Reconstruction With Local Architecture. Panay - Island.
Reconstruction With Local Architecture. Panay - Island.
Reconstruction With Local Architecture. Panay - Island.
CRAterre Editions
Architect – Researcher (HDR), CRAterre research Laboratory
Director of AE&CC research unit, ENSAG / Univ.Grenoble-Alpes
Within our changing world, one of the new global in parallel to field projects in various countries
trends is that natural hazards result in more (Pakistan, Indonesia, El Salvador, Haiti, etc.), a
and more severe destruction. Recent studies series of international seminars were organized
undertaken on such situations have revealed and several Ph.D. thesis conducted, leading to
that, often, the cause is that new building some first published results and a continuity in
designs don’t refer sufficiently to existing local reverse engineering and reverse design efforts
knowledge on how to cope with these hazards. by numerous research laboratories around the
People tend to neglect traditional building world.
cultures to apply standards which are most of
the time difficult to achieve, resulting in poor When in 2013 the Philippines was hit by super
resistance and sometimes errors that endanger typhoon Haiyan, more than thirteen million
people, more specifically in hazard prone areas. people were affected. At least one million
houses were damaged, of which more than half
were fully destroyed. In the specific context
To address this issue, for several years, CRAterre,
of Panay Island, a number of international
together with many other organizations has
organizations decided to offer assistance to
been working on the hypothesis that, before
local organizations as implementing partners,
making any proposal for a reconstruction
and two of them were supported by CRAterre
project, the local experience on coping with
through the different steps of the project’s
hazards should be examined. That involves the
consideration of assets at different scales with
both its tangible (siting, urban planning, shape, Interestingly, these two projects, implemented
structure, building details) and intangible with the same overall approach, brought about
facets (alerts systems, building organization, similar but also different decisions. This led to
mutual assistance systems). The idea is that the the idea of giving a closer look to these two field
strengths within these various assets can be projects and to reflect on what could be learned
identified and re-used – and possibly adapted from each of them. This could be accomplished
- in the design of the proposals made as part through the mobilization of research funds from
of the housing design and the reconstruction the Labex AE&CC resulting in this publication that
project strategies, with the goal of remaining I am pleased to introduce as it actually provides
close to what populations can afford to do on us all with wholesome “food for thought” for
their own, thus with potential for increasing both scientific research and reconstruction
their long-term capacity for resilience. programs, and, moreover, with elements to
become more efficient when undertaking our
This proposed approach has been studied
common responsibility of helping people living
through a series of experimental field projects
in hazard-prone areas all around the world to
that have regularly contributed to the discussion
improve their resilience capacity.
on how it could be theorized so as to establish
new knowledge on housing resilience and also on Indigenous housing (left: traditional, right:
shelter project), barangay Dalagsa-an in Libacao,
the conditions for implementing it. To that end,
Foreword & Prefaces 2
Risk mitigation 8
Culture of risk 10
General approach 12
Projects & Partners’ presentation 14
A common methodology 18
Projects’ strategies 20
Activities & Results 24
Impacts & Perspectives 30
Lessons Learned 34
Sucess story & Bibliography 38
The Diocesan Social Action Centre of kalibo (DSAC) Caritas Belgium & Secours cath0lique-caritas france
In November 2013, the DSAC Kalibo had been virtually inactive for In the aftermath of super typhoon Haiyan (November 2013), Caritas
many years, working with only one staff member, the director, and very Belgium and Secours Catholique - Caritas France, in collaboration with
limited funding. Having been revived through the Haiyan recovery and the Diocesan Social Action Centre of Kalibo as implementing partner,
rehabilitation projects, DSAC Kalibo is a very young organization. It started a rehabilitation program in Libacao, Aklan. As other NGOs were
had never been engaged in such colossal shelter project such as this willing to work in the area, the barangays Dalagsaan, Manika, and
Shelter Improvement Project for the Indigenous Peoples of Libacao, Oyang were selected as project areas and an integrated livelihood and
Aklan (Philippines). And so, the publication of this booklet is very shelter program was developed.
helpful for us as a social action center engaged in community-based
The overall approach was to strengthen local capacities for durable
shelter and sustainable livelihood through integrated community-
DSAC Kalibo is most grateful to Caritas Belgium and Secours Catholique based activities (including shelter; livelihood; water, sanitation &
- Caritas France and to CRAterre for their technical assistance. Their hygiene; Disaster Risk Reduction and capacity enhancement), building
guidance, assistance and enduring support have placed DSAC Kalibo on existing locally available resources and know-how, local building
as a leading non-government organization in the area of shelter cultures and traditions and disaster-resilient practices. The expertise
reconstruction using indigenous materials and enhancing community of CRAterre was used to help the shelter section of the program.
capacities and skills towards resilience on Panay Island.
The remoteness and difficult access to the project area made the
The publication of this booklet, which is full of treasured experiences implementation challenging. However, we achieved designing,
and achievements not only of DSAC Kalibo but also of the Panay Center repairing or building 226 culturally acceptable homes using locally
for Disaster Response (PCDR) in Cuartero, Capiz, will guide and inspire available and traditional materials. The project trained approximately
DSAC Kalibo when similar disaster hits the Province of Aklan or other 100 local artisans in technical skills but also on DRR resilient housing
nearby localities here in the Philippines. features and awareness. In addition, by employing local labor
(approximately 8,000 Cash for Work days) and using local materials,
On behalf of the Panay-Bukidnon Akeanon in the Indigenous Cultural
the project invested most of the expenses in the local community
Communities of Barangays Manika, Oyang, Dalagsaan and Sitio
(approximately 350,000 EUR), contributing to a revival of the local
Taroytoy, we express our sincerest and unending gratitude to everyone
economy, while providing 226 families with safer homes. Finally, the
who made the publication of this booklet possible and made our efforts
iterative process, consistently involving the future homeowners and
and experiences worthy to become a future reference for those engaged
referring to (and strengthening) existing local expertise and resources
in similar undertakings.
not only resulted in the construction of safe and comfortable homes,
but also in the empowerment of IP communities.
The booklet highlights some of the housing features and good practices
of the project but also some of the challenges encountered. It is
certainly important to document these experiences and share them
Participatory risk mapping in barangay Manika, DSAC project in Libacao, Aklan.
Training on site, PCDR project, Cuartero, Capiz.
risk mitigation:
social or natural hazard vulnerability?
the Nipa hut or Bahay Kubo
Culture of risk
The high recurrence of hazard in the daily life of the Filipinos is part Extremely hazard-prone areas.
of their culture. Disasters are not seen as abnormal occurrences but
instead as frequent life experiences. Researcher G. Bankoff (2007)
points out that the Filipino culture can be regarded as the product of The Bahay Kubo rural style house is a good example of
adaptation to the climatic and environmental context.
community adaptation to natural hazards. A number of scholars have
studied the deep integration of hazards into the fabric of Filipino Hazard resilient design
social and political life showing how disasters are a core element of The structure, composed of light materials (local wood, bamboo,
the Filipino identity. This is most evident in the agricultural system, palm leaves, rattan) behaves like reeds, as it is prone to bend
the half-nomadic rural lifestyle and in local building traditions. These under wind action but rarely totally collapse, reducing the
cultural and social specificities constitute the coping mechanisms that likelihood to injure inhabitants.
the Filipinos have develop for centuries to continue living in spite of Stilt houses are not designed to resist super typhoons and
constant threats. earthquakes but rather to make it easily to repair or rebuild
after the retrieval of scattered materials. Therefore, a damaged
A notable coping practice the Filipinos is the traditional mutual aid house can be used as a temporary shelter where the main
system known as bayanihan. This practice is in a real community spirit structure still in place receives scattered panels of bamboo. It
at all levels of the society, especially in rural areas, for intensive provides a decent place to live until the owners gather enough
field works or in house building activities. It is particularly effective resources to properly repair the house with new walling and
in post-disaster situations. Families are able to help one another and roofing panels.
quickly bounce back despite lack of funds. This was the case during Location
the recovery process after Yolanda, where the high efficiency of the Mainly in rural areas and seldom in suburban areas.
bayanihan practice impressed the international community.
Those coping mechanisms highlight the cleverness of the existing Requires the knowledge and skills of local carpenters.
culture of risk awareness and mitigation. It reaffirms that the resilience Intervention / construction duration
of rural communities is based on a broad range of capacities involving
1-2 weeks to build,
social, economic and environmental components. Therefore it has
1 day to fix temporarily if damaged
quickly appeared relevant to strongly consider those specificities and
2 to 4 days to repair.
moreover to strengthen them to ensure the provision of appropriate
disaster response measures in the future.
Typhoon & emergency shelters Temporary consolidation
Issue Issue
Sheltering during and after typhoons.
Main structure’s stability during typhoon.
Low-rise constructions with a rectangular plan built using
Temporay wall propping up.
local natural materials (wood, bamboo, palm leaves, rattan) are
traditionally used as family shelters during and after cyclones. Hazard resilient design
Hazard resilient design Temporary consolidation with bamboo or timber is a very
common practice. The wall panels are propped up with full-
The very low height of the shelter and the roof extended to
length bamboo poles or timber logs and the roof is ballasted. If
the ground provide an improved aerodynamic shape reducing
possible, stilts are braced.
the impact of strong winds. When a typhoon is announced,
people gather their belongings and move into the shelters This consolidation principle prevents the building from bending
to be protected from the possible partial or total collapse of or collapsing. Generally, the consolidation system will remain
housing and other risks. Later, these shelters are often used after the emergency until the structure is repaired or rebuilt.
as temporary living spaces as the damaged houses are being Location
reconstructed / repaired. Roof, wall panel, wood stilts.
Location Application
On an open site protected from falling trees or other debris, Commonly known and applied.
close or far away, depending on the exposition context.
Intervention / construction duration
Very short - 1/2 day.
Commonly known and applied.
Intervention / construction duration
Very short - 1/2 day.
General approach
Resistance or Resilience ?
The two following reconstruction projects present an approach based
on the resilience, rather than on the resistance of housing. The
analysis of the local building culture and its coping mechanisms makes
it possible to understand the extent to which house affordability, the
capacity to recover, accessibility to resources, the safety of users
as well as local skills and knowledge are factors to be put in balance
with the structural resistance of housing units. The adopted approach
assumes that local style houses reflect the local populations’ capacity
of resilience. In other words, while houses are designed to resist
strong storms and typhoons, it would be beyond people’s capacities
to seek for a structural resistance able to cope with less frequent
super typhoons. In such exceptional situations, rebuilding seems a
more accessible and affordable option, using salvaged materials or
otherwise. To illustrate this “resistance vs. resilience” approach, a
roof made of palm leaves is easily replaced without external assistance
Local Building Culture approach
and without the need to spend substantial savings. Palm leaves are
available locally and manufacturing doesn’t usually require extra- Improving local building cultures and developing post-disaster
familial skills. On the other hand, a CGI sheet roof covering is not easily responses based on existing good practices do not lead to some
affordable and households would require to access substantial savings kind of nostalgic return to the past. Several recent experiences have
or external assistance to recover their CGI sheet roof. proven that considering local building cultures is extremely valuable
when working towards the enhancement of community and housing
The nature of damages is another important perspective of analysis:
resilience. Identifying, understanding, recognizing and, where needed,
post-Yolanda field assessments showed that damages are likely
improving and strengthening local practices often result in very useful
linked to a pre-existent poor condition of structures. In many cases,
knowledge for the definition of relevant disaster risk reduction and
high winds and heavy rains just triggered a pending collapse. The
re-construction programs.
depreciation of local building traditions is probably one of the main
factors accounting for the weakening of housing structures and can be This approach ensures the respect of local culture and customs, the
perceived through the lack of maintenance and the unsuitable modern identification of the real basic needs and the valorization of local
modifications made on traditional buildings. knowledge and capacities.
A building culture results from the adaptation of a community
to the environmental conditions of the territory in which it is
established - physical, climatic, social, economic and cultural.
As with biodiversity, a multitude of local building cultures exist
throughout the world and it is important to consider that all
of them evolve and change over time and that several building
cultures may coexist in a given territory.
(for further information see the practical guide Assessing local building
cultures for resilience and development, CRAterre editions, 2015)
Scale of intervention
After a major natural disaster, whatever the level of available funds
may be, only a small portion of the affected population, generally the
most vulnerable, is provided with support. The majority of affected
families will recover through self-rebuilding, using the local informal
building sector (Parrack, Flinn, Passey, 2014).
The purpose of the two following projects was to develop disaster
preparedness and risk reduction strategies applied to the housing
sector, based on the existing local resources, building practices, and
coping capacities. The projects paid special attention to economic
accessibility issues so that the duplication of proposed housing
interventions would be possible for a great number of households not Example of local building culture: structural elements are tied together
directly benefiting from the projects, thus significantly expanding the without nails using vegetable materials (here rattan).
impact of the project.
DSAC Project
Three barangays (Dalagsa-An, Manika, Oyang), in the municipality
of Libacao – Aklan. The three barangays are remote and difficult to
access (many villages are accessible only by foot).
Diocesan Social Action Center of Kalibo (DSAC)
THE DSAC OF KALIBO Secours Catholique - Caritas France (SCCF)
The Diocesan Social Action Centre (DSAC) of Kalibo is the social action Caritas Belgium
constituent of the Diocese of Kalibo. The DSAC-Kalibo provides support PERIOD
to vulnerable populations from 22 communities in the province of Aklan 2014 - 2017
in Panay Island. DSACs are responsible for the coordination of social
action activities in parishes and Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs). BUDGET
Livelihood improvement project: 836,786 ¤
The DSAC of Kalibo is one of the 85 DSACs of the Caritas network in the
Philippines under the National Secretariat for Social Action (NASSA)/ Housing construction and restoration project: 503,880 ¤
Caritas Philippines. The NASSA is the humanitarian, development and Overall objective
advocacy body of the Catholic Church in the Philippines. It was created
To improve the living conditions of Indigenous Peoples affected
by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) in 1966.
by typhoon Yolanda, supporting access to healthy, resilient and
It is a faith-based, non-governmental organization which supports
sustainable houses.
and sustains social action initiatives on peace advocacy, democratic
governance, children’s rights, sustainable agriculture, environmental beneficiaries
protection and disaster management. The project aims to benefit the overall communities from barangays
The DSAC Kalibo played a part in the three-year Yolanda Rehabilitation Manika, Oyang and Dalagsa-An. However priority was given to those
Program #REACHPhilippines, covering 166 communities across 9 whose housing had been totally damaged and not yet rebuilt, and
provinces and dealing with housing, water, sanitation & hygiene, among them to the most vulnerable families, that is to say to those
food security, livelihood, Disaster Risk Reduction, capacity building, lacking the capacity to recover on their own.
community organizing and ecosystem recovery related issues.
Indigenous Peoples
In the Philippines, indigenous peoples (IPs) have a holistic concept projects and extractive industries involving mining, dam construction
of the land, referred to as ancestral land and ancestral domain, and logging operations and to the degradation of the environment.
encompassing not only the territory but also its resources: the rivers, In Libacao, various indigenous communities live, among them the
the forests, the flora and fauna, the minerals underneath and the air Tumandok in barangay Dalagsa-an and the Akeanon-Bukidnon in
above. It is not a commodity to be sold or exchanged but a resource to barangays Oyang and Manika. They are mainly settled upland, in
be nurtured for future generations. remote mountainous areas and have managed to preserve their culture,
language, and rituals. They are represented by their own council and
The Philippine Constitution of 1987 recognizes the rights of indigenous
chieftain. One of the major concerns for them is the absence of land
cultural communities. Despite this national IPs law, they are among the
tenure. While they are recognized as indigenous to the area and
poorest and most marginalized sectors of the Filipino society. A major despite the pending claim with the National Commission on Indigenous
factor causing food insecurity and poverty among IPs is the loss of Peoples (NCIP) submitted in the 1990s, the communities have not been
their ancestral lands due to their displacement linked to development issued the Certificate for Ancestral Domain Title.
Katipunan Cuartero
Shelter project: three barangays (Putian, Manhunod-Hunod, Carataya),
in the municipality of Cuartero - Capiz
Iloilo City Student’s dormitory: barangay Katipunan, Tapaz, Capiz
The Panay Center for Disaster Response (PCDR) based in Iloilo
a common methodology
Analysis Planning
Identification, understanding, Designing relevant strategies in
and contextualization - global collaboration with all partners,
assessment (LBC, context and to be implemented on a priority
local capacities, resources, basis and taking into account
building sector) the partners’ capacities
Evaluation Implementation
Evaluation, adaptation of results Implementation and
and definition of future activities. experimentation of project
Capitalization, promotion, and dissemination phases and activities
Awareness and Knowledge Planning and management
• Promoting and demonstrating the effectiveness of local • Involving partners and beneficiaries in all stages of the
building cultures. implementation process.
• Strengthening existing skills through the implementation of • Designing activities according to existing capacities.
training activities for builders.
• Designing projects that are able to respond to urgent needs
• Disseminating local disaster coping practices. as well as to long-term challenges.
• Supporting, in collaboration with operational stakeholders and • Prioritizing facilitation, rather than providing.
donors, the promotion and recognition of the value of local
• Focusing on direct beneficiaries while allowing the whole
building and risk cultures.
community to benefit from the project.
• Strengthening existing partnerships and creating new
• Adopting a participatory approach throughout the project,
cooperation and coordination opportunities among the
involving the community from get-go, especially through the
community, operational, academic and institutional
beneficiary selection process.
project strategies DRR test
DSAC Shelter Forum
& 1st evaluation
1st training
pilot house 1st repair
DSAC capacity building Additional houses building
DSAC demand Training of engineers & carpenters Reparing 6 houses as a test
Community-based beneficiary selection Technical options fine-tuning
Raising-awareness session Strategy fine-tuning
Building of 6 houses as a test Methodology fine-tuning
Barangay assessment
Nov 2013 March 2014 May 2014 Nov 2014 April 2015
6 months 5 months
2 weeks 2,5 years
Capitalization &
feedback meeting
Community-based beneficiary selection in Paris
Scaling up of construction activities
Covering of additional remotest areas
4 months
& posts house, shelter project in Libacao.
PCDR demand
Design prototypes Community-based selection
PCDR capacity building additionnal building/repairs
Training of Tlead & carpenters DRR sessions
Construction of 3 pilot houses Evaluation and fine-tuning
Pilot repairs Planning main phase
Nov 2013 Nov 2015 March 2016 June 2016 Aug 2016
session in Cuartero
Capitalization &
feedback meeting
Scaling up of construction activities in Paris
Additional training sessions and workshops
Evaluation of carpenters skills and knowledge
Capitalization of the shelter component
Open-house visits and Forum event Technical & DRR guide
Joint capitalization booklet Example of repair/upgrading, shelter project in Cuartero.
PCDR booklet
Dec 2016 July 2017
Challenges: Environment severely affected
One of the main issues raised in Cuartero concerns the many
8 months 4 months
drawbacks and the adverse impact that GMO-corn crops have
generated, not only on the health and the environment but also on
the socio-economic conditions of populations. Through this form
of agriculture, indebted farmers become increasingly dependent
infrastructure based on local building culture principles. Therefore,
on corn traders and agrochemical companies.
the expected outcomes of the shelter component were:
In all three communities, the environment is severely affected by
1. To provide assistance to repair or rebuild damaged and destroyed
a high level of deforestation and pesticide pollution. In regard to
houses of the most vulnerable households affected by Yolanda in
housing, while the difficult economic conditions have inevitably
3 barangays an impact on the capacity of populations to properly maintain,
2. To enhance local knowledge and capacity to build, repair and build or recover their house after a disaster, deforestation, the
maintain sustainable and resilient houses, on the basis of absence of vegetation protection and the erosion of soils have
existing resources and know-how, the local building culture and increased the vulnerability of built structures to typhoons and
disaster-resilient practices landslides. Additionally, the depletion of natural resources, such
as wood and bamboo, has drastically reduced access to affordable
3. To raise community awareness on the importance of preserving quality construction materials and therefore to resilient housing
local resources and developing DRR knowledge to improve the solutions. Finally, in many cases, the relocation of houses result
sturdiness of the buildings through simple and low-cost solutions from the choice to extend a field rather than find a safe place
4. To raise PCDR’s capacities on technical and DRR aspects related protected from strong wind, flood and landslide exposure.
to housing Similarly, landlessness often forces the populations to position
their houses according to availability and permissions instead of
5. To provide technical assistance in the construction of the student safety considerations. This happens to be a serious threat in any
dormitory allowing the best use of local materials and local recovery context.
Repair & reconstruction assistance
• Assessment of Local Building Cultures (LBC) in the
3 barangays
• Resource mapping and inventory of local materials
• Securing and guaranteeing the long-term land right
for selected beneficiaries
• Community-based selection of beneficiaries
• Development and fine-tuning of technical solutions
in an iterative process
• Definition of case-by-case interventions for the
strengthening/upgrading of existing houses
• Adaptation of specific and existing house design
principles for each barangay depending on locally
available resources, capacities and culture
• Development of adequate design solutions taking
into account the fact that some beneficiaries
received previous support from other NGOs
• Awareness raising sessions on LBCs and
community strengthening
• Reconstruction and repair activities.
226 households benefited directly from shelter
assistance in the 3 barangays:
• 120 safer houses rebuilt
• 106 houses repaired and improved
• 129 house extensions achieved
• 226 latrines built Shelter projetc in Libacao, example of a 6 posts house
• Assessment of Local Building Cultures (LBCs) in the
3 barangays
• Development of adequate technical solutions and
design of pilot houses
• Community-based selection of beneficiaries
• Technical assessment of houses, definition of case-
by-case interventions and budgeting
• Reconstruction & repair (strengthening /
upgrading) activities
• Assessment and fine-tuning of technical solutions
and of the implementation process throughout the
46 households received shelter assistance in the 3
• 30 houses repaired & improved
• 16 safer houses rebuilt
REINFORCEMENT of technical skills
DSAC sheet
Corner post /
S2.3.1.9 ROOF
beam tying Guide
minH3H minH3H
at least 8 rattan
wisps on each
side (6 for middle Nails have to cross to the other
post) side and points have to be bent
(on at least 1 inch)
1 or 2 cleats
per connexion
At least 4 nails on
each cleat.
at least 6 rattan
wisps on each
Middle post /
beam tying
at least 6 rattan
wisps on each
• 4 pilot houses completed (community • 3 pilot houses completed (community
buildings) in the 3 barangays buildings) in the 3 barangays
• 3 engineers trained • 1 technical lead trained and 3 community
• 8 foremen trained facilitators fully sensitized in all
technical aspects
• 80 carpenters and 16 masons trained
• 3 foremen trained
• 43 carpenters trained
capacity building & awareness raising
• Shelter forum 2014 with DSAC partners on shelter • Capacity building for PCDR staff on training facilitation,
construction multi-approach construction project management
• Awareness-raising community sessions for disaster • Capacity building and training for carpenters to
resilient construction disseminate key messages towards beneficiaries
• Orientation sessions for communities and beneficiaries • Development of a Disaster Resilient Housing Awareness
on project system Workshop and training of trainers’ for PCDR community
• Internal training or capacity reinforcement for DSAC facilitators
staff • Dissemination of the Disaster Resilient Housing
• Internal evaluation and capitalization Awareness workshop by community facilitators in the 3
targeted barangays towards POs members, community
members and trained carpenters
• Continuous and on-site awareness raising towards
beneficiaries by carpenters and PCDR staff
• Organization of open house visits and a closing forum
by PCDR towards communities and local authorities
• 6 animators were trained • 1 technical lead and 3 community facilitators gained
• 1,062 households (6,300 persons) participated in skills in facilitating training and managing repair &
community meetings reconstruction processes
• 80 carpenters, 8 foremen and 16 masons sensitized • 11 PCDR staff members trained as trainers to facilitate
the “Disaster Resilient Housing Awareness” workshop
• Increased awareness of local communities on resilience
features for housing • Increased awareness of local carpenters and an
enhanced capacity to share knowledge
• Increased awareness on the importance of sanitation
and hygiene practices. • Increased awareness for housing beneficiaries on
resilience features
• Increased capacity of DSAC in terms of procurement
and logistics • Over 200 community members participated in the
“Disaster Resilient Housing Awareness” workshops in
the 3 barangays
• First steps in sensitizing local authorities in Cuartero
DRR Training – Shelter resilience│ M3 - How to increase sturdiness of the building │ CRAterre 3
DRR Training – Shelter resilience│ M3 - How to increase sturdiness of the building │ CRAterre 11
DRR Training – Shelter resilience│ M3 - How to increase sturdiness of the building │ CRAterre 23
Impact at the community level on their own. As a dissemination strategy to give the whole community
access to Build Back Safer / Better (BBBS) guidelines, more carpenters
Communities acted as true partners in every step of the project. IPs
than required by the project were trained. This strategy ensured the
were particularly sensitive to the approach integrating the specificities
permanence of skilled foremen and carpenters in the area.
of their traditions and culture. The awareness-raising session during
which technical weaknesses and their solutions could be introduced, Nevertheless, the lack of awareness activities has led to a limited
the sustainable structural options presented as well as the continued interest from non-beneficiaries. Misunderstandings regarding a
discussions among community members, carpenters, and engineers number of technical choices were also identified at the level of DSAC
allowed for the project to be particularly well-received. Indeed, technical team. This revealed the real need for refresher training
all initial negative reactions due to the poor image of local building activities during such projects.
cultures and resources were rapidly cleared away following the
Impact for the DSAC Kalibo
demonstration of the first pilot house. Thus, the 120 rebuilt houses,
106 repaired ones, 129 extensions and the 226 latrines achieved made The project was an opportunity to reinforce all partners’ skills while
the beneficiaries very proud. focusing on enabling as opposed to providing strategies. For both
local and international partners, it was a chance to experiment an
During the project, the implementation of some of the technical
LBC approach and its positive outcomes. This led the DSAC project
solutions by beneficiaries as well as non-beneficiaries was observed.
manager to show deep commitment in promoting it and the field staff
These cases of duplication highlighted the relevance of the solutions
to be very engaged in implementing all activities. But, the team had
suggested as well as the effective capacity of households to apply them
to deal with other partners implementing shelter projects based on
different approaches at the same time. Therefore, in order to achieve
the expected physical results in the limited time frame, outputs were
sometimes favoured over processes, with limited impact on awareness
and capacity building.
Regarding the proposed methodology, the DSAC and its partners
demonstrated the capacity to adopt an iterative approach, adapting to
feedback by stakeholders to unexpected constraints. The remoteness
of communities, seasonal farmer work, challenges concerning the
transport of materials, conflicts on land issues as well as dual
authorities (IPS and LGU) and local armed conflicts were dealt with
through the constant improvement of the project’s strategy. The
response quality was also re-evaluated and improved at each stage
of the project. This included, for example, the decision to add a kitchen
component to the houses in order to respond not only to a real need
but also to long-term improvement of comfort, health and safety
conditions. Another example was the type of water and sanitation
support adopted which promoted a multi-perspective and sustainable
Technical discussion among carpenters and the engineer in charge.
Remaining needs & perspectiveS
When learning and knowledge management are integrated from
the start of a project, there is understanding of the different
stages of the project by all partners involved, while also offering
the opportunity of re-orientation based on M&E (monitoring
and evaluation). This enhances the project’s ownership so that,
later on, the lessons learned and good practices may be better
disseminated through the partners’ networks. As it turned out,
it was a real challenge for the DSAC to adapt to all its national
and international partners, each one carrying its own specific
project, involving different approaches and standards. It would be
relevant for the DSAC to consider the benefits of this experience in
order to develop and redefine its vision and approach, that would
be useful to handle similar situations that may take place in the
Traditional way of making roof covering with ambulang (palm leave) and rattan.
Shelter projet in Cuartero, example of repair. Shelter projet in Cuartero, example of re-used material building for house.
Lessons learnED
The two projects presented in this brochure had the particularity of involving local authorities, government agencies as well as other
having been implemented in the same Island of the Philippines, Panay, relevant organizations. Further projects should, therefore, include
after it was hit by Typhoon Yolanda in November 2013. Though the two similar advocacy campaigns and actions to build partnerships and, as
projects had similar objectives, the fact that they were implemented much as possible, target relevant stakeholders from the onset.
in two different geographical areas and within different institutional
contexts led to make different decisions both regarding the building
techniques promoted and the project strategies. Thus, after the initial
assessment of the local building cultures that led to discussing their
strengths and weaknesses with the partners, similar activities were
planned, but in different strategical frameworks. That situation proved
favorable for reflecting on the lessons learned which could be useful in
the future in the Philippines and probably elsewhere as well.
Identifying local strengths before planning and making sure that
recovery of pride and self-confidence in local knowledge are part of
the project
A paramount step in both projects has been the participatory field
study of the local building culture at an early stage. A major challenge
to be addressed in the two contexts was the lack of maintenance due
to the recent depreciation of local building cultures associated with
the loss of confidence in local knowledge, but also with risks linked
to the non-preservation of local resources. As a response, the first
prototypes allowed the fine-tuning of a number of options (techniques,
site organization) and helped clear away some of the initial negative
perceptions. The quality of these first achievements has made it
possible to re-establish pride and self-confidence. In particular,
formalizing existing building techniques making use of local materials
through theoretical and practical training was highly appreciated by
the carpenters involved. To build on that, the projects promoted the Carpenters posing in front of their bracing work in Cuartero.
need but also the benefit of preserving local knowledge and resources,
as well as to take action towards their recognition. Addressing housing issues within the broader challenges of local
development and improvement of living conditions
After the pilot phases, it appeared critical to bring more awareness
than what had initially been planned, and adjustments were made to Along the implementation of the project in Cuartero, it gradually
reinforce awareness-raising campaigns aimed at the whole community. became clear that the problems with the evolution of the quality
Though very successful when conscientiously implemented, those of traditional housing were linked to the evolution of agricultural
campaigns remained probably insufficient, more specifically those practices. That led to consider that the two problems should be tackled
together, fostering the idea that issues should always be looked at would finally do their own selection of what they felt being feasible
through a holistic approach. and accessible financially to their future clients. That also avoids the
risk of establishing gaps between beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries.
Retrospectively, it was realized that the identification of such links
at an earlier stage would have been very advantageous with potential Both projects faced scarcity of local materials, temporary or
leverage for both housing and agricultural recovery and resilience. permanent, leading to consider essential the protection of the
But at the same time, raising awareness takes time, and it is of resources available within the territory. But proposing a project
primary importance to let the communities understand the roots of based on local resources have appeared contradictory when materials
their vulnerability. It is clear that both projects have triggered new have to be sourced from other areas, which also involves more costs.
dynamics in valuing, maintaining and protecting local resources but, Still, in both cases, the adopted strategies prioritized the continuity
most of all, they have helped populations and decision makers to and enhancement of know-how while also considering the revival of
question their general resilience. local production, leading to handle the issue in a short and long term
perspective so as to obtain adequate responses.
Identifying, together with the community, the correlations between
issues in different sectors should then be understood as a key element
within the proposed methodological approach. That leads to the idea of
joint multi-sectorial assessments or enlarging the scope of the initial
assessment to make it possible to establish links between issues.
However, as it is very challenging to understand all factors in the initial
phase, context understanding should be taken as a continuous activity.
It has also been identified that establishing relationships between
recovery components allows to reinforce them individually. In Libacao,
when the primary intention was to design different projects, it was
decided to set a larger and more comprehensive response, allowing
to address issues together such as material scarcity and the lack of
local resources through a cross-cutting strategy. Moreover, within the
shelter component, it was decided to adopt an upgrading approach by
including a kitchen improvement component and a water & sanitation
Upgrading and repair training in Cuartero.
Extending the impact: accessibility and replicability of the proposed
solutions, even by non-beneficiaries Adopting an iterative process open to both new construction and
repair activities
In both projects accessibility and replicability were strongly
considered. That led to abandon some of the proposed alternatives Both projects implemented assistance to housing repair and
that revealed to be non-relevant in terms of material accessibility or rebuilding with salvaged materials. These activities did get strong
cost. By prioritizing repair and rebuilding activities, close to the day- responsiveness, at a higher level than what had been expected.
to-day job of the carpenters, the projects anticipated the fact that they This observation confirmed the “culture of risk” of Filipinos, which
materializes through both technical and social assets. In particular, the and sufficiently discussed to reach consensus and keep a sense of
local-style houses are easy to repair and upgrade, and the bayanihan ownership amongst stakeholders.
spirit (traditional mutual help system) proves to be efficient. This
Looking forward to preparing a better future
important finding leads to advocating for self-recovery support in any
post-disaster housing projects in the Philippines. This could also be In both projects, local partners were the main actors and, indeed, the
the case elsewhere. projects had not been tailored only to the local contexts but also to the
partners’ visions and capacities. Still, they invested a lot in building
Nevertheless, strategies and processes related to self-recovery
capacities within their organizations to implement the activities
assistance need to be further capitalized and studied, more specifically
as they have to be flexible (in terms of quantities and time) and require
specific condition survey skills (in particular for repair assistance). Looking forward, the challenge is to ensure the continuity of the
And still, the construction of pilot houses was very useful as a first step application of the knowledge developed and to further build capacities
to get things started. But one should consider that new constructions in preparation for the future. But the end of the projects resulted in
may not generate as much of an impact as assistance to self-recovery closing contracts for many and so, even though relevant activities
activities could. have been implemented to this end - this booklet being part of it - the
capitalization of experiences, processes and knowledge management
to prepare the future remains a question. To reach such objective of
sustainability, PCDR is considering to extend the scope of the project
through its national network, the Citizens’ Disaster Response Network
(CDRN). Also, the DSAC briefly approached the Garcia College of
Technology of Kalibo.
This situation leads to recommend exit strategies to be planned at the
early stages and at a larger scale, looking at potentials for fostering
institutional anchorage, either governmental (including local),
educational or non-governmental, or taking advantage of existing
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ENSAG, 60 avenue de Constantine, 38036 Grenoble, France
CRAterre éditions, Maison Levrat, Parc Fallavier, 2 rue de la +33 (0)4 76 69 83 35
Buthière– B.P. 53, 38092 Villefontaine Cedex, France [email protected]
Imprimerie du Pont de Claix, 9 ch. de la Plaine, 38640 Claix
Edited on September 2018
ISBN (print): 979-10-96446-19-3 (digital): 979-10-96446-20-9
Legal deposit: September 2018
© 2018 CRATerre-ENSAG
Over the past 15 years, a number of housing projects undertaken in post-disaster situations
have adopted a “local building cultures” approach to efficiently support the initiatives of
affected populations, regardless of their location or origin.
This becomes even more pertinent when working in rural areas where, often, populations benefit
from the ancestral experience of living in their lands and so, possess a rich knowledge of their
environment and traditional housing, and of their strengths and weaknesses facing natural
Both reconstruction projects presented in this booklet, undertaken in the aftermath of typhoon
Yolanda, are a good illustration of this potential. Moreover, they highlight how such an approach