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Anticipated Climate Change Impactson Australia

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(Anticipated) Climate Change Impacts on Australia

Article in International Journal of Ecology and Development · November 2006


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2 authors, including:

Ram Vemuri


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International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED),
Winter 2006, Vol. 4, No. W06; Int. J. Ecol. Dev.; 1-22
ISSN 0972-9984; Copyright © 2006 IJED, ISDER

(Anticipated) Climate Change Impacts on Australia

P.Le C.F.Stewart1 & SR Vemuri2
School of Science and Primary Industries
Faculty of Education, Health and Science
Charles Darwin University
Darwin NT0909, Australia
School of Law and Business
Faculty of Law, Business and Arts
Charles Darwin University
Darwin NT0909, Australia

This paper looks at the implications of climate change and the use of General Circulation
Models, the risks involved and the uncertainties with predicting future climate outcomes
with a focus on Australia and probable impacts on various industries and the biota of the
Australian Continent. One thing we know for sure is that climate change is happening
and the planet is getting warmer. Twelve of warmest years have occurred in the 1900’s,
10 having occurred between 1987 and 1998. The top 300 metres of the sea surface
temperature has increased, which may have catastrophic consequences for the planet if
the conveyer belt system is changed or halted. With increased terrestrial temperatures
diseases are now migrating into regions that they were not found in before. Evidence
suggests that with the increased heating of the planet, energy availability will increase to
drive extreme weather events, which could have a ripple effect throughout the Earth
system with local, regional and global positive feedbacks feeding on each other,
amplifying and accelerating warming. Due to the uncertainties in climate modeling we
need to develop more accurate GCMs, which we need to link to the impacts they have
on decision making, as predictions do not automatically transfer to the management of
natural disasters as can be seen in the resent New Orleans Cyclone impact. As
forecasting using GCMs only deals in probabilities, a cohesive and collaborative
research approach to climate change is required to achieve success in assessing risk
and uncertainty.

Keywords: Climate change, greenhouse gases, Biodiversity, General Circulation

Models, Greenhouse warming.

1. Introduction
Human induced climate change is now beyond question, due to the overwhelming
consensus among scientists that anthropogenic climate change is happening
(Retallack et al, 1999, van Rood, 2000). Observations show that the Earth’s annual
global mean surface temperature has increased by approximately 0.6oC between
1861 and 1997 (Bonan, 2002). Twelve of warmest years have occurred in the
1900’s, 10 occurred between 1987 and 1998. This warming has occurred in two
2 International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED)

distinct periods 1920 or 1940 and again in the 1970’s to the present. The 1900’s
stand out as the warmest century, which had an unprecedented rate of warming
(Mann et al 1998). There has also been an associated warming of the world’s
oceans by 0.3oC in the top 300m since the mid 1950’s (Levitus et al, 2000; Bonan,
2002). This surface and ocean warming makes the 1900’s the warmest of the past
five hundred years (Harris and Chapman, 2001). Bonan (2002) suggests that this
warming is instrumental in reduced spring snow cover, northern hemisphere lakes
and rivers freezing later in autumn and the thawing earlier in spring, melting of the
Alpine glaciers, the Greenland ice sheet, permafrost, and shrinking of the artic ice
pack. There has been a decrease in diurnal temperature range due to the increasing
in daily minimum temperatures (Jones et al, 1999). It is expected that climate change
will increase the frequency of extreme climate events (Bonan, 2002), resulting in
changes in floods, droughts, and intense rainfall.

2. Global Temperatures

According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), average

global temperatures have increased by 0.6oC above the pre-industrial average.
Further the IPCC predicts that if emissions continue to rise at present levels, by 2080
greenhouse gas concentrations may double (Retallack et al, 1999). This doubling of
greenhouse gases may cause an average increase in temperature of between 2.5oC
and 4oC over land masses and 3oC to 4oC over the Artic or Antarctic with substantial
regional variations from the global average (Retallack et al, 1999). With higher
temperatures there will be more energy availability to drive the planets climatic
system, which in turn would cause more violent weather events. “Severe storms,
floods, droughts, dust storms, sea surges, crumbling coastlines, saltwater intrusions
of ground water, failing crops, dying forests, the inundation of low lying islands, and
the spread of endemic disease such as malaria, dengue fever and schistosomiasis”
(Retallack et al, 1999). There are correlations between warming and climatic
catastrophe. For example, the increase of 1oC mean annual temperature a metre
below the surface in the northwest Canada and Alaska since 1989 (Retallack et al,
1999) which has resulted in the melting of the permafrost, causing the release of
stored methane into the atmosphere and increasing greenhouse gases. As a result
of the only 1oC increase in annual mean temperature Retallack et al (1999) states
Int. J. Ecol. Dev.; Vol. 4, No. W06, Winter 2006 3

that “plants, insects, birds, and mammals, including disease are migrating further
northward into regions too cold before". The average surface temperature has been
increasing by 0.13oC per decade and the lower stratosphere has been cooling by up
to 0.5oC per decade. Both pointing to a significant surface warming. “The only
elements of uncertainty concern the precise effects global warming will have on the
rest of the Earth’s climate stabilising systems, and the speed with which changes will
occur.”(Retallack et al, 1999).

Bunyard (1999) states that climate change caused by CO2 and other greenhouse
gas levels in the atmosphere may have consequences on the positive feedbacks
where these feedbacks become amplified, accelerating warming. A complication of
positive feedbacks is the tendency for distinctly different processes to feed on each
other in synergistic interactions. Presently about 7.5 billion tonnes of carbon is
released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels each year (Bunyard,
1999). However projected predictions for carbon dioxide emissions by the United
Kingdom Meteorology Office states that should they remain unmitigated, they will
have a five fold increase in atmospheric carbon in 100 years to 1300ppm compared
to pre-industrial 280ppm level and three times more than today’s 365ppm (see figure
1). Current ocean and land sinks presently remove on average over half the CO2
emitted into the atmosphere by fossil fuel combustion. Models based on terrestrial
sinks suggest that the sink strength will level off around the middle of the century and
could drop after, at the same time the build-up of CO2 will continue inexorably unless
effectively abated.

3. Uncertainties and climate change

3.1 Global warming potential (GWP)
Global warming potential represents an attempt to develop a single index for
quantitatively comparing the climatic affects of equal emissions of different
greenhouse gases. With this attempt there are a number of significant uncertainties
associated with global warming potentials, for example the direct radiative forcing of
some gases and in particular the greenhouse gases, is still uncertain by up to 30%;
some gases such as the halocarbons and methane have important indirect radiative
forcing that are difficult to compute accurately; the atmospheric lifespan of some
gases being compared to CO2 are still uncertain; changes in climate could cause
4 International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED)

important changes in the net rate of removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, and this
would alter the computed GWPs for all gases.

According to Danny Harvey (2000) the concept of GWP is an attempt to force the
complexities of nature into a single number, which is not scientifically justifiable.
Further it is more scientifically justifiable to compare climate change, and rates of
change, for alternative emission scenarios using simple models (Harvey, 2000).
Attention should be focused on the question of off setting the inevitable acceleration
of warming as sulphur emissions are reduced, rather than the question of how much
reduction in CO2 emission can be achieved through reduced emissions of other
gases. It has been the political process that has demanded a single number to inter
compare different greenhouse gases. This is because current international
agreements have ignored scientific reality by focusing on a collection of greenhouse
gases rather than by framing gas-by-gas restrictions.

3.2 Surface warming

Surface warming is expected to increase to between 1.4oC to 5.8oC by 2100, which

suggests a rate of warming about twice to ten times that observed during the 20th
century, which was Approximately 0.6oC and much faster than the average warming
at the end of the last glaciation (Houghton et al, 2001).

3.3 Regional warming

Regional warming is associated with greater warming of the continental interiors and
in the northern hemisphere, with lesser warming over the oceans and windward
coastlines, with the least warming occurring over the southern ocean due to its
capacity to transport surface heat into the deep ocean. Regional variability may see
changes in precipitation and evaporation with either increases in or decline in either.
Both variables have serious implications for the natural environment as well as the
human socio-economical framework. Especially if warming is greater in the eastern
Pacific than in the west leading to more El-Niño like mean state.
Int. J. Ecol. Dev.; Vol. 4, No. W06, Winter 2006 5

Precipitation is expected to increase as is evaporation by about 1% to 9% by 2100,

depending on which climate model and scenario is used. Regional variation with
increases over mid and high latitudes and Antarctic in winter may be expected. At
the lower latitudes both an increase and decrease over land areas may be expected,
which is supported by most global climate models (Houghton et al, 2000).

4. Risks

The Earth’s geological history shows that the carbon dioxide levels once exceeded
those of oxygen before the evolution of life, however with the evolution of
photosynthetic plants, oxygen levels increased as carbon dioxide decreased (Gifford,
2003). CO2 continued to decline until it reached the 180 to 300ppm range during the
last 400 000 years of the current series of ice ages. During this period CO2
concentration dropped to less than 200ppm at the peak of each ice advance and
then climbed to almost 300ppm at the peak of each interglacial. During the last ice
age about 18 000 years ago CO2 concentrations were only about 180ppm. With the
retreat of the ice the CO2 concentration increased to about 280ppm by about two
centuries ago. These changes in CO2 concentration and climate had profound
effects on ecosystems not directly affected by the ice cover (Gifford, 2003).

Turner et al (1991) suggests that there are five distinctive aspects of global
environmental change with regard to risk analysis and management, which are; (i)
caused by human activity, superimposed on physical or biochemical processes,
which are always evolving and adjusting: (ii) Its effects are global in extent: (iii) It is
characterised by rates of change in climate conditions that exceed presumed human
capabilities to adjust to stressors: (iv) The scale of occurrence of its negative
features are persistent as to be potentially irreversible: (v) Its remorselessness and
cannot be avoided by the rich nations.

4.1 Predicting the outcomes

Predicting future climates and climatic outcomes is complex at best, however a

method is needed to indicate predicted outcomes. Scenario driven approaches to
impact studies is the method of choice, having achieved success in applying these
6 International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED)

scenarios to drive models of changes (Steffen & Tyson, 2003). However scenario
based approaches are limited due to their ability to only investigate impacts of single
stressors. A second approach considers the outcomes of change with reference to a
particular societal group, such as changes in food security or biodiversity. The focus
being on the critical thresholds and driving factors for change (Steffen & Tyson,
2003) allowing for multiple and interaction stressors.

Past research has been on a single factor of change, whereas environmental

changes are many, all changing at the same time. Therefore a single focused
approach to predicting change is likely to fail, due to the lack of input of other
impacts interacting and brought about by environmental changes. Steffen and Tyson
(2003) state that sectorial science produced at local, landscape and regional scales
are not sufficient, as a global system of global system science is needed. However
the challenge to achieve this goal is exceptionally difficult, as it needs to include all
players from developing and developed countries to achieve any success. Presently
models used to assess the effects of global climate change are based on limited
knowledge of the fundamental phenomena of climate and environmental change
(Paté-Cornell, 1996). Not enough is known about all the processes of importance of
climate change to include them in any quantitative forecast system as scientists are
grossly underestimating the complexity of the interactions between the atmosphere,
oceans, geosphere and biosphere. Models are used to generate scenarios of
potential impacts of climate variability, changes, or extremes on ecosystems or on
socioeconomic sectors (Glantz, 2003). Another method used is the historical or
analogue approach which looks at how societies have responded to climate-related
impacts in the past, where societal coping mechanisms if any are identified for use
under present day circumstances (Glantz, 2003).

4.2 Probable impacts on economy

Most studies on climate change focus on impacts, mean temperature change and
precipitation, but do not examine its welfare implications (Dalton, 1996). According to
Dalton (1996), results show that serious bias predictions about welfare effects from
global warming, with the possible underestimating of costs of climate change, could
Int. J. Ecol. Dev.; Vol. 4, No. W06, Winter 2006 7

develop due to the abstraction of climate variability. Underestimating these costs

leads to policy recommendations with too little control on warming.

The implications for the economy due to climate change are enormous. The costs to
the global insurance industry, agriculture and environment may be staggering with
an increase in extreme weather events, desertification and sea level rise. The
impacts on human health, medical costs to governments are other facts, which will
have an impact on the global economy. However the costs to the global economy in
the reduction of greenhouse emissions is costly. The estimated cost to the United
States of reducing and stabilising one greenhouse gas CO2 to 93% of the 1990’s
levels would cost between 2.4 million and 3.1 million jobs with a reduction in gross
domestic product of between US$177 billion and US$318 billion. Whilst this cost is
considerable, it is only a fraction of the cost to the global economy the world would
have to spend each year to implement the Kyoto Protocol1.

4.3 Probable impacts on tourism

Climate change has serious implications for the tourism industry worldwide and can
be divided into two different types of climate impacts, direct and indirect impacts
(Viner & Agnew 1999). Further tourism is an important contributor to the economies
of most countries. The World Tourism Organisation report (1999) states that travel
and tourism involved 625 million people internationally and generated $US 445
Billion in 1998 (Viner & Agnew 1999). Tourism is becoming increasingly vital in the
economy of many countries and it is stated (Viner and Agnew, 1999) that the tourism
industry involves more people and more money than any other industry on earth.
Although this is arguable Table 1 below shows the top ten international holiday

The World Tourism Organisation predicted that international tourism would increase
from 594 million in 1996 to 1600 million in 2020 (Viner and Agnew, 1999). This could
mean an increase in revenue up to $US1.5 trillion by the year 2010. The direct
impacts would influence the tourist as to when and where to visit, as the weather and
season being dictating factors as to the objectives of the holiday destination. The

Instant Expert’s Guide to Global Warming: http://www.heartland.org/studies/ieguide.htm
8 International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED)

indirect impacts arise as a result of the impact on the environment of a given

location. The CSIRO (Australia) has carried out extensive modelling on the
consequences in Australia of a failure to curtail global warming such as a possible
accelerated coral bleaching, which could destroy part of the Great Barrier Reef by
2040, coastal flooding in New South Wales, and 66 percent less snow by 2030 and
no snowfields in Australia by 2070, and the prediction of increased bushfires (Van
Rood, 2000).

This has obvious serious consequences for the tourism industry that rely on these
areas as tourist attractions. According to Viner and Agnew (1999), some resorts
would become less of an attraction due to increased humidity or temperatures above
comfort levels, whereas other resorts could develop into desired destinations
because of the change in climate and weather. Viner and Agnew (1999) state “The
most vulnerable tourist resorts and regions are a function of the likely magnitude and
extent of the climate impact and the importance of tourism to the local economy.”

Table 1. Top World Destination 1996.

The table shows present top ten tourism destinations according to the World Tourism
Organisation, with France being first preference and Canada in tenth place.
Country Arrivals (millions)

1. France 61.5

2. United States 44.8

3. Spain 41.3

4. Italy 32.9

5. Britain 26.0

6. China 22.8

7. Mexico 21.4

8. Hungary 20.7

9. Poland 19.4

10. Canada 17.4

Source: World Tourism Organisation.

4.4 Probable impacts on agriculture

According to Schimmelpfennig et al (1996), climate change is only one of several

factors that may affect global agricultural production. Of interest is the
Int. J. Ecol. Dev.; Vol. 4, No. W06, Winter 2006 9

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report of 1996 where it is

estimated that climate change will cause temperatures to rise between 1.0 to 3.5
degrees Celsius. This was supported by the use of General Circulation Models
(GCM) that the IPCC used to analyse climate change (Crosson 1997. The focus was
on grain production with a focus on developed countries (DC) such as North America
and Europe and on less developed countries (LDC) of Asia, Africa, and Latin
America. According to Crosson (1997) grain was used as a proxy for all agricultural
food production as it accounts for over half of all food calories consumed in the
world. Three different GCMs, reflecting four different scenarios for estimating climate
change impacts on grain were used as the IPCC sources (Crosson, 1997). The
IPCC analyses of the four scenarios are summarised in Table 2.

Table 2: Estimated Percentage Grain Production Changes from Climate Change

Scenario World Developed Countries (Asia,
Countries Africa, Latin
No offsetting effects considered -11 to -20 -4 to -24 -14 to -16

Including CO2 fertilization effect -1 to -8 -4 to +11 -9 to -11

Including CO2 fertilization and 0 to -5 +2 to +11 -9 to -13

Modest farmer adaptation

Including CO2 fertilization and more -2 to +1 +4 to +14 -6 to -7

ambitious farmer adaptation

According to Schimmelpfennig et al (1996) other resource problems are likely to be

affected by climate change such as weeds, insects, and other agricultural pests may
be redistributed. Studies have shown a poleward movement of the pest ranges
(Schimmelpfennig et al, 1996). This has implications for production and costs
thereof. With a warmer climate there may be an increased demand for water supply
for crop growth and where this demand for water is not offset by increased
precipitation or rainfall, ‘climate change may further intensify the competition
between growing urban, industrial, recreational, environmental, and agricultural
users of water’ (Schimmelpfennig et al, 1996).

Climate change threatens to increase hunger and malnutrition in the developing

world, which is more vulnerable due to the importance of agriculture to their gross
10 International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED)

domestic product, and the difficulties in making farm and regional level adjustments
(Schimmelpfennig et al, 1996). Crosson (1997) states that a given percentage
decline in production due to climate change would result in a greater percentage
increase in prices, and vice versa for production increases. However, according to
Schimmelpfennig et al (1996), the consequences of climate change on developing
countries are relatively less important than other problems of agricultural
development. This is based on four assumptions that the GCM used; give a
reasonably accurate account of the anticipated changes that may occur on a global
scale. The shortfall of this assumption is that the regional scale changes due to
climate change are not known at this stage. The second assumption is that climate
change will be linear in fashion: this being the gradual change without any extreme
or severe changes in weather patterns (Schimmelpfennig et al, 1996). If this
assumption is correct, it will give society time to adjust and adapt to the gradual

However, according to climate records, the world's climate has changed in a short
and chaotic fashion. This being the case, the consequences for agriculture may be
more severe. Increasing extreme weather events and greater frequency of droughts
and flooding can be associated with linear climate change. Schimmelpfennig et al
(1996) claims that these possibilities are not picked up in scenarios of the IPCC.

4.5 Probable impacts on Oceania

The oceans, which cover over 70% of the world's surface, have sustained human life
with the provision of fish and other seafood. The global population today still relies
heavily on the sea for a living and more than US$500 billion of the world's economy
is tied to ocean-based industries such as coastal tourism and shipping (WWF, 1999).
However, the most important issue is that the oceans act to regulate the global
climate through the absorption, storage and transfer of energy, and to ensure that a
constant flow of nutrients are cycled throughout the biosphere. According to the
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Climate Change Campaign (1999), there is no doubt that
the world is getting warmer. Examination of rings from trees and ice cores drilled
into Antarctica, it has been determined that the past decade was the warmest in
more than four centuries (as stated above) and that the current rate of warming is
Int. J. Ecol. Dev.; Vol. 4, No. W06, Winter 2006 11

unprecedented in at least 10,000 years. This warming is in part by emissions of

greenhouse gases from fossil fuel use.

4.5.1 Implications for the thermohaline circulation.

Warming of the world’s oceans provides the strongest evidence of global warming,
and, more importantly, it appears to be affecting ocean conditions themselves
(WWF.[b] 1999). One consequence could be more severe hurricanes. Therefore
global warming could wreak greater havoc on ocean life than was first originally
thought. The oceanic circulation, which is driven by a complex system of currents
including the driving force of the deepwater movement, the thermohaline circulation
or as it is sometimes called the ocean conveyer belt (Figure 1) is responsible for
bringing oxygen to the deepest parts of the ocean, and for bringing warmer waters
from the tropics towards the poles. The warmth of the water being carried into the
northern Atlantic Ocean enhances its evaporation, which in turn, increases the
waters saltiness and its density. The water then cools and sinks, forming the North
Atlantic deep water (NADW) which forms a current flowing southward in the Atlantic
Ocean, around Africa, and into the Indian and Pacific Oceans, where it mixes and
slowly moves to the surface (Smith and Dukowicz 1993). This water near the surface
flows back through the Pacific and Indian Oceans and north in the Atlantic Ocean,
completing the global conveyer belt.

Figure 1. The Conveyer Belt

The Conveyer Belt is responsible for the transportation of heat
energy from the tropics to the higher latitudes.
12 International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED)

The conveyer belt mechanism depends on sinking cold water in polar regions,
thereby triggering the global thermohaline circulation (Smith and Dukowicz 1993).
According to the WWF (1999), global warming could alter the functioning of the
conveyer belt in two ways; warmer water is less dense so any warming near the
poles will reduce the downward flow. Freshwater is less dense than seawater,
therefore the melting of the ice caps and polar glaciers would tend to reinforce the
blockage of the system. The shutting down to the conveyer belt would have
disastrous consequences for marine life and could induce a colder climate to
Western Europe and the north Atlantic, as the warm Gulf Stream is interrupted
(WWF, 1999). The density difference of the seawater determines the strength of the
conveyer belt circulation, and any change in density differences due to climate
change may lead to a weakening of the ocean current, which may result in a climate
in north-western Europe, with more than 6 months of snow every year (Vellinga and
van Verseveld, 2000).

4.5.2 Climate and the ocean

The ocean is a major component of the climate system and transports heat from the
tropics to the polar regions in comparable amounts to that transported by the
atmosphere (Smith and Dukowicz, 1993). Of importance is the ability of the ocean to
act as a “thermal flywheel”, whereby it moderates changes that occur in the
atmosphere (Smith and Dukowicz, 1993). It has been stated that the oceans, by
sequestering heat trapped by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and
methane, could be delaying the onset of global warming due to human activities.
According to Smith and Dukowicz (1993) paleoclimatic data and computer
simulations both suggest that shifts in ocean-circulation patterns are associated with
changes in climate. The conveyer belt system is a global scale circulation pattern
and is driven by thermohaline effects (Smith and Dukowicz, 1993).

The El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomena, has profound implications for

Agriculture, forests, precipitation, water resources, human health and society in
general (Trenberth, 1996; Vellinga et al, 2000). According to Barsugli et al (1999),
large scale weather events such as the January 1998 ice storm in the northern
United States and the February 1998 rains in central and southern California may be
Int. J. Ecol. Dev.; Vol. 4, No. W06, Winter 2006 13

attributed to the 1997 – 98 El Niño. There have been more occurrences of El Niño’s
since 1975, and the duration of the 1990 – 95 El Niño was the longest on record
(Vellinga et al, 2000). Daly (2003) states that “It has been found that the cyclic
warming and cooling of the eastern and central Pacific leaves it's distinctive
fingerprint on sea level pressure. In particular, when the pressure measured at
Darwin is compared with that measured at Tahiti, the difference between the two can
be used to generate an "index" number (Figure 2). When there is a positive number,
we have a La-Niña (or ocean cooling), but when the number is negative we have an

Figure 2. Southern Oscillation Index

The negative index for months from March to June shows an El Niño event
for 2002. Source: Daly, J.L. (2003)2

The warming of the eastern tropical Pacific over the last decade, according to
Knutson et al (1998), is likely due to a sustained thermal forcing, caused by
increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This suggests that human-induced
climate change may in part be responsible for the extreme character of the El Niño-
related weather over the past few years.

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is driven by a pressure difference between

Iceland, and low-pressure area and a high-pressure area near the Azores, and is the
dominant pattern of the wintertime atmospheric circulation of the North Atlantic. Over
the past 30 years there has been an increase in the NAO index and since 1980 the
NAO has remained positive (positive values of the NAO index indicate above
average westerlies over the middle latitudes, which is related to pressure anomalies

14 International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED)

in this region). However, according to Vellinga et al (2000), no specific extreme

weather event can be linked directly to climate change at present.

The observed warming of the Earth’s surface does trigger changes in the frequency
distribution of existing modes of climate variability, such as the NAO (Corti et al,
1999). Further, the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies General Circulation
Model (GCM) has shown that the increase in surface winds and continental surface
temperatures of the Northern Hemisphere are the result of increased greenhouse
gases (Vellinga et al, 2000). Shindell et al (1999) states that the comparison of
various models indicates that surface changes are largely driven by the effect of
greenhouse gases on the stratosphere.

In addition to the impacts on the NAO and El Niño by anthropogenic climate change
factors, there has been a global increase in diseases affecting marine organisms.
The increase in diseases has resulted in dramatic shifts in community structure,
(Harvell et al, 2000). In addition to diseases there has been a reported increase in
frequency of toxic algal blooms in the last decade. Further research work is needed
to identify whether or not there is a correlation between global warming and the
increase in marine diseases.

5. Impacts on Australia

Australia’s climate is strongly influence by the surrounding oceans and the climatic
features include tropical cyclones and monsoons in regions northern and mid-latitude
storm systems in the south; and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
phenomenon (IPCC 2000). In 1998 Australia recorded its highest mean annual
temperature since 1910, of 22.54 C, which was 0.73 C higher than the average for
1961 to 1990 reference period (Bureau of Meteorology, 1999). The mean minimum
temperature during this period was 16.20 C, which was 1.03 C above the 1961 –
1990 average, well above the previous highest departure of 0.88 C set in 1973
(Bureau of Meteorology, 1999).

There is a trend where the mean annual temperature in Australia is increasing and
much of the increase has been since the 1970s (Climag, 2000). Further minimum
Int. J. Ecol. Dev.; Vol. 4, No. W06, Winter 2006 15

temperatures have been warming up more than the maximum, particularly the
eastern side of Australia. According to the IPCC special report (2000) on The
Regional Impacts of Climate Change An Assessment of Vulnerability, night time
temperatures have risen faster than the daytime temperatures. Sea levels have risen
by about 20 mm per decade over the past 50 years (IPCC, 2000). The largest
contribution to the record mean temperature has came from the warmer than usual
minimum temperatures in the northern half of the continent, although some southern
parts were actually cooler than normal for 1998 (Bureau of Meteorology, 1999).

The CSIRO has produced scenarios for 2030 and 2070, where temperature
increases of up 0.3 to 1.4oC and rainfall changes of up to 10% (IPCC. 2000, Ecos,
1999). The projected changes for 2070 are twice that of the 2030 scenario (IPCC,
2000). Further according to Science News (1995 vol.148 Issue 16, p255) a study of
records of north eastern Australia found an increase in the strength of heavy
precipitation during the 20th century. With an increase in sea-surface temperatures
along Australian coastlines cyclones may move further south, combined with strong
onshore winds, may rise sea level at its centre by a metre. (O’Neill, 1999).

5.1 Impact on Australian Agriculture

Climate plays a major role in yield, year-to-year variability and regional patterns of
pastoral agricultural production in Australia (Campbell et al, 1996). It is understood
that future changes in climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration are
expected to have both positive and negative impacts on pastoral agricultural
production (Campbell 1994. Campbell, et al 1996). No comprehensive impact
analysis has been conducted for the whole of Australia, however there have been
regional analyses for areas such as Queensland (Weston et a., 1981; McKeon et al,
1988; Campbell et al, 1996).

5.2 Impact on coastal regions and Islands of Australia

It has been predicted that sea-levels could rise between 25cm and 80cm by the year
2100, with the IPCC estimating a 50cm rise (Moore, et a,. 1996; IPCC, 1996). This
may result in inundation of coasts, increased coastal erosion, flooding, salt-water
16 International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED)

intrusion and the loss of coastal wetlands ( IPCC, 1996). According to (Moore et al,
1996), if sea-level rise is accompanied by an increased frequency or intensity of
extreme weather events such as cyclonic surges, then some Australian urban areas
will be at risk. (IPCC, 1996). Australia’s northern and eastern coasts are likely to be
mostly affected by these extreme weather events and storm surges (Moore et la,

At present the current global rate of sea-level rise is observed to be 1.8 mm per year
(Douglas, 1991), which may modify the expected surface warming on land due to
changes in the ocean surface and subsurface temperatures. The rate of sea-level
rise for Australia has been computed as 1.07 mm per year (Salinger et al ,1996),
however there is great variability in sea-level trends, which is argued that a few
decades (Douglas, 1991) of tidal gauge data are of little use for determining global
Tidal channels have expanded over the last few decades in the freshwater
floodplains of the lower Murray River and macrotidal systems in the Northern
Territory (Chappell et al, 1996). However it is not known to what extent sea-level rise
has had an impact as feral buffaloes have been implicated in the formation of new
channels (Knighton et al, 1992; Chappell et a,. 1996). Chappell et al (1996) states,
creek networks will become more extensive if sea-level continue to rise, and that
freshwater communities will be killed by invading brackish waters. Assessment of
potential coastal impacts due to climate change have been carried out in Australia
(Cocks et al, 1988; Thom, 1989; Chappell et al, 1996; Kay et al, 1996). These
impacts are expected to vary considerably according to regional and local
environmental conditions.

5.3 Impacts on Australian biota

Australia’s biota may be facing a greater rate of long-term change, and will have to
respond to highly altered landscapes, which have become fragmented by agricultural
and urban development.(IPCC, 2000). It is stated that migration may be an
alternative for some biota (Mitchell and Williams, 1996), as some ecosystems are
expected to shift, and having differential rates of migration, cause a change in
Int. J. Ecol. Dev.; Vol. 4, No. W06, Winter 2006 17

abundance and distribution of species (IPCC, 2000). According to Peters (1992),

alternate species interactions may eliminate formerly successful species even if the
climate remains within their physiological tolerances.
Due to slow reproduction rates or limited seed dispersal mechanisms, some species
will be slow to migrate, this will allow other more tolerant species with better capacity
for dispersal and establishment to increase (IPCC, 1996; IPCC, 2000). Many species
will be able to adapt, it is expected that biodiversity will reduce in individual
ecosystems due to climate change (IPCC, 1996; WG II, Section 1.3.6). Migration to
higher altitude or elevations (decrease in air temperature with increase in altitude;
1.98oC per thousand foot increase in elevation), is not an option in most parts of
Australia due to its mainly flat expanses. Central Australia limits migration due to
deserts and southward migration is restricted by the oceans for terrestrial biota
(IPCC, 2000). Morton et al (1995) states that the survival of vulnerable species in
refugia and their expansion into adjacent areas will be limited if there is an increase
in frequency or intensity of climatic extremes, which will inhibit their migration. The
ability of an organism to migrate will depend on its strength of dispersal. Further
climate is a key factor influencing the broadscale geographical distribution of plants
(Ficher et al, 2001), which may prevent the migration of an organism due to habitat
modification or change. This is supported by Gioia and Pigott (2000), where
predictors for distribution were found to be climatic.

According to the CSIRO (1999) drier winters are to be expected by the year 2030
accompanied by extra rains in November to April in the northwest with a 5 – 20%
increase in rain for every 1oC in increase in global temperature, with a 0 – 10% in the
inland southern and eastern parts of Australia. This may be accompanied by less
rain during the period from May to October, especially in the southern inland areas.
There may be up to 10% decrease in rain in Western Australia, parts of South
Australia and the Northern Territory. With this evaporation is expected to rise
between 2 – 4% and relative humidity may increase or decrease by up to 4%
depending on whether the rainfall increases or decreases for every degree C of
global warming.

According to Mitchell et al (1996), increase in temperatures will not be spatially or

seasonally uniform (Salinger et al. 1996), with greater impacts on minimum
18 International Journal of Ecology & Development (IJED)

temperatures than on maximum temperatures, such as a proportionately lesser

cooling at night. This change in day/night temperature balance may also affect plants
with respiration becoming more active and a need for compensation by daytime
photosynthesis (Mitchell et al, 1996).

6. Conclusion

One thing that is certain is that the planet is getting hotter and is experiencing
unprecedented environmental change. With increased emissions of CO2, aerosols
and halocarbons, increased land clearing for agriculture and suburban development,
deforestation and an exponential population growth (there are more people alive
today than have ever died), never in the history of the Earth has life been so
threatened by risk and uncertainty due to environmental change. Evidence suggests
that with the increased heating of the planet, energy availability will increase to drive
extreme weather events, which could have a ripple effect throughout the Earth
system with local, regional and global positive feedbacks feeding on each other,
amplifying and accelerating warming.

Presently science lacks the ability and technology to predict with any certainty
climate change and its associated impacts on the humans or the natural
environment. Hedging ones bets being the preferred route to address emission
abatement of greenhouse gases. The focus has been on single gas emission
abatement scenario, which has obvious flaws with serious shortcomings and
implications for the natural and human environment. The dynamics and interactive
phenomena of gas emissions and especially the greenhouse gases are not taken
into account. Risk management needs to be addressed from a global system of
global system science. A more multi-level and dynamic approach is required, which
investigates positive and negative feedbacks on a global level so as to avoid, if
possible, any risks or uncertainty in future. Even with a global system of science in
place, uncertainty will remain due to the variability in the climate/Earth systems
interactions and feedbacks, to make any accurate predictions.

Not only do we need better and more accurate GCMs, we also need to link these
model results to the impacts they have on decision making, as predictions do not
Int. J. Ecol. Dev.; Vol. 4, No. W06, Winter 2006 19

automatically transfer to the management of natural disasters as can be seen in the

resent New Orleans Cyclone impact. Forecasting using GCMs will only deal in
probabilities. A cohesive and collaborative research approach to climate change is
required to achieve success in assessing risk and uncertainty, until such is achieved
we will continue to be “surprised”.


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