Considered Test 1

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DTCE 122: Engineering Materials & Concrete Technology
First Year Semester One Continuous Assessment Test One
DATE: October 14, 2023 Time: 11:00 A.M – 1:00 PM


a) Specific instructions

[1] This test consists of FIVE (5) questions on TWO pages.

[2] Attempt THREE (3) questions for full marks.
[3] All questions carry equal marks.
[4] Begin each question on a fresh page.
[5] Illustrate your answers using neat sketch drawings where applicable.
[6] Do not write anything on the question paper, all rough work should be done on
the official answer booklet.

b) Key examination protocol

[1] Students, please note that academic dishonesty (or cheating) includes but is not
limited to plagiarism, collusion, falsification, replication, taking unauthorized
notes or devices into an examination, obtaining an unauthorized copy of the
examination paper, communicating or trying to communicate with another
candidate during the examination, and being a party to impersonation in relation
to an examination.
[2] The above mentioned and any other actions which compromise the integrity of
the academic evaluation process will be fully investigated and addressed in
[3] Please be reminded that speaking without the invigilator’s permission is not

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Question one: Soils Total Marks [20 marks]

a) (i) Other than cement, write down three (3) principal materials used for soil
stabilization in the construction industry.
(03 marks)
(ii) A section of road is to be cement stabilized. Assuming that you are the site
foreman, describe the procedure for carrying out cement stabilization.
(05 marks)
b) (i) Distinguish between soil compaction and soil stabilization.
(02 marks)
(ii) Explain four (4) reasons why soil stabilization is important in the
construction of embankments
(04 marks)
c) Explain the following soil parameters below used in the soil classification.
(i) Liquid limit
(ii) Plastic limit
(iii) Shrinkage limit
(06 marks)

Question Two: Clay and its products Total Marks [20 marks]

(a) State four (4) major constituents in clay and explain the role played by these
constituents during the manufacture of clay bricks.
(08 marks)
(b) Describe in detail the general process of manufacturing clay bricks.
(12 marks)

Question Three: Timber Total Marks [20 marks]

(a) Describe with the aid of a labeled diagram the macro structure of wood.
(09 marks)
(b) Distinguish between seasoning and conversion of timber.
(05 marks)
(c) Explain the main defects which may occur as a result of each of the following.
(i) Seasoning of timber (03 marks)

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(ii) Conversion of timber (03 marks)

Question four: cement and lime Total Marks [20 marks]

(a) State four (4) properties of lime that made it an important engineering material.
(04 marks)
(b) Calcination is a process of heating limestone of magnesium carbonate to redness
in the presence of atmospheric air. During calcination, carbon dioxide is driven
out and quick lime or magnesium lime is left as a final product. Write down a
well-balanced equations showing the production of lime and magnesium lime.
(04 marks)
(c) Describe in detail the wet process of production of ordinary Portland cement.
(09 marks)
(d) Write down the chemical compositions of Portland cement. (03 marks)

Question five: Mortars and Plasters Total Marks [20 marks]

(a) Differentiate between mortar and plastering

(02 marks)
(b) A newly constructed block is to receive three coats of plaster. Describe the
procedure in chronological order you would follow in carrying out this task.
(06 marks)
(c) Outline four (4) merits of gypsum plasters compared to lime or cement
(04 marks)
(d) Common defects in plastering maybe associated with background problem,
inadequate or incorrect surface preparation and incorrect use of materials or
incorrect plastering techniques. From the above statement, discuss the following
(i) Cracking (02 marks)
(ii) Blistering of plastered surface (02 marks)
(e) Explain the importance of dressing of stones. (04 marks)


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