Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery
Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery
Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery
1 27
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Nathali Cordeiro Pinto, PhD,1,2,* Marcelo Victor Pires de Sousa, PhD,1,3,4,* Nathalia Lopes Ferreira, BS,5,6,*
Natalia Almeida Braga, BS,5 Alexandre Aldred, MD,7 Guilherme Gomes, PhD,7,8
George Miguel Góes Freire, MD,9 Hazem Adel Ashmawi, PhD,9,{ and Marucia Chacur, PhD5,{
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Background: Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) modulates a wide variety of biological processes, leading to
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anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Understanding the mechanisms underlying therapeutic effects of
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PBMT remains challenging due to varying outcomes observed between wavelengths, dosage, and site of
application. Our research group has dedicated close attention to customization and individualization of do-
simetry for PBMT protocols. Preliminary data showed that using an individualized treatment could solve
contradictory results reported by previous studies. Based on literature and our preliminary data on light ab-
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sorption, the goal of the present pilot is to determine whether our individualized dosimetry is a feasible method
to assist osteoarthritis (OA) pain control.
Methods: This parallel two-arm controlled-pilot study aimed to assess whether personalized PBMT can be
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effective in the treatment of painful chronic knee OA. Thirty-one patients were randomly allocated into
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treatment and placebo group (sham irradiation), and the treatment procedure was performed twice a week, for
5 weeks. The PBMT was applied using 850 nm with continuous wave and a total of 526–1402 J each session.
Individualized dosimetry was chosen based on each patient’s body mass index and skin color. Quality-of-life
(QOL) questionnaires and serum/urine analyses were performed before and after treatment was over. Both
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posttherapy in the treatment group when compared to the placebo group. Moreover, the treatment group’s
results were improved in QOL questionnaires score, dopamine level, and in microcirculation.
Conclusions: The present results provide initial evidence that customized photobiomodulation (PBM) reduce
pain levels in short- and medium-term in patients with symptomatic knee OA when compared to placebo group.
Furthermore, we have provided evidence that customized PBM is able to improve the QOL of those patients.
Bright Photomedicine Ltd., São Paulo, Brazil.
Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clı́nicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Department of Physics, Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, Brazil.
D’Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Departamento de Anatomia, Laboratório de Neuroanatomia Funcional da Dor, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade de
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Departamento de Biofı́sica, Laboratório de Neuroendocrinologia do Estresse, Edifı́cio de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade Federal de
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Department of Science and R&D, Predikta Soluções em Pesquisa, São Paulo, Brazil.
Department of Physics and Interdisciplinary Science, São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC), University of São Paulo (USP),
São Carlos, Brazil.
Anesthesiology Department, Faculdade; de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
*These authors are sharing first authorship.
These authors are sharing last authorship.
Keywords: analgesic, arthritis, photobiomodulation therapy, low-level laser therapy, quality of life, ther-
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phyte formation.4 The knee joint is the most affected peripheral the present pilot study was to assess whether customized
site resulting in progressive loss of function, ongoing pain, dosimetry is a feasible PBM-method for reducing pain
stiffness, and mobility impairment.1 Extensive studies have
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scores in patients suffering from chronic knee OA. The re-
shown that a wide variety of factors such as sexual difference, sults provided in the present study will provide a much
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age, body mass index (BMI), educational attainment, psycho- needed, rigorous means of comparing the relative efficacy of
logical factors, genetic factors, and local structural pathology varying irradiation parameters, leading to a long overdue
may be associated with pain in the knee.5–7 Also, peripheral and standardization of treatment protocols for improving the
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central sensitization contribute to pain in knee OA, in which quality of life (QOL) of OA patients. This will be funda-
most patients become unresponsive to the standard pharmaco- mentally important to both validate the efficacy of non-
logical treatment, and hence, it hinders pain management.3 pharmaceutical approaches as well as to understand
Prescription drugs, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory mechanisms underlying their positive effects for OA patients.
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drugs (NSAIDs) and opioids, are currently the most common
treatment indicated by physicians to treat pain and inflammation Materials and Methods
in mild to moderate cases of OA.3,8,9 However, those can be
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Study population
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though not always effective nor tolerated by patients.10,12 Sur- 93744418.5.0000.0068) and written informed consent was
gical procedures are recommended with disease progression; obtained from all subjects included in the trial. The trial is
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however, it is often inefficient to solve patients’ pain.10,13,14 registered at (NCT03924128). Data were
Thus, it becomes evident that there is a need for more effective collected at the Pain Clinic of the Department of Anesthesia
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therapies and strategies for the treatment of painful knee OA. from Hospital das Clı́nicas da Faculdade de Medicina da
Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) refers to the use of Universidade de São Paulo. We initially performed a
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red and near-infrared light to promote wound healing, in- screening procedure to identify and determine the eligibility
flammation and edema reduction, neoangiogenesis, and of each subject. This study lasted a total of 10 months, in-
analgesia;7,15 it has been used to study its effect in a variety cluding premeasurements, treatments, and postmeasurements.
of clinical settings such as disorders of the tendons and This study was conducted as a parallel two-arm ran-
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joints, traumatic injuries, chronic low back pain, and domized double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial. The
neuromodulation.5–7 The primary biological effects of primary objective was to assess feasibility of customized
PBMT have been suggested to be through photon absorption PBMT to measure pain intensity after PBMT in the treat-
in the mitochondria by cytochrome c oxidase, a substantial ment of chronic knee OA. The secondary objectives of this
chromophore in the cellular response, and calcium ion trial were (1) to determine whether customized PBMT is
channels in cell membranes. Among the secondary effects of able to improve patients’ QOL through Knee injury and
photon absorption, increase adenosine triphosphate produc- Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and World Health
tion, reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, modulation of Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-bref question-
calcium levels, induction of transcription factors related to naires; (2) identify whether specific biochemical and hor-
cell survival, cell proliferation and migration, synthesis of monal markers could be modified after PBMT; and (3) to
new proteins, upregulation of antioxidant, and reduction of investigate whether our therapy is able to alter thermo-
oxidative stress are the most common effects reported.5–7 graphic inflammatory patterns of OA patients.
A few randomized placebo-controlled trials of PBMT in The sample size was calculated to detect a clinically
patients with knee OA showed pain and disability reduction relevant difference (2 points) in pain intensity measured by
that remained up to 2–4 weeks posttherapy without any ad- Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). In our study, the sample size
verse events.16–22 However, there are variations among the was calculated using the program G*Power 3 3.1. 9.7, effect
PBMT procedures used to treat knee OA mainly regarding size (0.5), a statistical power of 80% (1-b error probability),
methods of application, treatment duration, dosage, and site of and an a error level probability of 0.05, requiring 26 par-
application, resulting in different outcomes and lack of well- ticipants, an extra 20% was added due to probable dropouts
held clinical trials to provide trustworthy scientific data.22 Of and total participants were 34 (17 per group). Simple ran-
late, it has been suggested that those methodological defi- domization generated by computer ( was
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participation of volunteers in
the study.
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used for participant allocation. After initial evaluation cluding: pain intensity, QOL questionnaire, physical function,
confirmed eligibility, thirty-one patients were set to two thermography, and blood biochemical analysis. Patients’ pain
different groups: (1) the placebo group (n = 16), in which the was weekly assessed for 4 months after treatment.
PBMT device was turned on, however, without emitting any
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energy and (2) the treatment group (n = 15) who effectively Inclusion criteria. Patients of both sexes, from 40 to 90
received the PBM treatment. The schematic flowchart for years, diagnosed with chronic knee OA according to
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this study is illustrated in Fig. 1. American College of Rheumatology criteria and grades III
For this work, both the researchers and patients were or IV knee OA according to the Kellgren–Lawrence radio-
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blinded to the allocation of groups and the performance of logical classification; we also assessed the individual’s
examinations. Thus, the patients did not know which group ability to remain independent and their willingness to par-
they were allocated to, nor did the operator know which was ticipate in the study, present knee pain, functional reduction
the active PBMT probe or placebo. A summary of the de- in the last 3 months, and capability of walking indepen-
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mographic characteristics value of all subjects who completed dently with or without walking assistance devices.
the study is depicted in Table 1, where age, BMI, skin pho-
totype, energy, and affected knee are described. A total of 31 Exclusion criteria. The exclusion criteria for patients are
patients completed the study (93% of women and 7% men) described below: patients with a history of cancer dementia,
and all of them had chronic knee OA for ‡year. All patients neurological deficits, amputations, fractures of the lower
were evaluated before and after 5 weeks of treatment, in- limbs, cardiac pacemaker, and uncontrolled metabolic and
cardiovascular diseases of class 3 obesity (BMI ‡40 kg/m2). sorption and scattering of the photons that are increased due to
Patients with disease affecting the knee, such as rheumatoid the increase in the fat thickness. As previously mentioned, the
arthritis or knee surgery, were also excluded. lack of parameters and the difference in the physical character-
istics of each patient (as described in Table 2) is extremely im-
Treatment procedure portant and this must be taken into account. Therefore, this is the
first work showing the importance of these parameters or the
Treatment was administered twice a week on the same improvement of the individual pathological picture.
days over a period of 5 weeks with the system Light-Aid
(Bright Photomedicine, SP, Brazil), operated at a continuous Knee pain scores
wave of 850 nm wavelength, or with a placebo probe of the
same appearance and display. The probes were numbered A NRS was used to evaluate pain. Patients were instructed
(active) and B (placebo). Treatment was administered in to number their level of pain from 0 (absence of pain) to 10
contact to the skin over the patient’s knee. Both knees were (worst possible pain). The NRS score was applied weekly
after each PBMT session and for 16 weeks after treatment.
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treated but statistical analysis was done in the knee with
higher pain intensity at numerical rating scale (NRS).
Placebo treatment was held identical to PBM treatment, Quality of life
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in a way that the device was turned on, but the probe was
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the operator nor the subject could identify which group it
of QOL, both questionnaires were recorded and compared
belonged to. Probe device comprised a 100 light-emitting
before the first PBMT and after the last session of treatment.
diodes (LED) divided into 4 LED clusters with 25 LED
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The KOOS questionnaire evaluates both short and long-term
each, which covered patients’ whole knee surface, the
consequences of knee injury and OA. It holds forty-two items in
treatment was applied using a constant 5–8 min to deliver a
five separately scored subscales; Pain, other Symptoms, Ac-
total of 526–1402 J each session and power density of 60–
bu U tivities in daily living (ADL), Function in Sport and Recreation
100 mW/cm2 (see Table 2 for parameters details).
(Sport/Rec), and knee-related QOL.33 The WHOQOL-bref
questionnaire is able to assess different individuals through the
Process to customize parameters for optical irradiation
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context of their culture, values, in addition to an analysis of their
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PBMT parameters are currently the biggest challenge in personal goals, standards, and concerns.34
PBMT and in the scientific literature. It is still quite contro-
versial as to what the best irradiation parameters or site of ap- Physical function
plication are, with no specific well-established protocols for For functional assessments, the timed up and go test (TUG)
either. Proper selection of physical variables, such as power, and the sit-to-stand test (STS) were used. TUG is a mobility
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dose, energy density, and site of application are fundamental to test that evaluates the time patients take to stand from a sitting
achieve the desired results. Based on this, our group created position, walk a 3-m distance at a normal speed and return to
specific parameters customization, we relayed on the physical
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fat tissue, the higher its absorption and scattering, so less pho- sitting and standing movements as quickly as possible within
tons could reach the under-skin chromophores to trigger the 30 sec. Then, the number of sit-to-stand completed during the
photobiological processes, which lead to the therapy itself.30–32 period described above was recorded.
Considering these physical principles, we created Table 2 as a
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in accordance with the patient’s skin phototype, we increased the In this test, the average surface temperature of the indi-
irradiance as a first approximation to compensate the melanin viduals’ lower limbs was selected and analyzed by specific
absorption. To customize the irradiation parameters in accor- routines in the ThermaCAM 2.9 program (FLIR Systems,
dance with the patient‘s amount of adipose tissue, we increased Wilsonville, OR), Python language, and ImageJ software
the irradiance and irradiation time trying to compensate the ab- (emissivity of 0.98).
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FIG. 2. NRS. (A) Mean – SD NRS scores of patients from both placebo and PBMT groups throughout the sessions.
(B) Follow-up for 4 months after the last session. Mean – SD NRS scores of patients from both placebo and PBMT
groups after last treatment. *p < 0.05 compared to first session (baseline); #p < 0.05 compared to PBMT group. (C) NRS
score of patients before (Pre) first PBM procedure versus final measure (Post), ***p < 0.001. ns, nonsignificant; NRS,
Numerical Rating Scale; PBM, photobiomodulation; PBMT, photobiomodulation therapy; SD, standard deviation.
Baseline thermal images were obtained before the be- Tukey’s post hoc correction test was performed. For pre-
ginning of the treatment and repeated at the end of the and post-intragroup analyses of serum/urine markers and
treatment, thus obtaining the thermal profile before and after functional ability testing, a multiple comparisons two-way
PBMT. Thermal images were captured using the intensity of ANOVA followed by Bonferroni–Dunn correction was
the infrared radiation emitted in the regions of interest performed. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically
(ROIs). The mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures significant in this study and data are presented with
of different ROIs of the knees (anterior, posterior, medial, mean – standard deviation.
and lateral) add up to more than 15 ROIs. The methodology
used for analysis is very similar to other studies associating Results
thermography with inflammatory processes in the knee.35–37
Effect of PBM in the pain of knee osteoarthritis
Biochemical and hormonal analysis (KOA) patients
Biochemical analysis was performed before and after Statistical analysis showed that NRS pain scores were
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protocol to evaluate possible alterations between pre- and significantly lower in the treatment group after the fourth
posttherapy. Patients’ blood and urine samples were col- session [F(9,225) = 9.2, p < 0.0001] (Fig. 2A). Intragroup
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lected 48 h before the first session and 48 h after the last analysis showed that patients assigned to the treatment group
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session. Complete blood count, creatinine phosphokinase presented a baseline score mean of 6.2 – 2.5, decreasing to
4 – 3.1 after 4 sessions, to 3.3 – 2.4 after 5 sessions, 3.2 – 2.3
(CPK), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), creatinine,
serotonin, and dopamine (DA) tests were performed. after 6 sessions, 4 – 2.5 (7th sessions), 3.7 – 2.9 (8th session),
3.5 – 2.2 (9th session), and 2.9 – 2.5, after the 10th session
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(*p < 0.05 compared all time points described above to
Statistical analysis
baseline). When compared to the placebo group, NRS score
GraphPad Prism version 9 (GraphPad Software Inc., San
bu U was reduced significantly in the 4th (4 – 3.1 vs. 6.6 – 2.2,
Diego, CA) was used to perform statistical analyses. Pain p < 0.05), 5th (3.3 – 2.4 vs. 6.3 – 2.1, p < 0.05), and 10th
scores data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance (2.9 – 2.5 vs. 5.5 – 2.0, p < 0.05) sessions.
(ANOVA) with repeated measures and multiple comparisons Our results indicate that our customized dosimetry is able to
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followed by Sidak-corrected post hoc test to determine pos- OA knee pain, whereas placebo treatment could not reduce
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sible differences between groups and pre- and posttreatment patients’ pain levels throughout the protocol; analysis of initial
measures within the same group. QOL questionnaires and and final measures of patients within the PBMT group revealed
thermography imaging data, two-way ANOVA followed by a significant reduction in subjects overall pain levels compared
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FIG. 3. (A) KOOS. Mean – SD KOOS of patients from both placebo and PBMT groups before and after therapy.
Statistical significance was observed within PBMT group before and after therapy in Pain (*p < 0.05), Daily Activities
(**p < 0.01), and General Quality of Life (**p < 0.01) subscales. (B) Sit-to-Stand test and (C) Timed Up and Go test.
Mean – SD of patients from both groups, nonsignificant. KOOS, Knee Osteoarthritis Outcome Score; QOL, quality of life.
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to pretreatment [F(1,25) = 7.57, p < 0.001] (Fig. 2B). In addition, The variation in the thermal profile was approximate -0.06C
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follow-up measures (Fig. 2C) show that patients who received (F = 0.32, p = 0.570). In the PBMT group, there was a sig-
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the PBMT remained 5 weeks with reduced pain, indicating the nificant difference between the baseline and after the last
short- to medium-term effects of PBM [F(15,390) = 8.6, treatment session. The thermal profile of anterior knees
p < 0.001] within the same group in the 1st week 2.2 – 2.0 vs. (average of 9 ROI) evaluated showed a greater infrared
5.3 – 1.8 ( p = 0.0067), 2nd week 2.5 – 2.1 vs. 5.8 – 2.0 radiation/heat dissipation after the treatment (increase of
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( p = 0.0049), 3rd week 2.5 – 2.2 vs. 6 – 2.0 ( p = 0.0068), and 4th 0.65C in relationship to baseline, F = 44.97, p < 0.05; Fig. 5B).
week 2.9 – 2.5 vs. 6 – 1.9 ( p = 0.0326) after the last session.
bu U Discussion
Effect of PBM in QOL and mobility
Physical models of light tissue interaction demonstrate that
Correspondingly to our results, KOOS results were statis- skin color and the thickness of adipose tissue influence light
tically different [F(2.445,36.67) = 62.82] in Pain (35.2 – 11.2 distributions through the biological tissue.30,31 However, the
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vs. 54.7 – 23.4), ADL (31.4 – 14.5 vs. 54.1 – 24.2), and Gen- skin phototypes and mass body indexes are not usually re-
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eral Quality of Life (17.9 – 8.7 vs. 34.4 – 18.9) segments pre- ported in the clinical PBMT articles, this makes difficult a
and postanalysis of treated patients ( p = 0.039, p = 0.003 and quantitative approach for PBMT customization. To overcome
p = 0.008, respectively; Fig. 3A). Analysis of pre- and post- the lack of an effective way of determining the irradiation
treatment scores of patients within the placebo group showed parameters, we ran a different study 2 years prior to the be-
no statistical difference (Fig. 3A). ginning of this study to standardize the customization pre-
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The WHOQOL-bref questionnaire showed no difference sented here. The customization presented here is far from
neither between initial and final measures nor between being definitive, but it is a path forward in the direction of
personalization of PBMT procedures.
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(STS) between pre- (5.6 – 2.9 and 5.6 – 3.0) and posttreat- years; several studies have been demonstrated its potential
ments (6.0 – 3.8 and 6.5 – 3.2) or walking time (TUG) of analgesic effect since it has been shown to reduce proin-
pre- and postanalysis (20.3 – 12.6 and 17.1 – 9.1, 19.2 – 11.2 flammatory factors and cytokines expression, such as inter-
and 18.5 – 14.3, respectively; Fig. 3B, C). leukin-1b (IL-1b), tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa), and
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[vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and fibroblast to the reduction of pain.45 Thermography showed improved
growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR-1), for instance], metallo- microcirculation in the irradiated areas in the PBMT group;
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proteinases secretion, and its property to decrease oxidative there was no change in temperature variation in the placebo
stress.5,15 In this pilot study, we observed that personalized group. Our results are in agreement with a previous study
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850 nm PBM treatment was able to reduce the pain scores that demonstrated an increase in temperature, suggesting
referred by patients, decreasing more than half of their NRS circulatory changes in patients with knee OA.21 The result
score as well as promoting a short-term analgesic effect up to 5 of the thermal profile may be associated with some increase
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weeks after treatment was over. in blood circulation in this region.
It has been reported that patients living with chronic pain
may develop altered social and psychological symptoms, Conclusions
such as anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, and difficulties in
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maintaining personal relationships,39 contributing to the
The present pilot study demonstrated feasibility of in-
dividualized PBMT in short- and medium-term control of
worsening of painful syndromes such as OA. Thus, it is
pain and QOL of patients with knee OA. The development
evident that improving patients’ QOL is of pivotal impor-
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of a patient-customized PBMT dosage was applied twice a
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muscle performance is enhanced when PBMT is associated N.C.P., M.V.P.S., H.A.A., and M.C. conceived the idea for
with physical exercise and not PBM alone,40,41 suggesting the study and contributed to the design. N.C.P., N.L.F., N.A.B.,
that a larger trial associating our individualized PBMT with A.A., G.M.G.F., H.A.A., and M.C. performed screening,
physical exercise might be able to alter such parameters. quality assessment, and data extraction. N.L.F. and G.G. per-
Interestingly, patients within the PBMT group presented formed data analysis. N.C.P., M.V.P.S., N.F.L., H.A.A., G.G.,
higher DA urine level when compared to placebo irradia- and M.C. were involved in drafting the article or revising it
tion, which may be related to a central analgesic effect. DA critically for important intellectual content, and all authors
is known to modulate painful perception and behavior by have read and approved the final version to be published.
activating supraspinal centers within the limbic system such
as the anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala, thalamus, and Acknowledgments
periaqueductal gray.42–44 Our finding may indicate that the
The authors thank the patients, investigators, and medical
individualized-PBM analgesic effect observed could be re-
writing support. The guidance of the authors was provided
lated to central mechanism of descending modulatory
by Ana Carolina de Magalhães, PhD, Carlos Roberto Veiga
pathways involving DA release, since studies showed that
Kiffer, PhD, Gustavo Meirelles, PhD, and Thereza Cury
dopaminergic neuron projections to the dorsal horn of the
Fortunato, PhD.
spinal cord release DA and modulate inhibitory neurons,
downregulating nociceptive stimuli,42–44 although this spe-
Availability of Data and Material
cific mechanism requires further investigation.
Local temperature increase after PBM shown by ther- The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the
mographic imaging in this study could be a result of a current study are available from the corresponding author on
positive effect on the microcirculation, leading, ultimately, reasonable request.
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