Class Xi Isc Gravitation Assignments

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Name- _______________ Class- _XI___

Date- __05-10-2022_____ Gravitation Section- __SCIENCE_

1- At what height above the surface of the earth value of acceleration due to gravity is reduced to one
fourth of its value on the surface of the earth?
2- Name two factors which determine whether a planet has atmosphere or not?
3- On which fundamental law of physics is keplers second law is based?
4- Name two factors which determine whether a planet would have atmosphere or not.
5- A satellite revolves close to the surface of a planet. How is its orbital Velocity related with escape
velocity of that planet.
6- Identify the position of sun in the following diagram if the linear speed of the planet is greater at C than
at D.

7- ls it possible to place an artificial satellite in an orbit so that it is always Visible Over New Delhi.
The time period of the satellite of the earth is 5 hr. If the separation between earth and satellite is
increased to 4 times the previous value, then what will be the new time period of satellite. Ans – 40 hr.
8- With two characteristics of gravitational force?
9- If radius of earth is 6400km, what will be the weight of 1 quintal body if taken to the height of 1600 km
above the sea level? Ans- 64 kg
10- The distance of the planet Jupiter from the sun is 5.2 times that of the earth. Find the period of the
Jupiter’s revolution around the sun? ans – 11.86 yr
11- State two essential requisites of geostationary satellite?
12- As you have learnt in the text, a geostationary satellite orbits the earth at a height of nearly 36,000 km
from the surface of the earth. What is the potential due to earth’s gravity at the site of this satellite?
(Take the potential energy at infinity to be zero). Mass of the earth = kg, radius = 6400 km.
13- If the radius of the earth Were to decrease by 1%, keeping its mass same, how will the acceleration due
to gravity change? Ans: increases by 2%.
14- If "g" be the acceleration due to gravity on earth"s surface, Calculate the gain in potential energy of an
object of mass m raised from the surface of earth to a height equal to the radius or earth in term of "g".
15- A satellite is moving round the earth with velocity v what should be the minimum percentage increase
in its velocity so that the satellite escapes. Ans: 41.4%
16- At what height from the surface of the earth will the value of "g" be reduced by 36% of its value at the

surface of earth. Ans:

17- Which planet of the solar system has the greatest gravitational field strength? What is the gravitational
field strength of a planet where the weight of a 60 kg astronaut is 300 N. Ans : 5 N kg -1
18- Why the space rockets are generally launched West to East?
19- Explain why a tennis ball bounces higher on hills than in plane?
20- The mass of moon is M/81 (where M is mass of earth). Find the distance of the point where the
gravitational field due to earth and moon cancel each other. Given distance of moon from earth is 60 R,

where R is radius of earth. Ans : 6 R

21- Two uniform solid spheres of radii R and 2R are at rest with their surfaces just touching. Find the force

of gravitational attraction between them if density of spheres be P?

Ans: F =
22- Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density, how much would a body weigh half way
down to the centre of the earth if it weighed 250 N on the surface? Ans: 125N
23- A rocket is fired from the earth towards the sun. At what distance from the earth"s centre is the
gravitational force on the rocket zero? Mass of the sun = kg, mass of the earth = kg.
Neglect the effect of other planets etc. (orbital radius = m). Ans: 2.59 x 10 m
24- The mass of planet Jupiter is 1.9 x 10 kg and that of the sun is 1.99 x 1030kg. The mean distance of

Jupiter from the Sun is 7.8 x 1011m. Calculate gravitational force which sun exerts on Jupiter, and the
speed of Jupiter. Ans: and v = 1.3 × 104 ms -1
25- Choose the correct alternative:
(a) Acceleration due to gravity increases/decreases with increasing altitude.
(b) Acceleration due to gravity increases/decreases with increasing depth. (assume the earth to be a
sphere of uniform density).
(c) Acceleration due to gravity is independent of mass of the earth/mass of the body.

(d) The formula - is more/less accurate than the formula for the
difference of potential energy between two points and distance away from the centre of the earth.
Ans. (a) Decreases (b) Decreases (c) Mass of the body (d) More
26- A satellite is revolving is a circular path close to a planet of density P. find an expression for its period

of revolution? Ans;

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