Fadel Abbas

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‫االسم ‪ -:‬فاضل عباس عبد‬

‫جامعة الفرات االوسط التقنية النجف‬

‫قسم هندسة تقنيات الطيران المرحله الثانيه‬

‫‪2022 / 12 / 12‬‬
boundary layer
In fluid dynamics, a boundary layer is a thin layer of fluid near the surface of a
solid body, in which the effects of viscosity are significant. This layer is typically
much thinner than the rest of the fluid, and it acts as a buffer between the fluid
and the solid surface. The thickness of the boundary layer depends on several
factors, including the fluid's viscosity, the velocity of the fluid, and the
roughness of the solid surface. The boundary layer plays a crucial role in many
physical phenomena, including drag, heat transfer, and fluid-structure
Abstract A symmetrical NACA 0018 airfoil is often used in such applications as
small-to-medium scale vertical-axis wind turbines and aerial vehicles. A review
of the literature indicates a large gap in experimental studies of this airfoil at
low and moderate Reynolds numbers in the previous century. This gap has
limited the potential development of classical turbulence models, which in this
range of Reynolds numbers predict the lift coefficients with insufficiently
accurate results in comparison to contemporary experimental studies.
Therefore, this paper validates the aerodynamic performance of the NACA
0018 airfoil and the characteristics of the laminar separation bubble formed on
its suction side using the standard uncalibrated four-equation Transition SST
turbulence model and the unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes
(URANS) equations. A numerical study was conducted for the chord Reynolds
number of 160,000, angles of attack between 0 and 11 degrees, as well as for
the free-stream turbulence intensity of 0.05%. The calculated lift and drag
coefficients, aerodynamic derivatives, as well as the location and length of the
laminar bubble quite well agree with the results of experimental
measurements taken from the literature for validation. A sensitivity study of
the numerical model was performed in this paper to examine the effects of the
time-step size, geometrical parameters and mesh distribution around the
airfoil on the simulation results. The airfoil data sets obtained in this work
using the Transition SST and the k-ω SST turbulence models were used in the
improved double multiple streamtube (IDMS) to calculate aerodynamic blade
loads of a vertical-axis wind turbine. The characteristics of the normal
component of the aerodynamic blade load obtained by the Transition SST
approach are much better suited to the experimental data compared to the k-
ω SST turbulence model
In this study, aerodynamic capabilities of NACA 0018 airfoil is numerically
investigated by installing riblet on the suction side of airfoil. Numerical results
were obtained by ANSYS Fluent using k-kl-kw transition model at Reynolds
number of Re=100 000. Three different riblet airfoil configuration was
performed at six different angles of attack (α=8°, 10°, 13°, 15°, 17° and 19°)
and these results compared with the clean model. For M1 model the riblet was
located at chord wise section of x/c=0.3 while it installed at x/c=0.7 for M2
model. For M3 model two riblets were used and they were located at both
x/c=0.3 and x/c=0.7. Obtained numerical result show that the use of riblet
remarkably affects the flow characteristics of airfoil. At α=8° the CL/CD value
of M1 model is increased by 4.5% when compared to clean model. It is
indicated that angle of attack at α=10o, lift coefficient is increased for all
models with compared to clean model. Stall angle is delayed from α=13° to
α=15° at M1 and M3 with compared to clean model and lift coefficient is
increased about 37% because of the restriction of the laminar separation
bubble and trailing edge separation. Keywords: Low Reynolds Number, NACA
0018 airfoil, Riblet, Passive flow control
MATERIALS AND METHODS In the present numerical study was performed
with ANSYS Fluent 18.1 solver. The C type mesh is created with ICEM CFD.
Center of arc is located to trailing edge of NACA 0018 airfoil and arc is set up
with 10c radius, domain extends 20c along x-direction from trailing edge as
shown in Figure 1. Flow input is given as pressure-far-field and airfoil surface is
set up as wall boundary condition with no slip condition.
Reynolds number, lift coefficient, drag coefficient and pressure coefficient are
determined with formulas given below. 2210 Emre GÜLER et al. 11(3): 2208-2217,
2021 Passive Flow Control around NACA 0018 Airfoil Using Riblet at Low Reynolds
Number 𝑅𝑒 = 𝜌𝑈𝑐 (1) 𝜇 𝐶 = 𝐹𝐿 (2) 𝐿 1𝜌𝑈2𝑆 2 𝐶 = 𝐹𝐷 (3) 𝐷 1𝜌𝑈2𝑆 2 𝐶 = ∆𝑃 (4) 𝑃 1𝜌𝑈2
2 In these equations, c means to chord of the airfoil, μ means to dynamic viscosity of
air, FL means to lift force, FD means to drag force, U means to free-stream velocity, ρ
means to density of air, S represents projection range of the airfoil and ΔP means to
pressure differences between airfoil surface and free-stream velocity. To make better
comparison, CP is used with negative sign. Steady state solutions with second order
discretization and implicit formulation were applied. One of turbulence model is used
to get better solution for transitional flow that which is k-kl-kω model, and it is
showed that the best model for laminar to turbulence transition with previous study
from Walters and Leylek (2004). Reynolds number is kept at 100 000 based on chord
length of airfoil. Triangle riblet assembled on suction side of NACA 0018. Riblet size
with height (h) and width (w) is set to 1 mm. Three different riblet airfoil
configurations were analyzed at four different angle of attacks (α=8°, 10°, 13°, 15°,
17° and 19°). For M1 model the riblet was located at chord wise section of x/c=0.3
while it is installed at x/c=0.7 for M2 model. For M3 model two riblets were used and
they were located at both x/c=0.3 and x/c=0.7. Schematic representation of airfoil
with the riblet and examined parameters are shown in Figure 3.

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