Module 4 The Interrupters Discussion Questions

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Module Four- Writing Assignment

The Interrupters

Nubia Ruiz
OGL: 350- Session B
Section: 41823
Dr. Kermit Brown

The Interrupters Discussion Questions

1. The Violence Interrupters leverage mediation skills, cultural knowledge, and street

credibility to gain the respect and confidence of people in conflict. Could someone

with mediation training but without a similar background and experience be as

effective as the Interrupters?

While people with mediation training and experience can be successful in conflict

resolution, I do not believe they could be successful in the streets of Chicago like the

Interrupters are. The film does an excellent job of displaying how the people in those

communities live and what they experience on a day-to-day basis. Although there is

a large amount of violence between each other, they trust people from the

community more than any trained outsider. Cobe, Ameena, and Eddie are perfect

examples of individuals that had violent pasts, served their time, and course

corrected to improve their futures. It is important to recognize that the Interrupters

founder Tio Hardiman, also had a similar past and he too was also able to connect

with the community. Each of them gives hope to the youth of those communities

because they are living examples of people that have changed.

2. Violence in mainstream films, television shows, news programming, video games,

music and YouTube videos has become increasingly graphic and prevalent over the

last two decades. Do you think the consumption of violent imagery desensitizes

people to violence in their public and private lives? Is the entertainment industry

creating more violent content or simply reflecting an increasingly violent American


It is without a doubt that media shows more violence in television and film compared

to the last couple of decades. I do not believe that there is more violence now, but

there is a desire to see reality with a transparent lens. People do experience

violence every day across America and tv and film should not sweep it under the rug

because it is someone's reality. The result is that viewers become desensitized, but

so are those that live it. For example, at the beginning of the film, Ameena wanted to

prevent an altercation between two gentlemen because his sisters wanted to

retaliate against one of them (James, 2011). There were several children around the

altercation that did not appear to be scared. This was disheartening because they

see this type of violence as something normal at such a young age.

3. Many of the Interrupters and the people they help trace their descent into criminal

behavior at least in part to their problematic or absent relationships with their fathers.

Why do you think the father-child relationship is such a prevalent factor in this issue?

How can our communities support young people who lack positive male role


The two brothers that Cobe was helping are a perfect example of individuals that are

affected by their absent father. When their mother became distant, their relationship

got even worse between each other. After Cobe stepped in to mediate, you could

see that there was hope for that family. The boys only wanted someone to show

them that they matter. I think father-child relationships are so important because

fathers provide in a special way. This is also true if a child grew up without a mother.

Both parents are needed to create a balance of love, affection, and discipline.

4. Ameena’s confession of physical and sexual abuse shows that abused and

neglected children often fall into circumstances that lead them into crime, creating a

thin line between perpetrator and victim of violence. What would it look like to shift

our public policies and aim funding to prevent future perpetrators of violence, instead

of simply prosecuting them once a violent act has been committed?

Studies show that children of physical or sexual abuse are more likely to commit the

same crime in their adulthood. For this reason, we need more programs that provide

phycological and emotional support for victims. If we can get ahead of preventing

future abuses, we can make a great impact all over the country. For these services

to be successful, they need to be accessible and free. In essence, this approach is

similar to Cease Fire and The Interrupters (James, 2011). Unfortunately, our

government does not provide the funding required to sustain these types of


5. Eddie Bocanegra talked about the tense relationship between the police and his

community. Studies show that Latinos, both documented and undocumented, are

reluctant to report crimes for fear of exposing their immigration status, or of being

discriminated against, or out of a distrust of authorities based on experiences from

their home countries. How do these cultural factors contribute to violence in Latino


Having a language barrier largely contributes to violence not being reported in Latino

communities. Aside from being undocumented and worried about being deported,

Latinos are not aware of their rights and therefore stay silent. Naturally, this creates

a barrier between the community and any authoritative organization. The work that

Eddie is doing through Namaste is extremely impactful because the children have a

space to express their fears (James, 2011). What people fail to remember is that

children that grow up with immigrant parents have polar opposite experiences. Many

times, this prevents them from connecting with their own parents and drives them

closer to others in the community.

6. The film mentions the idea of having the National Guard come in to help Chicago

Police patrol the streets. Discuss how you feel about that Idea and why. Will the

addition of the National Guard add to the problem or help reduce the acts of


Having the National Guard come into these communities will only make matters

worse if it is the only form of support they will receive. Most of the residents do not

trust the police or other government agencies and they will only feel attacked by the

National Guard’s presence. However, if they plan on introducing new prevention

programs and new jobs, the National Guard can help the community stay safe

during the transition. To ensure this plan is successful, local leaders must support it

and be given a platform to voice their opinions on behalf of the community. I think

this type of partnership will be more successful in comparison to the National Guard

just inserting themselves without a plan.

7. What unique role can women play in conflict mediation?

Women are instrumental in conflict mediation. They can de-escalate tension through

listening and empathy. Women are also very capable of displaying motherly love to

those that need it, not just their biological children. For example, Ameena tried to

step in as a motherly figure for Caprysha when she really needed it. She knew that

Caprysha’s mother was abusive and absent most of her life and she needed a loving

mother's affection. Although Ameena was not entirely successful in preventing

Caprysha’s bad actions, she still made an impact that will forever stay with her.

8. For Cobe, Ameena, and Eddie, being an Interrupter is about more than just stopping

fights; it is about interrupting the status quo and making a positive difference in their

community. What does being an Interrupter mean to you? In what ways have you

acted as an Interrupter in your community?

After seeing the film, being an Interrupter is someone that steps in for those in need.

That may be with individuals or animals. Cobe, Ameena, and Eddie have shown the

work that goes into showing up for their community. There is no official work

schedule for them. They do what is needed at any time it is safe for them to do so. I

am nowhere near an interrupter as this group. However, I try to make time to give

back through community service through a work program. Additionally, I am a natural

problem solver and I jump in to help those around me, even if I do not know them.

The Interrupters Community Resource Organizations Assignment

The first organization from the Interrupters resource guide that captured my interest

is the Stryve organization. This organization is backed by the Centers for Disease

Control and their mission statement is “Striving to reduce youth violence everywhere”

(CDC, 2022). Their data-driven approach is a measurable way to identify why there is

violence in communities and how to prevent it. As mentioned on their website, people

should be able to enjoy their community parks, spend time outdoors, and provide a safe

space for children.

Stryve works in partnership with public health programs, police, and schools to

identify violence prevention gaps. By agreeing on the main problems that affect the

community, they are more effective in combating them. They put together a prevention

approach that focuses on a specific problem. I think by reducing the scope of their work,

Stryve has more chances of being successful with quick wins. When you plan

something at a larger scale, it can take too much time to actually execute it.

The Stryve website is an excellent tool for someone that wishes to get involved

with their community without having much experience. They have tools to help you

narrow down your purpose and how to leverage community data. Stryve also

emphasizes the importance of becoming involved by asking basic questions first and

attending community meetings to fully comprehend the community's problems. The

three main focuses are selecting a strategy that works for your goal, determining what

steps are required to action it, and how to track the outcome of your work. I think most

people wish to give back in one way or another but they have a hard time getting


Violence prevention programs emphasize the likelihood of children with

incarcerated parents and following into their footsteps. The U.S. Dream Academy

focuses on those children and creates programs to prevent the same outcome. Their

mission is “To inspire and invest in the lives of children of incarcerated parents and

families in communities harmed by systemic inequalities” (US Dream Academy, 2023).

This organization provides afterschool and mentoring programs nationwide. They also

offer tutoring, STEM activities, field trips, and literacy support.

Wintley Phipps, the founder of U.S. Dream Academy, performed gospel music for

inmates and their visiting relatives. He was touched by the expressions on their families'

faces and realized that they too were likely to become incarcerated. This inspired him to

create the U.S. Dream Academy. Phipps is a powerful story of someone who not only

shared his talent with those in prison but also took action to help those affected by their

circumstances. He clearly sees the parental gap in children's lives when they are

separated for many years and sometimes decades.

The work of the U.S. Dream Academy has impacted over 10,000 children in 10

cities nationwide (US Dream Academy, 2023). I really like this program because the

staff spends 10 to 15 hours a week with the students. There are many organizations

that are similar to this one but only have the resources to meet with students a couple of

hours a week. By creating robust programs, the children must feel special and immerse

themselves in the program lot more. I hope this program is successful for the next

decade to come.


CDC (2022, May 7). Stryve Veto Violence. Violence Prevention. Retrieved July 28,
2023, from

James, S (Director). (2011). The Interrupters [Film]. PBS. Journeyman Pictures.

Retrieved from

US Dream Academy (2023). A Child With A Dream Is A Child With A Future. Retrieved
July 28, 2023, from

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