Biofertilizers and Biopesticides-Balaraju

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Biofertilizers and Biopesticides for

Sustainable Agriculture

Scientist (Plant Protection)

Shri Hanumantharaya Educational & Charitable Society

Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Yagantipalle, Kurnool Dt.
Biofertilizers : Biofertilizers means the product
containing carrier based (solid or liquid) living
microorganisms which are agriculturally useful in
terms of nitrogen fixation, phosphorus solubilization or
nutrient mobilization, to increase the productivity of
the soil and/or crop.
Following biofertilizers are specified
in schedule III of FCO, 1985

• Rhizobium
• Azotobacter
• Azospirillum
• Phosphate solubilizing bacteria
• Mycorrhizae
• Potash Mobilizing bacteria(KMB)
• Zinc solubilizing bacteria(ZSB)
• Acetobacter
• NPK consortia
Role of biofertilizers
Better germination.
More root proliferation.
Make the root rhizosphere more lively.
Makes nutrients available.
Growth Promoting Substances are produced.
Improve quality and quantity of produce.
Improve fertilizer use efficiency.
More biotic and abiotic stress tolerance.
Improve soil health.
Residual Effect.
Make the system more sustainable
Replace 25-30% chemical fertilizers
Increase the crop yields
Decompose plant residues, and stabilize C:N ratio of soil
Types of biofertilizers
1. Nitrogen fixing microorganism
Symbiotic: Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Frankia, Azolla
Associative: Azospirillum
Freeliving: Azotobacter

2. Phospho-microorganisms
• Phosphate solubilizing bacteria(PSB):
Bacillus, Pseudomonas

• Phosphate solubilizing fungi(PSF)

Aspergillus, Penicillium, Schwanionyces

• Mobilizing organisms: VAM

3. Potash Solubilizing Bacteria (KSB)

Frateuria aurantia, Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp. etc.,

4. Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria (ZSB) Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp. etc

5. Compost inoculants:
• Cellulolytic or lignolytic fungi for rapid decomposition of
organic matter or compost preparation

6.Plant growth promoting microorganisms for increasing

crop growth
Nitrogen Fixers
Nitrogen is an essential element for all forms of life and it is the most
vital nutrient for plant growth and productivity.
Nitrogen presents 78 % of the atmosphere, it remains unavailable to
the plants.
No plant species is capable for fixing atmospheric dinitrogen into
ammonia and expend it directly for its growth.
Atmospheric nitrogen is converted into plant utilizable forms by
biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) which changes nitrogen to ammonia
by nitrogen fixing microorganisms using a complex enzyme system
known as nitrogenase
Rhizobia are a group of small,
rod-shaped, aerobic, mostly motile,
non-sporulating, gram-negative
Nitrogen fixing bacteria.

Many are surrounded by a slimy, thick

exopolysaccharide layer that is thought
to facilitate attachment to root hairs.

Rhizobia exist in two states as

free-living saprophytes in the soil and
in a symbiotic relationship with
leguminous plants.

Rhizobia produce root nodules in

legumes and fix the atmospheric N2
inside the nodule

Recommended doses:
• Seed Treatment: 5 – 10 ml/kg seed
• Seedling dip : Dip the seedlings in solution containing 5 ml Rhizobium/lt water.
• Soil application: 1 lt/kg per acre along with FYM
• Drip irrigation : 500 ml in 100 L of water

Target Crops: All Legume crops


Azotobacter is a Free-living, Gram negative aerobic

heterotrophic N2 fixing bacteria form thick-walled cyst and may
produce large quantities of capsular slime

Azotobacter is able to fix atleast 10 mg N per gram of


Azotobacter chrococcum is the most commonly occurring


Synthesize growth promoting substances viz., auxins and

gibberellins and also to some extent the vitamins.

Azotobacter also exhibit fungicidal properties against certain

species of fungus.

Recommended doses:
• Seed Treatment: 5 – 10 ml/kg seed
• Seedling dip : Dip the seedlings in solution containing 5 ml/lt water.
• Soil application: 1 lt/kg per acre along with FYM
• Drip irrigation : 500 ml in 100 L of water
Target Crops:
• Cereal crops Paddy, Cotton, Vegetables, Fruit trees and Ornamental plants.

• These are associative nitrogen


• Fix nitrogen @15-30kg/ha and

secrete growth regulating

Recommended doses:
• Seed Treatment: 5 – 10 ml/kg seed
• Seedling dip : Dip the seedlings in solution containing 5 ml Rhizobium/lt
• Soil application: 1 lt/kg per acre along with FYM
• Drip irrigation : 500 ml in 100 L of water
Target Crops:
• Paddy, Cereal crops (Wheat, Maize, Barley, Jowar, Bajra)
Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms (PSM)

It plays an important role in virtually all major metabolic processes in

plant including photosynthesis, energy transfer, signal transduction,
macromolecular biosynthesis and respiration.

It is abundantly available in soils in both organic and inorganic forms.

Plants are unable to utilized phosphate because 95-99% phosphate
present in the insoluble, immobilized, and precipitated form.

Plants absorb phosphate only in two soluble forms, the monobasic

(HPO42-) and the diabasic (H2PO4- ).
• To overcome the P deficiency in soils, there are frequent
applications of phosphatic fertilizers in agricultural fields. Plants
absorb fewer amounts of applied phosphatic fertilizers and the rest
is rapidly converted into insoluble complexes in the soil

• In this context, organisms coupled with phosphate solubilizing

activity, often termed as phosphate solubilizing microorganisms
(PSM), may provide the available forms of P to the plants and hence
a viable substitute to chemical phosphatic fertilizers.
Solubilization of inorganic ‘P’ by PSMs is due to production of organic
acids tartaric, gluconic, ketogluconic, lactic and succinic acid and
different phosphatases

The most efficient PSM belong to genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas

amongst bacteria and Aspergillus and Penicillium amongst fungi
PSB (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria)

Phosphate solubilizers convert insoluble phosphorus into soluble phosphates and make
it available to the plants.
Recommended doses:
• Seed Treatment: 5 – 10 ml/kg seed
• Seedling dip : Dip the seedlings in solution containing 5 ml Rhizobium/lt water.
• Soil application: 1 lt/kg per acre along with FYM
• Drip irrigation : 500 ml in 100 L of water
Target Crops: All crops

Mycorrhiza have symbiotic associations with roots of majority plants.

Increase the absorption of phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn) and copper
(Cu) and water.
Application dose : 3-4 kg/ acre
Target crops:
• Useful for all crops
Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria
Compost inoculants
Liquid Biofertilizers Production
Supply to

Serial dilution

Mother culture
Fermentation for
Large scale
production Packing

Multiplication of
Biofertilizers on
Broth culture

Rhizosphere Quality analysis

On-Farm Production of Rhizobium

1. Mother culture of Rhizobium 3 Transfer jaggery solution into glass

2. Prepare jaggery solution ( 10 g jaggery & 1g of common salt/L
bottles Close the bottle mouth with cotton

9. Liquid Rhizobium culture for seed

treatment (@200ml/ acre seed)

4 Sterilize the jaggery solution in pressure

DG NIPHM with Visitors cooker for 40 min and cool at room

8. Rhizobium culture ready to 6. Incubate bottles at room

7. Shake bottles 3-4 times 5. Inoculate sterilized jaggery solution
use temperature for 5-7 days
everyday with starter culture
Approximate cost for on farm production unit of
S. Item Size/unit Approxi.cost/ Remarks
No. unit (Rs.)
1. LPG cylinder 1 2000
14.5 Kg (extra)

2 Pressure cooker- 20 L 1 6000

3 Gas stove -2 burner 1 5000
4 Inoculation chamber 45 x 45 x 3000
40 cm
5 Sterilisable vials- 5 ml 500 2500
6 Miscellaneous (bottles, - 6500
Spirit lamp
Jaggery, Cotton, etc.)
Total 25000
Quality of Biofertilizer

The quality of biofertilizer demands the presence of the right

type of bacteria in active form and in the desired numbers.
Quality is one of the most important factors influencing the
success and acceptance of the product by farmers
Quality controls maintained by
• Fermentation process
• Carrier preparation
• Mixing of carrier and bacterial broth
• Packing and storage

It is important that greater R&D efforts to be focused on identify

more suitable strains to develop better production technology and
quality control methods
Government of India is promoting bio-fertilizers
through various schemes
National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP)
National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
Indian Council of Agricultural Sciences (ICAR)
A Biopesticide is defined as "a form of pesticide
based on micro-organisms or natural products".
According to the US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), Biopesticides "include naturally
occurring substances that control pests
(biochemical pesticides), microorganisms that
control pests (microbial pesticides), and
pesticidal substances produced by plants
containing added genetic material
(plant-incorporated protectants) or PIPs".
Bio-pesticides belong to three categories:

1. Living organisms (i.e. natural enemies), which

include invertebrates (e.g. predatory insects),
nematodes and micro-organisms;
2. Naturally occurring substances which include
plant extracts and semiochemicals e.g. insect
3. Genetically modified plants that express
introduced genes that confer protection
against pests or diseases (so called plant
incorporated products).
Working examples of biocontrol
How does Biological Control by
Pseudomonads work?

Nutrient Competition

Site Competition Antibiosis

The Rhizosphere

The zone of soil influenced by the

plant root

Plants can exude ca. 70% of fixed

carbon through their roots

Rhizosphere is a dynamic environment

Lecanicillum lecanii (Verticillum lecanii) infects Sucking pests

Whitefly Greenscale
Aphids Mealybugs

Lecanicillum lecanii
Beauveria bassiana infects Sucking and Caterpillars pests

Lygus Spider
hesperus mite

Silk worm Hairy caterpillar

Beauveria bassiana

coffee-borer beetle Thrips

Armyworm larva White fly

Metarhizium Anisopliae infects Weevils, Beetles
and Grasshopper

Weevils Grasshopper
Metarhizium Anisopliae

t s i s
u l a n
i n o c
B i o y
e o f e k e
U s t h i n g
t a i n
S u s re
Fo ricult u
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