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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Editorial 02 – 09 – 2021 Synonyms: dangerous, fraught with danger,

1) Tottering (Verb) - डगमगानेवाला hazardous

Meaning: move in a feeble or unsteady way. Antonyms: safe, secure

Synonyms: teeter, walk unsteadily, stagger Usage: "a perilous journey south"

Antonyms: stable, steady, strong

Usage: "a hunched figure tottering down the path" 5) Detract (Verb) - घटाना

Meaning: diminish the worth or value of (a quality

2) Paramount (Adjective) - आला दर्जे का or achievement).

Meaning: more important than anything else; Synonyms: belittle, take away from, diminish

supreme. Antonyms: enhance

Synonyms: most important, of greatest importance, Usage: "these quibbles in no way detract from her

of prime importance achievement"

Antonyms: least, last, inferior

Usage: "the interests of the child are of paramount 6) Concerted (Verb) - संयक्त
ु रूप से व्यवस्थित

importance" Meaning: jointly arranged or carried out;


3) Outlay (Noun) - परिव्यय Synonyms: joint, united, jointly planned

Meaning: an amount of money spent on Antonyms: separate, individual

something. Usage: "a concerted attempt to preserve religious

Synonyms: expenditure, expenses, spending unity"

Antonyms: blessing, boon, income

Usage: "a modest outlay on local advertising" 7) Laggard (Noun) -- सुथत

Meaning: a person who makes slow progress and

4) Perilous (Adjective) - खतिनाक falls behind others.

Meaning: full of danger or risk. Synonyms: straggler, loiterer, lingerer

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: speedster, leader Antonyms: relief, cure, healing

Usage: "staff were under enormous pressure and Usage: "Lindsey experienced a sharp pang of guilt"

there was no time for laggards"

2) Unduly (Adverb) - अनैस्तक रूप से

8) Discernible (Adjective) - नमूदाि Meaning: to an unwarranted degree; inordinately.

Meaning: able to be discerned; perceptible. Synonyms: excessively, immoderately,

Synonyms: visible, detectable, noticeable intemperately

Antonyms: imperceptible Antonyms: duly, appropriately

Usage: "the scandal had no discernible effect on Usage: "there is no need to be unduly alarmed"

his career"

3) Vaulted (Adjective) - मेहिाब वाला

9) Stark (Adjective) - रूपिे खा में गंभीि Meaning: having a curve or curves

Meaning: severe or bare in appearance or outline. Synonyms: arched, curved, rounded

Synonyms: sharply delineated, sharp, sharply Antonyms: straight, straightaway

defined Usage: "an unusual brick vaulted ceiling"

Antonyms: fuzzy, indistinct, pleasant

Usage: "the ridge formed a stark silhouette against 4) Contention (Noun) - असहमस्त, स्ववाद

the sky" Meaning: heated disagreement.

Synonyms: disagreement, dispute, disputation

10) Vetoing (Verb) - अथवीकाि किना Antonyms: agreement

Meaning: exercise a veto against (a decision or Usage: "the captured territory was the main area of

proposal). contention between the two countries"

Synonyms: reject, turn down, throw out

Antonyms: approve, authorize 5) Resentment (Noun) - नािाज़गी

Usage: "the president vetoed the bill" Meaning: bitter indignation at having been treated

Editorial 03 – 09 – 2021 unfairly.

1) Pangs (Noun) - तेर्ज ददद Synonyms: bitterness, indignation, irritation

Meaning: a sudden sharp pain or painful emotion. Antonyms: contentment, happiness

Synonyms: pain, sharp pain, shooting pain Usage: "his resentment at being demoted"

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

6) Bickering (Verb) - क्षुद्र औि तुच्छ मामलों में बहस किना 10) Rigour (Noun) - स्नठिता

Meaning: argue about petty and trivial matters. Meaning: the quality of being extremely thorough

Synonyms: squabble, argue, quarrel and careful.

Antonyms: agree Synonyms: meticulousness, thoroughness,

Usage: "couples who bicker over who gets what carefulness

from the divorce" Antonyms: carelessness

Usage: "his analysis is lacking in rigour"

7) Bulwark (Noun) - एक िक्षात्मक दीवाि Editorial 06 – 09 – 2021

Meaning: a defensive wall. 1) Congregated (Verb) - एकस्ित होना

Synonyms: wall, rampart, fortification Meaning: gather into a crowd or mass.

Antonyms: harm, hurt, injury Synonyms: assemble, gather, collect

Usage: It is not the last outpost of colonialism, but Antonyms: disperse

the first bulwark of democracy. Usage: "some 4,000 demonstrators had

congregated at a border point"

8) Adhesive (Noun) - आसंर्जक

Meaning: a substance used for sticking objects or 2) Assertions (Noun) - अस्भकिन

materials together; glue. Meaning: a confident and forceful statement of fact

Synonyms: glue, fixative, gum or belief.

Antonyms: loose, open, separated Synonyms: declaration, contention, statement

Usage: "tile adhesive" Antonyms: disavowals, denial, desertion

Usage: "his assertion that his father had deserted

9) Sustenance (Noun) - उपर्जीवन the family"

Meaning: food and drink regarded as a source of

strength; nourishment. 3) Accorded (Verb) - प्रदान किना

Synonyms: nourishment, food, nutriment Meaning: give or grant someone (power, status, or

Antonyms: deprivation, extras, starvation recognition).

Usage: "poor rural economies turned to potatoes Synonyms: give, grant, tender

for sustenance" Antonyms: withhold, remove

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Usage: "the powers accorded to the head of state" Meaning: reprimand (someone) severely.

Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, admonish

4) Creeping (Verb) - िेंगना Antonyms: praise, commend

Meaning: move slowly and carefully in order to Usage: "he was castigated for not setting a good

avoid being heard or noticed. example"

Synonyms: crawl, move on all fours, move on

hands and knees 8) Expediency (Noun) - समीचीनता

Antonyms: barreling, bolting, breakneck Meaning: the quality of being convenient and

Usage: "he crept downstairs, hardly making any practical despite possibly being improper or

noise" immoral; convenience.

Synonyms: convenience, advantage,

5) Adversary (Noun) - प्रस्तद्वंद्वी advantageousness

Meaning: one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or Antonyms: disadvantage

dispute. Usage: "an act of political expediency"

Synonyms: opponent, rival, enemy

Antonyms: ally, supporter 9) Unenviable (Adjective) - अवांछनीय

Usage: "Davis beat his old adversary in the Meaning: difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant.

quarter-finals" Synonyms: disagreeable, unpleasant, undesirable

Antonyms: enviable, desirable

6) Complacent (Adjective) - आत्मसंतष्ट

ु Usage: "an unenviable reputation for drunkenness"

Meaning: showing smug or uncritical satisfaction

with oneself or one's achievements. 10) Disrupting (Verb) - बाधा पहुँचाना

Synonyms: smug, self-satisfied, pleased with Meaning: drastically alter or destroy the structure

oneself of.

Antonyms: dissatisfied, humble Synonyms: distort, damage, buckle

Usage: "you can't afford to be complacent about Antonyms: organize, arrange

security" Usage: "alcohol can disrupt the chromosomes of

an unfertilized egg"

7) Castigating (Verb) – फटकािना

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Editorial 07 – 09 – 2021 Antonyms: freed, lost, released

1) Connivance (Noun) - स्मलीभगत Usage: "she made to open the door, but he

Meaning: willingness to allow or be secretly detained her"

involved in an immoral or illegal act.

Synonyms: collusion, complicity, collaboration 5) Deployed (Verb) – तैनात किना

Antonyms: assistance, abetment, aid Meaning: move (troops or equipment) into position

Usage: "this infringement of the law had taken for military action.

place with the connivance of officials" Synonyms: position, station, post

Antonyms: concentrate

2) Rampage (Noun) - स्हसात्मक आचिण Usage: "forces were deployed at strategic

Meaning: a period of violent and uncontrollable locations"

behaviour by a group of people.

Synonyms: berserk, out of control, wild 6) Outrageous (Adjective) - अपमानर्जनक

Antonyms: calmness, delight, pleasure Meaning: shockingly bad or excessive.

Usage: "thugs went on the rampage and wrecked a Synonyms: shocking, disgraceful, scandalous

classroom" Antonyms: acceptable, mild, moderate

Usage: "an outrageous act of bribery"

3) Ransacked (Verb) – तोड़फोड़ किना

Meaning: go through (a place) stealing things and 7) Dispensation (Noun) - एक स्नयम या सामान्य

causing damage. आवश्यकता से छू ट

Synonyms: plunder, pillage, steal from Meaning: exemption from a rule or usual

Antonyms: cleaned, found, gave requirement.

Usage: "burglars ransacked her home" Synonyms: exemption, immunity, exception

Antonyms: responsibility, liability, obligation

4) Detained (Verb) - देि किना Usage: "although she was too young, she was

Meaning: keep (someone) from proceeding by given special dispensation to play before her

holding them back or making claims on their birthday"


Synonyms: delay, hold up, make late 8) Reviled (Verb) - बुिा-भला कहना

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Meaning: criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting Usage: I had many such experiences at meetings

manner. and discussions in the lead-up to the referendum.

Synonyms: criticize, censure, condemn

Antonyms: praise, extol 2) Legions (Noun) - स्वशाल संख्या

Usage: "he was now reviled by the party that he Meaning: a vast number of people or things.

had helped to lead" Synonyms: horde, host, throng

Antonyms: few, numbered, scarce

9) Ordained (Verb) - आस्धकारिक तौि पि आदेश देना Usage: "legions of photographers and TV

Meaning: order (something) officially. cameras"

Synonyms: decree, rule, order

Antonyms: abolished, annulled, abrogated 3) Dichotomy (Noun) - स्द्वभक्तीकिण

Usage: "equal punishment was ordained for the Meaning: a division or contrast between two things

two crimes" that are or are represented as being opposed or

entirely different.

10) Credence (Noun) - स्वश्वास या थवीकृ स्त Synonyms: division, separation, divorce

Meaning: belief in or acceptance of something as Antonyms: oneness, openness, single

true. Usage: "a rigid dichotomy between science and

Synonyms: acceptance, belief, faith mysticism"

Antonyms: disbelief, discredit, distrust

Usage: "psychoanalysis finds little credence 4) Woes (Noun) - दुुःख, संकट

among laymen" Meaning: great sorrow or distress (often used

Editorial 08 – 09 – 2021 hyperbolically).

1) Referendum (Noun) - र्जनमत संग्रह Synonyms: misery, sorrow, distress

Meaning: a general vote by the electorate on a Antonyms: happiness, joy

single political question which has been referred to Usage: "the Everton tale of woe continued"

them for a direct decision.

Synonyms: public vote, plebiscite, popular vote 5) Sway (Verb) - स्नयंिण किना

Antonyms: unilateral decision Meaning: control or influence (a person or course

of action).

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Synonyms: influence, affect, bias Meaning: pleasure, especially when gained from

Antonyms: powerlessness, inability, inefficiency the satisfaction of a desire.

Usage: "he's easily swayed by other people" Synonyms: satisfaction, fulfillment, indulgence

Antonyms: dissatisfaction, discontent,

6) Brevity (Noun) - संस्क्षप्तता discontentedness

Meaning: concise and exact use of words in writing Usage: "a thirst for sexual gratification"

or speech.

Synonyms: conciseness, concision, succinctness 10) Raucous (Adjective) - ककद श

Antonyms: long-windedness, verbosity Meaning: making or constituting a disturbingly

Usage: "the staff will edit manuscripts with a view harsh and loud noise.

to brevity and clarity" Synonyms: harsh, strident, screeching

Antonyms: soft, dulcet, peaceful

7) Notorious (Adjective) - कु ख्यात Usage: "raucous youths"

Meaning: famous or well known, typically for some Editorial 09 – 09 – 2021

bad quality or deed. 1) Shrug (Verb) - उचकाना

Synonyms: infamous, of ill repute, with a bad Meaning: dismiss something as unimportant.

reputation/name Synonyms: disregard, dismiss, take no notice of

Antonyms: unknown, anonymous, faceless Antonyms: nod, agree, assent

Usage: "Los Angeles is notorious for its smog" Usage: "the managing director shrugged off the


8) Paucity (Noun) – कमी या स्विलता

Meaning: the presence of something in only small 2) Retaliation (Noun) - प्रस्तकाि

or insufficient quantities or amounts. Meaning: the action of returning a military attack;

Synonyms: scarcity, sparseness, sparsity counter-attack.

Antonyms: abundance Synonyms: revenge, vengeance, reprisal

Usage: "a paucity of information" Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon, sympathy

Usage: "the bombings are believed to be in

9) Gratification (Noun) - परितोषण retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects"

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

3) Escalation (Noun) - वृस्ि Antonyms: intangible

Meaning: a rapid increase; a rise. Usage: "the atmosphere of neglect and

Synonyms: rapid increase, rise, hike abandonment was almost tangible"

Antonyms: plunge, relaxation

Usage: "cost escalations" 8) Slumped (Verb) - भािी औि सीस्मत रूप से स्गिना

Meaning: sit, lean, or fall heavily and limply.

4) Formidable (Adjective) - दुर्जय

े Synonyms: sit heavily, flop, flump

Meaning: inspiring fear or respect through being Antonyms: stand up, sit up

impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable. Usage: "she slumped against the cushions"

Synonyms: intimidating, forbidding, redoubtable

Antonyms: pleasant-looking, comforting, easy 9) Belie (Verb) - सच्चा प्रभाव देने में स्वफल होना

Usage: "a formidable opponent" Meaning: fail to give a true impression of


5) Catastrophic (Adjective) - स्वपस्िपूणद Synonyms: contradict, be at odds with, call into

Meaning: extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful. question

Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic Antonyms: testify to, reveal

Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial Usage: "his lively, alert manner belied his years"

Usage: "catastrophic mismanagement of the

economy" 10) Posited (Verb) – प्रथतुत किना

Meaning: put forward as fact or as a basis for

6) Cede (Verb) - आत्मसमपदण किना argument.

Meaning: give up (power or territory). Synonyms: postulate, put forward, advance

Synonyms: surrender, concede, relinquish Antonyms: addressed, discussed, explored

Antonyms: keep, gain Usage: "the Confucian view posits a perfectible

Usage: "in 1874, the islands were ceded to Britain" human nature"

Editorial 10 – 09 – 2021

7) Tangible (Adjective) - मूतद 1) Expertise (Noun) - स्वशेषज्ञता

Meaning: perceptible by touch. Meaning: expert skill or knowledge in a particular

Synonyms: touchable, palpable, tactile field.

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Synonyms: skill, skilfulness, expertness Usage: "Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a

Antonyms: incompetence close-knit family"

Usage: "technical expertise"

5) Catastrophic (Adjective) - आपस्िर्जनक

2) Overdue (Adjective) - अस्तदेय Meaning: extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful.

Meaning: not having arrived, happened, or been Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic

done by the expected time. Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial

Synonyms: late Usage: "catastrophic mismanagement of the

not on time economy"

behind schedule

Antonyms: early 6) Unprecedented (Adjective) - अभूतपूवद

punctual Meaning: never done or known before.

on time Synonyms: unparalleled, unequalled, unmatched

Usage: "the rent was nearly three months overdue" Antonyms: normal, common

Usage: "the government took the unprecedented

3) Emphasise (Verb) - को महत्व देना step of releasing confidential correspondence"

Meaning: give special importance or value to

(something) in speaking or writing. 7) Devastated (Verb) - तहस-नहस ककया हआ

Synonyms: bring/call/draw attention to, focus Meaning: destroy or ruin.

attention on, highlight Synonyms: destroy, ruin, leave in ruins

Antonyms: understate, play down Antonyms: fixed, repaired, sober

Usage: "they emphasize the need for daily, one-to- Usage: "the city was devastated by a huge

one contact between parent and child" earthquake"

4) Nurtured (Verb) – पालन पोषण किना 8) Evacuation (Noun) - स्नष्क्रमण

Meaning: care for and protect (someone or Meaning: the action of evacuating a person or a

something) while they are growing. place.

Synonyms: bring up, care for, provide for Synonyms: removal, clearance, shifting

Antonyms: neglect, hinder Antonyms: retention

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Usage: "there were waves of evacuation during the Synonyms: declaration, contention, statement

blitz" Antonyms: disavowal, denial, desertion

Usage: "his assertion that his father had deserted

9) Reckoning (Verb) – गणना किना the family"

Meaning: the action or process of calculating or

estimating something. 3) Reckless (Adjective) - लापिवाह

Synonyms: calculation, estimation, computation Meaning: heedless of danger or the consequences

Antonyms: doubt, disbelief, uncertainty of one's actions; rash or impetuous.

Usage: "the sixth, or by another reckoning Synonyms: rash, careless, thoughtless

eleventh, Earl of Mar" Antonyms: careful, cautious, prudent

Usage: "you mustn't be so reckless"

10) Soar (Verb) - ऊंची उड़ान भिना

Meaning: fly or rise high in the air. 4) Abdicate (Verb) – त्यागना

Synonyms: fly up, wing, wing its way Meaning: renounce one's throne.

Antonyms: plummet Synonyms: resign, retire, quit

Usage: "the bird spread its wings and soared into Antonyms: be crowned, accede to

the air" Usage: "in 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as

Editorial 13 – 09 – 2021 German emperor"

1) Retaliation (Noun) - प्रस्तकाि

Meaning: the action of returning a military attack; 5) Veered (Verb) - अचानक कदशा बदलना

counter-attack. Meaning: change direction suddenly.

Synonyms: revenge, vengeance, reprisal Synonyms: swerve, career, skew

Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon, sympathy Antonyms: stayed, went direct, gone direct

Usage: "the bombings are believed to be in Usage: "an oil tanker that had veered off course"

retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects"

6) Probe (Noun) - तहक़ीकात

2) Assertion (Noun) - अस्भकिन Meaning: a thorough investigation into a crime or

Meaning: a confident and forceful statement of fact other matter.

or belief. Synonyms: investigation, inquiry, examination

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: answer, ignore, misunderstand Antonyms: calm, obedience, peace

Usage: "a probe into city hall corruption" Usage: In March 1848, authorities charged several

leading nationalists with sedition.

7) Stampede (Noun) - भगदड़ Editorial 14 – 09 – 2021

Meaning: rush wildly in a sudden mass panic. 1) Indigenous (Adjective) - देशर्ज

Synonyms: bolt, charge, rush Meaning: originating or occurring naturally in a

Antonyms: retreat, withdrawal, conclusion particular place; native.

Usage: "the nearby sheep stampeded as if they Synonyms: native, aboriginal, local

sensed impending danger" Antonyms: expatriate, migrant, adventitious

Usage: "the indigenous peoples of Siberia"

8) Egregious (Adjective) - चौंका देने वाला

Meaning: outstandingly bad; shocking. 2) Persecution (Noun) - उत्पीड़न

Synonyms: shocking, appalling, horrific Meaning: hostility and ill-treatment, especially

Antonyms: marvellous because of race or political or religious beliefs;

Usage: "egregious abuses of copyright" oppression.

Synonyms: oppression, victimization, maltreatment

9) Agrarian (Adjective) - कृ स्ष-संबध

ं ी Antonyms: comfort, help, refuge

Meaning: relating to cultivated land or the Usage: "her family fled religious persecution"
cultivation of land.

Synonyms: agricultural, rural, countryside 3) Legitimate (Adjective) - कानूनी

Antonyms: nonagricultural, urban, industrial Meaning: conforming to the law or to rules.

Usage: "Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian Synonyms: legal, lawful, licit

economy" Antonyms: illegal, illegitimate

Usage: "his claims to legitimate authority"

10) Sedition (Noun) - स्वद्रोह

Meaning: conduct or speech inciting people to 4) Combative (Adjective) - र्जुझारू

rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. Meaning: ready or eager to fight or argue.

Synonyms: incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, Synonyms: pugnacious, aggressive, antagonistic

rabble-rousing Antonyms: conciliatory

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Usage: "he made some enemies with his Meaning: a feeling or thought that something is

combative style" possible, likely, or true.

Synonyms: intuition, feeling, impression

5) Disparage (Verb) - उपेक्षा किना Antonyms: certainty

Meaning: regard or represent as being of little Usage: "she had a sneaking suspicion that he was

worth. laughing at her"

Synonyms: belittle, denigrate, deprecate

Antonyms: praise, overrate, complimentary 9) Forge (Verb) - र्जाली नकल किना

Usage: "he never missed an opportunity to Meaning: create (something) strong, enduring, or

disparage his competitors" successful.

Synonyms: build, build up, construct

6) Accentuates (Verb) - अस्धक ध्यान देने योग्य या प्रमुख Antonyms: remain, stand, stay

बनाना Usage: "the two women forged a close bond"

Meaning: make more noticeable or prominent.

Synonyms: focus attention on, bring/call/draw 10) Marred (Verb) - स्बगाड़ना

attention to, point up Meaning: impair the quality or appearance of; spoil.

Antonyms: mask, divert attention from Synonyms: spoil, ruin, impair

Usage: "his jacket unfortunately accentuated his Antonyms: improve, enhance

paunch" Usage: "violence marred a number of New Year


7) Grievance (Noun) - स्शकायत Editorial 17 – 09 – 2021

Meaning: a real or imagined cause for complaint, 1) Prompting (Noun)

especially unfair treatment. Meaning: the action of saying something to

Synonyms: injustice, unjust act, wrong persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or

Antonyms: commendation, advantage, aid say something.

Usage: "a website which enabled staff to air their Synonyms: encouragement, reminder(s),

grievances" reminding

Antonyms: tug, pull, yank

8) Suspicion (Noun) - संदह

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Usage: "after some prompting, the defendant gave

the police his name" 6) Envoys (Noun)

Meaning: a messenger or representative,

2) Consensus (Noun) especially one on a diplomatic mission.

Meaning: a general agreement. Synonyms: representative, delegate, deputy

Synonyms: agreement, harmony, concord Antonyms: receivers

Antonyms: disagreement, minority view Usage: "the UN special envoy to Yugoslavia"

Usage: "there is a growing consensus that the

current regime has failed" 7) Culminated (Verb)

Meaning: reach a climax or point of highest

3) Accord (Verb) development.

Meaning: give or grant someone (power, status, or Synonyms: come to a climax, come to a

recognition). crescendo, come to a head

Synonyms: give, grant, tender Antonyms: start, begin, peter out

Antonyms: withhold, remove Usage: "weeks of violence culminated in the brutal

Usage: "the powers accorded to the head of state" murder of a magistrate"

4) Refrained (Verb) 8) Warp (Verb)

Meaning: stop oneself from doing something. Meaning:

Synonyms: abstain, desist, hold back make or become bent or twisted out of shape,

Antonyms: aided, allowed, assisted typically as a result of the effects of heat or damp.

Usage: "she refrained from comment" Synonyms: buckle, twist, bend

Antonyms: straighten, keep shape

5) Unprecedented (Adjective) Usage: "moisture had warped the box"

Meaning: never done or known before.

Synonyms: unparalleled, unequalled, unmatched 9) Incursion (Noun)

Antonyms: normal, common Meaning: an invasion or attack, especially a

Usage: "the government took the unprecedented sudden or brief one.

step of releasing confidential correspondence" Synonyms: attack on, assault on, raid on

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Antonyms: retreat Meaning: the repeal or abolition of a law, right, or

Usage: "incursions into enemy territory" agreement.

Synonyms: repudiation, revocation, repeal

10) Coveted (Noun) Antonyms: institution, introduction

Meaning: yearn to possess (something, especially Usage: They have regarded its renewal and its

something belonging to another). abrogation with about equal anxiety.

Synonyms: desire, be consumed with desire for,

crave 4) Spurt (Verb) - र्जोिदाि धािा में बह र्जाना

Antonyms: unwanted Meaning: gush out in a sudden and forceful

Usage: "I covet one of their smart bags" stream.

Editorial 18 – 09 – 2021 Synonyms: squirt, shoot, spray

1) Segregation (Noun) - पृिक्किण Antonyms: continuity, peace, trickle

Meaning: the action or state of setting someone or Usage: "he cut his finger, and blood spurted over

something apart from others. the sliced potatoes"

Synonyms: separation, setting apart, keeping apart

Antonyms: integration 5) Shrill (Adjective) - अस्नमेष

Usage: "the segregation of pupils with learning Meaning: high-pitched and piercing.

difficulties" Synonyms: high-pitched, piercing, high

Antonyms: low, soft, dulcet

2) Propriety (Noun) - शालीनता Usage: "a shrill laugh"

Meaning: conformity to conventionally accepted

standards of behaviour or morals. 6) Imperative (Adjective) - आज्ञािदक

Synonyms: decorum, respectability, decency Meaning: of vital importance; crucial.

Antonyms: impropriety, indecorum Synonyms: vitally important, of vital importance,

Usage: "he always behaved with the utmost all-important

propriety" Antonyms: unimportant, optional

Usage: "immediate action was imperative"

3) Abrogation (Noun) - स्निसन

7) Revulsion (Noun) - घृणा, प्रस्तकषदण

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Meaning: a sense of disgust and loathing. 1) Expedition (Noun) – यािा

Synonyms: disgust, repulsion, abhorrence Meaning: a journey undertaken by a group of

Antonyms: delight, liking people with a particular purpose, especially that of

Usage: "news of the attack will be met with sorrow exploration, research, or war.

and revulsion" Synonyms: journey, voyage, tour

Antonyms: blockage, delay, halt

8) Truce (Noun) - युिस्विाम संस्ध Usage: "an expedition to the jungles of the

Meaning: an agreement between enemies or Orinoco"

opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain

time. 2) Trampled (Verb) - कु चल डालना

Synonyms: ceasefire, armistice, suspension of Meaning: tread on and crush.

hostilities Synonyms: tread, tramp, stamp

Antonyms: fighting, hostilities Antonyms: created, built, constructed

Usage: "the guerrillas called a three-day truce" Usage: "the fence had been trampled down"

9) Punitive (Adjective) - दंडात्मक 3) Entice (Verb) - लुभाना

Meaning: inflicting or intended as punishment. Meaning: attract or tempt by offering pleasure or

Synonyms: penal, disciplinary, corrective advantage.

Antonyms: continuity, peace, trickle Synonyms: tempt, allure, lure

Usage: "he called for punitive measures against Antonyms: disenchant, disgust, dissuade

the Eastern bloc" Usage: "a show which should entice a new

audience into the theatre"

10) Contentious (Adjective) - स्ववादाथपद

Meaning: causing or likely to cause an argument; 4) Inconspicuous (Adjective) - अथपष्ट

controversial. Meaning: not clearly visible or attracting attention.

Synonyms: controversial, disputable, debatable Synonyms: unobtrusive, unnoticeable,

Antonyms: uncontroversial unremarkable

Usage: "a contentious issue" Antonyms: conspicuous, noticeable, high-profile

Editorial 21 – 09 – 2021 Usage: "an inconspicuous red-brick building"

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Meaning: take apart (a piece of machinery or

5) Acquisition (Noun) - अर्जदन equipment) in order to examine it and repair it if

Meaning: an asset or object bought or obtained, necessary.

typically by a library or museum. Synonyms: service, maintain, repair

Synonyms: purchase, accession, addition Antonyms: break, damage, destroy

Antonyms: loss, forfeiture, deprivation Usage: "the steering box was recently overhauled"

Usage: "the legacy will be used for new

acquisitions" 9) Sweeping (Adjective) - सीमा या प्रभाव में व्यापक

Meaning: wide in range or effect.

6) Trespassing (Verb) - स्बना अनुमस्त के प्रवेश किना Synonyms: extensive, wide-ranging, global

Meaning: enter someone's land or property without Antonyms: narrow, restricted, limited

permission. Usage: "we cannot recommend any sweeping

Synonyms: enter without permission, intrude on, alterations"

encroach on

Antonyms: behaving, obeying, retreating 10) Revamp (Verb) - र्जीणोिाि, पुनर्वदतिण

Usage: "there is no excuse for trespassing on Meaning: give new and improved form, structure,

railway property" or appearance to.

Synonyms: renovate, redecorate, refurbish

7) Manoeuvring (Verb) - कु शलता से या सावधानी से आगे Antonyms: fix, freeze, set

बढ़ना Usage: "an attempt to revamp the museum's

Meaning: move skilfully or carefully. image"

Synonyms: steer, guide, drive Editorial 22 – 09 – 2021

Antonyms: carefulness, caution, cautiousness 1) Expeditious (Adjective) - शीघ्र

Usage: "the lorry was unable to manoeuvre Meaning: done with speed and efficiency.

comfortably in the narrow street" Synonyms: speedy, swift, quick

Antonyms: slow

8) Overhaul (Verb) - पूिी मिम्मत किना Usage: "an expeditious investigation"

2) Revelation (Noun) - िहथयोद्घाटन

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Meaning: a surprising and previously unknown fact Meaning: make (an action or process) happen

that has been disclosed to others. sooner or be accomplished more quickly.

Synonyms: disclosure, surprising fact, divulgence Synonyms: speed up, accelerate, hurry

Antonyms: keeping, concealment, covers Antonyms: delay, hinder

Usage: "revelations about his personal life" Usage: "he promised to expedite economic


3) Clause (Noun) - धािा

Meaning: a particular and separate article, 7) Opacity (Noun) - अपािदर्शदता

stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract. Meaning: the quality of lacking transparency or

Synonyms: section, paragraph, article translucence.

Antonyms: lessening, subtraction Synonyms: opaqueness, non-transparency, lack of

Usage: The risk fee covenant clause is associated transparency

with the incentive fees on contract. Antonyms: transparency, translucence, clarity

Usage: "thinner paints need black added to

4) Unequivocal (Adjective) - असंकदग्ध increase opacity"

Meaning: leaving no doubt; unambiguous.

Synonyms: unambiguous, unmistakable, 8) Cohesion (Noun) - एकर्जुटता

indisputable Meaning: the action or fact of forming a united

Antonyms: equivocal, ambiguous, vague whole.

Usage: "an unequivocal answer" Synonyms: unity, togetherness, solidarity

Antonyms: division, disunity, dividedness

5) Intriguing (Verb) - स्र्जज्ञासा या रुस्च र्जगाना Usage: "the work at present lacks cohesion"

Meaning: arouse the curiosity or interest of;

fascinate. 9) Benign (Adjective) - सौम्य

Synonyms: interest, be of interest to, fascinate Meaning: gentle and kind.

Antonyms: bore Synonyms: kindly, kind, warm-hearted

Usage: "I was intrigued by your question" Antonyms: unfriendly, hostile

Usage: "his benign but firm manner"

6) Expedite (Verb) - शीघ्रता किना

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10) Fiddle (Verb) - बेला बर्जाना 4) Intervene (Verb) - हथतक्षेप किना

Meaning: touch or fidget with something in a Meaning: take part in something so as to prevent

restless or nervous way. or alter a result or course of events.

Synonyms: fidget, play, toy Synonyms: intercede, involve oneself, get involved

Antonyms: work, leave alone, execute Antonyms: combine, connect, ignore

Usage: "Lena fiddled with her cup" Usage: "he acted outside his authority when he

Editorial 23 – 09 – 2021 intervened in the dispute"

1) Adjudicating (Verb) - स्नणदय किना

Meaning: make a formal judgement on a disputed 5) Augur (Verb) - अच्छे या बुिे परिणाम को स्चस्ित किना

matter. Meaning: portend a good or bad outcome.

Synonyms: judge, adjudge, try Synonyms: bode, portend, herald

Antonyms: deferring, dodging, hesitating Antonyms: conceal, estimate, guess

Usage: "the Committee adjudicates on all betting Usage: "the end of the cold war seemed to augur

disputes" well"

2) Defection (Noun) - पक्षपलटा 6) Stipulated (Verb) - अनुबि

Meaning: the desertion of one's country or cause in Meaning: demand or specify (a requirement),

favour of an opposing one. typically as part of an agreement.

Synonyms: desertion, absconding, decamping Synonyms: specify, set down, set out

Antonyms: enough, faithfulness, harmony Antonyms: optional, discretionary, elective

Usage: "his defection from the Labour Party" Usage: "he stipulated certain conditions before

their marriage"

3) Bolster (Verb) - समिदन देना या मर्जबूत किना

Meaning: support or strengthen. 7) Affluent (Adjective) - धनी या समृि

Synonyms: strengthen, support, reinforce Meaning: having a great deal of money; wealthy.

Antonyms: undermine Synonyms: wealthy, rich, prosperous

Usage: "the fall in interest rates is starting to Antonyms: poor, impoverished

bolster confidence" Usage: "the affluent societies of the western world"

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8) Paradox (Noun) – असत्याभास या स्विोधाभास Usage: "the government took the unprecedented

Meaning: a seemingly absurd or contradictory step of releasing confidential correspondence"

statement or proposition which when investigated

may prove to be well founded or true. 2) Curb (Verb) – स्नयंिण किना

Synonyms: contradiction, contradiction in terms, Meaning: restrain or keep in check.

self-contradiction Synonyms: restrain, hold back, keep back

Antonyms: accuracy, certainty, correction Antonyms: release

Usage: "the uncertainty principle leads to all sorts Usage: "she promised she would curb her temper"

of paradoxes, like the particles being in two places

at once" 3) Clusters (Noun) - समूह

Meaning: a group of similar things or people

9) Dearth (Noun) - कमी positioned or occurring closely together.

Meaning: a scarcity or lack of something. Synonyms: bunch, clump, collection

Synonyms: lack, scarcity, scarceness Antonyms: individual, one, whole

Antonyms: abundance, surfeit Usage: "clusters of creamy-white flowers"

Usage: "there is a dearth of evidence"

4) Punitive (Adjective) - अत्यस्धक ऊुँचा

10) Upheld (Verb) - सही ठहिाना Meaning: extremely high.

Meaning: confirm or support (something which has Synonyms: harsh, severe, stiff

been questioned). Antonyms: reasonable, moderate, cheap

Synonyms: confirm, endorse, sustain Usage: "a current punitive interest rate of 31.3 per

Antonyms: overturn, oppose cent"

Usage: "the court upheld his claim for damages"

Editorial 24 – 09 - 2021 5) Plea (Noun) - दलील

1) Unprecedented (Adjective) - अप्रस्तम, बेस्मसाल Meaning: a request made in an urgent and

Meaning: never done or known before. emotional manner.

Synonyms: unparalleled, unequalled, unmatched Synonyms: appeal, entreaty, supplication

Antonyms: normal, common Antonyms: answer, decision, demand

Usage: "he made a dramatic plea for disarmament"

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10) Clemency (Noun) – िहम या दया

6) Exhaust (Verb) - िका देना Meaning: mercy; lenience.

Meaning: make (someone) feel very tired. Synonyms: mercy, mercifulness, leniency

Synonyms: tire out, wear out, overtire Antonyms: ruthlessness, strictness

Antonyms: invigorate, refresh Usage: "an appeal for clemency"

Usage: "her day out had exhausted her" Editorial 27 – 09 – 2021

1) Plenary (Adjective) - अपरिपक्व, पूणद

7) Condemned (Verb) - क़ी ननंदा किना Meaning: unqualified; absolute.

Meaning: express complete disapproval of; Synonyms: unconditional, unlimited, unrestricted

censure. Antonyms: conditional, limited, qualified

Synonyms: censure, criticize, castigate Usage: "crusaders were offered a plenary

Antonyms: praise, commend indulgence by the Pope"

Usage: "most leaders roundly condemned the

attack" 2) Entailed (Verb) - अपरिहायद

Meaning: involve (something) as a necessary or

8) Gallows (Noun) - फांसी inevitable part or consequence.

Meaning: execution by hanging. Synonyms: necessitate, make necessary, require

Synonyms: hanging, being hanged, the noose Antonyms: prevented, stopped, counteracted
Antonyms: abandoning, disregard, failure Usage: "a situation which entails considerable

Usage: "he was saved from the gallows by a last- risks"

minute reprieve"

3) Scrutiny (Noun) - संवीक्षा

9) Dilatory (Adjective) - धीमा Meaning: critical observation or examination.

Meaning: slow to act. Synonyms: careful examination, inspection, survey

Synonyms: slow, unhurried, tardy Antonyms: glance, cursory look

Antonyms: fast, prompt Usage: "every aspect of local government was

Usage: "he had been dilatory in appointing a placed under scrutiny"


4) Dubious (Adjective) - संकदग्ध

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Meaning: hesitating or doubting. Meaning: giving the impression that something

Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain, unsure harmful or evil is happening or will happen.

Antonyms: certain, definite Synonyms: menacing, threatening, ominous

Usage: "I was rather dubious about the whole idea" Antonyms: unthreatening, auspicious, benevolent

Usage: "there was something sinister about that

5) Probe (Noun) - र्जाुँच-पड़ताल murmuring voice"

Meaning: a thorough investigation into a crime or

other matter. 9) Behest (Noun) - आज्ञा

Synonyms: investigation, inquiry, examination Meaning: a person's orders or command.

Antonyms: answer, ignore, misunderstand Synonyms: instruction, bidding, request

Usage: "a probe into city hall corruption" Antonyms: answer, question, reply

Usage: "they had assembled at his behest"

6) Perpetuate (Verb) - अस्नस्ित काल के स्लए र्जािी

िखना 10) Inclination (Noun) - प्रवृस्ि

Meaning: make (something) continue indefinitely. Meaning: a person's natural tendency or urge to

Synonyms: keep alive, keep going, keep in act or feel in a particular way; a disposition.

existence Synonyms: tendency, propensity, proclivity

Antonyms: abolish, destroy, end Antonyms: aversion, disinclination

Usage: "the confusion was perpetuated through Usage: "John was a scientist by training and

inadvertence" inclination"

Editorial 28 – 09 – 2021

7) Purported (Verb) - दावा किना 1) Antecedents (Noun)

Meaning: appear to be or do something, especially Meaning: a person's ancestors or family and social

falsely. background.

Synonyms: claim, lay claim, profess Synonyms: ancestor, forefather, forebear

Antonyms: known, established, proven Antonyms: descendant

Usage: "she is not the person she purports to be" Usage: "her early life and antecedents have been


8) Sinister (Adjective) - भयावह

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2) Provocation (Noun) Antonyms: opponent, rival, leader

Meaning: action or speech that makes someone Usage: "a cohort of civil servants patiently drafting

angry, especially deliberately. legislation"

Synonyms: goading, prodding, egging on

Antonyms: counterincentive, disincentive, 6) Crook (Noun)

compliment Meaning: a person who is dishonest or a criminal.

Usage: "you should remain calm and not respond Synonyms: criminal, lawbreaker, offender

to provocation" Antonyms: law-abiding citizen

Usage: "the man's a crook, he's not to be trusted"

3) Inflated (Verb)

Meaning: fill (a balloon, tyre, or other expandable 7) Deterrent (Noun)

structure) with air or gas so that it becomes Meaning: a thing that discourages or is intended to

distended. discourage someone from doing something.

Synonyms: blown up, aerated, filled Synonyms: disincentive, discouragement,

Antonyms: deflated dissuasion

Usage: "never use an air line on a garage forecourt Antonyms: incentive, encouragement

to inflate your tyres" Usage: "cameras are a major deterrent to crime"

4) Defamation (Noun) 8) Dubious (Adjective)

Meaning: the action of damaging the good Meaning: hesitating or doubting.

reputation of someone; slander or libel. Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain, unsure

Synonyms: libel, slander, character assassination Antonyms: certain, definite

Antonyms: commendation Usage: "I was rather dubious about the whole idea"

Usage: "she sued him for defamation"

9) Lackadaisical (Adjective)

5) Cohort (Noun) Meaning: lacking enthusiasm and determination;

Meaning: a group of people with a shared carelessly lazy.

characteristic. Synonyms: careless, lazy, lax

Synonyms: group, categorization, category Antonyms: enthusiastic, excited

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Usage: "a lackadaisical defence left Spurs adrift in Usage: "the hungry flames devoured the old

the second half" house"

10) Cynical (Adjective) 4) Whittled (Verb) - छांटे र्जाते हैं

Meaning: doubtful as to whether something will Meaning: reduce something in size, amount, or

happen or whether it is worthwhile. extent by a gradual series of steps.

Synonyms: skeptical, doubtful, distrustful Synonyms: erode, wear away, eat away

Antonyms: optimistic, credulous Antonyms: increase, augment

Usage: "most residents are cynical about efforts to Usage: "the shortlist of fifteen was whittled down to

clean mobsters out of their city" five"

Editorial 29 – 09 – 2021

1) Enthuse (Verb) - उत्साही बनना 5) Liability (Noun) - देयता

Meaning: express eager enjoyment, interest, or Meaning: the state of being legally responsible for

approval regarding something. something.

Synonyms: rave, be enthusiastic, gush Synonyms: accountability, responsibility, legal

Antonyms: bore, deaden, dull responsibility

Usage: "they both enthused over my new look" Antonyms: immunity

Usage: "once you contact the card protection

2) Desperation (Noun) - स्निाशा क़ी स्थिस्त scheme your liability for any loss ends"

Meaning: a state of despair, typically one which

results in rash or extreme behaviour. 6) Contingent (Adjective) - आकस्थमक

Synonyms: hopelessness, despair, distress Meaning: subject to chance.

Antonyms: hope, hopefulness, advantage Synonyms: chance, accidental, fortuitous

Usage: "she wrote to him in desperation" Antonyms: predictable

Usage: "the contingent nature of the job"

3) Devouring (Verb) - भक्षण

Meaning: destroy completely. 7) Falter (Verb) - लड़खड़ाना

Synonyms: destroy, consume, engulf Meaning: lose strength or momentum.

Antonyms: renewing, replacing, building Synonyms: hesitate, delay, drag one's feet

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September Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: conclude, decide, reach Meaning: gradually destroy or be gradually

Usage: "the music faltered, stopped, and started destroyed.

up again" Synonyms: wear away/down, abrade, scrape away

Antonyms: contributing, fortifying, gentle

8) Pruning (Verb) - छंटाई Usage: "this humiliation has eroded what

Meaning: reduce the extent of (something) by confidence Jean has"

removing superfluous or unwanted parts.

Synonyms: reduce, cut, cut back 2) Spur (Noun) - प्रोत्साहन

Antonyms: increase, enlargement, expansion Meaning: a thing that prompts or encourages

Usage: "the workforce was pruned" someone; an incentive.

Synonyms: stimulus, incentive, encouragement

9) Hog (Verb) - एकास्धकाि किना Antonyms: disincentive, discouragement

Meaning: take or use most or all of (something) in Usage: "wars act as a spur to practical invention"

an unfair or selfish way.

Synonyms: monopolize, keep to oneself, dominate 3) Succour (Noun) - पिेशानी में सहायता

Antonyms: share Meaning: assistance and support in times of

Usage: "he never hogged the limelight" hardship and distress.

Synonyms: aid, help, a helping hand

10) Attrition (Noun) - संघषदण Antonyms: hindrance, obstruction, opposition

Meaning: the process of reducing something's Usage: "the wounded had little chance of succour"

strength or effectiveness through sustained attack

or pressure. 4) Imperative (Adjective) - महत्वपूणद

Synonyms: wearing down, wearing away, Meaning: of vital importance; crucial.

weakening Synonyms: vitally important, of vital importance,

Antonyms: buildup, accretion, building all-important

Usage: "the council is trying to wear down the Antonyms: unimportant, optional

opposition by attrition" Usage: "immediate action was imperative"

Editorial 30 – 09 – 2021

1) Eroding (Verb) - धीिे -धीिे नष्ट होना 5) Allocation (Noun) - स्नयतन

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Meaning: the action or process of allocating or Synonyms: development, origination, drafting

sharing out something. Antonyms: destruction

Synonyms: allotment, assignment, issuing Usage: "a thorough and painstaking work which

Antonyms: whole, debt, juncture was a long time in gestation"

Usage: "more efficient allocation of resources"

9) Implicit (Adjective) - स्नस्हत

6) Repercussions (Noun) - प्रस्तप्रभाव Meaning: suggested though not directly expressed.

Meaning: an unintended consequence of an event Synonyms: implied, indirect, inferred

or action, especially an unwelcome one. Antonyms: explicit, direct

Synonyms: consequence, result, effect Usage: "comments seen as implicit criticism of the

Antonyms: cause, origin, source policies"

Usage: "the move would have grave repercussions

for the entire region" 10) Customary (Adjective) - प्रिागत

Meaning: according to the customs or usual

7) Acquisition (Noun) - अर्जदन practices associated with a particular society,

Meaning: an asset or object bought or obtained, place, or set of circumstances.

typically by a library or museum. Synonyms: usual, traditional, normal

Synonyms: purchase, accession, addition Antonyms: unusual, exceptional, rare

Antonyms: loss, forfeiture, deprivation Usage: "it is customary to mark an occasion like

Usage: "the legacy will be used for new this with a toast"


8) Gestation (Noun) - गभादवस्ध

Meaning: the development of something over a

period of time.

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