Sports Representation Contract

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The SPORTS REPRESENTATION AGREEMENT between the following parties is hereby entered into:

On the one hand, -------------------------------------------------, identified with -----------------------------, domiciled for

these purposes at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, hereinafter
referred to as THE SPORTSMAN; and,

On the other hand, -------------------------------------------------, identified with -----------------------------, domiciled

for these purposes at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, hereinafter
referred to as THE AGENT;

Under the terms and conditions agreed upon in the following clauses:


1.1) THE SPORTSMAN is an (amateur) (professional) athlete dedicated to the development of

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, who requires the necessary
representation to help him/her develop during his/her sports career, both nationally and
internationally, and in accordance with his/her human and sports conditions.

1.2) THE AGENT is a professional dedicated to the representation of athletes related to

-----------------------------------------------------, guaranteeing the experience, facilities and resources
necessary to perform the services object of the present contract in a professional and efficient
manner, in accordance with generally accepted professional practices and in compliance with
applicable laws, rules, ordinances and regulations.


2.1) By means of the present contract, THE SPORTSMAN hires the services of the AGENT, so that
the latter, for the account, interest and on behalf of the SPORTSMAN, is in charge of his
exclusive representation and in a personal capacity, as sports agent, representing and advising
him in all proceedings, management, negotiation and/or contracting directly or indirectly linked to
the development of his sports career, through the steps and contacts that he establishes in the
country and/or abroad, for the benefit and interest of the human and sports conditions of the
SPORTSMAN.n, management, negotiation and/or contracting directly or indirectly linked to the
development of his sports career, through the negotiations and contacts that he establishes in the
country and/or abroad, for the benefit and interest of the human and sports conditions of the

2.2) For its part, THE SPORTSMAN undertakes to pay the AGENT in the form and time agreed in the
present contract.


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3.1) Both parties state for the record that the scope of the sports representation exercised by THE
AGENT constitutes an obligation of means and not of results, committing to perform the
management properly and in accordance with the rules, uses and customs that govern the sports
activity, acting with care and foresight, having the SPORTSMAN's interests in mind.

3.2) THE SPORTSMAN undertakes and assumes the commitment to perform his sports career in a
professional manner respecting the regulations issued by the associations and/or national and/or
international organizations that regulate the sport practiced, enabling the fulfillment of the
mandate conferred.

3.3) The present mandate contract is concluded with representation, therefore THE AGENT shall act
in the name and on behalf of the SPORTSMAN, who is obliged to grant the AGENT the
corresponding irrevocable special power of attorney, with sufficient general and special powers
before the third parties with whom he/she shall be bound in compliance with the services herein

3.4) All negotiations and contracting involving the development of the SPORTSMAN 's sports career
shall be carried out solely and exclusively through the AGENT, and in any case, THE
SPORTSMAN undertakes to personally enter into the contracts that THE AGENT manages and
that are not susceptible to be perfected in representation, unless there is a justified cause to
refuse to do so and/or eventual circumstance that THE SPORTSMAN shall expressly and
fundamentally communicate to the AGENT.

3.5) Both parties declare that, the contracts that THE AGENT shall negotiate and/or enter into on
behalf of THE SPORTSMAN or that THE AGENT shall enter into on its own behalf at the request
of THE AGENT, expressly include the contracts for national or international sporting events, which
in such framework are perfected with respect to annual bonuses, salaries, prizes, percentages for
federative, sporting and economic rights, including those referred to publicity contracts and all
types of contracts involving the image of THE SPORTSMAN and the agreements with the media
and broadcasting media that have as their object this image or the opinion of THE SPORTSMAN
in subjects related to the image of THE SPORTSMAN, and the agreements with the media and
broadcasting media that have as their object this image or opinion of THE SPORTSMAN.The
above-mentioned contracts shall expressly include contracts for national or international sporting
events, which in such framework are perfected with respect to annual bonuses, salaries, prizes,
percentages for federal, sporting and economic rights, including those referring to advertising
contracts and all kinds of contracts involving the image of the SPORTSMAN and the agreements
with the media and broadcasting media whose purpose is this image or the opinion of the
SPORTSMAN on current sports issues or any other type of issues that may require it.

3.6) Both parties undertake to fully comply with the duties of fidelity and mutual collaboration that the
nature of this duration contract requires for the normal development and fulfillment of its object.

3.7) THE AGENT hereby declares that it has the experience and logistics to perform the contracted
services, being able to count on the collaboration of third parties at its own discretion, without this
representing an additional onerous charge for THE SPORTSMAN outside the agreed fees.

3.8) THE AGENT shall exercise the powers granted in strict protection of the interests of the
SPORTSMAN, and is obliged to inform in detail about the actions taken in the exercise of such

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3.9) The present contract is of a civil nature, therefore it is established that THE AGENT is not subject
to a dependency relationship with THE SPORTSMEN, and in such sense, THE AGENT shall be
free to choose the way in which to perform its services, as long as it does not deviate from the
general indications established by THE SPORTSMEN.
In addition, the parties declare the following:
a) The services rendered by THE AGENT do not generate any labor relationship, and in
accordance with the nature of such services, it is not subject to the regime of rights and
obligations established by the labor laws;

b) THE SPORTSMAN does not assume any labor or commercial relationship with third parties
that may depend on the AGENT or that the latter may use for the best development of the
services entrusted by this contract;

c) THE AGENT is responsible for the damages and/or prejudices that the execution of the
contracted service, the personnel used for such service, may cause to third parties, property
of third parties or personnel of the AGENT and/or the SPORTSMAN. Thus, it is hereby
stated for the record that THE AGENT releases the SPORTSMAN from liability for any
claims, losses, expenses and liabilities, which may arise from the execution or breach of this
contract by the AGENT.

3.10) The parties agree that the present contract includes all other acts that may be necessary for the
fulfillment and execution of the mandate conferred.


4.1) Executed its services according to the conditions previously agreed, the consideration in favor of
the AGENT shall be as follows:

4.2) Both parties declare that the percentages set forth above shall be applied to the salaries and
bonuses, as well as to the participation rights that the SPORTSMAN may be entitled to receive as
a result of the application of legal, conventional and/or regulatory rules governing the sports
activity or that may be agreed upon as a result of federative and/or advertising rights at a national
and international level, ordinary or extraordinary prizes that he/she may receive, as well as to any
ordinary or extraordinary awards that he/she may receive.Both parties declare that the
percentages set forth above shall be applied on the salaries and bonuses, as well as on the
participation rights that the SPORTSMAN may receive as a result of the application of legal,
conventional and/or regulatory rules governing the sports activity or those that may eventually be
agreed upon due to federation and/or advertising rights at national and international level,
ordinary or extraordinary awards that he/she may receive, and in general, all income received as
a result of the development of his/her sports career, after deduction of the taxes and/or duties
established by Law.
This description is merely enunciative and not exhaustive.

4.3) The consideration agreed upon in the preceding clauses shall be paid within a maximum term of
five (05) calendar days from the date of effective payment of the revenues by the SPORTSMAN.

4.4) Once the term of this contract has expired, the obligation of the SPORTSMAN to pay to the
AGENT the percentage retribution agreed herein, for all the contracts signed during the -------------

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years after the termination of the contract, to the extent that the management of the AGENT has
had an impact on the promotion and/or development of the SPORTSMAN, shall subsist.

4.5) If as a result of the contracts made with clubs, associations, societies or third parties in
compliance with this contract, unpaid credits by them and/or damages for non-fulfillment, both
parties declare that, the present contract includes the exercise of the actions tending to obtain the
payment of the unpaid sums and the damages by the AGENT.
In this case, at the AGENT's choice, such actions may be exercised directly by the AGENT as a
legitimated party, or jointly by both parties or by THE SPORTSMEN individually if applicable, prior
written authorization of the AGENT.


5.1) The term of this contract shall be ---------------------------------, which may be extended by mutual
agreement for a similar term, as many times as necessary, by signing an additional clause.


6.1) All confidential information obtained by the parties in connection with this contract shall be kept
confidential and, to that extent, may not be disclosed to third parties, unless such disclosure is
required by the competent authority, or is authorized by the party that may be affected by its
disclosure. The parties shall comply with this reservation obligation even after the date of
conclusion of this contract.

6.2) The above is extended to all the workers or services of the AGENT, whether they are dependent
of him or not, and the AGENT must adopt the necessary measures so that his workers comply
with the confidentiality norms established.

6.3) Therefore, both parties agree to:

a) To keep in strict confidence at all times all confidential information provided by THE AGENT;

b) Not to disclose or describe any confidential information at any time, except as authorized in
writing by THE SPORTSMEN; and,

c) Not to use the confidential information for any purpose other than the performance of this


7.1) The parties agree that the representation as sports agent of the SPORTSMAN belongs to the
AGENT in exclusivity. For this purpose, THE SPORTSMAN grants separately a special
irrevocable power of attorney for the duration of this contract, in order for THE AGENT to exhibit it
for the purposes of its legitimization before third parties. Without prejudice to the agreed
exclusivity, THE AGENT is expressly authorized to substitute its person for another individual or
legal entity for the purpose of exercising the powers arising from the power of attorney extended

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7.2) Both parties declare that the representation granted to the AGENT is recognized at national and
international level, being expressly established that THE AGENT may simultaneously represent
other athletes and/or sportsmen linked to the SPORTSMAN's sports activity, without any
incompatibility arising therefrom.
Likewise, THE AGENT is authorized to use the name and image of the SPORTSMAN, without
cost or charge and without time limit, in order to include him/her as one of its representatives, with
indication of the period they represented him/her, in their curriculum, background folder,
presentations, advertisements and institutional promotions of the activity as representatives in all
the countries of the world.

7.3) It is an essential element of this contract, the exclusivity and irrevocability of the mediation and
representation of the SPORTSMAN in charge of the AGENT with respect to third parties, that is,
the prohibition for THE SPORTSMAN to be represented by others and the exclusion of the
SPORTSMAN to perform by himself the acts that are the object of this contract.

7.4) Both parties declare that, the exclusion of the personal activity of the SPORTSMAN on the acts
object of this contract, is due to the fact that both parties have in mind when entering into this
agreement, that the specialization, prestige, trajectory and recognized capacity of the AGENT for
the realization of those acts, guarantees for both parties better contracting.
In this sense, THE SPORTSMAN assumes the express commitment to communicate in a reliable
manner any act or offer that he/she may receive from third parties in order that THE AGENT
concludes the business in question on his/her behalf.


8.1) The breach of the Sixth and Seventh Clauses shall be a cause of automatic liability of the present
contract, at the option of the AGENT. In these cases, it will be enough with the notarial
communication addressed to the SPORTSMAN, which will be effective from the day after the
notification date, and will grant the AGENT the right to demand an equivalent compensation to
----------------------------------------, without prejudice to the right to demand further damage.


9.1) Both parties indicate as their domiciles the addresses indicated in the introduction of this
document, where all notices and correspondence shall be sent. In order to be valid, any change
of domicile must be limited to the urban perimeter of the City of Lima, prior written communication
with reception charge to the party.

9.2) In the unlikely event that the parties are unable to resolve amicably the differences arising during
the execution of this contract, both parties agree to submit their differences to the judges and
courts of the Judicial District of Lima.

9.3) The contracting parties agree that for all purposes, the present contractual relationship is subject
to the rules of the Civil Code and other applicable rules.

As a sign of conformity, the parties sign this contract, in duplicate, in the city of Lima, on the day of ---------
of the month of ---------------------- of the year -------------.

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