Chatgpt Prompt Engineering

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Chatgpt prompt Engineering

• Gpt Stands for Generative pre-trained Transformer
• It’s designed to understand and generate human like text based on
the information.
• Gpt is “pre-trained” on a massive dataset, meaning it has already
learned much before you even interact with it. As a result, it can
generate meaningful responses based on the Knowledge it has
acquired during its training.
Prompt Engineering
• Prompt Engineering is designing and refining input text, or “prompts", To guide an AI Model like
chatGPT in generating specific and relevant responses.
• This process is crucial for effectively utilizing AI models and ensuring they produce the desired
How the verify information you gathered
from chatgpt
• Ask Chatgpt for backed by sources.
• Links generated may not always work (approximately 50-60% success
Good Prompts
• They make sure that the AI understands your command and provides
relevant responses.
• They help reduce the chances of getting weird responses
• They allow you to harness the full potential of AI models by guiding
them toward specific tasks or problem-solving.
Prompts Types
• Prompt defining
• Prompt Refining
Prompt Defining
• Clarity & specificity
• Context & BG Information
• Desired output

Clarity & specificity

• An effective prompt should be clear and specific
• Ambiguous prompts can lead to confusing or off-topic responses.
Context and Background information

Providing relevant context and background information helps the AI generate

the desired output

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