Notes - Enh 215 - Technical Design and Drawings
Notes - Enh 215 - Technical Design and Drawings
Notes - Enh 215 - Technical Design and Drawings
Drawing: A drawing is a graphic representation of an object, or a part of it, and is the result of
creative thought by an engineer or technician.
When one person sketches a rough map in giving direction to another, this is graphic
communication. Graphic communication: involves using visual materials to relate ideas.
Drawings, photographs, slides, transparencies, and sketches are all forms of graphic
communication. Any medium that uses a graphic image to aid in conveying a message,
instructions, or an idea is involved in graphic communication.
Artistic drawing
Technical drawings.
Artistic Drawings: Artistic Drawings range in scope from the simplest line drawing to the most
famous paintings. Regardless of their complexity, artistic drawings are used to express the
feelings, beliefs, philosophies, and ideas of the artist.
Artistic drawing
Technical Drawings: The technical drawing, on the other hand, is not subtle, or abstract. It does
not require an understanding of its creator, only an understanding of technical drawings. A
technical drawing is a means of clearly and concisely communicating all of the information
necessary to transform an idea or a concept in to reality. Therefore, a technical drawing often
contains more than just a graphic representation of its subject. It also contains dimensions, notes
and specifications.
A technical drawing
The two broad types of projections, both with several subclassifications, are parallel projection
and perspective projection:
Parallel Projection
Parallel Projection is a type of projection where the line of sight or projectors are parallel and are
perpendicular to the picture planes. It is subdivided in to the following three categories:
Axonometric Projections
Orthographic projections: are drawn as multi view drawings, which show flat
representations of principal views of the subject.
Oblique Projections: actually show the full size of one view.
Axonometric Projections: are three-dimensional drawings, and are of three different
varieties: Isometric, Dimetric and Trimetric.
Perspective Projection
Perspective projections are drawings which attempt to replicate what the human eye actually sees
when it views an object. There are three types of perspective projections: Onepoint, Two-point
and Three-point Projections.
To appreciate the need for technical drawings, one must understand the design process.
Design process: is an orderly, systematic procedure used in accomplishing a needed design. Any
product that is to be manufactured, fabricated, assembled, constructed, built, or subjected to any
other types of conversion process must first be designed. For example, a house must be designed
before it can be built.
They are needed in any setting, which involves design, and in any subsequent forms of
conversion process.
The most common applications of technical drawings can be found in the fields of
manufacturing, engineering and construction. For instance, Surveyors, civil engineers,
sanitarians use technical drawings to document such works as the layout of a new
subdivisions, or the marking of the boundaries for a piece of property.
Contractors and construction personnel use technical drawings as their blue prints in
converting architectural and engineering designs in to reality.
To record information on paper instruments and equipment are needed. Engineering drawing is
entirely a graphic language hence instruments are essentially needed. Drawing must be clear,
neat and legible in order to serve its purpose. Hence it is extremely important for engineers to
have good speed, accuracy, legibility and neatness in the drawing work.
Important Drawing Equipment
All drawings are made by means of various instruments. The quality of drawing depends to a
large extent on the quality, adjustment and care of the instruments.
Drawing Paper
Drawing paper is the paper, on which drawing is to be made. All engineering drawings are made
on sheets of paper of strictly defined sizes. The use of standard size saves paper and ensures
convenient storage of drawings. Nowadays, A3 and A4 are the most commonly used paper sizes.
Triangles (setsquares)
They are used to construct the most common angles (i.e. 30°, 45° , 60° ) in technical drawings.
The 45° x 45° and 30° x 60° triangles are the most commonly used for ordinary work.
T- square
It is used primarily to draw horizontal lines and for guiding the triangles when drawing vertical
and inclined lines. It is manipulated by sliding the working edge (inner face) of the head along
the left edge of the board until the blade is in the required position.
French curve
It is used to draw irregular curves that are not circle arcs. The shape varies according to the shape
of irregular curve.
Scale (ruler)
A number of kinds of scales are available for varied types of engineering design. Scales with
beveled edges graduated in mm are usually used.
The student and professional man should be equipped with a selection of good, well-sharpened
pencil with leads of various degrees of hardness such as: 9H, 8H, 7H, and 6H (hard); 5H& 4H
(medium hard); 3H and 2H (medium); and H& F (medium soft). The grade of pencil to be used
for various purposes depends on the type of line desired, the kind of paper employed, and the
humidity, which affects the surface of the paper. Standards for line quality usually will govern
the selection. For instance:
It is used to draw circles and arcs both in pencil and ink. It consists of two legs pivoted at the top.
One leg is equipped with a steel needle attached with a screw, and other shorter leg is, provided
with a socket for detachable inserts.
Used chiefly for transferring distances and occasionally for dividing spaces into equal parts. i.e.
for dividing curved and straight lines into any number of equal parts, and for transferring
A template is a thin, flat piece of plastic containing various cutout shapes. It is designed to speed
the work of the drafter and to make the finished drawing more accurate. Templates are available
for drawing circles, ellipses, plumbing’s, fixtures etc. Templates come in many sizes to fit the
scale being used on the drawing. And it should be used wherever possible to increase accuracy
and speed. Drawing board is a board whose top surface is perfectly smooth and level on which
the drawing paper is fastened.
(Adjustable set square)-its two sides are fixed at 90° and the third side can be adjusted at any
angle. Rubber or eraser - extra lines or curves which are not required in the drawing are to be
rubbed out or erased. Hence a rubber or erasers are required in the drawing work. Erasers are
available in many degrees of hardness, size and shape.
Eraser shield –it is an important device to protect lines near those being erased. It is made up of
thin metal plate in which gaps of different widths and lengths are cut.
Tracing paper – it is a thin transparent paper. Figures below it can be seen easily and traced out
in pencil ink.
Letter Styles
They were all made with speedball pens, and are therefore largely single-stroke letters. If the
letters are drawn in outline and filled in, they are referred to as “filled- in” letters. The plainest
and most legible style is the gothic from which our single-stroke engineering letters are
derived. The term roman refers to any letter having wide down ward strokes and thin
connecting strokes. Roman letters include old romans and modern roman, and may be vertical or
inclined. Inclined letters are also referred to as italic, regardless of the letter style; text letters are
often referred to as old English.
Depending up on the spacing between words and thickness of strokes, letters may be classified as
Extended and Condensed Letters: To meet design or space requirements, letters may be
narrower and spaced closer together, in which case they are called “Compresed” or
“Condensed”letters. If the letters are wider than normal, they are referred to as “Extended”letters.
Light Face and Bold Face Letters: Letters also vary as to the thickness of the stems or strokes.
Letters having very thin stems are called Light Face Letters, while those having heavy stems are
called Bold Face Letters.
Technique of Lettering
“Any normal person can learn to letter if he is persistent and intelligent in his efforts.” While it is
true that” Practice makes perfect,” it must be understood that practice alone is not enough; it
must be accompanied by continuous effort to improve.
Knowledge of the proportions and forms of the letters, and the order of the strokes.
Knowledge of composition- the spacing of the letters and words.
Persistent practice, with continuous effort to improve
Greatest amount of lettering on drawings is done in a rapid single stroke letter i.e. either
vertical, or inclined.
The ability to letter and perfectly can be acquired only by continued and careful practice
It is not a matter of artistic talent or event of dexterity in hand writing.
Vertical capital: name of states, countries, towns, capitals, titles of the map etc
Vertical lower case: name of small towns, villages, post offices etc.
Inclined capital: name of oceans, bays, gulfs, large lakes, rivers etc.
Inclined lower case: name of rivers, creeks, small lakes, ponds, marshes and springs
Geometric Construction
Strict interpretation of geometric construction allows use of only the compass and an instrument
for drawing straight lines, and with these, the geometer, following mathematical theory,
accomplishes his solutions. In technical drawing, the principles of geometry are employed
constantly, but instruments are not limited to the basic two as T-squares, triangles, scales, curves
etc. are used to make constructions with speed and accuracy. Since there is continual application
of geometric principles, the methods given in this chapter should be mastered thoroughly.
Geometric Nomenclature
Line: Lines are straight elements that have no width, but are infinite in length (magnitude), and
they can be located by two points which are not on the same spot but fall along the line. Lines
may be straight lines or curved lines. A straight line is the shortest distance between two points.
It can be drawn in any direction. If a line is indefinite, and the ends are not fixed in length, the
actual length is a matter of convenience. If the end points of a line are important, they must be
marked by means of small, mechanically drawn crossbars, as described by a pint in space.
Angle: An angle is formed by the intersection of two lines. There are three major kinds of
angles: right angels, acute angles and obtuse angles. The right angle is an angle of 90°, an acute
angle is an angle less than 90°, and an obtuse angle is an angle more than 90°. A straight line is
180°. The symbol for an angle is < (singular) and <’s.
Triangles: A triangle is a closed plane figure with three straight sides and their interior angles
sum up exactly 180°. The various kinds of triangles: a right triangle, an equilateral triangle, an
isosceles triangle, and an obtuse angled triangle.
Quadrilateral: It is a plane figure bounded by four straight sides. When opposite sides are
parallel, the quadrilateral is also considered to be a parallelogram.
Polygon: A polygon is a closed plane figure with three or more straight sides. The most
important of these polygons as they relate to drafting are probably the triangle with three sides,
square with four sides, the hexagon with six sides, and the octagon with eight sides.
Circle: A circle is a closed curve with all points on the circle at the same distance from the
center point. The major components of a circle are the diameter, the radius and circumference.
Solids: They are geometric figures bounded by plane surfaces. The surfaces are called faces, and
if these are equal regular polygons, the solids are regular polyhedral.
A sketch is a free hand drawing of a map or picture of an area or route of travel. It shows enough
detail of a locality. Sketches are useful when maps are not available or the existing maps are not
adequate. Sketches may vary from hasty to complete and detailed, depending up on their purpose
and the degree of accuracy required. For e.g. a sketch of a large minefield will require more
accuracy than a sketch map of small village.
Title of the sketch map: It includes name of the location and the date in which the sketch
map was done.
The North line (direction): It should be drawn close to and parallel with the upper right
hand edge of the map sheet.
Symbols: Are conventional signs or assigned symbols, which represent both natural and
man-made features on the map.
Legend (key): indicates the meaning of all the mapping symbols used. It appears in the
lower right hand corner of the map sheet.
Details: such as the total population, number of houses, highest and lowest elevation are
also shown if any. This appears on the top right hand corner of the sketch map sheet.
Natural and cultural (man-made ) features: Including all water sources (rivers, wells,
springs, swamps, lakes and reservoirs) with their name and appropriate direction of flow;
markets, schools, police stations, post offices, telephone offices, hospitals, health stations,
roads, bridges, mountains, etc. should be shown.
Boundaries: The locality boundaries should be indicated in their correct relative position
with the neighboring areas (kebeles, ketena, etc.) N.B – A locality is a small geographical
unit with defined boundaries.
Scale: The scale used to convert actual ground measurement in to paper size.
Name of the drawer and the person checking the sketch map: The name of a person (s)
who drew the sketch map and the person checking it should be indicated.
Boarder line: are lines drawn all around the sheet leaving a margin of 10mm. A margin of
25 or 30 mm is left on the left hand side so as to facilitate filing. Title block is drawn on
the right hand side or right hand side bottom corner. The remaining space is utilized for
making drawings.
They include:
Make a survey of the specific location to be drawn. Observe the area from a high point
to see lay out of the location (eg. From top if a hill, building, etc.)
Select land marks, reference point or bench mark of the location: Land marks a
location are prominent and permanent features which are expected to be there incase
somebody wished to return to the place at a later dates. Examples of landmarks are:
rivers, bridges, lakes, mountains, market places, schools, police stations, health centers,
Proceed sketching: Locate such details as the location of each households, churches,
mosques, shops, stores, factories etc. with their proper orientation and compass direction
to each other. Draw the actual shapes of the buildings as of their top plan.
Maps are never identical with the whole or parts of the earth’s surface they represent. They do
not truly represent the actual area. That is, they cannot show the whole information of the earth’s
surface as it is. This is because the site of a map is always limited.
Basically, Orthographic projection could be defined as any single projection made by dropping
perpendiculars to a plane. In short, orthographic projection is the method of representing the
exact shape of an object by dropping perpendiculars from two or more sides of the object to
planes, generally at right angles to each other; collectively, the views on these planes describe
the object completely.
Descriptive geometry is basically the use of orthographic projection in order to solve for
advanced technical data involving the spatial relationship of points, lines, planes, and solid
shapes. The most common means of understanding these types of orthographic projection is The
Glass Box method.
The Glass Box method, used primarily for descriptive geometry problems, requires that the user
imagine that the object, points, lines, planes etc are enclosed in a transparent “box”. Each view of
the object is established on its corresponding glass box surface by means of perpendicular
projectors originating at each point of the object and extending to the related box surface. The
box is hinged so that it can be unfolded on to one flat plane (the paper).
The lines of sight representing the direction from which the object is viewed. In the figure above,
the vertical lines of sight (A) and horizontal lines of sight (B) are assumed to originate at infinity.
The line of sight is always perpendicular to the image plane, represented by the surfaces of the
glass box (top, front, and right side). Projection lines(c) connect the same point on the image
plane from view to view, always at right angle.
Orthographic projections of objects
A point is projected up on the image plane where its projector, or line of sight, pierces that image
plane. In the figure above, point 1, which represents a corner of the given object, has been
projected on to the three primary image planes. Where it is intersects the horizontal plane (top
image plane), it is identified as 1H , when it intersects the frontal plane (front image plane), it is
identified as 1F, and where it intersects the profile plane (right side image plane), it is labeled 1P.
Orthographic view
It is the picture or view or thought of as being found by extending perpendiculars to the plane
from all points of the object. This picture, or projection on a frontal plane, shows the shape of the
object when viewed from the front but it does not tell the shape or distance from front to real.
Accordingly, more than one protection is required to describe the object.
If transparent plane is placed horizontally above the object, the projection on this plane found by
extending perpendiculars to it from the object, will give the appearance of the object as if viewed
from directly above and will show the distance from frontal plane. Then the horizontal plane is
now rotated into coincidence with the frontal plane. Now again a third plane, perpendicular to
the first two called profile plane are used to view an object from the side.
Any object, depending upon its shape and space position may or may not have some surfaces
parallel or perpendicular to the planes of projection.
Surfaces are classified according to their space relationship with the planes of projection i.e.
Profile surfaces.
When a surface is inclined to two of the planes of projection (but perpendicular to the third, the
surface is said to be auxiliary or inclined. It the surface is at angle to all three planes, the term
oblique or skew is used.
The edges (represented by lines) bounding a surface may be in a simple position or inclined to
the planes of projection depending up on the shape or position, the surface takes is name from
the plane of projection. Thus, a horizontal line is a line in a horizontal plane; a frontal line is a
line in a frontal plane; and a profile line is a line in a profile plane. When a line is parallel to two
planes, the line takes the name of both planes as horizontal frontal, horizontal- profile, or frontal
– profile.
Inclined Surfaces
An edge appears in true length when it is parallel to the plane of projection, as a point when it is
perpendicular to the plane and shorter than true length when it is inclined to the plane. Similarly,
a surface appears in trey shape when it is parallel to the planes of projection, as alien when it is
perpendicular to the plane, and fore shortened when it inclined to the plane. An object with its
face parallel to the plans of projection as in the figure above; a top, front, and right side surfaces
are shown in true shape and the object edges appear either in true length or as points. The
inclined surface of the object as the figure below does not show true shape in any of the views
but appears as an edge in front view. The front and rear edges of the inclined surface are in true
length in the front view and fore shortened in the top and side views. The top and bottom edges
of the inclined surface appear in true length in top and side views and as points in the front view.
Oblique Surfaces
A line that is not parallel to any plane of projection is called an oblique skew line and it does not
show in true shape in any of the views, but each of the bounding edges shows interval length in
one view and is fore shortened in the other two views.
To describe an object with complex internal features completely, a drawing should contain lines
representing all the edges, intersections, and surface limits of the objects In any view there will
be some parts of the object that cannot be seen from the position of the observer, as they will be
covered by station of the object closer to the observer’s eye. The edges, intersections, and surface
limits of these hidden parts are indicated by a discontinuous line called a dashed line. In the
figure below, the drilled hole that is visible in the top-side view is hidden in the front and right
side views, and therefore it is indicated in these views by a dashed line showing the hole and the
shape as left by the drill.
Particular attention should be paid to the execution of these dashed lines. It carelessly drawn,
they ruin the appearance of a drawing. Dashed lines are drawn lighten full lines, of short dashes
uniform in length with the space between there very short, about ¼ of the length of the dash.
This view shows the shape of the object when viewed from the side and the distance from
bottom to top and front to rear. The horizontal and profile planes are rotated in to the same plane
as the frontal plane. Thus, related in the same plane, they give correctly the three dimensional
shape of the object.
Curved Surfaces
To represent curved surfaces in orthographic projections, center lines are commonly utilized. All
the center lines, which are the axes of symmetry, for all symmetrical views are a part of views.
Every part with an axis, such as a cylinder will have the axis drawn as center line before
the part is drawn.
Every circle will have its center at the intersection of two mutually perpendicular center
The standard symbol for center lines on finished drawings is a fine line made up of alternate long
and short dashes.
Examples of objects having curved surfaces
Precedence of lines
In any view there is likely to be a coincidence of lines. Hidden portions of the object may project
to coincide with visible portions Center lines may occur where there is a visible or hidden out
line of some part of the object.
Since the physical features of the object must be represented full and dashed lines take
precedence over all other lines since visible out line is more prominent by space position, full
lines take precedence over dashed lines. A full line could cover a dashed line, but a dashed line
could not cover a full line. It is evident that a dashed line could not occur as one of the boundary
lines of a view.
When a centerline and cutting- plane line coincide, the one that is more important to the
readability of the drawing takes precedent over the other. Break lines should be placed so as not
to coincide with other lines of the drawing.
Full line
Dashed line
Careful line or cutting – plane line
Break lines
Dimension and extension lines.
Crosshatch lines.
Ideas are brought in to reality through drawing. A beautiful building, a set of apartment,
hospitals, schools, cinema halls etc. are all the transformation of the ideas in to reality through
the art of technical drawings. In building drawings, a building is considered as an object, and the
drawings are prepared. The top view (Plan), front view (elevation) and section view (sectional
elevation) are drawn by considering the dimensions of the room sizes and components of a
building. Building drawings are prepared with great care, much before the construction of any
buildings is to be implemented. It shows the location and sizes of various rooms in a building. It
is a basic requirement of all sanitarians to know about the details in a building drawing, for the
best utilization of the spaces in that building.
Consider a small building having one room, it is cut vertically by a sectional plane and then front
portion is removed. The various components of the building observed and their location are as
shown below:
Foundation (Substructure): the portion of the building below the ground level which is
in direct contact with the ground and used to transmit the loads of the building to the
Super structure: The portion of the building above the ground level or substructure.
Basement: it is the lower storey of a building which is partly below the ground level.
Plinth and Plinth level: the portion of the building between the ground and floor level in
the super structure is called Plinth. Its height above the ground level is known as Plinth
level or Plinth height. Its height is usually 450mm, 600-750mm from ground level.
Wall: the thickness of the super structure which carries the load of the roof , usually
200mm thickness
Parapet: the wall built above the flat roof, which provides safety to the people, while
they are on the top of the roof in a building and it adds good appearance to a building. It
is usually with 100 or 200mm in thickness and height of 600mm.
Flooring: the horizontal surface at the plinth level in a building. It is usually prepared in
two layers i.e. R.C.C and floor finishes.
Sill level: the horizontal bottom level of a window.
Plinth area: the area covered by a building at the plinth level. It is obtained by measuring
the outside dimensions of a building at the plinth level.
Floor area: the area of a building, excluding the area occupied by the wall. It is obtained
by deducting the area occupied by walls, from plinth area. In building, the floor area will
be 80% to 90% of the plinth area.
Carpet area: the area of a building which is useful or livable. It is obtained by deducting
the area occupied by Verandah, corridors, kitchen, toilet, bath rooms etc. from the floor
Principles of Architecture
A house, as far as possible, must satisfy the day to day needs of it occupants. It should provide a
comfortable living and protection from weather and seasons.
Functional planning
Structural durability
Essential service
Outward appearance i.e. aesthetic value
Functional Planning
The best utilization of spaces according to needs is aimed at while planning a building. Form
follow function is used. Thus it is important that the purpose for which a building is to be used is
determined first. Normally buildings serve as residential, educational factories, offices, hospitals,
market, recreational places etc. Thus function forms the shape and planning of the building.
Structural Durability
A building is required to be durable and strong. It is the job of a structural engineer to decide the
types of construction to be adopted. A building can be made with load bearing walls, reinforced
cement concrete, steel or wooden depending up on its structural durability.
Essential Services
Sanitary, water, electricity, air conditioner and sound insulation fittings from the essential
services of a building. Provision is thus made to accommodate these services without causing
any loss to the utility of the building.
Outward Appearance
Efforts are made to make a building look beautiful and lively. It is so designed that it suits to its
A building is always planned and designed as an economical structure. To ascertain this estimate
of quantities are worked out and abstract of cost prepared. Cost of a building can be kept within
the given budget by adopting the following remedies:
Living area
Sleeping area
Service area
Other area (i.e. circulation area, drawing room)- depending up on the profession of the
Living area: living or drawing rooms or lounges are the main places in a residential building
where family members and friends meet, sit, relax and entertain. Such a room is well ventilated,
lighted and located near the entrance. Its area varies from 16 to 32 m2. Following points are kept
in mind while planning it.
Sleeping Area: This area is provided for sleeping and relaxing. Bed rooms of all types come
under this area. These rooms have attached bath and W.C’s. Area of these rooms varies from 10
to 20 m2 . These rooms are large enough so as to allow space for beds, cup boards, writing table
and chair. Sometimes space is provided for dressing and make up. Windows are placed on
North-West or south west directions. These rooms are placed on North or south-West directions
so as to receive in direct sun-light.
Service Area: This area is used for daily services like cooking, eating, cleaning, bathing etc.
kitchens, dining room, bath rooms, W.C’s and toilets from this area. Spaces provided for boilers,
washing and drying machines, air conditioning are also covered by service areas.
Principles of Planning of Residential Buildings
Before planning a residential building, the site is visited, local building by- laws are studied and
a line plan is prepared. While preparing the line plan, the following principles of practical
conveniences are followed:
Orientation: proper orientation means setting or placing of the rooms of the residential building
which allow the inmates of the house to enjoy the utmost whatever are good and to avoid
whatever is bad in respect of comforts in the elements of nature such as the sun, wind, and rain.
Good orientation means placement of rooms in relation to sun, wind, rain, topography and
outlook and at the same time providing a convenient access both to the courtyard, compound or
street. To protect the main rooms from the effect of heat of the sun, they should always be on
east or north. Activities in a house take place at different times of the day, thus one needs sun
shine in the morning and cool after noon in the kitchen. So a kitchen is planned with main
windows fixed towards east. It is better to place the kitchen facing east. Living rooms have some
windows towards east and a few towards north. Bed rooms are placed in the north, West or south
west direction. Verandahs are provided towards East and west to protect rooms from the effect of
intense heat of the sun.
i. Privacy inside the house between different rooms. it can be achieved by proper placing
of passages, doors and windows. Privacy is mainly desired in bed rooms, bath rooms, W.
C's and toilets. Screens or raised windows can also help in achieving in door privacy.
ii. Privacy of the whole house from the highways and streets. It is achieved by providing
compound walls, trees, high sill-level windows or raised plinths.
Grouping: placing of the rooms adjacent to each other with respect to their relative utility is
called Grouping. Bath, W.C’s are close to bed rooms. Dining space may be close to a kitchen.
Drawing, lounge or living rooms are preferably be near to the entrance.
Flexibility: It is a provision which allows the same space to be used for some other purposes.
Dining space attached to the drawing room and an additional verandah with large windows can
allow these areas to be converted into a hall. Even a good terrace on a compact combination on
of different rooms can allow such congregations.
Elegance: The out ward appealing look which allows the building to diffuse into the adjoining
environment is termed elegance. Balconies, Verandahs, Sunshades, porches etc. can enhance
elegance if properly placed and planned. Circular or arched openings spanning the verandah,
doors and window openings have again come in to use they add to the elegance and break the
monotony of present day stereo- typed buildings.
Land scaping: The space around the building may be suitably covered with greenery and plants.
Green foliage and shrubs provide a hygienic and healthy atmosphere in addition to keeping the
place cool and refreshing.
Economy: The cost of the building should be within the economical reach of the builder. All
spaces of activities are grouped together by means of passage, lobby, staircase etc. These areas
should be minimum but purposely and well ventilated. Planning is only an art not a science and
hence it needs proper utilization of many facilities of building. The basic criteria of Form
Follows Function be adhered too.
The specifications of the building components which are commonly followed in small residential
and office building construction are given below:
Tips to Draw Building Drawing
Imagine the horizontal cutting plane to remove the portion of the building above the sill
level to draw the top view. Show the openings for the doors and windows by referring the
line plan or line sketch.
The steps in top view are drawn as rectangles in front of the main door. Number of steps
is depending on the height of the plinth or flooring.
The sunshades are removed as a result of cutting; they are also marked in top view using
dashed lines.
The ground line is drawn above the top view, the left and right extreme walls are
projected to the front view for the height of the plinth and the height of the building is
drawn and the rectangle showing the front view is completed. The doors, windows and
steps are projected from top view and drawn in front view with appropriate dimensions.
To draw the sectional view, identify the walls which are cut by cutting plane. Draw one
of the walls starting from foundation to parapet with correct height for foundation
footings, plinth, lintel, roof slab and parapet.
Make the position of the next wall using the inner room dimension and draw downwards
the lintel, plinth and foundation footings.
Parapet walls are drawn only on outside walls.
If windows, doors etc. are observed in section view, they must be drawn.
Draw hatching lines, as per the conventional representation of the materials.
Modern planning and designing demands a very precise system of environmental projects (water
supply and disposal of sewage) in a building. If properly laid this system leads to a healthy and
hygienic living. It deals with water supply in a building and then its proper disposal in the form
of sewerage from the same building. Graphical symbols and depiction of sanitary fittings be
thoroughly understood before making such drawings.
Sanitation Project
Drains: the collection and disposal of sewage (wastewater that usually includes excreta and that
is, will be, or has been carried in a sewer) is done through drains and sewers. surface drains are
made in different shaped sections for easy flow of sewerage. Drains are provided with a normal
gradient to create a smooth gravitational flow.
Sewers: the underground pipes, of any material, used for collecting and carrying the sewerage to
the disposal points are called sewers. These get discharge from kitchens, bath rooms, toilets,
water closets, urinals and rain. A sewer should be smooth, strong and durable so as to withstand
the acidic effects of sewerage. The joint properly laid so as to avoid leakage.
Manholes: it is a masonry chamber built in a sewer, of such a size, that a man can enter in it or
leave it for carrying out inspection, repair, cleaning, testing, or joining of other sewers. It also
gets connections from soil wastes, liquid wastes, and ventilating shafts.
Septic tank: it is a watertight chamber for the retention, partial treatment, and discharge for
further treatment, of sewage. It is a rectangular tank built of masonry below the ground surface
for anaerobic bacterial action. The guiding principles in designing a septic tank are:
To provide sufficient retention time for the sewage in the tank to allow separation of
solids and stabilization of liquids
To provide stable quiescent hydraulic conditions for efficient settlement and flotation of
To ensure that the tank is large enough to store accumulated sludge and scum
To ensure that no blockages are likely to occur and that there is adequate ventilation of
Secondary treatment and disposal of the septic tank effluent: the effluent from the septic tank
is disposal off by one of the following methods:
(a) Soak pits or seepage pits: pits used to dispose of effluent from septic tanks are
commonly 2-5 m deep with a diameter of 1.0-2.5 m. the capacity should be not less than
that of the septic tank.
(b) Drainage trenches: the disposal of the large quantity of effluent from septic tanks is
often effected in trenches, which disperse the flow over a large area, reducing the risk of
overloading at one place. The effluent is carried in pipes, which are normally 100 mm in
diameter with a gap of about 10 mm between each pipe.
Traps: The depression or bend provided in a drainage system, which is always full of water
and prevents the entery of foul gases into the atmosphere is termed as a trap. The water inside
the trap is called seal. Traps are made of glazed earthenware, vetereous, porceline, cast iron,
and PVC or hi-density polythelens.
Simple Pit latrines: The simple pit latrine consists of hole in the ground covered by a
squatting slab or seat where the user defecates. The superstructure design is irrelevant to the
operation of the latrine but crucial to the acceptability of the latrine to the user. The cover
slab should be raised at least 150 mm above the surrounding ground to divert surface water
away from the pit.
Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine: VIP-latrine; pit latrine with a screened vent pipe
and a partially dark interior to the superstructure.
Hand dug wells: Are wells that have been dug in to the upper most permeable stratum only.
They tap subsoil, which has been arrested by the first impermeable stratum. In shallow wells,
the water level always stands with in “Sucking” distance of a pump located at the top of the