Ellison Felker NEJM2017 Heart Failure

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Diuretic Treatment in Heart Failure

Article in New England Journal of Medicine · February 2018

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1716477

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David H Ellison
Oregon Health and Science University


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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Julie R. Ingelfinger, M.D., Editor

Diuretic Treatment in Heart Failure

David H. Ellison, M.D., and G. Michael Felker, M.D.​​

From the Oregon Clinical and Transla- ost accepted pharmacologic treatments for heart failure
tional Research Institute, Oregon Health are supported by evidence from large clinical trials. In contrast, evidence
and Science University and the Veterans
Affairs Portland Health Care System, Port- from large, well-controlled clinical trials to guide the use of diuretics,
land (D.H.E.); and Duke University School among the most frequently used drugs in heart failure, is generally lacking. Fluid
of Medicine and Duke Clinical Research retention and congestion are hallmarks of heart failure, and they are associated
Institute, Durham, NC (G.M.F.). Address
reprint requests to Dr. Ellison at the Ore- with both severe symptoms and poor outcomes.1 Given the centrality of congestion
gon Clinical and Translational Research to both symptoms and outcomes, diuretics remain cornerstones of management
Institute, SN4N, Oregon Health and Sci- of heart failure.2 Although routine diuretic treatment of heart failure may appear
ence University, 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson
Park Rd., Portland, OR 97239, or at to be uncomplicated, questions abound about how best to use diuretics, particularly
­ellisond@​­ohsu​.­edu. in patients with acute decompensated heart failure and diuretic resistance. In this
This article was updated on February 1, review, we discuss current pharmacologic principles of diuretic therapy, integrate
2018, at NEJM.org. data from recent research, and suggest evidence-based approaches to diuretic
N Engl J Med 2017;377:1964-75. treatment of heart failure.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1703100
Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Ph a r m ac ol o gic Ch a r ac ter is t ic s of L o op Diur e t ic s
Furosemide, bumetanide, and torsemide are prototypical loop diuretics; these agents
bind to the translocation pocket at the extracellular surface of sodium–potassium–
chloride cotransporters (NKCCs), blocking ion transport directly3 (Fig. 1). Loop
diuretics inhibit the NKCC2 at the apical surface of thick ascending limb cells
along the loop of Henle (the gene that encodes this transporter is SLC12A1). This
transporter reabsorbs (directly and indirectly) up to 25% of filtered sodium and
chloride; its blockade is responsible for most natriuretic effects of loop diuretics.
Loop diuretics also inhibit the same symporter at the apical membrane of
macula densa cells, stimulating renin secretion4 and inhibiting tubuloglomerular
feedback, which normally suppresses glomerular filtration when salt delivery to
the macula densa increases (Fig. 1).5 These two additional effects may be both
salutary and harmful because elevated plasma renin activity increases the level of
angiotensin II, whereas blocking tubuloglomerular feedback helps to maintain the
glomerular filtration rate.
These agents also inhibit a second sodium–potassium–chloride symporter iso-
form, NKCC1 (gene SLC12A2), which is widely expressed throughout the body,
including in the ear; this probably explains the ototoxicity of loop diuretics.6 When
administered intravenously, loop diuretics cause vasodilation, in part by inhibiting
the NKCC1 in vascular smooth-muscle cells.7 NKCC1 is also expressed by cells of the
afferent arteriole and in the extraglomerular mesangium (cells near the macula
densa), where it suppresses basal renin secretion8; thus, NKCC1 blockade may also
contribute to elevation of renin secretion and generation of angiotensin II.
Loop diuretics have complex effects on renal and systemic hemodynamics,
which are influenced by the dose and route of administration, concomitant disease
and treatment, and long-term use. These diuretics activate the renin–angiotensin–
aldosterone system and dilate blood vessels directly, but they also increase the

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Diuretic Treatment in Heart Failure

Efferent arteriole Distal convoluted
Loop diuretics tubule
Macula densa
attached to
proteins Collecting
Afferent arteriole

Protein Proximal
Torsemide tubule

loop of Henle

loop of Henle

Proximal convoluted tubule Thick ascending limb of
loop of Henle and macula densa

membrane Loop
Organic anion Apical
transporters membrane
(OAT1 and OAT2)
Cell membrane

Multidrug Loop Sodium

resistance– diuretics
associated Potassium
protein 4


NKCC2 transporter

Figure 1. Mechanisms of Loop Diuretic Action and Resistance.

As shown in Panel A, loop diuretics circulate bound to protein. As shown in Panel B, they are secreted into the tubule lumen by organic
anion transporters (OAT1 and OAT2) at the basolateral membrane and by multidrug resistance–associated protein 4 (and others) at the
apical membrane. As shown in Panel C, diuretics compete with chloride for binding to sodium–potassium–chloride cotransporter 2 (NKCC2),
which is also present at the macula densa. Abnormalities at each step can mediate diuretic resistance.

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Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Causes of Diuretic Resistance. Ph a r m ac ok ine t ic

Ch a r ac ter is t ic s of L o op
Inadequate dose of diuretic Diur e t ic s
Not taking drug Loop diuretics have steep dose–response curves,
High sodium intake with plateaus often reached at commonly used
Pharmacokinetic factors doses (Fig. 2A). These agents are often called
threshold drugs, suggesting that increasing doses
Slow absorption of diuretic because of gut edema
beyond a “ceiling” will not increase their effect.
Impaired secretion of diuretic into the tubule lumen
Although this is true of natriuretic efficiency,
Chronic kidney disease Figure 2B shows that increasing the dose above
Aging this nominal “ceiling” can cause additional natri-
Drugs uresis by increasing the time during which the
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs* plasma diuretic concentration exceeds the natri-
uretic threshold, which makes it appear as if a
ceiling does not exist. When administered orally,
furosemide has limited and highly variable bio-
Hypotension availability (mean, approximately 50%; range, 10 to
Nephrotic syndrome 90).14 Food intake delays furosemide absorption,15
Antinatriuretic drugs reducing its peak concentration. Since the half-
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs* life of furosemide excretion is shorter than its
Antihypertensive agents gastrointestinal rate of absorption, the drug has
absorption-limited pharmacokinetic features,15
Low renal blood flow
meaning that the apparent half-life after oral use
Nephron remodeling
is longer than the excretion half-life. In patients
Neurohormonal activation with preserved kidney function, intravenous doses
* These drugs inhibit the efficacy of loop diuretics through
of furosemide are approximately twice as potent
several mechanisms. on a per-milligram basis as oral doses. In con-
trast, when sodium retention is more avid, as in
acute decompensated heart failure, a higher peak
level of vasodilatory prostaglandins and the level may be required and an intravenous dose
pressure within the proximal tubule.7 Some of may become even more effective than an oral
these effects counteract each other; accordingly, dose (Fig. 2B). Although gut edema and low
high-dose intravenous loop diuretics can decrease duodenal blood flow do not typically affect oral
or increase arterial pressure, increase or de- bioavailability (the amount absorbed relative to
crease stroke volume,9 and decrease renal blood the amount ingested), they slow absorption, there-
flow. It is difficult to predict which effects will by reducing peak plasma levels and contributing to
predominate in a given patient. diuretic resistance (Fig. 2B).16
Loop diuretics are organic anions that circu- Bumetanide and torsemide, two other loop
late bound to proteins (>90%), limiting their diuretics, have higher and more consistent oral
volumes of distribution. Thus, loop diuretics do bioavailability than furosemide (>90%), and they
not enter tubular fluid by means of glomerular do not have absorption-limited kinetics, making
filtration but, rather, require secretion across oral and intravenous doses similar. Although
proximal tubular cells, through organic anion bumetanide and torsemide are both well ab-
transporters and the multidrug resistance–­ sorbed, torsemide has a longer half-life in patients
associated protein 4 (Fig. 1).10 Genetic deletion with heart failure (6 hours) than furosemide (2.7
of organic anion transporters in mice leads to hours, although this half-life is prolonged in
diuretic resistance,11,12 a phenomenon mimicked patients with chronic kidney disease17) or bu-
in humans, when nonsteroidal antiinflammato- metanide (1.3 hours).18 Since a longer half-life
ry drugs or endogenous uremic anions compete reduces the time during which a diuretic level is
for loop diuretic secretion through transporters below the natriuretic threshold (Fig. 2C), one
(Table 1). might expect that torsemide should be more ef-

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Diuretic Treatment in Heart Failure

Healthy Intravenous

NaCl Excretion

Person with Oral Person with

Log [Diuretic]p Time

24 Hr
Urinary NaCl Excretion (mmol/6 hr)

90 The Braking



NaCl Retention


Figure 2. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Properties of Loop Diuretics.

Panel A shows how acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) shifts the relation between the log of the plasma
­diuretic concentration ([Diuretic]P) and sodium chloride excretion to the right and reduces the “ceiling” natriuresis.
Panel B shows the plasma concentration of loop diuretic [Diuretic]P as a function of time after an intravenous or
oral dose. The natriuretic threshold (dashed lines) is higher in patients with ADHF than in healthy persons. Natri-
uresis is a function of the time above the natriuretic threshold. Panel C shows the effects of repeated daily doses
of a loop diuretic (LD) on NaCl excretion, viewed in 6-hour blocks. Post-diuretic NaCl retention and the braking
phenomenon are shown. To be effective, natriuresis must exceed antinatriuresis. These relationships apply in
chronic heart failure, but they may be altered in ADHF.13

fective during typical dosing regimens; however, balance (here termed decongestion) and, in the
data to support this possibility are limited.19 A longer term, to reduce extracellular fluid volume.
systematic analysis of the effectiveness of torse- Because the half-lives of loop diuretics are shorter
mide as compared with furosemide suggested than typical dosing intervals (often twice daily),
that torsemide reduced hospital readmissions and because these agents inhibit solute trans-
for heart failure.20 However, available data are port primarily along only one of several sodium-
limited, and the question is well suited for de- reabsorbing nephron segments, their effects on
finitive clinical trials.21 extracellular fluid volume are complex.
The goal of loop-diuretic treatment in heart A dose of a loop diuretic increases urinary
failure is not simply to increase urinary excre- excretion of sodium chloride for several hours,
tion of sodium chloride, but rather to achieve but this is then followed by a period of very low
negative short-term sodium chloride and water sodium excretion, often termed “post-diuretic

n engl j med 377;20 nejm.org November 16, 2017 1967

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

sodium retention.” To induce negative sodium to receive furosemide administered intravenous-

chloride balance, the excretion of sodium chlo- ly as twice-daily boluses or as a continuous infu-
ride during 24 hours must exceed its intake. sion, and to either “low doses” (equivalent to the
When dietary sodium chloride intake is high, patient’s previous oral dose) or “high doses” (2.5
post-diuretic sodium retention will offset the times the previous oral dose). Furthermore, all
initial natriuresis, especially if the dosing inter- patients received both intravenous boluses every
val is long. In contrast, low intake of sodium 12 hours and a continuous infusion, one of which
chloride permits urinary sodium excretion to ex- contained furosemide and the other a saline
ceed intake (Fig. 2C). The difference in these ef- placebo (in a factorial double-dummy design).29
fects on extracellular fluid volume underscores the Although differences in the patients’ global
importance of dietary intake of sodium chloride, assessment of symptoms (a coprimary end point)
the drug half-life, and the dosing interval, espe- did not reach statistical significance, the high-dose
cially in patients with chronic heart failure.22 group had more favorable outcomes with regard
When extracellular fluid volume declines, a to several prespecified secondary measures,
second type of adaptation occurs, during which including relief from dyspnea, change in weight,
the natriuretic response to each dose of diuretic and net fluid loss. Worsening renal function
decreases; this is frequently termed the “braking (the other coprimary end point), defined as an
phenomenon” (Fig. 2C), and it may involve acti- increase in the serum creatinine level of more
vation of the sympathetic nervous system, activa- than 0.3 mg per deciliter (26.5 μmol per liter)
tion of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system, within 72 hours after randomization, tended to
nephron remodeling (hypertrophy of the distal occur more often in the high-dose group than in
nephron, as discussed below), and depletion of the low-dose group; however, the subsequently
extracellular fluid volume itself.23 If braking did published results of a post hoc analysis suggested
not occur, long-term diuretic treatment would that an initial increase in the serum creatinine
cause relentless contraction of extracellular fluid level in that trial was associated with better,
volume, but when this occurs in patients with rather than worse, long-term clinical outcomes.30
persistent congestion, it contributes to diuretic Other data sets have also suggested that
resistance. Thus, the same mechanisms may con- worsening renal function during therapy for heart
tribute to both diuretic resistance and diuretic failure may not portend a poor prognosis when
adaptation. it occurs in patients with effective deconges-
tion.31-33 Although activation of the renin–angio-
tensin–aldosterone system has been suggested to
Use of L o op Diur e t ic s
in Pat ien t s w i th Acu te be an adverse consequence of use of high-dose
Dec ompens ated He a r t Fa ilur e diuretics, randomization to the high-dose regi-
men in the DOSE trial did not lead to greater
The limited evidence to guide diuretic use in activation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone
patients with heart failure in general is reflected system than randomization to the low-dose regi-
in contemporary practice guidelines, which give men, although the analysis was limited by lack
diuretics a class I recommendation, but it is based of standardization of timing and the inherent
on level B or level C evidence.24,25 Furthermore, variability of measurements of plasma renin ac-
high doses of diuretics, which stimulate the renin– tivity.34 Thus, although observational data sug-
angiotensin–aldosterone and sympathetic nervous gest that high doses of diuretics are associated
systems, have been associated with poor out- with increased mortality among patients with
comes, raising the possibility that high doses heart failure,27 the DOSE trial suggests that such
should be avoided.26-28 The Diuretic Optimization an approach to the treatment of heart failure is
Strategies Evaluation (DOSE) trial evaluated the reasonable. Although the DOSE trial was the
approach to diuretic dosing and the route of largest randomized trial assessing diuretic strat-
administration in patients with acute decompen- egies in patients with heart failure, it was a single
sated heart failure.29 With the use of a 2-by-2 modestly sized study that was not powered to
factorial design, 308 patients with acute decom- evaluate clinical outcomes.
pensated heart failure were randomly assigned In the DOSE trial, there was no significant

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Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Diuretic Treatment in Heart Failure

difference between the bolus and continuous ap- Table 2. Stepped-Care Pharmacologic Approach.*
proaches with respect to the primary end points:
the patients’ global assessment of symptoms Level Furosemide Metolazone†
and the change in the serum creatinine level at Previous Oral Dose‡ Bolus Infusion Rate Oral Dose
72 hours; these findings were confirmed in a
1 ≤80 mg 40 mg 5 mg/hr NA
subsequent smaller trial.35 Thus, these data alone
do not provide support for the use of continuous 2 81–160 mg 80 mg 10 mg/hr 5 mg daily
infusions of diuretics for acute decompensated 3 161–240 mg 80 mg 20 mg/hr 5 mg twice daily
heart failure. However, several caveats should be 4 >240 mg 80 mg 30 mg/hr 5 mg twice daily
mentioned. In the DOSE trial, continuous infu-
sions were not routinely preceded by loading * The goal of treatment is a daily urine volume of 3 to 5 liters until clinical euvolemia
is reached. The initial approach may involve the intravenous administration
doses, which speed the achievement of a steady- (in two doses) of 2.5 times the patient’s previous oral daily dose of furosemide
state level.18 In addition, the initial rates of furo- or alternatively the infusion approach described above. The diuretic level can
semide infusion averaged 5 mg per hour (the be increased daily to achieve urinary output between 3 and 5 liters per day by
moving to the next step if the urinary output remains less than 3 liters. NA
low-dose regimen) and 10 mg per hour (the high- denotes not applicable.
dose regimen), which are lower than often recom- † Hydrochlorothiazide (at a dose of 50 mg twice daily) or chlorthalidone (at a
mended18 (Table 2). Furthermore, the population dose of 50 mg daily) may be substituted for metolazone. Adapted from Grodin
et al.36 and Bart et al.37 The full algorithm includes additional considerations
studied was not selected for resistance to diuret- for vasodilator, inotropic, or mechanical therapy in patients who do not have
ics and had a mean serum creatinine level of a response within 48 hours.
1.5 mg per deciliter (132.6 μmol per liter); thus, ‡ A dose of 40 mg of furosemide is considered to be equivalent to 1 mg of bu-
metanide or 20 mg of torsemide.
these patients did not have marked kidney dys-
function. Therefore, although initial treatment
with furosemide at a daily dose of 2.5 times the initial days of treatment.40 Subsequently, smaller
previous oral dose administered as twice-daily trials, which focused on the use of tolvaptan in
boluses is a reasonable initial strategy for most patients with lower plasma sodium levels than
patients, ongoing assessment of clinical response those in EVEREST in order to achieve short-term
is imperative, and patients with specific clinical decongestion, did not show a significant reduc-
scenarios (e.g., as diuretic resistance, the cardio- tion in symptoms or an improvement in clinical
renal syndrome, and severe right ventricular dys- outcomes, although these patients had greater
function) may have a better response to continuous weight and fluid loss than those in EVEREST.41,42
infusion therapy than to boluses, as discussed Low renal blood flow contributes to sodium
below. retention in acute decompensated heart failure
by limiting sodium filtration, increasing sodium
reabsorption, and reducing renal delivery of di-
A dj unc t s t o Diur e t ic T r e atmen t
uretics to the proximal tubule. Since dopamine
Although retention of renal sodium chloride is increases renal blood flow and excretion of uri-
the major determinant of congestion in heart nary sodium at low doses,43,44 it might therefore
failure, hyponatremia, indicating water accumu- augment natriuresis. Similar considerations apply
lation, is common and portends a poor progno- to natriuretic peptides. In the Renal Optimiza-
sis.38 The oral vasopressin-2 receptor antagonist tion Strategies Evaluation in Acute Heart Failure
tolvaptan inhibits the action of antidiuretic (ROSE-AHF) trial, 360 patients who were hospi-
hormone and increases excretion of free water talized for acute decompensated heart failure
(aquaresis).39 The large-scale Efficacy of Vaso- with impaired renal function were randomly
pressin Antagonism in Heart Failure: Outcome assigned to furosemide plus dopamine infusion
Study with Tolvaptan (EVEREST), which evalu- (at a dose of 2 μg per kilogram of body weight
ated patients who were hospitalized for heart per minute), nesiritide (at a dose of 0.005 μg per
failure (with or without hyponatremia), did not kilogram per minute), or placebo.45 Neither ac-
show superiority of tolvaptan over placebo with tive drug affected the coprimary end points of
respect to long-term clinical outcomes, although urine volume or change in cystatin C level dur-
potentially beneficial effects with respect to vol- ing the ensuing 72 hours. Furthermore, despite
ume status and symptoms were observed in the the low dose, dopamine infusion was associated

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Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

with tachycardia (7% in the dopamine group vs. a series, each contributing to net sodium ion re-
1% in the placebo group, P<0.001). A post hoc absorption (Fig. 3). Loop diuretics primarily in-
subgroup analysis suggested that the effects of hibit salt reabsorption along the thick ascending
low-dose dopamine differed according to subtype limb, but they do not increase excretion of so-
of heart failure. In patients who had heart failure dium chloride as much as they inhibit transport
with reduced ejection fraction, dopamine may of sodium chloride because they indirectly stim-
have enhanced decongestion and improved the ulate distal nephron segments to augment their
prognosis; this provides an impetus to further rates of reabsorption. Net excretion of sodium
study.46 chloride, then, reflects the balance between in-
Although nearly all patients with heart failure hibition at the primary site of diuretic action and
with reduced ejection fraction receive drugs that stimulation distally (and perhaps proximally).
block the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system, Additional changes occur with sustained use
aldosterone breakthrough is common.47 Mineralo- of diuretics, including remarkable distal tubular
corticoid antagonists such as spironolactone de- remodeling, with hypertrophy of the distal con-
crease mortality among patients who have heart voluted tubule,53,54 the connecting tubule, and the
failure with reduced ejection fraction, but they collecting duct (Fig. 3). These effects involve cells
are used at low doses (e.g., 25 mg) to avoid hy- that classically transport sodium ion, but they
perkalemia. Several small studies suggested that also involve intercalated cells,55 which participate
higher “natriuretic doses” of mineralocorticoid in chloride reabsorption and acid–base homeo-
antagonists might decrease congestion in acute stasis. New potential biomarkers for remodeling
decompensated heart failure.48 In the ATHENA-HF have been identified.56,57
study (Study of High-dose Spironolactone vs. Pla- One signaling pathway contributing to neph-
cebo Therapy in Acute Heart Failure), 360 patients ron remodeling is the renin–angiotensin–aldo-
with acute decompensated heart failure and con- sterone system. Activation of the thiazide-sensi-
gestion were randomly assigned to spironolac- tive sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC) during
tone (at a dose of 100 mg daily) for 96 hours or long-term furosemide infusion is partially medi-
placebo (low-dose spironolactone was contin- ated by aldosterone,58 and aldosterone classically
ued).49 Spironolactone did not improve the pri- activates the epithelial sodium channel. A second
mary end point of decongestion (as measured mechanism involves increased delivery of lumi-
according to the change in the N-terminal pro– nal solute and fluid to distal nephron segments,
B-type natriuretic peptide level) or secondary which increases transepithelial solute flux and,
end points, including improvement in symptoms according to experimental studies, results in evi-
and decongestion. The plasma potassium con- dence of increased transcription in those seg-
centration was not affected, however, suggesting ments.59 A third mechanism involves systemic
incomplete mineralocorticoid receptor blockade. metabolic effects from diuretic use, including
When diuretics do not achieve decongestion metabolic alkalosis60 and hypokalemia. Even slight
despite the use of maximal doses, the patient is decreases in the plasma potassium concentra-
typically said to be diuretic resistant. Single tion are associated with a poor prognosis61; hypo-
doses of furosemide (250 mg) are often consid- kalemia strongly activates the sodium–chloride
ered to be maximal, although recommendations cotransporter62-65 and is tightly linked to distal
vary.50 Diuretic-resistant patients are at high risk convoluted tubule remodeling.66 Finally, circulat-
for illness and death,51 and this scenario, which ing proteases that are filtered by the glomerulus
is frequently associated with kidney dysfunction, in patients with heart failure, such as furin,
is often termed the cardiorenal syndrome. Several plasmin, and plasminogen, may directly activate
causes and potential approaches to such diminu- the epithelial sodium channel.67
tion of efficacy of loop diuretics can be deduced
by considering the pharmacokinetic and pharma- Treatment of Diuretic Resistance
codynamic factors discussed above and listed inDiuretic resistance is defined as the failure of
Table 1.52 diuretics to achieve decongestion, which is mani-
fest by a low urine sodium concentration, despite
Nephron Remodeling the use of maximal recommended doses. Con-
The nephron comprises a set of anatomically tinuous infusion of diuretic therapy is frequently
and molecularly distinct segments, arranged in used in such patients. A post hoc analysis has

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Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Diuretic Treatment in Heart Failure

Normal tubular Long-term use Tubular epithelial cells

epithelial cells of loop diuretics after long-term use of
loop diuretics

Distal convoluted tubule cells


Na+ Na+

Cl− Cl−
Color indicates Na+
location of cells
in nephron Cl−


Principal cells

aldosterone ENaC Na+
K+ aldosterone
K+ level



Intercalated cells



HCO–3 Cl−


Figure 3. Nephron Remodeling as a Mechanism of Diuretic Resistance.

When high doses of loop diuretics are used on a long-term basis, the distal nephron undergoes remodeling, with
hypertrophy and hyperplasia of distal convoluted tubule cells, principal cells, and intercalated cells. This remodeling
increases the reabsorptive capacity of the distal nephron by activating the thiazide-sensitive sodium chloride co-
transporter, the epithelial sodium channel, and the chloride–bicarbonate exchanger pendrin.

n engl j med 377;20 nejm.org November 16, 2017 1971

The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

suggested that a stepped-care pharmacologic ap- bicarbonate exchanger pendrin,72 may be espe-
proach (Table 2) that is focused on aggressive cially useful when metabolic alkalosis occurs.73
diuretic therapy and is adjusted to produce a The timing of sequential nephron blockade in
urine volume of 3 to 5 liters per day may be supe- heart failure remains uncertain. Traditionally, a
rior to standard “decongestive therapy,” consisting second class of diuretic is added after resistance
of standard high-dose loop diuretics, in patients to a first class has developed, by which time the
with the cardiorenal syndrome.36,37 Although evi- distal nephron is extensively remodeled. An alter-
dence is limited, such an approach seems reason- native approach would be to introduce low-dose
able in patients with diuretic resistance. sequential blockade earlier,74 although supportive
Activation of the renin–angiotensin–aldoste- data are lacking.
rone system contributes to the shifted diuretic
response curve observed in acute decompensated O ther A pproache s a nd F u t ur e
heart failure (Fig. 2), making this system a Dir ec t ions
tempting target. Yet, the effects of angiotensin-
converting–enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin- The use of extracorporeal ultrafiltration is a
receptor blockers are complex; these drugs have theoretically attractive method with which to
direct natriuretic effects because they inhibit remove sodium chloride and water, with less
sodium reabsorption along the nephron, and stimulation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone
they can inhibit natriuresis because they lower system and a lower risk of rehospitalization than
arterial pressure. In heart failure with reduced the risk associated with the use of diuretics.75,76
ejection fraction, their effectiveness in increasing A trial comparing ultrafiltration with a stepped-
cardiac output commonly dominates and they are care pharmacologic approach (Table 2) in pa-
typically continued. In contrast, renin–angio- tients with heart failure and the cardiorenal
tensin–aldosterone blockade may be detrimental syndrome showed similar fluid removal but more
in patients with heart failure with preserved renal dysfunction and adverse events with ultra-
ejection fraction, in whom afterload reduction filtration.37 A larger such trial was discontinued
may not increase cardiac output.68 early by the study sponsor because of slower-
Nephron remodeling may also be a useful than-expected trial enrollment.77 At present, ultra-
therapeutic target. Ter Maaten and colleagues69 filtration in patients with heart failure appears
used fractional sodium and lithium clearances to be indicated primarily when dialytic treat-
to show that up to 75% of diuretic resistance in ment is indicated in patients with combined
acute decompensated heart failure could be at- heart failure and kidney failure.
tributed to activation of sodium chloride trans- The combination of hypertonic saline with
port along the distal nephron. Given this, drugs high doses of loop diuretics has been proposed
that block sodium chloride reabsorption there to mitigate renal dysfunction and promote natri-
(e.g., metolazone or other thiazide-type drugs) uresis,78 although that approach has not yet been
should be useful, although the efficacy and safety tested in robust trials. Finally, furosemide has
of this approach (termed “sequential nephron been reformulated for subcutaneous delivery,
blockade”) have not been evaluated in adequate- which may allow delivery of “intravenous-like”
ly powered clinical trials.52 The combination of diuretics outside the hospital setting, with poten-
loop and thiazide-type diuretics can sometimes tially important implications for care delivery and
lead to massive natriuresis and kaliuresis, how- cost. This approach is now being tested in a mul-
ever, and careful monitoring during long-term ticenter, randomized, controlled trial (Clinical-
treatment is warranted. Small studies suggest Trials.gov number, NCT02877095).
that oral metolazone, when combined with a In summary, the skillful use of diuretic ther­
loop diuretic, is as effective as intravenous chlo- apy remains fundamental to the successful man-
rothiazide in reducing congestion.70,71 Amiloride agement of heart failure. An understanding of
might also prove useful in blocking activated the physiological effects as well as the pharma-
sodium channels, as noted above,67 and carbonic cokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of
anhydrase inhibitors, which inhibit the chloride– these drugs is key for safe and effective use.

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Diuretic Treatment in Heart Failure

Despite the long-standing clinical experience goal of improving the care of patients with heart
with loop diuretics, ongoing research in both failure.
fundamental and clinical trials is providing in- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
sights into more effective diuretic use, with the the full text of this article at NEJM.org.

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