Deciding Polydrality of Spectrahedra
Deciding Polydrality of Spectrahedra
Deciding Polydrality of Spectrahedra
1) Context, def
- Spectrahedron: generalizes polyhedron (why?) and encapsules the eigenvalue role in
semidefinite programming
- Ramana 1998, computational complexity: decision pb is NP-Hard (il existe algo pour la
verification d’une solution en temps polynomial mais pas pour trouver une solution) + if S
polyhedron, relevant linear factors appear in a block diagonal form of A(x). What form?
- Motivation : have a practical algo for exploration, experimentation, hypothesis testing with
- Find an appropriate matrix form, joint invariant space
- A face of a polyhedron is supported by a linear form
- Face of codim 1, supporting hyperplane is in the alg boundary of S, yields a linear factor of
f=detA(x). alg boundary=closure of dS in Zariski Topo, contained in the vanishing locus of f.
- Ramana-Goldman : Faces of spectra : F_U={x | U \incl ker(A(x)) }, faces of a spectra are always
- Ramana: original problem from graph theory. A perfect graph = clique number of any induced
subgraph equals the colouring number
3) Algo
- Description of an algo for recognizing polyhedrality of a spectrahedral cone
- Approximation : construct an outer polyhedral approximation S^ from A(x) that coincides
with S when S is polyhedral
- Containmaint: co-NP hard. Verify if S^=S. ie if S^ Included in S.
- We present S as intersection of a spectahedron without codim 1 faces (Q(x)>=0 ) and a
polyhedron (D(X) >=0)
- Prop3.1 S^= {x st D(x) >=0} is a polyhedral cone containing S
- Prop 3.2 how to get rid of the full dim condition on S. Use linear hull of S and consider S in a
lower dimensional ev where it will be full dim. Need to compute a point in relative interior of
- How to find points in relative interior? Interior point methods. If S is strictly feasible (ie there
exists p with A(p)>0) IPalgo finds a point arbitrarily close to the analytic center (optimal
solution of a certain pb) of a suitable dehomogenization of S. S is not strictly feasible if the
linear subspace only meets the boundary of {X>=0}
- OBS ! the computation of a point p ∈ relint S is potentially numerically delicate and has to be
handled with care
- Thm3.3 simultaneous diagonalization by intersecting commutators
- Thm3.4 a polyhedral cone admits a finite number of generator(S^)
- Consequence: if R(S^) included in S, S is polyhedral
- Lineality space: largest linear subspace contain in S is given by the kernel of the linear map
- Certificate of the algo : it returns the collection R(S^)
- Word about complexity: joint invariant subspace of a matrix map calculated in pol time.
Transfo of A(x) in unital more demanding
4) Further
- Recently, the conjecture that every convex semialgebraic set would be the linear projection of
a spectrahedron (“Helton-Nie conjecture”) has been disproven by Scheiderer [34].
- About algo : step 4 vs step 5, Abar(z) est simult diago sur N. Et on peut mettre Abar(z) en
forme diagonal par bloc suivant une decompo adaptée à N. Maintenant cette decompo ne
donne pas a priori une forme diagonale pour le bloc inférieur droit D’(z). C’ess=t pourquoi on
rediagonalise à l’étape 5.
- NP and coNP
1) Ramana file:///C:/Users/UTILISATEUR/Downloads/poly-spectra-hedra.pdf
2) Ramana Goldman