Jurnal Beladiri 4
Jurnal Beladiri 4
Jurnal Beladiri 4
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… one philosophical question about the martial arts is how to characterize them.
This is a hard and non-trivial question. Should tai chi be included? Should war-
gaming? … We do not need to address this issue here, though (and none of the
other essays in the present volume do either). We will finesse it by sticking to some
paradigm cases.
Our 2016 article on martial categories (Martínková and Parry 2016a), accepted the
implicit challenge, and did try to address this hard, non-trivial philosophical question.
We criticized several attempts to classify martial practices according to their surface
features – techniques, weapons, armed/unarmed, civil/martial, or within a limited
context (e.g., Japan). Instead, we proposed a method of differentiating martial practices
according to their differing structural purposes.
Lest it be thought that we were thereby seeking to foreclose discussion, or to impose
our account on others, we made it clear that we saw it as provisional and open to
criticism and revision. We were, however, concerned to argue that some such account
is not only useful (to researchers and practitioners) but also essential in gaining an
understanding of an activity by bringing it under some description. For how else are
we to characterize the nature of an activity? To seek to say something about X
necessarily entails describing it in some way, and this involves categorical thinking. Is
it useful to be able to categorize something as a martial sport, rather than a martial
art or a martial path? We would say yes. And this is not to deny that a particular
activity might take different categorical forms. Kendo has been thought of as a kind of
close combat (kenjutsu), as a kind of martial path (kendo), and as a kind of martial
sport. And lest it be thought that we offered this suggestion as if it were complete and
finalized, we were careful to indicate that there were many other possible categories
than the first five basic categories that we proposed.
The common, everyday meaning assigned to the phrase ‘martial arts’ is said to
include almost any fighting art … As currently used, it is a term useful for the
general public, but not for serious scholar of these systems.
(Donohue and Taylor 1994: 13).
By ‘purpose’ here we mean the structural purpose(s) of the activity, which describes its
character for all possible participants, and thus describes central (and possibly distin-
guishing) features of various martial activities. The criterion of ‘purpose’ is suitable for
classifying activities since it determines the nature of the activity itself (what the par-
ticipant is expected to achieve, e.g., victory, self-defence, etc.), the way in which it is
practised (whether there are any limitations of techniques), the means to be used (with
or without small weapons), its dangerousness (risk of death or serious injury), and its
suitability for various kinds of participants (given their specific personal intentions
and purposes). Thus, categorization is useful not only for academics, but also for
practitioners themselves, who know thereby what to expect from the activity, and what
demands will be placed upon them. (see e.g., Miller 2008).
The first five basic categories of martial activities are described according to structural
purpose, as follows. Close combat and warrior arts both involve real-life fighting with the
purpose of overcoming an opponent or defending oneself. However, the purpose of close
combat is focused on efficiency – to ‘get the job done’ or, in the extreme, ‘to kill or be
killed’. (In the Japanese historical context, these would be the Ninjas.) The warrior arts
have a different purpose – that of exhibiting ‘honorable’ combat, that is, fighting accord-
ing to a certain style or code. (In the Japanese historical context, these would be the
Samurai.) Martial arts and martial paths both have educational purposes, using martial
techniques as a means towards the aim of human cultivation; and both involve the
learning of ‘safetified’ martial techniques for people living in a relatively safe society.
Martial arts emphasize self-development in terms of the cultivation of character, whereas
martial paths follow the aims of philosophical or religious systems. The purposes of
martial sports are conditioned by their status as ‘essentially competitive’ activities,
emphasizing victory and rule-adherence. Martial sports have their origins in martial skills,
and include a subset of ‘combat sports’ that usually take the form of one-on-one fighting.
We also identified several minor categories of martial activities, identified according to
their structural purposes: martial therapy (whose purposes are health and wellbeing),
martial training (fitness), martial games or warrior games (the re-enaction of historical
events), martial artefacts, culture, and performance (the celebration of martial activity),
martial entertainment and display (the entertainment of spectators and promotion and
advertisement of military values and virtues), and gladiatorial entertainment (containing
three main purposes – measuring oneself against an opponent in almost close combat,
the attraction of a bloodthirsty audience, and the generation of excitement in combat as
entertainment). This is a tentative and incomplete list, which does not pretend to be
exhaustive or final. (See more in Martínková and Parry 2016a: 156n.)
Objections to categorization
Some people object to the entire project of categorization, for a number of reasons.
The Philosophy of Mixed Martial Arts; edited by Jason Holt and Marc Ramsay
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Categorization is ‘dogmatic’
We do not see this as an exercise in conceptual imperialism – we don’t insist on our
version – we are open to revisions. We claim merely to be mapping the logical geo-
graphy of martial activities. We offer it as an attempt at categorization. It is a sugges-
tion, a cockshy – it invites the reader to consult her own intuitions, to see if they
cohere with ours. And we are ready to consider objections, which may lead to an
improved account.
But it’s also a challenge: if you don’t like it, say why not – maybe you can improve
on it. For example, Legendre and Dietrich (2020: 12) complain firstly that there is ‘no
consensus … on the proper definition of martial arts’. This is true – but if we had to
await consensus before proceeding with enquiry, we would never start. There is no
agreed definition of ‘democracy’ – but in political philosophy this disagreement is the
beginning of enquiry. Again, they say that certain authors ‘fail to encompass and
account for all manifestations of martial arts’ (ibid.), but they give no examples.
However, any such failure would simply invite revision of the categories, to account
for it. They go on to point out that ‘no matter how a practice itself might be a priori
labeled, the training can sensibly deviate from expectations under the subjective influ-
ence of a designated teacher’ (ibid.). This is also true, but it is unclear how such a
development threatens the idea of categorization. Either the teacher moves into a dif-
ferent mode (category) or he invents another – for us, there is no problem either way.
And here is another challenge: you need categories, too, otherwise you can’t say a
word about differences between different kinds of martial activities. To identify differ-
ence is the first step to categorization; and categorization is the systematic identifica-
tion of one’s research object. Without this, it is impossible to ‘operationalize’ one’s
concepts for empirical enquiries. A research object has to be brought under a definite
description in order to be identified and studied. This involves categorization. Without
this, you literally don’t know what you’re talking about – and neither do we, your readers.
Furthermore, nor can you do comparative work, unless your comparators’ categories
accidentally concur with yours.
Categorization is fossilization
It should be clear by now that we do not espouse any categorization that would rule
out revision or development, nor that would impose a solution on the description of a
particular martial activity in a particular social context. We concur with Waismann,
who argued that ‘the ideal of correctness is a deadening one, it is vain to set up a
language police to stem living developments’ (1968: 186). As Bowman puts it,
Furthermore, any of those involved in taijiquan in any of its different times and
places will believe themselves to be either or both learning a martial art, either or
both for sport or for self-defence, and/or involved in healthful calisthenics, and/or
preserving or changing a culture, and/or involved in a religious or mystical practice.
And so on.
(Waismann 2016: 19–20)
a I don’t think anyone disputes the suggestion that a martial activity may take dif-
ferent forms. One example is the dispute in Japan over the nature of kendo (sport,
or martial path?), or capoeira in Brazil, ‘which has been interpreted as an art of
defence, a battle dance, a martial art or a kind of “showcase” capoeira for display,
etc.’ (see Talmon-Chvaicer 2008: 2; quoted in Martínková and Parry 2016a: 143.)
Bowman objects to the practice of ‘defining’ taijiquan as belonging to one cate-
gory or another, but still he identifies three categories. We are entitled to ask: how
does he manage to identify, characterize, and distinguish these three categories
without engaging in categorical thinking?
b According to Bowman, at least practitioners themselves are able to form and
apply categorical thinking to their activity. They can identify whether they are
doing this for sport or self-defense, for health or religious expression, etc. (not
ruling out the possibility that they might be pursuing more than one of these
orientations at the same time). How can they do this, unless they are thinking
categorically? ‘I’m doing karate as a sport, not as a martial path’ requires a self-
understanding regarding one’s purposes and intentions in participating in the
present activity, and this cannot be expressed except in categorical terms. The
practitioner must be aware that there are categorical differences between sports
and martial paths, which constrain one’s actions in participation.
c This raises the third point: Bowman’s characterization is ‘voluntaristic’, relying on
the personal ‘beliefs’ of the participant. Here we must distinguish between struc-
tural purpose (of the activity) and the personal purposes (intentions) of the indi-
vidual. A farmer might find (personal) life meaning in raising animals for the
The Philosophy of Mixed Martial Arts; edited by Jason Holt and Marc Ramsay
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Once an activity such as a martial art or a martial sport has been established as a
relatively stable practice, and can be identified as having been relatively institutiona-
lized and transmissible, this entails that it has been structured so as to address certain
values or to achieve certain goals. That is to say, the activity itself has and embodies
structural purposes. My personal purposes may be efficiently aligned with these pur-
poses so as to achieve my goals. If I genuinely do feel respect and gratitude to my
opponent as co-facilitator of our contest, it is helpful if the activity itself requires
expressions of respect and gratitude. And if, on occasion, I falter in moral purpose,
the activity itself reminds me of my moral duty. However, I cannot simply superimpose
my personal purposes upon just any set of structural purposes. I would be crazy to
think that I was doing calisthenics whilst in a chokehold fighting for my breath, just
because I ‘believed’ it.
This insistence on the reality of structural purpose is important because it provides
a direct route to categorization. Our proposal in Martínková and Parry (2016a) was to
‘define’ martial activities according to their differences in structural purpose.
Experience in the dojo is experience in the dojo. Experience in the ring is experi-
ence in the ring. Experience on the street is experience on the street. There is some
overlap in skills; some lessons transfer. But a black belt in Judo will teach you as
much about sudden assault as being mugged will teach you about Judo.
(Miller 2008: 18)
Despite the wide variety of skills and complete incompatibility of the mindsets or
strategy, martial artists are often convinced that they are training for all of these
things simultaneously.
(Miller 2008: 12)
What is MMA?
So far, we have tried to explain why we use ‘martial activities’ as the umbrella term for
those social practices associated in some way with martiality, and why we think that
some attempt to describe ‘martial categories’ is a desirable step towards understanding
those social practices. In this section, we will try to show what this means for an
understanding of MMA.
To begin with, we need to identify our object of enquiry. What do we mean by
‘MMA’? We mean what everyone means these days – something like: the MMA that
you see on TV – cage fighting in the octagon. Khabib Nurmagomedov, Jon Jones,
Georges St-Pierre, Ronda Rousey – what those folks do (or rather did). We will take
an approach akin to the conceptual technique of exhibition-analysis (see Parry 2019:
6). This approach begins by offering a kind of ostensive definition – definition not by
conceptualizing, but by pointing – directly indicating an object in the world. The next
stage of the exercise is one of explication – of clarification – of making clearer to
oneself (and to others) what one is talking about by providing a conceptual descrip-
tion of the object indicated. So we take it as our task to make explicit what ‘MMA’
means, as it is more or less implicitly understood and accepted by those who accept
that MMA-on-the-TV is a central case of MMA. It seems appropriate to begin to
describe such a commonly-accepted conception with a Wiki-definition, which we can
then test for adequacy:
For close combat it is best if it does not happen at all. Best is to prevent the
situation. Contrary to close combat – martial sports and martial arts are activities
desired by us, we want to organize them, we value our participation in them, we
want them to happen.… Sport is… admirable, to me, because the real goal is to
test yourself. For most, it’s not about domination but about what they have, what
they can do, what they’ve learned. Mixed martial arts (MMA) is part of a long
evolution of taking this concept as far as it can go safely.
(Miller 2008: 8–9)
MMA and martial arts
MMA is sometimes thought to be a martial art. This mistake comes from its very
name: ‘mixed martial arts’. However, martial arts are educational activities, focussing
on cultivation and mastery of the participants, usually in one codified system. So, the
availability of more kinds of techniques in MMA also distances it from martial arts,
which usually focus on one set of codified techniques (known by name as karate, judo,
The Philosophy of Mixed Martial Arts; edited by Jason Holt and Marc Ramsay
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Similar to MMA, martial arts are usually relatively safetified activities (Martínková
and Parry 2016b). Donohue (2005: 10) claims that: ‘“martial arts” are rather “mar-
tially inspired arts” with little or no realistic combat utility in the modern world.’
While learners begin with safe techniques, increased mastery may bring more danger-
ous ones which, however, are not supposed to be used in real life (unless absolutely
necessary, for example in close combat situations).
Crucially, in comparison to MMA, martial arts put a much higher importance on
values such as cultivation of the whole self, development of discipline, virtues, and
morality, rather than on victory, which has overwhelming importance in martial sports
(see more in Cynarski 2019; Martínková, Parry, and Vágner 2019). Martial arts also
value philosophical or religious ideas, which they partly appropriate into their educa-
tional context. For example, martial arts may appropriate some traditional ideas from
warrior times to highlight the development of virtues. In kendo, a display of modesty,
called zanshin, is encouraged by self-restraint from ‘an ostentatious display of one’s
own victory’ after a successful strike (Oda and Kondo 2014: 8). This used to be a
practical skill in real-life-fighting, because a fighter needed to be ready for any possible
continuation of the fight (don’t celebrate too early!). In the new educational context of
martial arts, zanshin helps to promote modesty, thus diminishing overemphasis on the
value of victory in competition.
Now, it is not as though MMA cannot aspire to such purposes, nor that MMA prac-
tice never contributes to an athlete’s character or moral self-development. The point is that
it is not the structural purpose of MMA to achieve these ends. As Lloyd again notes, ‘The
ethos here is a long way from that of the “high” martial arts: the truth of violence is
understood in terms or ruthlessness, efficiency, and brutality’ (2008: 82).
‘MMA’ is a misnomer. Some claim that it is a mix of martial arts, whereas it is really a
mix of martial techniques, which are variously deployed in those martial sports that
are combat sports (boxing, wrestling, sport karate, sport judo, etc.). It is itself clearly a
combat sport in the class of martial sports (although its relative dangerousness leads
some to think that it should join boxing as a pariah sport). To be clear, though, we
should point out that this chapter is not ‘against’ MMA. It simply argues that MMA
should not be confused with martial arts nor close combat. Whether or not MMA is
in some sense a ‘desirable’ pursuit is a separate question.
The Philosophy of Mixed Martial Arts; edited by Jason Holt and Marc Ramsay
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1 This chapter was written with institutional support from Charles University, Prague, Czech
Republic (PROGRES Q19).
Bowman, P. (2017) ‘The Definition of Martial Arts Studies’, Martial Arts Studies, 3: 6–23.
Cynarski, W. J. (2019) ‘General Canon of the Philosophy of Karate and Taekwondo’, IDO
MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 19(3): 24–32.
Donohue J. (2005) ‘Modern Educational Theories and Traditional Japanese Martial Arts
Training Methods’, Journal of Asian Martial Arts, 14(2): 8–29.
Donohue, J., and Taylor, K. (1994) ‘The Classification of the Fighting Arts’, Journal of Asian
Martial Arts, 3(4): 10–37.
Legendre, A., and Dietrich, G. (2020) ‘Improving Movement Efficiency through Qualitative
Slowness: A Discussion between Bergson’s Philosophy and Asian Martial Arts’ Pedagogy’,
Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17511321.2020.
1730428?journalCode=rsep20, accessed 30 December 2020.
Lloyd, H. M. (2014) ‘The Martial Arts as Philosophical Practice’, in G. Priest and D. Young
(eds.) Philosophy and the Martial Arts: Engagement. London: Routledge, pp. 68–86.
Martínková, I., and Parry, J. (2016a) ‘Martial Categories: Clarification and Classification’,
Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 43(1): 143–162.
Martínková, I., and Parry, J. (2016b) ‘The Paradox of Martial Arts – Safe Combat’, IDO
MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 16(4): 4–10.
Martínková, I., and Parry, J. (2017) ‘Safe Danger – On the Experience of Challenge, Adventure
and Risk in Education’, Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 11(1): 75–91.
Martínková, I., Parry, J. and Vágner, M. (2019) ‘The Contribution of Martial Arts to Moral Devel-
opment’, IDO MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 19(1): 1–8.
The Philosophy of Mixed Martial Arts; edited by Jason Holt and Marc Ramsay
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