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FANUC 16i & 18i Basic NC Ethernet Settings...............................................................................4
FANUC 16i & 18i EMBEDDED ETHERNET SETTING.............................................................6
FANUC 31i Embedded Ethernet Settings.....................................................................................11
FANUC 16i,18i DATA SERVER ETHERNET SETTING..........................................................18


18i, F31i

• Copy the entire “FTP SERVER TYPSOFT” folder to your PC. You do NOT have to install any
software on your PC since this software will run from the folder you copy it into.
• To start the software click on the blue FTPSERV file in the folder you copied to your PC.
(After the initial setup you can have the software automatically launch on Windows startup if
you choose)

• Once the software has started select SETUP  USERS from the pull down menu as shown

• Click on the NEW USER tab then type in user name (e.g. MDV55) and click OK

Make sure the new user name is selected in the List Of Users then type in
the password (e.g. OKK), Set the Root directory (eg. C:\) and set all other
items circled below.
Next click on the Directory Access value (e.g. C:\) so it is highlighted then
set all circled items listed below. When you are finished click on SAVE then
CLOSE tab.

Select SETUP  FTP from the pull down menu as shown below.

Set the circled items as listed below then click SAVE and CLOSE tab.
When you want to use the software for file transfer all you have to do is
launch the program by clicking on the blue FTPSERV file or have the
software automatically launch at Windows startup. When the NC tries to
communicate with the PC you will see the communication log as shown

FANUC 16i & 18i Basic NC Ethernet Settings

Press the SYSTEM hard key then the  soft key until you see ETHPRM soft
key. Press the ETHPRM soft key then (OPRT) soft key.
Next you will have to press the (OPRT) soft key then select either
EMBEDDED or BOARD soft key. Embedded Ethernet is for connecting to the
NC memory and Board is for connecting to the OPTIONAL Data Server

Select 1
Note: This information is to be used as a reference. Please refer to the
FANUC Operation manual for more detail information.
The NC I/O channel must be set to 9 to use the Embedded Ethernet
Page 1 of the Ethernet parameters you must set IP address and Sub net
mask of NC control.
(Note: If these settings are changed power off the NC and restart the

Page 3 of the Ethernet parameters you must set the Port number (21), IP
address of PC, Username, Password, and Log in Directory the NC will use to
communicate with PC. This page is for connection 1.
Page 4 is for Connection 2 settings.

Page 5 is for Connection 3 settings.

You can then select which Connection parameters you would like to use for
communication by selecting Connect 1, 2, or 3 by using the following
Press the Edit mode then the PROGRAM Hard key. Next press the soft key
until you see CONNECT soft key. Press the CONNECT soft key then (OPRT)
soft key.
Next you will have to press the EMBEDDED soft key.
The Connect screen will then be displayed and you can choose which
connection settings you would like to use by pressing Con-1, Con-2, or
Con-3 soft key. The set values for that connection will then be used when
you transfer files.

Press the  soft key then press the HOST soft key and (OPRT) soft key.
Press the EMBEDDED soft key then the NC will connect with the PC and
display the programs, which are in the folder you have designated.

If you press the  soft key you will then see the READ and PUNCH soft keys.
If you type O4500 and press the READ soft key, that program will be
transferred to the NC memory. If you type a program number that is in the
NC memory and press PUNCH it will be transferred to the PC.

For more details on the operation of the EMBEDDED Ethernet function

please refer to the FANUC operation manual.
FANUC 31i Embedded Ethernet Settings

Note: This information is to be used as a reference. Please refer to the

FANUC Operation manual for more detail information.
The NC I/O channel must be set to 9 to use the Embedded Ethernet
Press the SYSTEM hard key then the  soft key until you see EMBED PORT
soft key. Press the EMBED PORT soft key to display the screen below.

If the Common setting screen is not shown press the COMMON soft key so
that the display matches the one shown above. On this page the IP address
and Sub net mask of the NC control are set. (Note: If these settings are changed
power off the NC and restart the control)

Press the FTP TRANS soft key to display the setting screen for the Host

On pages 1 & 2 of the Ethernet parameters you must set the Port number
(21), IP address of PC, Username, Password, and Log in Directory the NC
will use to communicate with PC. These pages are for Connection 1.
Pages 3 & 4 are for Connection 2 settings.
Pages 5 & 6 are for Connection 3 settings.
You can then select which Connection parameters you would like to use for
communication by selecting Connect 1, 2, or 3 by using the following

While on the FTP TRANS screen press the OPRT soft key then the HOST
SELECT soft key.
You can then select Connection 1, 2, or 3 by pressing the corresponding
soft key.

Press the Edit mode then the PROGRAM Hard key. Next press the FOLDER
soft key followed by the OPRT soft key.

Press the DEVICE CHANGE soft key followed by the EMB ETHER soft key.

The NC will connect with the PC and display the programs, which are in the
folder you have designated in the connection parameters. You can press the
HOST CHANGE soft key to toggle thru connect 1, 2, & 3. Each time this is
pressed the screen will update a program list according to the connection

If you press the  soft key you will then see the READ and PUNCH soft

It is important to remember that when you use the Read /Punch function
that the files will be transferred to and from the current path set as the
Foreground folder.

To Read a file from the PC to the NC press the READ soft key. Then you
can either type the file name to be transferred and press F SET soft key or
move the cursor to select a program, press the F GET soft key then F SET
soft key. Next type the program name to be used in the NC and press P SET.
If no program name is specified for P SET the name in the program file will
be used as the name in the NC.
For the punch function the same basic operation is used but you will specify
the program number to be punched by typing the number and using P SET.
The F SET will be used if you would like to change the file name after it is
transferred to the PC.
For more details on the operation of the EMBEDED Ethernet function please
refer to the FANUC operation manual.

Note: This information is to be used as a reference. Please refer to the

FANUC Operation manual for more detail information.
Page 1 of the Ethernet parameters you must set IP address, Sub net mask,
and Router IP (If necessary) of NC control. (Note: If these settings are changed
power off the NC and restart the control)

Page 2 of the Ethernet parameters you must set the Port number (21), IP
address of PC, Username, Password, and Log in rectory the NC will use to
communicate with PC. This page is for connection 1.
Page 3 is for Connection 2 settings.

Page 4 is for Connection 3 settings.

You can then select which Connection parameters you would like to use for
communication by selecting Connect 1, 2, or 3 by using the following

Press the Edit mode then the PROGRAM Hard key. Next press the  soft
key until you see CONNECT soft key. Press the CONNECT soft key then
(OPRT) soft key.
Next you will have to press the BOARD soft key.

The Connect screen will then be displayed and you can choose which
connection settings you would like to use by pressing Con-1, Con-2, or
Con-3 soft key. The set values for that connection will then be used when
you transfer files.
Press the  soft key then press the HOST soft key and (OPRT) soft key.

If you press the  soft key you will then see the GET soft key. If you type
(File Number, Program Number to be listed on Data Server) 18,O4500 and
press the GET soft key, that program will be transferred to the Data Server
If you press the HD-DIR soft key you will see a list of the programs
currently stored on the Data Server memory. If you press the  soft key
then you will see the PUT soft key. If you type (the File number, Program
Number) 1,O0005 and press PUT soft key the program will be transferred to
the PC.

For more details on the operation of the DATA SERVER and Ethernet
function please refer to the FANUC operation manual.
Extreme care must be taken when connecting the Ethernet cables and
while making the settings on your PC. Setting parameter conflicts can cause
the entire network to fail.
The FTP software included with this information package is shareware.
There is no charge for the use of this product.

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