EDCC323 - Examination Scope

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Examina�on Scope and Tips: 1st and 2nd Opportuni�es 2023

Study Tips:

1. Understand the Exam Structure:

• Familiarise yourself with the exam format, including the types of ques�ons and the
marks distribu�on. This will help you allocate your �me wisely during the exam.

2. Focus on Key Concepts:

• Emphasise a deep understanding of key concepts rather than rote memorisa�on.

The exam will test your ability to apply knowledge to various scenarios.

3. Manage Your Time Effec�vely:

• Develop a study schedule that allows you to cover all the topics within the given
�meframe. Priori�se areas that require more aten�on and allocate sufficient �me
for revision.

4. Prac�ce with Past Exams:

• Prac�ce with previous exam papers to familiarise yourself with the exam style and
assess your readiness. This will help you iden�fy areas that may need addi�onal
focus. Take note: We did not take past papers, this is a totally new paper.

5. Engage in Ac�ve Learning:

• Ac�vely engage with the material through discussions, problem-solving, and

applica�on exercises. This approach enhances reten�on and comprehension.

6. Seek Clarifica�on:

• If any topic is unclear, don’t hesitate to seek clarifica�on from the instructor during
designated office hours or through other communica�on channels.

7. Avoid Procras�na�on:

• Start your prepara�on early to avoid last-minute stress. Procras�na�on can hinder
your ability to grasp complex concepts thoroughly.

8. Take Care of Your Well-being:

• Priori�ze your physical and mental well-being during the exam prepara�on period.
Ensure you get adequate sleep, exercise, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

9. Review and Revise:

• Regularly review and revise your notes to reinforce your understanding of the
material. This will aid in long-term reten�on.

Mul�ple Choice Ques�ons 20 x 2marks = 40 From Study Units 1 – 5

(Please use the Mul�ple Choice
Card provided – Ensure that Review all PowerPoint
you are familiar with how to presenta�ons, consult the
correctly fill in your student Study Guide, and familiarise
number on the card, as any yourself with the SIAS Policy.
errors in this process may result (Note that Muscular Dystrophy
in the loss of marks) has been excluded; you do not
need to study this part of SU
True and False Statements. 15 Marks From Study Units 1-5, SIAS
Remember to indicate the Policy
correct statement for every
false statement
Match Column A with B 20 Marks From Study Units 1 un�l 5, but
mainly focus on
Study Units 1 and 3 (Also check
the study guide: SU3)
Longer Ques�ons 30 Marks total Ensure you understand and can
(10 to 15 marks per ques�on) apply the following to case
studies or analyse the content.
Also, make sure you can
integrate content from one
study unit with another:

• Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological
Systems Theory
• Behaviour analyses
(Descrip�on of behaviour,
triggers and func�on)
• Poverty
• SIAS Process
• Support for Physical
disabili�es in the classroom
(Physical and Psychological
• Suppor�ng Gi�ed learners

Thank you and Good Luck!

Q and A session during next week’s classes as per work schedule.

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