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6 Books Every

Actuary Should

Looking for ways to
boost your actuarial
knowledge and business

Here are 6 Books For

Actuaries to explore 👉
# 1. Mastery
by Robert Greene

"The path to mastery is long and

rigorous, but it is not an endless,
hopeless quest. It is attainable if
you are willing to put in the
requisite hours of practice, if you
learn to learn from your mistakes,
and if you cultivate the proper

The importance of deliberate practice:

Actuaries should consistently seeking out
challenging problems and practicing their
skills in order to improve.

The value of apprenticeship: Actuaries can

benefit from seeking out mentorship
opportunities and learning from more
experienced colleagues.

The power of curiosity and creativity:

Actuaries can benefit from applying this
principle by seeking out new perspectives
and approaches to problem-solving.
# 2. The 80/20 Principle
by Richard Koch

"The 80/20 Principle asserts

that a minority of causes,
inputs, or effort usually
lead to a majority of the
results, outputs, or

The power of focus: As an actuary,

understanding the 80/20 principle can help
prioritise tasks (e.g. study!) & focus on the
areas that will have the greatest impact on

The Pareto principle: 80% of the effects

come from 20% of the causes.

The benefits of simplicity: Overcomplicating

processes or tasks can often lead to
decreased efficiency & effectiveness.
Actuaries can apply this principle by
simplifying complex models & focusing on
the most essential factors driving outcomes.
# 3. Never Split the Difference
by Chris Voss

"No deal is better

than a bad deal."

Use active listening to build rapport and

gather information: Allows the actuary to
gather more information to make better

Negotiate based on emotions and human

behavior: Understanding what motivates
people and how they think can be useful for
actuaries when negotiating with clients.

Be willing to walk away: Useful for actuaries

to remember as they need to consider the
long-term implications of any decision.
# 4. Financial Risk Management
by Paul sweeting

"Risk management is not an add-on,

nor is it a separate function. It is a
state of mind, a way of thinking, and
a way of doing business. It is a
culture that should permeate every
aspect of an organisation's

The importance of a comprehensive risk

management approach: Understand how
different types of risk can impact an
organisation's overall risk profile.

Effective risk communication and

reporting: Communicate complex risk
information to stakeholders in a clear and
concise manner.

Aligning risk management with strategic

objectives: Understand an organisation's
strategic objectives to effectively manage
risk and provide strategic advice.
# 5. Thinking, Fast and Slow
by Daniel Kahneman

"We can be blind to

the obvious, and we
can also be blind to
our blindness."

The two systems of thinking (intuitive Vs

deliberate): Actuaries need to be aware of
these two systems and how they impact
decision-making and judgment.

The impact of biases on decision-making:

Actuaries should be aware of biases and
how they can impact their own decision-
making and the decisions of others.

The importance of probabilistic thinking:

Learn to hone your key actuarial skill further
to effectively assess and manage risk.
# 6. Emotional Intelligence
by Daniel Goleman

"Emotional intelligence is the ability

to sense, understand, and effectively
apply the power and acumen of
emotions as a source of human
energy, information, connection, and

The importance of self-awareness:

Actuaries can apply this principle by
regularly reflecting on their own emotions
and behaviours and seeking feedback from

The value of empathy: Empathy is a key

component of emotional intelligence, as it
allows individuals to understand and relate
to the emotions of others.

The benefits of effective communication: A

key component of a high EQ individual.
Finding Your Next Actuarial Job
Just Got Easier


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