Generative Ai Guide

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10 tips for getting your generative AI images

approved for sale on Adobe Stock.

1. Know your rights. 4. Be selective.
Review the terms and conditions for the software you’re using to Just because you can easily generate thousands of assets doesn’t
create generative AI content. Make sure you have the rights to mean we’ll accept them on Adobe Stock. We’re looking for quali-
license your content for commercial purposes. The Adobe Stock ty content that has unique value and strong potential for sales.
team can’t give advice or support for third-party applications,
including generative AI software, but we can provide advice and Don’t submit multiple files with similar content. This can be
perceived as spam and may result in your account being closed.
support for Adobe Firefly.
Every image needs to have its own licensing potential.

2. Don’t infringe on the rights of other

Remember that Adobe Stock customers expect the best. They
creatives. don’t want images of people with extra fingers or animals with
Don’t include “in the style of ” in your prompts or use visual extra legs.
or written prompts based on real people, fictional characters,
or the work of other artists. Doing so may infringe on their
5. Edit to enhance your images.
third-party IP or personality rights.
Adobe Stock customers often want space to add text or other
graphics in their images, so you may want to add extra space
3. Carefully consider your prompts. if it doesn’t already exist. Consider sharpening, adjusting the
Use unique prompts to create generative AI assets. Once you en- exposure, and increasing vibrance, too. Do what’s necessary
vision what you want to create, be as thorough and descriptive to enhance your images and make them look their best.
as possible. Keep each element of the final output in mind. Who
or what is in the image? What are they doing? Where are they? Adobe Stock artists are encouraged to use Adobe tools to make
What type of lighting is in the image? Is it a photorealistic image? the most of your stock content. This includes generative fill
Consider and describe all elements that you expect to see in powered by Firefly in Photoshop. Remember to label your image
your generated image. If you’re new to generative AI prompting, as generative AI if the use of generative fill changed, augmented,
be sure to experiment and learn from others before submitting or added a new primary subject of an image. If you are using
images to Adobe Stock. Check out resources on YouTube for tips generative fill on a photograph only to extend a background
to create good prompts. or remove distracting objects, people, or intellectual property,
then you do not need to label the image as generative AI.

Adobe Stock Artist: Hassan | 591045413 1

6. Find the right size. Is your generative AI asset based on a real living person or a real
property? In this case, you must submit a signed model release
Use a variety of sizes for your assets. In addition to the square
by that person or a property release together with your gener-
files many generative AI software apps produce, consider
ative AI asset. You can't generate an image featuring a celebrity
customizing the aspect ratio to popular sizes such as 3:2 or
and sell it for commercial use.
16:9 for more sales opportunities.

Also, increase the file size of your generated file to meet the 9. How do you make money?
Adobe Stock minimum file size requirement of 4 megapixels. Every time a customer purchases a license to use your content,
Use the Enhance tool in Lightroom to increase the original file you earn a royalty. Ensure that you’re creating assets customers
size, but don’t go beyond 6 to 8 megapixels. are looking for. Study trends by looking at how stock is used in
the world around you, and then create content based on those
7. Help customers find your content.
You’re required to select the “Created using generative AI tools” Keep in mind that general categories in high demand include
checkbox in the Adobe Stock Contributor portal before submit- backgrounds; seasonal content related to major holidays like
ting any content created entirely or partially with generative AI Christmas and Valentine’s Day; conceptual images that are
software. Failure to do so will result in file rejection. time-consuming to produce with software like Photoshop and
Illustrator; lifestyle images that include diverse people; and
After you upload an asset, you need to add a relevant title and
images of technology, food, and nature.
keywords to describe the asset. This metadata is what surfaces
your content in the search results.
10. Keep learning and growing.
Use words from your prompt in the title and repeat them in Check out our generative AI guidelines to ensure you submit
the keywords. Order the first 10 keywords by relevance compliant assets. The Adobe Stock Contributor user guide pro-
(i.e., list the most important keywords first). Don’t include vides info on just about everything you need to know. Browse
irrelevant keywords. Without good, relevant metadata, your our briefs to find inspiration and see what content to create. And
content won’t be discovered by customers. Learn more about don’t forget to join the Adobe Stock Contributor Discord com-
this important topic. munity to check out more tips, participate in creative challenges,
and chat with us and other Adobe Stock Contributors.

8. Is that person real?

If your asset features a person or property who is completely
fictional and created 100% by generative AI software, check the
box “I certify that people or property in this asset are not based
on a recognizable person or property” in the Contributor portal
in the Uploaded File section.

Adobe Stock Artist: PixelWitch | 585411252 2

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