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American Economic Review 2022, 112(11): 3660–3693

Social Media and Mental Health†

By Luca Braghieri, Ro’ee Levy, and Alexey Makarin*

We provide quasi-experimental estimates of the impact of social

media on mental health by leveraging a unique natural experiment:
the staggered introduction of Facebook across US colleges. Our
analysis couples data on student mental health around the years of
Facebook’s expansion with a generalized difference-in-differences
empirical strategy. We find that the rollout of Facebook at a college
had a negative impact on student mental health. It also increased the
likelihood with which students reported experiencing impairments
to academic performance due to poor mental health. Additional evi-
dence on mechanisms suggests the results are due to Facebook fos-
tering unfavorable social comparisons. (JEL D91, I12, I23, L82)

In 2021, 4.3 billion people—more than half of the world population—had a social
media account, and the average user spent around two and a half hours per day on
social media platforms (GWI 2021; We Are Social 2021). Very few technologies
since television have so dramatically reshaped the way people spend their time and
interact with others.
As social media started gaining popularity in the m­ id-2000s, the mental health
of adolescents and young adults in the United States began to worsen (Patel et al.
2007; Twenge et al. 2019). For instance, the total number of individuals aged 18–23

* Braghieri: Bocconi University, IGIER, CEPR, and CESifo (email: [email protected]); Levy: Tel
Aviv University (email: [email protected]); Makarin: MIT Sloan School of Management, EIEF, and CEPR.
(email: [email protected]). Stefano DellaVigna was the coeditor for this article. We would like to thank Sarah
Eichmeyer for her contributions at the early stages of this project, Mary Hoban for helping us access the NCHA
dataset, and Luis Armona for his collaboration in putting together the Facebook expansion dates dataset. We are
grateful to the editor, three anonymous referees, Levi Boxell, Davide Cantoni, Daniel Chen, Scott Cunningham,
Georgy Egorov, Ruben Enikolopov, Amy Finkelstein, Thomas Fujiwara, Matthew Gentzkow, Luigi Guiso, Martin
Mattson, Jack Mountjoy, Samuel Norris, Petra Persson, Maria Petrova, Andrea Prat, Maya Rossin-Slater, Frank
Schilbach, Sebastian Schweighofer-Kodritsch, Joseph Shapiro, Andrey Simonov, and seminar participants at EIEF,
LMU, Max Planck Institute, MIT, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, QMUL, TSE, University of Frankfurt,
UPF, the Italian National Health Institute (Istituto Superiore di Sanità), the UK Office of Communications (Ofcom),
and conference participants at the Center for Rationality and Competition, CEPR Political Economy and Populism
Symposium, CEPR-EIEF-Tor Vergata Media Workshop, the Early Career Behavioral Economics Conference
(ECBE), NBER IT & Digitization, and the Southern Economic Association for helpful comments. Luca Braghieri
gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through CRC TRR 190 (proj-
ect 280092119). Ro’ee Levy gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Foerder Institute for Economic
Research. We thank Berkeren Büyükeren, Juan Carlos Cisneros, Valerio Sergio Castaldo, Gleb Kozlyakov, Oksana
Kuznetsova, and Meruyert Tatkeyeva for excellent research assistance. The opinions, findings, and conclusions
reported in this article are those of the authors and are in no way meant to represent the corporate opinions, views, or
policies of the American College Health Association (ACHA). ACHA does not warrant nor assume any liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented in this article. Disclosures:
Levy is an unpaid member of Facebook’s 2020 Election Research Project.

Go to to visit the article page for additional materials and author
disclosure statements.


who reported experiencing a major depressive episode in the past year increased by
83 percent between 2008 and 2018 (NSDUH 2019). Similarly, over the same time
period, suicides became more prevalent and are now the second leading cause of
death for individuals 15–24 years old (National Center for Health Statistics 2021).
Although the ultimate causes of these trends are still largely unknown, scholars have
hypothesized that the diffusion of social media might be an important contributing
factor (Twenge et al. 2019). In fact, concerns about a potential negative effect of
social media on mental health have become so prominent that the US Senate held
a committee hearing about the topic in late 2021. Well-identified causal evidence,
however, remains scarce.
In this paper, we provide ­quasi-experimental estimates of the impact of social
media on mental health by leveraging a unique natural experiment: the staggered
introduction of Facebook across US colleges in the ­mid-2000s. Coupling survey
data on college students’ mental health collected in the years around Facebook’s
expansion with a generalized d­ ifference-in-differences empirical strategy, we find
that the introduction of Facebook at a college had a negative impact on student
mental health. We also find that, after the introduction of Facebook, students were
more likely to report that poor mental health negatively affected their academic
performance. Finally, we present an array of additional evidence suggesting that
the results are consistent with Facebook enhancing students’ abilities to engage in
unfavorable social comparisons.
The early expansion of Facebook across colleges in the United States is a par-
ticularly promising setting to investigate the effects of social media use on the
mental health of young adults. Facebook was created at Harvard in February 2004,
but it was only made available to the general public in September 2006. Between
February 2004 and September 2006, Facebook was rolled out across US colleges
in a staggered fashion. Upon being granted access to Facebook’s network, colleges
witnessed rapid and widespread Facebook penetration among students (Wilson,
Gosling, and Graham 2012; Brügger 2015). The staggered and sharp introduction
of Facebook across US colleges provides a source of q­ uasi-experimental variation in
exposure to social media that we can leverage for causal identification.
We employ two main datasets in our analysis: the first dataset specifies the dates
in which Facebook was introduced at 775 US colleges; the second consists of the
universe of answers to seventeen consecutive waves of the National College Health
Assessment (NCHA), the most comprehensive survey about student mental and
physical health available at the time of Facebook’s expansion.
Our analysis relies on a generalized ­difference-in-differences research design,
where one of the dimensions of variation is the college a student attends, and the
other dimension is whether the student took the survey before or after the intro-
duction of Facebook at her college. Under a parallel trends assumption, the col-
lege by ­survey-wave variation generated by the sharp but staggered introduction
of Facebook allows us to obtain causal estimates of the introduction of Facebook
on student mental health. Our empirical strategy allows us to rule out various con-
founding factors: first, c­ ollege-specific differences fixed in time (e.g., students at
more academically demanding colleges may have worse baseline mental health than
students at less demanding colleges); second, differences across time that affect all
students in a similar way (e.g., certain ­macroeconomic fluctuations); third, mental

health trends affecting colleges in different Facebook expansion groups differen-

tially, but smoothly (e.g., colleges where Facebook was rolled out earlier may be
on different linear trends in terms of mental health than colleges where Facebook
was rolled out later).1 We also address recent econometric concerns with staggered
­difference-in-differences research designs by showing robustness to the use of a vari-
ety of alternative estimators.2 Lastly, we complement the ­difference-in-differences
strategy with a specification that exploits variation in length of exposure to Facebook
across students within a college and survey wave, and that, therefore, does not rely
on our baseline c­ ollege-level parallel trends assumption for identification.
Our main finding is that the introduction of Facebook at a college had a negative
effect on student mental health. Our index of poor mental health, which aggregates
all the relevant mental health variables in the NCHA survey, increased by 0.085
standard deviation units as a result of the introduction of Facebook. As a point of
comparison, this magnitude is around 22 percent of the effect of losing one’s job on
mental health, as reported in a m ­ eta-analysis by Paul and Moser (2009). We further
benchmark our results against a ­clinically validated depression scale: the Patient
Health Questionnaire-9 (­PHQ-9; Kroenke, Spitzer, and Williams 2001). The effect
of the introduction of Facebook on our index of poor mental health is equivalent
to a 2 percentage point increase in the share of students suffering from depres-
sion according to the ­PHQ-9 over a baseline of 25 percent. Lastly, we perform a
­back-of-the-envelope calculation to determine what fraction of the increased preva-
lence of severe depression among college students over the last two decades can be
explained by the introduction of Facebook. Under a set of relatively strong assump-
tions, we calculate that the introduction of Facebook accounts for approximately
24 percent of such increase.
We highlight three additional results. First, the negative effects on mental health
are strongest for students who, based on immutable characteristics such as gender
and age, are predicted to be most susceptible to mental illness. For those students,
we also observe a significant increase in depression diagnoses, t­ake-up of psycho-
therapy for depression, and use of ­antidepressants. Second, in the ­short-to-medium
run, the negative effects of Facebook on mental health increase with length of expo-
sure to the platform. Third, students reported suffering some negative downstream
effects as a result of their worsened mental health conditions. Specifically, after the
introduction of Facebook, students were more likely to report that their academic
performance was negatively affected by conditions related to poor mental health.
What explains the negative effects of Facebook on mental health? The pattern of
results is consistent with Facebook increasing students’ ability to engage in unfa-
vorable social comparisons. Two main pieces of evidence bear on this conclusion.
First, we find that the effects are particularly pronounced for students who might
view themselves as comparing unfavorably to their peers, such as students who live
­off-campus—and therefore are more likely to be excluded from ­on-campus social
activities—students of lower socioeconomic status, and students not belonging to
fraternities/sororities. Second, we show that the introduction of Facebook directly

The last confounding factor in the list is taken into account in a specification that includes linear time trends
at the F
­ acebook-expansion-group level.
See Roth et al. (2022) for a recent overview.

affected the students’ beliefs about their peers’ social lives and behaviors. Consistent
with the content on Facebook at the time, changes in perceptions are limited to
alcohol as opposed to other drugs. As far as other channels are concerned, we do
not find significant evidence that the negative effects of Facebook on mental health
are due to disruptive internet use. We also rule out several alternative mechanisms,
such as reduced stigma about mental illness and direct effects on drug use, alcohol
consumption, and sexual behaviors.
The results presented in this paper, which rely on the staggered r­ ollout of Facebook
across US college campuses in 2­ 004–2006, should be interpreted with caution for
several reasons. First, our estimates cannot speak directly to the effects of social
media features (e.g., news pages) that were introduced after the time period we ana-
lyze. Similarly, our estimates cannot speak directly to the possibility that years of
experience with the platform might teach users ways to mitigate the negative effects
on mental health.3 Second, despite being the core component of most mental health
diagnoses, ­self-reports may still suffer from measurement error due to recall bias,
lack of incentives, and social image concerns.4 Finally, we note that our estimates
are local to college students, a population of direct interest in the discussion about
the recent worsening of mental health trends among adolescents and young adults.
Nevertheless, future research should test whether social media has a similar effect
on the mental health of other demographic groups.
Aside from these caveats, our findings are in line with the hypothesis that social
media has a negative impact on mental health and played a role in the increase in
mental illness among adolescents and young adults over the past two decades. Of
course, our results do not imply that the overall welfare effects of social media are
necessarily negative. Such calculation would require estimating the effects of social
media along various other dimensions; furthermore, they would require taking into
account potential positive effects, such as a reduction in the cost of connecting with
friends and family across a distance. Nevertheless, we believe our results will be
informative to social media users and policymakers alike.
This paper contributes to the literature by providing the most comprehensive causal
evidence to date on the effects of social media on mental health. The three closest
papers to ours (Allcott et al. 2020; Mosquera et al. 2020; and Allcott, Gentzkow,
and Song 2021), feature experiments that incentivize a r­andomly selected subset
of participants to reduce their social media use.5 Those studies find negative effects
of social media use on s­ elf-reported w ­ ell-being, and Allcott, Gentzkow, and Song
(2021) shows evidence of digital addiction. Our findings complement the aforemen-
tioned literature in five main ways. First, our mental health outcome variables are
more comprehensive and detailed than the ones in the experimental papers above.
Specifically, our outcome variables include 11 questions related to depression (cov-
ering symptoms, diagnoses, ­take-up of psychotherapy, and use of ­antidepressants)

One of our specifications, equation (4), can look at up to t­wo and a half years of experience with the platform
and finds that the effects, if anything, increase in the ­short to medium term. ­Longer-term effects, however, could
be quite different.
The effects on academic performance are also ­self-reported and could suffer from similar issues.
For correlational evidence on the link between social media and mental health, see Lin et al. (2016); Dienlin,
Masur, and Trepte (2017); Berryman, Ferguson, and Negy (2018); Kelly et al. (2019); Bekalu, McCloud,
and Viswanath (2019); Twenge and Campbell (2019).

and various questions related to other mental health conditions, ranging from sea-
sonal affective disorder to anorexia. By contrast, the three experimental studies
above measure b­ roadly defined subjective w ­ ell-being and include only one ques-
tion that relates directly to a mental health condition listed in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (­DSM-5). Second, rather than studying the
partial equilibrium effects of paying isolated individuals to reduce their social media
use, our estimates capture the general equilibrium effects of introducing social media
in an entire community.6 Such general equilibrium effects are arguably particularly
important for technologies like social media that exhibit strong network external-
ities. Third, our analysis is less prone to experimenter demand, Hawthorne, and
income effects.7 Fourth, the experiments above study fairly ­short-term disruptions
in social media use, ranging from 1 to 12 weeks; conversely, we can estimate effects
up to several semesters after the introduction of Facebook at a college. Fifth, our
study specifically targets the population (young adults) that experienced the most
severe deterioration in mental health in recent decades and studies it around the time
in which those mental health trends began to worsen. Focusing on young adults is
arguably important for two additional reasons: first, because early adulthood may
be a particularly vulnerable time as far as mental health is concerned (Kessler et al.
2007); second, because early adulthood is an age in which individuals often make
critical life decisions.
This paper also relates to the ­rapidly growing literature in economics about the
determinants and consequences of mental illness (Ridley et al. 2020). Research on
the determinants of mental illness showed that unconditional cash transfers, i­ n utero
exposure to the death of a maternal relative, unemployment shocks, and economic
downturns can affect mental health (Paul and Moser 2009; Haushofer and Shapiro
2016; Persson and ­Rossin-Slater 2018; Golberstein, Gonzales, and Meara 2019).
Donati et al. (2022) provide q­ uasi-experimental evidence that access to ­high-speed
internet increased the incidence of mental disorders among young adults in Italy.
We contribute to this strand of the literature by focusing on social media, which
many consider to be an important driver of the recent rise in depression rates among
adolescents and young adults (Twenge 2017; Twenge et al. 2019). Studies focusing
on the consequences of mental illness found that better mental health is associated
with fewer crimes, increased parental investment in children, and better labor mar-
ket outcomes (Blattman, Jamison, and Sheridan 2017; Biasi, Dahl, and Moser 2019;
Baranov et al. 2020; Shapiro 2021). We complement this literature by showing that,
after the introduction of Facebook, students were more likely to report experiencing
impairments to academic performance as a result of poor mental health.

There are likely substantial endogenous adjustments of one’s social media use to one’s peers’ social media
use, as well as spillover effects on one’s mental health due to one’s peers’ social media use. We employ the term
“general equilibrium effects” to indicate that our estimates capture such indirect effects, as well as any direct effects.
In the case of the experiments listed above, subjects in the treatment group are paid to reduce their social media
use and are therefore not blind to treatment status, which might give rise to experimenter demand effects. In addi-
tion, the mere fact of being observed (e.g., via daily text messages asking participants how they feel) might affect
subjects’ behaviors independently of treatment status, giving rise to general Hawthorne effects. Lastly, incentive
payments might directly affect s­ elf-reported ­well-being and confound interpretation. An additional issue with social
media experiments is that they often screen participants who do not meet certain criteria and, therefore, employ
rather selected samples. For instance, the main sample analyzed in Allcott et al. (2020) includes participants who
reported using Facebook more than 15 minutes per day and were willing to accept $102 to deactivate their Facebook
accounts for a month.

Lastly, this paper contributes to an emerging literature exploiting the expansion of

social media platforms to study the effects of social media on a variety of outcomes.
The empirical strategy adopted in this paper is closely related to the one in Armona
(2019), who leverages the staggered introduction of Facebook across US colleges
to study labor market outcomes more than a decade later. Enikolopov, Makarin,
and Petrova (2020) and Fergusson and Molina (2020) exploit the expansion of the
social media platform VK in Russia and of Facebook worldwide, respectively, to
show that social media use increases protest participation. Bursztyn et al. (2019) and
Müller and Schwarz (2020) exploit the expansion of VK and Twitter, respectively,
and find that social media use increases the prevalence of hate crimes.8 A unique
feature of our setting is that it allows us to measure the effects of the sharp r­ ollout
of the biggest social media platform in the world at a time in which very few close
substitutes were available.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section I provides some back-
ground on mental health and on Facebook’s early expansion; Section II describes
the data sources used in the analysis and presents descriptive statistics; Section III
discusses the empirical strategy; Section IV presents the results; Section V explores
mechanisms; Section VI discusses potential implications of the results; Section VII

I. Background

Mental Health.—Mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disor-

der, and schizophrenia, are disturbingly common and can be highly debilitating.
According to the Global Burden of Disease study, around a billion people in the
world suffered from mental disorders in 2017, with depression and ­anxiety-related
disorders as the leading conditions (James et al. 2018). In the United States, around
1 in 5 adults experiences some form of mental illness each year, and 1 in 20 expe-
riences serious mental illness (NAMI 2020). Mental health conditions can have
severe adverse effects, hampering people’s ability to work, study, and be productive.
According to the World Health Organization’s Global Burden of Disease, mental
illness is the most burdensome disease category in terms of total ­disability-adjusted
years for adults younger than 45, and depression is one of the most taxing conditions
(World Health Organization 2008; Layard 2017).
Alarmingly, the last two decades witnessed a worsening of mental health trends
in the United States, especially among adolescents and young adults (Twenge et al.
2019). As shown in online Appendix Figure A.1, ­self-reported episodes of psycho-
logical distress and depression have risen substantially over the past 15 years, with
the highest growth rate among young adults. Similarly, both ­self-reports of suicidal
thoughts, plans, or attempts and actual suicides have increased considerably among
that demographic group. Since the timing of the divergence in mental health trends
between young adults and older generations roughly coincides with wider adoption

Additional research on social media and political outcomes includes Enikolopov, Petrova, and Sonin (2018);
Fujiwara, Müller, and Schwarz (2021); and Levy (2021). For a detailed overview, see Zhuravskaya, Petrova,
and Enikolopov (2020).

of social media, various scholars have hypothesized the two phenomena might be
related (Twenge 2017; Twenge et al. 2019).

A Brief History of Facebook’s Expansion and Initial Popularity.—Facebook was

created at Harvard in February 2004 and was rolled out gradually to other colleges
in the United States and abroad over the subsequent t­wo and a half years. The stag-
gered nature of the ­rollout was enforced by requiring users to be in possession of
verified email addresses (e.g., addresses ending in The r­ollout of
Facebook across US colleges was not random: as shown in the descriptive statistics
section, more selective colleges were granted access to Facebook relatively earlier
than less selective colleges. The staggered nature of the expansion is arguably due
to three factors: first, scale constraints due to limited server capacity (Kirkpatrick
2011); second, Facebook’s willingness, at least at the outset, to maintain a flavor of
exclusivity; third, Facebook’s desire to strengthen network effects by keeping the
fraction of users who likely knew each other offline artificially high (Aral 2021).
Even in its infancy, Facebook was extremely popular. Upon being granted access
to the platform, colleges witnessed rapid and very widespread adoption among stu-
dents.9 To get a sense of the early adoption rates among college students, we matched
data provided by Facebook on the number of users at each of the first 100 colleges
that were granted access to the platform with IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System) data on the number of ­full-time undergraduate students
at those colleges (US Department of Education 2005; Traud, Mucha, and Porter
2012). Online Appendix Figure A.2 presents a histogram of the number of users per
100 undergraduate students at those colleges and shows that, in September 2005,
there were on average 86 Facebook users for every 100 undergraduate students.
This result is consistent with Facebook’s statement that, across all the colleges with
access to the platform as of September 2005, approximately 85 percent of students
had a Facebook profile (Arrington 2005).10
Not only was Facebook immediately popular, usage was also quite intense.
In early 2006, close to t­hree-quarters of users logged into the site at least once a
day, and the average user logged in six times a day (Hass 2006). As of early 2006,
Facebook was the ninth most visited website on the internet, despite not yet being
open to the general public (Hass 2006).

II. Data Sources and Descriptive Statistics

A. Data Sources

Our analysis relies primarily on two data sources. The first data source speci-
fies the dates in which Facebook was introduced at 775 US colleges. The second

According to a description by Kirkpatrick (2011, p. 88), “within days, [Facebook] typically captured essen-
tially the entire student body, and more than 80 percent of users returned to the site daily.”
Various ­smaller-scale studies using survey and/or Facebook data and focusing mostly on undergraduate stu-
dents confirm the high adoption rates in 2005–2006. Specifically, those studies show that, at the colleges in which
they were administered, 82–94 percent of students had a Facebook account (Stutzman 2006; Kolek and Saunders
2008; Lampe, Ellison, and Steinfield 2008). While women may have been more likely than men to join Facebook,
Facebook usage was very common across demographic groups (Kolek and Saunders 2008).

consists of the universe of answers to seventeen consecutive waves of the NCHA

survey, the largest and most comprehensive survey on college students’ mental and
physical health at the time of Facebook’s expansion.

Facebook Expansion Dates Data.—The Facebook expansion dates dataset was

assembled in two steps: for the first 100 colleges that received Facebook access,
we rely on introduction dates collected and made public in previous studies (Traud,
Mucha, and Porter 2012; Jacobs et al. 2015). For the remaining 675 colleges in the
dataset, we obtained Facebook introduction dates using the Wayback Machine, an
online archive that contains snapshots of various websites at different points in time
and that allows users to visit old versions of those websites. Specifically, between
the spring of 2004 and the spring of 2005, the front page of Facebook’s website was
regularly updated to show the most recent set of colleges that had been given access
to the platform.11 As an example, online Appendix Figure A.3 shows the front page
of Facebook as of June 15 2004, recovered via the Wayback Machine. As shown in
the figure, Facebook was open to 34 colleges at that point in time.
Armed with a ­time series of snapshots of the front page of Facebook’s website,
it is possible to reconstruct tentative dates in which Facebook was rolled out at each
college. Specifically, the ­rollout date at a certain college should be between the date
of the first snapshot in which the college is listed and the date of the previous snap-
shot. When the distance between the snapshots is more than one day, we consider
the first date in which a college is listed on Facebook’s front page as the introduction
Since the Wayback Machine took snapshots of Facebook’s Website at a high tem-
poral resolution, our imputation procedure for the introduction dates is rather pre-
cise. For the months in which our introduction dates rely on the Wayback Machine
(September 2004 to May 2005) the average number of days between consecutive
snapshots is one and a half. Therefore, on average, our imputed introduction dates
should be within two days of the actual introduction dates.
Online Appendix Table A.32 lists the colleges in the Facebook expansion dates
dataset and the date in which Facebook was rolled out at each of them.

NCHA Data.—Our second main data source consists of more than 430,000
responses to the NCHA survey, a survey administered to college students on a
semi-annual basis by the American College Health Association (ACHA). The
NCHA survey was developed in 1998 by a team of college health professionals with
the purpose of obtaining information from college students about their mental and
physical health. Specifically, the NCHA survey inquires about demographics, phys-
ical health, mental health, alcohol and drug use, sexual behaviors, and perceptions
of these behaviors among one’s peers.
As far as mental health is concerned, the NCHA survey includes both questions
about symptoms of mental illness and questions about ­take-up of mental ­healthcare
services. We emphasize that reliance on ­self-reported symptoms is part of ­standard

Beginning with the fall of 2005, Facebook started listing the colleges that had access to the platform on a
separate page that is snapshotted too infrequently to allow us to extract meaningful introduction dates. Therefore,
our Facebook introduction dates dataset ends after the spring of 2005.

medical practice in the domain of mental health (Chan 2010). Specifically, accord-
ing to the official diagnostic manual of the American Psychiatric Association
(­DSM-5), the diagnosis of many mental health disorders including depression
relies almost exclusively on patients’ s­elf-reports of symptoms such as difficulty
sleeping, anhedonia, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, diminished abil-
ity to think or concentrate, and recurrent suicidal thoughts (APA 2013). In fact,
­self-administered questionnaires inquiring about depression symptoms have been
shown to predict medical diagnoses with accuracy rates up to 90 percent (Kroenke
and Spitzer 2002).12
The NCHA dataset includes the universe of responses to all NCHA survey waves
administered between the spring of 2000 and the spring of 2008, the longest stretch
of time around Facebook’s early expansion in which the content of the survey
remained constant.13 Colleges included in the NCHA dataset administered the sur-
vey to randomly selected classrooms, randomly selected students, or all students.
The average response rate across the survey waves for which we have such informa-
tion is 37 percent (ACHA 2000–2019). In order to assuage concerns about the pos-
sibility that the introduction of Facebook affected the composition of students who
participated in the survey, online Appendix Tables A.3 and A.10 show that, along
the demographic characteristics elicited in the NCHA survey, there are no meaning-
ful compositional changes following the introduction of Facebook. Throughout our
analysis, we limit our sample to ­full-time undergraduate students.14
The NCHA dataset is an unbalanced panel, in which colleges drop in and out.
Specifically, every college in the United States can voluntarily select into any wave
of the NCHA survey and is not required to keep administering the survey in sub-
sequent years. To account for compositional changes to the panel, our preferred
specification includes college fixed effects.
The NCHA survey does not include any questions on social media use; there-
fore, it is not possible for us to determine whether a particular survey respondent
had a Facebook account. It is, however, possible to determine whether the college
attended by the survey respondent had Facebook access at the time in which the
respondent took the survey. In order to protect the privacy of the institutions that
participate in the NCHA survey while still allowing us to carry out the analysis,
the ACHA kindly agreed to provide us with a customized dataset that includes a
variable indicating the semester in which Facebook was rolled out at each college.
Specifically, the ACHA adopted the following procedure: (i) merge our dataset con-
taining the Facebook introduction dates to the NCHA dataset; (ii) add a variable
listing the semester in which Facebook was rolled out at each college;15 (iii) strip

Section III, online Appendix B, and online Appendix C discuss our symptom measures in detail and present
an array of exercises to validate them.
Between 1998 and 2000, the survey was being ­fine-tuned and changed considerably across survey waves;
similarly, after the spring of 2008, the survey underwent a major revision that substantially limits comparability to
previous waves.
Graduate students also had access to the Facebook platform, but ­take-up was a lot smaller among graduate
students than among undergraduates (e.g., Acquisti and Gross 2006).
For the set of colleges that appear both in our i­ntroduction dates dataset and the NCHA survey, the ACHA
listed the semesters corresponding to the introduction dates in our dataset. For the set of colleges that appear
only in the NCHA dataset, we list the fall of 2005 as the semester in which Facebook was introduced at those
colleges. Such imputation is sensible in virtue of the fact that our ­introduction dates dataset ends after the spring

away any information that could allow us to identify colleges (including the specific
date in which Facebook was introduced at each college).

B. Descriptive Statistics

Online Appendix Tables A.1 and A.2 present c­ollege-level and s­tudent-level
descriptive statistics for colleges in different Facebook expansion groups.16 Online
Appendix Table A.1 shows that colleges in earlier Facebook expansion groups
are more selective in terms of test scores, larger, more likely to be on the East
Coast, and have more residential undergraduate programs than colleges in later
Facebook expansion groups. Panel A of online Appendix Table A.2, which averages
­student-level variables available in the NCHA dataset across the different Facebook
expansion groups, shows that colleges in earlier Facebook expansion groups enroll
students from relatively more advantaged economic backgrounds. Lastly, panel B of
online Appendix Table A.2 shows that students in colleges that received Facebook
relatively earlier have worse baseline mental health outcomes than students attend-
ing colleges in later Facebook expansion groups.17 The baseline differences across
Facebook expansion groups may lead one to wonder about the plausibility of the
parallel trends assumption in this setting; we address concerns related to parallel
trends in Section III.
Online Appendix Table A.1 also shows the number of colleges in the NCHA data-
set that received Facebook access in each semester between the spring of 2004 and
the fall of 2005. Other than the spring of 2004, when Facebook was first introduced,
the fraction of colleges in the NCHA dataset that received Facebook access in each
semester is fairly equally distributed across the remaining introduction semesters.

III. Empirical Strategy

Construction of the Primary Outcome Variables.—In order to mitigate concerns

about ­cherry-picking outcome variables, we consider all the questions in the NCHA
survey that are related to mental health and that inquire about a respondent’s recent
past (e.g., “Within the last school year, how many times have you felt so depressed
that it was difficult to function?”).
To impose structure on our analysis and assuage concerns about multiple
hypothesis testing, we group the individual mental health variables into nested
families and combine them into indices. The coarsest level of analysis combines
all the mental health questions (index of poor mental health); a second level of
­analysis splits symptoms of mental illness (index symptoms poor mental health) and

semester of 2005 and that, by the end of 2005, the vast majority of US colleges had been granted access to Facebook.
As shown in online Appendix A, the results are robust to dropping those colleges altogether.
Online Appendix Table A.1 was constructed by merging our Facebook expansion dates dataset with data
from IPEDS. We cannot directly provide c­ ollege-level summary statistics using the NCHA dataset, because most
­college-level information in the NCHA was stripped away for privacy reasons.
The differences in baseline mental health across Facebook expansion groups are particularly stark when
comparing the first Facebook expansion group to the other groups; among the other groups the differences are more
muted. In online Appendix A, we present and discuss a robustness check showing that our results do not signifi-
cantly change when we drop colleges in each expansion group in turn or when we interact ­college-level baseline
mental health with s­ urvey-wave fixed effects.

s­ elf-reported ­take-up of ­depression-related services (index depression services) into

separate families; a third level of analysis splits the symptoms of mental illness into
­depression-related symptoms (index of depression symptoms) and symptoms related
to other mental health conditions (index symptoms other mental health conditions);
the finest level comprises the individual variables themselves.
The index of depression symptoms includes questions that inquire as to whether
a student exhibited various symptoms of depression such as feeling hopeless,
overwhelmed, exhausted, very sad, debilitatingly depressed, seriously considered
committing suicide, or attempted suicide. The index of symptoms of other mental
health conditions includes questions that inquire as to whether a student experienced
issues related to anorexia, anxiety disorder, bulimia, and seasonal affective disorder.
The overall index of symptoms of poor mental health encompasses both sets of
The index of depression services requires a slightly more detailed discussion due
to a peculiarity in the way the questions were structured. Specifically, the NCHA
survey asked three questions about d­ epression-related services: (i) whether the
student was diagnosed with depression within the year prior to taking the survey,
(ii) whether the student was in therapy for depression at the time in which she took
the survey, and (iii) whether the student was on ­antidepressants at the time in which
she took the survey. The NCHA survey asked those questions only to students who
had given an affirmative answer to a previous question inquiring as to whether they
had ever been diagnosed with depression. Therefore, the variables related to the
three questions above should be interpreted as “having ever received a depression
diagnosis” plus “having received a depression diagnosis in the last year”, or “being
in therapy for depression,” or “taking ­antidepressants.” Under this interpretation, we
can safely impute zeros to the three questions about d­ epression-related services for
students who gave a negative answer to the question about whether they had ever
been diagnosed with depression.
Our indices are constructed as follows: first, we orient all variables that compose
an index in such a way that higher values always indicate worse mental health out-
comes; second, we standardize those variables using means and standard deviations
from the ­preperiod; third, we take an e­ qually weighted average of the index compo-
nents, excluding from the analysis observations in which any of the components are
missing; fourth, we standardize the final index. This way, our indices are essentially
Online Appendix Table A.31 lists all the variables used in our analysis, describes
their construction in detail, and includes the exact wording of the questions in the
NCHA survey that each variable is based on.

Validation of the Primary Outcome Variables.—We validate the NCHA survey

questions that form the basis of our primary outcome variables both internally and
externally. We validate the questions about symptoms of mental illness internally
by relating them to ­self-reported mental healthcare diagnoses within our dataset.
Online Appendix B presents an array of validation exercises suggesting that the

In online Appendix A, we show that are results are unchanged if we construct the indices in other ways, for
instance as described in Anderson (2008).

questions about symptoms of mental illness in the NCHA survey are indeed highly
predictive of mental illness diagnoses.
We validate the NCHA survey questions externally by conducting an original
survey on more than 500 college students. Our survey contained both the questions
from the NCHA survey that feature in the construction of our index of poor mental
health and the questions from canonical depression and generalized anxiety disor-
der screeners (the P
­ HQ-9 and General Anxiety Disorder-7 (­GAD-7), respectively)
known to be highly predictive of medical diagnoses (Kroenke, Spitzer, and Williams
2001; Spitzer et al. 2006). Online Appendix Figures A.­14 and A.15 show that our
index of poor mental health is strongly correlated with the ­PHQ-9 and ­GAD-7 scores
(correlation coefficients of 0.66 and 0.61, respectively). The validation exercise is
described in detail in online Appendix C.

Construction of the Treatment Indicator.—The construction of our treatment

indicator is straightforward but for a minor caveat. A respondent to the NCHA sur-
vey is considered treated if, at the time the respondent took the survey, Facebook
was available at her college and not treated otherwise. The caveat relates to the fact
that we cannot determine whether or not a respondent was treated when the semester
in which she took the survey coincides with the semester in which Facebook was
rolled out at her college. For most of the analysis, we disregard such observations. In
online Appendix A, we show that the results do not substantially change depending
on whether we consider those respondents treated, untreated, or whether we assign
them a treatment status of 0.5.

Identification Strategy.—The primary goal of this paper is to identify the causal

impact of social media on mental health. A naïve correlation may be plagued by
severe endogeneity concerns and, therefore, cannot credibly be given a causal inter-
pretation. Examples of such endogeneity concerns include reverse causality (e.g.,
depressed individuals could use social media more) and omitted variable bias (e.g.,
the end of a romantic relationship might lead to both worse mental health outcomes
and more free time to spend on social media).
To obtain estimates that can be more credibly interpreted as causal, we leverage
the sharp and staggered ­rollout of Facebook across US colleges in the years 2004
through 2006. Under a set of assumptions described below, the ­quasi-experimental
variation generated by the staggered Facebook r­ ollout allows us to estimate the causal
impact of social media on mental health using a generalized d­ ifference-in-differences
strategy. The strategy compares the ­before-after difference in outcomes between stu-
dents in colleges where Facebook was introduced and students in colleges that did
not change their Facebook status between the two periods.
As a baseline specification, we estimate the following ­two-way ­fixed-effect
(TWFE) model:

​Y​icgt​​  = ​α​g​​  + ​δ​t​​ + β × ​Facebook​gt​​  + ​X​  i​​ × γ + ​X  ​c​​ × ψ + ​ϵicgt

(1) ​ ​ ​​ ,​

​ ​icgt​​​represents an outcome for individual ​i​who participated in survey wave​

where ​Y
t​and attends college ​c​that belongs to expansion group ​g​; ​​α​g​​​ (or sometimes ​​α​c​​​)
indicates ­expansion-group (or college) fixed effects; ​δ​ t​ ​​​indicates s­ urvey-wave fixed

effects; ​​Facebook​gt​​​is an indicator for whether, in survey wave ​t,​ Facebook was
available at colleges in expansion group g​ ​; ​​X  ​i​​​and ​X
​ ​  c​​​are vectors of i­ ndividual-level
and c­ ollege-level controls, respectively. We estimate equation (1) using ordinary
least squares (OLS) and cluster standard errors at the college level.
To the extent that, in the absence of the Facebook ­rollout, the mental health out-
comes of students attending colleges in different Facebook expansion groups would
have evolved along parallel trends, and assuming ­college-level average treatment
effects are homogeneous across treated colleges and over time, the coefficient of
interest β​ ​identifies the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) of the intro-
duction of Facebook on student mental health.
Under the assumptions from the previous paragraph, the ­TWFE model allows us
to rule out various concerns that could otherwise impair our ability to interpret the
results as causal. First, we can rule out that the results are driven by ­time-invariant
differences in mental health across colleges. Specifically, one could worry that more
selective colleges recruit wealthier students who may have better (or worse) base-
line mental health outcomes. By including ­Facebook-expansion-group or, depend-
ing on the specification, college fixed effects we can rule out such concerns. Second,
we can rule out that our results are driven by mental health outcomes evolving over
time in a way that is common across students at different colleges. For instance,
certain macroeconomic fluctuations might influence all students’ job prospects in a
similar way, and, in turn, affect their mental health. ­Survey-wave fixed effects allow
us to rule out such concerns.
One may worry about the plausibility of the parallel trends assumption in our
setting. That is, one might worry that colleges belonging to different Facebook
expansion groups might be on different mental health trends. We address this
concern in four ways. First, we estimate a fully dynamic version of equation (1)
and check for potential p­ retrends. Second, we explore the existence of p­ retrends
by estimating a fully dynamic version of the alternative estimators introduced in
De Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille (2020); Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2021);
Callaway and Sant’Anna (2021); and Sun and Abraham (2021). Third, to the extent
that the trends are linear, we would be able to account for them in a robustness
check that includes ­expansion-group-level linear time trends. Fourth, we present
results using a specification that does not rely on our baseline c­ ollege-level par-
allel trends assumption. In particular, we present results using a specification that
includes ​college × ­survey-wave​fixed effects and that compares students within the
same college-­survey wave who were exposed to Facebook for different lengths of
time based on the year in which they entered college. These strategies, explored
in detail in later sections, should assuage concerns about violations of the parallel
trends assumption in our setting.

Limitations of TWFE Models and Suggested Remedies.—Although TWFE

regressions similar to equation (1) are the workhorse models for staggered adop-
tion research designs, they have been shown to deliver consistent estimates only
under relatively strong assumptions about homogeneity in treatment effects
(De Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille 2020; Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess 2021;
Callaway and Sant’Anna 2021; G ­ oodman-Bacon 2021; Sun and Abraham 2021).
Specifically, as shown in G­ oodman-Bacon (2021), the treatment effect ­estimate

obtained from a TWFE model is a weighted average of all possible ​ 2 × 2​

­difference-in-differences comparisons between groups of units treated at different
points in time. If treatment effects are homogeneous across treated groups and across
time, the TWFE estimator is consistent for the ATT. Conversely, if treatment effects
are heterogeneous across groups or time, the TWFE estimator does not deliver con-
sistent estimates for the ATT.
We address concerns about the reliability of TWFE estimator by replicating our
results using the robust estimators introduced in De Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille
(2020); Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2021); Callaway and Sant’Anna (2021); and
Sun and Abraham (2021). By shutting down the ​2 × 2​ ­difference-in-differences
comparisons between n­ ewly treated and ­already treated units, the robust estimators
deliver consistent estimates even in the presence of heterogeneous treatment effects
across time and/or treated units.

IV. Results

A. Baseline Results

Baseline Estimates.—Table 1 presents estimates of β ​ ​in equation (1) on our overall

index of poor mental health and shows that the introduction of Facebook at a college
had a negative impact on student mental health. The first column in the table shows
results for our simplest specification, which includes only ­Facebook-expansion-group
fixed effects, ­survey-wave fixed effects, and an indicator for ­post-Facebook intro-
duction. In the second column, we also include individual- and ­college-level control
variables. In the third column, we replace F ­ acebook-expansion-group fixed effects
with college fixed effects to account for the changing composition of our sample. In
the fourth column, we add e­ xpansion-group-level linear time trends, in order to take
into account the possibility that colleges belonging to different Facebook expan-
sion groups might be on different linear m ­ ental-health trends. Our results are fairly
stable across specifications. The point estimates decrease but remain significant at
the 5 percent level when college fixed effects and F ­ acebook-expansion-group-level
linear time trends are included.
The effect size on the index of poor mental health in our preferred specifica-
tion, namely the one that includes college rather than F ­ acebook-expansion-group
fixed effects and that does not include linear time trends, is 0.085 standard deviation
units. The effect above is estimated on the entire population of students taking the
NCHA survey, which includes both students who did and who did not ­sign up for a
Facebook account after Facebook was made available at their college. Therefore, the
point estimate captures both the direct effect of Facebook on students who joined
the platform and the indirect effect of Facebook on students who did not join the
platform, but whose peers did. Although we cannot separate these two channels in
the absence of data on an individual’s Facebook use, we note that it is unlikely that
our results are primarily driven by students who did not have a Facebook account.19

As discussed in Section I, the average penetration rate of Facebook at each college was around 85 percent.
Therefore, an effect concentrated solely among students who did not join the platform would have to be implausibly
large (approximately 0.57 standard deviations in our main specification) to be consistent with our baseline effect.

Table 1—Baseline Results: Index of Poor Mental Health

Index of poor mental health

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Post-Facebook introduction 0.137 0.124 0.085 0.077
(0.040) (0.022) (0.033) (0.032)

Observations 374,805 359,827 359,827 359,827

Survey-wave fixed effects ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Facebook-expansion-group fixed effects ✓ ✓
Controls ✓ ✓ ✓
College fixed effects ✓ ✓
FB-expansion-group linear time trends ✓

Notes: This table explores the effect of the introduction of Facebook at a college on student
mental health. Specifically, it presents estimates of coefficient β​ ​from equation (1) with our
index of poor mental health as the outcome variable. The index is standardized so that, in the
­preperiod, it has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. Column 1 estimates equa-
tion (1) without including controls; column 2 estimates equation (1) including controls; column
3, our preferred specification, replaces ­Facebook-expansion-group fixed effects with college
fixed effects; column 4 includes ­linear time trends estimated at the ­Facebook-expansion-group
level. Our controls consist of age, age squared, gender, indicators for year in school (fresh-
man, sophomore, junior, senior), indicators for race (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian,
and other), and an indicator for international student. Column 2 also includes indicators for
geographic region of college (Northeast, Midwest, West, South); such indicators are omitted
in columns 3 and 4 because they are collinear with the college fixed effects. For a detailed
description of the outcome, treatment, and control variables, see online Appendix Table A.31.
Standard errors in parentheses are clustered at the college level.

In order to help build intuition about the magnitude of our baseline effects, we
provide a few benchmarks. First, the magnitude of our baseline effect corresponds
to approximately 84 percent of the difference in the index of poor mental health
between students in our sample with and without credit card debt. Second, we
benchmark the magnitude of our estimates against the effect of a sudden unemploy-
ment spell on mental health. Comparing our estimates to the most closely related
ones in a ­meta-analysis by Paul and Moser (2009), we find that the impact of intro-
ducing Facebook at a college on mental health is around 22 percent of the effect
of job loss.20 Third, we benchmark our results against the canonical P ­ HQ-9 and
­GAD-7 mental health scales. We use data from the validation survey mentioned
in Section III and discussed in detail in online Appendix C to determine how to
weigh the variables contained in our index of poor mental health in a way that best
predicts an indicator for having depression according to the P
­ HQ-9 and an indicator
for having generalized anxiety disorder according to the G ­ AD-7. Next, we apply
these weights to the NCHA sample to predict whether a student taking the NCHA
survey would be classified as having depression or generalized anxiety disorder
according to the ­PHQ-9 and ­GAD-7. Online Appendix Table A.30 shows that the
introduction of Facebook increased by 2 percentage points the fraction of students

Paul and Moser (2009) analyze studies estimating various aspects of mental health including symptoms of
distress, depression, anxiety, psychosomatic symptoms, subjective ­well-being, and ­self-esteem. The estimates from
Paul and Moser (2009) that can most credibly be interpreted as causal and hence be compared to our estimates are
those that rely on q­ uasi-experimental variation in job loss due to factory closures and mass layoffs.

whom, according to our prediction, the ­PHQ-9 and ­GAD-7 would classify as having
depression or generalized anxiety disorder. The 2 percentage point increase corre-
sponds to a 9 percent increase over the p­ reperiod mean of 25 percent for depression
and a 12 percent increase over the ­preperiod mean of 16 percent for generalized
anxiety disorder.21
As a final benchmark, we leverage additional assumptions to compare our results
to ­long-run mental health trends. The effect we find on the share of students who
suffered from severe depression at least once in the last year is approximately
24 percent of the increase in that share between 2000 and 2019.22 This number can
be interpreted as the fraction of the increase in the prevalence of severe depression
among college students that is explained by Facebook. Such calculation relies on
strong assumptions and should therefore be interpreted with caution. Specifically,
we assumed that (i) Facebook utilization rates among college students did not
change substantially after ­2004–2005; (ii) the effects of Facebook did not change
over time; (iii) Facebook does not have cumulative effects.23
Figure 1 presents results on our individual outcome variables and shows that
most of the dimensions of mental health in our dataset were negatively affected by
the introduction of Facebook.24 For all but one of the mental health outcomes from
Figure 1, the point estimates are positive, which indicates worsened mental health.
The conditions that appear to be most affected are depression and a­ nxiety-related
disorders, while the point estimates on anorexia and bulimia are close to zero.25 The
effect on severe depression is similar in magnitude to the effect observed in Allcott
et al. (2020) on whether a respondent felt depressed in the past month (0.07 versus
0.09 standard deviations, respectively). This striking similarity is consistent with
the possibility that the effects of the introduction of Facebook on depression are due
primarily to direct use rather than general equilibrium effects. Having said that, the
substantive differences between the studies, including the time period, target popu-
lation, and empirical strategy, call for caution when drawing conclusions from such
The bottom section of Figure 1 also presents suggestive evidence that the intro-
duction of Facebook at a college might have increased the extent to which students

This exercise is discussed in more detail in online Appendix C.
Data on the prevalence of severe depression among students come from ACHA reports containing aggre-
gate statistics about mental health (ACHA 2000–2019). Since the wording of the question inquiring about severe
depression changed in 2008 and caused a clear series break, we calculate the trend in depression by regressing the
share of severely depressed students on year dummies, on whether the survey was conducted in the spring or fall,
and on whether the survey contained the new wording. We define the trend in depression as the point estimate of
the 2019 fixed effect dummy. According to our calculation, the share of severely depressed students increased by
approximately 12 percentage points between 2000 and 2019. Based on our main specification, the introduction of
Facebook at a college increased the share of students who reported suffering from severe depression at least once
in the past year by 2.96 percentage points ( ​p-value ​< 0.05​). Hence, the effect of the introduction of Facebook is
approximately 24 percent (​2.96/12.15​) of the increase in depression rates between 2000 and 2019.
Section IVC, which shows that the negative effects of Facebook on mental health become stronger with lon-
ger exposure to the platform, already casts some doubt on assumption (iii).
Online Appendix Table A.4 provides regression results for the individual mental health variables in both
normalized (standard deviation) units and u­nnormalized (original) units. The table also provides unadjusted
​p​-values and “sharpened” false discovery rate-adjusted ​q​-values following the procedure of Benjamini, Krieger,
and Yekutieli (2006), as outlined by Anderson (2008). The ​p​-values are appropriate for readers with a priori interest
in a particular outcome; the q​ ​-values adjust the inference for multiple hypotheses testing.
Similar patterns can be observed in online Appendix Figure A.5 which is a version of Figure 1 with
­expansion-group-specific linear trends.

Depression symptoms Last year felt hopeless

Last year felt overwhelmed
Last year felt exhausted
Last year felt very sad
Last year severely depressed
Last year seriously considered suicide
Last year attempted suicide
Last year depression
Index symptoms depression

Last year anorexia


Last year anxiety disorder


Last year bulimia

Last year seasonal affective disorder
Index symptoms other conditions

Last year depression diagnosis


Therapy depression
Current medication depression
Index depression services

Index poor mental health

−0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15

Treatment effect (standard deviations)

Figure 1. Effects of the Introduction of Facebook on Student Mental Health

Notes: This figure explores the effects of the introduction of Facebook at a college on all our m­ ental-health outcome
variables and on the related indices. Specifically, it presents estimates of coefficient ​β​from equation (1) using our
preferred specification, namely the one including ­survey-wave fixed effects, college fixed effects, and controls. The
outcome variables are our overall index of poor mental health, the individual components of the index, and three
­subindices: the index of depression symptoms, the index of symptoms of other mental health conditions, and the
index of depression services. All outcomes are standardized so that, in the p­ reperiod, they have a mean of zero and a
standard deviation of one. Our controls consist of age, age squared, gender, indicators for year in school (freshman,
sophomore, junior, senior), indicators for race (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, and other), and an indicator
for international student. The reason why the point estimate on an index might be relatively large compared to the
point estimates on each of the components of the index is that averaging across the index components reduces noise
and, as a consequence, might increase the effect size measured in standard deviation units. For a detailed description
of the outcome, treatment, and control variables, see online Appendix Table A.31. The bars represent 95 ­percent
confidence intervals. Standard errors are clustered at the college level.

took up ­depression-related services. For all three items comprising the index of
depression services (receiving an official depression diagnosis, going to therapy
for depression, and taking a­ ntidepressants) the point estimates are positive, though
not significant at conventional levels.26 Finding a more muted average effect on
­depression-related services than on depression symptoms is arguably in line with
intuition, in that an increase in symptoms of poor mental health induces the marginal
student, rather than the average student, to take up mental healthcare services.27
In Section IVB below, we show that students who, based on immutable baseline

Note that, given the low average t­ake-up of these services, the estimates represent large increases over
the baseline mean. For a­ntidepressants and psychotherapy, the point estimates represent an increase of about
13 percent and 20 percent over the baseline mean, respectively.
The argument above relies on the baseline propensity to experience mental illness likely being normally
distributed in the population (Plomin, Haworth, and Davis 2009) and the intuition that only individuals above a

c­ haracteristics, are predicted to be most susceptible to mental illness—and therefore

more likely to be on the margin of receiving a depression diagnosis—are indeed
significantly more likely to take up d­ epression-related services after the introduction
of Facebook.

Event Study Figures.—In order to test for parallel trends and study the dynamics
of treatment effects, we estimate an event-­study version of the TWFE model with
indicators for distance to/from the introduction of Facebook. Specifically, we esti-
mate the following specification:
​Y​igt​​  = ​α​g​​  + ​δ​t​​  + ​β​k​​  × ​  ∑ ​​​D​
(2) ​ ​ k(​gt)​​​  + ​ϵ​igt​​  ,​

where ​Y​ ​igt​​​is our index of poor mental health and ​D

​ ​k(​gt)​​​​ is set of indicator variables
that take value one if, for expansion group ​g​in survey wave ​t​, the introduction of
Facebook was ​k​semesters away. When estimating the model using OLS, we treat
students who took the survey in the semester just before Facebook was rolled out
at their college as the omitted category and compare them to students who took the
NCHA survey in other semesters.
As discussed in Sun and Abraham (2021), the f­ ully dynamic version of the TWFE
model in equation (2) estimated using OLS delivers consistent estimates only under
relatively strong assumptions regarding treatment effect homogeneity. In order to
allow for heterogeneity in treatment effects across time and treated units, we also
present the event study figures generated by a set of r­ecently proposed estimators
that are robust to treatment effect heterogeneity (De Chaisemartin and d’Hault-
foeuille 2020; Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess 2021; Callaway and Sant’Anna 2021;
Sun and Abraham 2021).
Figure 2 presents the e­ vent-study figures and shows that the estimates are con-
sistent with the parallel trends assumption: independently of the estimator used, the
coefficients on the semesters prior to the introduction of Facebook at a college are
all close to zero and exhibit no discernible p­ retrends.28 Figure 2 also sheds light
on the dynamics of treatment effects: all the r­ecently developed robust estimators
show treatment effects that increase over time in the p­ ostperiods.29 The increase
in treatment effects over time could be explained by (i) higher adoption rates at a
college over time; (ii) higher intensity of usage at the individual level over time;
(iii) the effects becoming stronger as a function of length of exposure to the plat-
form. Given the evidence presented in Section I on the rapid and widespread pen-
etration of Facebook at each college and evidence that intensity of usage did not

certain threshold in the right tail of the distribution experience sufficiently severe symptoms to seek out mental
healthcare services.
Online Appendix Figure A.4 shows the TWFE OLS estimates of a version of equation (2) that considers
each of the first three Facebook expansion groups in turn and compares it to the last Facebook expansion group.
These figures are constructed at the yearly level to reduce noise arising from the smaller number of observations.
Consistent with Facebook having a negative impact on student mental health, in all the pairwise comparisons, all
the estimates in the p­ ostperiod are positive and most are statistically significant while the estimates in the p­ reperiod
are not statistically different from zero.
Contrary to the ­recently developed robust estimators, the OLS estimator shows a relatively flat trend in the
­postperiod. This is likely because, in the case of d­ ynamically increasing treatment effects, the OLS estimator, which
uses ­already treated units as controls for ­newly treated units, exhibits a downward bias.

Event study estimators

Borusyak et al. Sun-Abraham

Callaway-Sant'Anna TWFE OLS

0.4 de Chaisemartin-D’Haultfoeuille
Average effect (std. dev.)



−8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2
Periods since the event
Figure 2. Effects of Facebook on the Index of Poor Mental Health Based on Distance to/from Facebook

Notes: This figure overlays the ­event-study plots constructed using five different estimators: a dynamic version of
the TWFE model, equation (2), estimated using OLS (in black with square markers); Sun and Abraham (2021) (in
green with triangle markers); Callaway and Sant’Anna (2021) (in blue with diamond markers); De Chaisemartin
and d’Haultfoeuille (2020) (in red with cross markers); and Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2021) (in orange with
circle markers). The outcome variable is our overall index of poor mental health. The time variable is the survey
wave and the treatment group variable is given by the semester in which the college attended by the student was
granted Facebook access. The figure displays only two p­ ostperiods because the estimation of additional post peri-
ods would require employing ­already treated units as controls for ­newly treated units. In the presence of heteroge-
neous dynamic treatment effects, such comparisons would bias the estimation and, therefore, they are shut down by
all the n­ ewly introduced robust estimators. As a result, the maximum number of ­postperiods that can be estimated
robustly is two. For the Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2021) estimator, we estimate four ­preperiods since esti-
mating more p­ reperiods dramatically increases the standard errors in the p­ reperiod (Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess
2021, p. 24). Similarly, for the estimator by De Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille (2020), the maximum number
of ­preperiods that can be estimated in our panel is only five. In order to estimate the standard errors for the ​t + 2​
estimate, the De Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille (2020) estimator includes controls for age and age squared. For
appropriate estimation of the coefficients on ​t = −8​and ​t = −7​using the Sun and Abraham (2021) estimator,
we include data from additional p­ reperiods, even though, in those p­ reperiods, we do not observe all four Facebook
expansion groups (Sun and Abraham 2021, p. 13). For a detailed description of the outcome and treatment vari-
ables, see online Appendix Table A.31. The bars represent 95 percent confidence intervals. Standard errors are clus-
tered at the college level.

increase substantially over time (Stutzman 2006; Lampe, Ellison, and Steinfield,
2008), we tentatively lean in favor of the ­length-of-exposure explanation. We fur-
ther study the effects of differential length of exposure to Facebook at the individual
level in Section IVC.

B. Heterogeneity

Heterogeneity by Predicted Susceptibility to Mental Illness.—In order to study

whether the introduction of Facebook at a college led students on the margin of
a depression diagnosis to take up ­depression-related services, we proceed in two
steps: first, we estimate a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO)
to identify individuals who, based on baseline immutable characteristics, are more

susceptible to mental illness. Second, we show heterogeneous treatment effects

based on our ­LASSO-predicted measure of susceptibility to mental illness.
The LASSO prediction is generated as follows: first, we construct an indicator
that equals one if a student has ever been diagnosed with a mental health condi-
tion. Second, we consider a set of immutable ­individual-level characteristics (age,
year in school, gender, race, an indicator for US citizenship, and height), generate
all t­wo-way interactions between these characteristics, and generate second- and
­third-order monomials of each characteristic. Third, we implement a LASSO proce-
dure in the ­preperiod to predict our indicator for ever having been diagnosed with a
mental health condition based on the immutable ­individual-level characteristics and
functions thereof described above.
In order to test the quality of the prediction, we plot our measure of predicted
susceptibility to mental illness against our index of poor mental health. Online
Appendix Figure A.7 shows a strong relationship between the index of poor mental
health and our predicted measure of susceptibility to mental illness.
Armed with our LASSO prediction, we can study how the introduction of
Facebook at a college affected students across the m ­ ental-illness-susceptibility spec-
trum, and whether it induced students who are more likely to be on the margin of a
depression diagnosis to seek out ­depression-related services such as psychotherapy.
The upper left panel of Figure 3 presents the estimated effects on the index of poor
mental health across quintiles of our L­ ASSO-predicted measure of susceptibility to
mental illness.30 As shown in the figure, the effects of the introduction of Facebook
on symptoms of poor mental health tend to be stronger for individuals with a higher
baseline risk of developing mental illness.31
The upper right panel of Figure 3 shows that the introduction of Facebook on the
­take-up of ­depression-related services exhibits a similar pattern. We find weak pos-
itive effects throughout the distribution of predicted susceptibility to mental illness,
though for most quintiles the point estimates are fairly small and not statistically
significant. The effects become more pronounced for individuals in the top quintile;
in particular, the point estimate on the top quintile is relatively large in magnitude
(0.063 standard deviations) and four times as large as the point estimate on the bot-
tom quintile. As indicated in column 2 of online Appendix Table A.5, the difference
between the coefficients for the top and the bottom quintiles is significant at the 1 per-
cent level. These results suggest that, indeed, students who are predicted to be most
susceptible to mental illness—and therefore more likely to seek mental ­healthcare

Specifically, we estimate the following modification of equation (1):

(3) ​
​Yi​cgt​​  = ​α​c​​  + ​δ​t​​  + ​β​q​​  × ​Facebook​gt​​  × ​MHSusceptQ​i​​ + ζ × ​MHSusceptQ​i​​  + ​X​  i​​ × γ + ​X  ​c​​ × ψ + ​ϵi​cgt​​ ,​

where ​M ​ HSusceptQ​i​​​are the quintiles of i​ ​’s predicted susceptibility to mental illness. Figure 3 presents the estimates
of ​​β​q​​​. Online Appendix Table A.5 presents these estimates in a table form, together with ​p​-values for comparisons
between the first quintile and other quintiles.
We note that, for predicting baseline susceptibility to mental illness, the stock variable of “having ever been
diagnosed” with a mental illness is arguably more relevant than the flow variable of having exhibited a certain
symptom in the past year, because the former captures information covering a longer time span. Online Appendix
Figure A.10 examines robustness of our results to an alternative measure of susceptibility to mental illness based on
a LASSO regression predicting whether a respondent’s index of poor mental health is in the top 10 percent of the
­preperiod sample. The results are qualitatively similar. As shown in a corresponding online Appendix Table A.6,
the coefficient for the top quintile remains statistically different from the coefficient for the bottom quintile at the
10 percent level for all outcomes.

Index symptoms poor mental health Index depression services

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0

−0.05 −0.05
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Quintile of predicted susceptibility Quintile of predicted susceptibility
to mental illness to mental illness

Index downstream effects





1 2 3 4 5

Quintile of predicted susceptibility

to mental illness

Figure 3. Heterogeneous Effects by Predicted Susceptibility to Mental Illness

Notes: This figure explores the extent to which the effects of the introduction of Facebook at a college are hetero-
geneous depending on students’ predicted susceptibility to mental illness. Specifically, it presents the estimates
from equation (3) in which our indicator for ­post-Facebook introduction is interacted with a set of indicators for
belonging to each quintile of a ­LASSO-predicted measure of susceptibility to mental illness. The outcome variable
in the t­op-left panel is our index of symptoms of poor mental health; the outcome variable in the t­op-right panel
is our index of depression services; the outcome variable in the ­bottom-left panel is our index measuring whether
students reported that conditions related to poor mental health negatively affected their academic performance. All
indices are standardized so that, in the ­preperiod, they have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. The esti-
mates (also displayed in online Appendix Table A.5) are obtained using our preferred specification, namely the one
including s­ urvey-wave fixed effects, college fixed effects, and controls. Our controls consist of age, age squared,
gender, indicators for year in school (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), indicators for race (White, Black,
Hispanic, Asian, Indian, and other), and an indicator for international student. For a detailed description of the out-
come, treatment, interaction, and control variables, see online Appendix Table A.31. The bars represent 95 percent
confidence intervals. Standard errors are clustered at the college level.

due to a worsening in symptoms—are more likely to take up ­depression-related

services such as psychotherapy for depression and ­antidepressants as a result of the
introduction of Facebook.

Other Dimensions of Heterogeneity.—Online Appendix Figure A.6 estimates

heterogeneous effects across several baseline characteristics. Consistent with sur-
veys showing that women use social media more often and are more likely to report
using Facebook for longer than they intend, we find suggestive evidence that the

results are larger among women (Thompson and Lougheed 2012; Lin et al. 2016).32
We also find stronger effects on ­non-Hispanic Whites, and a weaker effect on inter-
national students, younger students, and fi
­ rst-years.

C. Effects Based on Length of Exposure to Facebook

The effects of the introduction of Facebook estimated thus far leverage varia-
tion that occurs at the college-­survey-wave level. Our dataset also features varia-
tion at the college-­survey-wave–­year-in-school level that we can leverage to study
the effects of length of exposure to Facebook at the level of individual students.
For instance, in the early spring of 2006, a freshman at Harvard would have been
exposed to Facebook for one full semester, whereas a senior at Harvard would have
been exposed for more than three full semesters.
In order to study the effects of length of exposure to Facebook at the level of
individual students, we estimate a version of equation (1) with ­individual-level
treatment intensity. In this alternative specification, we include a ­student-level treat-
ment component that equals the number of semesters that the student had access to
Facebook given: (i) the college the student attends; (ii) the survey wave the student
participated in; and (iii) the year in which the student started college. Specifically,
we estimate the following equation:
​Y​icgt​​  = ​α​c​​  + ​δ​t​​  + ​  ∑ ​​​ ​βk​ ​​  × ​Semesters​k(​ict)​​ ​ + ​X​  i​​ × γ + ​ϵi​cgt​​ ,​
(4) ​

where ​​Semesters​k(​ict)​​​​is a set of indicators that equal one if student ​i​at college c​ ​ in
­survey-wave ​t​had access to Facebook for ​k​semesters. The number of treated semes-
ters is calculated as ​k = ​FB​gt​​  × ​(t − max​{​τ​i​​, ​τ​c}​​ ​)​​; ​t​represents time in semesters;​​
τ​c​​​represents the semester in which Facebook was introduced at college c​ ​ attended
by student i​ ​; ​​τ​i​​​represents the semester in which student i​ ​started studying at college​
c​; and, as before, ​​FB​gt​​​is the indicator function for whether Facebook was available
at student i​’​s college ​c​by time ​t​.33
Figure 4 displays the estimates of ​β ​ ​k​​​and shows that the negative effects of the
introduction of Facebook on mental health worsen the longer students are exposed
to Facebook. Online Appendix Table A.7 presents the results in a regression frame-
work where we assume that the effects grow linearly over time. The table shows
that the number of treated semesters has a significant effect on our main index, on
symptoms of poor mental health, and on the utilization of d­ epression-related health-
care services.
Since the index of depression services only comprises binary variables that have
a straightforward ­yes/no interpretation, we provide intuition for the magnitude
of our results by presenting the effects on each component of the index of poor

Furthermore, baseline prevalence of depression is found to be higher among women, across different nations,
cultures, and age groups (­Nolen-Hoeksema and Hilt 2008; Albert 2015; Salk, Hyde, and Abramson 2017). Thus,
the slightly stronger effects among women are also consistent with studies showing that women are more likely to
be affected by certain mental illnesses.
Students who entered college in 2006 might have been exposed to Facebook already in ­high school, because,
starting in September 2005, college students with Facebook access could invite h­ igh school students to join the
platform. We exclude cohorts of students who might have been exposed to Facebook in high school from the
­length-of-exposure analysis. Including them does not meaningfully affect the results.




0 1 2 3 4 5
Treatment length in semesters

Figure 4. Effect on Poor Mental Health by Length of Exposure to Facebook

Notes: This figure explores the effects of length of exposure to Facebook on our index of poor mental health by
presenting estimates of equation (4). The index is standardized so that, in the ­preperiod, it has a mean of zero and
a standard deviation of one. The dashed curve is the quadratic curve of best fit. Our controls consist of age, age
squared, gender, indicators for year in school (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), indicators for race (White,
Black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, and other), and an indicator for international student. Students who entered college
in 2006 might have been exposed to Facebook already in ­high school, because, starting in September 2005, college
students with Facebook access could invite h­ igh school students to join the platform. Such students are excluded
from the regression. For a detailed description of the outcome, treatment, and control variables, see online Appendix
Table A.31. The bars represent 95 percent confidence intervals. Standard errors are clustered at the college level.

mental health services in original units. Specifically, online Appendix Table A.8
shows that being exposed to Facebook for five semesters increases the probability
that a student is diagnosed with depression by around 32 percent, the probability
that a student is in therapy for depression by around 50 percent, and the probability
that a student is on ­antidepressants by around 33 percent.

D. Robustness Checks and Alternative Explanations

Robustness Checks.—Online Appendix A describes a battery of exercises that

probe the robustness of our estimates. The exercises include various placebo tests
on variables that should not be affected by the introduction of Facebook and mod-
ified versions of our main specifications that take into account a host of possible
concerns related to (i) the construction of our index of poor mental health, (ii) the
construction of our treatment variable, (iii) particular Facebook expansion groups
driving the effects, (iv) particular variables driving the effects, (v) the parallel
trends assumption, and (vi) the level at which standard errors are clustered. We
highlight one of our most convincing robustness check, which consists of a vari-
ant of the ­length-of-exposure specification from Section IVC that includes college
by ­survey-wave ­fixed effects. Such specification, which delivers estimates consis-
tent with the hypothesis that longer exposure to Facebook has a negative impact on

student mental health, does not rely on our baseline ­college-level parallel trends
assumption for identification.

Stigma as an Alternative Explanation.—One might worry that Facebook affected

the stigma associated with mental illness and that our results may not reflect an
increase in the prevalence of mental illness per se but rather an increase in willing-
ness to discuss it. To formally investigate the role of stigma, we adopt a t­ hree-pronged
strategy. First, we collected all the college newspaper articles containing the word
Facebook published around the time of Facebook’s expansion and checked whether
any of them mention stigma in relation to mental health. While we do find articles
hinting at potential negative effects of Facebook on mental health, we do not find
any articles mentioning stigma. Second, we study whether the fraction of missing
answers to the mental health questions in the NCHA survey was affected by the
introduction of Facebook. If Facebook made people more comfortable discussing
mental illness, we would expect to observe fewer missing answers after the introduc-
tion of Facebook.34 Consistent with the effects being driven by increased prevalence
of mental illness rather than by stigma, online Appendix Table A.18 shows that the
prevalence of missing answers was not affected by the introduction of Facebook.
Third, in Section V, we present evidence that the introduction of Facebook did not
affect the reporting of other stigmatized conditions, such as being a victim of sexual
assault or consuming illegal drugs. Furthermore, we find no detectable effects of
the introduction of Facebook on eating disorders, even though such conditions are
often highly stigmatized (Puhl and Suh 2015). If reduction in stigma was indeed the
driving force behind our results, it would be surprising not to find similar effects on
other stigmatized behaviors and conditions.

E. Downstream Implications of Poor Mental Health

Does the effect of Facebook on mental health have negative downstream reper-
cussions on academic performance? According to the students’ reports, the answer
is affirmative.
One of the NCHA survey questions inquires as to whether various conditions
affected the students’ academic performance. The conditions related to mental
health are attention deficit disorder, depression/anxiety disorder/seasonal affec-
tive disorder, eating disorders, stress, and sleep difficulties.35 The main advantage
of analyzing these questions is that they trace a pathway from the introduction of
Facebook to perceptions of worsened academic performance via poor mental health.
It is important to emphasize, however, that we do not directly measure effects on
grades, and that we do not rule out potential positive effects of Facebook on stu-
dents’ academic performance due to channels unrelated to mental health, such as
improved teamwork.36

Indeed, missing values are more common in the NCHA survey among sensitive questions (Kays, Gathercoal,
and Buhrow 2012).
According to the DSM-5, sleep difficulties are a symptom of depression (APA 2013). Similarly, stress has
been associated with depression (Yang et al. 2015).
The NCHA dataset does include a question inquiring about the students’ cumulative GPA, but the effects of
the introduction of Facebook on cumulative GPA are small and noisy. This is likely because the answer options to

Academic performance attention deficit

Academic performance depression/anxiety/

seasonal affective disorder

Academic performance eating disorder

Academic performance sleep difficulty

Academic performance stress

Index downstream effects

−0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15

Treatment effect (standard deviations)

Figure 5. Downstream Effects on Academic Performance

Notes: This figure explores downstream effects of the introduction of Facebook on the students’ academic per-
formance. It presents estimates of coefficient ​β​ from equation (1) using our preferred specification, including
­survey-wave fixed effects, college fixed effects, and controls. The outcome variables are answers to questions
inquiring as to whether various mental health conditions affected the students’ academic performance and our
index of downstream effects. All outcomes are standardized so that, in the ­preperiod, they have a mean of zero and
a standard deviation of one. For a detailed description of the outcome, treatment, and control variables, see online
Appendix Table A.31. The bars represent 95 percent confidence intervals. Standard errors are clustered at the col-
lege level.

Figure 5 presents estimates of equation (1) and shows how the introduction of
Facebook affected each of the measures described in the previous paragraph. All
the point estimates are positive and the coefficient for an e­ qually weighted index
summarizing them is positive and significant, suggesting that, after the introduction
of Facebook, students were more likely to report that their academic performance
was impaired as a result of poor mental health. The effect size on the index is 0.067
standard deviation units. Consistent with our evidence suggesting that depression
and ­anxiety-related disorders are the conditions most severely affected by the intro-
duction of Facebook, we find the largest effect on the depression/anxiety-disor-
der/seasonal-affective-disorder measure. The number of students who reported that
those conditions impaired their academic performance increased by 3 percentage
points over a baseline of 13 percent. Finally, the ­bottom-left panel in Figure 3 and
column 3 of online Appendix Table A.5 show that the negative effect of poor mental
health on ­self-reported academic performance is especially pronounced among the
students who are predicted to be most susceptible to mental illnesses.

the GPA question are rather coarse (A, B, C, D/F), because cumulative GPA is a stock variable whose value might
largely be determined before the introduction of Facebook at a college, and because students might receive grades
based on relative rather than absolute performance. We note that, when analyzing questions on how mental health
conditions affected academic performance, it is possible to find an effect even if students are graded on a curve. In
particular, students’ absolute performance and perception thereof can decrease as a result of the introduction of

V. Mechanisms

Recent scholarship identified two main channels whereby Facebook might directly
affect mental health: unfavorable social comparisons (Appel, Gerlach, and Crusius
2016) and disruptive internet use (Griffiths, Kuss, and Demetrovics 2014). Another,
albeit indirect, possibility is that the introduction of Facebook might lead to behav-
ioral changes that, in turn, affect mental health. We present evidence related to each
set of mechanisms in turn. Overall, our evidence is mostly consistent with the unfa-
vorable social comparisons channel.

Unfavorable Social Comparisons.—Facebook and other social media platforms

make it easier for people to compare themselves to members of their social net-
works.37 Such social comparisons, if unfavorable, could be detrimental to users’
­self-esteem and mental health (Vogel et al. 2014).38
Theoretically, the set of individuals who might be negatively affected by social
comparisons is unclear. A simple model of social comparisons might posit that
individuals compare themselves to the median member of their group along some
dimension of interest (e.g., popularity, wealth, or looks).39 If social media users are
sophisticated, they will be able to extract accurate information from social media
platforms about their relative ranking v­ is-à-vis their peers along the dimension of
interest. In that case, we might expect around half of social media users to benefit
from social comparisons and about half to suffer from them. Conversely, if social
media users are to some extent naïve, they will fail to understand that the content
that their peers post on social media is likely to be highly curated rather than repre-
sentative (Appel, Gerlach, and Crusius 2016). In that case, they will systematically
underestimate their relative ranking ­vis-à-vis their peers and, as a result, more than
half of them will perceive social comparisons on Facebook as unfavorable.
In this section, we present evidence showing that (i) ­subpopulations which, in
virtue of their baseline characteristics, might be more likely to suffer from social
comparisons exhibit larger effects;40 (ii) the introduction of Facebook did not cor-
rect the students’ misperceptions about their peers’ social lives and, in some cases,
exacerbated them. The latter piece of evidence is consistent with students exhibiting
a degree of naïveté in interpreting the information conveyed through social media.
Figure 6 shows that the introduction of Facebook at a college affected more
severely the mental health of students who might be more likely to be affected by
unfavorable social comparisons. The figure plots estimates of the coefficient on the
interaction between our treatment indicator and various moderators in a regression

Indeed, surveys reveal that college students generally used Facebook to learn more about their class-
mates or about individuals they already knew offline, and used it less often to meet new people (Lampe, Ellison,
and Steinfield 2008).
We consider “fear of missing out" (FoMO) as being related to social comparisons, though we recognize that
certain features of the phenomenon may not be fully captured by social comparisons. In relation to social media,
FoMO refers to the idea that social media platforms might make users more aware of the existence of exciting
events that they are missing out on.
Individuals could compare themselves to some other percentile of the distribution. The higher the percentile,
the larger the set of individuals who would suffer from an increase in the ability to engage in social comparisons.
Such s­ ubpopulations are expected to exhibit larger effects independently of whether, in general, social media
users are naive or sophisticated.

Off-campus living

Post Facebook introduction Not in fraternity/sorority

Credit-card debt



Index social comparisons

−0.08 −0.04 0 0.04 0.08

Interaction coefficient (standard deviations)

Figure 6. Heterogeneous Effects as Evidence of Unfavorable Social Comparisons

Notes: This figure explores the mechanisms behind the effects of Facebook on mental health. It presents estimates
from a version of equation (1) in which our treatment indicator is interacted with a set of indicators for belonging
to a certain s­ ubpopulation of students. The outcome variable is our overall index of poor mental health. The esti-
mates are obtained using our preferred specification, namely the one including s­ urvey-wave fixed effects, college
fixed effects, and controls. For a detailed description of the outcome, treatment, interaction, and control variables,
see online Appendix Table A.31. The bars represent 95 percent confidence intervals. Standard errors are clustered
at the college level.

with our index of poor mental health as the outcome variable. Specifically, we con-
sider the following ­subpopulations of students: (i) students who live o­ ff campus
and are therefore less likely to participate in ­on-campus social life, (ii) students
who have weaker offline social networks as measured by not belonging to a frater-
nity or sorority organization, (iii) students who have lower socioeconomic status
as measured by carrying credit card debt or working ­part-time alongside studying,
and (iv) students who are overweight. We generate an index of social comparisons
based on the variables above and consider, as an additional moderator, an indicator
that takes value one if a student is above the median value of the index of social
comparisons. All of the point estimates are positive and we find a strong and sta-
tistically significant effect on the index, on students living o­ ff campus, and on stu-
dents with credit card debt. Consistent with the social comparison mechanism, the
introduction of Facebook has particularly detrimental effects on the mental health
of students who might view themselves as comparing unfavorably to their peers.41
To test whether the introduction of Facebook affected the students’ beliefs
about their peers’ social lives, we estimate the impact of the r­ollout of Facebook
on all s­urvey questions that elicit students’ perceptions of their peers’ drinking

Of course, we cannot rule out that the s­ubpopulations above exhibit larger effects for reasons other than
social comparisons. One concern we can rule out is that such s­ ubpopulations exhibit larger effects because they
have worse baseline mental health. Online Appendix Figure A.11 shows a version of Figure 6 in which we include
as an additional control our treatment indicator interacted with our i­ndividual-level L
­ ASSO-predicted measure of
susceptibility to mental illness. The results are not meaningfully affected.

behaviors.42 Specifically, we study the following three sets of beliefs: (i) beliefs
about the number of alcoholic drinks the typical student has at a party, (ii) beliefs
about the share of the student population who has had an alcoholic drink in the
month before the survey, and (iii) beliefs about the share of the student population
who drinks alcohol on a regular basis. Online Appendix Table A.19a finds a pos-
itive and significant effect on each of the three outcomes above and on an ­equally
weighted index summarizing the three outcomes. Furthermore, online Appendix
Table A.20 shows that the effects on perceptions are particularly pronounced for
students who live ­off campus and who, therefore, have to rely more heavily on social
media when estimating their peers’ behaviors.43
Did Facebook affect beliefs about alcohol consumption because it led students
to actually drink more, or did Facebook affect beliefs without a concurrent increase
in drinking behaviors? Online Appendix Table A.19b shows that the effects on
­self-reported alcohol usage are substantially smaller than the effects on perceptions,
suggesting that the effects on perceptions are unlikely to be driven by a change in
actual behavior.44
If peers’ behaviors did not change, why did Facebook affect perceptions? One
option is that baseline perceptions were incorrect and the additional information
provided on Facebook corrected such misperceptions. An alternative explanation
is that Facebook led students to update their beliefs, but without aligning them
more closely to reality. Online Appendix Table A.21 shows that the introduction of
Facebook at a college did not lead students to develop more accurate perceptions
about their peers’ drinking behaviors and, for one of the outcomes, significantly
exacerbated misperceptions. Specifically, the table estimates the effects on the dif-
ference between a student’s perception of the alcohol consumption of the typical
student at her college and the actual typical consumption at the student’s college
calculated using ­self-reported alcohol usage in the student’s college-­survey wave.
The results are consistent with students failing to fully take into account the fact that
the content they see on social media is a curated rather than representative portrayal
of their peers’ lives. Such naïveté could lead to distorted beliefs and exacerbate the
effects of social comparisons.45

We focus on drinking behavior because alcohol is the most commonly consumed intoxicant among college
students and because the NCHA survey includes several questions on ­drinking-related perceptions.
Online Appendix Table A.25 provides suggestive evidence that perceptions regarding other students’ sexual
behavior may have also been affected by the introduction of Facebook. Conversely, online Appendix Table A.27
shows that perceptions regarding the usage of illicit substances did not change. Finding effects on the perceptions
of alcohol consumption but not on the perceptions of drug consumption is consistent with the fact that drink-
ing and positive references to alcohol were common on Facebook profiles at the time, whereas images of stu-
dents using drugs were very rare (Watson, Smith, and Driver 2006; Kolek and Saunders 2008; Morgan, Snelson,
and ­Elison-Bowers 2010)
If the introduction of Facebook decreased the stigma related to alcohol consumption, our results about alcohol
usage could be biased (see also our discussion of stigma in the context of mental health in Section IVD). Although
we cannot rule out the possibility that changes in stigma due to the introduction of Facebook had an effect specif-
ically on a­ lcohol-related questions, such bias would, if anything, make our results even starker. Specifically, if the
introduction of Facebook reduced the stigma around underage drinking, the actual effect on alcohol usage would be
smaller than the effect we estimate. Thus, the gap between the changes in usage and changes in perceptions would
be even larger than the effect we currently estimate.
Although it is easy to imagine that Facebook users might learn over time how to interpret the content they are
exposed to on social media, a recent review of the psychology literature points to social comparisons as a concern
that is relevant to this day (Verduyn et al. 2020).

Disruptive Internet Use.—The second direct channel whereby social media

may negatively affect mental health is disruptive internet use (Griffiths, Kuss,
and Demetrovics 2014). Specifically, some scholars argue that social media use
might disrupt concentration, impair people’s ability to focus, and lead to anxiety
(e.g., Paul, Baker, and Cochran 2012; Meier, Reinecke, and Meltzer 2016).
We do not find significant evidence supporting the disruptive internet use chan-
nel. The main survey question that speaks to disruptive internet use asks students
whether the internet or computer games affected their academic performance.
Students could answer that the issue affected their academic performance, that they
experienced the issue but it did not affect their performance, and that they did not
experience the issue. If, after the introduction of Facebook at their college, students
found the internet more distracting and had a harder time focusing because of it, we
would expect a larger number of students to answer that they experienced the inter-
net or computer games as an issue and that it affected their academic performance.
Online Appendix Table A.22 shows that the share of students experiencing internet
or computer games as an issue increased by around 5 percent, but the effect is not
statistically significant.

Other Behaviors.—The introduction of Facebook at a college might have led

students to engage or refrain from engaging in a set of other behaviors that have
some bearing on mental health. For instance, the r­ollout of Facebook might have
popularized illicit drug use.
Online Appendix Tables A.23, A.24, and A.26 present estimates of the effects
of the introduction of Facebook using equation (1) on various offline behaviors
measured in the survey that could plausibly affect mental health. Comfortingly,
we do not find any effects on sexual assaults. Similarly, none of the outcomes
related to relationships and drug use exhibit significant effects. Combined with
the null results on drinking behaviors (online Appendix Table A.19b), we do not
find much evidence that the introduction of Facebook at a college had meaningful
effects on various ­self-reported behaviors that could have a bearing on mental

VI. Discussion

In this section, we elaborate on the extent to which our findings have the poten-
tial to inform our understanding of the effects of social media on mental health
Over the last two decades, Facebook underwent a host of important changes.
Such changes include (i) the introduction of a personalized feed where posts are
ranked by an algorithm, (ii) the growth of Facebook’s user base from US college
students to almost three billion active users around the globe (Facebook 2021), (iii)
video often replacing images and text, (iv) increased usage of Facebook on mobile
phones instead of computers, and (v) the introduction of Facebook pages for brands,
businesses, and organizations. The nature of the variation we are exploiting does not
allow us to identify the impact of these features of social media. For instance, our
estimates cannot shed light on whether the increased reliance on Facebook for news
consumption has exacerbated or mitigated the effects of Facebook on mental health.

Similarly, we cannot provide evidence as to whether years of experience with the

platform mitigate or exacerbate the effects on mental health.46
Despite these caveats, we believe the estimates presented in this paper are still
highly relevant today for two main reasons. First, the mechanisms whereby social
media use might affect mental health arguably relate to core features of social media
platforms that have been present since inception and that remain integral parts of
those platforms today. At their core, Facebook and similar platforms are online
forums where individuals share information, often about themselves, including pic-
tures, videos, and personal details. Even today, the most common primary reason
for using social media is staying in touch with family and friends, in contrast to
reading news stories or watching live streams (GWI 2021). The ease with which one
can access information about ones’ network, together with the fact that the content
posted on social media is generally highly curated, might naturally invite social
comparisons. To the extent that the effects of Facebook on mental health at inception
were at least partly driven by unfavorable social comparisons, we would expect our
findings to still be relevant today.
Second, the mechanisms whereby Facebook use can affect mental health might
have been exacerbated rather than mitigated by many of the technological changes
undergone by Facebook and related platforms in the last 15 years. Individuals now
receive information about their social network directly in their news feeds, and the
information is more relevant to them because it is ranked by an algorithm. The con-
tent on the platform is richer in that it often includes videos, and it can be accessed
at any time or place using a smartphone. These changes might make Facebook even
more engaging and might exacerbate the effects on mental health.47

VII. Conclusion

In 2021, 4.3 billion individuals had a social media account, accounting for over
half the world population and over 90 percent of internet users (We Are Social 2021).
The repercussions of the rise of social media are thus likely to be f­ar-reaching. In
this paper, we leveraged the staggered introduction of Facebook across US colleges
to estimate the impact of social media on mental health and found that the introduc-
tion of Facebook at a college had a negative effect on student mental health. Our
evidence points to unfavorable social comparisons as the leading mechanism.
Overall, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that social media might be
partly responsible for the recent deterioration in mental health among teenagers and
young adults. It is up to social media platforms, regulators, and future research to
determine whether and how these effects can be alleviated.

The effects might be mitigated if, over time, users learn how to interpret the content they are exposed to on
Facebook. The effects could be exacerbated if, over time, users become dependent on and potentially even addicted
to Facebook (Allcott, Gentzkow, and Song 2021). A change in the social norms around the content that people post
on social media might also affect the relationship between Facebook use and mental health.
Of course, some of the changes underwent by social media platforms might push in the opposite direction.
For instance, the increased popularity of Facebook might dilute the effects of social comparisons by changing the
reference group from one’s peers to a broader and more diverse set of individuals.


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