3 Piano-2023-2024-Grade-1

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Piano Practical Grades Syllabus 2023 & 2024

Introducing the syllabus
There are new set pieces in the 2023 & 2024 Piano Practical Grades Syllabus.
• The repertoire lists have been refreshed rather than fully revised and, for the first time, include
a mixture of new and retained pieces
• For ease of use, all pieces retained from the 2021 & 2022 syllabus keep the same list number
– these are always pieces 4 to 10 on the lists
• There is a greater choice of repertoire than before, with the lists extended to 13 pieces (39
pieces in total per grade) and with music by a more diverse range of composers featured
The Scales and arpeggios, Sight-reading and Aural test requirements stay the same as the
preceding syllabus.
Some key exam information has also been updated or clarified, including in the wider Qualification
Specification. Examples are:
• The inclusion of information about our Special Consideration policy [Section 2]
• Confirmation of a change in policy on the use of the same piece(s) in more than one exam; this
is now allowed [Section 3]
• The inclusion of information on syllabus infringements, and how they are managed [Section 4]

Practical Grades: requirements and information

This syllabus is valid from 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2024 .
This section provides a summary of the most important points that teachers and candidates
need to know when taking ABRSM Practical Grades for Piano. Further details, as well as
administrative information about the exams, are given in ABRSM’s Exam Regulations (available
at www.abrsm.org/examregulations) which should be read before booking an exam.

ABRSM Public Venues provide a piano suitable for exam purposes. The piano will be upright
or grand. Practice before the exam cannot be arranged, but examiners will recognise that the
instrument may be one that candidates are unfamiliar with. When exams are held at Private Visits
(i.e. premises provided and overseen by the Visit Organiser and visited by the examiner), a suitable
piano must be provided. A digital piano may be used, provided it has a clearly recognisable piano
tone, a touch-sensitive keyboard with full-size weighted keys, and an action, range and facilities
that match those of a conventional acoustic piano, including a sustaining pedal.
Before beginning the exam: Candidates are welcome to adjust the piano stool height (the
examiner will be happy to help with this if necessary) and to play a few notes to try out and get
used to the piano.


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