Syllabus 2023-24 - Alg1Honors

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Avant Garde Academy

A Broward County Public Charter School

Course Syllabus
2020 – 2021
Course Title: ALGEBRA 1 HONORS
Teacher Name: Dr. Bernardo Loira-Urbay
Room#: 260
E-mail Address [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 2:30 – 3:00 by appointment
Google Classroom Code (by period):

Course Description
The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle
grades. The critical areas, called units, deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships by
contrasting them with each other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend, and students engage in
methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. The Standards for Mathematical Practice apply throughout
each course, and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent,
useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.

Required Materials and Supplies

3 Ring Binder (Dividers)
Notebook / Lined paper
Laptop / Access to a computer
Know your email and password to your school account

Grading Plan
Your class grade is calculated from the following categories:

High School Tests = 50% | Quizzes = 25% | Classwork/Homework = 20% | Engagement/Participation/Effort= 5%

Grading Key:
0 = Student is unable to make up the assignment
X = Student is exempted from the assignment, this will be rare in the gradebook
Z = Student is allowed to make up the assignment
I = Incompletes are given to any student who has been enrolled for less than 10 days or has accumulated too many absences
to earn a grade.

Performance Tasks: Honors and Advanced Placement Courses

Students who are enrolled in any Honors or AP course will be given a fourth test per quarter. This test will be a Performance
Task or a Performance Assessment.

A performance task is any learning activity or assessment that asks students to perform to demonstrate their knowledge,
understanding and proficiency. Performance tasks yield a tangible product and/or performance that serve as evidence of
learning. Unlike a selected-response item (e.g., multiple-choice or matching) that asks students to select from given alternatives,
a performance task presents a situation that calls for learners to apply their learning in context.
2025 McKinley St. ∙ Hollywood, FL 33020 ∙ PHONE (754) 816 - 6153
Avant Garde Academy
A Broward County Public Charter School

STEAM Projects: Core Courses Only (We are a core class)

Students will complete one STEAM project per semester in ELA (as a Novel Study), Math, Science and Social Studies classes.
These projects will count as one test grade during Quarter 2 and one test grade during Quarter 4. Directions, rules and
procedures will be given at the beginning of Quarter 1 and projects will be due at the end of Quarter 2. Second semester,
students will be given directions, rules and procedures at the beginning of Quarter 3 and projects will be due at the end of
Quarter 4. Students will work on these projects during class time and at home.

Classwork / Homework Policy:

All classwork is due by the end of the period (typical time to complete is 40 minutes)
All homework will be due within 48 hours (unless assigned over a weekend)
Classwork and Homework will be submitted on the online portal ( unless otherwise stated

Plagiarism / Cheating: This is a School Policy

Students will be researching other’s work, whether it is for a project or research paper. Plagiarism will not be tolerated under any
circumstances. Plagiarism also includes copying another student’s work or giving your work to another student to copy. If a
student is caught plagiarizing, they will receive an F for that assignment and a 1 in conduct for the nine weeks. They will receive
a written notice and parent contact will be made immediately. The conduct grade cannot be improved upon for that 9 week
grading period. A referral by the teacher can be submitted to administration depending on the severity and/or frequency of the
offense, whereas administration will determine if any further punishment is deemed necessary.

Cheating is also an unacceptable offense and not tolerated under any circumstances. Cheating includes (but is not limited to)
copying off another student’s work, allowing another student to copy your work, using any unapproved aides such as cell
phones or other electronic devices, written materials, "cheat sheets", and anything that may unfairly provide a student with an
answer other than their own brain. If a student is caught cheating, they will receive an F for that assignment and a 1 in conduct
for the nine weeks. They will receive a written notice and parent contact will be made immediately after the infraction. The
conduct grade cannot be improved upon for that 9 week grading period. A referral by the teacher can be submitted to
administration depending on the severity and/or frequency of the offense, whereas administration will determine if any further
punishment is deemed necessary.

All students should check the google classroom they’re assigned and complete the bell ringer within the first 10 minutes of the
designated class. They also must be logged in to the zoom meeting within the first 10 minutes to be marked present and on

In School:
Students should be in their class when the bell rings, and ready to learn.

Tardy to Block 1 – Teacher should send student to the cafeteria for a Raptor Pass.
Tardy any time after Block 1 - Teacher Detention

Make-Up Work for Excused and Unexcused Absences

2025 McKinley St. ∙ Hollywood, FL 33020 ∙ PHONE (754) 816 - 6153
Avant Garde Academy
A Broward County Public Charter School

When a student is absent, upon returning to class, students are expected to request makeup assignments from each teacher.
One school day for each day of excused absence will be allowed to make up and receive credit for missed work. It is the
responsibility of the student to complete the work. Work missed during an unexcused absence is expected to be completed or
full credit will not be given.

Classroom Rules & Expectations:

I expect all students to be On Time, Courteous, Prepared, and able to adjust.
I expect that you will eliminate all distraction from your work environment before the lesson starts
Your focus is a key ingredient this year to achieving your goals in my class
All work assigned must be completed on time.

Based on model student behavior and academics, rewards will vary and be spontaneous at the teacher’s discretion.

Failure to comply with classroom and/or school rules and procedures, teachers will adhere to the DISCIPLINE QUICK
REFERENCE GUIDE and the Secondary Progressive Discipline Plan.
These plans can be found on Students Code of Conduct, Upper School Discipline

Students should not use their device(s) without prior consent by the teacher.

In School:
Students must keep unauthorized technology including cellular phones powered off and out of sight during the school day.
Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action taken against the student by the administration.

Contact Form
This form must be completed before the second day of school by both the
student and the parent (click here:

Please read the course information, sign and return this sheet to Mr. Harris

Please sign below to signify that you have read the course syllabus for Mr. Harris’s class, will keep it in your
folder/binder, and will be responsible for the information throughout the year, and will check Pinnacle at least once
per week.

________________________________________ ______________________________________
Student printed name Student signature

2025 McKinley St. ∙ Hollywood, FL 33020 ∙ PHONE (754) 816 - 6153
Avant Garde Academy
A Broward County Public Charter School

Check the statement that apply.

_____ We have internet access at home.

_____ We do not have internet access at home.

I have read and understand the policies and procedures outlined in my child’s course syllabus. I agree to adhere to
the policies and procedures. To stay abreast of my child’s progress, I agree to check Pinnacle once per week.

________________________________________ ______________________________________
Parent(s) printed name Parent/Guardian signature(s)

Contact Number(s)
Name: _____________________________ Number: _______________________________
Name: _____________________________ Number: _______________________________

Email Address(s)
Name: _____________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________
Name: _____________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________

2025 McKinley St. ∙ Hollywood, FL 33020 ∙ PHONE (754) 816 - 6153

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