Gravitation - D.K. - FINAL

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Unit - 8

1. Newton’s law of gravitation  Every body in our universe attracts other body with a
force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of distance between them.

, ,

where G is universal Gravitational constant.

Note :-
1. Gravitation force is a n example of central force.
2. Gravitational force between two bodies are expressed in terms of action and reaction
3. Gravitational force is independent with temperature
4. Gravitational force is conservative force.

2. Vector form of Newton’s law of gravitation

, ,

3. Weight and gravity  Force with which a body is attract towards the center of earth is
called its weight.
Gravitation is the force of attraction between any two bodies in this universe. However, if
one of the attracting body is earth. Then gravitation is called force of gravity.

Acceleration due to gravity =

4. Variation of acceleration due to gravity 

(a) Variation of g with depth.


5. Variation of g with Height

, ,

, ,

6. Variation of g on the surface

1. Shape of the earth

7. Rotation of the earth  The earth rotates about an axis which pass through the poles.
Therefore bodies on earth are not in equilibrium because they experience centripetal
acceleration as they rotate with the earth.

8. Acceleration due to gravity of different planets. M1 and M2 be the masses of two planets.
R1 and R2 are their radii

, ,

1 and 2 are the mean densities of two planets.


9. Satellite  It is a heavier body which is revolving continuously around a bigger body.

Examples moon is satellite of earth. Moon is a natural satellite of earth.

10. Orbital velocity of the satellite  It is the minimum velocity required to be given to the
satellite to put into an orbit so that it may start revolving around the earth. It is denoted
by Vo.
M = radius of the earth
m = mass of satellite
h = height of the satellite above the surface of earth.
r = [R + h]
V0 = orbital velocity

In this case centripetal force required to keep the satellite in its orbit is provided by

the gravitational pull.

, , ,

11. Time period of satellite  , , ,

12. Height of the satellite

, or or

13. Binding energy of a satellite  It is the total energy required to unbind the satellite. i.e.
It is the energy required to remove the satellite from its orbit around the earth to

Binding energy is equal to –ve of the total energy

14. Polar satellites  Satellites which encircle the globe in a north south orbit passing over
the north and south poles are called polar satellites.

15. Use of artificial satellite  The artificial satellites are put to many uses e.g.,
(a) For studying the upper region of the earth’s atmosphere
(b) For finding the exact shape and dimensions of the earth, its geology and geography.

(c) For studying the primary cosmic rays, electromagnetic radiation and solar radiations
are they reach the space above the earth’s atmosphere.
(d) For weather forcasting like cloud, storm, rain formation etc.
(e) For communicating radio, TV and telephone signals around the world and over large
areas on the surface or earth.

16. Escape velocity  Thus we can define the escape velocity as that minimum velocity with
which a body has to projected vertically upward from the surface of earth so that body
escapes the gravitational field of earth and never returns on its own.

If e is the escape velocity, then kinetic energy given to the body is

 or

or , Also or

 or

17. Intensity and potential

(a) Intensity at a point distance r from a point mass M,

towards the point mass.


(b) Spherical shell;

(i) for r > R, where R is the radius

(ii) for r < R, i.e., for point inside I = 0 and

(c) Solid sphere of mass M and radius R

(i) For point outside, i.e., r > R

(ii) For point inside, that is it r < R,

1. Acceleration due to gravity is minimum on mercury and maximum on Jupiter.

2. Acceleration due to gravity at height h from the surface of earth is

and if h << R, then

3. Acceleration due to gravity at depth d inside the surface of earth is:

and when d = R, then gd = 0, i.e., value f acceleration due to gravity is

zero at the center of earth.

4. If d = 2h then gh = gd if we go to a depth d or height d/2, value of g will be equal, i.e.,

decrease in value of ‘g’ with height is fast as compared to the decrease with depth.

5. Value of g is maximum at poles and minimum at equator.

6. Rotation of earth affects the value of g.

7. Gravitational potential due to a point mass M at a distance r from the mass is :

8. Gravitational potential due to a uniform ring at a point P on its axial line is :

9. Gravitational potential due to a thin spherical shell of radius a and mass M at a

distance r from its center is given by:

(if r > a) (if r < a)

i.e., potential due a uniform spherical shell is constant throughout the cavity of the

10. Gravitational potential at a point due to a uniform solid sphere of mass M is:

(when point lies outside the sphere)

(when point lies inside the sphere)

11. At the center of the solid sphere, gravitational potential is:

12. If gravitational field is known, gravitational potential can be found using the
13. Gravitational field any point at distance r from a point mass M is given by

14. Gravitational field at a point, at distance r from the center of a uniform ring of mass M
and radius ‘a’ when the point lies on the axis of the ring is:

where  is the angle subtended at the given point by radius of the disc.

15. Minimum energy required to take a body infinitely away from the earth is called
binding energy of the earth-body systems.

16. Binding energy of earth-body is

17. Very dense materials, from which escape velocity is greater than or equal to that of
light, are called backholes.
18. Orbits of geostationary orbits are called parking orbits.
19. Angular momentum conservation leads to Kepler’s second law of planetary motion.
However it is not special to inverse square law of gravitation. It is true for any central
20. Angular momentum is given by:

Also As 

 or = constant.

i.e., Areal velocity of the planet is constant.



1. The numerical value of the angular velocity of rotation of the earth should be
……………………………. rad/s in order to make the effective acceleration due to
gravity at equator equal to zero.
Sol. g’ = g – R2 cos2 
At equator = 0
 g’ = g – R2
0 = g – R2

2. According to Kepler’s second law, the radius vector to a planet from the sun sweeps
out equal areas in equal intervals of time. This law is a consequence of the
conservation of ……………………

Sol. = constant because angular momentum of planet (L) about the centre of

sun is constant.
Thus, this law comes from law of conservation of angular momentum.
3. A geostationary satellite is orbiting the earth at a height of 6R above the surface of the
earth where R is the radius of earth. The time period of another satellite at a height of
2.5 R from the surface of the earth is ………………………. hours.

or = 8.48 h

4. The masses and radii of the Earth and the Moon are M 1, R1 and M2, R2 respectively.
Their centres are a distance d apart. The minimum speed with which a particle of
mass m should be projected from a point midway between the two centres so as to
escape to infinity is ………………………
Sol. Total mechanical energy of mass m at a point midway between two centres is:
Binding energy

Kinetic energy required to escape the mass to infinity is,

5. The ratio of earth’s orbital angular momentum (about the sun) to its mass is 4.4 × 10 15
m2/s. The area enclosed by earth’s orbit approximately ……………………….. m2.
Sol. Areal velocity of a planet round the sun is constant and is given by

where L = Angular momentum of planet (earth) about sun and m = mass of planet


 Area enclosed by earth in time T (365 = days) will be

Area = =

Area  6.94 × 1022 m2

6. A particle is projected vertically upwards from the surface of earth (radius R) with a
kinetic energy equal to half of the minimum value needed for it to escape. The height
to which it rises above the surface of earth is …………………..

Sol. Kinetic energy needed to escape =

Therefore, energy given to the particle =

Now, from conservation of mechanical energy. Kinetic energy at the surface of earth =
Difference in potential energy at a height h and on the surface of earth
1. It is possible to put an artificial satellite into orbit in such a way that it will always
remain directly over New Delhi.
Sol. New Delhi is not on the equatorial plane.
Only one option is correct:
1. If the radius of the earth were to shrink by one per cent, its mass remaining the same,
the acceleration due to gravity on the earth’s surface would:
(a) decrease (b) remain unchanged
(c) increase (d) be zero

Sol. or

g will increase if R decreases.

2. If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the earth’s surface, the gain in the potential
energy of an object of mass m raised from the surface of the earth to a height equal to
the radius R of the earth, is:

(a) (b) 2mgR (c) mgR (d)


Given, h = R

3. Imagine a light planet revolving around a very massive star in a circular orbit of
radius R with a period of revolution T.
If the gravitational force of attraction between the planet and the star is proportional
to R-5/2, then:
(a) T2 is proportional to R2 (b) T2 is proportional to R7/2
(c) T2 is proportional to R3/2 (d) T2 is proportional to R3.75


 v

Now, T= or,

or or
4. If the distance between the earth and the sun were half its present value, the number
of days in a year would have been:
(a) 64.5 (b) 129 (c) 182.5 (d) 730
Sol. From Kepler’s third law 

 or

T2  129 days

5. A satellite S is moving in an elliptical orbit around the earth. The mass of the satellite
is very small compared to the mass of the earth.
(a) the acceleration of S always directed towards the centre of the earth
(b) the angular momentum of S about the centre of the earth changes in direction, but
its magnitude remain constant
(c) the total mechanical energy of S varies periodically with time
(d) the linear momentum of S remains constant in magnitude
Sol. Force on satellite is always towards earth, therefore, acceleration of satellite S is
always directed towards centre of the earth. Net torque of this gravitational force F
about centre of earth is zero. Therefore, angular momentum (both in magnitude and
direction) of S about centre of earth is constant throughout. Since, the force F is
conservative in nature, therefore mechanical energy of satellite remains constant.
Speed of S is maximum when it is nearest to earth and minimum when it is farthest.

6. A simple pendulum has a time period T1 when on the earth’s surface and T2 when
taken to a height R above the earth’s surface, where R is the radius of the earth. The
value of T2/T1 is:
(a) 1 (b) (c) 4 (d) 2


where g1 = acceleration due to gravity on earth’s surface = g

g2 = acceleration due to gravity at a height h = R from
earth’s surface = g/4

7. A geostationary satellite orbits around the earth in a circular orbit of radius 36,000 km.
Then, the time period of a spy satellite orbiting a few hundred km above the earth’s
surface (Re = 6400 km) will approximately be:
(a) 1/2 h (b) 1h (c) 2h (d) 4h
Sol. Time period of a satellite very close to earth’s surface is 84.6 min. Time period
increases as the distance of the satellite from the surface of earth increase. So, time
period of spy satellite orbiting a few 100 km above the earth’s surface should be
slightly greater than 84.6 min. Therefore, the most appropriate option is (c) or 2h.

8. A double star system consists of two starts A and B which have time period T A and
TB. Radius RA and RB and mass MA and MB. Choose the correct option.
(a) If TA > TB then RA > RB (b) If TA > TB then MA > MB

(c) (d) TA = TB

Sol. In case of binary star system angular velocity and hence the time period of both the
stars are equal.

More than one options are correct:

1. A solid sphere of uniform density and radius 4 units is
located with its centre at the origin O of coordinates. Two
spheres of equal radii 1 unit, with their centres at A (-2, 0, 0)
and B (2, 0, 0) respectively, are taken out of the solid leaving
behind spherical cavities as shown in figure. Then:
(a) the gravitational field due to this object at the origin is
(b) the gravitational field at the point B (2, 0, 0) is zero
(c) the gravitational potential is the same at all points of
circle y2 + z2 = 36
(d) the gravitational potential is the same at all points on the circle y2 + z2 = 4
Sol. (a) The gravitational field is zero at the centre of a solid sphere. The small spheres can
be considered as negative mass m located at A and B. The gravitational force due to
these masses on a mass at O is equal and opposite. Hence, the resultant force on mass
at O is zero.
(c and d) are correct because plane of these circles is y-z, i.e., perpendicular to x-
axis i.e., potential at any point on these two circles will be equal due to the positive
mass M and negative masses-m and – m.

2. The magnitudes of the gravitational field at distance r 1 and r2 from the centre of a
uniform sphere of radius R and mass M are F1 and F2 respectively. Then:

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Sol. For

and for

Ex.1. Two particles of masses 1.0 kg and 2.0 kg are placed at a separation of 50 cm.
Assuming that the only forces acting on the particles are their mutual gravitation, find
the initial accelerations of the two particles and acceleration of the centre of mass of
Sol. The force of gravitation exerted by one particle on another is

The acceleration of 1.0 kg particle is

This acceleration is towards the 2.0 kg particle. The acceleration of the 2.0 kg particle

This acceleration is towards the 1.0 kg particle.

Since gravitational force acting between the bodies is an internal force of that system
therefore the acceleration of the centre of mass is zero.

Ex.2. Three equal particles each of mass m are placed at the three corners of an equilateral
triangle of side a. Find the force exerted by this system on another particle of mass m
placed at (a) the mid-point of a side, (b) at the centre of the triangle.
Sol. As gravitational force is a two body interaction, the principle of superposition is valid,
i.e., resultant force on particle of mass m at P,
(a) As shown in fig. when P at the mid-point of a side, C m
FA will be equal in magnitude but opposite in
direction so will cancel each other. So point mass m O
at P will experience a force to C only, i.e. A
m P m

(b) When P is at the centre of triangle, O, the forces of three particles and will be equal in
magnitude and will subtend equal angles with each other (120º), so that the resultant
force on m at O.

Ex.3. A thin rod of mass M and length L is bent in a semicircle as shown in fig. (a) what is
its gravitational force (both magnitude and direction) on a particle with mass m at O,
the centre of curvature ? (b) What would be the force on m if the rod is, in the form of
a complete circle ?
Sol. (a) Considering an element of rod of length dl as shown in fig. and treating it as a
point of mass (M/L) dl situated at a distance R from P, the gravitational force due to
this element on the particle will be

So the component of this force along x and y axes will be

d F s in 
O  d F cos 



So that,



i.e., the resultant force is along the y-axis and has magnitude (2Gm M/L2)

i.e., the resultant force on m at O due to the ring is zero.

Ex.4. A point mass m is at a distance x from the centre of a ring of mass M and radius R on
its axis as shown in fig. Find the gravitational force between the two. What will this
force be if x >> R and x << R? For what value of x is the force maximum ?
Sol. Considering a small element of the ring (as shown in fig) and treating it as a point
mass, by Newton’s law of gravitation, force on the particle of mass m due to this

Now due to symmetry of the problem the component of forces perpendicular to the
axis due to all elements will cancel each other i.e.,

while components along x-axis will add up so



Now as for a given point and ring x and r [= (R2 + x2)1/2] will be the same for all

Now if x >> R, F ~ (GmM/x2), then for a distant point ring behaves as a point mass
(which is expected) and force varies linearly with distance x. Furthermore F will be
maximum when (dF/dx) = 0, i.e.


Substituting this value of x in the expression for force F, Fmax =

Ex.5. A spherical hollow is made in a lead sphere of radius R such that its surface touches
the outside surface of the lead sphere and passes through its centre. The mass of the
lead sphere before hollowing was M. What is the force of attraction that this sphere
would exert on a particle of mass m which lies at a distance d from the centre of the
sphere and the hollow (as shown in fig.).

Sol. As the point mass m is outside the lead sphere we can assume its mass to be
concentrated at the centre. To calculate the force of attraction on the point mass m we
should calculate the force due to the solid sphere and subtract from this the force
which the mass of the hollowed sphere would have exerted on m, i.e.

But from figure

and as


Ex.6. Two points masses each of mass are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of
side a. Find the net gravitational field intensity at the third corner of the triangle.
Sol. At point P there are two fields due to two mass kept at Q and R as each mass is m and

its distance from P is equal hence both fields are equal [where EQ = ER = E]

Hence by law of parallelogram the Q m

net gravitational field intensity is
given by a EQ

R 60º
Hence Enet = m a ER
Ex. 7. Find the field strength at a point along the axis of a thin rod of length L and mass M,
at a distance d from one end.

Sol. First we need to find the field due to an element of length dx. The rod must be thin if
we are to assume that all points of the element are at the same distance from the field
point. The mass of the element is dm = , so contribution to the field is

dE =
The total field strength is


Notice that when d >> L, we find E  , the result for a point particle.

Ex.8. Three particles each of mass m are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side d.
Calculate (a) the potential energy of the system, (b) work done on this system if the side of the
triangle is changed from d to 2d.
Sol. (a) As in case of two-particle system potential energy C
is given by (Gm1m2/r), so

So, B
A m m
(d) When d is changed to 2d,

So work done =

Ex.9. The distance between earth and moon is about 3.8 × 10 5 km. At what point or points
will the gravitational field strength of earth-moon system be zero ? Given mass of
earth is 81 times the moon’s mass.
Sol. In this problem earth and moon will be treated as point masses as they are far apart
and as in case of a point mass E = GM/r2, the field due to both the masses will be zero
at r =  . In addition to it, the field will also be zero at a point in between earth and
moon where the pull of earth balances the pull of moon. If this point is at a distance x
from the earth.


or or
Ex.10. Two concentric shells of masses M1 and M2 are situated as shown in fig. Find the
force on a particle of mass m when the particle is located at (a) r = a (b) r = b and (c)
r = c. The distance r is measured from the centre of the shell.
Sol. We know that attraction at an external point due to a
spherical shell of mass M is (GM/r2) while at an
internal point is zero. So,
(a) For r = a, the point is external to both the shells;


(b) For r = b, the point is external to the shell of mass M 2 and internal to the shell of mass
M1; so


(c) For r = c the point is internal to both the shells, so

EC = 0 + 0 = 0

Ex.11. A rocket with a payload of mass m is at rest at the surface of the earth. Calculate the
work needed to raise the payload to the following states:
(a) at rest at an altitude equal to radius of earth (R)
(b) in circular orbit at an altitude R

Sol. In both cases the initial energy of the payload is purely potential energy.

E1 = K1 + U1= 0 –
(a) At the given altitude the distance to the center of the earth is r = 2Rp.
E 2 = K2 + U 2 = 0 –

The work needed is E2 – E1 =

(b) From equation, the energy in orbit is
E3 = K3+ U3 =

The work needed is E3- E1 = .

Naturally, it takes more work to put the satellite into orbit than merely to raise it to the
same altitude.
Ex.12. A rocket fired vertically with half the escape speed. What is its maximum altitude in
terms of the radius of the earth R? Ignore the earth’s rotation.

Sol. This problem is can be solved easily by using the law of conservation of energy. Note
that one must take care not to use Ug = mgh since this equation is valid only when g
may be taken to be a constant. The initial energy is

Ei = =

At the maximum altitude, the kinetic energy is zero.

Ef = 0 -

On simplification, Ef = Ei, gives h =

Ex.13. The masses and radii of the earth and moon are M 1, R1 and M2, R2 respectively. Their
centres are at distance d apart. What is the minimum speed with which a particle of
mass m should be projected from a point midway between the two centres so as to
escape to infinity ?
Sol. Potential energy of m when it is midway between M1 and M2

As this, work is provided by initial kinetic energy

Ex.14. A mass 6 × 1024 kg ( = mass of earth) is to be compressed in a sphere in such a way

that the escape velocity from its surface is 3 × 10 8 m/s (equal to that of light). What
should be the radius of the sphere?
Sol. As

Ex.15. If a planet was suddenly stopped in its orbit supposed to be circular, show that it
would fall onto the sun in a time times the period of the planet’s revolution.

Sol. If the mass of sun is M and radius of the planet’s orbit is r, then as
i.e. ....(i)

Now if the planet [when stopped in the orbit] has velocity v when it is at a distance x
from the sun, by conservation of mechanical energy.

or i.e.,


Substituting x = r sin2 and solving the RHS.

Which in the light of equation (i) reduces to


Ex.16. A satellite revolves around a planet in a circular path of radius r with an angular
speed . If the radius of the planet is ‘R’, what will be the value of acceleration due to
gravity at the surface of the planet?

Sol. If m = mass of the satellite and

M = mass of the planet, then

mr2 = or

Ex.1. An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit around the earth with a speed equal
to half the magnitude of escape velocity from earth.
(a) Determine the height of the satellite above the earth’s surface.
(b) If the satellite is stopped suddenly in its orbit and allowed to fall freely onto the
earth, find the speed with which it hits the surface of the earth (g = 9.8 m/s and
RE = 6400)

Sol. (a) We know that for satellite motion

[as and r = R + h]

In this problem

So i.e. 2R = h + R or h = R = 6400 km

(b) By conservation of ME

or [as r = R + h = R + R = 2R]


Ex.2. A comet is moving in an elliptical orbit around the sun.

It is observed at a point P, it has speed 1.2 times the P
S un

speed required for a circular orbit at that position, R1

(figure). Find the greatest distance of the comet from the

sun in terms of R1.

Sol. The comet is moving along an elliptical path with the sun situated at one of the foci of
ellipse. Q is the farthest position of the comet.
Energy and angular momentum at P

 ... (2)

and LP = mVpR1 ... (3)

At Q,

... (4)

LQ = mvQR2 ... (5)

Energy and momentum should be conserved

L1 = L2

mvP R1 = mvQR2  vQ = vP

0.72 X2 – X + 0.28 = 0 Where R1 / R2 = X


Taking – ve sign (As R1  R2)

Ex. 3. The gravitational field in a region is given by Find the work done
by an external agent to slowly shift a particle of mass 2 kg from the point (0, 0) to a
point (5m, 4m)
Sol. As the particle is slowly shifted, its kinetic energy remains zero. The total work done
on the particle is thus zero. The work done by the external agent should be negative of
the work done by the gravitational field. The work done by the field is

Consider figure. Suppose the particle is taken from O to A and then from A to B. The
force on the particle is

The work done by the field during the displacement OA is

Y B (5 m , 4 m )

0 (0 , 0 ) A

Similarly, the work done in displacement AB is

Thus, the total work done by the filed, as the particle is shifted from O to B, is 180J.
The work done by the external agent is – 180 J.
Note that the work is independent of the path so that we can choose any path
convenient to us from O to B.
Ex. 4. The density inside a solid sphere of radius a is given by  = 0 a/r where 0 is the
density at the surface and r denotes the distance from the centre. Find the
gravitational field due to this sphere at a distance 2a from its centre.
Sol. The field is required at a point outside the sphere. Dividing the sphere in concentric
shells, each shell can be replaced by a point particle at its centre having mass equal to
the mass of the shell. Thus, the whole sphere can be replaced by a point particle at its
centre having mass equal to the mass of the given sphere. If the mass of the sphere is
M, the gravitational field at the given point is

The mass M may be calculated as follows. Consider a concentric shell of radius r and
thickness dr. Its volume is

dM = 40ar dr.

The mass of the whole sphere is

Thus, by (1) the gravitational field is

Ex.5. Distance between the centres of two stars is 10a. The masses of these stars are M and 16 M
and their radii a and 2a, respectively. A body of mass m is fired straight from the surface of
the larger star towards the smaller star. What should be its minimum initial speed to reach
the surface of the smaller star ? Obtain the expression in terms of G, M and a.
The distance (from the smaller a
x 2a
planet) where the gravitational pull M 16M
of two planet’s balance each other
will be given by

i.e. x = 2a
So the body will reach the smaller planet due to planet’s gravitational field if it has
sufficient energy to cross the point B (x = 2a), i.e.




Ex.6. A projectile is fired vertically upward from the surface of earth with a velocity Kv e is
the escape velocity and K < 1. Neglecting air resistance, show that the maximum
height to which it will rise measured from the centre of earth is R / (1–R 2) where R is
the radius of the earth.
Sol. If a body is projected from the surface of earth with a velocity v and reaches a height
h, by conservation of energy (relative to surface of earth),


In this problem and

So, i.e.

or i.e. r = R / (1 – K2)

Ex.1. The period of rotation of earth so as to make any object weight-less on its
equator is
(a) 84 min (b) 24 Hours
(c) 2 (d) 2
where M and r are the mass and radius of earth.

Sol. Put ge = 0, in the expression

ge = g0 - r2

 =

 T = 2 , putting r = 6.4  106m and g0 = 9.8 m/sec2, we obtain,

T = 84 min
Again putting g0 = , we obtain,

T = 2

Therefore (a), (c) and (d).

EX.2. The gravitational field due to a mass distribution is given by I = (A/x 3) in X-

direction. The gravitational potential at a distance x is equal to

(a) – (b) –

(c) – (d) .

Sol. The potential at a distance x is

V(x) = - =–

V(x) = =

 Therefore (d).
Ex.3. Three particles each of mass m are placed at the corners of an equilateral
triangle of side d. The potential energy of the systems is
(a) (b)

(c) (d) none of these.

Sol. For the system of two particles

gravitational energy is given as
U = -Gm1m2/r
UA = U2 + U23 + U31
UA = -3 =-
 The answer is (c).
–ve sign resembles that the particles are bounded by their mutual gravitational

Ex. 4. The fractional change in the value of free-fall acceleration ‘g’ for a particle
when it is lifted from the surface to an elevation h (h<<R) is

(a) (b) –

(c) (d) none of these.

Sol. g=

= putting dR = h we obtain

 =

 =

 Ans. is (d); change is –ve. That means g decreases.

Ex.5. A body of mass m is approaching towards the centre of a hypothetical hollow planet
of mass M and radius R. The speed of the body when it passes the centre of the planet
through its diametrical chute is

(a) (b)

(c) Zero (d) none of these.

Sol. At infinity the total energy of the body is zero. Therefore the total energy of the
body just before hitting the planet of P will be zero according to the
conservation of energy
 Fp =E = 0
 Up + Kp = 0

 – mv2 = 0

 v= .

Since the force imparted on a particle inside spherical shell is zero, therefore
the velocity of the particle inside the spherical shell remain constant. Therefore,

the body passes the centre of the planet with same speed v =

  (b).

Ex.6. A solid sphere of uniform density and radius 4 units is located with its centre at
the origin 0 of coordinates. Two spheres of equal radii 1 unit, with their centres
at A (-2,0,0) and B (2,0,0) respectively are taken out of the solid leaving behind
spherical cavities as shown in figure
(a) the gravitational field due to this object at the origin is zero
(b) the gravitational field at the point B(2,0,0) is zero
(c) the gravitational potential is the same at all points of the circle
y2 + z2 = 36
(d) the gravitational potentials is the same at all points on the circle
y2 + z2 = 4.

Sol. The mass of the sphere with cavities is symmetrically situated with respect to
origin. So the gravitational force at the centre of this object is zero.
Both the circules are in y-z planet
which is plane of symmetry. Since, in
this plane all the points are
equippotential points. Hence, (a), (c)
and (d) are correct

Ex.7. The work done by gravitational force on the planets revolving around the sun
(a) 0 (b) < 0
(c) > 0 (d) all of these.
Sol. We know that orbits are elliptical. Since the gravitational force acts along the
line joining the sun and planet. It cannot produce any torque about the sun.
That means the angular momentum of the planet remains constant.
Consequently the speed of the planet changes from time to time. When it
comes nearer to the sun its speed increases and vice versa. When it gradually
increases its speed moving towards the sun the Kinetic Energy increases.
Therefore the work done by the gravity of the sun is +ve and when it moves
away of the sun, its speed decreases, that means kinetic energy decreases.
Consequently work done by the gravity is negative
wgr =  KE

  (b) and (c).

Ex.8. The work done by gravity of earth in maintaining a satellite in its orbit is
(a) 0 (b) >0

(c) (d) –

where M, m are masses of earth and satellite and r = radius of the orbit.

Sol. Since, the earth satellite is moving in circular orbit the gravitational force of
earth and the displacement of the satellite are mutually perpendicular.

 Work done by gravity = wgr =

= cos 90° = 0.
  (a).

Ex.9. A planet has twice the density of earth but the acceleration due to gravity on its
surface is exactly the same as one the surface of earth. Its radius in terms of
earth R will be
(a) R/4 (b) R/2
(c) R/3 (d) R/8.

Sol. We know that

g= =

where d = mean density of earth.

For planet

g =

Given that g = g

Solving we get, R = (R/2).

Therefore (b).

Ex. 10. The energy required to remove a body of mass m from earth’s surface is/are
equal to

(a) (b) mgR

(c) –mgR (d) none of these.

Sol. The potential energy of the body on the surface of each = U1 = - . The
potential energy of the body in the surface at infinity U2 = 0

 U = U2-U1 =

Therefore, (a) and (b).

Ex.11. Two particles of mass m1 and m2 are connected by a very large string falling
from a great height. The tension in the string is
(a) Zero (b) mg/2
(c) mg (/R) (d) non-zero.
Sol. We know that, the acceleration due to gravity decreases with altitude. That
means, the particle m2 that is nearer to earth accelerates more than the other
particle m1 that is farther from earth’s surface. That means the relative
acceleration between the particles is not zero. Therefore, the string is stretched
consequently creating a tension in the string.

* When the length of the string is negligible both m1 and m2 will have same
acceleration because variation of acceleration due to gravity between them is
negligible (zero).
* If  << R, then, the difference is weight = 2 mg (/R) (numerically).
 The tension in the string = .
Ex.12: A body weights W in air and it loses its weight by 25% in water. The relative
density of the body is:
(a) 4 (b) 4 gm/cc
(c) 4 Kg/m (d) 4 × 103 Kg/m3.
Sol. Relative density = Specific gravity
R.D =

[since weight of the body decreases by 25 % of its original weight Wa (weight in

 R.D. = 4.
Therefore (a).
Ex. 13. A cubical container of edge 1 m is completely with water. The pressure of
water at the bottom of the vessel is:
(a) 9.8 × 103 N/m2 (b) 4.9 × 103 N/m2
(c) 9.8 × 103 Pa (d) None of these.
Sol. The difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the container, that is,
hydrostatic pressure, is given as P = gh, where h = height of the water
column = 1 m, g = 9.8 × 103 kg/m3, putting the values
we obtain,
P = (103)(9.8)(1) = 9.8 103 N/m2.
Therefore (a) and (c).
Ex. 14. A cube of mass m and density D is suspended form the
point P by a spring of stiffness. The system is kept inside
a beaker filled with a liquid of density d. The elongation
in the spring, assuming D > d, is:

(a) (b)

(c) (d) None of these.

Sol. The cube is in equilibrium under three forces as,

(a) spring force k x, where x = elongation of the spring,
(b) gravitational force w, weight of the cube = mg
(c) buoyant force Fb (or upward thrust) imparted by the
liquid on the cube given as Fb = Vdg where V = volume of
the immersed portion of the cube. For complete
immersion, V = volume of the cube. For
equilibrium of the cube,
kx + Fb = mg

 x= where V = (m/D)
 x= Therefore (a).

Ex. 15. A cubical water tank is completely filled with water of mass m = 1000 kg. The
force exerted by the water on the side wall of the tank, is:
(a) 1.062 × 105 N (b) 1.62 × 105 N
(c) 0.049 × 105 N (d) None of these.
Sol. The cubical tank contains water of
mass, M = 1000 kg
 volume of water V =

= = 1m3.

 Volume of the tank = V = 1m3.

 Side of the tank = b = 1m.
The pressure at A = PA = Patm.
The pressure at B = PB = Patm + gh = Patm + g

 The pressure at = PC = = average pressure over the side wall

= Patm +
The force exerted on the side wall is


= (1)2 N

= (1.013 + 0.049)   105 N = 1.062  105 N

Therefore (a).
Ex. 16. A piston of a syringe pushes a liquid with a speed of 1 cm/sec. The radii of the
syringe tube and the needle are R = 1cm and r = 0.5 mm respectively. The
velocity of the liquid coming out of the needle is:
(a) 2 cm/sec (b) 20 cm/sec
(c) 10 cm/sec (d) None of these.
Sol. According to the equation of continuity,
Av = av
 v = (A/a)v
where A = R2 and a = r2.
 v = v= (1 cm/sec) = 20 cm/sec.
Therefore (b).
Ex. 17. In the figure shown a liquid is flowing
through a tube at the rate of 0.1 kg/sec.
The tube is branched into two semi
circular tubes of cross sectional area A/3
and 2A/3. The velocity of liquid at Q is
(the cross-section of the main tube (A) =
10-2 m2 and VP = 20 m/sec.):
(a) 5 m/s (b) 30m/s
(c) 35 m/s (d) None of these.
Sol. Equation of continuity:
Rate = r = A/3 vp + (A – A/3) vQ
 Vp + 2 VQ = …(1)

 Vp + 2VQ = = 30 m/sec.
where Vp = 20 m/sec.  VQ = 5 m/sec.
Therefore (a).

Ex. 18. A small hole is made at a height of h = (1/ ) m

from the bottom of a cylindrical water tank and at a
depth of h = m form the upper level of water in
the tank. The distance where the water emerging
from the hole strikes the ground is:

(a) 2 m (b) 1 m
(c) 2 m (d) None of these.

Sol. Applying Bernoulli’s Principle between the point 1

and 2
gh1 + P1 + 1/2 P = P2 + 1/2  + gh2
Substituting h1 = h2 = h and since v1 = a/A v2 and a <<
v1~0, P1 = P0 + gh, P2 = P0,
we obtain,
gh = 1/2  v2 = = v (say), P0 is the
atmospheric pressure.
The range R = v2 × t, where t = time of fall can be given by

h1 = 1/2 gt2  t =

 R = v2 ; putting v2 = , we obtain R = 2
putting h = m and h = m, we obtain R = 2 m
Therefore (c).

Ex. 19: In a cylindrical water tank there are two

small holes Q and P on the wall at a depth
of h1 form upper level of water and at a
height of h2 from the lower end of the tank
respectively as shown in the figure. Water
coming out from both the holes and strike
the ground at the same point. The ratio of
h1 and h2 is:
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) >1 (d) <1.

Sol. The two streams strike at the same point on the

 R1 = R2 = R
 v1 t1 = v2 t2 …(1)
where v1 = velocity of efflux at 1 = and v2
= velocity of the efflux at

t1 = Time of fall of the water stream through (1) =

t2 = Time of fall of the water stream through (2) =

Putting these values in equation (1), we obtain,

(H – h1) h1 = (H – h2) h2  [H-(h1 + h2)] [h1 – h2] = 0
 H = h1 + h2 is irrelevant because the holes are at two different heights,
there fore h1 = h2  (h1/h2) = 1
Therefore (a).

Ex. 20. A light cubical vessel filled with water completely is kept on a smooth
horizontal plane. A hole is made closed to the bottom at one side so that water
emerges out of the vessel. The acceleration of the vessel is 2. Given the ratio of
area of cross-section of the hole and the vessel is  = (1/1000) and g = 10 m/s2]:
(a) .02 m/s2 (b) 2m/s2
(c) .2 m/s2 (d) None of these.

Sol. Velocity if efflux of the emerging liquid in given as

v= …(1)
The force imported by emerging water on the vessel

Where is the rate of flow of water out of the vessel = Au.

 F = Au2 …(2)
Let a is the area of cross section of the hole.
Using (1), we obtain,
F = 2 agh
Therefore the acceleration of the vessel a =
where m = mass of the liquid = f(Ah) and M is the mass of the vessel. It is
negligible (M = 0)
 a= =
Putting (a/A) = , we obtain,
a = 2g = 2 ×
 a = 0.02 m/sec2
Therefore (a).

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