Fenwal 35-65 & 35-66

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SERIES 35-65 & 35-66 ®

24 VAC Microprocessor Based HSI Control

with 120/240 Field Selectable Line Voltage Capability 35-65,-66.02

n Safe start and full-time flame sensing
n 120/240 field selectable line voltage for use
with 120 VAC ignitor option
n 24/120/240 VAC hot surface ignitor models available
n Blower control and airflow switch monitoring option
n Diagnostic LED
n Multiple trials for ignition
n Automatic reset option
n Local or remote flame sensing
n Flame current test pins
n Dual speed blower option for LoNox applications
n Fail-safe gas valve control (35-66 only)
n CE models available

n Pool and spa heaters
n Gas furnaces
n Water heaters

n Any 24 VAC gas burner application under 400K BTU

DESCrIPTION Input power
Voltage Control: 18 to 30 VAC 50/60 Hz
The Series 35-65 and 35-66 controls are designed to perform many (Class 2 Transformer)
gas-fired 24 VAC appliance functions in a single control, resulting Line: 24, 120 or 240 VAC
in lower system cost. This series monitors the demand for heat, (L1 & L2 only)
controls the combustion blower, monitors proper airflow, ignites and Current 300 mA max @ 24 VAC with blower and gas
maintains the flame during heating, and provides diagnostic support. valve relay energized (Control only)
The on-board diagnostics with LED output provide assistance with
troubleshooting and ensures safe and efficient burner operation. output (ContaCt ratIngs)
gas Valve 2.0A max @ 24 VAC
The microprocessor circuit design provides precise, repeatable
timing sequences for ignition and purge times (pre-, inter-, and post-) 3.0 FLA max @ 120 VAC (1/4 hp)
Combustion Blower
as well as multiple tries for ignition. The optional 120/240 VAC field 1.5 FLA max @ 240 VAC (1/4 hp)
(Model 35-66 only)
selectable line voltage capability provides additional field service
efficiency and lower inventory costs. Hot surface element 5.0A max @ 120/240 VAC

operatIng teMperature -40ºF to +176ºF (-40ºC to +80ºC)

Agency Certifications
FlaMe sensItIVIty 0.7 microamps minimum

Design certified by CSA International to types oF gas Natural, LP, or manufactured

CAN C22.2 #199-M89 and ANSI Z21.20 IgnItor 24 VAC, 120 VAC, or 240 VAC
for Automatic Ignition Systems, including mini-ignitors and silicon carbide ignitors
UL1998 software review. FM approval depending on model
and CE pending on selected models. enClosure Gray (Noryl N-190)
MoIsture resIstanCe Conformal coated to operate non-condensing
to 95% R.H. Care must be taken to protect
module from direct exposure to water
sIze wItH enClosure See Figures on Page 7
weIgHt 8 oz including cover

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power-up / standBy FaIlure to lIgHt - loCkout (continued):
35-66 with Full-time power (r Models only): Multi-try Models:
Upon applying power (24 volts) to the R terminal, the control will Should the main burner fail to light or the flame is not detected
reset, perform a self-check routine, flash the diagnostic LED for a during the first TFI period, the gas valve is de-energized and
second and enter the thermostat scan state. the control performs an optional "inter-purge" delay before
attempting another TFI period. The control will attempt 2
Call For Heat additional TFI's periods before locking out. In lockout, the
gas valve will be turned off immediately. For 35-66 models, the
35-65 & 35-66 without Full-time power (r terminal):
combustion blower will be turned off following an optional
When a call for heat is received from the thermostat supplying 24
"post-purge" period. With the 1 hour reset option, if the
volts to the W terminal, the control will perform a self-check routine,
thermostat is still calling for heat, the control will automatically
flash the diagnostic LED for a second and begin the safety timing
reset and attempt a new TFI sequence after one hour.
sequence. After an optional "pre-purge" period, the hot
surface ignitor is energized for a heat-up period, followed by the lockout recovery:
gas valve for the "trial for ignition" (TFI) period. Recovery from lockout requires a manual reset by either
resetting the thermostat or by removing the 24 volts for a period
Call for Heat - 35-66 Models:
of 5 seconds.
In addition to the self-check routine described above, when a call
for heat is received from the thermostat supplying 24 volts to the loss of Flame - re-igntion:
W terminal, the control will check the pressure switch for normally If the established flame signal is lost while the burner is operating,
open contacts. The combustion blower is then energized and, the control will respond within 0.8 seconds. The gas valve is de-
once the pressure switch contacts close, an optional "pre-purge" energized immediately and a new TFI sequence begins. If the
period begins. After pre-purge, the hot surface ignitor is energized burner does not relight, the control will lockout as previously
for a heat-up period, followed by the gas valve for the "trial for described in the "Failure to Light - Lockout" section. Multi-try
ignition" (TFI) period. models will make 2 more attempts to light the burner. If flame is
re-established, normal operation resumes.
Ignition - 35-65 Models:
When the flame is detected during the TFI period, the ignitor is CoMBustIon aIr Flow proBleMs
de-activated and the gas valve remain energized. The thermostat
35-66 Models only:
and main burner flame are constantly monitored to assure that the
1. Combustion airflow is continually monitored during the ignition
system operates properly. When the thermostat is satisfied and the
sequence by the pressure switch (PSW terminal). If the pressure
demand for heat ends, the gas valve is immediately de-energized. switch contacts remain closed for 30 seconds at the start of the
ignition sequence without an output signal to the combustion blower,
Ignition - 35-66 Models: an airflow fault is signaled and the control will remain in this fault
When the flame is detected during the TFI period, the ignitor is mode with the combustion blower off. If the pressure switch
de-activated and the gas valve and combustion blower remains on. contacts later open while there is still a call for heat, the control
The thermostat, pressure switch and main burner flame are begins the pre-purge period followed by a normal TFI sequence.
constantly monitored to assure that the system operates properly.
When the thermostat is satisfied and the demand for heat ends, 2. If the pressure switch contacts remain open for more than 30
the gas valve is immediately de-energized, the control senses the seconds after the combustion blower output (F1 and F2 terminals)
loss of flame signal and initiates an optional "post-purge" period is energized, an airflow fault is signaled and the control will remain
before de-energizing the combustion blower. in this fault mode with the combustion blower on. If proper airflow
is later detected from the pressure switch input (PSW terminal),
FaIlure to lIgHt - loCkout the control begins the pre-purge period followed by a normal
TFI sequence.
single try Models:
Should the main burner fail to light or the flame is not detected 3. If the airflow signal is lost while the burner is firing, the control
during the TFI period, the control will lockout. The gas valve will immediately de-energize the gas valve and an airflow fault is
will be turned off immediately. For 35-66 models, the combustion signaled. The combustion blower will remain on for the post-purge
blower will be turned off following an optional "post-purge" period and the control continues to monitor the PSW input waiting
period. With the 1 hour reset option, if the thermostat is still for airflow to return. If proper airflow is detected during the
calling for heat, the control will automatically reset and attempt post-purge period, a normal TFI sequence begins preceded by
a new TFI sequence after one hour. any pre-purge period. If not, the control will enter a lockout
condition with the combustion blower off.

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Flame Fault (Full time power Models only):
During normal sequence if an erroneous flame signal occurs, CautIon:
due to the gas valve failing to close completely, the controller will ! Operation outside specifications could result in failure of the
energize the combustion blower. Should the gas valve later close Fenwal product and other equipment with injury or death to people
and damage to property. Service to this product should only be
completely and the flame signal be removed, the combustion

performed by a qualified technician.
blower will power off following an optional post-purge period.
! CautIon:
Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing the control.
Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous operation.
Fault CondItIons

led IndICatIon Fault Mode

Steady On Internal Control Failure
1 Flash Airflow Fault (35-66 models) syMptoM reCoMMended aCtIons
2 Flashes Erroneous Flame Signal
1. does not start A. Miswired
3 Flashes Lockout
B. 24 VAC Transformer bad
C. Fuse/Circuit breaker bad
D. Bad control, check LED for steady
mOuNTINg AND WIrINg on or flashing codes
2. thermostat on - no ignition A. Miswired
The 35-65 and 35-66 models are not position sensitive and can be B. Bad thermostat, no voltage
mounted vertically or horizontally. The control may be mounted on at thermostat terminal W
any surface and fastened with #6 sheet metal screws. Secure the C. Failed ignitor
control in an area that will experience a minimum of vibration and 3. Valve on - no ignitor A. Defective ignitor
remain below the maximum ambient temperature of 80°C (175ºF). B. Miswired
C. Bad control, check voltage at ignitor
All connections should be made with UL approved, 105°C (221°F) 4. Ignitor on - no valve A. Valve coil open
rated 18 gauge, stranded wire with .054" minimum insulation. B. Open valve wire
Refer to wiring diagram on Pages 5 or 6 when connecting the C. Bad control, check voltage at gas
control to other components in the system. valve terminal
5. Flame okay during tFI - A. Bad ignitor
no flame sense after tFI B. Bad S1 wire
Terminal Designations
C. Poor ground at burner
terMInal desCrIptIon terMInatIon D. Poor flame, check flame current

R 24 VAC supply to processor ¼ in. Quick Connect Flame current is the current that passes through the flame from
(optional full time power) the sensor to ground. The minimum flame current necessary to
W Thermostat Input ¼ in. Quick Connect keep the system from lockout is 1 microamp. To measure flame
L1 120/240VAC Input (Hot) ¼ in. Quick Connect current, connect an analog DC microammeter to the FC terminals
(or 5-pin Mate-N-Loc) per diagram below. Meter should read 1 microamp or higher.
L2 Neutral ¼ in. Quick Connect If meter reads below "0" on scale, meter leads are reversed.
(or 5-pin Mate-N-Loc) Disconnect power and reconnect meter leads for proper polarity
GND System Ground ¼ in. Quick Connect
GV Gas Valve 3/16 in. Quick Connect
FS Remote Flame Sense ¼ in. Quick Connect
S1 - 120 120 VAC Ignitor ¼ in. Quick Connect
S2 Ignitor (or 5-pin Mate-N-Loc)
S1 - 240 240 VAC Ignitor ¼ in. Quick Connect
(or 5-pin Mate-N-Loc)
FC+ & FC- Flame Current Test Pins ¼ in. Quick Connect

35-66 Models only

F1 Blower Output ¼ in. Quick Connect

(or 2-pin Mate-N-Loc)
F2 Blower Output ¼ in. Quick Connect
(or 2-pin Mate-N-Loc)
PSW Pressure Switch Input ¼ in. Quick Connect

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Select the proper harness based on the 35-65 and 35-66 control's termination connection on back page. Once the terminal configuration is
determined, complete the part number by replacing the last two digits ("XX") with the length in inches ("l" dimension). Standard wire lengths
are 12, 18, 24 30, 36 and 48 inches. Example 05-129845-018 = 18 inches. For other lengths, please contact Fenwal
Part Number: 05-128844-0XX

Part Number: 05-128981-XXX


Part Number: 22-100001-080

Custom configurations
are available

Part Number: 22-100001-110

Custom configurations
are available

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WIrINg DIAgrAmS - SErIES 35-65

loCal FlaMe sensIng

(sensIng tHrougH Hot surFaCe IgnItor)


reMote FlaMe sensIng

(sensIng tHrougH Independent FlaMe rod)


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WIrINg DIAgrAmS - SErIES 35-66

loCal FlaMe sensIng

(sensIng tHrougH Hot surFaCe IgnItor)


reMote FlaMe sensIng

(sensIng tHrougH Independent FlaMe rod)


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DImENSIONS - SErIES 35-65, 35-66

Front and sIde VIews

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35 - 6X X X X X - X X X Description
Trial For Ignition
1 = 4 Seconds
3 = 7 Seconds
5 = 10 Seconds
7 = 15 Seconds

0 = None
1 = 15 Seconds
2 = 30 Seconds

0 = None
1 = 15 Seconds
2 = 30 Seconds

Tries For Ignition

0 = Single Try without Automatic Reset
1 = Single Try with 1 Hour Automatic Reset
5 = Three Tries without Automatic Reset
6 = Three Tries with 1 Hour Automatic Reset

35-65 Only (No blower relay) Termination For models

0 = ALL Q.C. Terminals Without Full Time Power (W Only)
1 = Mate-N-Loc (5 Pos.) with Q.C. Terminals without Full Time Power (W Only)
2 = Mate-N-Loc (2 Pos.) with Q.C. Terminals without Full Time Power (W Only)
5 = ALL Q.C. Terminals with Full Time Power (R Terminal)
6 = Mate-N-Loc (5 Pos.) with Q.C. Terminals with Full Time Power (R Terminal)
35-66 Only (With blower relay) Termination and Post Purge for models
0 = No Post-Purge All Q.C. Terminals without Full Time POWER (W Only)
1 = No Post-Purge All Q.C. Terminals with Full Time POWER (R Terminal)
2 = 30 Second Post-Purge All Q.C. Terminals *
3 = 60 Second Post-Purge All Q.C. Terminals *
5 = No Post-Purge Mate-N-Loc (5 Pos.) with Q.C. Terminals without Full Time Power (W Only)
6 = No Post-Purge Mate-N-Loc (5 Pos.) with Q.C. Terminals with Full Time Power (R Terminal)
7 = 30 Second Post-Purge Mate-N-Loc (5 Pos.) with Q.C. Terminals *
8 = 60 Second Post-Purge Mate-N-Loc (5 Pos.) with Q.C. Terminals *
* Post-Purge Requires Full Time Power (R)
Ignitor Options
0 = 120/240 VAC Mini-Ignitor (6 Second Heat-Up)
2 = 24 VAC Mini-Ignitor (4 Second Heat-Up) CE Approved
5 = 120/240 VAC Ignitor (20 Second Heat-Up)
6 = 120/240 VAC Ignitor (40 Second Heat-Up)
7 = 24 VAC Mini-Ignitor (4 Second Heat-Up)
Custom Designs - Standard Part Number Configuration Does Not Apply
3 = Customer Special Features CE Approved (Refer To Drawing)
8 = Aftermarket Kit (Refer To Drawing)
9 = Customer Special Features (Refer To Drawing)

Optional Features
1 = Dual Speed Blower (35-66 Model Only)
2 = 120/240 Field Selectable Line Voltage
3 = Dual Speed BLOWER AND 120/240 Field Selectable Line Voltage (35-66 Model Only)
5 = None
5 = Without Combustion Blower Relay (Model 35-65)
6 = With Combustion Blower Relay (Model 35-66)

400 MAIN STREET, ASHLAND, MA 01721 These instructions do not purport to cover all the details or variations in the equipment
TEL: (508) 881-2000 FAX: (508) 881-6729 described, nor do they provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with
installation, operation and maintenance. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered
sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to KIDDE-FENWAL,
Inc., Ashland, Massachusetts.

© 2003 Kidde-Fenwal Printed in U.S.A. TAG P/N 35.65, 66.02 6/20/03

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