Empowerment-Technologies WEEK 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

School Benigno S. Aquino National High School Grade Level Grade 12

GRADE 1-12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Arlene Marie Amurao Carreon Learning Area Empowerment Technology

Teaching Dates and Time October 16-20, 2023 Quarter 1st Quarter

Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of ICT in the context of global communication for specific professional track
B. Performance The learners shall be able to: at the end of the 2-week period independently compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and
Standards professional tracks (Arts, Tech Voc, Sports, Academic)
C. Learning Use the internet as a tool for reliable research and information gathering to best achieve Uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application
Competencies/ specific class objectives or address situational challenges. techniques.
Objectives CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-3 CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ic-d-4

Creates an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate or present data

or information related to specific professional tracks.
II. CONTENT Online Navigation Applied Productivity Tools
using Spreadsheet
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource Curriculum Guide (CG) Google
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous  Begin the lesson by reviewing the importance Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the Begin the lesson by reviewing the common Review the basic concepts of creating ICT
lesson or presenting the of research and information gathering in the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. productivity tools that students have learned content (e.g., understanding different file
new lesson digital age. 1. It is the process of interactively searching previously, such as word processors, formats, using multimedia tools, organizing
 Discuss the challenges students may face given words/terms to gather specific spreadsheets, presentation software, and email data).
when conducting research and how the information. clients.
internet can help overcome these challenges. a. Online Mission Discuss the basic functions and features of each
b. Online Navigation tool and ask students to share their experiences
c. Online Expedition in using them.
d. Online Exploration
2. It is the most known and most used search
a. Baidu
b. Yahoo
c. Google
d. Ask.com
3. Arrange the commands in the correct order
when doing a
contextualized online navigation:
I. Open the Google site, on the upper right
side of the window, click the Google Apps
icon and click search.
II. On the lower right part of the window,
click Settings and the
Google Search Settings pop-up list will
III. Click Advanced search and the Advanced
Search window will appear.
IV. Type the keywords that you would like to
search and click
the Advanced Search button
a. I, II, III, IV
b. I, III, IV, II
c. I, II, IV, III
d. I, IV, III, II
4. This term refers to the type of information
that is relatively considered as fake, untrue
and merely opinion-based.
a. Spoof
b. Satirical
c. Sardonic
d. Sarcastic
5. Which of the following cannot be
considered as a guide in
identifying the good source from the satirical
source of information?
a. Check if the site is alleged as satirical
b. Ask someone knowledgeable and get to
know the site
c. Always be cautious and read the contents of
the source
d. Click any sites that appeared as a source of
B. Establishing a purpose Show a short video or present a case study The manner of collectively searching for Show a video or present a case study
for the lesson highlighting the impact of reliable research and and saving requested information through the highlighting the importance of advanced
information gathering. computer from databanks that are online is application techniques in using productivity
 Engage students in a class discussion about known as Online Navigation. Years ago, the tools effectively.
their personal experiences with online traditional way of obtaining certain Emphasize the benefits of maximizing
research. information is through books, which is very productivity and efficiency in various personal
different from the online search on the and professional scenarios.
internet. Online navigation is an attempt to be
more precise in providing information based
on a certain word.
C. Presenting examples/ Workshop: "Evaluating Online Sources" Text Online navigation becomes a great Divide the class into small groups and assign Show examples of ICT content related to specific
instances of the new a. Divide students into small groups. match to the prevailing use and popularity of each group a specific productivity tool (e.g., professional tracks (e.g., infographics,
lesson b. Provide each group with a list of the smartphone age. Search engines also word processor, spreadsheet, presentation multimedia presentations, interactive websites).
online sources related to a specific provide a system of giving the best and most software).
topic. appropriate results. Mobile phone application Instruct the groups to research and explore Discuss the importance of effective
c. Instruct students to evaluate the has been added to smartphones for quick, advanced features and techniques for their communication and presentation skills in the
reliability and credibility of each handy research and quicker school assigned tool. workplace.
source using criteria such as assignments. In this lesson, you are expected Each group should create a short presentation to
author credentials, publication to use the Internet as a tool to gather specific demonstrate and explain the advanced
date, and references. information and depending on a given techniques they have discovered.
Have each group present their findings and situation Allow time for group presentations and
discuss their reasoning. encourage class participation by asking
questions and providing feedback.

D. Discussing new concepts Interactive Activity: "Internet Scavenger Hunt" Biology Navigate around the Internet and Lead a class discussion on the advantages and • Divide the students into small groups
and practicing new skills a. Create a list of specific search for words describing the following: disadvantages of using advanced application and assign each group a specific professional
#1 information students need to find techniques in productivity tools. track (e.g., engineering, healthcare, finance).
online. 1. Google Discuss how these techniques can enhance • Instruct each group to research and
b. Divide students into pairs or small efficiency, creativity, and collaboration. gather relevant data or information related to
groups. their assigned professional track.
c. Instruct students to use the 2. Baidu • Guide the students in creating an
internet to find the required original or derivative ICT content (e.g.,
information within a given time infographic, presentation, website) that
limit. 3. Bing effectively communicates the data or information
The group that successfully finds the most they have gathered.
accurate and reliable information wins the • Provide resources such as graphic
scavenger hunt. 4. Yahoo! design software, presentation tools, and website
builders to assist the students in their creations.
• Encourage creativity and innovation in
the design and presentation of their ICT content.
E. Discussing new concepts Workshop: "Creating Annotated Search engines are software systems that Ask students to share their thoughts on potential Have each group present their ICT content
and practicing new skills Bibliographies" are designed to search for information on challenges or barriers they might encounter to the class.
#2 a. Explain the concept of an the World Wide Web. The search results when applying these techniques.
annotated bibliography and its are generally presented in a line of Facilitate a discussion on the strengths and
importance in research. results often referred to as search engine weaknesses of each presentation, focusing
b. Provide students with a research results pages. Examples of Search
topic and ask them to find Engines are Baidu, Bing, Yahoo, on the effectiveness of the communication
relevant sources online. DuckDuckGo and the most recognized and presentation of data or information.
Instruct students to create annotated engine Google. Google is the most
bibliographies for their chosen sources, known and most used search engine in Encourage constructive feedback and
including a summary and evaluation of the world. According to Net Market suggestions for improvement.
each source's reliability. Share, 74. 54 percent of the Search
Engine Market has been acquired by

In this lesson, you are expected to online

navigate and search for specific
information using the Google Search

Steps in Online Navigation

1. In your desktop, laptop or
smartphones, open the browser and
search Google and type the word, phrase
or thought you want to search.

2. On the right part of the window,

click setting and the google search
settings pop-up list will appear.

3. Type the keywords that you would

like to search and click the Advanced
Search button. You can search through
all the words that you’ve typed, or you
can narrow it down to specific words.

Research Skills
In order to achieve or access what you
are looking for, you need to improve
yourself. As the old saying goes,
“Practice Makes Perfect”. Good research
is a product of multiple and continuous
searches, here are some skills you can
improve or adapt to:
1. Critical Thinking – As you search
through the web, you must think very
carefully about the information that you
have gathered. Critical thinking involves
the ability to reflect on the information
presented to you.
2. Data Organizing – A good
researcher can organize his/her collected
data. As you collect those data, be sure
to track where specific information is
3. Research Presenting – Part of your
research is the actual writing, be creative
and reflective in writing your search,
explain every detail and step into
achieving your objective.
Remember that not all searches are good
ones, some are considered as satirical or
untrue. Here are some tips in identifying
good searches from satirical searches.
1. If the contents of the source are too
impossible to happen, or too good to be
true, then there must be something
2. If the site started as a false site for
public figures such as TV personalities
or political figures, then uploaded stories
from different sources, it is a satirical
3. If the site is unfamiliar and
continuously popping ads, then it is

Examples of Satirical News

a. The 2 years in K-12 Curriculum for
Senior High School has been removed.
b. President Duterte resigned as the
leader of the Philippine nation.
c. You can win 1 million pesos just by
answering a given survey form.
d. A certain actress/actor is alleged as
pregnant being in another country for a
long time.

F. Developing Mastery • Facilitate a class discussion on the challenges students faced during the activities. Concept Paper
(Leads to Formative • Encourage students to reflect on the strategies they used to evaluate online sources and Your friend told you that the earth will melt a few years from now. As a student who knows how to
Assessment 3) gather reliable information. navigate online, create a concept paper showing the validity or invalidity of your friend’s
In working with your concept paper, you may be guided by the sample content given.
a. Title usually in question form.
b. Brief overview of the research topic which includes information about the topic.
c. Research question that the project seeks to answer, with one or two sentences.
d. Discuss the importance of the research question and the importance of writing the project.
e. A description of how the methods that the researcher plans to use to answer the research
G. Finding practical • Present a real-life problem or scenario You have learned that the internet Present a real-life problem to the students that • Provide the students with a real-life
applications of concepts that requires students to use the internet for consists of a variety of information that can be requires the use of multiple productivity tools problem related to their assigned professional
and skills in daily living reliable research and information gathering. readily accessible through search engines. and advanced application techniques. track.
• Instruct students to find and present Therefore, we do online navigation. But not Guide the students in brainstorming and • Instruct them to create an ICT content
their findings in a format relevant to the all information is relatable to your topic and developing a solution using the tools and that effectively communicates a solution to the
problem or scenario. not all information can be readily accessed. As techniques they have learned. problem.
a learner, you now can gather specific details Encourage creativity and collaboration among • Encourage critical thinking and
depending on the situation presented to you. the students during this activity. problem-solving skills in the creation of their
Yet always be reminded that not all ICT content.
information is vital and not all information is a
good one. As the generic saying goes, “Think,
before you Click!” Being an individual, you
must use these engines responsibly in order to
achieve your objective.
Using your Social Media accounts, create
a slogan or campaign regarding proper and
responsible use of internet. Use the tag,
H. Making generalizations • Summarize the key points from the Provide examples and scenarios to illustrate the • Summarize the key elements of
and abstractions about activities and discussions. concept of abstraction in the context of effective ICT content creation and
the lesson • Emphasize the importance of critical productivity tools. communication.
thinking and discernment when using the • Discuss the importance of considering
internet for research. the target audience, purpose, and context when
creating ICT content for specific professional
Emphasize the need for clear and concise
presentation of data or information
I. Evaluating learning 1. True/False: Reliable research can 1. What do you think are the Which productivity tool is best suited for • Multiple-choice questions:
only be conducted through traditional library advantages and disadvantages of relying on creating dynamic and interactive presentations? 1. What are the key elements to consider
resources. (False) and applying online navigation in gathering a) Word processor when creating ICT content for specific
2. Fill in the blank: An annotated specific information? b) Spreadsheet professional tracks? a. Target audience, purpose,
bibliography includes a summary and c) Presentation software and context b. File formats, multimedia tools,
__________ of each source. (Evaluation) Advantages Disadvantages d) Email client and data organization c. Creativity, innovation,
3. Multiple Choice: Which of the Answer: c) Presentation software and design d. None of the above
following is NOT a criteria for evaluating 2. Which of the following is an example
online sources? a) Author credentials b) 2. The internet offers a great source of What are some advantages of using advanced of ICT content? a. Spreadsheet b. Email c.
Publication date c) Number of ads on the information; however, how are you going to application techniques in productivity tools? Infographic d. All of the above
website d) References Answer: c) Number of make sure that these pieces of information are Answer: Some advantages include increased • True or False:
ads on the website reliable efficiency, enhanced creativity, improved 3. Effective communication and
4. True/False: The internet is always a collaboration, and the ability to handle complex presentation skills are important in the
reliable source of information. (False) tasks more effectively. workplace. (True/False)
5. Fill in the blank: When evaluating • Fill-in-the-blanks:
online sources, it is important to consider the True or False: Understanding the underlying 4. The ___________ of data or
__________ of the information. (Credibility) principles of one productivity tool can facilitate information is crucial in creating effective ICT
learning and effectively using other similar content.
tools. 5. Understanding the ___________ of the
Answer: True target audience helps in tailoring the ICT
Fill in the blank: Advanced application
techniques in productivity tools can help
maximize ________ and ________.
Answer: productivity and efficiency

What is the purpose of the abstraction concept

in relation to productivity tools?
Answer: The purpose of abstraction is to
transfer skills learned from one productivity
tool to another, enabling students to effectively
use multiple tools by understanding their
underlying principles.
J. Additional activities for Homework: "Online Research Reflection" Assign students to create a comprehensive Ask the students to research and gather data or
application or a. Ask students to reflect on their guide or tutorial on a specific productivity tool information related to a specific professional
remediation experience with online research of their choice, focusing on advanced track of their interest. Instruct them to create an
and information gathering. application techniques. ICT content (e.g., infographic, presentation,
Have them write a short essay discussing the The guide should include step-by-step website) that effectively communicates the data
challenges they faced, strategies they used, and instructions, examples, and tips for maximizing or information they have gathered. Encourage
lessons they learned. productivity using the chosen tool. them to apply the key elements discussed in class
Students should submit their guides in a digital and consider the target audience, purpose, and
format, such as a document or a presentation. context.

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learner who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other




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Office of the Principal
BSANHS – Senior High School

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