GAD Project Proposal - Operational of Teen Center in Magdiwang National High School

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Gender Responsive Protect Proposal: A Reference Guide for LGus

Operationalization of Teen Center in Magdiwang National High School


Baseline Disaggregated Data of Intended Beneficiaries /Answer Box 7 /fern 2.a)

Indicator Male Female Total

(S.Y. 2022-2023)
Teenage Pregnancy
17 17 34
(Pregnant Teens and Their Partners)
Bullying/Smoking/Influence of ]jquor inside
15 8 23
the school

8. RATIONALE / BACKGROUND r77]e rafr.ona/e f.s ffle result of ffte genderanalysf.s concJucfecJ/

Teens are unprecedentedly distracted to violence, smoking, alcohol consumption and significantly
alarming, the feenage pregnancy. Reinforced by unwise use of technology and lacking of efficient place and
right person to talk to, setting them to societal and school concerns even worse, a delinquent.
With the concluded School's Psychosocial support and Mental health symposium on leamers, interviews
and written statements reveals that many young men and women are experiencing stress leading to depression
and anxiety. Addition to it, is the rising number of pregnant teens due to wanting for intimacy and relationship
wherein most Of these young mothers and males asserted that pregnancy was not in their mindset however, it
happened. Commonly, teenage mothers are the most affected subject in this scenario. Mostly concerns resulted
due to parenting factors, environmentlpeer pressures and the need for counseling from experts to alleviate their
mental and emotional drives. The post pandemic learning surprisingly begets the emergence of teenage
pregnancy knocking the doors of concern personnel to address it through sexuality educationoand counseling.
As stipulated in GAID "andarfue Mow:IRR See. 20 A 1-11, Teen Centers providing health and sexuality
ec/uca£/'on and course//.ng. The Teen Center would be an avenue for students' outlet from problems and change
it with joy and enriched self-development. The school has guidance counselor catering gender issues however
with the realization of the teen center a certified and licensed specialist/doctor and psychiatrist or psychologist
may be tapped by the school for teem counseling and capacity development program to teachers and advisers.
C. OBJECTIVES (This section describes what the proposed program/project aims to achieve to address the issues identified and
cclntribute to the overall improvement Of the quality Of life Of the identified beneficiaries;)

Long Term Impact on Women's Year-round, full service teen center available to all youth in the
Socio-Economic Status and school/community.
Empowerment Channeling young women]s socio-economic challenges through the
services catered by the teen center towards resilieney and leadership
empowerment led and facilitated generally by young women themselves.

To operationalize gender sensitive teen center providing health and sexuality

education and counseling.
A center for seminar/orientation/symposium for pro-active measures to
prevenvcombat/mitigate teen pregnancy. /Answer Ben 7 /ten 4.a)
Objectives/Output: 1 ) To provide counseling sessions to young men and women
1.1. Gain understanding on sexuality education to prevent and combat early
sexual engagement Of young men and women
1.2. Be knowledgeable of the dangers of smoking, alcohol and quit using it
1.3. Prevent youth from participating in gang activity and other juvenile
2) Develop positive values and character
2.1. Decrease or eliminate destructive behaviors
2.2. Develop responsibility and respect/care about others
3) To render accessible teen center to all youths and adults in the school

D, TARGET BENEFICIARIES /Answer Ben 7 /few 6. 7)

Target Beneficiaries Male Female Total

Direct Beneficiaries
1. Pregnant Teens and partners 17 17 34
2. Students with record in Guidance
15 8 23
I nd irect Beneficiaries
1. Junior HS and Senior HS Guidance
0 2 2
Counselor Designates
2. Advisers and subject Teachers 15 69 84
3. Junior High School Students 596 548 1 , 1 44
4. Senior High School Students 352 355 707


Performance Target Gender Issues to be Timeline/

Strategies and Activities OPR
and/or Indicator addressed Duration
(PHASE 1) Co nstruction of Teem Cent er
(Answer Box 7 Item 7.0)•40%arefemaleworkers


Construction of teen center in • Built a teen center See. 20 A 1-11,
January 2024toJune2024
school (including the provision within the target Teen Centers providing • LGU/Municipal
of Fixtures and Office timeline health and sexuality Engineering Office
Equipment) • 1 CRformen education and
• 1 CRforwomen•1"gendersensitive"CR•1CRforpwD's counseling.
(PHASE 11} Operati onalization of the Teem Center

GAD Mandate MCIN:IRFISee.20A1-11,TeenCentersprovidinghealthandsexuality

• 17 or more school
Sexuality education and recorded teen education and
counseling among teenage mothers and counseling.Ageappropriate LGU
September 2024
mothers and male partners attended RHU
partners/fathers the counseling and
sexuality education adolescent health andsexualityeducationinbothpublicandprivateschools.

• Positive response oftheclassofficersparticularlyfromyoungwomenontheexistenceofTeen

Team building activitiesandTeenCenteroperationalizationinformationdissemination

GAD Mandate McllvL

Center with IRR See. 20 A 1-11,
among (49) grade level Expert
attendance as Management,
class presidents of the • MNHS
supporting evidence treatment, and November 2024
Junior HS and Senior HS GAD/Guidance
• Mean Percentage intervention of mental
Departments. Empoweringyoungwomen'sengagementtoteencentertoitscontinuingfunctionality. Counselor Office
score showed high health problems of
level of motivationaldriveandinterestforyouthstoparticipateandutilizetheteemcenterservlces women and girls,


Budgetary Requirement and

Other Inputs Source ofFund
Strategies and Activities Total
Construction of teen center in school
(including the provision of Fixtures and 3,725,000.00
Office Equipment) 4,000,000.00
Sexuality education and counseling among
teenage mothers and male partners/fathers
Team building activities and Teem Center
operationalization information dissemination
among grade level class presidents of the GAD Fund
Junior HS and Senior HS Departments.
Empowering young women's engagement
to teen center to its continuing functionality.
Hire GAD Expert or Licensed Professional
Psychologist/Psychiatrist to augment the
need for efficient Counseling sessions
(1 year)
G] [MPLEMENT[NG TEAM /AnswerBox 7 /ten 9.2)

Overall Project Supervisor: Municipal Local Chief Executive

Project Manager
Members of theImplementationTeam
Sex GAD-related Trainings Attended Expertise
• Team Building Activity and Lecture on Psychosocial
First Aid and Support among Teaching and Non-
Managerial Skills,CoordinationSkills,FacilitationSkills
Teaching Personnel of JHS Department.
Mark Anthony C. Fabellon Male
• Psychosocial Support and Mental Health Awareness
Symposium for Students, Teaching and Non-Teaching
Personnel of Magdiwan`q NHS
Managerial Skills,CoordinationSkills]FacilitationSkills
Noel Joseph Marin Machon Male • Gender Sensitivity Training

• Team Building Activity and Lecture on Psychosocial

First Aid and Support among Teaching and Non-
Teaching Personnel of JHS Department. Coordination Skills,
Ma. Elena M. Leuterio Female
• Psychosocial Support and Mental Health Awareness Facilitation Skills
Symposium for Students, Teaching and Non-Teaching
Personnel of Magdiwang NHS

Required Capacity Development Trainings of the lmplementation Team

Members of theImp[ementationTeam
Required Capacity Development Trainings
Mark Anthony C. Fabellon
Gender Sensitivity Training and/toward GAD processes and implementation
Ma. Elena M. Leuterio

H. PARTNERSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY /AnswerBor 7 /ten 70. 7, 70.2 a 70.3)

Prior to the operationalization and continufty Of the teen center, other stakeholders and private sector can
extend their support through additional leaning materials and facilities like computers, educational games,
art paraphemalia's, etc. and giving the chance for any schoo]'s student organizations to fake initiatives in
actively living the purpose of the teen center. The teen center could serve as the venue for any GAD related
activities. Furthermore, the guidance counselor would serve as the faci[itator of the center.


M&E Activity/Scheme/Mechanism Schedule/Frequency Monitoring Tools to be Used
Ocular Inspection before and after the Teen Center is built
(Engineering Office, LGU-GAD, GAD Experts)
Interview with the Project Beneficiary
On the Functionality and efficiency of the Teen Center to A compelling narrative report to
be conducted by the Guidance counselor or GAD Expert. Annual include on the GAD Annual
(includes young men and women into teenage pregnancy, Report.
and other student run-ins in school)
Status Report Submission
(Submits report upon the finished construction of the Semestral
project within the intended date targets and other related
GAD activities)
Attendance Sheevconduct aUtilizationReportwiththeprojectproponentsandbeneficiaries.
Level of participation and frequency of student attendance
in utilizing the teen center and Gad activities.

Possible Risk Preventive measures and strategies Mechanisms to Monitor Risks

Teacher-Advisers of teen mothers using the
Parents' negative perception Parent-SfL/dent Cardex, would conduct home
towards pregnant Teen center staff would be open minded visitations and consultation of their status,
teens/mothers could affect the and gender sensitive with caring dialogue with parents on the importance of
young men and women's approach to these young mothers. teen center for their child as for them to
willingness to be counseled. effectively manage time and study in school
while having a child with them.
Thoughtful y, the teen mothers' consentwil beofutmostconsiderationingraduallyencouragingthemtoenterthecenterandbeeducatedthroughathoroughandclearexplanationsofthepurposeofthecenter.
Couhseling for both sides (young men and
Teen mothers' hesitation to women) to be fully aware of their situation
face their peers in the school and on how to work on it, to avoid repeat
specifically inside the Teen pregnancy until they graduate away from
Center. bullying or any negative feedbacks.

A constructive partnership with the

Encourage and empower youthorganizationsinschoolespeciallywomentoactivelyconducvparticipate in
stakeholders and other agencies for a
financial or material support essential to the
Continuity of operationalization
full potential function of the teen center and
of Teen Center Gender and Development activities thatwilldisseminateandstrengthentheirplacejntheschoolandcommunity.
other essential learning materials to be used
by youths while they are on the corners of
the center.

Strategies to avoid/minimize negative impact on women's

(Answer Box 7 Item 6.3)
status and welfare
• Heighten students' awareness and understanding on teenage pregnancy through symposiums duly conducted by
an Expert speaker/s.
• Teen pregnant privacy will be respected and without hampering their right to education.
• Normality scheme ofTeen pregnancy should be taken with full attention both by the school and parents. Instead,
attributed it with values reformation and spiritual ref reat for the student's realization of their purpose being in

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