Grade8 Q1-4 W4 PerformMensuration

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Quarter 1-4 Module 4:
Performing Mensuration and Calculation
TLE-ICT:CSS – Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1-4 Module 4: Performing Mensuration and Calculation
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these
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represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jessie V. Alcala
Editors: Reynald M. Manzano
Reviewers: Ruthmarie B. Eltanal, Louelyn M. Lajot
Typesetter: Romie G. Benolaria

Management Team: Senen Priscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera

Marcelo K. Palispis, Ed.D. Maricel S. Rasid
Joelyza M. Arcilla, Ed. D. Elmar L. Cabrera
Nilita L. Ragay, Ed.D.
Antonio B. Baguio Jr., Ed.D.

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education –Region VII Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Office Address: Kagawasan, Ave., Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tele #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117
E-mail Address: [email protected]

Quarter 1-4 Module 4:
Performing Mensuration
and Calculation
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master Performing Mensuration and Calculation. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged
to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you
read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module is divided into three lessons, namely:

• Lesson 1 – Select Measuring Instruments
• Lesson 2 – Carry out measurements and calculations
• Lesson 3 - Maintain measuring instruments

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the different instruments to be measured
2. Demonstrate how to measure and calculate the instrument that
needs to be measured
3. Ensure proper handling of measuring instruments

What I Know

Let us determine how much you already know about our lesson.
Take this test.

Identify the word/s that best describes the following statement. Write your
answer in your notebook. Choose your answer from the box.

DDR Thumb drive

Interface Optical drive
SATA Read-only memory
Random Access Memory Hard drive
DIMM Solid State Drive

_________1. A removable storage device that connects to the USB port.

_________2. Technology that doubles the maximum bandwidth of SDRAM.
_________3. Temporary storage for data and programs that are being accessed
by the CPU.
_________4. Chips that are located on the motherboard.
_________5. The point of interaction or communication between a computer or
any other entity such as a printer or human operator.
_________6. It is usually configured as the C: drive in a Windows computer.
_________7. This is a circuit board that holds SDRAM, DDR SDRAM and DDR2
_________8. This refers to the serial version of the ATA drive controller
_________9. A storage device that uses lasers to read data on the optical media.
_________10. This uses far less energy than the magnetic hard drive.

Note: If you get 100% correct in this pre- assessment, skip the lesson but if not
and only get 50% to 99% correct, then proceed with the lesson.

Select Measuring
1 Instruments

As a Computer Systems Servicing student, you need to familiarize the

different computer components that makes up a computer and identify those
components that need to be measured and calculated.

What’s In

What are the components of a computer that you are familiar with?
Name as many as you can.

Notes to the Teacher

If there is no desktop computer in the premises, watch a
video clip in this URL

What’s New

Look for available desktop computer around you. Open the system
unit. Take a closer look on its components. Identify the components inside
and give the function of each.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the importance of familiarizing the components of a computer?
2. How does familiarizing the components help you as a student?

What Is It



Memory is used most often to identify fast, temporary forms of storage.

When the information is kept in memory, the CPU can access it much more
quickly. Most forms of memory are intended to store data temporarily.


Read-only memory (ROM) chips are located in the

motherboard. ROM chips contain instructions that can be
directly accessed by the CPU. content/uploads/6/Microcontr

Basic instructions for booting the computer and loading the operating
systems are stored in ROM. ROM chips retain their contents even when the
computer is powered down. The contents cannot be erased or changed by
normal means.


Random Access Memory (RAM) is the temporary

storage for data and programs that are being accessed by the s/58832-tech-primer-ddr4-

RAM is volatile memory, which means that the contents are erased
when the computer is powered off. The more RAM in a computer, the more
capacity the computer has to hold and process large programs and files, as
well as enhance system performance.

Early computers had RAM installed in the motherboard as individual

chips. The individual memory chips, called Dual Inline Package (DIP) chips,
was difficult to install and often became loose on the motherboard. To solve
this problem, designers soldered the memory chips on a special circuit board
called a memory module.


SIMMs (Single Inline Memory Module) have 30-pin

and 72-pin configurations.
DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module) is a circuit dia/File:SIMM_30_68_72.png

board that holds SDRAM, DDR SDRAM and DDR2

DDR (Double Data Rate) technology doubles the maximum bandwidth
of SDRAM, DDR2 offers faster performance while using less technology.
DDR3 operates at even higher speeds than DDR2; however, none of these
DDR technologies are backward- or forward- compatible.


Caches are designed to alleviate this bottleneck by

making the data used most often by the CPU instantly
Registers are memory cells built right into the
CPU that contain specific data needed by the CPU, particularly the Arithmetic
and Logic Unit (ALU). An integral part of the CPU itself, they are controlled
directly by the compiler that sends information for the CPU to process.


Storage drives read or write information on magnetic or optical storage

media. The drive can be used to store data permanently or to retrieve
information from a media disk. Storage drives can be installed inside the
computer case, such as a hard drive. For portability, some storage drives can
connect to the computer using a USB port, a FireWire port, or a SCSI port.
These portable storage drives are sometimes referred to as removable drives
and can be used on multiple computers.

Hard Drive

A hard drive, or hard disk drive, is a magnetic storage

device that is installed inside the computer. The hard drive is
used as permanent storage for data. In a Windows computer, https://computer.howstuffw
the hard drive is usually configured as the C: drive and drive.htm

contains the operating system and applications. The hard drive

is often configured as the first drive in the boot sequence. The storage capacity
of a hard drive is measured in billions of bytes, or gigabytes (GB). The speed
of a hard drive is measured in revolutions per minute (RPM). Multiple hard
drives can be added to increase storage capacity. Traditional hard drives are
magnetic. Magnetic hard drives have drive motors designed to spin magnetic
platters and the drive heads. In contrast, the newer solid state
drives (SSDs) do not have moving parts. Because there are no
drive motors and moving parts, the SSD uses far less energy
than the magnetic hard drive. Non-volatile flash memory chips
https://en.wikipedia.or manage all storage on an SSD, which results in faster access to
g/wiki/Solidstate_drive data, higher reliability, and reduced power usage. SSDs have
the same form factor as magnetic hard drives and use ATA or SATA interfaces.
SSDs can be installed as a replacement for magnetic drives.

Optical Drive

An optical drive is a storage device that uses lasers to

read data on the optical media. There are three types of
optical drives: Compact Disc (CD), Digital Versatile Disc
(DVD) and Blu-ray Disc (BD). CD, DVD, and BD media can

be pre-recorded (read-only), recordable (write once), or re-

writable (read and write multiple times).

External Flash Drive

An external flash drive, also known as a thumb drive,

is a removable storage device that connects to a USB port.
An external flash drive uses the same type of non-volatile and-output-devices/
memory chips as solid state drives and does not require
power to maintain the data. These drives can be accessed by the operating
system in the same way that other types of drives are accessed.

Types of Drive Interfaces

Hard drives and optical drives are manufactured with different

interfaces that are used to connect the drive to the computer. To install a
storage drive in a computer, the connection interface on the drive must be the
same as the controller on the motherboard. Here are some common drive

• IDE – Integrated Drive Electronics, also called

Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) is an
early drive controller interface that connects
computers and hard disk drives. An IDE

interface uses a 40-pin connector.

• SATA – Serial ATA refers to the serial version of the

ATA drive controller interface. A SATA interface
uses a 7-pin data connector.

• SCSI – Small Computer System Interface is a drive


controller interface that can connect up to 15

drives. SCSI can connect both internal and
external drives. A SCSI interface uses a 50-pin,

68-pin, or 80-pin connector. e/electrical_electronic_components/wi


What’s More

A. Fill-in the blanks with the correct letters to form a word/s that best
describes the statement.
1. These are memory cells that contain specific data needed by the CPU.
2. It is a drive controller interface that can connect up to 15 drives.
3. Contents are erased when the computer is powered off.
4. These are soldered memory chips on a special circuit board.
ME__O__Y __OD__L__
5. This is used to connect a drive to the computer.
I__TE__F__ __E

B. Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise, write False.

6. Basic instructions for booting the computer and loading the operating
systems are stored in ROM.
7. RAM is the permanent storage for data and programs that are being
accessed by the CPU.
8. Hard drives and optical drives are manufactured with the same
interfaces that are used to connect the drive to the computer.
9. A SATA interface uses a 7-pin data connector.
10. Early computers had RAM installed in the motherboard as individual

What I Have Learned

What have you learned about the lesson?

I have learned that _______________________________________

I have realized that ______________________________________

I will apply ______________________________________________

What I Can Do

Create a video presentation identifying and explaining the functions of

the different hardware devices below.
1. Random Access Memory
2. Hard disk drive
3. Optical drive
4. SATA interface
5. Thumb drive


20 15 10

Content The content is Almost all of the Most content is

clear and easy to content is clear and difficult to
understand. easy to understand. understand.

Delivery The delivery of the The delivery of the The delivery of the
information is clear information is 80% information is 50%
and satisfying. clear and satisfying clear but not

Audio / Audio and video Audio and video are Audio and video
Video are clear and 80% clear and are inconsistent at
effective in the effective in the times during the
delivery of delivery of delivery of
information. information information.


Matching Type. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your
answer in your notebook.
Column A Column B
___1. These chips contain instructions A. Storage drive
that can be directly accessed B SCSI Interface
by the CPU. C. IDE
___2. A 40-pin connector that connects D. Dual Inline Package
hard disk drives to the computer. E. Hard drive
___3. It reads or writes information on F. Portable storage drives
magnetic or optical storage media. G. ROM
___4. Sometimes referred to as removable H. Solid State Drive
drives and can be used on multiple I. Memory
computers. J. ROM chips
___5. A drive controller interface that can
connect both internal and external drives.
___6. It is often configured as the first drive
in the boot sequence.
___7. It can be installed as a replacement
for magnetic drives.
___8. Retain their contents even when the
computer is powered down.
___9. It is intended to store data temporarily.
___10. Another term for individual memory chips.

Additional Activities

Identify the different components of a computer. Write your in your notebook.

1. 5.


2. 6.
and-output-devices/ s/58832-tech-primer-ddr4-

3. 7.

4. 8.

Additional Acitivities Assessment
1. Hard disk drive 1. G
2. Thumb drive 2. C
3. ROM 3. A
4. SCSI 4. F
5. IDE 5. B
6. RAM 6. E
7. SATA 7. H
8. Optical drive 8. J
9. I
10. D
What's More What I Know
1. REGISTERS 1. Thumb drive
2. SCSI 2. DDR
3. VOLATILE 3. Random Access
5. INTERFACE 4. Read-Only Memory
6. True 5. Interface
7. False 6. Hard drive
8. False 7. DIMM
9. True 8. SATA
10. True 9. Optical drive
10. Solid State Drive
Answer Key
What I Know

Let us determine how much you already know about our lesson.
Take this test.

Convert the following to binary. Perform checking to verify your answer.

Write your answer in your notebook. 2 points each.

1. 25
2. 50

Answer the following. Show your solution. Write your answer in your
notebook. 2 points each.
3. 1 GB = _____ KB
4. 2 MB = _____ KB
5. How many 1.5MB file can you save in a CD-R?

Note: If you get 100% correct in this pre- assessment, skip the lesson but if not
and only get 50% to 99% correct, then proceed with the lesson.

Carry Out Measurements
2 and Calculation

While humans interpret words and pictures, computers interpret only

patterns of bits. In our next lesson, let us understand how computer
interprets data and information.

What’s In

How do you count numbers? So, you think you know how to count?
Well, there is another way to do it.

Notes to the Teacher

It is recommended to visit this link for a brief introduction about binary numbers.

What’s New

What do you think when you hear the words binary numbers? Did you
know that computers only use zeros and ones? Everything that you see or
hear on a computer such as pictures, movies, words, or even sounds is stored
using just those two numbers!

What Is It

Carry Out Measurements and Calculation


Information is represented and stored in a digital binary format within

a computer. The term bit is an abbreviation of binary digit and represents the
smallest piece of data.

A bit can have only two possible values, a one digit (1) or a zero digit
(0). A bit can be used to represent the state of something that has two states.


To convert a decimal number to binary, all you have to do is to divide

the number by 2. Get the quotient and the remainder. Bring down the
quotient, divide it by 2, and get the quotient and remainder again. Do it
repeatedly until the quotient results to 0. Copy the remainder from bottom to
top, and that is the binary equivalent.

Example: 30
Quotient Remainder
30/2 15 0
15/2 7 1
7/2 3 1
3/2 1 1
1/2 0 1

30 = 11110

Checking: 1 1 1 1 0 Multiplier
16 8 4 2 1 Equivalents
16 8 4 2 0 Results
16 + 8+4+2+0 = 30


While a bit is the smallest representation of data, the most basic unit
of digital storage is the byte. A byte has 8 bits and is the smallest unit of
measure (UOM) used to represent data storage capacity. When referring to
storage space, we use the terms bytes (B), kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),
gigabytes (GB), and terabytes (TB).

One kilobyte is a little more than one thousand bytes, specifically 1,024.
A megabyte represents more than a million bytes or 1,048,576. A gigabyte is
1,073,741,824 bytes. A terabyte is 1,099,511,627,776.

Here is another conversion:

1 byte = 8bits
1kilobyte = 1,024 bytes
1 megabyte = 1,024 kilobytes
1 gigabyte = 1,024 megabyte
1terabyte = 1,024 gigabyte

When something is represented digitally, the greater the detail, the

greater the number of bits needed to represent it. A low-resolution picture
from a digital camera will use around 360KB, and a high-resolution picture
could use 2 MB or more.

Examples of components and devices that use byte storage include:

random access memory (RAM), hard disk drive space, CDs, DVDs, and MP3
players. CDs have a data storage capacity of approximately 700 MB. DVDs
have a data storage capacity of approximately 4.3 GB on a single-layer disc,
and approximately 8.5 GB on a dual-layer disc. BDs have a storage capacity
of 25 GB on a single-layer disc, and 50 GB on a dual-layer disc. Once we know
the size of a file or folder, it is possible to determine the number of bytes being

A file is 25KB in size
1KB = 1,024Bytes
25 x 1,024 = 25,600Bytes in a 25KB file

If this 25KB file is stored in a 1MB folder, how many files can be
stored in that folder?
1Mb = 1,024Kb
1,024Kb/25Kb = 40.96
41 files can be stored in a 1Mb folder

What’s More

Convert the following to binary digits. Perform checking to verify your

answer. Write your answer in your notebook. 2 points each.

1. 20
2. 15
3. 32

What I Have Learned

What have you learned about the lesson?

I have learned that _______________________________________

I have realized that ______________________________________

I will apply ______________________________________________

What I Can Do

Sequence the steps to convert decimal to binary by writing the letters

A - F on the blank provided before each number.

____ 1.
Get the quotient and remainder again.
____ 2.
Get the quotient and the remainder.
____ 3.
Bring down the quotient, divide it by 2,
____ 4.
Divide the number by 2.
____ 5.
Copy the remainder from bottom to top, and that is the binary
____ 6. Do it repeatedly until the quotient results to 0.


A. Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise, write False.

1. A Gigabyte has 1,024 Megabyte.

2. A byte is the smallest representation of data.
3. We use the term kilo to represent storage space.
4. A bit is the smallest unit of measure.
5. A Megabyte has 1,048,576 Bytes

B. Solve the following problems. Show your solutions. 2 points each.

1. How many 17MB mp4 file can be stored on a CD-R?

2. How many 5KB docx file can be stored on a 4MB folder of your hard
3. How many 5MB mp3 file can be saved on a 4GB thumb drive?

Additional Activities

Convert the following binary numbers to decimal.

1. 11001
2. 10100
3. 10011
4. 10101
5. 11100

A. 18
1. True
2. False
3. False
16+8+4+0+0=28 4. False
16 8 4 2 1 5. True
1 1 1 0 0 B.
11100 = 28 5. 1. A file is 17Mb in size
CD-R has 700Mb storage capacity
16+0+4+0+1=21 700Mb / 17Mb
16 8 4 2 1 = 41 mp4 files can be stored in a CD-R
1 0 1 0 1
10101 = 21 4. 2. A file is 5Kb in size
1Mb = 1,024Kb
16+0+0+2+1 = 19 4Mb = 4,096Kb What I Can Do
16 8 4 2 1 4,096Kb/5kb
1 0 0 1 1 = 819 docx files can be stored 1. D
10011 = 19 3. in a 4Mb folder
2. B
16+0+4+0+0 = 20 3. A file is 5Mb in size
16 8 4 2 1 1Gb = 1,024Mb
1 0 1 0 0 4Gb = 4,096Mb
3. C
10100 = 20 2. 4,096Mb/5Mb = 819
=819 mp3 file can be saved on a 4Gb 4. A
16+8+0+0+1 = 25 thumb drive
16 8 4 2 1
1 1 0 0 1
5. F
11001 = 25 1.
Additional Activities 6. E
What's More
What I Know
1. 20 = 10100
1. 25 = 11001
20/2=10 0
25/2=12 1
10/2=5 0
12/2=6 0
5/2=2 1
6/2=3 0
2/2=1 0
3/2=1 1
½=0 1
½=0 1
Checking: 1 0 1 0 0
Checking: 1 1 0 0 1
16 8 4 2 1
16 8 4 2 1
16+0+4+0+0 = 20
16 8 0 0 1
16+8+0+0+1 = 25
2. 15 = 1111
2. 50 = 110010
15/2=7 1
50/2=25 0
7/2=3 1
25/2=12 1
3/2=1 1
12/2=6 0
½=0 1
6/2=3 0
3/2=1 1
Checking: 1 1 1 1
½=0 1
8 4 2 1
8+4+2+1 = 15
Checking: 1 1 0 0 1 0
32 16 8 4 2 1
3. 32 = 100000 32+16+0+0+2+0 = 50
32/2=16 0 3. 1 GB = ___ KB
16/2=8 0 1 GB x 1,024 MB/1GB x 1,024
8/2=4 0 KB/1MB
4/2=2 0 1GB = 1,048,576 KB
2/2=1 0 4. 2MB = ___KB
1/2=0 1 2MB x 1,024KB/1MB
2MB = 2,048KB
5. A file is 1.5MB in size
Checking: 1 0 0 0 0 0 CD-R has 700MB storage capacity
32 16 8 4 2 1 700MB / 1.5MB
32+0+0+0+0+0 = 32 = 467 files can be stored in a CD-R
Answer Key
What I Know

Let us determine how much you already know about our lesson. Take
this test.

Read each item carefully. Write True if the statement is correct, write False

______1. Accessing adult sites can cause viruses to creep into your storage.
______2. Use a fine-tip marker to write on the CD disc.
______3. Update your computer’s operating system with the latest patches.
______4. Pull your flash drive from the port right away after using it.
______5. Hold the CD disc by the outer edge and the center hole.
______6. Handle optical media by the sides.
______7. Keep dirt or other foreign matter away from the disc.
______8. Malware can infect the drive and destroy the ability of the computer
to boot.
______9. Backup your files in the same drive to avoid loss of data.
______10.Dusting out the inside of your computer on a monthly basis is
sufficient to keep RAM modules clean.

Note: If you get 100% correct in this pre- assessment, skip the lesson but if not
and only get 50% to 99% correct, then proceed with the lesson.

Maintain Measuring
3 Instruments

It is better to observe some few practices in handling these hardware

components for them to last long and to avoid the chances of premature

What’s In

Look at the things around you inside your house. How will you
maintain these things? Cite some examples. Why is maintenance important?

Notes to the Teacher

It is recommended to visit this link
to have some basic tips on computer maintenance.

What’s New

Check the computer you are using. What can you say about its
performance? Is it safe to connect a flash drive in it? Is the antivirus
updated? Open the system unit, does it accumulate dust? Computers work
well when they are taken care of.

What Is It

Maintain Measuring Instruments


The gold contacts at the bottom of your RAM must be clean and free of
debris to maintain a solid connection. If your RAM sticks are dirty, your
computer might not recognize that they’re installed and may sometimes
show a blue screen. Normally, dusting out the inside of your computer on a
monthly basis (more if the environment is unusually dusty) is sufficient to
keep RAM modules clean.

Holding a RAM without caution and proper anti-static protection could

break your precious memory module. Although this piece is sensitive and
delicate, it will not break if you handle the device correctly and properly. Here
are some safety measures in handling a RAM.
• Use anti-static wrist straps or anti-static clips to drain all the static
electricity that is present in your body and which you could acquire if
you have a carpeted floor.
• After taking the RAM out of your computer, do not place it anywhere
because it could be exposed to other elements (especially water or
anything moist) and it is better that you put it in an anti-static plastic
container first before placing the RAM in a safe location.
• If possible, wear thin rubber gloves when holding the RAM. Place your
fingers on the edge of its corners (the green plated part of the module
with plastic coating) to avoid the chances of damaging the sensitive
parts of the RAM.


Hard disk drive (HDD) can last for years when properly maintained.
Neglect can lead an HDD to fail sooner than it normally would and the
potential loss of valuable data.
Common causes for a drive failure include:
• Water damage
• Overheating
• Electrical faults
• Firmware corruption
• Damaged boot sector
• Mechanical failure

Be Careful about Downloading and Installing Software

One of the most common reasons clients need hard drive recovery
services is because malware has infected the drive and destroyed its ability to

Keep the Computer’s Components Free of Dust

Air circulation causes dust to collect inside the computer’s case, so it’s
important to periodically remove dust and debris to prevent electrical faults
or overheating.

Update the Computer’s Operating System with Critical Patches

By keeping the computer’s OS up to date with the latest patches, it’ll be

less likely to become infected with malicious software that can damage data
on its HDD.

Defragment the Drive Regularly

Large files can become scattered across the drive’s platter, which slows
the process of reading them and impacts a computer’s performance.
Defragmentation reorganizes all the software and data into an optimal

Delete Unused Software and Files Periodically

It’s important to maintain free space on a drive that the computer can
use for temporary storage. When its drive becomes too full, a computer can
slow to a crawl as it attempts to use the little free space left to juggle data.


Flash drives or thumb drives are also highly important mainly

because they contain files that you use in school or personal life. Failure to
properly take care of these devices and disks could result in irreversible loss
of essential data.

Avoid placing your removable disks on top of other electronic devices. If

you place your USB or other disk on top of your TV set, computer, gaming
platform, for a long period of time, this can lead to data damage.

Make it a point to eject your drive properly. Make sure you always “safely
remove” your removable device from your PC whenever you are about to
detach it. This prevents sudden data loss and damage to the drive. Pulling
your flash drive or memory card away from its PC socket without doing the
“safely remove” action can lead to total disk damage.

Maintain the integrity of your files. Monitor what goes in and out of the
drive. Accessing peer to peer software, adult sites, and sites with known
malware and spyware issues, can all cause viruses to creep into your PC
storage items and compromise the integrity of your files.

Keep it all safe. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try in protecting
your disks, they are subjected to wear, tear, and other unforeseen factors. To
make sure that you do not instantly lose important data, backup your files in
multiple locations.


CDs and DVDs are extremely delicate data storage media and any type
of mishandling can damage the CD or DVD thereby resulting in data loss.
Therefore, it is important for you to exert caution while using these optical

1. Handle discs by the outer edge or the center hole.
2. Keep dirt or other foreign matter from the disc.
3. Store discs upright (book style) in plastic cases specified for CDs and
4. Store discs in a cool, dry, dark environment in which the air is clean.
5. Remove dirt, foreign material, fingerprints, smudges, and liquids by
wiping with a clean cotton fabric in a straight line from the center of the
disc toward the outer edge.

Do not:
1. Touch the surface of the disc.
2. Bend the disc.
3. Store discs horizontally for a long time (years).
4. Expose discs to extreme heat or high humidity.
5. Write or mark in the data area of the disc (the area the laser “reads”).
6. Clean by wiping in a direction going around the disc.
7. Scratch the label side of the disc.
8. Use a pen, pencil, or fine-tip marker to write on the disc.
9. Write on the disc with markers that contain solvents.
10.Try to peel off or reposition a label.

What’s More

Fill in the blanks with the correct word/s from the box to complete the
statement below.

Defragmentation mishandling
loss of data anti-static wrist straps

1. Hard disk failure would result to __________________.

2. Any type of __________________ can damage the CD/DVD resulting to
data loss.
3. Use _____________ to drain the static electricity present in your body.
4. Place your fingers on the _______________ of its corners to avoid
damaging the sensitive parts of the RAM.
5. _________________ reorganizes all the software and data into an optimal

What I Have Learned

What have you learned about the lesson?

I have learned that _______________________________________

I have realized that ______________________________________

I will apply ______________________________________________

What I Can Do

Create a 3-minute video presentation on how to maintain the following:

1. RAM
2. Files
3. Optical Disc
4. Flash drive


Excellent Adequate Poor

(15) (10) (5)

Organization of
information. Presentation is
well developed. Information
is organized.

Quality of verbal
communication. Speaker’s
voice is confident, steady,
strong, and clear.

Visual and audio tools.

Enhances the effectiveness of
the presentation.


Modified True or False. Write True if the statement is correct.

Otherwise, underline the word that makes it false and write the word/s
to make the statement true.
1. It is important to maintain free space on a drive that the computer can
use for temporary storage.
2. Dusting out the inside of your computer on a yearly basis is sufficient
to keep RAM modules clean.
3. When holding the RAM, place your fingers on the center to avoid the
chances of damaging the sensitive parts.
4. A malware can destroy the ability of the drive to boot.
5. Defragmentation reorganizes all the hardware and data into an optimal
6. Make sure you sometimes “safely remove” your removable device from
your PC whenever you are about to detach it.
7. To make sure that you do not instantly lose important data, backup
your files in another folder.
8. Do not touch the surface of the CD Disc.
9. Write or mark in the data area of the disc the laser reads
10. Your computer will be more likely to become infected with malicious
software if you keep the computer’s OS up to date.

Additional Activities

1. What are the common causes of a hard drive failure?

2. Why should we always safely remove our removable device before we
detach it from the port?
3. What is the importance of wearing anti-static wrist strap when holding
a component?

1. True
2. Yearly basis
Monthly basis
3. Center
4. True
5. Hardware
6. Sometimes
7. Another folder
Multiple drives
8. True
9. Write or mark
Do not write or mark
10. More likely
Less likely
What's More What I Know
1. Loss of data 1. True
2. Mishandling 2. False
3. Anti-static wrist straps 3. True
4. Edge 4. False
5. Defragmentation 5. True
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. False
10. True
Answer Key

LO 1:
• Biasong, Joy Kenneth Sala. 2013. June 16. Accessed
June 15, 2020.
• De Vera, Psst. 2016. April 26. Accessed June 15, 2020.
• magsipocarm05. 2019. July 7. Accessed June 15, 2020.
• Computer Hope. 2017. October 11. Accessed
June 27, 2020.
• Watson, Stephanie. Accessed June 27, 2020.
• Villinger, Sandro. 2019. September 26. Accessed June
30, 2020.

LO 2:
• Paño, Khlaire. 2016. February 23. Accessed June 17,

LO 3:
• pcdreams. 2016. September 21. Accessed June 18,
• Byers, Fred. 2003. October. Accessed June 18,
• Writer, Staff. 2016. Accessed June 18, 2020

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Kagawasan, Avenue, Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tel #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117

Email Address: [email protected]


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