. Using fictitious name; b. Deceit was employed to make him sign the
b. Falsely pretending to possess power, influence, document;
qualifications, property, credit, agency, business c. Offended party personally signed the document;
or imaginary transactions; or and
c. By means of other similar deceits. d. Prejudice was caused.

2. Under par. (b) – Altering the quality, fineness, or 2. Under par. (b) – Resorting to some fraudulent
weight of anything pertaining to his art or business. practice to insure success in a gambling game;

3. Under par. (c) – Pretending to have bribed any 3. Under par. (c) –
government employee, without prejudice to the action a. Offender removed, concealed, or destroyed;
for calumny which the offended party may deem b. Any court record, office files, documents or any
proper to bring against the offender. (2014 BAR) other papers; and
c. With intent to defraud another.
4. Under par. (d) – postdating a check or issuing a check
in payment of an obligation. (2014 BAR) Demand as a Condition Precedent to the Existence of
5. Under par. (e) –
GR: There must be a formal demand on the offender to
a. By obtaining any food, refreshment or comply with his obligation before he can be charged with
accommodation at a hotel, inn, restaurant, estafa.
boarding house, lodging house or apartment
house without paying thereof, with intent to XPNs:
defraud the proprietor or the manager thereof; 1. When the offender’s obligation to comply is subject to
a period; and
b. By obtaining credit at any of said establishments 2. When the accused cannot be located despite due
using any false pretense; or diligence.

c. By abandoning or surreptitiously removing any OTHER FORMS OF SWINDLING

part of his baggage from any of said ART. 316, RPC
establishments after obtaining credit, food,
refreshment or accommodation therein, without Other Forms of Swindling
paying thereof.
1. Conveying, selling, encumbering, or mortgaging any
Elements of Estafa under Art. 315(2)(d) real property, pretending to be the owner of the same.

1. The postdating or issuance of a check in payment of an Elements:

obligation contracted at the time the check was issued; a. Thing be immovable;
2. Lack of sufficiency of funds to cover the check; and b. Offender who is not the owner of said property
3. Damage to the payee. (People v. Montaner, G.R. No. should represent that he is the owner thereof;
184053, 31 Aug. 2011) c. Offender should have executed an act of
ownership (selling, leasing, encumbering or

83 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
mortgaging the real property); and Swindling by Syndicate P.D. No. 1689
d. Act is made to the prejudice of the owner or of a
third person. Elements (F-E-M)

NOTE: There must be existing real property in order 1. Estafa or other forms of swindling as defined in Arts.
to be liable under this Article. If the real property is 315 and 316 of the RPC is committed;
inexistent, the offender will be liable for estafa under
par. 2(a).
2. Disposing real property knowing it to be encumbered 2. The estafa or swindling is committed by a syndicate of
even if the encumbrance be not recorded. (1998 BAR) Five (5) or more persons; and

Elements: 3. Defraudation results in the Misappropriation of

a. That the thing disposed of is real property; moneys contributed by stockholders, or members of
b. Offender knew that the real property was rural banks, cooperatives, “samahang nayon(s),” or
encumbered, whether the encumbrance is farmers’ associations, or of funds solicited by
recorded or not; corporations or associations from the general public.
c. There must be express representation by the (People v. Timbayan and Puerto, G.R. No. 209655-60, 14
offender that the real property is free from Jan. 2015)
encumbrance; and
d. Act of disposing of the real property be made to OTHER DECEITS
the damage of another. ART. 318, RPC

3. Wrongful taking of personal property from its lawful Other Kinds of Deceit under Art. 318 (2000 BAR)
possessor to the prejudice of the latter or a third
person; 1. Defrauding or damaging another by any other deceit
not mentioned in the preceding articles; and
Elements: 2. Interpreting dreams, making forecasts, telling
a. Offender is the owner of personal property; fortunes, or taking advantage of the credulity of the
b. Said personal property is in the lawful public in any other similar manner, for profit or gain.
possession of another;
c. Offender wrongfully takes it from its lawful NOTE: Deceits in this article include false pretenses and
possessor; and fraudulent acts.
d. Prejudice is thereby caused to the possessor or
ART. 320, RPC, as amended by R.A. 7659
4. Executing any fictitious contract to the prejudice of
another; Destructive Arson vs. Simple Arson under P.D. 1613

5. Accepting any compensation given to him under the The nature of Destructive Arson is distinguished from
belief it was in payment of services or labor when he Simple Arson by the degree of perversity or viciousness of
did not actually perform such services or labor; and the criminal offender.

6. Selling, mortgaging, or in any manner encumbering Special Aggravating Circumstances in Arson

real property while being a surety in bond without
express authority from the court or before being 1. If committed with intent to gain;
relieved from the obligation. 2. If committed for the benefit of another;
3. If the offender be motivated by spite or hatred towards
Elements: the owner; or
4. If committed by a syndicate.
a. Offender is a surety in a bond given in a criminal
or civil action;
b. He guaranteed the fulfillment of such obligation
with his real property or properties;
c. He sells, mortgages, or, in any other manner
encumbers said real property; and
d. Such sale, mortgage or encumbrance is without
express authority from the court, or made before
the cancellation of his bond, or before being
relieved from the obligation contracted by him.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 84
Arts. 333-346

(1) DEFINITION Crimes which are considered as Private Crimes

Sec. 2 (A-C-S-A-A)

Elements of Fencing 1. Adultery

2. Concubinage
1. A robbery or theft has been committed; (1990, 1992, 3. Seduction
1995, 2009, 2010 BAR) 4. Abduction
5. Acts of lasciviousness
2. The accused, who took no part in the robbery or theft,
“buys, receives, possesses, keeps, acquires, conceals, They cannot be prosecuted except upon the complaint
sells or disposes, or buys and sells, or in any manner initiated by the offended party.
deals in any article or object taken” during that
robbery or theft; ADULTERY
ART. 333, RPC
3. The accused knows or should have known that the
thing is derived from that crime; and (1998 BAR) Elements of Adultery (2002, 2008, 2015 BAR)

(2) PRESUMPTION OF FENCING 1. That the woman is married;

Sec. 5 2. That she has sexual intercourse with a man not her
Presumption of Fencing 3. As regards the man with whom she had sexual
intercourse, he knows that she is married.
Mere possession of any good, article, item, object, or
anything of value which has been the subject of robbery or CONCUBINAGE
thievery shall be prima facie evidence of fencing. ART. 334, RPC

b) EXCEPTION Elements of Concubinage (1994, 2002, 2010 BAR)

(1) WITH CLEARANCE OR PERMIT TO SELL 1. Man must be married;

Sec. 6
2. He committed any of the following acts:
Clearance/Permit to Sell/Use Second-Hand Articles a. Keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling;
b. Having sexual intercourse, under scandalous
All stores, establishments or entities dealing in the buy and circumstances, with a woman who is not his wife;
sell of any good, article item, object or anything of value or
obtained from an unlicensed dealer or supplier thereof, c. Cohabiting with her in any other place.
shall before offering the same for sale to the public, secure
the necessary clearance or permit from the station 3. As regards the woman, she must know him to be
commander of the Integrated National Police in the town married.
or city where such store, establishment or entity is located.
Kinds of Acts of Lasciviousness

1. Under Art. 336 (Acts of lasciviousness); and

2. Under Art. 339 (Acts of lasciviousness with the consent
of the offended party)

85 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
ART. 336, RPC ART. 338, RPC

See pages 73-74 on the Prosecution of Acts of Elements of Simple Seduction

Lasciviousness in relation to Rape and R.A. No. 7610
1. Offended party is a minor, 16 and over but under 18
Elements of Acts of Lasciviousness years of age; (As amended by R.A. No. 11648)
(A-P-C-FDFU) 2. She must be of good reputation, single or widow;
3. Offender has sexual intercourse with her; and
1. Offender commits any Act of lasciviousness or 4. It is committed by means of deceit.
2. Act of lasciviousness is committed against a Person of ART. 342, RPC
either sex; and
Elements of Forcible Abduction (W-A-L)
3. It is done under any of the following Circumstances:
a. By using Force or intimidation; 1. Person abducted is any Woman, regardless of her age,
b. When the offended party is Deprived of reason civil status, or reputation;
or otherwise unconscious; 2. Abduction is Against her will; and
c. By means of Fraudulent machination or grave 3. Abduction is with Lewd designs
abuse of authority; or
d. When the offended party is Under 12 years of CONSENTED ABDUCTION
age or is demented. ART. 343, RPC

QUALIFIED SEDUCTION Elements of Consented Abduction (2002 BAR)

ART. 337, RPC (V-12-C-L)

Commission of Seduction 1. Offended party must be a Virgin;

Seduction is committed by enticing a woman to unlawful NOTE: The virginity mentioned in this Article should
sexual intercourse by promise of marriage or other means not be understood in its material sense and does not
of persuasion without use of force. exclude the idea of abduction of a virtuous woman of
good reputation because the essence of the offense is
Two Classes of Qualified Seduction not the wrong done to the woman but the outrage to
the family and the alarm produced in it by the
1. Seduction of a minor, 16 and over but under 18 years disappearance of one of its members. (Valdepeñas v.
of age, committed by any person in public authority, People, G.R. No. L-20687, 30 Apr. 1966)
priest, home-servant, domestic, guardian, teacher, or
any person who, in any capacity, shall be entrusted 2. She must be over 12 and under 18 years of age;
with the education or custody of the minor 3. Taking away of the offended party must be with her
seduced;(As amended by R.A. No. 11648) Consent, after solicitation or cajolery from the
offender; and
Elements: (2007 BAR) 4. Taking away of the offended party must be with Lewd
a. Offended party is a minor, sixteen and over but designs.
under 18 years of age; (As amended by R.A. No.
b. Offender has sexual intercourse with her; (R.A. No. 9995)
c. Such offense was committed in abuse of
authority, confidence or relationship.; and
d. Offender is any person in public authority, priest,
Sec. 3
home-servant, domestic, guardian, teacher, or
any person who, in any capacity, shall be
entrusted with the education or custody of the
(Sec. 4)
minor seduced.

1. To take photo or video coverage of a person or

2. Seduction of a sister by her brother, or descendant by
group of persons performing sexual act or any
her ascendant, whether she be a virgin or over
similar activity;
eighteen years of age.

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 86
2. To copy or reproduce, or to cause to be copied or The victim of the acts
reproduced, such photo or video or recording of committed under this
sexual act or any similar activity with or without section shall be entrusted
consideration; to the care of the DSWD.

3. To sell or distribute, or cause to be sold or

distributed, such photo or video or recording of L. CRIMES AGAINST THE CIVIL
sexual act, whether it be the original copy or STATUS OF PERSONS
reproduction thereof; or ART. 347-352

4. To publish or broadcast, or cause to be published

or broadcast, or show or exhibit the photo or video
coverage or recordings of such sexual act or any
ART. 349, RPC
similar activity through VCD/DVD, internet,
cellular phones and other similar means or device.
Elements of Bigamy (1996, 2004, 2008, 2012 BAR) (M-
CHILD ABUSE, EXPLOITATION AND DISCRIMINATION 1. That the offender has been legally Married;
ACT 2. That the marriage has Not been legally dissolved or, in
(R.A. No. 7610, as amended) case his or her spouse is absent, the absent spouse
could not yet be presumed dead according to the Civil
OTHER ACTS OF ABUSE 3. That he contracts a Second or subsequent marriage;
Sec. 5, R.A. No. 7610, as amended and
by R.A. No. 11648 4. That the second or subsequent marriage has all the
Essential requisites for validity, except for the
(1) COMPARE PROSECUTION FOR ACTS OF existence of the first marriage.
7610, AS AMENDED Void ab initio Marriage is now a Valid Defense; Prior
Judicial Declaration of Nullity of Marriage is No longer
See pages 73-74 for the table on the prosecution of the Necessary.
above-stated crimes
In the landmark case of Pulido v. People (G.R. No. 220149,
ACTS OF 27 July 2021, by J. Hernando), the SC abandoned its earlier
LASCIVIOUSNESS pronouncement and now hold that a void ab initio
UNDER R.A. NO. 7610, marriage is a valid defense in the prosecution for bigamy
AS AMENDED even without a judicial declaration of absolute nullity.
Those who commit the act Consequently, a judicial declaration of absolute nullity of
of sexual intercourse or either the first and second marriages obtained by the
lascivious conduct with a accused is considered a valid defense in bigamy.
child exploited in
prostitution or subjected The parties are not required to obtain a judicial declaration
to other sexual abuse: of absolute nullity of a void ab initio first and subsequent
Provided, That when the marriages in order to raise it as a defense in a bigamy case.
Any person who shall
victim is under 16 years of
commit any act of
age, the perpetrators shall MARRIAGE CONTRACTED AGAINST
lasciviousness upon other
be prosecuted under Art. PROVISIONS OF LAWS
persons of either sex,
335(2) for rape and Art. ART. 350, RPC
under any of the
336 of Act No. 3815, for
circumstances mentioned
rape, or lascivious Elements (1993, 2004 BAR)
in the preceding article,
conduct, as the case may
shall be punished by
be. 1. Offender contracted marriage;
prision correccional.
2. He knew at the time that the:
That the penalty for a. Requirements of the law were not complied with;
lascivious conduct when or
the victim is under 16 b. Marriage was in disregard of a legal impediment.
years of age shall be 3. The act of the offender does not constitute bigamy.
reclusion temporal in its
medium period

87 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
ART. 353-364
Kinds of Oral Defamation

1. Simple slander; and

2. Grave slander, when it is of a serious and insulting
ART. 353, RPC

Elements (D-I-D-P-M) (2002, 2003, 2005, 2010 BAR)

Elements of Oral Defamation

1. There must be an Imputation of a crime, or of a vice or

1. There must be an imputation of a crime, or a vice or
defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission,
defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission,
condition, status or circumstance;
condition, status, or circumstances;
2. Imputation must be made Publicly;
2. Imputation must be made publicly;
3. It must be Malicious;
3. The imputation must be malicious;
4. It must be Directed at a natural or juridical person, or
4. The imputation must be directed at a natural or
one who is dead; and
juridical person, or one who is dead; and
5. It must tend to cause the Dishonor, discredit or
5. The imputation must tend to cause dishonor, discredit,
contempt of the person defamed.
or contempt of the person defamed. (People v. Maratas,
11 Apr. 1980, G.R. No. L-35787)
ART. 354, RPC
ART. 359, RPC
Publication of the Libelous Article is NOT Necessary

Slander by Deed (1994 BAR)

It is not necessary that the libelous article must be
published; communication of the defamatory matter to
A crime against honor which is committed by performing
some third persons is sufficient. It is not required that the
any act which casts dishonor, discredit, or contempt upon
person defamed has read or heard about the libelous
another person.
remark. What is material is that a third person has read or
heard the libelous statement - for a man’s reputation is the
Elements of Slander by Deed
estimate in which others hold him, not the good opinion
which he has of himself.
1. Offender performs any act not included in any other
crime against honor;
2. Such act is performed in the presence of other person
or persons; and
ART. 355, RPC
3. Such act casts dishonor, discredit, or contempt upon
the offended party.
Commission of Libel (W-PLERPP-TCA)

Kinds of Slander by Deed

Libel may be committed by:

1. Simple slander by deed – performance of an act, not

1. Writing;
use of words.
2. Printing;
2. Grave slander by deed – that is which is of a serious
3. Lithography;
4. Engraving;
5. Radio; (2002 BAR)
6. Phonograph;
ART. 360, RPC
7. Painting;
8. Theatrical exhibition;
Persons Liable for Libel
9. Cinematographic exhibition; or
10. Any similar means. (2005 BAR)
1. Person who publishes, exhibits, or causes the
publication or exhibition of any defamation in writing
Defamation through amplifiers is not libel, but oral
or similar means;
defamation. (People v. Santiago, G.R. No. L-17663, 30 May
2. Author or editor of a book or pamphlet;
3. Editor or business manager of a daily newspaper
magazine or serial publication; or
4. Owner of the printing plant which publishes a libelous
article with his consent and all other persons who in

U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 88
any way participate in or have connection with its INCRIMINATING INNOCENT PERSON
publication. ART. 363, RPC

Where to File a Complaint for Libel Incriminating an Innocent Person vs. Perjury by
Making False Accusation
Criminal and civil actions for damages in case of written
defamations shall be filed simultaneously or separately INCRIMINATING AN PERJURY BY MAKING
with the court of first instance of the province or city: INNOCENT PERSON FALSE ACCUSATION
As to gravamen
1. Where the libelous article is printed and first Committed by performing
The gravamen of the
published; or an act by which the
offense is the imputation
2. Where any of the offended parties actually resides at offender directly
itself, falsely made, before
the time of the commission of the offense. incriminates or imputes to
an officer qualified to take
an innocent person the
an oath
PROOF OF TRUTH commission of a crime
ART. 361, RPC As to act/s punished
Giving of false statement
Admissibility of Proof of Truth (2009 BAR) Limited to the act of
under oath or the making
planting evidence and the
of a false affidavit
Proof of truth is admissible in any of the following: like in order to incriminate
imputing to a person the
an innocent person
commission of a crime
1. When the act or omission imputed constitutes a crime
regardless of whether the offended party is a private Incriminatory Machination vs. Defamation
individual or a public officer.
2. When the offended party is a government employee, INCRIMINATORY
even if the act or omission imputed does not constitute DEFAMATION
a crime, provided, it is related to the discharge of his
Offender performs acts to Offender avails himself of
official duties.
directly impute to an written or spoken words
innocent person the in besmirching the
commission of the crime. victim’s reputation.
ART. 362, RPC


Libelous remarks or comments connected with the matter
ART. 364, RPC
privileged under the provisions of Art. 354, if made with
malice, shall not exempt the author thereof nor the editor
Intriguing against Honor vs. Slander
or managing editor of a newspaper from criminal liability.

Q: What is the liability of newspaper reporter for INTRIGUING AGAINST

distorting facts connected with official proceedings? HONOR
Offender made the
A: The author or the editor of a publication who distorts, utterance, where the
mutilates, or discolors the official proceedings reported by The source of the source of the defamatory
him, add comments thereon to cast aspersion on the defamatory utterance is nature of the utterance is
character of the parties concerned, is guilty of libel, unknown and the offender known, and offender
notwithstanding the fact that the defamatory matter is simply repeats or passes makes a republication
published in connection with a privileged matter. (U.S. v. the same, without thereof, even though he
Dorr, G.R. No. 1049, 16 May 1903; Reyes, 2008) subscribing to the truth repeats the libelous
thereof. statement as coming from
another, as long as the
source is identified.

89 U N IV E R S I T Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
ART. 365
See pages 79-80 for discussion on Cybercrime
Prevention Act
a) LIBEL ART. 365, RPC
Sec. 4 (c)(4)
Punishable Acts (1993, 2001, 2008, 2009 BAR)
Q: During the 2022 national elections, Bern posted on
her Facebook page a statement that Alfredo, an 1. Committing through reckless imprudence any act
incumbent mayor vying for re-election, has a pending which, had it been intentional, would constitute a
corruption case with the Sandiganbayan. Czarina, grave or less grave felony or light felony;
Bern’s friend, saw the post and commented online, 2. Committing through simple imprudence or negligence
stating: “Bhie, true yan. Alfredo is so corrupt. Marami an act which would otherwise constitute a grave or a
ding binabahay yan. Sugarol pa!” Donnabel, also Bern’s less serious felony;
friend, reacted to Bern’s post by clicking the “like” 3. Causing damage to the property of another through
button. Another person, Justine, who is a stranger to reckless imprudence or simple imprudence or
Bern and her friends, but who claims to be a crusader negligence; and
for good governance, came across the said post.
Finding it relevant to her advocacy and crusade, 4. Causing through simple imprudence or negligence
Justine shared the link to Bern’s post on her Twitter some wrong which, if done maliciously, would have
account. Who among Bern, Czarina, Donnabel, and constituted a light felony.
Justine, if any, are liable for the crime of Cyberlibel?
(2022 BAR) Elements of Reckless Imprudence (Da-V-A-M-P)

A: Only Bern shall be liable for Cyberlibel. Liking, sharing, 1. Offender does or fails to do an Act;
or retweeting a libelous post would generally not be 2. The doing of or the failure to do that act is Voluntary;
criminal in nature, and subject the person liking, sharing, 3. It be without Malice;
or retweeting to liability for the crime of cyber libel. 4. Material Damage results; and
(Disini, et al. v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No. 203335, 11 Feb. 5. There is an inexcusable lack of Precaution on the part
2014). Under the legal maxim, nullum crimen nulla sine of the person performing or failing to perform such act
poena lege, if there is no law punishing such act, and in the taken into consideration: (2007 BAR)
absence of legislation expressly prohibiting such activity,
there should be no crime. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, a. Employment or occupation;
2023) b. Degree of intelligence;
c. Physical condition; or
d. Other circumstances regarding persons, time and

Elements of Simple Imprudence (D-P) (2008 BAR)

1. There is lack of Precaution on the part of the offender;

2. Damage impending to be caused is not immediate nor
the danger clearly manifested.

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