Counselling Process

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Counselling Process

Counselling Process
• Thecounselling process is a continuous,
cyclical model in which the counselor and
client collaboratively set goals, formulate
actions plans and assess progress toward
the goal
Stages of Counselling Process
• Thecounselling process was described by Cormier
and Hackney (1987) as a five stage process:
1) Relationship building
2) Assessment

3) Goal setting
4) Interventions and problem solving
5) Termination and follow up
6) Research and evaluation
First stage : Relationship Building
Step 2 : Problem Assessment

• Problem assessment is the mutual effort of

counselor and the client, they both work together to
find out the problem that the client has been facing.
Here majority of work is done by the client
• The counselor acts as a facilitator to the client
• After the problem is identified, the counselor starts
working to know that is it the real problem of the
client or no?
Step 3 : Goal Setting
• Goalsare the results or outcomes that the client want
to achieve at the end of counselling
• These are of five types :
i) Facilitating behavior change
ii) Enhancing coping skills
iii)Promoting decision making
iv) Facilitating the clients potential
Step 4 : Intervention and Problem solving
• The counsellor and client may choose strategies to
implement from a variety of interventions including
individual, group, couples and family counselling
• The counsellor should provide an overview of the
different treatment approaches available, describe the
role of the counsellor and the client for each
procedure, identify possible risks and benefits that
may result, and estimate time and cost of each
• Inaddition, it is important for the counsellor to be
sensitive to the client characteristics such as values
and beliefs
• Counsellorshould also be aware of a clients personal
strengths and weaknesses in selecting the
Step 5 : Termination and Follow-Up
• Termination can be done when clients have worked
through their concerns and are able to proceed
forward in their lives without the counsellors
• Atthis point, counselling can be terminated. It’s
usually best for the counsellor and client to agree on
a termination date, reducing the chance of
premature termination or feelings of ambivalence
• Termination should be planned several weeks in
advance to provide an opportunity for the client to
prepare psychologically. The counsellor should also
arrange for an appropriate follow-up with the client
• Anappointment for a formal follow-up counselling
session can be made 2-4 weeks after the final session
• Thiscan allow the counsellor and the client adequate
time to evaluate how things are going without
Step 6 : Research and Evaluation

• Research
and Evaluation can occur at any time
during the counselling process or after termination
• Counsellors
are asked to evaluate counselling
whenever they implement and intervention strategy
• These
research procedures involve face-to-face
interaction between the counsellor and the client
• These
procedures can be used before or after a client
as terminated
Techniques of Counselling
• Counsellorstructures the initial interview, helping
the client to define problems, and develops initial

• Counsellordemonstrates care and strives to develop

a trusting collaborative relationship with the client
• Counsellortests hypotheses, develop an interaction
between problem definition and information elicited
from client

• Counsellorand client seek new information : includes

additional testing, campus and community resources,
career information and opportunities, college bulletins
and psychoeducational materials

• Counsellor
and client make decisions about desired
behavior change
• Counsellorhelps client to set goals and behavioral
objectives for behavioral change

• Counsellorassists client in developing plan of action

to resolve problem and reach objectives

• Counsellor
is aware of and communicates own
expectations of the counselling process to the client
• Counselloris able to appropriately terminate an
individual interview. Counsellor and client assess
procedure and outcomes of counselling and decide to

• Counsellordevelops a case conceptualization as a

helpful tool in the counselling process
Difference between Counselling
and Health Education
Counselling Health education
1) Counselling is required • Health education is
after occurence of situation required before occurrence
or event in the clients life of situation or event in
clients life

2) It is an individual •It is an individual as well

activity as group activity
3) It takes place in close • It may be done through
contact and always close as well as distance
executed by communication communication by using
process and is verbal in multimedia and it may be
nature verbal or non-verbal
4) It is learning- oriented • It is a process of
process which occurs consciously construsted
usually in an interactive opportunities for learning
relationship, with the aim involving some form of
of helping a person learn communication designed
more about self and use to improve health literacy,
such understanding to including improving
become an effective member knowledge and skills
of society conducive to individual
and community health
• It
help the client to get
5) It help the client to gain
knowledge about the
insight leading to an
conditions and take
increased capacity to take
required actions
control over feelings and
6) It is confidential • It is general
7) Counsellor act as problem • Theeducator act as
solver teacher
8) The client act as patient • The client act as audience
9) It require priorly • It
does not not require any
determined venue kind of venue and be
conducted in any settings
Role of Nure In Counselling
The role of the nurse is very important in counselling
process. The nurse is the only health personnel who
comes in immediate contact of the client. Some of the
important role of nurse are:

1) Coordinator
The nurse coordinates in planning the whole counselling
process. Prepare the plan and execute the plan
accordingly with the permission of counsellor and client
2) Communicator
The nurse help in establishing the rapport between
counsellor and client and act as agent between them

3) Teacher
The nurse is going to act as teacher in guiding the client
to achieve his/her goals

4) Manager
The nurse acts as overall manager of a counselling
process who organize, direct, control and delegate the
whole process
5) Motivator
Nurses motivate patients to make changes by having a
positive attitude, listening to patient needs, encouraging,
rewarding and devoting time and energy to assist with

6) Researcher
The nurse collect data, provide the information for further
research activities will be conducted on various problems

7) Advocate
The nurse protects the patients rights in counselling

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