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GRE Vocabulary

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1. Artless: without cunning/deceit

2. Cow: to intimidate
3. Apostate: a person who has abandoned a religious faith or cause
4. Apogee: The highest point
5. Malfeasance: misconduct/ wrongdoing
6. Jingoist: a person who thinks their country is always right
7. Exegesis: Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text
8. Sedulous: done diligently and carefully
9. Chary: Cautious, suspiciously reluctant to do something
10. Base: The lowest, without any moral principles
11. Alacrity: an eager willingness to do something
12. Lascivious: lecherous, sexually perverted
13. Contentious: likely to agree
14. Overweening: Arrogant, presumptuous
15. Turpitude: Depravity, a depraved act, moral corruption
16. Byzantine: intricate and complex
17. Arrant: completely and wholly (before a negative noun)
18. Precipitate: Hasty/rash; to cause to happen
19. Expansive: Communicative
20. Kowtow: To bow or act in a subservient manner
21. Defray: To help pay the cost of either in part or full
22. Diatribe: a strong verbal attack against a person or institution
23. Penurious: lacking money; miserly
24. Equivocate: To speak vaguely usually with intention to mislead or deceive
25. Saturnine: Morose or gloomy
26. Fractious: Irritable and is likely to cause disruption
27. Catholic: Of broad scope; universal
28. Supercilious: haughty and disdainful; looking down on others
29. Anathema: a detested person; source of somebody’s hate
30. Attenuate: To weaken; to taper off/ become thinner
31. Prosaic: Dull/ lacking imagination
32. Nadir: the lowest point
33. Truculent: having a fierce, savage nature
34. Churlish: lacking manners or refinement
35. Beg: Assume something is true (usually used before the ‘the question’)
36. Expunge: to eliminate completely
37. Vicissitude: Change in one’s circumstances, usually for worse
38. Factious: Produced by or characterized by internal dissension
39. Indigent: Poor; a very poor person
40. Zeitgeist: spirit of the times
41. Feckless: lazy and irresponsible
42. Hector: to bully or intimidate
43. Choleric: Prone to outbursts of temper
44. Arch: to be deliberately teasing
45. Quisling: a traitor
46. Martinet: a strict disciplinarian
47. Apotheosis: Exaltation to divine status; the highest point of development
48. Factitious: artificial, not natural
49. Propitiate: to placate or appease (make someone less angry)
50. Expurgate: to remove objectionable material
51. Parvenu: a person who suddenly becomes wealthy but isn’t accepted as part of the
higher class
52. Cupidity: greed for money
53. Vituperate: to criticize harshly; to berate
54. Maudlin: overly emotional and sad
55. Sybarite: a person who indulges in luxury
56. Venial: easily excused or forgiven, pardonable
57. Juggernaut: a force that can’t be stopped
58. Impecunious: lacking money, poor
59. Schadenfreude: Joy from watching the suffering of others
60. Histrionic: be overly theatrical
61. Execrate: To curse and hiss at
62. Imbroglio: a confusing and potentially embarrassing situation
63. Phantasmagorical: Illusive, unreal
64. Pollyannaish: Extremely optimistic
65. Limpid: Having clarity in terms of expression
66. Sangfroid: Calmness and poise in difficult situations
67. Bilious: Irritable, always angry
68. Mettlesome: Filled with courage and valor
69. Remonstrate: to make objections while pleading
70. Pyrrhic: describing a victory that comes at a great cost; not worth it
71. Invective: abusive or denunciatory language
72. Picayune: Trifling or petty
73. Mellifluous: Smooth and sweet-sounding
74. Mulct: to defraud or swindle
75. Benighted: Fallen into a state of ignorance
76. Sententious: To be moralizing, usually in a pompous sense
77. Fell: Terribly evil
78. Curmudgeon: A grouchy, surly person
79. Arriviste: a person who has recently reached a position of power; a social climber
80. Protean: readily taking on different roles; versatile
81. Hedge: To limit or qualify a statement, to avoid making a direct statement
82. Peremptory: Bossy and domineering
83. Tendentious: Likely to lean towards a controversial view
84. Jaundiced: To be biased against due to envy or prejudice
85. Gerrymander: To manipulate voting districts in order to favor a particular political
86. Palimpsest: Something that has changed numerous times but on which traces of former
iterations can be seen
87. Disabuse: To persuade somebody that his/her belief is not valid
88. Quixotic: Wildly idealistic, impractical
89. Sartorial: Related to fashion or clothes
90. Malapropism: The confusion of a word with another word that sounds similar
91. Blinkered: To have a limited outlook or understanding
92. Jejune: dull, lacking flavor; immature, childish
93. Excoriate: To criticize harshly
94. Moribund: Bring on the point of death; declining rapidly and losing all momentum in
95. Sinecure: an office that involves minimal duties
96. Gaffe: a socially awkward or tactless act
97. Effrontery: Audacious/arrogant behavior you have no right to
98. Bowdlerize: edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
99. Litany: Any long and tedious account of something
100. Quail: Draw back, as with fear or pain
101. Unforthcoming: uncooperative; not willing to give up information
102. Anemic: lacking energy & vigor
103. Derelict: not doing one's duties; abandoned (of a building)
104. Provident: Careful in regard to your oven interests; providing carefully for the future
105. Insouciance: lack of concern
106. Temerity: fearless daring
107. Anodyne: something that soothes or relieves pain; inoffensive
108. Lampoon: ridicule with satire
109. Cede: relinquish possession or control over
110. Grandiloquent: puffed up with vanity
111. Solecism: a socially awkward or tactless act
112. Sagacious: having good judgement & acute insight
113. Hagiographic: excessively flattering towards someone’s life/work
114. Approbatory: Expressing praise or approval
115. Pecuniary: Relating to or involving money
116. Enjoin: give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
117. Enthrall: Hold spellbound
118. Plucky: marked by courage and determination
119. Mordant: biting & caustic in thought, manner or style
120. Semblance: an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading
121. Maunder: Wander aimlessly; speak rapidly and incessantly
122. Impute: attribute (responsibility /fault) to something
123. Portentous: ominously prophetic
124. Umbrage: A feeling of anger caused by being offended
125. Raconteur: A Person skilled in telling anecdotes
126. Flummox: be a mystery or bewildering to
127. Redoubtable: Inspiring fear or awe
128. Perspicacious: acutely insightful & wise
129. Prolixity: boring verbosity
130. Charlatan: flamboyant deceiver, one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
131. Importune: beg persistently & urgently
132. Probity: integrity, strong moral principles
133. Punctilious: marked by precise accordance with details
134. Lugubrious: excessively mournful
135. Prognostication: a statement made about the future
136. Vitriolic: harsh or corrosive in tone
137. Duplicity: deceitfulness; pretending to want one thing but interested in something else
138. Recrimination: Mutual accusations
139. Apposite: Remarkably appropriate
140. Stalwart: Dependable; inured to fatigue or hardships
141. Untenable: incapable of being defended or justified (of theories)
142. Obstreperous: noisily & stubbornly defiant, willfully difficult to control
143. Decry: express strong disapproval of
144. Improvident: not given careful consideration
145. Encumber: hold back
146. Intimation: an indirect suggestion
147. Asperity: harshness of manner
148. Puerile: characteristic of a child, displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
149. Flippant: showing inappropriate levity (lack of respect)
150. Dovetail: Fit together tightly as if by means of an interlocking joint
151. Hobble: to hold back the progress of something
152. Inviolate: must be kept sacred
153. Surreptitious: Stealthy, taking pains not be caught or detected
154. Incontrovertible: Necessarily or demonstrably true, impossible to deny
155. Invidious: likely to cause resentment
156. Dispensation: an exemption from a rule or obligation
157. Patent: glaringly obvious
158. Unpropitious: with little chance of success
159. Immure: to enclose, usually in walls
160. Peripatetic: travelling by foot
161. Imperious: Showing arrogant superiority to those who one views as unworthy
162. Machinate: engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy; swear together
163. Inure: To make accustomed to something unpleasant
164. Tempestuous: driven by turbulent/conflicting emotions; highly energetic abd wildly
165. Subterfuge: something Intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
166. Celerity: speed, rapidity
167. Puissant: powerful
168. Denouement: the final resolution of the many strands of literary/dramatic work; the
outcome of a complex sequence of events
169. Ribald: humorously vulgar
170. Lacerate: deeply hurt the feelings of; distress
171. Crestfallen. brought low in spirit
172. Crystallize: Cause to take on a definite & clear shape
173. Magisterial: offensively self-assured on given to exercising unwarranted power
174. Firebrand: who someone deliberately creates trouble
175. Presentiment: a feeling of evil to come
176. Spartan: unsparing in in discipline/judgement; practicing great self-denial
177. Cosset: treats with excessive indulgence
178. Unflappable: marked by extreme calm and composure
179. Hubris: overbearing pride or presumption
180. Ossify: make rigid & set into a conventional pattern
181. Impetuous: Characterized by undue haste & lack of thought / deliberation
182. Rarefied: Made more subtle or refined
183. Broadside: a strong verbal attack
184. Chimera: something desired for but is only an illusion and impossible to achieve
185. Deign: do something that one considers to be below one's dignity
186. Unprepossessing: Creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression
187. Untrammeled: not confined or limited
188. Percipient: highly perceptive
189. Unstinting: very generous
190. Chagrin: strong feelings of embarrassment; cause to feel shame, hurt the pride of
191. Solicitude: a feeling of excessive concern
192. Effervescent: marked by high spirits or excitement
193. Phlegmatic: showing little emotions
194. Objurgate: express strong disapproval of
195. Pith: the most essential part of something
196. Doleful: filled with or evoking sadness
197. Nettlesome: causing irritation or annoyance
198. Hoary: ancient
199. Reprisal: a retaliatory wartime action against an enemy
200. Artifice: cunning tricks used to deceive others
201. Vitriol: abusive or venomous language used to express blame or bitter deep-seated ill
202. Exemplar: something to be imitated
203. Apothegm: a short, pithy instructive saying
204. Prevaricate: speak in an evasive way
205. Veracious: Truthful
206. Parsimonious: Miserly, extremely frugal
207. Precocity: exceptionally early skills /smartness.
208. Enervate: To sap energy from.
209. Egregious: Shockingly bad
210. Amorphous: Shapeless
211. Ingenuous: naive innocent
212. Acrimony: bitterness & ill will
213. Calumny: making of a false statement to harm Someone's reputation
214. Impertinent: being disrespectful; improperly bold
215. Anomalous: Not normal
216. Equivocal: Confusing ambiguous
217. Involved: complex or complicated to understand.
218. Profligate: spending resources recklessly
219. Restive: restless
220. Chastise: To reprimand harshly
221. Fungal: Not spending much money (but wisely)
222. Castigate: To reprimand harshly
223. Laconic: using very few words
224. Vindicate: to clear of accusation
225. Innocuous: harmless
226. Amenable: easily persuaded
227. Upbraid: to reproach, to scold.
228. Harangue: A long pompous speech / tirade
229. Censure: to express strong disapproval
230. Gregarious: to be likely to socialize
231. Venerate: to respect deeply
232. Ambivalent: Mixed / conflicting emotions about something
233. Betray: to reveal on make known something
234. Belie: Misrepresent
235. Demur: To object or show reluctance
236. Venality: condition of being susceptible to bribes /corruption
237. Commensurate: to be in proportion or corresponding in degree / amount
238. Qualify: To make less severe; to limit
239. Extant: Still in existence (usually docs)
240. Wanting: Lacking
241. Galvanize: To excite or inspire someone to action
242. Parochial: narrowly restricted in scope / outlook
243. Fledging: immature inexperienced finder developed
244. Mercurial: Prone to unexpected changes in mood
245. Prodigal: rashly or wastefully extravagant
246. Decadent: reflecting a state of moral / cultural decline
247. Iconoclast someone who attacks cherished beliefs & institutions
248. Reticent: disinclined to talk
249. Prescience: The power to foresee the future
250. Audacious: willing to be bold / take risks
251. Cowered: crouch down in fear.
252. Apathetic: marked by a lack of interest
253. Germane: relevant & appropriate
254. Mawkish: overly sentimental to the point it is disgusting.
255. Aesthetic: a set of principles underlying / guiding the work of an artist or a movement
256. Concede: acknowledge defeat / admit to a wrong doing / Surrender to someone
physically more powerful.
257. Inexorable: impossible to stop or prevent
258. Fortuitous: occurring by happy course
259. Aesthete: one who has great appreciation for art
260. Banal: Repeated too often
261. Didactic: instructive (especially excessively)
262. Glut: an excessive supply
263. Culpability: A state of guilt
264. Obscure known by only a few, to make unclear
265. Platitude: A trite or obvious remark
266. Perfidy: An act of deliberate betrayal
267. Recondite: difficult to penetrate / understand
268. Exacerbate: make worse
269. Gossamer: Characterized by unusual lightness & delicacy
270. Predilection: strong liking
271. Deferential: Showing respect
272. Volubility: Quality of talking / writing easily and continuously
273. Impudent: Improperly forward or bold.
274. Diffident: Lacking self-confidence; showing modest reserve
275. Gall. The trait of being rude & impertinent; the feeling of deep/ bitter anger and ill
276. Torpor: inactivity resulting from lethargy.
277. Entrenched: fixed firmly / securely
278. Decorous: having good taste in manners & conduct
279. Vociferous: offensively loud; given to an outcry
280. Incisive: having ability to draw fine restrictions/ distinctions
281. Engender: give rise to
282. Gainsay: deny/contradict; speak against/oppose
283. Preclude: keep from happening; make impossible
284. Bucolic relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside
285. Lambast: criticize severely or angrily
286. Dogmatic: highly opinionated
287. Eschew: Avoid deliberately; stay clean of
288. Chortle: to chuckle, laugh merrily (muffed way)
289. Querulous: Habitually complaining
290. Conspicuous: completely obvious
291. Apostate: a person who has abandoned a religious faith or cause.
292. Primacy: The state of being first in importance
293. Spend thrift: one who spends money extravagantly
294. Esoteric: confined to & understand able by only an enlightened inner circle
295. Tantamount: being essentially equal to some something.
296. Diminutive: very small / to indicate smallness
297. Probity: Integrity, strong moral principles
298. Maunder: speak about unimportant matters rapidly/ to wander aimlessly
299. Elude: escape understanding
300. Ersatz: not real or genuine; phony
301. Forlorn: marked by or showing hopelessness.
302. Solicitous: showing hovering attentiveness.
303. Dilapidated: in terrible condition
304. Tortuous: not straightforward
305. Inchoate: only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
306. Ascendant: increasing in power or influence
307. Inviolable: never to be broken infringed or dishonored
308. Cupidity: greed for money
309. Maverick: one who exhibits great independence in thought & action.
310. Temerity: fearless daring
311. Curmudgeon: a grouchy, surly person (Bad tempered/ irritable)
312. Melee: a wild, confusing fight or struggles
313. Sycophantic: Behaving or done in an obedient way in order to gain advantage
314. Transitory: lasting a very short time.
315. Winsome: Charming in a childlike/ naïve way
316. Inclement: showing no mercy; stormy weather
317. Choleric: Prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered.
318. Snide: expressive of contempt, derogatory or mocking in an indirect way
319. Stolid: Revealing little emotion; not easily aroused or excited
320. Travail: use of physical/ mental energy; hard work; agony or anguish
321. Boon: very close & convivial (lively /enjoyable)
322. Atavism: a reappearance of an earlier characteristic, throwback
323. Mettlesome: filled with courage or valor
324. Perfunctory: done routinely & with little interest
325. Analogous: Similar in some respects but otherwise different
326. Cardinal: fundamental
327. Imprudent: not wise
328. Apocryphal: being of questionable authenticity.
329. Vituperate: criticize harshly
330. Peruse: To read very carefully
331. Dilatory: waiting time
332. Unstinting: Very generous
333. Reprisal: retaliatory action during war
334. Screed. An abusive rant
335. Insidious: working in a subtle but destructive way
336. Infelicitous: inappropriate
337. Astute: Able to see the most important information for a decision
338. Pith: most essential past
339. Travesty: A mockery
340. Lachrymose: showing sorrow *
341. Ignoble: dishonorable
342. Sanguine: cheerful
343. Fete: To celebrate a person
344. Proselytize: convert someone
345. Quotidian: found in ordinary cause of events
346. Tractable: readily reading to suggestions
347. Morose: Gloomy
348. Guileless: free of deceit
349. Furet: To search for something persistently
350. Quisling: a traitor
351. Derelict: Abandoned
352. Portentous: ominously prophetic
353. Elegiac: expressing sorrow *
354. Effrontery: audacious / arrogant behavior
355. Malady: a disease or sickness
356. Piquant: having an agreeably pungent taste
357. Moribund: being on the point of death
358. Insipid: dull & uninteresting.
359. Aphoristic: something that is concise that is concise & inductive of a general truth/
360. Lugubrious: excessively mournful.
361. Vacillate: to be undecided about something.
362. Jejune: immature, childish
363. Impregnable: Immune to attack,
364. Juggernaut: a force that can't be stopped.
365. Confound: mistake one for another; cause confusion
366. Besotted: very drunk; strongly affectionate towards
367. Officious: intrusive in an offensive manner
368. Austere: harsh; unadorned in style; practicing self-denial
369. Pejorative: expressing disapproval
370. Concomitant: describing an event happens at the same time or in connection. with
371. Maudlin: overly emotional & sad
372. Tendentious. Leaning towards controversy
373. Precipitous: done with great haste.
374. Pollyannaish: extremely optimistic
375. Flummox: be a mystery or bewildering
376. Vie: compete for something
377. Malapropism: confusion of a word with another
378. Simulacrum: a bad imitation
379. Inanity: total lack of meaning or ideas
380. Prolixity: boring verbosity
381. Admonitory: serving to warn
382. Overweening: arrogant; presumptuous
383. Obstreperous: noisily defiant
384. Chimera: something wished for but is only illusion
385. Malleable: easily influenced
386. Punctilious: marked by precise accordance with details
387. Peripatetic: traveling by foot
388. Incumbent: necessary for someone as a duty
389. Soporific: inducing mental lethargy*
390. Mollify: To make someone who is angry, less angry
391. Immutable: not able to be changed
392. Circumvent: find a way out of someone’s duties
393. Incongruous: lacking in harmony or compatibility
394. Delineate: describe in detail.
395. Quotidian: found in in the ordinary course of events*
396. Avaricious: excessively greedy
397. Contrive: To pull off a plan on scheme
398. Disaffected: discontented as towards authority
399. Ameliorate. To make something bad better
400. Spurious: plausible but false
401. Frustrate: hinder or prevent
402. Tenacious: stubbornly unyielding
403. Jingoism: fanatical patriotism
404. Itinerant: traveling place to place to work
405. Heretic: person who holds unorthodox opinions
406. Eclectic: comprised of a variety of styles
407. Refractory: stubbornly resistant to authority /control.
408. Exonerate: pronounce free of criminal changes.
409. Abstruse: difficult to understand
410. Burgeon: grow & flourish
411. Expound: add explanations, clarify meaning
412. Copious: in abundant supply
413. Implacable: incapable of making less angry / hostile
414. Pragmatic: guided by practical experience & observation
415. Idiosyncrasy: a behavioral attribute that is distinctive / peculiar.
416. Pedantic: marked by narrow focus on Learning
417. Aberrant: markedly different from an accepted norm
418. Tortuous: not straightforward*
419. Myopic lacking foresight & imagination
420. Ignoble: dishonorable*
421. Espouse: adopt or support an idea or cause.
422. Temperance: The trait of avoiding excesses.
423. Soporific: inducing mental lethargy*
424. Provincial: not fashionable /sophisticated, limited in perspective
425. Largess: extreme generosity or giving
426. Ingratiate: gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
427. Contingent: a gathering of persons representatives of some larger group; dependent on
428. Acerbic: harsh in lone
429. Bumbling: lacking physical movement skills
430. Denigrate: change falsely & attack the good name/ reputation of someone.
431. Apocryphal; being of questionable authenticity
432. Hackneyed: lacking significance through having been overused
433. Intransigent: unwilling to change one's beliefs or control of actions
434. Exacting: requiring and demanding accuracy.
435. Exalt: Praise or glorify
436. Admonitory: serving to warn
437. Petulant: easily irritated or annoyed
438. Lascivious: lecherous
439. Telltale: Revealing
440. Immutable: not able to be changed*
441. Fledgling: young & inexperienced
442. Austere: practicing self-denial, harsh in manner*
443. Jejune: immature, childish, dull*
444. Atavism: a throwback*
445. Inimical: hostile.
446. Jocular: characterized by jokes / good humor
447. Insanity: total lack of meaning on ideas. *
448. Artlessness: quality of innocence
449. Immutable: not able to be changed*
450. Benighted: fallen into a state of ignorance
451. Decimation: destroying or killing a large part of the population
452. Timorous: timid by nature
453. Imprudent: not given careful consideration.
454. Unstinting: very generous
455. Canard: a deliberately misleading fabrication
456. Wane: to decrease in power or size
457. Pellucid: easily understandable
458. Posit: assume as fact
459. Endemic: native
460. Diminutive: very small*
461. Aboveboard: open & honest
462. Impugn: attack as false or wrong
463. Buck: resist
464. Plucky: marked by courage & determination
465. Unprepossessing: creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression
466. Portentous: ominously prophetic
467. Sycophant: a person who tries to please someone in order to gain personal advantage
468. Resurgent: rising again as to new life & vigor
469. Subversive: in opposition to an established system or institution
470. Munificent. very generous
471. Prodigious: so great in size or force or extent
472. Tractable: readily reacting to suggestions & influences; easily managed or controlled
473. Propitious: presenting favorable circumstances likely to show signs of success
474. Austere: harsh in manner or temperament *
475. Sporadic: resetting in scattered & irregular or unpredictable instances.
476. Inveterate: habitual
477. Garrulous: full of trivial conversation
478. Admonish: to warn Strongly
479. Arcane: requiring secret on mysterious knowledge
480. Gauche: lacking social polish
481. Precipitous: done with very great haste
482. Taciturn: habitually reserved & uncommunicative
483. Circumscribe: restrict or confine
484. Repudiate: reject as untrue on unfounded
485. Pernicious: exceedingly harmful
486. Inscrutable: not easily understood
487. Insolent: rude & arrogant *
488. Scrupulous: characterized by extreme case & great effort
489. Foment: Try to stir up public opinion
490. Brazen: unrestrained by convention or propriety
491. Pedestrian: lacking imaginations.
492. Winsome: charming in a childlike or naïve way*
493. Lionize: assign great social importance to
494. Intrepid: fearless.
495. Dilettante: an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who
pretends to have knowledge.
496. Vacillate: be undecided about something
497. Obsequious: attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
498. Antithetical: sharply contrasted in character on purpose
499. Tempered: moderated in effect
500. Tuite: repeated too often
501. Inimical: hostile*
502. Erudite: having or showing profound knowledge
503. Antipathy: an intense feeling of dislike or aversion
504. Pejorative: expressing disapproval (refuse to a term)
505. Maladroit: clumsy
506. Ignominious: deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
507. Furtive: marked by quiet & caution & secrecy
508. Harried: troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances
509. Dilatory: wasting time
510. Truncate: Reduce the length of something.
511. Arduous: demanding considerable mental effort & skill.
512. Imprudent: Not wise.
513. Non plussed: unsure how to act or respond
514. Mendacity: Untruthfulness
515. Avarice: extreme greed for wealth on material gains
516. Laconic: using very few words
517. Solicitous: characterized by or showing interest/concern*
518. Baseness: lack of moral principles, bad character
519. Eclectic: deriving ideas, style or taste from a broad & diverse range of sources.
520. Doctrinaire: seeking to impose a doctrine in all. circumstances without regard to
practical considerations
521. Indefatigable: persisting tirelessly (adjective)
522. Anachronistic: belonging to a period other than that being portrayed
523. Apposite; apt in the circumstances or in relation to something
524. Irascibly: prone to auto bursts of temper
525. Pugnacious: eager or quick to argue, quarrel or fight
526. Contrition: feeling of remorse / guilt that comes from doing something bad
527. Placate: Cause to be more favorably inclined, gain the goodwill of
528. Esoteric: confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle*
529. Appease: pacify by acceding to the demands of*
530. Elicit: call forth (emotions, feelings, responses)
531. Opulence: wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living
532. Reproach: express criticism towards
533. Askance: with a look of suspicion/ disapproval
534. Duress: compulsory force or threat
535. Capricious; determined by chance on impulse rather than necessity or reason
536. Fastidious: overly concerned with details
537. Bolster: support & strengthen
538. Posit: Assume as fact
539. Transient: lasting a very short time
540. Deleterious: harmful to living things
541. Craven: Pathetically cowardly
542. Specious. Based on pretense, plausible but false
543. Banality: a taunt or obvious remark.
544. Polemic: A strong verbal or written attack on someone or something
545. Reprobate: A person without morals, who is disapproved of
546. Hound: To pursue relentlessly
547. Demure: To be modest & shy
548. Affable: likeable; easy to talk to
549. Diabolical: to be extremely wicked like the devil
550. Voracious: very hungry
551. Slapdash: carelessly & hastily put together
552. Telltale: Revealing
553. Acme: the highest point of achievement
554. Remiss: to be negligent in one's duty
555. Thoroughgoing: complete
556. Tirade: an angry speech
557. Indict: Formally charge/ accuse of wrong doing
558. Inundate: to flood /overwhelm
559. Underwrite: to support financially
560. Screed: an abusive rant*
561. Misanthrope: a hater of mankind
562. Aboveboard: Open I honest *
563. Sanguine: cheerful &optimistic
564. Disparate: Two things are fundamentally disparate
565. Cardinal: of primary importance
566. Cogent. Clear & Persuasive
567. Beatific: Blissfully happy
568. Raft: a large number of something
569. Scintillating: describes someone who is brilliant & lively
570. Vicarious: Felt as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another
571. Melee: a need, confusing fight or struggle*
572. Animosity: intense hostility
573. Heyday: The pinnacle on top of a time period or career
574. Virago: an ill-tempered or violent woman
575. Becoming: appropriate & matches nicely.
576. Lassitude: extreme tiredness mental or physical
577. Checkered: marked by disputable or unfortunate happenings
578. Unconscionable: unreasonable, excessive
579. Junta: an aggressive takeover by a group
580. Amok. In a frenzied /uncontrolled state
581. Cadaverous: abnormally this or weak, emaciated, gaunt
582. Pittance: a small amount of money
583. Stem: to hold back or limit the growth. or flow of something.
584. Bellicose: warlike, inclined to quarrel
585. Extenuating: making less guilty or more forgivable
586. Wax: To gradually increase in size or intensity
587. Ferret: To search for something persistently.
588. Guffaw: laugh boisterously
589. Plodding. Slow & laborious.
590. Inclement: unpleasant, stormy, showing no mercy
591. Ascendancy. The state that exists when one person or group has power over another*
592. Malady: a disease or sickness*
593. Disenfranchise: deprive of voting rights
594. Endemic: native, originating where it is found
595. Transitory: lasting a very short time*
596. Stolid: having or little emotion or sensibility
597. Boon: A desirable state; very close or carnival*
598. Pithy: concise & full of meaning
599. Fete: to celebrate a person*
600. Muted: Softened, subdued
601. Raffish: marked by a carefree unconventionality or disputableness
602. Jocular: characterized by jokes & good*
603. Consummate revealing supreme mastery /skill; to make perfect /complete in every
604. Quandary: State of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between
equally favorable options.
605. Renege: fail to fulfill a promise er obligation
606. Obdurate: unable to be persuaded or moved emotionally, stubborn
607. Impede: be a hinderance or obstacle to
608. Ingenuity. The power of creative imagination
609. Flounder: behave awkwardly, have difficulties
610. Meander: to wander aimlessly
611. Genial: agreeable conducive to comfort
612. Rankle: gnaw into, make resentful or angry
613. Assuage: make something intense less severe
614. Debase: Reduce the quality or value of something
615. Grovel: Show submission or fear
616. Urbane. Showing a high degree of refinement
617. Cornucopia: an abundant supply of something good
618. Facetious: cleverly amusing in tone.
619. Egotist: a conceited & self-centered person
620. Vacuous: devoid of intelligence, matter or significance
621. Augment: enlarge on increase, improve
622. Tawdry: tastelessly showy, cheap & shoddy
623. Assail: attack in speech or writing
624. Derisive: abusing vocally, expressing contempt or ridicule
625. Benign: kind
626. Smattering a slight or superficial understanding of a subject
627. Genteel: marked by refinement in taste and manners
628. Hamstrung: made ineffective or powerless
629. Glib: speaking with ease but without sincerity
630. Surly: inclined to anger / bad feelings with overtones of menace
631. Credence: belief in something
632. Buck: resist*
633. Contemptuous: looking down at others with sneering attitude
634. Spurn: reject with contempt
635. Illicit: contrary/forbidden by law
636. Tout: advertise in strongly positive terms, show off
637. Goad: usage on with unpleasant comments
638. Convoluted: highly complex or intricate
639. Travail: use of physical or mental; hard work; agony or anguish
640. Foible: A behavioral attribute that is distinctive & peculiar to an individual
641. Leery: openly distrustful
642. Peevish: easily irritated or annoyed*
643. Devolve: pass on or delegate to another; grow worse
644. Aphoristic. Something that is concise & instructive of a general truth or principle
645. Maxim: a short saying, expressing a general truth
646. Presumption: audacious /arrogant behavior that you have no right to
647. Credulity: tendency to believe readily
648. Savvy: a perceptive understanding; get the meaning of something; well informed
649. Eke: To live off meager resources, to scrape by
650. Brusquely: in a blunt direct manner
651. Placid: not easily not easily irritated.
652. Malevolent: appearing to wish evil to others, arising from intense ill will on hatred
653. Intermittent: stopping and starting at irregular intervals
654. Industrious: characterized by hard work & perseverance
655. Rakish: marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness
656. Cerebral: involving intelligence rather than emotions
657. Incumbent: necessary for someone as a duty or responsibility
658. Foolhardy: marked by defiant disregard for danger / Consequences
659. Evenhanded: without partiality
660. Ascribe: attribute or credit to
661. Analogous: similar in some respects but otherwise different.
662. Insipid: dull & uninteresting
663. Coalesce: fuse on cause to grow together.
664. Consecrate: to make holy or set apart for higher purpose
665. Rile: Cause disturbance in
666. Wanton: without check / restraint one’s anger, desire or appetite
667. Antedate: precede in time
668. Incense: make furious
669. Behoove: to be one's duty or obligation (verb)
670. Irascible: quickly aroused to anger*
671. Glean: collect info. bit by bit
672. Deride: treat or speak of with contempt
673. Buttress: make stronger or defensible
674. Besmirch: damage the good name of
675. Profusion: property of being in abundance
676. Fawn: try to gain favor by extreme flattery
677. Humdrum: lacking excitement & dull
678. Conundrum: a difficult problem
679. Begrudge: to envy someone for possessing/enjoying something; to give reluctantly
680. Finagle: achieve something by means of trickery.
681. Clemency: leniency shown towards offenders by authorities
682. Veneer: a covering consisting of a thin superficial layer that hides the underlying
683. Pigment: having an agreeably pungent taste
684. Cavalier: given to haughty disregard of others
685. Carping: persistently petty and unjustified criticism
686. Stymie: hinder on prevent the progress of
687. Sordid: involving ignoble actions & motives; foul & repulsive
688. Boorish: ill-mannered & coarse or contemptible in behavior or appearance
689. Staid: characterized by dignity & propriety
690. Vie: compete for something*
691. Perquisite: a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group
692. Balk: refuse to comply
693. Antiquated: old-fashioned
694. Compound: make more intense, stronger or more marked
695. Relegate: assign to a lower position
696. Creditable: deserving of praise but not that amazing
697. Malodorous: having an unpleasant smell
698. Aphorism: a short instructive saying about a general truth.
699. Besiege: harass, as with questions/requests; cause to feel distressed or worried.
700. Dispatch: property of being prompt & efficient; dispose of rapidly delay & without
701. Pariah: an outcast
702. Perfunctory: done routinely & with little interest or care
703. Ponderous: weighed down; moving slowly.
704. Debonair: having a sophisticated charm
705. Baleful: threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
706. Epigram: a witty saying
707. Disingenuous: not straightforward; giving a false appearance of frankness
708. Ersatz: not real or genuine; phony
709. Inchoate: only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
710. Brook: put up with something on Somebody unpleasant
711. Antic: ludicrously odd
712. Philistine: smug & ignorant towards artistic & cultural values
713. Recrudesce: to break out or happen again
714. Bristle: react in an offended or angry manner
715. Atavism: reappearance of an earlier characteristic, throwback*
716. Browbeat: be bossy towards; discourage an frighten with threats or a domineering
717. Besotted: Strongly affectionate towards; very drunk*
718. Languish: become feeble
719. Truculence: defiant aggressiveness
720. Anachronism: something that is inappropriate for the given time period (usually old)
721. Arrogate: seize & control without authority
722. Appurtenant: supplying added support
723. Empiricism: any method that derives knowledge from experience.
724. Squelch: suppress or crush completely
725. Rapprochement: the establishing of cordial relations
726. Bemoan: express a strong discontent or a strong regret
727. Inanity: total lack of meaning or ideas*
728. Gambit: a maneuver or risk in a game or conversation, designed to secure an
729. Embryonic: in an early stage of development
730. Ineffable: too sacred to be uttered, defying expression or description
731. Metonic: like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience
732. Obtuse: slow to learn, lacking in insight or intellectual acuity
733. Inviolable: never to be bucker/dishonored
734. Unimpeachable: full of guilt; not subject to blame; beyond doubt
735. Internecine: (of conflict) within a group or organization
736. Complaisant. Showing a cheerful willingness to do a favor for others
737. Callow: Young & inexperienced
738. Appropriate: to give/ take something by force; to allocate
739. Vaunted: highly on widely praised/boasted about
740. Fecund: intellectually productive
741. Panegyric: a formal expression of praise
742. Turgid: (of language) pompous & tedious
743. Inequity: injustice by virtue of not conforming with rules or standards
744. Solicitous: Showing hovering attentiveness
745. Elegiac: expressing sorrow
746. Aplomb: great coolness & composure under strain
747. Bridle: the act of restraining power /action or limiting excess; to react with anger or
take offense
748. Noisome: having an extremely bad smell
749. Ethereal: characterized by lightness & insubstantiality
750. Transmute: change in form appearance or nature
751. Enormity: an act of extreme wickedness
752. Facile: arrived at without due effort; lacking depth
753. Self-effacing: reluctant to draw attention to yourself
754. Conflate: mix together different elements or concepts*
755. Malingerer: someone shrinking their duty by pretending to be sick or incapacitated
756. Desiccated: uninteresting; lacking vitality
757. Bromide: a trite or obvious remark
758. Pellucid: transparently clear/ understandable
759. Abjure: formally reject on give up (as a belief)
760. Unassailable: immune to attack, without flaws
761. Tyro: someone new to a field or activity
762. Impervious: not admitting of passage or capable of being affected
763. Stultify: cause one to lose energy & enthusiasm through routine
764. Dolorous: showing sorrow *
765. Coterminous: being of equal extent or scope or duration
766. Gumption: resourcefulness & determination
767. Mendicant: a pauper who lives by begging
768. Conflagration: a very intense & uncontrolled fire
769. Doughty: brave, bold
770. Proscribe. command against
771. Discursive: (of speech/writing) tending to depart from the main point
772. Hauteur: everbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner over inferiors
773. Assiduously: with care & persistence
774. Impugn: attack as false or wrong
775. Desideratum: something desired as a necessity
776. Proselytize: convert (Someone) to another religion, philosophy or perspective
777. Afford: provide with an opportunity
778. Pontificate: talk in a dogmatic & pompous manner
779. Graft: corruption, usually through bribery
780. Raillery: light teasing
781. Concomitant: describing an event/situation that happens at the same time as or in
connection with another
782. Trenchant: full of fence & vigor; having keenness in the thought, expressions or
783. Obtain: To be valid, applicable or true
784. Splenetic: very irritable
785. Countermand a contrary command cancelling or reversing a pressions command
786. Halcyon: marked by peace & prosperity; calm & peaceful; happy tranquility
787. Despot: a cruel & oppressive dictator
788. Evanescent: tending to vanish like vapor
789. Palaver: speak rapidly & incessantly about unimportant matters
790. Canard: a deliberately misleading fabrication*
791. Dissemble: conceal one's time motives
792. Cataclysm: an event resulting in great loss & misfortune
793. Capitulate: to surrender (usually under agreed conditions)
794. Ebullient: Joyously unrestrained
795. Veritable: truthfully, without a doubt
796. Loath: unwilling to do something contrary to your customs (usually followed by ‘to’)
797. Abrogate: revoke on relinquish formally, do away with
798. Exiguity: the quality of being meagre
799. Flag: droop, sink or settle from; become less intense
800. Pillory: ridicule or expose to public scorn
801. Verisimilitude: the appearance of truth
802. Infelicitous: inappropriate
803. Ineluctable: impossible to avoid or evade
804. Oblique: not straightforward; indirect
805. Promulgate: State or announce
806. Surfeit: an excessive amount of something
807. Sardonic: disdainfully or ironically humorous, scornful & mocking
808. Diminutive: to indicate smallness (both noun & verb) *
809. Eponym: the name derived from a person; the person for whom something is named
810. Dissolution: a living full of debauchery & indulgence in sensual pleasure
811. Panacea: hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; a universal solution
812. Chauvinism: fanatical patriots; belief that one group is superior
813. Bereft: unhappy in love, suffering from love; suffering from unrequited love
sorrowful through loss or deprivation
814. Officious: intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
815. Extrapolate: draw from specific cases for more general cases
816. Lachrymose showing sorrow
817. Hoodwink: to deceive or tuck someone
818. Dissipate: squander or spend money frivolously; to disuse or scatter
819. Modicum: a small or moderate or token amount
820. Estimable: deserving of esteem & respect
821. Bastardization: an act that debases or corrupts
822. Simulacrum: a representation of a person (especially in a sculpture); a bold imitation.

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