Questions and Cases LABOR CODE

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LABOR CODE 2019 (18 questions and cases-Draft)

Case 1. (Tình huống [1]). Ms. H accepted and signed a contract to work in a
mountainous province even though she knows that this is a heavy job for women.
When she arrived at the quarry site, Ms. H refused to work because she found the
job very dangerous. The owner of the mining business said that she had
voluntarily signed a contract, so she could not refuse to work. According to the
law, can Ms. H refuse to work?
According to point d, clause 1, Article 5 of the Labor Code 2019 on the rights and
obligations of employees, Ms. H has the right to refuse to work if there is a clear
and direct threat to her life and health. The stone mining is dangerous and directly
threatens the life and health of Ms. H during the quarrying process, so Ms. H has
the right to refuse to work.
Article 5. Rights and obligations of employees
1. An employee has the rights to:
d) refuse to work if he/she finds that the work directly threatens his/her life or
Case 2. (TH 2 [1]). What behaviors are prohibited in the labor field?
Article 8. Forbidden actions
1. Labor discrimination.
2. Maltreatment of employees, forced labor.
3. Sexual harassment in the workplace.
4. Taking advantage of occupational training or apprenticeships to exploit the
trainees or apprentices, or persuade or force them to act against the law.
5. Employing untrained people or people without occupational training certificates
to do the jobs or works that have to be done by trained workers or holders of
occupational training certificates.
6. Persuading, inciting, promising advertising or otherwise tricking employees into
human trafficking, exploitation of labor or forced labor; taking advantage of
employment brokerage or guest worker program to commit violations against the
7. Illegal employment of minors.
Case 3. (TH 4). Nam is a student working part-time. Nam signed a written work
agreement with the shop owner that defined jobs, working time, weekly wages,
cases of deductions, bonuses... After 3 months of work, because of illness, Nam
taken 3 days off. When he returned to work, the shop owner had hired someone
else. Nam proposed to be paid the last week's wages, but the shop owner refused
because he thought that Nam had taken an unexpected leave, the store lost money
to find a replacement, so that money was deducted from Nam's salary. Is it
correct to say so?
Article 13. Employment contract
1. An employment contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer
on a paid job, salary, working conditions, and the rights and obligations of each
party in the labor relations.
A document with a different name is also considered an employment contract if it
contains the agreement on the paid job, salary, management and supervision of a
2. Before recruiting an employee, the employer shall enter into an employment
contract with such employee.
According to clause 1 above, we see that although Nam and the shop owner have
signed a work agreement, not a labor contract, the job agreement has defined the
job, salary, and working time. Then this agreement must be considered as a Labor
Contract. Nam can use this written agreement as a basis to sue the shop owner for
failing to comply with the signed initial payment agreement.
Case 4. (TH 5). Is an employment contract entered into via electronic media in the
form of a data message as valid as a written employment contract?
An employment contract entered into via electronic media in the form of a data
message is as valid as a written employment contract
Article 14. Forms of employment contract
1. An employment contract shall be concluded in writing and made into two
copies, one of which will be kept by the employee, the other by the employer,
except for the case specified in Clause 2 of this Article.
An employment contract in the form of electronic data conformable with electronic
Case 5. (TH 6). Ms. Le Thi Huong wants to open a food and beverage business
and hire someone who is both an employee and a cashier. However, Ms. Huong
asked to keep the original of this person's identity papers. Is this case consistent
with the provisions of the labor law?
This case is not consistent with the provision of the labor law, because according
to Article 17, Keeping the employee’s original identity documents, diplomas and
certificates is a prohibited act that employer musn’t do.
Article 17. Prohibited acts by employers during conclusion and performance
of employment contracts
1. Keeping the employee’s original identity documents, diplomas and certificates.
2. Requesting the employee to make a deposit in cash or property as security for
his/her performance of the employment contract.
3. Forcing the employee to keep performing the employment contract to pay debt
to the employer.
Case 6. (TH 8). According to the law, who has the authority to enter into labor
According to the Clause 3, Article 18, Chapter 3 of the Labor code, these people
have the authority to enter into labor contracts:
* On the employer’s side
- The legal reprensentative of the enterprise, or an authorized person as
prescribed by law
- The head of the organization that is a juridical person, or an authorized person
as prescribed by law
- The representative of the household, artels, or an organization that is not a
juridical person, or an authorized person as prescribed by law.
-The individual who directly hired the employee.
* On the employee’s side
- The employee himself/ herself if he/ she is 18 years old or older
- The employee age from 15 to under 18 with a written consensus by his/her legal
- The employee under age 15 and his / her legal representative
- The employee lawfully authorized by the group of employees to conlcude the
employment contracts.

Article 18. Competence to conclude employment contracts

1. Employees may directly conclude their employment contracts, except for the
cases specified in Clause 2 of this Article.
2. In respect of seasonal works or certain jobs which have a duration of less than
12 months, a group of employees aged 18 or older may authorized the
representative of the group to conclude the employment contract, in which case
such employment contract shall be effective as if it was separately concluded by
each of the employees.
The employment contract concluded by the said representative must be enclosed
with a list clearly stating the full names, ages, genders, residences and signatures of
all employees concerned.
3. The person who concludes the employment contract on the employer’s side shall
a) The legal representative of the enterprise or an authorized person as prescribed
by law;
b) The head of the organization that is a juridical person, or an authorized person
as prescribed by law;
c) The representative of the household, artels or an organization that is not a
juridical person, or an authorized person as prescribed by law;
d) The individual who directly hires the employee.
4. The person who concludes the employment contract on the employee’s side
shall be:
a) The employee himself/herself if he/she is 18 or older;
b) The employee aged 15 to under 18 with a written consensus by his/her legal
c) The employee aged under 15 and his/her legal representative;
d) The employee lawfully authorized by the group of employees to conclude the
employment contract.
5. The person who is authorized to conclude the employment contract must not
authorize another person to conclude the employment contract.

Case 7. (TH 9). Ms. Lan is an accountant for enterprise H. To increase her
income, she receives additional tax finalization for some small businesses at the
end of the month and signs labor contracts with these establishments. Is this
situation of Ms. Lan legal?
This situation of Ms. Lan is legal because according to Article 19, Chapter 3 of the
Labor code, she may enter into employment contracts with more than one
employer, provided that she fully performs all terms and conditions contained in
the concluded contract. Also, her participation in social, health, and
unemployment insuarance shall comply with regulations of law on social, health,
unemployment insurance, occupational safety and health.

Article 19. Entering into multiple employment contracts

1. An employee may enter into employment contracts with more than one
employer, provided that he/she fully performs all terms and conditions contained in
the concluded contracts.
2. Where an employee enters into employment contracts with more than one
employer, his/her participation in social insurance, health insurance and
unemployment insurance schemes shall comply with regulations of law on social
insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, occupational safety and
Case 8. (TH 12). Hoa graduated from university and was accepted into a financial
trading company. The probationary period is 02 months, the probationary salary
is equal to 70% of the job salary for an official person. Hoa finds that
unreasonable because she does the same thing as everyone else and only receives
70% of the salary, which is not fair. Can she claim her rights?
She can’t claim her right. Because according to Article 26
Article 25. Probationary period
The probationary period shall be negotiated by the parties on the basis of the nature
and complexity of the job. Only one probationary period is allowed for a job and
the probation shall not exceed:
1. 180 days for the position of enterprise executive prescribed by the Law on
Enterprises, the Law on management and use of state investment in enterprises;
2. 60 days for positions that require a junior college degree or above;
3. 30 days for positions that require a secondary vocational certificate, professional
secondary school; positions of or for technicians, and skilled employees;
4. 06 working days for other jobs.
Article 26. Probationary salary
The probationary salary shall be negotiated by both parties and shall not be lower
than 85% of the offered salary.
Case 9. (TH 15). Because my mother is seriously ill, I asked the company to give
me 1 month of unpaid leave to go back to my hometown to take care of her. Due to
her illness, I stayed at home for another 10 days and called to inform the company
about my extra leave. In fact, I took a leave of 1 month and 10 days, then I
returned to work but was not received by the company on the reason that I took a
leave of absence beyond the requested time, thus violating the company's
discipline, they have unilaterally terminated the employment contract with me. Is
the company's answer correct?
The company has violated the provisions of the labor law. Because according to
Article 31, within 15 days from the expiry of suspension period of the employment
contract, the employee shall be present at the workplace and the employer shall
reinstate the employee under the employment contract if it is still unexpired, unless
otherwise agreed by both parties or prescribed by law. In fact, the company
terminate contract without agreement from both parites, so it is against the law
(The company has violated the provisions of the labor law. )
Article 31. Reinstatement of employees upon expiry of the temporary
suspension of the employment contract
Within 15 days from the expiry of the suspension period of the employment
contract, the employee shall be present at the workplace and the employer shall
reinstate the employee under the employment contract if it is still unexpired, unless
otherwise agreed by both parties or prescribed by law.

Case 10. (TH 20). In what cases can an employee unilaterally terminate a labor
contract without prior notice to the employer?
Article 35. The right of an employee to unilaterally terminates the
employment contract
1. An employee shall have the right to unilaterally terminate the employment
contract, provided he/she notices the employee in advance:
a) at least 45 days in case of an indefinite-term employment contract;
b) at least 30 days in case of an employment contract with a fixed term of 12 – 36
c) at least 03 working days in case of an employment contract with a fixed term of
under 12 months;
d) The notice period in certain fields and jobs shall be specified by the government.
2. An employee is shall have the right to unilaterally terminate the employment
contract without prior notice if he/she:
a) is not assigned to the work or workplace or not provided with the working
conditions as agreed in the employment contract, except for the cases specified in
Article 29 of this Labor Code;
b) is not paid adequately or on schedule, except for the case specified in Clause 4
Article 97 of this Code.
c) is maltreated, assaulted, physically or verbally insulted by the employer in a
manner that affects the employee’s health, dignity or honor; is forced to work
against his/her will;
d) is sexually harassed in the workplace;
dd) is pregnant and has to stop working in accordance with Clause 1 Article 138 of
this Labor Code.
e) reaches the retirement age specified in Article 169 of this Labor Code, unless
otherwise agreed by the parties; or
g) finds that the employer fails to provide truthful information in accordance with
Clause 1 Article 16 of this Labor Code in a manner that affects the performance of
the employment contract.
Case 11. (TH 24). In what cases does the employer have the right to unilaterally
terminate the labor contract?
Article 36. The right of an employer to unilaterally terminates the
employment contract
1. An employer shall have the right to unilaterally terminate an employment
contract in one of the following circumstances:
a) The employee repeatedly fails to perform his/her work according to the criteria
for assessment of employees’ fulfillment of duties established by the employer.
The criteria for assessment of employees’ fulfillment of duties shall be established
by the employer with consideration taken of opinions offered by the representative
organization of employees (if any);
b) The employee is sick or has an accident and remains unable to work after having
received treatment for a period of 12 consecutive months in the case of an
indefinite-term employment contract, for 06 consecutive months in the case of an
employment contract with a fixed term of 12 – 36 months, or more than half the
duration of the contract in case of an employment contract with a fixed term of less
than 12 months.
Upon recovery, the employer may consider concluding another employment
contract with the employee;
c) In the event of a natural disaster, fire, major epidemic, hostility, relocation or
downsizing requested by a competent authority, the employer has to lay off
employees after all possibilities have been exhausted;
d) The employee is not present at the workplace after the time limit specified in
Article 31 of this Labor Code;
dd) The employee reaches the retirement age specified in Article 169 of this Labor
Code, unless otherwise agreed by the parties;
e) The employee quits his/her fails to go to work without acceptable excuses for at
least 05 consecutive working days;
g) The employee fails to provide truthful information during the conclusion of the
employment contract in accordance with Clause 2 Article 16 of this Labor Code in
a manner that affects the recruitment.
Case 12. (TH 25). Company X had signed an indefinite-term labor contract with
Mr. B. Mr. B has suffered a vertebral injury due to a traffic accident, has been
hospitalized for more than 1 year and still has not recovered. Therefore, Company
X decided to terminate the labor contract with Mr. B. Is it right or wrong for the
company to unilaterally terminate the labor contract with Mr. B? Before
unilaterally terminating the labor contract, is the employee notified in advance?
The company is wrong to unilaterally terminate the labor contract with Mr. B.
a) According to Clause 1 Article 36, the company shall have the right to
unilaterally terminate an employment contract if the employee is sick or has an
accident and remains unable to work after having received treatment for a period
of 12 consecutive months in the case of an indenfinite term labor contract.
b) But according to Clause 2, Article 36, The company should notify the employee
at least 45 days in advance for an indefinite- term labor contract
Article 36. The right of an employer to unilaterally terminates the
employment contract
1. An employer shall have the right to unilaterally terminate an employment
contract in one of the following circumstances:
b) The employee is sick or has an accident and remains unable to work after having
received treatment for a period of 12 consecutive months in the case of an
indefinite-term employment contract, for 06 consecutive months in the case of an
employment contract with a fixed term of 12 – 36 months, or more than half the
duration of the contract in case of an employment contract with a fixed term of less
than 12 months.
Upon recovery, the employer may consider concluding another employment
contract with the employee;
(according to Clause 2, Article 36 of the Labor Code 2019, in this case, when
unilaterally terminating the labor contract, Company X must notify Mr. B at least
45 days in advance.)
Case 13. (TH 57). At the end of the year, my agency has many things to work
overtime, even working at night. So during this time, do we get paid overtime or
not? If yes, how is it calculated?
Article 98. Overtime pay, night work pay
1. An employee who works overtime will be paid an amount based on the piece
rate or actual salary as follows:
a) On normal days: at least 150%;
b) On weekly days off: at least 200%;
c) During public holidays, paid leave, at least 300%, not including the daily salary
during the public holidays or paid leave for employees receiving daily salaries.
2. An employee who works at night will be paid an additional amount of at least
30% of the normal salary.
3. An employee who works overtime at night will be paid, in addition to the salary
specified in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article, an amount of at least 20% of the
day work salary of a normal day, weekend or public holiday.
Case 14. (TH 67). Please tell us the provisions of the labor law on cases of
personal leave, unpaid leave.
Article 115. Personal leave, unpaid leave
1. An employee is entitled to take a fully paid personal leave in the following
circumstances, at long at is notified to the employer in advance:
a) Marriage: 03 days;
b) Marriage of his/her biological child or adopted child: 01 day;
c) Death of his/her biological or adoptive parent; death of his/her spouse’s
biological or adoptive parent; death of spouse, biological or adopted child: 03 days.
2. An employee is entitled to take 01 day of unpaid leave and must inform the
employer in the case of the death of his/her grandparent or biological sibling;
marriage of his/her parent or natural sibling.
3. The employee may negotiate with his/her employer on taking unpaid leave other
than the leave stipulated in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article.
Case 15. (TH 79). What policies does the State have to ensure fairness for female
Article 135. State policies
1. Equality between male and female employees shall be ensured; necessary
measures for ensuring gender equality and prevention of sexual harassment in the
workplace shall be implemented.
2. Employers are encouraged to enable both male and female employees to work
regularly, and to widely apply the systems of flexible working hours, part-time
work, or outwork.
3. Necessary measures shall be implemented to create employment opportunities,
improve working conditions, develop occupational skills, provide healthcare, and
strengthen the material and spiritual welfare of female employees in order to assist
them in developing effectively their vocational capacities and harmoniously
combine their working lives with their family lives.
4. Tax reductions shall be granted to employers who employ a large numbers of
female employees in accordance with the tax laws.
5. The State shall develop plans and measures to open day care facilities and
kindergartens in areas where a large number of female employees are employed;
develop various forms of training to enable female employees to acquire additional
occupational skills that are suitable to their physical and physiological
characteristics and their motherhood roles.
Case 16. (TH 91). If a foreign worker come to Vietnam to work, what conditions
must they meet? How are these conditions regulated by current law?
Article 151. Requirements for foreigners to work in Vietnam.
1. A foreign employee means a person who has a foreign nationality and:
a) is at last 18 years of age and has full legal capacity;
b) has qualifications, occupational skills, practical experience and adequate health
as prescribed by the Minister of Health;
c) is not serving a sentence; does not have an unspent conviction; is not undergoing
criminal prosecution under his/her home country’s law or Vietnam’s law;
d) has a work permit granted by a competent authority of Vietnam, except in the
cases stipulated in Article 154 of this Labor Code.

Case 17. (TH 94). I heard that foreign workers can still work in Vietnam without a
work permit. Could you please let me know what are the legal provisions?
Article 154. Work permit exemption for foreign employees in Vietnam
A foreign employee is not required to have the work permit if he/she:
1. Is the owner or capital contributor of a limited liability company with a capital
contribution value conformable with regulations of the Government.
2. Is the Chairperson or a member of the Board of Directors of a joint-stock
company a capital contribution value conformable with regulations of the
3. Is the manager of a representative office, project or the person in charge of the
operation of an international organizations or a foreign non-governmental
organization in Vietnam.
4. Enters Vietnam for a period of less than 03 months to do marketing of a service.
5. Enters Vietnam for a period of less than 03 months to a resolve complicated
technical or technological issue which (i) affects or threatens to affect business
operation and (ii) cannot be resolved by Vietnamese experts or any other foreign
experts currently in Vietnam.
6. Is a foreign lawyer who has been granted a lawyer’s practising certificate in
Vietnam in accordance with the Law on Lawyers.
7. In one of the cases specified in an international treaty to which the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.
8. Gets married with a Vietnamese citizen and wishes to reside in Vietnam.
9. Other circumstances specified by the Government.

Case 18. (TH 95). I have an older sister who is married to a foreigner with
German citizenship. After getting married, my sister followed her husband to
Germany, but now she wants to go back to Vietnam to live. If her husband also
returns to Vietnam to work, is he required to have a work permit?
No, because according to Article 154, her husband are not required to have a
work permit because he get married to your older sister who is a Vietnamese
citizen and wishes to reside in Vietnam
Article 154. Work permit exemption for foreign employees in Vietnam
8. Gets married with a Vietnamese citizen and wishes to reside in Vietnam.

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