LLCERanglais Corrige

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Baccalauréat Général

Session 2023

Épreuve : LLCER Anglais

Durée de l’épreuve : 3 heures 30

Coefficient : 16


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Nigeria is one of the fastest growing countries in the world nowadays and it might become the
most populated English-speaking one. Thanks to its lively mobile young labour force, the
English language is spreading across the world thanks to this Nigerian youth. The documents
that at stake here all deal with the English language spoken by Nigerian people and how it
helps them build their identity not only in their homeland but also in foreign countries where
they settle to study or to work. The first excerpt is taken from Americanah, a novel published
in 2014 in which the narrator describes the way she makes her way through the American
society after having left Nigeria. The second one is taken from a recent article in which the
Nigerian culture is thriving while the last document is a photograph of a work of art entitled
Flying Girls shot in a museum, certainly in Nigeria. Thus, the 3 documents tackle the issue of
how the English language can reveal your identity although it is not your mother tongue as
well as the Nigerian culture that brings this language to the outside world.

To begin with, The excerpt taken from Americanah focuses on how the Nigerian-born narrator
gives her state of mind after having spent 3 years in the USA to study. She still feels cast aside
because of her accent when she speaks American English even though people recognise that
she sounds “ totally American” l,9. The glances or the reactions of other people still make her
“shrink” on l.15 so much so that she has to try hard not fall into her Nigerian pronunciation
and she wants to go on “ faking the American accent” on l. 19. Despite having grown in the
USA, she still sees herself as out of place, almost an outcast because of her pronunciation that
can catch her unawares (l.22-24). However, she feels the strength to be a fully-fledged
American citizen when she insists on having a seat on the train.

Following this embarrassment, the article published on in 2018 completely

destroys this legacy of feeling non English-speaking or non English-born people since Nigeria’s
culture is highlighted – with the novel mentioned before – through American singer Beyonce
who used it to enhance her “empowerment” both as a female and African-descent artist.
Beyonce is much a mix of cultures as the author or Americanah was, with African culture
deeply-rooted in their art. No matter what style art takes today, African culture is everywhere
to be found and artists are not ashamed of point at it anymore, setting their roots free in the
open air.

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Consequently, this sense of belonging to a community - the African culture – and to an identity
– Englishness – is displayed in the work of art “Flying Girls” which blends many aspects of
African culture together. On the one hand, the statues whose wings rise up in the air together
with the birds hovering above their heads symbolise this freedom that formerly- colonised
Africans like the Nigerians wanted to get from the British settlers. We may wonder whether
this work of art gathers the idea of bondage with the enchained birds on the ground and the
idea of emancipation with the statues of girls raising their faces toward the sky. The circle they
make could also embody a unity, a kind of empowerment to get higher.

All things considered, the Nigerian culture stands out of these documents which re either
subjective or objective. They explain that having a double identity and having moved away
from your homeland is no easy matter to forge your own identity.


Voilà ce qu’elle était vraiment, cette voix qu’elle prendrait si elle était réveillée d’un sommeil profond
pendant un tremblement de terre. Pourtant, elle était convaincue que si la guichetière répondait à
son accent en parlant plus lentement comme si elle était idiote, alors elle prendrait la voix de M.
Agbo, sa voix maniérée, trop parfaite, qu’elle avait apprise pendant les débats en cours au lycée,
quand M. AGBO le barbu, jouant avec sa cravate effilochée leur faisait écouter les cassettes de la

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The documents studied here all tackle the issue of writing, writing to be able to earn a living
form it. The first text goes deep into the thoughts of a female writer who has a hard time
finding inspiration contrary to the male writer whose literature is prolific. The last document
is a photograph of Ernest Hemingway sitting at a table in the open air is scribbling away on a
piece of paper. All these documents aim at raising awareness on the difficulties of writing, find
a good story to tell and how to attract the reader’s attention. While the first narrator seems
distraught as she can’t find anything to write about, the second one boast of his efficiency in
wiring simple stories for the media, and the money he makes out of it. Ernest Hemingway
seems to be far away from those stereotypical figures as he has a long career beginning writing
for advertising during the Roaring twenties. Hence, we can wonder what the act of writing
implies, in terms of personal involvement and of making a successful career out of it.

On the one hand, the narrator Holly in Mind of Winter struggles to find a topic to write about,
this long quest makes her feels sick (l. 4) as if the act of writing was taken out of your guts,
literally speaking, something born inside her womb. Throughout this excerpt, she is desperate
to find a pen and write at dusk, thus strengthening the clichés of writers who can only write
at night in silence when everyone’s fast asleep. On the other hand, the narrator in Jack of
Spades seems rather comfortable with the act of writing as he suffers from hurdle and
hardship in finding a subject to write about, even though his topics are not any kind of great
literature (l. 15-18). He is quite satisfied with the idea of earning a good living and living in a
“rural- suburban house” on l. 1. His tone is quite ironic if not sarcastic as he says that money
is not a problem to him nor to his wife. His behaves proudly to his act of writing although it
doesn't seem to be classical literature that will be remembered over time. Between these
caricatures of writers, Ernest Hemingway stands in the way with his long career as a writer of
classic literature (he wrote novels about the Great war among others). With his painstaking
and hardworking style, he embodies the writer that none of the narrator is mentioned before
could attain, that is to say, the patient author that makes writing art and not just a fruit of the

Furthermore, the choice of a female narrator in the first document might also a restrictive
vision of the position of women in artistic fields. She is presented as “a devoted mother”
worrying about her husband and daughter twice as much as her work. Her desire seems to be
vanishing in all her duties. By comparison, the male narrator seems self-confident in his skills
as a writer and doesn’t question his ability to be a remarkable one, he sounds very self-assured
as the act of writing doesn’t prevent him from being successful. Hemingway encompasses
both of writers by rising above them and their many bewilderments.

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On the whole, these documents offer a wide range of what it means to be an author, to be
able to write stories that can attract the reader’s attention without boring them. They have to
find the right balance between thinking, sitting, writing and publishing their literature


Depuis combien de temps était-elle éveillée attendant de ressentir le besoin d’écrire ? Mon
dieu, elle avait besoin d’écrire, mais ça c’était avant. Et il fallait qu’elle recommence à écrire.
Quelle heure était-il à présent ? Elle était encore au lit, ou alors elle était retournée au lit.

Est-ce qu’elle s’était déjà levée, à verifier que sa fille dormait bien ? Ou est-ce qu’elle avait
rêvé ? Etait-elle revenue se coucher pour s’endormir à nouveau ? Peut-être. Elle n’avait plus
besoin d’ouvrir les yeux maintenant pour voir s’il faisait jour, s’il neigeait.

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1. Identify the author, the date, the tone.
It was written by name + function (writer? artist? politician? activist? journalist?) published in +
date, in (country) at a time when …. (date + context)
The tone that is used here is … dramatic/ humorous/ ironic
2. Find the topical question, the main subject
This quote deals with ….
It tackles the issue of …
The issue at stake (en jeu) here is…..
It aims at raising awareness on…….
3. Justify your choice of the axis
I think this quote best illustrates the topic…. since (puisque) ….
I picked this quote/picture as it matches with the theme…..
4. Say what is explicit and implicit
Firstly, the author clearly states…..
Then, he implicitly means /implies that ….
It may be asserted (affirmé) that …
5. Use transitions
I’ll start with introducing the theme …...
This leads me to my next point, which is …
Let’s sum up the main arguments


CEPENDANT: however, nevertheless, yet, still

COMPARAISON: on the one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, whereas
EN EFFET: indeed, certainly, without a doubt
EXEMPLES: for example, for instance, let’s take the case of
CONSEQUENCE: as a result, consequently, therefore
CHRONOLOGIE: thereafter, afterwards then, next, finally, later,
CONCLURE: to conclude, to sum up

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