Margean Lp2

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 8 (Biology)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to;
a. Explain how biodiversity contribute to the sustainability of an ecosystem
b. Reflect on the importance of biodiversity to the living organisms
c. Compose Lyrics of song about conserving and protecting biodiversity.

II. Subject matter;

a. Topic: Biodiversity and Sustainability.
b. References: Internet:https:/
c. Materials: Manila paper, pictures, pentel pen, scotch tape
III. Procedures

A.Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance

B. Motivation


DIRECTION: This activity is present a pictures of animals and identify the correct names of each animals.

VI. Presentation

C. Discussion

Biodiversity it refers to the variety of life in the area.

Population-Is a group of living things within a certain area that are all of the same species.

Biodiversity represents the total variety of all life and essential to sustain life on Earth. It increases
spectrum of Life and ensures. Sustainability of the entire ecosystem, and thus our world.


 Biodiversity maintains The health of the Earth And it’s people.

 It provides us with nourishment ( food, medicine, shelter, fuel, clothing and several other
 It tells us a lot about The health of the Biosphere.
 The greater the variety of species, the healthier the biosphere is.

The more links in a food chain, the More stable it is.

 More species = more links in food chain = more stable
 More plants= more food for other animals
 More genes = better chances for survival through adaptation
 A variety of ecosystems = more habitat for different species

 The ability to maintain ecological processes over long periods of time.
 Sustainability of an ecosystem is the ability of that ecosystem to maintain it’s structures and
functions over time in the face of external stress.


The biodiversity of an ecosystem contributes to the sustainability of that ecosystem.
-Higher/ more biodiversity = more sustainable
-Lower / less biodiversity = less sustainable

The more sustainable an ecosystem is, the healthier it is because it is able to deal with external stress
better. The more sustainable an ecosystem is, the better it Is for the environment and for people.

Possible Ways To Increase Sustainability of An Ecosystem.

 Taking only the surplus of population when fishing or hunting

 Recycling
 Reusing
 Reduce
 Caring for the Pollution
 Environment

The Fresh Quotes.

The more Variety, The Better Society.

D. Drill

Group activity and this activity is called Will to win games!


E. Evaluation

Multiple choice

Direction: Read the questions carefully and give the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is NOT a benefit of biodiversity?

A. Agriculture

B. Ecotourism

C. Medicine
D. Deforestation

2.Reasons for preserving biodiversity include all of the following except .

a)Isolating unique genetic material so it can be incorporated into existing crops.

b)Increasing the chances of discovering organisms with medicinal value.

c)Preventing natural evolution

d)Finding new plants that can supplement the world’s food supply.

3.How to preserve biodiversity?

a)By preventing deforestation

b)Protecting species

c)Reducing waste

d)All of the above

4.What is the major reason for extinction of species ?

a)Forest fire


c)Habitat destruction

d)Their use for food

5.In order to maintain proper ecological balance, it must have

a)Forest should be cleared and new ones are planted

b)A tree should be in place of one that is cut for other uses

c)Some quick growing annuals should be planted if a tree is cut for other uses.

d) None of the above

A cover of Demi Lovato’s


Make a Reflection paper on what you have learned in this Biodiversity song in the titled of “we can save
our planet?

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