اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي 22

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2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

2. Why is the Panther 3.0D a really safe car?

- It is so because there are bags for the driver and the passengers and many
other safety features.
3. The Panther 3.0D has no standard features. (True\False)
5. The new Panther is Car of the Year.

Q3\ Do as required between brackets.

2. 15:10 (Tell the time) : It’s three ten. \ It’s ten past three.
3. The arts team were performing very well. (Make negative)
The arts team were not performing very well.
4. The students are reading English at this moment. (Question)

Q4\ Match the words to make compound nouns.

1. sweet 2- insect 3- litter 4- swimming 5- air

a- bag b- pool c- bin d- proof e- shop f- assistant
sweet shop \ insect-proof \ litter bin \ swimming pool \ airbag

Q5\ A\ Write the missing words correctly.

1- good X bad; beautiful, ugly
2- tall, taller; thin, thinner
3- want, wanted; fly, flew
4. car, cars; child, children
5- go, going; stop, stopping

B\ Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and Punctuation


batool cant meet all her friends in mosul next friday

Batool can’t meet all her friends in Mosul next Friday

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

‫الوحدة أألولى‬
- :Grammar and Functions
A/ Tell the time: -
1. 16:05 it’s four five. Or / It’s five past four.
2. 18:10 it’s six ten Or / it’s ten past six.
3. 8:45 it’s eight forty five Or / it’s quarter to nine. Or / It’s fifteen to nine.
4. 9:20 it’s nine twenty Or / it’s twenty past nine.
B/Write the suitable choice: -
1. There (is /are) some plants in front of the shops.
2. It has a (really / quite) beautiful shape. You'll love it.
3. It was (really / quite) a good film.
4. Cars have CD players so that you (can / can't) listen to music.
C/Change into negative:-
1. There is an information desk in that mall.
There isn’t an information desk in that mall.
2. There aren’t bookshops in our town.
3. The hotel has a swimming pool.
The hotel doesn’t have a swimming pool.
4. I like the sports shops.
I don’t like the sports shops
D/Answer the following using the prompts given:-
1. What were you doing all yesterday morning. (study for the exam)
I was studying for the exam
2. What is she doing now? (Wait in a queue).
She is waiting in a queue
E/Join the following use (so that):-
1. Cars have Gps / get lost.
Cars have Gps so that you can’t get lost.
2. Cars have electric windows / open windows easily.
Cars have electric windows so that you can open windows easily.
3. There are tinted windows / see into the car easily.
There are tinted windows so that you can’t see into the car easily.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

4. There are clear instructions / put it up easily.

There are clear instructions so that you can put it up easily.
F/Give reasons use (to):-
1. There are disc brakes (help you stop quickly).
There are disc brakes to help you stop quickly.
2. It has the latest suspension. (help you keep on the road).
It has the latest suspension to help you keep on the road).‫اب تلكرام‬
3Reading comprehension:-
Answer the following using information from your text book:-
1. The panther 3.OD has seats for 4 people ( True / False).
2. Why is the panther 3.OD a really safe car?(Answer).
There are airbags for the driver and passengers.
3. The panther 3.OD has no standard features. ( True / False).
4. The panther 3.OD is actually quite (expensive / cheap) . (choose)
5. Some young men are more interested in the engine of the panther 3.OD. (True/False).
6. There is loads of space inside the panther 3.OD (True /False).
7. The safety features in the panther 3.OD are There are airbags for the driver and
8. The panther 3.OD does ___12___ to the litre and has a four year __warranty__.
9. The standard features in the panther 3.OD are __ GPS, the sunroof, tinted windows and
a fantastic CD player.
Vocabulary and spelling.
A/Match list (A) with list (B) to form compound nouns:- ‫التوصيل‬
Sweet shop ‫محل حلويات‬
car park ‫موقف سيارات‬
information desk ‫مكتب استعالمات‬
disc brakes ‫دسكات توقف‬
insect proof ‫مضاد حشرات‬
air bag ‫مصدات هوائية‬
swimming pool ‫حوض سباحة‬
video game
sun roof ‫فتحة سقف‬
litter bin ‫سلة مهمالت‬
shop assistant ‫عامل محل‬
B/Write the missing words:-

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

1. old , young/ terrible , fantastic/ expensive/ cheap , boring/ interesting

ugly , beautiful/ important , Unimportant/ Dangerous, safe.
2. play , playing / come , coming / die, dying / sit , sitting.

Q1/Complete the following sentences in a more polite way.

1. He's stupid.
He's not __very clever__.
2. He's lazy.
He's __a bit__ lazy.
3. She can't sing.
She's not __very good at singing__.
4. He can't paint.
He can't __very well__.
5. She's bad at football.
She's not __very good at football__.
6. She's boring.
She's __not__ much fun.
7. He's unfriendly.
He's __a bit unfriendly__.

Q2/A/Write the opposites of these words.

1. dangerous___safe__ . 4. happy____ sad /unhappy ___.
2. old-fashioned___ modern___. 5. old ____new / young___.
3. expensive___cheap___. 6. uncomfortable___comfortable___.

Q2/B/Write words that match these definitions.

1. It makes cars, boats and planes move. __an engine__.
2. Words and pictures to help sell things ___advert___.
3. A person who helps others is ___helpful____.
4. You can clean your teeth with this.____ a toothbrush___.
5. Three or more people waiting in line___ a queue____.

Q2/ C/What do we mean by? ‫ما معنى‬

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

1. Passengers= a traveler. ‫ راكب‬/ ‫مسافر‬

2. bounce = move quickly up, back or away from a surface after hitting it. ‫ارتداد‬
Q3/Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.
Queue ‫ طابور‬hard working ‫ مجتهد‬imaginative ‫ واسع الخيال‬poet ‫ شاعر‬patience ‫صابر‬
prize ‫جائز‬
1. My brother is very___ hard working __.He always does extra homework.
2. Hassan was so pleased when he won first_ prize _ in the poetry competition.
3. It is important to be___ imaginative ________ when you are writing poems.
4. The___ Queue ____ was so long it came out of the door!
5. I have a lot of _____ patience ______ with young children.
6. His dream was to be a famous____ poet ______.
: ‫تلكرام‬
Q4/ Story Time: Answer the following questions:-
1. Describe Kareem's character. = He is hard working, quiet, imaginative.
2. What is the name of the new book Kareem wants to buy?= Islands of Salt.
3. What does (saving up) mean? = Collecting up money
4. What do you think the collection of poems (Islands of Salt) is about?
Islands of Salt could literally suggest an island with lots of sand and salty sea
water, or it could be used more figuratively to suggest a barren, desolate place.
5. What had Kareem been doing for months? What did he want to be?
Kareem had been saving up for months to be the first one to buy the new book.
6. How many times had he read Al Nawab's poems ?How did he find them?
Kareem had read all of Al-Nawab’s poems at least twice and found them very
7. How did Kareem spend most of his free time?
Reading or writing his own poems.
8. What was Kareem's dream? be a famous poet.
9. What did the owner of the shop do when Kareem got to the door of the
shop? What did everyone do?
He rang a bell and everyone started clapping and cheering.
10. What is the big prize for customer number 50? will get to meet AI-Nawab.
11. How did Kareem feel? Why?
Kareem felt a surge of happiness as he understood what was happening.
Q5/Written Component:-‫انشاء ايميل عن وصف صديق‬

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Write an e-mail to a relative about your best friend, describing his/ her
appearance and character.
Make use of the following words:-
(hard working , helpful , short black hair , friendly , kind , funny looking ,
his/her favorite lessons , hobbies)

From: Zaid
To: uncle Salim
Dear uncle Salim:
How are you? I have a friend called Ali. He is really creative and clever. He is
very hardworking and helpful. He is good at loads of things. He knows a lot of
maths and English.
He is quite short. He is a bit slim. He has short black hair and brown eyes. I
really like him.
Email me soon.

Reading Comprehension:
Q1/Answer the following questions using information from your textbook: -
1. The panther 3.0D has seats for six people. (True / False)
2. Why is the panther 3.0D a really safe car? (Answer)
Because there are airbags for the driver and passengers.
3. What are the standard features of the panther3.0D?
GPS, the sunroof, tinted windows, and a fantastic CD player.
4. The panther 3.0D is actually quite (expensive / cheap). (Choose)
5. Some young men are more interested in the engine of the panther 3.0D.
6. There is loads of space inside the panther 3.0D. (True / False)
7. The panther 3.0D does ..12.. to the litre and has a four year warranty.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Grammar and functions:

A/Do as required:
1. Fareed is bad at English. Fareed is _____. (Make the sentence more polite)
Fareed is a bit bad at English. Or / Fareed isn’t very good at English.
2. 15:05 (Tell the time). It’s three five Or / it’s five past three.
3. Ali has got ____ hair. (brown beautiful curly/ beautiful brown curly/
beautiful curly brown)
4. Mazin visits his uncle every weekend. (Negative)
Mazin doesn’t visit his uncle every weekend
5. He enjoys playing tennis. (Negative)
He doesn’t enjoy playing tennis.
6. He is fat. He is ____a bit____ fat. (Make this sentence more polite)

B/Complete the sentences below with the suitable choices:

1. Some bacteria are useful to _________ (our / us / ours).
2. Hana bought two___ shirts last week.
( nice French cotton / nice cotton French / French nice cotton )
3. The students ………… English at this moment. (are reading/ will read/ were
4. They often _____ their grandfather at the weekends. (visit/ visits/ will visit)
5. There are disc brakes in every car (because/ so / to) help you stop quickly.
6. Are there______ sweet shops near your house? (some/ a lot of/ any)

Vocabulary and Punctuation:

Q3/A/Choose words from the box below that suit the following definitions:
1. We clean out our teeth with this _a toothbrush_.
2. Three or more people waiting in a line _queue__.
3. There are disc brakes __to__ help you stop quickly.
4. Words or pictures to help sell things __advert___.
5. People who are not children __adults__.
6. It makes cars, boats and planes move____ an engine_______.

@fadhilalqassap : ‫تلكرام‬

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

B/ Match the words in List (A) with the suitable words from List (B):
List A: 1. Air 2. Video 3. Sun 4. Shop 5. Insect 6. Litter
List B: a. roof b. bin c. game d. proof e. bag f. assistant

1. Airbag 2. Video game 3. Sunroof

4. Shop assistant 5. Insect proof 6. Litter bin

C/Choose the correct answer:

1. A …. is someone who takes care of sick animals. (policeman/fire fighter/vet).
2. Farouq is studying law at the university. He wants to be a____. (lawyer/
doctor/ mechanic)
3. Salwa can't go now. She is _______the dinner because her mother is ill.
(cooking/painting/ helping)
4. Hazim________ goals in the final match yesterday. (played/ scored/ sent)
5. A bat is not a bird, but it can ________ like a bird. (walk/ fly/ bite)
6. Cars have CD player so that the driver can ______ (sing a song / listen to
music/ let light in)

D/ Re-write the following sentence with capital letters and punctuation marks.
are there many new shops in al-mansour mall in Baghdad
Are there many new shops in Al-Mansour mall in Baghdad?

Story Time and spelling :

Story Time:
Q3/A/Do as required:
1. What was Kareem's dream? Be a famous poet.
2. Kareem had read AL-Nawab's poems and found them very boring. (True/
3. What was there for customer number 50? (Answer)
He would get to meet Al-Nawab.
4. Kareem had read Al_Nawab's poems at least (once/ twice). (Choose)
5. Kareem was the lucky customer who won the big prize. (True/ False)

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

6_What was Kareem's big prize? (Answer)

He would get to meet Al-Nawab.

1. I, my; he, __his___ 2. Iraq, Iraqi; Italy ____Italian_____
3. boy, boys; dish ___dishes_____ 4. good X bad, ugly, ___beautiful_____
5. do, did; study ___studied___ 6. play, playing; save ___saving___

@fadhilalqassap : ‫تلكرام‬
Written Component:
Q4/Write an email describing a friend to your brother Wisam.
From: Zaid
To: Wisam
Dear Wisam:
How are you? I have a friend called Ali. He is really creative and clever. He is
very hardworking and helpful. He is good at loads of things. He knows a lot of
maths and English.
He is quite short. He is a bit slim. He has short black hair and brown eyes. I
really like him.
Email me soon.
: ‫تلكرام‬

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

‫الوحدة الثاني‬
(1, 2, 3, 4 & 5) ‫الدروس‬

Grammar & Functions:

Q1- A/ Do as required:
1. Suggest a place to go with your friend. (Use: How about/ beach)
How about going to the beach?
2. Express your dislike concerning flies.
I dislike spiders.
3. I (go) to the cinema yesterday. (Correct the verb)
I went to the cinema yesterday.
4. I play the part of Samara. (Change the sentence into negative)
I don’t play the part of Samara.
5. I saw a poster at school. (Make a question)
Did you see a poster at school?
or What did you see at school?
or Where did you see a poster?
6. Express your preference concerning going to the mall. (Use: I'd love…)
I’d love to go to the mall.
7. Agree to your friend's suggestion to study English together.
Ok, let’s do that.
or Yes, I would love to.

B/ Choose the correct choice:

1. Where would you like ………………... this afternoon?
(a-go b- going c- to go)
2. Why not …………. to the fun fair?
(a- go b- going c- to go)
3. I’d rather ……………. to the cinema.
(a- go b- gone c- to go)

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Q2- Match the verbs in list A- with the suitable words in list B:
List -A- List -B-
1- kick a c- a ball
2- win d e- a game
3- score c a- a goal
4- spend e b- some time
5- read b d- a story ‫تلكرام‬
Spelling and punctuation:
Q3- A/ Write the missing words:
1-go, going; stop,…stopping…; open, …opening…
2-work, worked; laugh, …laughed…; lose, …lost…
3-car, cars; box, …boxes...; story, …stories…

B/ Re- write the following sentence using correct capital letters and
punctuation marks:
(ali cant travel to basra next friday)
Ali can’t travel to Basra next Friday.

Reading Comprehension:
Q1- Answer the following questions using information from your textbook:
1. Samara's brother is very clumsy and he is always having …silly accidents….
2. How do many people find fishing? (Answer) more relaxing
3. Do we need a lot of patience in blanket weaving hobby?(Answer) Yes, we do.
4. Samara is the name of the girl Lucy plays. (True/False)
5. Can sometimes a hobby turn into a job? (Answer) Yes, it can.
6. Lucy's brother fell in the pool with all his clothes on. (True/False)

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Grammar & Functions:

Q2- Do as required:
1. Invite your friend to come to the school graduation party. (Use: would you
Would you like to come to the school graduation party?
2. Invite your friend to have a cup of tea with you. (Use: would you like) you =
me : Would you like to have a cup of tea with me?
3. My brother (put) salt in my mother's tea. (Use: present simple)
My brother puts salt in my mother's tea.
4. She was surprised. (Make a question)
Was she surprised?
5. I watched a good film last week. (Change the sentence into negative)
I didn’t watch a good film last week.
6. Why not (go, to go, going) to the theatre? (Choose)
7. I'd love (go, to go, going) to the park. (Choose)

Q3- A/ Match the verbs in list –A- with the suitable words in list –B-:
List -A- List -B-
1- borrow c e- a book
2- have b d- a picnic
3- watch e a- TV
4- spend d b- the morning
5- write a c- a letter

B/ Complete the following sentences from the list below:

(free, prefer, need, cost, better)
1- The seats ……cost…... 15,000 IQD.
2- We don't ……need…... to get tickets in advance.
3- Are you ……free…… on Thursday?
4- Is Friday ……better……. for you?
5- Tell me if you ……prefer……... Thursday or Friday.


2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Spelling and Punctuation:

Q4- A/ Write the missing words:
1- go, went; fly, ……flew……; set, ……set….
2- book, books; man, ……men…….; roof, ……roofs….
3- do, doing; eat, …eating…….; hit, ……hitting……

B/ Re-write the following sentences using capital letters and punctuation
are you a movie fan no im not
Are you a movie fan? No I’m not.

Writing:‫انشاء دعوة‬
Q5- Write an e-mail. Invite a friend to attend an event (birthday party/join a
picnic/ visit monuments and museums). Tell your friend about the date and the
time of the event.

RE: birthday party

Hi Ahmed
I am going to have a birthday party next week. Would you like to come to my
birthday party? It will be On Monday 1st August at my home. The party starts
at 7 p.m. I will be so glad if you come.
See you soon

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

‫مراجعة شاملة للوحدة الثانية‬

Reading Comprehension
Q1- A/ Read the following passage carefully:
I have always wanted to go fishing. Last summer, I went on a trip to Taiwan.
On the last day of my vacation, I went fishing on a beautiful lake.
Unfortunately, I didn't catch any fish, and I got bored. I decided to go
swimming. When I stood up, my wallet fell out of the boat and into the water.
It had all my money, passport, my plane tickets – everything! I jumped into the
lake to look for it, but I didn't find anything.
The next morning, I wasn't able to leave the hotel. I had no money to pay the
bill and no plane ticket or passport to go home. So what did I do? I called my
parents and asked for some money. I have never had such a terrible

- Now answer or complete the following:

1. What did the writer have in his pocket? A wallet
2. He travelled by (boat/ plane).
3. His parents will send him (money/a ticket).
4. Did he know how to swim? Yes, he did.
5. What was his hobby? fishing

B/ Answer or complete the following questions using information from Your


1. Samara's brother is older than her. (True/False)

2. Weavers use wool only to create beautiful patterns. (True/ False)
3. What can a person acquire by participating in a particular hobby?
substantial skill and knowledge in that area.
4. Lucy really enjoyed filming the latest episode ………………… . (Complete)
Because they go away as a family on a holiday.
5. What is a hobby? Something you do in your spare time.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Grammar and Functions

Q2- A/ Do as required between brackets:
1. Let's watch a film. (Accept) Yes, let’s do that.
2. Make a suggestion to your little brother who has a toothache. (Use: why not)
Why not see a dentist?
3. Use (I'd love……) to express your preference concerning playing tennis.
I would love to play tennis.
4. Invite your friend to come to your brother's wedding.
Would you like to come to my brother's wedding?
5. He plays your brother. (Negative)
He doesn’t play your brother.
6. I was happy. (Question)
Were you happy?
7. Express your dislike concerning sailing.
I dislike sailing.
B/ Choose the correct choice:
1- I love …………. . (a- swim b- swimming c- to swim).
2- I'd rather ……… to the beach and play football. (a- go b- going c- to go).
3- How about …………. to the park? (a- go b- going c- to go).
Q3- A/ Write the words that match the definitions below:
1- A funny book, film or play ………comedy…… .
2- Another word for a writer ………author…… .
3- You go to one of these to hear someone sing or play music ……concert…..
4- A person in a book, film or play is a ……character……. .
5- Activities like running, jumping and swimming ………sports…… .
B/ Match the verbs in list –A- with the suitable words in list –B- :
List -A- List -B-
1- play c- a game
2- read a- a story
3- spend d- the afternoon
4- do b- a hobby
5- score e- a point

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

C/ Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words from the list below:
(tragically, puddle, fiction, shall)
1- ……shall…… I get the cheapest?
2- My brother slips in the …… puddle ….
3- Titanic …… tragically…. sank on its first voyage.
4- "The Mountains of the Moon" was a science ……fiction….. story.

Spelling and Punctuation

Q4- A/ Write the missing words:
1- want, wanted ; put, ……put….; say, ……said…. .
2- boy, boys ; key, …keys……. ; wife, ……wives…. .
3- go, going ; buy, …buying…….. ; listen, …listening……. .

B/ Re-write the sentences below using correct capital letters and punctuation
how old is hani hes fourteen.
How old is Hani? He’s fourteen.

Writing‫انشاء دعوة‬
Q5- Write an e-mail. Invite your friend to attend an event (visit monuments
and museums). Tell your friend about the date and the time of the event.

RE: visit monuments and museums

Hi Ahmed
There is an event in our school which is visiting monuments and museums next
week. Would you like to come to the event? It will be On Monday 1st August at
8 a.m. I will be so glad if you come.
See you soon

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

5-1 ‫الوحدة الثالثة – الدروس‬

Reading comprehension
Q1/ A/ Answer the following questions using information from your textbook.
1. What are the fastest living things in the natural world? Falcons
2. How fast can falcons dive? 240 kph
3. Who are the Bedouin? People from the desert of Arabia.
4. What did the Bedouin live mostly on? Why?
on dates, milk and bread because it was difficult to catch animals and birds..
5. What was the Bedouin's favorite bird? the large, long-legged houbara.

B/ Write (T) in front of the true items and (F) in front of the false ones.
1. Falcons can move faster than any other living things.
2. Before falconry, the Bedouin used to eat a lot of meat.
3. The Bedouin enjoyed the food that falcons caught for them.
4. Falconry used to be just a sport.
5. There could soon be no rare birds because of falconry.

Grammar and functions

Q2/ Do as required.
1. A bear is bigger than a wolf.
A wolf _is not as big as a bear____ (Complete. Use: "as __as")
2. Many animals are useful to _us__. __We__ eat _their__ meat. (we, us, their)
Fill the blanks with suitable pronouns.
3. I don't mind horror stories. (So do I./ Neither do I./ Neither am I.) (Choose)
4. It was the (frightening) day of my life. (Write the correct form of the
It was the most frightening day of my life.
5. I would help you with your work if I (have) spare time. (Correct the verb)
I would help you with your work if I had spare time.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Vocabulary and punctuation

Q3/A/Fill in the blanks with words chosen from the list below.
(fly, exciting, grow, hunt, comfortable, bite, produce)
1. Falconry today is less ____exciting__ but more ___comfortable___.
2. A bat is not a bird, but it can ___fly____ like a bird.
3. Owls _____hunt____ and kill small animals at night.
4. If you put your foot on a snake it will ____bite____ you.
5. Cows and goats ____ produce_____ milk.
6. Elphants ____grow______ very big, but it takes many years.

B/Re-write the sentence below using correct capital letters and Punctuation
ahmed didnt buy this brown egyptian suit from the mall last Friday
Ahmed didn’t buy this brown Egyptian suit from the mall last Friday.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

‫االمتحان الشامل للوحدة الثالثة‬

Reading Comprehension
Q.1 /A/ Read this text carefully.
On last Saturday, Laith and Sameer got up early and had breakfast. Then they
put on their helmets and went to the Baghdadi Museum by their bicycles. They
left Laith's house at half past seven. While they were cycling, they saw a big
car near a corner. Then a lorry turned the corner very fast. " Look out!" said
Laith. Suddenly Sameer fell off his bicycle. The driver stopped. Sameer was
unconscious! The driver phoned for an ambulance and the police. "Hurry up!
I hit a cyclist!" After a short time, the police arrived and then an ambulance
came to the place of accident and took Sameer to the hospital. A doctor made
general check up to Sameer's body and the nurses looked after him. When
Sameer woke up in the hospital on the next day, the doctor asked him some
questions. Then the doctor said, “You are lucky.” “Your helmet saved you. It
protected your head.’’
Now answer (Five) of the following questions.
1. A doctor examined Sameer's body in the hospital. (True / False)
2. Laith and Sameer went to the Baghdadi Museum by …… their bicycles ……
3. Laith and Sameer didn't arrive at the Baghdadi Museum because of the
accident. (True / False)
4. Who called for an ambulance and the police? The driver
5. What were they wearing when they rode their bicycles? Helmets
6. What happened to Sameer near the corner? Fell off his bicycle.
B/ Answer the following questions with information from your textbook.
1. Where can Marsh Arabs be found? in the south-east of Iraq.
2. What do they raise? Domestic buffalo. Some sheep and cattle.
3. Crops like rice, wheat and barely are grown by the Marsh Arabs.
4.Most Marsh Arabs live in arched houses which they build from reeds.
5. Why do their houses have two entrances?
Because one part is for the family and the other half is for their animals.
6. Why are 40 % to 60 % of Marsh Arabs at risk?
Because most of the wetland has dried up.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Grammar and Functions

Q2/ Do as required.
1. What would you do if you (see) a snake? (Correct the verb)
What would you do if you saw a snake? (
2. Where can you find wild flamingos? (Change into passive)
Where can wild flamingos be found?
3. Which is the __worst___ thing that you have done? (bad, worst, worse)
4. Many animals are useful to (we). (Correct the pronoun)
Many animals are useful to us.
5. night, at, seen, be, Bats, can. (Re - order to form a meaningful sentence)
Bats can be seen at night.
6. Hilla is greener than ____ be. (Choose from: a-it used, b-used to, c-it used to,
d-it was used)

Vocabulary and Punctuation

Q3/A/Fill in the blanks with words chosen from the list below.
(wildlife, questionnaire, species, situations, instructions)
1. The questions in this questionnaire ask what we would do in five situations.
2. How many ___species___ of birds are at risk?
3. We must protect the ___ wildlife ___ in our country.
4. You have to read the ___ instructions___ carefully to set up this machine.

B/ Write the words that match the definitions.

1. A bird that hunts and kills other birds ____ bird of prey __
2. The opposite of safe __ dangerous ____
3. Sit and travel on a horse or camel ___ride___
4. The fastest bird in the world ___falcon___
5. Rice and wheat, for example ___crops___
6. People who are not children ___adults___
C/ Re- write the sentence below using correct capital letters and punctuation
batool and i cant travel to turkey next november
Batool and I can’t travel to Turkey next November.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Story Time and Spelling

Q4/ A/ Answer the following.
1. What dangers was the pregnant deer surrounded by?
The lion, forest fire, the hunter
2. What happened to each of the dangers faced by the deer?
The lightning blinds the hunter, his arrow hits the lion and the rain douses the
forest fire.
3. How did the deer face the negative thoughts and dangers?
With calmness.
4. What was the priority of the deer?
To give birth to her fawn.
5. What must you do in the midst of any storm?
Do what you should do and leave the rest for God. We should have faith and
B/ Write the missing words.
1. cold, coldest; good, ___best___; dangerous, ___safe___
2. is not, isn't; will not, __won’t____
3. go, went; build, ___built___; grow, ___grew___

Q5/Written Component‫انشاء عن الحياة البرية‬

Write a fact file about wildlife.
Most of the people in south Iraq raise domestic buffalos especially marsh
Arabs. And they have been doing so since a long time ago. But now most of
their habitats are at risk because of draining of the marshes. Yet, some of the
marshes have recently been restored after flooding the area.

Q1/ Complete the following sentences with information from your textbook.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

1. Salma was walking across the park / playing with a ball at the start of the
2. The Iraqi minister of education arrived in London.
3. The new sports city took three years to build.
4. A boy from the UK was a hero yesterday when he saved a child from a
dangerous animal.

Q2- Do as required between brackets.

1. Did you go (You/go) out yesterday? (Correct the tense of the verb)
2. What was (be) the score last night? (Correct the form of the verb)
3. The President of France was reading (read) his emails when he got (get) the
invitation to visit Iraq. (Correct the form of the verbs)
4. He (spoke/ was speaking) to the public before leaving at 2 p.m. (Choose)
5. Sara enjoyed standing at the back. (Change into negative)
Sara didn’t enjoy standing at the back.
6. Majid arrived (arrive) home at 8 p.m. His wife was making (make) dinner
and his older son was doing (do) his homework. (Use past simple and past

Q3- Match the sections in list A with the contents in list B.

List A List B
1- Fashion e- news about clothes
2- Leisure b- things to do in your spare time
3- Opinion f- the ideas of the editor about recent news items
4- Cartoons a- funny pictures
5- Home News d- news from your own country
6- Letters c- articles sent to the paper from readers

Q4- Write the missing words correctly.

1- see, saw; cost, cost; win, won
2- walk, walking; clap, clapping; look, looking
3- car, cars; city, cities; box, boxes
Q5- Re-write the following sentence using correct punctuation marks and
capital letters.
(what is nawals new clinic like)

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

What is Nawal’s new clinic like?


Q6- Do as required between brackets.

1- He stopped talking. (Change into negative)
He didn’t stop talking.
2- Jassim broke his leg and (he/him) couldn't walk. (Choose)
3- Mrs Fatima asked Mariam a question. Mariam gave (she/her) a good
answer. (Choose)
4- charity/ will/ at/ start/ activities /10.00/ The. (Put in the correct order to
make a sentence)
The charity activities will start at 10.00.
5- Ali (wait) for his friend when he (hear) a taxi stop. (Use past simple and past
Ali was waiting for his friend when he heard a taxi stop.
6- A dog chased Salma. (The dog) ran after the girl. (Use a suitable pronoun
for the noun between brackets)
A dog chased Salma. it ran after the girl.
Q7- A/ Match the words in list A with the words in list B.
List A List B
1- score c- goal
2- win e- medal
3- play d- tennis
4- run a- race
5- do b- gymnastics
B/ Write words that match these definitions.
1- It tells a funny story. comedy
2- Information about sun, rain and temperature. weather
3- A question and answer programme. Quiz show
4- Conversations between famous people. Talk show
5- It gives information about one subject. documentary
C/ Complete the following sentences from the list below.
(wheelchair, spectacles, weak, praised)
1- I'm too weak to carry that heavy box. Can you help me?

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

2- I need spectacles to see clearly when I'm reading.

3- Young people should be praised when they help the older generation.
4- If someone is unable to walk easily, they may need a wheelchair.

Q8- Answer or complete the following.

1- Salam took only a notebook with him when he went into the new restaurant.
2- What was the special offer of Al-Sabah newspaper?
work as reporters in the paper.
3- The son felt very proud and pleased when he walked through the crowds.
4- The son looked at his father in disgust. (True/ False)
5- What was the moral lesson that the son left behind?
We should take care of our parents and be proud of serving them.

Q9- A/ Write the missing words correctly.

1- go, went; think, thought.
2- look, looking; sit, sitting
3- box, boxes; child, children.
4- I, me; we, us.

B/ Re-write the following sentence using correct punctuation marks and

capital letters.
(ok. when can i see it)
Ok. When can I see it?

Q10- Write about a TV programme ‫ أنشاء عن برنامج تلفزيوني‬.

Use the following:
(very interesting, about -----, very funny, the report was amazing, give details
about -----useful information about -----)

‫الوحدة السادسة‬
Q11- A/ Answer the following questions with information from your textbook.
1- How will most of the teaching and learning take place in the future?

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Over computers connected to the internet which are connected to the students’
own homes.
2- How will students communicate and discuss work with other students?
By using the internet.
3- Where will young people who are interested in science or music be able to
At the special buildings designed for those subjects.
4- Why can a student who has a special interest in something, search a global
To find a teacher who can teach that student all about their chosen specialism.
5- What is the importance of Global education?
Because this new way of learning will make it possible for students to connect
with other students and teachers all over the world.

B/ Complete the following.

1- Schools in the future will be very different to schools now because …. there
will be much more technology and teaching or learning will take place over
computers which are connected to the Internet.
2- In the ‘super school’, there will be sports facilities, a science park, a museum
and a mosque.

Q12/ Do as required.
A/ Define the following.
1- A firefighter. (Use: puts out fires in buildings and cars)
A firefighter is someone who puts out fire in buildings and cars.
2- A mechanic. (Use: repairs cars in a garage)
A mechanic is someone who repairs cars in a garage
3- A vet. (Use: takes care of sick animals)
A vet is someone who takes care of sick animals.

B/ Add the clauses in the box to the sentences below to make new sentences.
Use who or that.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

who came last in the race that my sister made yesterday

who want to go to university that I left here
who was stopped by the policeman

1- That’s the man. That's the man who was stopped by the policeman.
2- Where are the books? Where are the books that I left here?
3- The girl was ill. The girl who came last in the race was ill.
4- I’ve brought some cakes. I've brought some cakes that my sister made
5- Students have to work hard in school.
Students who want to go to university have to work hard in school.

Q13/ What do we call someone who ….?

1- plans buildings an architect
2- flies a plane a pilot
3- plays football a footballer
4- writes books an Author
5- designs websites a Web designer
6- takes photographs a photographer
7- looks after people’s teeth a dentist
8- paints rooms a painter

Q14/ Match words from both lists to make phrases.

List (A): help, put out, repair , run, save, take, take care of
List (B): a business, cars, customers, fires, lives, orders for food, sick people
1. help customers 2. put out fires 3. repair cars
4. run a business 5. Save lives 6. take orders for food
7. take care of sick people

Q15/ Fill in the blanks with a, an, the or x.

1- I’m at school in --- x -- Basra.
2- I’m going to join --a-- language summer course at --the- end of --the-- year.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

3- I’d like to be --an--- interpreter.

4- We went to --the-- same school and we always spent -x- Saturdays together.
5- We both love -x- music and we used to listen to songs for -an-- hour a day.

Q16/ Answer the following questions with information from your textbook.
1- When and where was Ibn al- Haitham born? In 965 in Basra, Iraq.
2- What was Ibn al- Haitham called? ‘The Physicist’. He is also sometimes
called ‘al-Basri'
3- What did the Caliph in Egypt need Ibn al- Haitham to do? What did he
Regulate the flooding of the river Nile. He proposed a hydraulic system.
4- What was Ibn al- Haitham’s contribution during his stay in Spain?
He contributed to the fields of mathematics, physics, medicine, scientific
methods and especially optics.
5- What was Ibn Al-Haitham known as? Why?
He was known as the ‘Father of optics’ because of his great contributions in
the field of optics.

Q17/ Fill the gaps with information from your textbook.

1- Ibn al- Haitham’s most famous book was called ----- Kitaab al Manazir
(book of optics).
2- Ibn al -Haitham made many experiments on the movement of ---light--, --
colour---, ---optical illusion--, and --reflections---.
3- --UNESCO--- celebrated Ibn al-Haitham’s achievements in ---in 2015--.
4- With the help of some science centres, the short educational film ---1001
inventions the world of Ibn Al-Haytham-- was produced.
5- According to medieval biographers, Ibn Al – Haitham wrote more than ---
200-- works on a wide range of subjects.

Q18/ Do as required.
1- What do you say when you ask someone to show you the way to the

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Can you tell me how to get to the hospital?

2- Tell someone the way to the bank. (Use: traffic lights/ left/ right)
Go straight on until you get to the traffic lights and turn left, then Go past the
bookshop and it's on the right.
3- He was one of the most eminent physicists --who--- ever lived. (Fill the blank
with which or who.)
4- I have to be home at 10 o’clock or my father (will, is going to) be angry.
5- Haydar is ---a-- teacher in ---a-- school in --X--- Najaf. ---the-- school is near
---the-- local
stadium. (Fill the blanks with a, an, the, x)

Q19/ Use words from the box to complete the sentences.

Use words from the box to complete the sentences.
wages - complain – definitely- earn- opportunity- difficult - facilities - officer

1. School is a good opportunity to prepare for a university education.

2. At university, some courses are quite easy and others are very difficult.
3. Modern universities have good sport facilities.
4. If you get a better job, you can earn more money.
5. The wages in some jobs are not very high.
6. Some people complain that they don’t have enough money.
7. You can get advice on a good job from a career officer.
8. It’s definitely a good idea to study hard for the future.

Q20/ Write about a career of a real person. ‫انشاء عن حياة شخصية حقيقية‬

‫امتحان شامل عن الوحدة السابعة‬

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Q21\ Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions
Joe Richard finished the school when he was 18, and then his father said to
him, "You've passed your examinations now Joe and you got good marks in
them. Now go and get some good work. They're looking for clever people at the
bank in the town. The clerks there get quite a lot of money now."
A few days later, Joe went to the bank and asked for work there. A man took
him into a small room and gave him some questions on a piece of paper. Joe
wrote his answers on the paper, and then he gave them to the man. The man
looked at them a few minutes, and then he took a pen and said to Joe, "your
birthday was on the 12th of June, Mr. Richard?" "Yes, sir." Joe said. "What
year?" the man asked. "Oh, every year, sir." Joe said.

1- When did Joe finish school? Joe finished school when he was 18.
2- Was Joe hard working or lazy? He was hard working
3- The clerks at the bank get a very good salary. (True/False)
4- What did his father ask him to do? He asked him to go and get some good
5- What did the man take from Joe? A paper.

Q22\ Do as required.
1- The children/ happily/ played/ in the garden/ all day (Put in order to make a
sentence) The children played happily in the garden all day.
2- carefully/ homework /his/ after supper/ does/ Manaf (Put in order to make a
sentence) Manaf does his homework carefully after supper.
3- My brother has been (be) in Egypt for three years. (Correct the tense of the
4- Where did you leave (you/leave) your car last night? (Correct the verb)
5- Apologize to your teacher for being late.
I’m sorry for being late for the class. Or: I’m sorry.
6- I'm sorry. I just dropped the orange juice on the table. (Respond to the
apology) That’s ok.
7- Lina (be) to France. (Use the present perfect tense) Lina has been to France.
Q23\ Fill in the blanks from the list below.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

(souvenir, crowded, flat, rickshaw)

1- Because London is an extremely crowded city, most people there travel by
bus or underground every day.
2- People who live in Indian cities often travel by rickshaw.
3- Zahra brought back a souvenir of a doll dressed in a kimono.
4- Holland is very flat, so people there often ride bicycles.

Q24\ Write the missing words correctly.

1- go, went; read, read ; knock, knocked
2- watch, watching; sit, sitting; eat, eating
3- England, English; Bahrain, Bahraini ; Japan, Japanese
4- by car; on foot; in a friendly way.
5- slow, slowly; angry, angrily; good, well

Q25\ Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and punctuation
Id like to accompany firas to turkey next November
I’d like to accompany Firas to Turkey next November.

Q26\ A- Answer the following questions with information from your textbook.
1- How often do the Games take place? Every four years
2- Where were the first Games held? New Delhi India
3- Where and when were the last Games held? Lncheon, South Korea, 2014
4- Has Iraq won any medals in the Games? Yes, it has.

B- Describe the following sentences whether they are (True) or (False).

1- Libya is mostly desert. T
2- There is no agriculture in Libya. F
3- The capital of Sudan is Khartoum. T
4- Sudan gets most of its water from the Blue Nile. F
5- Leptis Magna is a modern city. F

Q27\ Do as required.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

1- usually/ get ready/ I/ for school/ quickly/ in the morning (Put in order to
make a sentence)
I usually get ready for school quickly in the morning.
2- I (live) in that house when I was little. (Correct the tense of the verb)
I lived in that house when I was little.
3- Cotton and sugar (grow) in Sudan by farmers. (Correct the form of the
Cotton and sugar are grown in Sudan by farmers.
4- I (see) that TV show. (Use present perfect tense)
I have seen that TV show.
5- friend/ very well/ sang/ last night/ My/ at the concert (Put in order to make a
My friend sang very well at the concert last night. ‫ زمان‬+ ‫ مكان‬+ ‫حال‬
6- You should always drive (careful/ carefully). (Choose ‫) اختر‬

Q28\ A- Complete the following sentences with words from the list below.
(complaints, exquisite, concentrating, savour)

1- The material used to make that jacket is exquisite.

2- Try and savour the taste of the meal.
3- There were lots of complaints about the lack of food at the party.
4- Leena is concentrating very hard on her maths homework.

B- Write words that match these definitions.

1- things that farmers grow crops ‫محاصيل‬
2- a kind of glue gum ‫صمغ‬
3- without mountains flat ‫مسطح‬/‫مستو‬
4- a factory for changing sugar or oil from their natural state refinery ‫مصفى‬

Q29\ A- Write the missing words correctly.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

1- go, gone; throw, thrown; test, tested

2- Qatar, Qatari; Canada, Canadian; France, French
3- slowly, fast; badly, well; wide, narrow

B- Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and punctuation marks.
if you drive fast you might have an accident
If you drive fast, you might have an accident.

C- Answer or complete the following questions according to "Life is like a cup

of coffee".

1- Where are the alumni from?

They are from different Iraqi provinces.
2- When the professor went to the kitchen, what did he return with?
He returned with a large pot of coffee and assortment of cups.
3- Why did the professor bring different cups for the coffee?
To give them a moral lesson i.e., the source of their problems and stress.
4- Did the alumni understand the moral lesson of the different cups?
Yes, they did.
5- The alumni went from the city centre to the professor's house by (plane/
train/ rickshaw). (Choose)
Q30\ Write about a country.
Make use of these notes: the name of the country/ its capital/ site/ population/
climate/ exports.

‫نموذج آخر من اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي‬

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Reading Comprehension

Answer or complete the following from your text book:

1- Lucy's brother is clumsy. (True/ False)

2- How do many people find fishing?
3- The Panther 3.0D is actually very expensive. (True/ False)
4- What crops are grown by the Marsh Arabs?
5- How fast can falcon dive?
6- Samara's mother liked her tea. (True/ False)
7- The sports city cost........................(Complete)
8- What was Ibn Al-Haitham called?
9- Animal farming is not important in Sudan. (True/False)
10- Who helped Professor Heyerdahl to build The Tigris?
11- How many seats does the Panther 3.0D have?
12- Professor Heyerdahl is from....................(Complete)
13- What did the Bedouin use to eat before falconry?
14- Libya is mostly desret?
15- Where were the first Games held?

Reading Comprehension Answers:

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

1- False
2- Relaxing
3- False
4- Rice, wheat and barley
5- 240 kph
6- False
7- 1 billion IQD
8- The physicist and sometimes al - Basri.
9- False
10- Iraqi and foreign workers.
11- (8) seats
12- Norway
13- Dates, milk and bread
14- True
15- New Delhi


2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Do as required:
1- Define a lawyer. (Use: advises people about laws)
2- Hadi loves animals. He (be) a vet.(Use: going to )
3- Sara enjoyed standing at the back. (Change into negative)
4- A bear is bigger than a wolf. (Complete using: small)
A wolf is........................
5- If there were no spiders, there (be) more insects.(Correct the verb)
6- I lost my suitcase at the airport. My suitcase........................... (Complete the
sentence in passive)
7- She has (straight hair black/ black straight hair/ straight black hair). (Choose)
8- 13:30 (Tell the time)
9- carefully/ homework /his/ after supper/ does/ Manaf. (Put in order to make a
10- I'm not afraid of rats. (Agree)
11- I like ………… apples that grow in our garden. (a, an, the)
12- Zeid is unfriendly. (Make the sentence more polite)
13- Let's go to the park. (Accept )
14- Use ( would you like) to invite a friend to come to your birthday party.
15- I like playing football. Do you?………… I prefer ……………
16- How …………. time will it take? (many/ much/ more)
17- What's (on/ in) at the theatre? (Choose)
18- I have been living in this village ( for/ since/ ago) 2010.
19- I'd rather (go/ going/ to go) to the beach and play football.
20- The thief (which/ who/ whose) stole the bike was put in prison.
21- We like (to camp/ camping/ camp). (Choose)
22- The Bedouin used (their/ there/ them) falcons to catch food.(Choose)
23- It has a (really/ quite) beautiful shape.You will love it. (Choose)
24- In the desert, a camel is more useful than a horse.(Use : as.........as)
In the desert, a horse is........................................
25- Cars have airbags so that you (can/ can't) be safe in a crash.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Grammar Answers:

1- A lawyer is someone who advises people about laws.

2- He is going to be a vet.
3- Sara didn't enjoy standing at the back.
4- A wolf is smaller than a bear.
5- If there were no spiders , there would be more insects.
6- My suitcase was lost at the airport.
7- Straight black hair
8- It's one thirty or It's half past one
9- Manaf does his homework carefully after supper.
10- Neither am I .
11- The
12- He's not very friendly. Or He's a bit unfriendly.
13- Yes, let's/ Yes, I'd love to/ Yes, why not?
14- Would you like to come to my birthday party?
15- I don't I prefer tennis.
16- much
17- on
18- since
19- go
20- who
21- camping
22- their
23- really
24- In the desert, a horse is not as useful as a camel.
25- can

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Vocabulary and Punctuation

A- Match the words in List (A) with the words in List (B)

List A- 1- borrow 2- do 3-score 4- have 5- write 6-drive 7- win 8- fly 9-spend

List B- a- a medal b- some time c- a goal d-the plane e- gymnastics
f- a letter g- a book h- a rest i- a car

B- Choose the words from the list that match these definitions
( falcon, hobby, queue, advertisement, comedy, brush )
1. The fastest bird in the world
2. Something you do in your spare time
3. Words or pictures to help sell things
4. Three or more people waiting in line
5. We clean our teeth with this
6. A funny book, film or play
C- Write words that match these definitions.
1. Another word for a writer......
2. It makes cars, boats and planes move.........
3. Hobby is to sit by a river with a long ,thin rod.....
4. A person who helps others is............
5. A person in a book, film or play is...............
6. You go to one of these to hear someone sing or play music..........
7. A bird that hunts and kills other birds............................................
8. An animal that kills and eats other animals....................................
9. Sit and travel on a horse or camel..................................................

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Vocabulary and Punctuation ANSWERS:


1- g
2- e
3- c
4- h
5- f
6- i
7- a
8- d
9- b
1- falcon
2- hobby
3- advertisement/ adverts
4- queue
5- brush/ tooth brush
6- comedy

1- author
2- an engine
3- fishing
4- helpful
5- character
6- concert
7- bird of prey
8- a predator
9- ride

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬


Re-write the sentence below using correct capital letters and punctuation marks.

i think muneer wont go to hilla next Friday

Punctuaton ANSWERS

I think Muneer won't go to Hilla next Friday.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Story Time and Spelling

Story Time Do as required:
1. What was Kareem's dream? ( answer)
2. To the right, the deer spots.............................approaching. (complete)
3. The deer focuses on giving birth a new life(T/ F)
4. Kareem has been saving up to...............................(complete)
5. Describe Kareem's character. ( answer)
6. The pregnant deer was surrounded by dangers when she was about to give
birth. (True/ False)
7. Kareem had read all of AL-Nawab's poems at least twice and found them very
boring. ( True/ False)
8. What was there for customer number 50?(Answer)
9. Kareem had read AL-Nawab's poems ( once/ twice) and found them
( Interesting/boring). (Choose)
10. What's the name of the new book Kareem wants to buy? ( answer)
11. The deer is trapped by.........................and..................( complete)
12- What is the moral lesson of the story (Life is like a cup of coffee)?
13- Why did the professor bring different cups for coffee?
14- What did Salam take with him when he went to the restaurant?
15- What was the special thing attracted Salam's attention

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

Story Time ANSWERS

1- to be a famous poet.
2- a hungry lion
3- true
4- be the first one to buy the new book by his favourite poet.
5- Hard-working, imaginative and quiet.
6- True
7- False
8- A big prize to meet the famous poet Al-Nawab.
9- Twice/ interesting
10- Islands of Salt
11- The fire and the fast flowing river.
12- Focus on the most important things in life, rather than details Details
can lead you to lose focus and miss the point about enjoying the quality of
what you have.
13- He wanted to show that in their lives, the alumni always chose the best
for themselves, often missing the more important points about life.
14- A notebook and a camera.
15- A young boy taking his old father, who was in a wheelchair, to the
restaurant for a treat.

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬


Write the missing words:

1. Happy X sad; beautiful X ……….. ; dangerous X ………………

2. Long, longer ; heavy ,……. ; good, …….. ; wet,…… ; expensive, ……
3. Long, longest ; useful,…………… ; big ,…………..
4. I , me; he, ………… ; she,………….; we,………
5. I , my; they,……….. ; he,………… ; we,…………
6. Look, looked; put, …………. ; leave,………….;win,………;
7. Book, books; wife, ……… ; roof, ………; story, ……….; box, ……….
8. Clear, clearly; angry, ………………. ; beautiful,……………
9. Go, going; stop,………….. ; hit,………… ; play, …………..
10. Happy, un happy; polite, …………….; comfortable, ………………….
11. Iraq , Iraqi; japan, …………… ; Spain, ………………; Qatar, ….…

Spelling ANSWERS

2022 ‫اسئلة التلفزيون التربوي لكل الوحدات‬

1- ugly; safe
2- heavier; better; wetter ; more expensive.
3- most useful; biggest.
4- him; her; us
5- their; his; our
6- put; left; won
7- wives; roofs; stories; boxes
8- angrily; beautifully
9- stopping; hitting; playing
10- impolite; uncomfortable
11- Japanese; Spanish; Qatari


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