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CS 521: Systems Programming

Pointers and Arrays

Lecture 3
Today’s Schedule

▪ Pointers
▪ Argument Passing Conventions
▪ Arrays

CS 521: Systems Programming 2

Today’s Schedule

▪ Pointers
▪ Argument Passing Conventions
▪ Arrays

CS 521: Systems Programming 3

Passing by Value

▪ In C, function arguments are passed by value

▪ NOT pass by reference
▪ This means that changes to the argument inside the
function are not reflected outside the function
▪ When you call a function, like: location(2, 4);
▪ Copies will be made of 2 and 4 and passed to
▪ Sometimes we actually do want to change the value of a
variable when it’s passed into a function, though…

CS 521: Systems Programming 4

Passing by Reference [1/2]

Here’s what a swap function should produce, but it doesn’t

seem possible if a and b are just copies:

int a = 3;
int b = 8;
printf("%d, %d\n", a, b);
swap(a, b);
printf("%d, %d\n", a, b);


3, 8
8, 3

CS 521: Systems Programming 5

Passing by Reference [2/2]

▪ If you want to make outside changes to a variable

passed to a function, then you must use pointers
▪ Pointers are a special type of integer that hold a
memory address
▪ They are still passed by value; the value is the memory
▪ However, we can use the memory address to access
a variable defined outside a function

CS 521: Systems Programming 6

Pointer Syntax

▪ int *x; – defines a pointer. Note that this doesn’t create an

integer, it creates a pointer to an integer.
▪ To make life a little easier, focus on the fact that it’s a pointer.
Don’t worry about its data type for now.
▪ & – ‘address of’ operator. &a returns a pointer to a .
▪ When a function takes a pointer as an argument, you need to
give it an address
▪ After passing the value of the pointer (memory address), we
can dereference it ( * operator) to retrieve/change the data it
points to:
▪ *x = 45;

CS 521: Systems Programming 7

Demo: Writing swap()

CS 521: Systems Programming 8

Today’s Schedule

▪ Pointers
▪ Argument Passing Conventions
▪ Arrays

CS 521: Systems Programming 9

Defining a Function

Functions are defined in C like this:

<return type> <function name>(<argument list>)


▪ If the function does not return a value, the return type should be
▪ If there are no arguments, then the argument list is void (not
▪ Let’s dig a bit deeper into this…

CS 521: Systems Programming 10

Argument Conventions [1/2]

▪ Coming from the Java or Python world, we’re used to

passing inputs to our functions
▪ The result (output) of the function is usually given to us
in the return value
▪ In Python you can even return a tuple. Nice!
▪ This is not the case with C.
▪ In many cases, both the function inputs and outputs
are passed in as arguments
▪ The return value is used for error handling

CS 521: Systems Programming 11

Argument Conventions [2/2]

Here’s an example:

/* Here's a function that increments an integer. */

void add_one(int *i)
*i = *i + 1;
int a = 6;
add_one(&a); /* a is now 7 */

CS 521: Systems Programming 12

“In/Out” Arguments

▪ In C, some of the function arguments serve as outputs

▪ Or in the example we just saw, the function argument is
both an input and an output!
▪ Some API designers even label these arguments as “in”
or “out” args (example from the Windows API):


_In_ HANDLE hFindFile,
_Out_ LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData

CS 521: Systems Programming 13

That’s Weird… Why?!

▪ Reason 1: C does not have exceptions

▪ Problem in a Java/Python function? Throw an
▪ Exceptions are a bit controversial among
programming language designers
▪ In C, the return value of functions often indicates
success or failure, called a status code
▪ Functions don’t have to be designed this way, but it’s a
very common convention

CS 521: Systems Programming 14


▪ Reason 2: Speed!
▪ Return values have to be copied back to the calling
▪ Say my function returns a bitmap image. The entire
thing is going to get copied!
▪ In a language that focuses on speed and efficiency,
updating the values directly in memory is faster
▪ Imagine transferring lots of large strings, objects, etc.
around your program, copying them the whole time

CS 521: Systems Programming 15

Arguments/Return Values: How to Know?

▪ The return value might indicate a status code… and it

might not.
▪ To be sure, use the man (manual) pages
▪ (You could also google it, but that can occasionally
lead you to the wrong documentation / advice)
▪ The C documentation is in section 3 of the man pages:
▪ man 3 printf
▪ Each man page will explain how the arguments and
return values are used

CS 521: Systems Programming 16

Error Messages

▪ Many C functions return a status code and set errno

▪ Global variable that contains the last error number
▪ You can use the perror() function to convert this
number into plain English (or your local language)
▪ Pass in a string prefix to help you trace your code:
▪ Call perror("open"); after open(...) function call
▪ Result: open: No such file or directory
▪ (assuming the file being opened didn’t actually

CS 521: Systems Programming 17

void Argument [1/3]

▪ In C, there’s a difference between function() and

▪ void arg: the function takes no arguments
▪ Empty arg list: the function may or may not take
▪ If it does, they can be of any type and there can be
any number of them

CS 521: Systems Programming 18

void Argument [2/3]

▪ Why is this important?

▪ First, to understand older code
▪ From the C11 standard:
▪ “The use of function declarators with empty
parentheses (not prototype-format parameter type
declarators) is an obsolescent feature.”
▪ Second, this may lead to incorrect function prototypes
or passing incorrect args in your code

CS 521: Systems Programming 19

void Argument [3/3]

So, to sum up:

/* Takes an unspecified number of args: */

void function();


/* Takes no args: */
void function(void);

CS 521: Systems Programming 20

Today’s Schedule

▪ Pointers
▪ Argument Passing Conventions
▪ Arrays

CS 521: Systems Programming 21


▪ In C, arrays let us store a collection of values of the

same type
▪ int list[10];
▪ double dlist[15];
▪ Internally, they are represented as a chunk of memory
large enough to fit all the required elements
▪ Note that the arrays must be dimensioned when they’re
▪ In older versions of C the dimension had to be a
CS 521: Systems Programming 22
Accessing Array Elements

▪ Setting/retrieving the values of an array is the same as it

is in Java:
▪ list[2] = 7;
▪ list[1] = list[2] + 3;
▪ However, one interesting note about C is there is no
boundary checking, so:
▪ list[500] = 7;
▪ …may work just fine.

CS 521: Systems Programming 23

Experiment: When will it Break?

▪ We can try modifying out-of-bounds array elements

▪ see: array_break.c
▪ We can even do it in a loop to test the limits
▪ Different operating systems / architectures may react
▪ Let’s try it now. Open your editor, create an array, and write a
loop that iterates beyond its boundaries.
▪ When does it segfault? How big was your initial array?

▪ At this point, you might be wondering:

▪ What is wrong with C?!
▪ What is the meaning of life?

CS 521: Systems Programming 24

Out-of-bounds Access

▪ So we can do things like this in C:

▪ int list[5];
▪ list[10] = 7;
▪ Your program may work fine… or crash!
▪ It’s never a good idea to do this
▪ So why does C let us do it anyway?

CS 521: Systems Programming 25

Safety vs. Performance

▪ C favors performance over safety

▪ Compare: C program vs Python equivalent
▪ Helpful: time command
▪ Especially in the glory days of C, adding lots of extra
checks meant poor performance
▪ Additional instructions for those checks
▪ If you don’t want/need them, then the language
shouldn’t force it on you!
▪ This can lead to dangerous bugs

CS 521: Systems Programming 26

Initializing an Array [1/2]

▪ Let’s create our list of integers:

▪ int list[10];
▪ When we do this, C sets aside a place in memory for the
▪ It doesn’t clear the memory unless we ask it to
▪ Another common cause of subtle bugs

▪ Creating a list of integers initialized to zero:

▪ int list[10] = { 0 };

CS 521: Systems Programming 27

Initializing an Array [2/2]

Thus far we’ve always specified the array size. There is a

shorthand for doing this if you already know the contents
of the array:

// Will auto-size to 5:
int nums[] = { 1, 82, 9, -3, 26 };

Here, the compiler will fill in the size for you.

CS 521: Systems Programming 28

Memory Access

▪ What happens when we retrieve the value of list[5] ?

▪ Find the location of list in memory
▪ Move to the proper offset: 5 * 4 = byte 20
▪ Assuming sizeof(int) = 4
▪ Access the value
▪ Accessing, say, list[500] is just moving to a position
in memory and retrieving whatever is there

CS 521: Systems Programming 29

Visualizing Arrays in Memory
/* Note: calculating the array
* dimensions automatically! */
int list[] = {
sizeof(int) = 4

▪ Note how the visualization represents the

integers in hexadecimal

CS 521: Systems Programming 30

The sizeof Operator

▪ We can use the sizeof operator in C to determine how

big things are
▪ Somewhat like:
▪ len() in python
▪ .length in Java, or
▪ .size() in Java

▪ Much more low-level

▪ size_t sz = sizeof(int);
▪ printf("%zd\n", sz); // Prints 4 (on my machine)

CS 521: Systems Programming 31

Array Size [1/2]

▪ Let’s try this out:

▪ int list[10];
▪ size_t list_sz = sizeof(list);
▪ Any guesses on the output?
▪ (pause for everyone to yell out guesses)
▪ On my machine, it’s 40:
▪ 40 bytes (10 integers at 4 bytes each)
▪ This can be different depending on architecture
▪ In C, sizeof(char) is guaranteed to be 1.

CS 521: Systems Programming 32

Array Size [2/2]

▪ Knowing the number of bytes in the array can be useful,

but not that useful
▪ Usually we want to know how many elements there are
in an array
▪ To do this, we’ll divide by the array type (int - 4 bytes):
▪ int list[10];
▪ size_t list_sz = sizeof(list) / sizeof(list[0]);
▪ printf("%zd\n", list_sz); /* 10 (for me) */

CS 521: Systems Programming 33

Behind the Scenes

▪ Arrays in C are actually (constant) pointers

▪ int list[5];
▪ list is the same as &list[0];
▪ You can’t change what they point at, but otherwise they
work the same
▪ So accessing list[2] is really just dereferencing a
pointer that points two memory addresses from the
start of the array
▪ …one reason we have 0-based arrays

CS 521: Systems Programming 34

We can make this more “fun…”

▪ Since arrays are just constant pointers, we have another

way to access them:
▪ list[5] is the same thing as: *(list + 5)
▪ Workflow:
1. Locate the start of the array
2. Move up 5 memory locations (4 bytes each*)
3. Dereference the pointer to get our value

CS 521: Systems Programming 35

Pointer Arithmetic

▪ Manipulating pointers in this way is called pointer

▪ arr[i]; is the same thing as: *(arr + i);
▪ arr[6] = 42; is the same as *(arr + 6) = 42;

CS 521: Systems Programming 36

Visualizing Arrays with Pointer Arithmetic

int list[] = {
sizeof(int) = 4

CS 521: Systems Programming 37

A Note on Pointer Arithmetic

▪ In general, stick with using regular array syntax

▪ You may see pointer arithmetic in production code, but
it should only be used in situations that make the code
more understandable
▪ Haphazardly showing off your knowledge of pointer
arithmetic is a recipe for confusing code

CS 521: Systems Programming 38

Arrays as Function Arguments

▪ When we pass an array to a function, its pointer-based

underpinnings begin to show
▪ If we modify an array element inside a function, will the
change be reflected in the calling function?
▪ …
▪ …why?
▪ In fact, when an array is passed to a function it decays
to a pointer
▪ The function just receives a pointer to the first
element in the array. That’s it!
CS 521: Systems Programming 39
Array Decay

▪ When an array decays to a pointer, we lose its

dimension information
▪ Let’s imagine someone just gives us a pointer
▪ Do we know if it points to a single value?
▪ Is it the start of an array?
▪ Functions are in the same situation: they don’t know
where this pointer came from or where it’s been
▪ sizeof() doesn’t work as expected

CS 521: Systems Programming 40

Dealing with Decay

▪ Array dimensions are often very useful information!

▪ If we don’t know how many elements are in the array,
then we could read/write beyond the end of it
▪ There are two viable strategies to deal with this:
1. Pass the size of the array into the function as an
2. Put some kind of identifier at the end of the array so
we know where it ends as we iterate through
▪ (this is the way strings work!)

CS 521: Systems Programming 41

Lab 2

▪ Lab 2 will give you a chance to work with pointers

▪ We’ll create a reciprocal cipher function that takes
characters and rotates them to “encrypt” strings
▪ Let’s set this up and then take a tour of the code
▪ (clone the repo and then continue on for info about

CS 521: Systems Programming 42


▪ All 521 projects will include a Makefile

▪ This tells the make utility what to do
▪ Essentially just a recipe for building your program
▪ All our projects are composed of several C files
▪ Hints (applies to Lab 3 as well):
▪ make – compile and produce executable
▪ make test – run the test cases
▪ make clean – clean up all build artifacts

CS 521: Systems Programming 43

How make Works

Makefiles are a recipe composed of instructions like this:

target: dependency

(Note the tabs)

▪ You provide a target, like ‘array’ – the name of the file that gcc
will generate
▪ The dependency tells us what files you need to build your
program. In this case, it’s ‘array.c’

CS 521: Systems Programming 44

Let’s go!

Time to start working on the lab.

CS 521: Systems Programming 45

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