Chapter 22 - Gauss's Law

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) If the electric flux through a closed surface is zero, the electric field at points on that 1)
surface must be zero.
A) True B) False

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

2) The figure shows four Gaussian surfaces surrounding a distribution of charges. 2)

(a) Which Gaussian surfaces have an electric flux of +q/ 0 through them?
(b) Which Gaussian surfaces have no electric flux through them?

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

3) Under electrostatic conditions, the electric field just outside the surface of any charged 3)
A) is always perpendicular to the surface of the conductor.
B) is perpendicular to the surface of the conductor only if it is a sphere, a cylinder, or
a flat sheet.
C) is always parallel to the surface.
D) can have nonzero components perpendicular to and parallel to the surface of the
E) is always zero because the electric field is zero inside conductors.

4) Two long straight parallel lines, #1 and #2, carry uniform positive linear charge 4)
densities. The charge density on line #2 is twice as great as the charge density on line
#1. The locus of points where the electric field due to these lines is zero is
A) along a line perpendicular to lines #1 and #2.
B) at a point midway between the lines.
C) along a line between the lines closer to line #1 than line #2.
D) along a line between the lines closer to line #2 than line #1.

If you are taking PHYS 2300 in the Fall or other

future Physics Courses, please review the below for
you own understanding and benefit.
5) The graph in the figure shows the electric field strength (not the field lines) as a 5)
function of distance from the center for a pair of concentric uniformly charged spheres.
Which of the following situations could the graph plausibly represent? (There may be
more than one correct choice.)

A) a solid nonconducting sphere, uniformly charged throughout its volume, inside of

a positively charged conducting sphere
B) a positively charged conducting sphere within an uncharged conducting sphere
C) a positively charged conducting sphere within another positively charged
conducting sphere
D) a positively charged nonconducting thin-walled spherical shell inside of another
positively charged nonconducting thin-walled spherical shell
E) a positively charged nonconducting thin-walled spherical shell inside of a
positively charged conducting sphere

6) Consider a spherical Gaussian surface of radius R centered at the origin. A charge Q is 6)
placed inside the sphere. To maximize the magnitude of the flux of the electric field
through the Gaussian surface, the charge should be located
A) at the origin.
B) at x = 0, y = 0, z = R/2.
C) at x = R/2, y = 0, z = 0.
D) at x = 0, y = R/2, z = 0.
E) The charge can be located anywhere, since flux does not depend on the position of
the charge as long as it is inside the sphere.

7) Which of the following statements about Gauss's law are correct? (There may be more 7)
than one correct choice.)
A) If a Gaussian surface is completely inside an electrostatic conductor, the electric
field must always be zero at all points on that surface.
B) Gauss's law is valid only for symmetric charge distributions, such as spheres and
C) The electric flux passing through a Gaussian surface depends only on the amount
of charge inside that surface, not on its size or shape.
D) If there is no charge inside of a Gaussian surface, the electric field must be zero at
points of that surface.
E) Only charge enclosed within a Gaussian surface can produce an electric field at
points on that surface.

Answer Key
Testname: CHAPTER 22 - GAUSS'S LAW

1) B
2) (a) b (b) c
3) A
4) C
5) C, E
6) E
7) A, C

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