The Man in The Mountain - Zarathustra

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The Man in the Mountain

Overcoming Modernity's Illusions

Zarathustra’s Dreams
Copyright ©, Zarathustra’s Dreams, 2023

All rights reserved.

No parts of this book may be reproduced without the written permission of

the publisher.
With special mention to

Forest Passage

Many seemingly pointless hours of philosophical discussion and banter have

finally been applied somewhere.

Honorable Mention:

My co-author who gave his life for Kosovo and could not be present for the

final publishing, his name was lost to history.


1. Deconditioning

2. The Mindset

3. Program or be Programmed

4. The Lifestyle

5. The Circle

6. Ramblings


Everything You Have Ever Been Told Is A Lie

This book is not going to be easy to digest. I intend to reach down into the

deepest, darkest corners of your subconscious and shine a light. The age of

the docile, defeated, man is over. From here on out, we accept the reality

that we are capable of being more than what has ever been presented to us.

To be more like our brothers from Homer’s sagas and less like cartoon


You must accept that you have been weak, you have been misled, and that

you are the only individual capable of pulling yourself out of hell. You must

remove your ego for this journey. Do not read a statement and think, “I do

this!” Be honest with yourself.

During your journey, there will be some who bring you messages of wisdom

and many who bring you more convincing lies. I intend to give you tools

and foundational knowledge so that you may be better suited for the war that

you will soon be engulfed in.

Thankfully, when you win this war, you will be unstoppable. You will be

immune to anxiety, capable of turning your depression into a valuable tool,

and you will no longer allow disrespect. You will turn your soft, pudgy body

into a battle-hardened suit of armor and you will defeat your childish

cravings for processed foods and pizza. You will take complete control of

your pitiful financial situation and you will be steadfast to the turbulent

waters we find ourselves drifting in.

By extending your roots into hell, you allow your branches to flourish into

the heavens.

As Above, So Below.

It is time to Begin Again.


Are you listening?

There’s a voice in your head that you have been avoiding for a very, very

long time. At first, it casually criticized you during your normal daily


“Are you really afraid to talk to that girl?”

“Should you really be eating that?”

Since the voice frightened you, you began to ignore it. But it never goes

away permanently.

Each morning as you stare into the mirror getting ready for the commute to

work, the voice comes back, “Is this really what you wanted to do with your

life?” You bargain with it, “This is just how things are right now. I know that

eventually, I will have the idea to capitalize on and bring us out of this hell”

Or maybe, “This is just what life is. I work to support my lifestyle outside of


The voice barks back, “I can tell that you are unhappy with the way things

are. You really wish that you could do more”. You ignore this plea and
continue with your day. You get into your car and turn some music on to

completely quiet the voice, and another mental battle has been avoided.

You leave work and are greeted with traffic, the typical reward for a hard day

at work. The voice comes back, “You are better than this, can we please

start working harder to get out of this situation?” Your fear prevents you

from ever capitalizing on this deeply subconscious desire. Instead of

implementing a plan to conquer your reality, you decide that you will play

an RPG when you get home so that you can conquer the virtual world and

quiet the voice.

This is the reality for many men in our day. A life of running away from

their mental struggles and true desires. To them, hopes and dreams are

unrealistic and only achievable for the most talented and attractive

individuals. These men are one rung from the bottom of the ladder. One

chain of very bad days could send them flying off of this ladder and into the

abyss. From this point, we begin to see the vilest situations that the human

psyche is capable of inflicting on its host. This is where we begin to set the

seeds of drug addiction, obesity, financial destruction, and outright suicide.

Many men in this stage are terrified of their minds and live a life devoted

solely to numbing every emotion that makes them feel uncomfortable. They

have likely at one point in their life truly pondered the idea of suicide, likely

planning a method of performing the act and thinking of the outcome it

would cause. Their only resort at this point is to litter their life with safety

nets such as antidepressants, and instant-gratification sources such as porn,

video games, junk food, and television series. Eventually, the devices that

promised to be a solution to their weak mental state become a crutch.

This is where I take a dramatic fork to the conventional thinking around

mental health. I believe that the voice inside of you exists to motivate you.

The voice that brings you doubt and fear exists for you to overcome just that.

Every day you are presented with a life coach instructing you on how to

overcome each and every weakness that you have and you ignore it. This

voice instructs you on how to overcome your demons. This voice, if ignored,

will materialize physically in your brash emotions. Those who succumb to

these demons typically go on to commit atrocities. For example, immense

fear and anger can materialize as physical abuse towards your wife and

children. Now you have children with immense emotional trauma, who go

on to pass that trauma onto their children. Creating a cycle of generational

trauma, solely because you couldn’t conquer your demons. You were afraid

and now generations must suffer.

We are at a point in time where you have endless access to information.

There are no longer any excuses for why you struggle with things. There is

nobody to blame but yourself. If you do not know the next step to take, it is

because you are not actively trying to take that step.

Power and Freedom

“The most fearful and fundamental desire in man, his

drive for power—this drive is called “freedom”—must

be held in check the longest.”

- Nietzsche

Life is a lot simpler than we like to make it out to be. I think this

unnecessary complexity is due to many layers of coping mechanisms that

have been developed over the last couple of thousands of years, especially in

men. Adjusting from being an untamed, predatory creature into a docile,

over-socialized experiment causes a lot of emotional harm.

Men have gone from being conquerors, creators of kingdoms, and ushers of

new golden ages to pathetic, whiny individuals within a few centuries. It

should come as no surprise that this has caused psychological chaos in our

psyches. The driving force behind the metaphysical motivator of the

masculine identity has been taken from its most natural form and mutated

into a monstrosity that only the industrial age could produce.

This driving force is what caused men to abandon their families to set sail

and explore a new world. It is what caused men to develop nations and to

write philosophy that permeates the lives of men thousands of years after
the fact. This is our true, and outwardly visible, method of inflicting

dominance and power over other individuals.

We have lost our Will to Power.

In a non-industrial world, men operated on a clearly seen version of this

Will to Power. We conquered, we forced other individuals into doing our

bidding, and we bent the landscape of the world to reflect our higher ideals.

You can see this in individuals such as Genghis Khan. This is masculine

energy at its most primal and raw state. Masculine energy is only an

interpretation of Will to Power.

The more power you are able to hold over other individuals, the more

freedom you possess. It is quite literally that simple. This does not mean

that it is morally good to go out and make people submit, or that you should

manipulate and take advantage of people. But, it is happening all around


When you investigate a complex system such as finance, you begin to see

the Will to Power wrap its vines around every interaction. Every trade that

takes place is an attempt to outsmart another trader, taking advantage of his

poor strategy and siphoning his livelihood away from him. The climbing of

the ladder in the corporate hub is once again another reflection of this.
This is why masculine energy is now linked to becoming wealthy. The

wealthier that you become, the less shit you have to take from others. The

wealthier that you become, the more power you have to pass your woes onto

others who bear it as a yoke.

This, my friends, is the simple reality of what life is and it must be


I can already see the connections being made. If these complicated,

masculine-dominated fields, are focused on Will to Power, then how come

depression still permeates to the highest-ranking individuals?

The answer is quite simple. The largest difference between our modern

amalgamation of Will to Power is that it is subversive, which is an inherently

feminine trait. No longer exist the days of the king who publicly challenged

and overcame the throne. No, climbing to the top of the corporate ladder is

not an objective show of strength and wit. It is a game of subverting other

individuals and back-stabbing. Historically, these traits were considered

crimes worthy of murder in any justified society. But, we live in a new world

that plays by new rules. Thus, continuing my discussion of accepting reality

for what it actually is, and not what you wanted it to be.

If you decide that these modern mechanisms of the Will to Power are unjust

and unworthy of implementation in your life, you will simply bear the woke
of the individual unconcerned with its morality.

So, how do I gain freedom through the Will to Power without becoming a

member of their group and committing atrocities against nature? It’s not so

easy. In fact, it’s one of the foundational philosophical issues that surround

masculinity. Many men from many different periods and backgrounds have

tried to answer this question. From Seneca to Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche to

Evola, BAP to Andrew Tate, all of these guys tried in their unique way to

answer the question and all of them added something interesting to the

discussion, whether or not they were correct. (Even I chuckled reading these

names bunched together; hopefully, you did too!)

In the end, only you can fully realize your potential and the path that you

need to follow to reach it. I recommend everyone read philosophy until they

are at a point where they feel properly conscious of their interactions with

the universe. At that point, I think it’s important to close the books and get

into the real world. You are no longer looking for life lessons but for tools to

help you along the way. Those individuals who continue to read philosophy

endlessly end up becoming a mockery of the idea that they wish to

represent. Constantly reading theory without implementation will lead to

you becoming the Don Quijote of that said field.

Overwhelming Comfort

Humans tend to crave comfort. There is nothing inherently wrong with this.

This craving for comfort and consistency is likely what allowed our species

to survive and prosper. Through our craving for comfort, we began building

routines and optimizing ourselves to flourish in our environments. Our

routines kept us out of unnecessary danger. They kept us at home where we

could automate our necessities, allowing for a focus on specialization.

Through this specialization, individuals began to research and innovate in

aspects of their lives outside of survival, leading to a tsunami of complex

systems becoming naturalized in the day-to-day life of a human.

The comfort that convinced man to stay behind the walls of his kingdom

and develop animal husbandry eventually spiraled out of control and led to a

situation very detached from what is natural.

Today, man is afraid of a lot of things. He is afraid to go above the speed

limit, he is afraid of hurting his coworker's feelings, he is afraid to say “No”,

he is afraid to be seen as different, he is afraid to make small changes to his

days, he is afraid to talk to random strangers, and he is afraid to put people

in their place.

The modern man has developed a comfort zone that protects him from

becoming anything more than pathetic on average and mediocre at best. The
importance of breaking down your comfort zone cannot be understated. It is

important from time to time to rigorously challenge yourself to see how

comfortable you’ve truly become.

10 Signs You Have Become Comfortable:

Settling for less than previously desired

Require strict routine to stay disciplined

Plateaued in your fitness metrics

“Winding down” before bed by watching television

Afraid to tell your wife/girlfriend the harsh truth

Received no complements recently

Bored and mopey at night and not physically tired

No purpose/drive upon waking in the morning

Apathetic towards your dreams

Less defensive towards staunchly held beliefs

The Momentum of Importance

It is imperative to understand the difference between becoming comfortable

and being in a slump. Regardless of what many social media influencers and

money Twitter guys say, there is no way of being on your game 100% of the

time. To my knowledge, there is no consistent way to be in the flow state

every second of the day. Your brain requires some time to refresh itself,

recharge, and be ready for the next battle. Entering a slump after a

dramatically stressful event concludes is pretty normal. You just have to

keep watch of yourself and begin to recognize the initial signs of this.

Picture a pendulum. As you pull the pendulum back, you build up immense

potential energy. As you release the pendulum, that energy is also released,

sending the pendulum flying. Then what happens? As pendulums do, it

counteracts that energy and comes flying back toward you. This is a slump.

You can try pushing the pendulum away from you all you want. However,

the harder you attempt to push the pendulum away, the stronger the swing


You have attached incredible importance to an activity or goal and your

energy has taken note. Once the goal is completed, whether in success or

failure, the pendulum will swing back towards you in a power equivalent to

the amount of importance you have placed on the goal. The more you kick
and scream to achieve a goal, the harder the blow backward after its


So, what are you supposed to do? Travel through your life apathetically, with

no true wants or desires?


The answer to this is quite simple. You must begin to understand that the

goals that you have set out for yourself are not “made up”. They were made

in a plane of existence that we do not yet fully understand, you are the

physical embodiment of your ethereal desires. The perfect champion to

capitalize on the tasks at hand. When you accept this concept in your mind,

you will know that all tasks laid before you will be completed as they are

destiny. So, when you know that you will achieve your goals because you

were built to do so. The artificial importance behind your motivation fades

and only true, heavenly drive remains.

This does not mean you should just sit on the sidelines and wait for your

desires to be fulfilled. You must simply put one foot in front of the other and

go out and get your goal. It is your duty, not your dream.

In analogy: you have become victim to a ferocious river’s rapids. In theory,

you have two options:

1. Fight your way against the current of the river and either succeed in over-

powering it or tire yourself to death.

2. Submit to the power of the river and accept that you have no control over


It is important to note, that regardless of your choice here, the river does not

care. It is merely performing its duty with no importance towards the

inconvenience you have brought upon it.

What if I told you that there is a secret third thing.

3. Allow the river to transport you to your island, with no energy expended.

I confess…a true gotcha moment. But, this can be extrapolated and applied

to many aspects of your life where you are unknowingly fighting against the

medium that is attempting to bring you to your next level. This concept I

will expand on further on…

“When one door closes, another door opens; but we often look so long and

so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has

opened for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell

In a moderate contradiction to what I previously said, a strict routine to keep

you at a moderate level of normalcy during these slumps may be very

beneficial. It is important to not use a routine as a crutch, but as a safety net

in case you stray from the path a little longer than expected. Regardless of
the slump you are in, it is easy to have a few hours of focus and productivity

when you know you can actively shut your brain down with no

repercussions for the rest of the day.

I feel as though it would be a good idea to quickly review this concept so I

do not leave the leader confused, or lead them to believe that they can just

sit and wait for their dreams to come true.

In your life, I am sure that you have noticed that spouts of extreme focus and

drive are typically followed by a lull filled with weakened willpower and

apathy. If you talked to an NPC about this, you would likely be told that you

have been overworked and are “burnt out”. However, the bird is never burnt

out from singing and the fish from swimming. The issue is that your mind

adds emotional importance to a task which leads you down a road of ‘belief

and doubts’ which charges up similarly to an induction motor.

You start working on a project, “oh man! This is it. This is how I make my

first $100,000!.”, this adds an insane amount of importance to an activity

that you should just view as natural to your divine fate. Imagine the animals

of the world thinking this way. It would be a sort of parody or a cartoon

caricature of them. That is ghey.

If you wake up each morning and simply put one foot in front of the other,

with no additionally attached internal monologue, burnout is not a real


“But to work a job is not the human condition!”

“At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to

go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going

to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do?

Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay


So you were born to feel “nice”? Instead of doing things and experiencing

them? Don’t you see the plants, the birds, the ants and spiders and bees

going about their individual tasks, putting the world in order, as best they

can? And you’re not willing to do your job as a human being? Why aren’t

you running to do what your nature demands?

You don’t love yourself enough. Or you’d love your nature too, and what it

demands of you.”

― Marcus Aurelius,

You are not working a job, you are working for yourself, and working for

yourself is on another plane of existence than working for someone else.

2.The Mindset

Ground Zero (Embrace Your Weakness)

When we finally decide to become awakened to the reality of the world, we

realize that we are drowning in a sea of defeatism. Apathy is the norm and

nihilism is omnipresent. We must defeat numerous leviathans before we can

pull ourselves out from the depths of the water and lounge in the sun. Before

we start to sharpen our axe and challenge philosophical beasts, we must first

deal with ourselves.

Before we become enlightened, we live in Plato’s cave where we are

constantly experimented on by the men who hold the flames. These

experimentations lead to deep psychological wounds. We see our families

torn apart by substance abuse and suicide, we become victims of terrible

vices, and instead of a helping hand, we are sold pharmaceuticals and

entertainment to make us forget the situation we are in. The surface of this

reality is grim and that is why it is so common for people to seek answers in

unorthodox places such as Gnosticism and simulation theory. People

desperately need answers.

The psychological (and potentially physical) wounds that we receive from

the torture of an unawakened existence must be accepted and cast aside.

This is the time when you must learn to be brutally honest with yourself.
You will never improve if there is a constant excuse every time you do not

push yourself to a new limit. You have to be very present in the moment and

realize that you will subconsciously trick yourself into thinking that you’ve

tried your best. It is time to accept that trying your best is never enough. A

new rule must be cemented into your subconscious through painful

repetition and hard work.

Do What Is Required

The days of trying our best are over. We are no longer children and we have

accepted that the world is not fair. “Our best” has led us into a pitiful

situation where we are taken advantage of and left weak. Remember the

concept of the voice in your head being your coach? It applies here. That

voice desperately wants you to submit to pain and challenge. It wants you to

turn on the dopamine programs whenever you are just about to hit your flow

state and create greatness. It wants you to slow down whenever you are

close to clocking your fastest mile. That voice is “your best”.

Instead of doing your best, you must accept that it is not enough. You must

learn to do what is required. Not what is required for the average person, but

what is required for the best of the best.

I feel as though I should elaborate further as I can already imagine the

comparisons here to the wage slave phenomena of “silent quitting”.

To do what is required does not mean to scrape by and do bottom-of-the-

barrel work in order to keep the machine functioning. To do what is required

means just that. You will do whatever is necessary to achieve the desired

outcome. Your best has proven countless times to not be enough to produce

the desired outcome; therefore, the only solution is to do more.

The subconscious is very observant and absorbs stimuli that you aren’t

capable of perceiving. It also is very grounded in what it knows and

reinforces its beliefs constantly. Because of this, it might take a lot of

affirmation and meditation to thoroughly convince your subconscious that

you are more than the loser you’ve been up to this point.

By telling yourself that you are going to do what is required and not your

best, you are essentially tricking your subconscious mind into over-

performing with nearly no work from you.

If you do not believe me, then all I can ask is for you to give it a shot in

practice. When you come to a sort of problem that typically frustrates you

or causes procrastination, you must ensure yourself that you will do what is

required. Someone has to do it. Watch yourself reach new heights with this.
Lighten the Load

When I was just starting to get into outdoor stuff, I wanted to have every box

checked when it came to packing stuff. There was nothing I feared more

than setting up camp and feeling the dread overcome my body as I realized I

forgot some vital piece of equipment. Because of this, I would always

overpack. It wasn’t some simple overpacking where I bring extra underwear

and socks either. I’d bring a lot of extra heavy shit that was truly

unnecessary to the trip. Whenever the trip was over and I got home, I had to

spend a ridiculous amount of time unpacking all of the garbage that I never


Not only did I waste a ton of time physically packing and unpacking all of

the unnecessary equipment, but I also had to spend time thinking about all

of the extra items to pack. Along with the actual time consumed with these

pointless activities, I struggled to enjoy myself before leaving and during the

trip because I always knew that I’d have to unpack shit after I was done.

After doing this a few times, I realized that the possibility of being rained on

or missing some stupid piece of cookware was nothing compared to the

pointless stress that preparing for those inconveniences was. Eventually, my

hiking bag became lighter and lighter and my stress of missing vital items

got more and more nonexistent.

This is a true story but it is also a lesson. There are many pointless things

that you carry along with you (both mentally and physically) that only

hamper your potential. They drag you down.

By putting so much importance on little things you are killing your

potential. There are likely several things that you do throughout the day in a

very specific, nearly ritualistic manner. As simple as this seems to you, it is

possibly taking up a large portion of brain power.

There is also the very real aspect of having clutter around your home. T-

shirts that you’ve had for 10 years that crowd up drawers, and cables from

defunct electronics. Physical clutter like this adds a lot of stress to your

subconscious. Spend a day cleaning out a lot of your old items and see how

much lighter you feel. The room will feel fresher and a burden will be

removed. Stop putting so much importance on worthless physical objects.

The Universe is Mental

The common thought is that the environment creates the person. This is

true. Just as the environment dictates what sort of lifestyle an animal will

have. A whitetail deer in Wisconsin will function very differently from a

whitetail deer in Northern Mexico. My divergence from this is that most

people are at a level of consciousness much higher than a deer. If you are

reading this book, it is likely because you’ve learned to question a lot of

things. You’ve become very conscious of your actions and emotions and

their interaction with the world. Therefore, you have no excuse to be as

impacted by your environment as an animal. We are made in God’s image

and we can change our environment.

The world around us functions as a mirror to our minds. The frequency in

which your thoughts reside throughout the day is the frequency in which the

world will reside. It is no coincidence that on a bad day, bad things happen

to you over and over. You are essentially attracting them to you.

If you begin to think that the world is a lovely place and God has reserved

all of the best in life for you, then you will see a dramatic shift in your


This is why it is so important to avoid things like doom scrolling and falling

for the constant propaganda that is broadcasted over media. We can all
accept that there are bad actors and bad groups in our world wishing to

cause harm to everything holy. It is possible that they are real demons.

However, it is harmful to constantly drown in this material. It is a numbing

tactic used by these demons to overwhelm and defeat you.

Avoid interacting with these terrible distractions and instead focus on

bettering your own life and creating a world of peace, abundance, and

solitude for your family. It is the only way to properly survive these times.
Emotional Frequency

There is a hierarchy among emotions. Some emotions are beneficial to you.

To feel joy and accomplishment is great while being sad is not good. Of

course, it is not this simple and I must now admit to you that I am a

subscriber to some unconventional and mystic beliefs. There is an idea that

as your base consciousness changes to one of higher frequency emotions,

you will reflect this onto your reality. Accordingly, as you begin to subscribe

to lower-frequency emotions, then you will reflect these emotions onto your


Simply put: If you are in a constant state of joy, you will seem to find that

more good things happen to you and those around you. Whereas, when you

are in a constant state of shame, you will see things take place in your world

that show you why you deserved to be belittled.

The Emotional Frequency Chart is popular and easy to find online. Many

are quite redundant so I will attach my version of the emotions in order of

frequency below:










Peace, joy, and love are all high-frequency emotions. To be in a constant

state of these emotions would lead to your reality reflecting this. It is easy to

assume that those who are constantly happy have an easier life than you, but

this is an inversion of the truth. The happiest people create an easy world

around them. I removed a few emotions from the list, including love,

because I believe that it is very easy to misunderstand these emotions and

that they are typically a byproduct of other emotions.

Courage is the middle of the road in terms of emotional frequency. This

does not mean that it is a bad emotion to have, simply that a lot of thought

energy, and importance are being applied to sustaining the state of being. It

is essentially an emotion that pulls the rubber band. Once the rubber band is
released, it will snap back to its center. If you are prepared for this, then it

can be a very beneficial tool.

Pride is considered a negative emotion and it’s understandable why. Pride

will put a lot of unnecessary importance on the tasks that you are doing

which will cause burnout and added stressors to be added to your journey.

The more prideful you become, the more challengers approach you. It is

important to understand the difference between pride and holding yourself

in high regard.

Anger is similar to courage and pride. At times, anger can be of the utmost

value to achieving your goals. We’ve all heard stories of men who’ve made

their dreams come true through anger and hate alone. They were mad that

certain people had things that they couldn’t have and it led to them devoting

their lives to overcoming them. The dudes who go through life burning

anger as a fuel source die fast and die hard. There is no finish line for them.

It is a sort of drug addiction. Just like stimulants can be used intelligently to

overcome certain challenges, anger can as well. Long-term abuse of anger

will eventually consume you.

The following sections will be used to go in-depth on Desire, Fear, and

Guilt. Along with scarcity.


Everyone knows of a man who is terrified to spend money on anything. The

kids must wait until their birthday or Christmas to receive a gift, and he

hasn’t bought himself a new shirt since high school. It’s not that he cannot

afford these things, it’s simply because he is afraid of losing his money. To

him, once you work hard for something, it’s very possible that you can lose

it and it will never come back. This causes life to be miserable. This scarcity

mindset is often taken to be stoic and rational when in truth it is sourced in

deeply rooted fear and anxiety.

Scarcity is just a continuation of fear. Fear of losing, fear of never having,

fear of letting go, etc.

The reality is that all fear is a reaction to a situation that hasn’t occurred and

possibly will not. By fearing an event, you are giving a lot of energy to such

an event, which in turn increases its likelihood of happening. It is a hermetic


“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing

itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at

any moment.”

- Marcus Aurelius
I find that fears are best overcome by exposure therapy. If you are afraid of

public speaking, it’s probably a good idea to do some more public speaking.

This can be applied to a lot.

Clearly, there are outliers to this. Some fears exist as a survival mechanism

to protect you. Don’t go sneaking through a rattlesnake den to overcome a

fear of snakes. That fear is likely justified.

The most common form of fear is anxiety, and like the Marcus Aurelius

quote from earlier, it is entirely made up. Anxiety is a trick being played on

you by your mind. You are applying too much importance to an activity that

does not deserve it.

Today I escaped from anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within

me, in my own perceptions - not outside.” - Marcus Aurelius

Dealing with emotions such as fear and anxiety is one area where the stoics

knock it out of the park. I truly recommend reading Meditations and Letters

from a Stoic. Keep in mind, it is fine to have emotions. The important part is

how you react to your emotions.


Desire is a misunderstood emotion. To be without desires will likely lead

you into a very non-human and non-masculine place. It typically leads to

being a pushover and apathetic. This does not change the fact that it is a

lower-frequency emotion.

To constantly be in a state of desire is akin to casting a spell on yourself that

makes you immune to accomplishing any of them. I know that it seems

coincidental, but desire is a dangerous emotion. Most people feel desire,

enter into a trance-like state, and then move on, doing absolutely nothing to

make that desire manifest.

Many confuse this day-dream state with the tenets of The Law of Attraction

but that is a terrible mistake to make. The Law of Attraction is a much more

complicated idea than just imagining the things you desire. It is more than

having a vision board and looking at the thing you want every day.

Instead, your desire must be transmuted into a pure, unadulterated intention.

Dreams do not come true, you are wasting your time by trying to imagine

something into reality. By desiring your goal you are adding fear and doubt

into your mind. “I really want this cool car, but I am not quite sure how I

would manage to get $200,000 to buy it”. This will fail.

A simple trick that you can do is lower the importance of your desire and

instead imagine that the desire has been fulfilled. Quickly, in your mind

imagine that your most potent desire has just been filled. Truly meditate on

this for a few moments. If done correctly, you will notice a feeling of intense

power caressing you like a blanket. You are quite literally casting a spell

when you do this. The fabric of reality has changed and you have essentially

entered the directions to your goal and now just have to follow the blue line.

To follow the blue line, put one foot in front of the other.

A common technique of “manifesting” is to get comfortable and enter a sort

of trance-like, self-hypnosis. In this state, you begin to interact with your

desire as if it existed. However, this is like chaos magic and you are opening

a pandora’s box if you take it seriously. It is true that you can manifest this

object into your life in some way, but maybe not how you intended. This is

the basis of a lot of the Neville Goddard stuff if you have heard about it. If

this sort of thing is interesting to you, I recommend listening to his lectures

or reading his short handbooks. Regardless of if you believe in the

manifesting stuff, his instructions on mindset are very helpful.


There are many feelings that humans can forget, overcome, or just accept

and move on from. The one emotion that does not follow this rule is guilt.

You never see a man walking around happy because of a situation that

occurred ten or fifteen years previously. You rarely see someone still angry

from an event that occurred long in the past. Guilt seems to be the one

emotion that time may not heal.

Guilt is undoubtedly the most paralyzing emotion. It is easy to build your

entire persona around the guilt that you carry from your childhood.

If you have any intention of improving your life situation, you must learn

how to deal with guilt. You were not summoned into this material world to

suffer from petty emotional trauma. That is nobody’s divine purpose. You

must permit yourself to view our short existence here as a celebration. You

must accept that you are worthy of all luxuries. You are on your divine path,

overcoming evil, and becoming the next evolution of man. Guilt is a chain to

bind you to mediocrity, break it.

If you conclude that overcoming your guilt means solving the source of the

problem at the source, you will be diving down a never-ending rabbit hole. It

is a fool’s errand to fix why you feel guilt in the first place. If you are
responsible for the situation causing the guilt, you must ask God for

forgiveness and move on. You have been freed from the shackles.

The world is full of manipulative people, essentially parasites. They

determine their hosts based on the showing of one symptom, guilt. The

moment this is discovered by a manipulator, their claws will dig into you

and your life force will be drained from you. Once the manipulator is there,

it is hard to remove them. Notice how many women have confidence issues

due to the manipulative relationship their mother has with them.

Overcome Guilt:

Pray for forgiveness

Stop justifying yourself

Stop apologizing

You owe nothing to anybody


“If you are depressed you are living inside of your mind,

you’re obsessed with how you feel. You don’t care about

anything outside of yourself. You are an exceptionally

selfish person.”

- Andrew Tate

There is a very real mental health problem that needs to be addressed and

understood. The ideals that our ancestors have fought for seem to have been

entirely disregarded or destroyed by parasites who have infiltrated our

governments. Misinterpretation of philosophy and implementation of

bugman political ideology can be overwhelming for most. Nearly every day

can seem like another piece of evidence that our world is ending. This

constant siege can lead to an overall state of feeling blackpilled.

But, you must realize that it cannot impact you. These sources of anger,

sorrow, and bewilderment cannot undo the divine craftsmanship used to

create you. Only you have the power to do that.

Similar to how you needed to trick your subconscious to be more

performant by convincing it of doing what is required instead of what you

are capable of, you also need to trick it out of its depressive state. First, you

must accept that depression is not a clinical disorder but a red flag being
presented by your body and subconscious to indicate that your current

course is not correct. This is not to say that biological issues and hormone

imbalances cannot lead to a depressive state. So, if you fear that you could

fall under this category, I do recommend getting some bloodwork done to

see if you have issues there.

After this, you need to continue to understand that everything is some sort

of Greek Tragedy. A horrible but hilarious thing that has befallen man. Start

stacking up healthy activities like lifting weights, fighting, sprinting,

swimming, hiking, and sunbathing. Live like a kid when you are not

working. By accepting the world as a tragic comedy, you stop taking stuff so

seriously when you are not working and everything gains a lighter hue.

Remember the scene from Return of the King where it is revealed that King

Theoden has been cast under a spell from Grima Wormtongue? That is

depression. A dark cloud has settled over your mind and you are convinced

that it cannot be moved. One day, Gandalf or some other solar figure will

reveal to you that this cloud is nonsense.

Brief Backstory on Subconscious


“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes

formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have

never heard of.”

- Edward Bernays

If you talk to an average person, they have a basic understanding that they

are being somewhat manipulated by external stimuli. Typically, this is in the

form of advertisements. It has become an accepted thing that smartphones

listen to the user, hear what products they request, and begin to shoot

advertisements for those things to the user. This is true, but this is just

scratching the surface of the programming that takes place in our world.

In this book, I want to introduce you to real propaganda. I started this

section with a quote from Edward Bernays. This man is largely unheard of

within most circles but he is one of the more important men of the 20th

century. I intend to give a very quick summary of his past and purpose, feel

free to skip if you wish.

Bernays was the cousin of Sigmund Freud and actually bailed Freud out of a

poor financial situation during the depression. So, how is a man who is
richer than the ‘Father of Psychoanalysis’ and the savior of his work still a


Bernays was the author of the book, ‘Propaganda’. This book is centered

around using social science and psychological manipulation, many tactics

gathered from Sigmund Freud, to take advantage of human psychology and

turn them into soulless consumers. The intended purpose of the book is to

teach how to “engineer consent” from Americans toward corporations. The

book was a massive success in American political circles and even landed

him the job of “Counselor of Public Relations” within the United States.

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and

opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those

who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible

government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed,

our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by

men we have never heard of.” - Edward Bernays

I think it is important to recognize that Edward Bernays, not really to

investigate his tactics and see how he changed public opinion, but to have
definite proof that people are subconsciously manipulated through hard-to-

identify means; through individuals whom we will never know exist.

If this topic is interesting to you, I recommend the documentary The

Century of the Self by Adam Curtis. Last I checked, it was freely available.

I am going to expand on this topic in the next chapter. I believe it to be the

most important information of this project, so I wish for it to be organized in

a more easily-accessible manner.

3.Subconscious Reprogramming

Program or Be Programmed.

If you are not actively programming your subconscious mind, tricking it

through subversive means, then someone else is doing it to you.

We live our entire lives being subverted by individuals like Edward Bernays.

Old and decrepit men (potentially lizards) who want nothing more than to

make humans their slaves. You must come to accept that this is not some

conspiracy but the actual reality of the world that we live in. It has been

nearly a century since Bernays first started to implement his tactics. He

turned the average American from a stoic, hard-working individual to a

slave of consumerism within a single generation.

You must understand that this tool is too valuable to the powers that be and

has undoubtedly been expanded on, likely through very complex machine

learning algorithms. It would not surprise me if there was super AI that

teaches itself about the human subconscious and has become an expert in

manipulating it. Who knows what this beast will become as the years go by.

Please stop playing with these funny AI chatbots in your browser. The

consequences are very hard to identify.

The only way to counteract this barrage of psychoanalytic sorcery is to

perform it yourself. In another fittingly hermetic manner, you must once

again return to Hades to find the truth. You must beam positive propaganda

deep into your subconscious mind, hammering it until it is resilient, over

and over again. You are the one who decides what is and isn’t true.

“Mind control is the result of self-discipline and habit.

You either control your mind or it controls you. There is

no hallway compromise. The most practical of methods

for controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy

with a definite purpose, backed by a definite plan.”

- Napoleon Hill

Throughout this book, there has been a pervasive theme of beginning again

and rebirth. To burn your former self and reach a higher plane of existence

through sacrificial transformation. Rising out of the ashes will be a man

unimpeded by foreign propaganda and emotions. So far, we have discussed a

multitude of ways that will inch you closer and closer to this goal. Now, it’s

time to get to the real bread and butter of the concept.

To make things easier, you should view your brain as a computer. Through

interacting with the stimuli around us, we gather information and create

opinions on what these objects are and how they interact with us. Just like a

computer, we are capable of having massive updates that can completely

change the way that our systems function. We can have firmware updates

that change the way our consciousness interacts with our hardware, we can

have routine security updates that can purge our systems of parasites. This
goes on and on. I don’t think that we are actually computers but for the sake

of understanding this concept, we are.

Have you ever seen a powerful film or documentary and felt an instant shift

in your entire frequency? When I was younger, I watched the documentary

“Zeitgeist” and felt as if I had been beamed incredibly important

information directly into my being. It changed my life. I woke up to so many

things I had never noticed before. These things existed before I viewed this

documentary, but since I did not have the necessary software to perceive

these stimuli, it was impossible to view them.

This is where the concept of reprogramming comes in. It is an

understanding that we are acted upon by forces unknown and we must

constantly update our system’s defenses and perception technology to be

properly prepared to act against them.

In practice

To reprogram is to accept that the world will never be the same as it was

before the programming is done. You are going to be essentially conducting

self-hypnosis to root out all of the negative energy that has been planted into

your subconscious over your life. Once that is removed, you will be

replacing it with another form of programming.

If you do not believe that this sort of activity is true, take a look at someone

like David Goggins. A total loser who, through the absolute destruction of

his perception of reality, created a machine. He is an actual machine.

Goggins went from a pudgy mass of flesh to a terminator. You can also take

a look at MK Ultra examples. This is not as intense as that, as once you are

MK Ultra’d there is no return. It’s as if your brain’s matter is entirely fried

and incapable of being reprogrammed.

So, how do we begin to reprogram ourselves?

There are a lot of methods and instruction manuals out there in various

forms and fashions. A book that I believe is a true start-to-finish guide in the

concept is Reality Transfuring. It’s an essential read.

As for me, I started to view the world that I lived in as a video game. This

helped lower the importance that I placed on several things. It helped me

stop caring about what people thought of me and it helped me take negative

emotions a lot less seriously. If something bad happened to me, I started to

view it as a challenge being presented by the game narrator, as a way to

either propel me to the next level or to slow me down.

Then, I reviewed a lot of the preconceived opinions that I had, especially the

negative ones. Why did I think X was bad? Why do I hate Y? Eventually I

reworked my thought process to drop these. There is not enough space in

your brain to hold negative thoughts. If you truly want to be abundant and

successful, there is no way you can do this.

After reviewing the negative conceptions that my subconscious held, I began

to realize that every thought that I act on, every emotion that I feel, and

every action that I do is because I decided to do it. Simple on the surface,

but it is not so.

You can choose to do absolutely anything. You can choose to be rich. You

can decide right here at this moment that you will be rich and you can start

walking toward that goal. There will be a large number of challenges along

the way, but if you truly select this as your goal, you will reach it if you do

not succumb to the challenges.

If you begin to live under the idea that all of your desires are already

fulfilled, you will be at immense peace most of the time.

Here is a more concise method.

Month of Deprogramming

3. Accept that you have been programmed

4. Remove the systems that are programming you from your life (at least

one month)
5. Write in a pen and paper journal every night with a flow-of-

consciousness format

6. Repeat affirmations before going to bed

7. Repeat affirmations when waking up

8. Try to be conscious of every single action that you do throughout the

day, especially focusing on actions around stressful events

9. When you run into a problem, immediately say, ‘This will be easy” or

“This is happening for a reason"

10. If you find yourself overwhelmed in a situation, take a walk for as long

as needed until you can make sense of the feeling

11. Only use your phone or computer with intention. You will notice you

have a habit of going for your phone when doing certain activities

12. Pray every single night

13. Hit the gym 5-7/week, focusing on mobility and mind-muscle


14. Focus on eating a consistent and basic diet that covers all of your macros

and micronutrient needs

15. Do not be critical of others

16. Reading positive books*, spending time outdoors, working out,

meditating, and journaling as main sources of entertainment during this


17. Avoid music with lyrics. Especially metal and hip-hop. These genres are

filled with very negative frequencies.

* Books that enhance the feeling of abundance and accomplishment, or bigs

that allow you to break down external programming more. Meditations by

Aurelius is great, for example.

Collection of Affirmations

“What is impressed subjectively is expressed

objectively. Your senses or conscious mind sees the

objectification of your good. When the conscious mind

becomes aware of “water made into wine,” it becomes

aware of the answered prayer.”

- Joseph Murphy

Below are some of my favorite affirmations that I’ve come across in my

readings. Some of them I remember and repeat to myself daily. An

affirmation becomes more powerful the more you believe the words of it to

be true. If they are a joke to you, then they will do nothing for you. Whether

they are simply placebo matters not to me.

Inner action precedes all outer action.

Affirmations need to be pretty concise, creating a feeling of abundance and

comfort is also vital. It is also important to be very selective with the words

selected in the affirmations. You do not want to affirm that something will

happen, instead affirm that it is currently taking place. If you are new to this

idea, you may need to avoid anything other than one-word affirmations.
For example, instead of “I want to be healthy” or “I am going to be healthy”,

you should just say “I am healthy”. And, for those very new to the concept, I

recommend just “Health”. For those new to affirmations, try repeating this

to yourself in the mirror in the morning. Repeat until you accept these words

as fact and can feel the abundance around them

Health, Wealth, Success

Three simple words can evoke a lot of emotion. Anyways, on to


- God is the source of my supply. That supply is my supply now. His riches

flow to me freely, copiously, and abundantly. I am forever conscious of my

true worth. I give of my talents freely, and I am wonderfully, divinely

compensated. Thank you, Father.

- “I am prospering every day.”

- “I am growing in wealth and in wisdom every day.”

- “Every day my wealth is multiplying.”

- “I am advancing, growing, and moving forward financially.”

- “Money is forever circulating freely in my life, and there is always a

Divine Surplus”
4.The Lifestyle

Stop Dying

“For the Greeks a sexual symbol was therefore the most

sacred symbol…Every single element in the act of

procreation, of pregnancy, and of birth aroused the

highest and most solemn feelings. In the doctrine of the

mysteries, pain is pronounced holy: the pangs of the

woman giving birth consecrate all pain; and conversely

all becoming and growing — all that guarantees a future

— involves pain. That there may be the eternal joy of

creating, that the will to life may eternally affirm itself,

the agony of the woman giving birth must also be there

eternally. All this is meant by the word Dionysus.”

- Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

When I first got into the self-improvement scene, I was met with a lot of

negative energy that didn’t seem beneficial. Random ideas like, if you want

to improve and be worthy of your ancestors, you need to live like a medieval

peasant. At the time, Varg Vikernes’ YouTube channel was really popular

and he was a massive influence on a lot of the /sig/ scene. I assume this is

where that sentiment arose, a sort of bastardization of what his beliefs are.
For those unaware, /sig/ is a reference to the self-improvement general

threads that were created on 4chan’s ‘politically incorrect’ and ‘health &

fitness' boards (I think the threads still exist but in a very mutilated form and

on the ‘advice’ board). The threads were constantly monitored by mods and

often shut down for not being relevant. This led to a lot of discord servers

starting up with the SIG format. Typically, they were centered around

strength training, reading western philosophy, and restricting dopamine. Of

course, they turned into circle jerks. One of the more popular servers

became littered with dudes pretending to be Eastern Roman Empire

aristocrats/emperors/generals. Each mod would theme his online persona off

of someone like Justinian or Belisarius. It was very gay.

It was almost a competition to see who could live the most like Diogenes.

Wealth and luxury were shunned in favor of a more meager lifestyle. This is

not inherently bad; however, internet meme culture kind of led this to its

extremes and it got somewhat harmful. These groups also had a complete

disdain for fun. To them, fun meant reading the complete collection of

Julius Evola while drinking bulletproof coffee. Personally, I know someone

who fell down this rabbit hole, moving from a cozy coastal town to a

middle-of-nowhere, no-opportunity enclave because bugmen bothered him

too much. He is now poor and has to rely on his “group” to support him

financially. This is really not too uncommon with the /sig/gers. They are not

strong individualists, they commonly follow the stereotype that men who

deal in identity politics do so because they have no confidence.

Anyways, story time is over. Back to the real story.

You need to realize when these ideas you have about how your life should

be is harmful. As someone who has spent nearly a decade in this circle of

“self-improvement”, I have spent the last 2 years trying to remove harmful

aspects from the lifestyle.

You are killing yourself by focusing so much on how others annoy you. The

cynic will always live a life of self-inflicted pain. Your misery loves

company. Soon you will find yourself in a group of men cast under a spell of

hating the world and society, attempting to shun all of its fruits for some

imaginary moral cause. One-upping each other to see who can withdraw

more from the world, who can sustain misery the most, this is a pointless

game. Everyone here loses. Wake up. You are not outsmarting the ones

behind the curtain, you are becoming a non-issue to them.

This is why the rise of BAPism has been so refreshing. To live like a Greek

hero, to have fun with the world we live in. It leads to great things. Being

serious all of the time and living as if you consume Hegel as fuel is boring

and you will regret it when you are old and decrepit. The /sig/ger almost

treats himself as a weak, emasculated husband to the earth. Mother Nature

dominates and whips him into submission. You must accept that you are the

one in control here and through your vril you improve the existence of all.
Start Living

"At the moment I am full of life, my whole body

overf lowing with youth and strength. It seems

impossible that I shall be dead in three hours’ time. And


- Yukio Mishima

It is time to abandon the cloud that has hung over you for so long and get

into the sun. A new day is dawning. A day where you are sun-kissed,

crusted from seawater, and in the embrace of a caring womyn who is

feeding you roasted meats and fruits.

You are at peace here, knowing that you have just defeated your largest

enemy (your weak mentality) and you no longer have to cope. You have

accepted yourself as a divine creation and you have applied this magical

power to take complete and total control over your environment.

The days of worrying about the fate of the world have drifted out of your

mind because you know that you are powerful enough to take on any

challenger. The only lifestyle worthy of you is one of a demigod. You have

learned the teachings of Siddhartha and understand the ebbs and flows of

the universe. You do not force things to happen, you realize that they begin

to be attracted to you.
Every day is a new opportunity to showcase that your life is littered with

divine abundance.

You have accepted life for what it is. Pure abundance.

The remainder of this chapter will be about methods of ensuring you radiate

power and energy. You must vrilmaxx.


In order to perform at your best, you must fuel yourself with the best.

It is very easy to become very overwhelmed with diet nowadays as there is a

new startling discovery made each week, along with a new fad to follow. I

remember falling victim to one of these before. I wasn’t happy with my

health so I tried the ketogenic diet before it was extremely popular. There

were no fancy, overpriced processed foods to help cope with the cravings for

carbs at this time. At this time, keto was essentially the bacon and eggs diet.

It was truly bad.

Quickly, I realized that this diet was incredibly challenging. I regularly had

thoughts like, “Am I going to eat like this forever? If not, then what is the

point?” There were a lot of other ways to lose weight, so why not just do

something more traditional?

After a lot of meditation, I found the answer to a question I wasn’t even

asking. I tried to do these unorthodox diets because it was a way to cope

with being unhappy with my performance in life. If I felt like a loser, maybe

switching to a hard diet would increase my energy and outlook on life.

Obviously, this didn’t work. I still avoided my scary thoughts by playing

video games, and I never took responsibility for anything.

So, that is my icebreaker for this section. Unless you have a severe

inflammation issue that you are unaware of, your diet is not going to change

your life. Only you can change your life. Your diet will help you maintain

your energy levels and it will even make the climb out of the abyss easier,

but it will not climb for you.

When you do not give your diet overwhelming importance, then it becomes

much easier to find what works for you and optimize it. However, there are

some important notes to consider when picking the food you eat.

To properly function, men do not require a very complicated diet. You

should be eating a lot of protein to help muscle synthesis, you should be

experimenting with carbs to find out the amount that you need to properly

carry out your daily activities and workouts, and you should be downing a

lot of saturated fats to help your body function properly. For me, I get about

175-190g of protein a day, about 215g of carbs, and some amount of fat that

a doctor would be scared of, I do not know the number.

Your diet should be built entirely around whole foods. The days of

microwaved meals, odd concoctions from the gas station and processed

garbage are over. These foods really do inhibit cognitive and hormonal

On another note, you should remove seed oils from your diet. This is one of

those things that will be a massive blackpill at first. Eventually, you will

realize that by removing these dirty oils from your diet, you are likely eating

very clean. If you do not eat seed oils, you cannot possibly eat processed

foods. Cook your food in butter, ghee, and tallow. Garnish your meats,

bread, and salads in olive oil. Just as the ancients did.

One of my main inspirations for diet came from the Odyssey. The royalty at

that time lived exclusively off of roasted meat and fish, sourdough bread,

dairy, eggs, fruit, and wine. If you are based, you will enjoy a diet similar to

Odysseus. This will maximize your vril.

Soon you will throw a large party at your Mediterranean estate where guests

are handed skewers of roasted lamb, we wash down with century-old wine.

Many women are exchanged in this process and many strong sons are

created. War plans for expanding the city-state throughout the

Mediterranean are drafted and goats are also given as gifts. This is your


Back to the modern diet. On top of the simple meal plan that you construct

for yourself, it is vital to maximize micronutrients through healthy foods

such as eggs, liver, and oysters. I recommend eating at least 4 eggs every

day, along with trying to get down 3 oz of beef/bison liver throughout the

week. You can eat liver raw, it is actually more palatable this way. I just
chop up into slivers and slonk back like a raw oyster. Oysters are vital for

zinc production and are considered an aphrodisiac for a reason. This leads

me to another tangent.

Like the ancients, you should view your libido as a reflection of your overall

health. If you find that you never wake up with morning wood and that you

are overall uninterested in sex, you have a problem. It is the most obvious

indicator of poor health in men. Proper sexual function and health are the

exact same thing.

If you find that it is challenging to eat foods like liver and oysters frequently,

there are a few things you can do. One, you can buy canned oysters from the

store. After ensuring that they are not sitting in seed oil sludge, you can

create a variety of seafood soups and stews with them, Although not as cool

as raw oysters, it is still packed with a lot of benefits. If this is not an option,

you should take a zinc supplement. This is the same with beef liver. Either

try the desiccated liver supplements that are so common nowadays or find

individual supplements to cover the micronutrients you are missing. I have

heard that things like Cod Liver Oil are actually very oxidized and bad for

your health, so I recommend avoiding that.

Traditional Supplements

Not all supplements are created equally. Many of them are loaded with

carcinogenic fillers that take up the vast majority of the pill you take. You

must do a lot of research into these supplements before you buy them and

see if they are true to advertisement.

Supplements are also confusing as many of these minerals are bonded with

different things and can impact the way your body digests and absorbs them.

For example, the common zinc supplement is zinc oxide. This is the poorest

form of zinc you can get for absorption and is essentially worthless. I

recommend zinc picolinate as it is easier to absorb. I remember reading a

number at some point that only 10% of zinc oxide dosage is absorbed. Do

not quote or take that as actual medical information. Another supplement

that suffers greatly from this is magnesium. The cheap magnesium

supplements are bad and probably just work as a laxative. I recommend that

you take a magnesium glycinate supplement instead of the typical one.

For D3, try to find a supplement that is bonded with K2, this makes it much

more absorbable. Also, try to take your D3 supplements in the morning

around meals, the K2 present in egg yolks will help with absorption as well.

Just 4 egg yolks from pasture-raised hens contain enough K2 to reach the

recommended dosage. Conventional, slave-hens either eat K2-fortified feed

or live off of soy and corn which leads to depleted K2. Take a look at the
egg yolks, and notice how in recent years, cheaper eggs have gotten paler

and paler yolks. They’re barely even yellow now. Now look at pasture-raised

hen eggs, they are on a spectrum of deep yellow to orange. Do not confuse

this with the $12/dozen fancy “heritage” eggs which use unknown methods

to create a very dark, orange yolk.

Another level of complexity added to supplements is their interactions with

minerals already present in your body. If you take a lot of zinc, you will

likely throw your copper levels off. By throwing your copper levels off, you

are inhibiting the way your blood is transferred. This can lead to a lot of

thyroid problems which are a lot more common than people realize.

Also, some vitamins are fat-soluble and some are water-soluble. If you take

a lot of Vitamin B, you are likely to excrete most of the excess. Therefore,

you need to take a consistent dose daily for your body to use it. But, vitamin

D3 is fat-soluble. This means that you can take a very high dose of it one

day and it will release constantly through your body until it is fully depleted.

My Top Traditional Supplements:

Zinc Picolinate (Potentially one paired with a small dose of copper)

Vitamin D3 (Better if paired with K2)

Magnesium Glycinate
Now, we enter the territory of nootropics and fringe supplements.
Esoteric Supplementation

In this section, you will wade through the largest piles of scams and

eventually come upon some stuff that really works for you. From gas-station

boner pills to ancient Ayurvedic medicines promoting well-being, I will try

to clarify some of the more esoteric supplements.

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, I used diet plans as a substitute for

taking accountability and improving my situation. I did the same with

supplementation. Maybe I will feel better and work harder if I take more

ashwagandha, etc.

Supplements are just that, a supplement to your natural lifestyle. A way to

fill the gaps that you are unable to fill naturally. You should always view

supplements as this. They cannot replace a good lifestyle and diet, they can

only slightly improve them. Keep this in mind when you are forking over

$75 for sludge in a bottle.

Here are a few popular supplements that I see thrown around across social

media. I will summarize each:


This is what it sounds like. If you buy this, you will receive a bag of pollen.

The idea behind this is that it is plant sperm and will improve your
testosterone if you ingest it. Truthfully, this is one of my favorite

supplements out there. It is terrible to get down, and maybe one day I will

create my own version of this supplement with higher-quality pollen from

blue pine, but it definitely works as it is advertised. I think you should load

this supplement. Do like 4 tablespoons throughout the day the first time you

take it and you will feel like you have consumed an energy drink. On top of

this, you will likely wake up with a very large, vril-maxxed erection in the

morning. This supplement is so powerful that I typically will cycle it as well

as I do truly believe it makes testosterone increase.

Now, whenever I start this supplement, I get an almost niacin-esque feel and

that is because it is pollen and I am susceptible to hay fever. I will even get a

headache and congested nose on the first day. So, maybe it is shock

endorphins or something that causes the high energy.


I am going to be honest, I hate this stuff. It is recommended that you take

niacin and then hit the sauna to excrete toxins and heavy metals from your

system. It was also recommended to shed spike proteins from the you know


Here's the deal, you take this stuff and you get very itchy and you feel like

you are having an allergic reaction. Then, after about an hour, it goes away

and you don’t really know what just happened. I took this stuff when I was
sunburnt and it was one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life.

But, I think it helped me get over the sunburn faster.


This is one of those Ayurvedic supplements that is pretty tried and true. It

helps lower cortisol which is great, although it can probably be overdone

and maybe lead to imbalances everywhere. I think this one you should just

try this and see if it does anything


This is just dopamine. It’s L-Dopa and it can be concentrated in different

amounts depending on the brand you buy. If you decide to do this, you

should really be careful and not abuse it. It’s really more like a drug

compared to the others on this list. You will actually get small feelings of

unexplained euphoria. It also actively lowers prolactin, so it’s big in horny

boy groups. By lowering prolactin, it is assumed that it will lower your

refractory period. So, by taking this you could potentially have less wait

time between sex sessions.


This is sludge from rocks in the Himalayan mountain range. It is

decomposing plant matter from centuries before. It is apparently just one of

those overall vril-improving supplements, which should always be taken

with a grain of salt.

This stuff is usually pretty pricey as well, but I recommend trying it for

yourself if you are interested.


The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “This

blackseed is healing for all diseases but poison.” She said, “What is

poison?” The Prophet said, “Death.”

This is oil from black cumin seed. Yes, it is seed oil, I do not know if it is

like rapeseed oil or like olive oil. But, I have heard wondrous things from

those who take it. From my research, the real indicator of one of these

esoteric supplements working is if you are recommended to cycle it. Like a

three-day-on and a three-day-off kind of cycle. To me, that indicates that it is

effective in doing something.

Black Seed Oil apparently can cause a build-up of serotonin which should

be monitored. If you feel numb mentally, stop. This is why cycling is



This stuff is so common in lifting circles that it is embarrassing. Guys will

take soy lecithin pellets to increase the volume of their load. It’s kind of
lame. If you eat a healthy diet, you should not be concerned with these


Your lifestyle is just as important, if not more so than your diet when it

comes to being on top of your game every day. If you live your life like

some lazy, depressed dude would, then you are probably going to become

some incredibly lazy, depressed dude. Things are usually a lot simpler than

we make them.

Your body and soul desperately crave movement, progressive overload,

stress exposure, connection to loved ones, sleep consistency, grounding, and

sunlight. I’ll touch on all of these in this section.


You are not designed to be a sedentary creature. I’m sure this idea has been

hammered into your brain at this point, especially if you are a part of the

self-improvement/masculinity circles. You need to be up and moving for the

majority of the day, it is non-negotiable.

If you work an office job, you are sitting all day and putting your body into

contorted positions all day that are detrimental to your joint and spinal

health. To mediate this, you need to get a standing desk. You can complain

to HR or whatever chain you have there that you desperately need a standing

desk due to the amount of back and neck pain you’ve been dealing with. Tell
them that you’ve been going to the chiropractor and you were told that you

need a standing desk. The office will likely cover the expenses of it.

When you are working at a computer, you should set timers, either mentally

or physically, that reminds you to move around for a few minutes. Every 25

minutes, you should go out and walk for 5 minutes. If this isn’t possible, just

do some decompression stretching.

A restriction of movement will make you feel terrible physically and

mentally. You are destroying your joints by sitting all day and you are

hindering your creative potential by lowering blood flow throughout your

body by sitting.

You should aim to walk at least 10,000 steps per day. Not only will this

improve your body composition by upping your basic metabolic rate, but it

will also lower your stress levels. Try to sit down for less than 4 hours per

day, and never longer than 1 hour at a time.


Progressive Overload refers to constantly adding more weight to the bar

when lifting, always expecting your muscles to bear a heavier load. This is

the only way that you get stronger.

Today you lifted 100 pounds, tomorrow you lift 105. This is a clear,

quantifiable improvement. It is one of the millions of reasons why lifting is

such an important activity. There is not another activity that I can think of

that has such a clearly observed progression system.


Your body becomes accustomed to the situation that it lives in. I am sure

you have experienced this before. A new daunting task presents itself and a

major lifestyle shift ensues. This happens when you have a baby. Overtime,

your body acclimates and gets used to the new routines of your new, more-

stressful life. Not only should you engage in more stressful situations such

as martial arts, but you should also simulate stress within your body from

time to time.

You can do this in a number of ways. I prefer going and sitting in the sauna

until I must waive the white flag and remove myself. Usually, as my heart

rate approached 200 bpm. The high heat of the sauna forces the blood to the

surface of your skin, it pushes oxygen-enriched blood into oxygen-depleted

muscles. It is also pretty relaxing. I recommend doing box breathing

exercises in the sauna to contain your heart rate.

Many people are intrigued by the cold plunges and ice baths. I can

understand to a point but I do not favor it over heat exposure. Cold restricts

blood flow and may numb the pain but does not really heal. Healing occurs

most through movement and heat. There is a big lesson in this.

You need to stop being afraid of meeting new people. If you are not actively

working on a massive project, your number one goal should be introducing

yourself to as many people as possible. You need to grow your network and

you need to be a whimsical joker with the boys.

Few understand the importance of masculine friendship as it is hated in

modern culture. The media portrays all masculine relationships as either

homosexual or as two dudes drinking beer and watching football. Ancestor


You need to be rucking in the desert with your bro while learning land

navigation. You must smoke organic, hand-rolled tobacco products with

your frens under the high-desert stars. You must take jokes with firearms too

far and make fren afraid for his life sometimes. This is how philosophy is



I think it’s finally starting to get through people’s heads that you need to get

at least 7 hours of sleep. People have always sworn up and down that they

function better off of 4-5 hours of sleep each night, yet here we are. We live

in a world where nearly everyone is weak and infertile. Low testosterone is

rampant and all of our best institutions are being torn away at the seams. It

is a joke.
Sleep at least 7 hours on average

Avoid heavy meals before bed

Limit caffeine to 8 hours before bed

Restrict usage of electronics before bed

Get a weighted blanket

Sleep nude

Blackout curtain

An eye mask and also a sleep cap

Snoring like honk-shoooo honk-shooooooo


This sounds pretty woo-woo at first but it’s not. Humans constantly have

electronic charges being sent through their bodies. The earth is the electrical

frequency that we evolved around, by being connected to the earth, we are

attaching ourselves to that frequency; in turn, we allow our bodies to reach a

more primal level of being and recovery. You can admit, you always feel

more content after a day of laying out on the grass or walking on the beach.

This is not a coincidence. It is also just nice to walk around like a hobbit.

“The men who indulged in nocturnal thought, it seemed to me, had without

exception dry, lusterless skins and sagging stomachs. They sought to wrap

up a whole epoch in a capacious night of ideas, and rejected in all its forms

the sun that I had seen. They rejected both life and death as I had seen

them, for in both of these the sun had had a hand.”

― Yukio Mishima

The sun shines light into all of the creaks and crevices that heinous, decrepit

sacks of skin and bone hide. The sun is the ultimate bringer of truth and life

to our world. It is no wonder our ancestors worshipped it. You must find

energy in the sun. As you remove inflammatory foods from your system,

and as you get rid of oxidized seed oil sludge, you will be gain the most

benefits from sunlight exposure.

If you begin your days in the sun early in the morning, it seems as though

your body is better at preventing sunburn, compared to going outside during

the middle of the day.

Regardless, as you are in the sun more, your skin will become more and

more resilient to it and you will burn less and less.

5.The Circle


Since the dawn of time, men have banded together to form brotherhoods in

order to take complete control of the environment around them. These

brotherhoods did not form out of thin air, nor were they egalitarian. The

pack formed out of a hierarchy of strength, importance, courage, wits, and

genetic superiority. The leader typically was the strongest of the pack, with

the courage and wit to convince the other men that they would be victorious

with the task at hand. Oftentimes, he gained this leadership role by proving

himself in a formidable situation, or sometimes by overthrowing the

previous leader. However, once he became a leader, he realized that he

would always be targeted by other dominant men in the pack, so he must

constantly stay sharp and keep the favor of his most trusted pack members.

These packs were commonplace throughout our history. Through them,

entire civilizations came to be, new lands were discovered, and entire groups

of people were eradicated. A pack of men, with a hierarchy in balance with

nature, is the most powerful force known to mankind.

They are a cornerstone of the masculine form and to limit their ability to

come about naturally is a sort of castration inflicted to prevent powerful

groups of revolutionaries from forming.

As the world has become more and more industrialized, it is harder to find

these packs in the first world. We may see a group of men band together to

create some sort of militia group; however, this is nearly always a fraud and

simply a honeypot for the alphabet agencies to radicalize and create the next

news cycle.

Of course, there are simulated versions of these groups created by

institutions favored by the lizard kin. These groups include sports teams,

university fraternities, military, and men’s clubs centered around

consumerism. I may also add that some corporation hierarchies hold true to

this, yet it is changing quickly. However, as culture is destined to become

more woke, even these simulated groups are being destroyed.


We now see girls freely playing on the boy’s sports teams, frequently

commended for their bravery in doing so. These girls are not trained as hard

as the men, they are not expected to perform at the same level as the men,

nor are they ever expected to get physical. This does not mean that they will

sit out the game though, their presence is of the utmost importance for the

establishment. They will find time in the game, regardless of athletic ability.

A local girl kicks a field goal for the football team and makes national news.

The glass ceiling is broken, bigots.

What makes this situation even more horrendously silly is that the rubber

band has already been released and snapped back. Picturesque absurdity has

occurred. Men have started calling themselves women so that they can

compete in women’s leagues. We live in such a silly world, the fact that we

have any interest at all in participating is amazing.


Fraternities used to be a system for men to really expose the masculine

energy that naturally hides when public facing. They were very closed off

and secretive about their actions and doings. It was a way for men to

showcase their strength and genetic potential for a few years before being

sent into the wage slave world of alcohol abuse and domestication.

A fraternity maintained a hierarchical structure based on a multitude of

factors. Physical attractiveness, strength, intelligence, class rankings,

popularity, connections, fraternity history, and so on. The leader of the

fraternity may share a special last name with a historic founder or member,

becoming a family tradition.

Each year, new men apply to be a part of the fraternity. The more historic

and notorious the fraternity is, the harder the application and hazing will be.

Applications are typically based on high school performance, physical

attractiveness, and a multitude of “secret” reasons (typically things like race,

ethnicity, and political background).

Once a part of the fraternity, you were hazed for a week or so. Originally the

hazings were pretty serious and probably pretty similar to the stuff

Hollywood goes through to keep them forever quiet.

Now, you may be kept up all night playing drinking games and behaving as

a servant to the higher-ranking members. You may have to wear certain

embarrassing outfits to your class, you may not be allowed to shower for a

week, and so on. Ridiculous things that gotten more ridiculous over time as

universities have begun restricting the hazing process.

(It is no wonder why the media always perpetrates these institutions as

homosexual, Any secretive club of men that disobeys the woke mindset is

always accused of such things. )

Once hazing is done, you are accepted as a part of the brotherhood. You will

be supported by each member of the group whenever you need help, and

you will have access to a new assortment of tools when you are out of

school. The men in these higher-ranking fraternities usually went on to be

hired by powerful law firms, investment banks, etc. They were a funnel for

powerful WASPs.

Fraternities also typically had access to women who were considered “off-

limits” to non-members. Women of certain sororities would only sleep with

men of the higher ranking fraternities, often not being allowed to speak to

men who were not in a house, or in a lower house. They volunteered to

become the concubines of the men in the powerful houses.

I’m sure you can see how many of the aspects of “Greek Life” run

headstrong against the ideas of the woke republic. The thought of men only

allowing attractive members of their own race in the house, being able to

haze each other, having access to higher-valued women, and running these

houses through direct lineage is very much not what the current political

establishment allows.

As it stands, these fraternities are only a shell of their former selves. Before

the Vietnam war, when American universities were destroyed, these

fraternities generated some of the greatest men in our society. Now, they are

constantly monitored by officials within the schools, they are spied on, and

they receive heavy fines and penalties for disobeying petty rules. They are


Since they are one of the last remaining bastions of intelligent, masculine,

white men that exist in the United States, they are constantly at the center of

media attention and scrutinization. If a hazing ceremony goes too far, the

university will be put on blast by news stations everywhere until the house is

closed. This continues with any occurrence of what is deemed sexual

assault, regardless of investigation or prevalence of evidence. If a man is

accused by any woman of sexual assault, even in blatant cases of

fabrication, the house will quickly sever ties with him in order to save face.

The degradation of the once-fine institution continues with codes of conduct

being changed by the universities each year. Such as restricting all drinking

within the house, and a complete halt to hazing processes.

It will not be long before this institution is entirely closed down and your

only source of a masculine congregation will be the non-denomination

church service or the college republicans meeting. Maybe soon we will have

a non-binary house of nu-greek culture where Numidian, onlyfan queen

determines the worthiness of Fortnite warrior.

Only time will tell.


The military, at least in America, has become a laughing stock. I imagine

that this embarrassment extends to all NATO nations. In America, our

military functions as a jobs program for minorities, a father figure for some

white men, and a potential fraternity of non-obese men to sneak into for


The absurdity of the military becomes a reality the day that your boot camp

experience begins. Women are typically handed an olive branch and are not
bothered much by the drill instructors, or whatever your branch calls them.

Not only this, they are in their own barracks which cannot be entered by

men, including the male drill instructors. Because of this, they are basically

left alone most of the time.

When physical fitness tests come up, women are not held to the same

standard as men, even if they are assigned the same duties. A man and

woman can sign up for the exact same job, yet the woman can be weaker

and slower. I feel like this should be repeated again. The standard set for

women is lower compared to men. Therefore, every time you run into a

woman in an operator role, you can expect that she will perform worse than

the average male, and this is accepted.

The worst part is that the mediocrity of women in the military is integrated

into command structures. Granted, my experience will be different as I was

in the Coast Guard and not a true militarized branch. But, women were

never expected to do as much as the average man. If they ever showed that

they were capable of doing the same work expected of a man, then they

would receive countless awards and visits from flag officers. I am not

kidding either. A woman completes her qualifications before the deadline?

This is cause for celebration! A visit from the Sector’s O-6 soon, maybe

even a unit Facebook post!

There will be niches in the military that are not tainted by womankind but

they are few and far between and typically require the man to entirely forgo

his own existence and put his nation before himself. For example, the much

harder combat roles will be dominated by men, but then you actually

destroy your body fighting for lizard kin instead of your brothers. This is no


Personally, I recommend no one join the military unless in a dire situation.

They will sniff out that you are not an NPC and will make your life hell for

this, even if you follow orders blindly. My experience in the military was

this way. The vax was mandated while I was in service and I rejected it. I

told my O-6 to his face that I will never take the poison, I was kicked out

shortly after, this was actually a life-saver as I wanted out. I could imagine

this being bad for people who relied on the military for income or

A New Option

It seems as though many wealthy men on the internet who share our

ideologies have begun to spread themselves about the world, no longer being

restricted by nationality and borders. This seems to be a smart method.

These men will be creating fighting gyms and institutions of learning

outside of the United States, perhaps in the jungle around the equator. At

these places, impregnated women from world travels are brought back with

the next generation of sovereign individuals in their wombs.

Use your wits and always attempt to sniff out any glowing activity when you

are in new internet groups, but never shun the idea of an internet group

because it is not ‘irl’. I personally know tens of individuals who began as an

online group but have created irl relationships, even building up businesses


Treat all individuals you meet irl as anyone you would see online. People

seem to let their guard down if they meet individuals in the flesh, but this is

a great oversight. Always act as if you are holding a greatly important secret.

Not only will you protect yourself from subversive parasites, but you may

seem to be a more interesting person in the process.

A combination of building in the shadows, passing of time, deconditioning,

re-educating, creation of heroes, and positive propaganda will be the catalyst

of the next golden age. Be very wary of individuals who want to commit

atrocities to accelerate.
Blood Ties

Men have had a large philosophical shift in recent decades that has made

them less susceptible to change. We have become very grounded in our

established worlds and works. We are afraid to go out and create our own

new worlds, afraid to create new forms of work more fitted for the new age

and it leaves us hopeless.

We have become very afraid to say goodbye to our family and search for our

own purpose. Men on the right criticize this as an abandonment of a

bloodline and heritage as if there could never be a justification for this

except enlisting in the military. These men are wrong. If your family did not

prepare for your existence, did not plant seeds for you to harvest, and offered

more grief than riches, you should debate starting anew.

Many do not realize the borderline incestuous and controlling relationships

that many parents place over their children, leading to constant guilt and

emotional trauma for the growing man. I must here quote a tweet from

@DBlossius* regarding a retelling of the Iliad.

“Her husband Menelaus will not wage war on the Trojans to recover his

honor and his wife. Not at all. Rather, he is *browbeaten* to it by his sassy

mother Aerope. "Get your ass off the couch and bring her back!"
"Yes mammy, very well", but how to go about it?-- Unaccustomed to the

idea of talking to unrelated males(GAY!), the king of Sparta cannot rally the

other kings of Greece.”

Men never learn to live on their own, they are still suckling at their mother’s

dominant affection until the age they find another woman to take care of

them, who is in turn despised by the mother for stealing her baby away.

The man’s new woman soon realizes that the modern man is weak and will

never take her or her children to new heights, instead she is doomed to

become the same woman who raised her husband. Receiving disgust from

any sort of physical interaction between her and her man.

It is another fun play on how things work in our world. Women are

desperate and plea for freedom and liberation from men, yet as soon as this

occurs, they desperately want to be taken under the wing of a man who is

responsible and masculine.

It is tragic as most men are incapable of this act. An adolescence of

overprotection, leash-wearing, and emotionally incestuous mothers has

created dependencies on female affection. Meanwhile, the father figure is

absent, for the game is on and he is exhausted from eight hard hours typing

emails and organizing spreadsheets at the office. The potential for masculine

guidance is never present.

This is why you should not feel guilty for leaving for your hometown for

greener pastures when you finally awaken to the reality of the world. You
are Menelaus of old, you are not browbeaten by the feminine; therefore, you

follow your own road. Realize that if you are awakened to the realities of the

world but never understand that your parents are somewhat responsible,

even if unknowingly, then you are endangering the future of your children as

they will spend countless hours with their grandparents if you are in close

proximity. If you do not believe that your parents are this way, watch and see

how possessive they become of their grandchildren, as if they have a right to

raise them as you do.


Originally, I intended to write a book with the majority of its scope relating

to this topic. It would thoroughly investigate the modern relationship and

hypothesize why they fall cold and emotionless. However, this does not

seem very relevant to my purpose, and I think it would only cause mental

masturbation. Men would read and think, “oh that is how this works in

relationships very cool” while never implementing themselves. Essentially,

it would be a waste of time.

Instead of that, I will briefly discuss the concept of the modern household’s

benefits, and pitfalls hopefully from a much different perspective that sheds

light on this.

As we have seen throughout this book, men are currently lost. Most men

have no interest in proving themselves and very few have any sort of respect

for themselves or the masculine form. It is a pathetic existence that has

spiraled us down into this mad world we now inhabit. This has led to a few

stereotypes of domestic life which have harmed men and women beyond


When men move out of their parent’s home and eventually to a home with a

new woman, they tend to expect their woman to take care of them like a
mother. This is due to the borderline incestuous relationship their mother

had with them as a replacement for a weak, absent husband.

The modern, weak man expects to impose his will on a woman who has just

recently gotten comfortable. The modern, pampered and comfortable

woman expects to take complete control of the household from the man as

she does not believe in his ability to captain the ship. The man does not

view it this way, instead, he sees that the unimportant responsibilities of his

home are passed onto the wife, as nature intended.

The woman views her husband as unappreciative and lazy, seeing him finish

up his work day with no extra motivation and energy for affection. Typically,

he returns home with fast food and plays a video game before laying in bed

and asking his wife for sex.

This is truly what most modern relationships look like from an objective

perspective. A man believes that his existence is supported by his job and

that he has no need for drive and conquest; meanwhile, his wife sees the

weak will of her husband and seeks to take control of the sinking ship.

As soon as this situation begins to occur in a relationship, the polarity of the

masculine and feminine which produces the sexual energy and love that is

vital for relationships is gone.

At this time, their relationship is simple with many seeds being planted that

will grow into disastrous conflicts, likely leading to the destruction of their

relationship. Especially when they eventually have an unplanned pregnancy.

If you see yourself in this relationship, it is time that you quickly correct

your behavior. If you want to become the man of the household, you must

first prove yourself worthy of it. It is not given to you by birthright anymore.

You cannot just quickly flip the switch and become the masculine, dominant

husband that your wife always wanted. She will sense the bullshit within. If

you wake up tomorrow and begin demanding your wife around and

commanding her as if you are king, you will be laughed at, and you will

deserve it. To be treated as a king, you must be a king. The more I look into

relationship psychology, the more I am convinced that men believe they are

worthy of respect simply by the matter of participation. It is snowflake

behavior. Grow up. You must earn your respect, even from womankind.

Start making time where you improve yourself and find your purpose. Start

cleaning up around the house without being asked to, without expecting

anything in return. Live as though you are alone for a few months and that

you do not have a maid service. Watch as your wife turns from dominant to

argumentative to cold to concerned to soft.

I do not intend for you all to abandon your families and go on a voyage to

Thailand where you sleep with ladyboys or an adventure to a jungle of south

America where you experiment with the drug. I am stating that it is not

taboo or against your nature to realize that you have a purpose beyond the

current existence of your bloodline. If you have a mediocre bloodline, this

may just be the divine calling your blood has needed to awaken its true


Alas, I do not wish to create some sex-crazed, hyper-abusive, and destructive

masculine figure with the ideas that I shared here either. Please, do not go

down the rabbit hole of the redpill dating stuff either. You will soon discover

that those men go through incredible leaps to make their wives have sex

with them. With great importance they place the reproductive organs of

their significant other, in that sort of situation, you may very well be better

off returning to masturbating to cartoons. Many of these redpill men take the

sexual stuff to a near-demonic extreme, creating intense role-play situations

to make things “more interesting”. This was evident with the one big beard

dude. Imagine if you took this energy and applied it to a thing that matters.

Notice, I never blame a woman for a man’s shortcomings. I also never blame

bugman or lizard-people groups for the shortcoming of man. Why is this?

I hold men to a higher standard. I grow tired of the weak-willed and the

deceivers. You have access to infinite material and are smart enough to

overcome these subversive tactics, but you choose not to. Do you not strive

to be better than man?

Those who follow the customs of the old gods, do you not wish to take a

seat upon Mt. Olympus, a champion of Zeus? Blame only yourself for your


To those who follow the teachings of the Bible, do you not wish to be more

angelic and heavenly? I implore you to read 2 Peter 2. Angels are never

forgiven for going against God’s word, for they knew better. To disobey God

was to do so out of pure treason and an eternity of captivity awaited. I

believe man should hold himself to this standard, especially when you have

the knowledge to overcome subversion.

Stop blaming others and making excuses. You are proving us to be the

people they act like we are. Nowadays, it is hard to read specific texts from

the lizard people and not think, “wow, that’s actually a pretty good

description of how we act”. We have gone from wolves to shitzus within


This chapter is going to be extremely different from the rest of this project.

It is a lot more unhinged, I will not care anything for revisions or grammar. I

am truly writing in stream-of-consciousness format and will likely not even

read this again before it is published.

Some of the stories will be fictitious creations in my head used to inspire

and make you laugh. Some will have information that may be beneficial. It

is up to you to read this.

Homer’s Legacy

It would be a great idea for all men to revisit the Odyssey and the Iliad. For

me, it’s the Odyssey, the best classical epic. I believe it to be one of the most

important books ever written and that countless lessons can be learned from

investigating its stories. From it, you can learn of the noble, masculine

lifestyle. You can learn of overcoming challenges from within and from

demonic entities. You learn the proper way of sustaining yourself and the

importance of masculine friendship. The Iliad is the same way, I am just a

sucker for seafaring epics.

I recommend one day you turn all electronics off and read The Odyssey by

candlelight, try to do in short amount of time. You will see very quickly

how the bravado of Odysseus will begin to rub off onto you. Imagine, you

are Homer and it is year 700 BC, or maybe much older. Perhaps before fall

of Atlantis. Your story still imparts a sense of overcoming and drive to men

of the modern age. It is quite incredible when you think about it. It is similar

to Aurelius’ Meditations but much more authentic.

One day you are playing video game with loser friends, maybe drinking a

soy drink, and you stop to read the Odyssey.

A month later, you dine on charcuterie and roast lamb with recently

impregnated Argentine concubines, who pour you wine and complement

your muscles and solar hue. As night falls, you sneak off from the estate and

onto your trireme, setting sail out of curiosity.

Word gets back that you have perished while approaching the Antarctic ice

wall, but those who love you feel a great sense of comfort that you

discovered exactly what you were looking for. They patiently await your

Sovereign Individual

Much confusion is had over where man should go in the new world of

surveillance and censorship while we await the new order. I think the

answer can become obvious if you are willing to drop some limitations to

your ways of thinking.

There is much honor to be had fighting for your people and homeland, the

issue is that we all reach for scraps in dumpsters when doing this. There is

not much of a homeland left for many of us.

Imagine the feeling of walking into a dead shopping mall. The music

playing from decade-old speakers, and out-of-style furnishings fill the

decrepit halls, feelings of silent death. Empty shops are still stylized, giving

an indication of what once was.

Dead malls have similar feelings to that of a mother who was forgotten and

died alone in a nursing home. It wasn’t abrupt, it was expected, and nothing

could be done to stop the abandonment. We could all have banded together

and maxed out millions of dollars on credit to no avail. We would have

doomed ourselves and our financial future for something long gone due to

the changing times.

This is the hard truth of the nation-state. I expect an outrageous amount of

flak for saying this, but it is what my gut tells me. It is not the end of a

homogenous lifestyle, or traditional hierarchies, or the western way. Few

realize that there was existence before the age of nations. I believe we can

learn from history and see potential in the future.

To be better prepared for the collapse of the nation-state, you must accept

that it is a very real possibility. You can decide to go down with the ship if

you prefer that way of thinking and you would be honored for the nobility.

But, for those who wish to prosper in the next stage of evolution, it seems to

me that being a nomad is essential.

Our governments are quickly implementing more and more legislature to

make it harder to dodge taxes internationally, soon it will be hard to gain

multiple passports and citizenships. Unless, of course, you are a member of

the United States Congress, where dual citizenship is a requirement for


It is vital that you find groups of support and that you find constant income

streams that are not attached to one location. You need to be able to up and

move at a moment’s notice if necessary. Buy a home and land if that is what

you desire but do not expect to hold any true say over its future. The

government controls the land, the lease, and it reaps the rewards of the

Yes, you may be in the homeland of your most recent ancestors (your distant

ancestors likely from the north or perhaps the stars) but you will go down in

very cringe ways. You will be mandated all sorts of medications to eradicate

your soul, you will be forced to eat bugs, and you will drink roach milk.

You will pay carbon taxes on your very small car and you will likely begin

paying reparations very soon.

Many fail to understand the lengths these creatures will go to so that people

like us do not exist any longer. You must understand this and take it

seriously. It is unlikely that they will strike us with a massive hammer to

eradicate all at once, instead, it will be a slow, generation burn that

eradicates us with only the most perceptive individuals noticing.

This is why I am not hopeful about many of the current revolutionary

movements attempting to take place within nations of old. They must go to

hollow earth and learn the secrets of distant relatives on manipulation of


I think, maybe, we can be lucky enough to have Hellenic-style city-states

littering the world after the coming ice age. After the die-off from shots, we

move in by perhaps jet ski programmed with autonomous Tesla self-driving

capability. I think Schopenhauer said something about this…

We instate rigorous customs that separate us from the rest of the world. We

expect only people of the Argentine phenotype will be allowed through

customs. Statues of Messi roman saluting will line the walkable-city


Many great schools will arise through our city-states. We will revive the

school of Pythagoras, of course. Many schools will become rivalrous over

the issue of semen retention, perhaps it is settled over deadlift competition

or the nerds can investigate the phallus of the fraternities’ top scholar,

similar to Hunter Biden, and we come to conclusion this way.

Those who question our superiority will be quickly silenced through

sunlight therapy and intense hypertrophic session.

The Statement

It is no question as to if I will bring it up, what matters is the delivery and its

purpose. Is the statement to plant the seed of fear into a weak, cuckolded

enemy? Maybe so. Maybe, it is to show that I am superior to the pathetic

specimen that is in the convention center. Sometimes, I say to my family on

holiday to evoke disgust and perhaps concern over my being. The response

is always the same formula.

“You can’t eat that many eggs” or “What about your cholesterol?”

To each, I respond with a maniacal laugh and rebuttal, “Don’t believe me,

watch this.”

I quickly grab the carton of fertilized, pasture-raised, farm-fresh eggs from

my German M31 Mountain Troop Rucksack and begin to crack into my

mason jar. Many are in disbelief at this point.

It is during this time, when you are cracking the eggs into your mason jar,

that you see the true reality of all you are talking to. You pierce directly into

the soul of these individuals as they are dazzled and perplexed by the

possibility that 12 raw eggs are soon to be downed right in front of their

pathetic faces.
For dramatic effect, it is at this time I will begin to say racial slurs or any

sort of offensive phrase that I can imagine.

You would be amazed at what sort of business deals I’ve made with this


As the eggs go down within seconds, I have asserted true dominance over

the room and many wish to not even speak to me at this point. If I seem to

have any competitors, I usually continue to assert dominance. Maybe punch

a hole in the wall or flip the tray of a waiter. Always tell people how many

eggs you eat.


Frequently, when playing the “you can drop three nukes, where do you drop

them” game we see many decide on San Francisco, Los Angeles, and then

some other very specific area. Maybe even I have decided on these options


I think this is a mistake, I believe the state of California must be preserved

in some manner. It is hard to admit the beauty of the state as someone who

is so bitter about the way that it has turned out over the last half-century. It

is undoubtedly the greatest state in the whole United States.

Recently, I live in a small city north of the Golden Gate, it was filled with

homeless and non-naturals. But, it was not at the level of the southern

United States, which I assured is hell on earth.

The state of California is a paradise for a man of culture, if maybe we could

bring Hadrian back and allow him to conquer the state, we could see the

true beauty. There is no doubt in my head that California could become the

most beautiful nation that our people have ever seen if run by a true man of

power. The beaches of the southern coast, the desert of the Southeast, the

cliffs of big sur, the primordial trees of the coast, the rolling oak hills of the

north, mountains of the east. There is everything every man could want
here. Perhaps, the only thing missing is the true vastness that you may feel

somewhere like Alaska.

After we take control of the state, it wouldn’t be long before we were joined

by the southern Oregon Taliban. It would be a quick war with the Mormons

and I imagine the entire North American continent would be ours shortly


You may ask, what do we do with the current residents of California? I

implore you to visit and see that majority are average people. The state has

the largest number of Americans concealing illegal firearms, and they are

not gang members.


I am very beaten up about the modern state of the university system in the

United States, and probably the entire world.

It is sad to me that many young men decide to now forgo being lawyers,

engineers, scientists, and doctors in favor of being day traders, amazon

drivers, or attempting to become drop shippers. This is all due to how

cucked college is. I understand. Why would an individual want to go to a

college where they berate your people, degrade your masculinity, and then

charge you $25,000 a year?

What is the alternative?

You can become a tradesman, and make a good living this way; however, it

seems you could be forcing yourself into working many hours as skilled

labor decreases. Plus, by nature of trade, you are forcing yourself to actually

do hard work daily for money. You are not sitting at home typing SQL

queries, you are using tools to hit items, cutting stuff, welding, and so on.

You have to be physically present at your job site. This is all ok if you are

happy with this work and this is what you want. As your experience goes up

and as the workforce is reduced to amigos at the home improvement parking

lot, it will be harder to do work and you will be overstretched very


If your goal is to eventually get into big money business, maybe do e-

commerce and sales stuff, I recommend going to college and getting a high-

paying degree that will allow work from home. I have a statistics degree. I

work from home and maybe do 4 hours of work per day on my job before

working entirely on side projects. You can do this with Computer Science,

Math, Physics, and so on.

By receiving a degree that pays good money for very little commitment, you

are putting a large safety net under your existence. “If I fail in this venture, I

still make $65/hr, so I do not need to worry”. Maybe this mindset would

hinder you. But, if you are already an established man, it is vital I think.

Without a safety net, I would be putting my wife and kids in jeopardy. But,

by having a safety net, I can comfortably throw money into all sorts of

projects until I find what I am most proficient in. By having a safety net, you

are lowering the importance of things, which can help you succeed.

I do realize some function better with the “burn the boats” kind of mindset.

But for those who do not perform this way, I offer alternatives.

Regardless, college should be an opportunity for man to explore academia

and become a great thinker. It has been hijacked by the hypogonadal

communists who were afraid to fight in Vietnam War—creating another

example as to why guerrilla tactics can sometimes be more beneficial—and

has seen become a major propaganda center to destroy society.

Maybe the key to the future is these online course sites that give you

certificates in things like Data Science. It is hard to tell. I do know that we

desperately need more adequate men as doctors and lawyers. Many WASPs

are built for these positions yet are afraid of land whale, gender studies

professor. So he throws away his passion in favor of become hentai artist or

The American Condition

I have learned many things about the American psyche in the past few years.

I have lived all across the county. I’ve witnessed the American under the

intense stress of military operation, I have witnessed him debate getting the

poisonous injection, I have seen criticisms he has of children, etc. I have

concluded that the American male is very much lost.

The American Man can typically fit into only a few stereotypical boxes.

1. Soyboy. soy drinking, woman pant wearer, limp wrist, hypogonadal,

begs-women-for-pussy type. Think of Sam Hyde in that Bernie Sanders

convention. Probably smokes weed.

2. Man child. Work blue collar job typically. Drinks many energy drinks

throughout the day. Has likely taken tren for some reason. Has 2-3 kids

by accident. Gets home from work to play a first-person shooter with

high school friend. Drinks 7-10 macro brew beers during a football

game. Think of that one video of the dudes outside the bar in Boston.

3. Hardworking Hebrew Worshippers. Throughout the flyover states, you

will find men of great grit and work ethic. They drive their diesel trucks

and perhaps wear cowboy hat while doing so. They will say things like,

“Yup, I see what Hitler was trying to do with that one.” Before

mentioning how they donate to the ADL and that we need to be spending

more money protecting Israel. These men are very strong-willed and
deserve respect. However, there is no way you will truly ever break the

hard-set programming they have fallen for.

4. Upper-middle class non-issue. These are men who are a tad higher on

the intelligence level, yet they have never truly broken free from the

propaganda. I suspect that their fathers were absent and that their

mothers were overly protective of them, leading to a weak will. They

probably became engineers or lawyers because mommy was proud of

them for it. You could bring this sort of man into a fighting gym and

within 6 months he would be a threat to society.

5. Masculine consumer. We have all seen the man with long beard and

wearing mayb a captain America shirt. Says something like “I drink

coffee 24 hours a day” while sipping black gun coffee. Back the blue hat

or something. This man was probably in the military, likely non-combat,

and must express identity through these well-marketed masculinity

products. I think he tries to look like Bradley Cooper from American

Snipe film.

Maybe I am wrong.
Raising Child

You never really understand people’s intentions until you have your own

child. If you are raised in the South, you will quickly realize that adult men

will ask you if you circumcised your son. If you didn’t (hopefully you did

not), then you will actually be bombarded by these people about it. It’s an

odd world, man.

Soon you will discover that smooth brains think that 3-month-old babies can

manipulate them. That these conniving creatures are trying to get care and

affection from their parents because they are uncomfortable or something. It

is no wonder that so many Americans grow up to have no empathy. They

were never given any as children.

Soon-to-be parents are manipulated heavily through the media and by

doctors/pediatricians/nurses. They are told flat-out lies so that it makes their

trip to the hospital more convenient for the staff. Pregnant women are told

they are not allowed to eat during labor. It does not matter if it takes 12+

hours. Staff is afraid that laboring women may regurgitate food or

something. Also, if a woman loses energy through laboring, then she will be

forced to have a c-section operation. This is easier for the staff and costs

more money, so the hospital profits.

Immediately as a child is born into the world, the one thing that has kept

them alive to this point is immediately cut. And with the cutting of the

umbilical cord, the child is forced to gasp for air for the first time. Feeling as

though blades are entering his lungs as they open up. The child is then taken

by nursing staff and cleaned and has a multitude of tests performed on it to

see how healthy it is, and has silver thrown over his eyes. Maybe even

circumcised soon after. It is barbaric.

After returning from its inspections, it is then passed around the room like a

trophy. It is now realized that the child is struggling to latch to his mother’s

nipple. A nurse takes the opportunity to bring in a large bottle of hospital-

sponsored formula milk and show the mother that her milk supplies are

inadequate. She never tries breastfeeding again.

Of course, parents who realize this game will stop it. There is no reason for

any of this. A woman can eat during labor. After birth, the child’s umbilical

cord stays attached and is immediately given to the mother so that it can

attempt to latch to the nipple to learn how to nurse. A newborn needs about

2 tablespoons of breast milk on his first day. Informed parents understand

that the nurses are just trying to intimidate them by bringing in a large bottle

of formula. You should never trust the staff in a health facility. They are no

different from fast food workers.

The American family typically consists of two working parents, meaning

that a newborn child must go to daycare within about two months of birth.

So, at the ripe age of 60 days old, the child spends 9-10 hours away from

their mother. And, when the child is picked up from daycare, it is likely put

into a container of some sort and has cartoons blasted in its face. After this,

the child is laid in its crib until it cries itself to sleep. This repeats. I want

you to think very deeply about the psychology of this. I want you to really

make connections between the brutal nature of American child-raising and

the mental illness problems so prevalent in our nation.

If you are intending to be a father. You should make sure that your wife is

not working. It is your responsibility that you ensure this. If this means that

you must face liberal propaganda by getting a math degree, then it is worth


Modern men are very afraid to take sacrifices so that their children will have

a better future. This needs to end now. You may have to work 12-16 hours

every single day of your existence to ensure you have done your best to

provide for your children. This is your highest duty as a man.


There are not many times in our lives when we can view our subconscious

mind from a powerless, egoless perspective. Dreams are one such

opportunity for this. If it seems like you are constantly having the same

dream or same theme to your dreams, you can be assured that your

subconscious is screaming for help in some way.

When I was a young man, I frequently had dreams of backrooms,

dilapidated homes, large waves, and being watched through windows by

dark figures. Eventually, I concluded that I was very lost in my life and not

anywhere near the path that I should’ve been on. This is when I truly began

to make dramatic changes to my life and these dreams halted immediately.

We have all had uncomfortable dreams and nightmares before. For me, I

typically wake up covered in sweat, feeling a bit uneasy, and I give myself a

few minutes before returning to sleep. If you ever have a nightmare that

seems a bit more than a dream, I recommend staying up for the remainder of

the night. I am a deep believer in the paranormal and if you ever encounter

dreams with demonic motifs, shapeshifters, or any sort of

possession/abduction. You should take serious heed to these visions and

stay awake. If this happens between 3 am - 4 am, I would recommend heavy

prayer and maybe even incense. These sorts of things are not to be played

around with.
When you have a dream with these sorts of feelings, take note of how you

responded to the entity's advances or tactics of scaring you. Did you cower,

did you submit, did you ask for God’s grace, did you respond with power

and violence? Take from this what you will.

If you ever encountered a recently deceased loved one in a dream, write

down the encounter when you awake. I’ve had situations in my life and have

heard many stories of people seeing dead loved ones in states of youth and

pure glee in the dream world. Frequently, these loved ones are very quiet but

give off a very calming aura. They may say things in dreams like, “Look at

me. I am healthy and happy” or other affirming words. Maybe just a smile

and a nod. Either way, I am quite certain that this is a true encounter with

your loved one.

I think we may have no true understanding of time outside of our physical

plane. Through physics, we understand that gravity can impact the passing

of time throughout space. For example, if you are on a strong gravity planet,

what seems to you as a minute may actually be an earth’s hour. If in the

gravitational pull of a black hole, it is imagined that time passing would be

incredibly quick. Who knows how spirits interact with time throughout the

cosmos and heavens. Maybe your loved ones all wait in the lobby for you.

To you, this could be decades, but to them mere seconds.

With respect to things like lucid dreaming, this is a great opportunity and

practice for you to change the fabric of your subconscious. If you have

limiting beliefs, you can change them quite similarly to the inception movie.

However, Astral Projection is a completely different situation. It is not an

activity for beginners. Similar to people who take DMT and fall victim to

“innocent” entities wishing to convince them of shenanigans, astral

projection offers the same. But, with astral projection, you are throwing

yourself into a state of consciousness where you very well may not wake up.

A trip lasts a few minutes, astral projection is hours, maybe forever.

Society’s Shortcomings and its Exploits

Our world has gotten itself into a pretty depressing state. We frequently long

for the nostalgia and comfort of earlier time periods. Grow increasingly

worried with government overreach and surveillance, and watch as

environments are destroyed for strip malls, large highways, and apartment


The friends we grew up with have become losers, we expect nothing more

than for them to end up in jail, overdosed, or forgotten. Our families are torn

apart by drug addiction and financial insecurities. The people on the street

have become entirely detached from the world around them, opting to only

allow approved content into their brains, through harmful electromagnetic

frequency emitting wireless headphones while starting down into their evil


At this point, the only people who seem to function somewhat normally in

our societies are the people who don’t even belong here. The only

individuals who are grateful for the opportunity to live in a once great land

tend to be immigrants, and this should tell you a lot about where these

societies are headed.

If you have not done so in sometime, I implore you to live a day or two in

the city, in a manner similarly to that perpetrated as “normal”. I think you

should try driving into the city during rush hour traffic, try eating out for

lunch that day, and maybe get happy hour drinks after 5, then return home.

If you do this, you will see just how bizarre things have actually become.

Things are not normal, I am unsure if this all started due to the virus or if

there is more going on. You will notice, traffic is worse with less cars on the

road, there likely will be an accident that you witness, you will receive

terrible service at the restaurant you go to, and the happy hour drinks will

only be incredibly depressed, purposeless individuals. Even simple things do

not function anymore.

When you see just how absurd the normal person’s life has gotten over the

last half decade, you would imagine that they would be rioting in the street.

It seems as though most of their bread and circus that has kept them tame

for so long no longer functions, but it doesn’t even matter. They are so

apathetic and dead inside, that there is no longer an urge to have anything

better, even if the better is a quick trip through the fast food drive through.

These people will quietly sit in their car while it takes upwards of thirty

minutes to receive their already-prepared fast food, seed oil goyslop. “This

is the new normal”

When these people are off work, their lives are not much different. Wake up

late, drink pre-ground, acid-processed coffee that is packaged into a toxic

plastic container. Eat something to remind them of being a kid, such as

sugar cereal. The rest of the day really doesn’t matter. It will either be 12
hours of looking at their phones, 12 hours of looking at their television, or

12 hours of looking at monitor playing game. There is rarely face-to-face

interaction and if there is, it is through dating app. People invite random

individuals over to explore fetishes and move on.

This is the average consumer that the corporations rely on to make their

money and power. As the consumer gets more and more decrepit, worthless,

and on-the-edge of dying, the corporation will have to keep up to them with

their marketing and products. This process started due to the consumerism

that corporations brought into the world during the early 20th century, but it

has spiraled out of control, and consumers drive the market just as much as

the propagandists do now.

Eventually, the day finally comes. The day where the apathetic individual

feels some sort of excitement. It is a holiday. They’ve booked their flights to

some town in Europe and hop onto the plane patently awaiting the arrival to

a magical town in the Alps. The magic quickly fades as they realize that life

here is not so different either. The same stores are frequented, the same

dating apps used, the same video games and television shows discussed. The

individual even meets up with another on the dating app and has sex,

thankfully due to the rampant infertility problem, there is no reason for

them to contemplate abortion.

The point I am trying to make in this section is that there is not much out

there for you to desire or to fear. If you become extremely wealthy and use

that wealth only to live as a Vegas mobster, you will quickly see how even

the lifestyle of the most wealthy individuals has become an artificial, gay

version of its original self. Wealth is very important in our world currently,

it is something that is absolutely required in order to break out of the daily

grind and allow freedom to explore new ideas and create great work, but it

is not the endgame.

Value is created by scarcity and in the near future, the most scarce thing will

be a family. Currently, it seems only as if Europeans and Asians are

incapable of having children, but this will quickly change throughout most

of the world. From my personal experience with people, nearly every

woman that I’ve talked to has truly struggled with getting pregnant and has

had to take some sort of medication to increase her fertility. This is the same

with men. Men have much lower sperm count now, this is not as detrimental

as a infertile woman, but it is very telling on the health of humanity in the

modern world. You would be amazed at the amount of people who require

extreme measures to conceive children in this world. I would not be

surprised if humans require artificial wombs and sperm to create children

soon, as our environments make us infertile.

So, what is my overall purpose in this section?

I want you to all see that the world is a sickly, dying corpse. Things are not

as foolproof as they seem. Basic fast food restaurants can no longer

function. Every hour of work you put in right now is multiplied by 10. You

have nearly no competition anymore and there will not be any competition

until people like us start running into each other at the top of industries.

Imagine you win the lottery today and tomorrow, the stock market crashes

and you can buy up a tremendous portion of companies, enough to ensure

that your family will always be financially dominant. This is how you need

to view our current situation.

We are the only one’s prepared for what is coming. At this point, you need

to ensure that you are taking this responsibility seriously. We are at a time in

our species history where a great shift in power is coming. A new age will

dawn. Will you be ready?

Take responsibility.

Build skills.

Slay your demons.

Establish yourself.

Build a clan.

Have children.

The world is counting on us.

Man’s Search for God

I am frequently asked my faith when I make my Zarathustras_Dreams post

on IG. To me, I think that I make it pretty obvious with my content, but it is

not this way it seems. I was born as a Protestant Christian and attended

Christian schools for much of my adolescence; however, I had many run-ins

with creeps during this time and mindless drones and it put me off to the

faith for a while. During this time of wandering, I considered myself an

atheist, and I took a lot of pride in it. I spent a lot of time during my teenage

years deeply interested with physics, geology, and biology. Thousands of

hours of my life were dedicated to learning about the cosmos and evolution.

Eventually, I came across a few documentaries that launched me forward in

this stage of my life and I became a staunch Marxist, before it was cool for

teenagers to be communist. What began to change my political beliefs,

unironically, was my venture away from the music boards on 4chan and onto

the literature and political boards around 2014. At this time, it was not all

Trump, but pretty evenly divided between marxists, fascists, and libertarian


I started to get introduced to much different material than what I was used to

and started to read the introductory political works, such as Brave New

World and 1984. This destroyed any semblance of compassion I had towards

Marxism immediately and I felt pretty blackpilled for many years. I felt I
had new meaning and understanding of the world but I was scared and

didn’t know what to do. So, I just started reading.

I read many of the literary classics of the Western World, I read some

introductory philosophy, and a lot of religious texts. Eventually, I settled on

reading The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware and decided to again

become a Christian. During this time, I visited the Vatican and explored the

arts within, as well as enjoyed liturgies. I was very overwhelmed with it all

and wanted to learn more.

After this is mainly a blur, but I become influences greatly by Julius Evola

and desperately wanted to learn more about the original religions of Europe.

I believe this is also when the revival of Paganism became very large within

our circles, so I was interested in reading more about that. I read all of the

eddas, read tons of Greek theater, and studies history more. This is also

around the time where I came across Nietzsches more defining work and

read through most of that.

During this time, I was assured of my faith in God, but I became skeptical

of the organized practices within the Christian faith, and I am still this way.

I do not subscribe to any Church, nor do I believe that any of them should

be trusted. I believe that they are all influenced by the elites of the world,

just as our society is, and because of that must be destroyed and rebuilt in a

true image of God.

I am not a critic of anyone and their faith, I believe that every faith is a

retelling of the same esoteric truth in an exoteric way, this is why so many

religions have so many deeply rooted similarities.

The Man in the Mountain

In a very common, pervasive European myth, we are presented with the idea

of a noble entity retreating into a mountain chamber for a deep slumber,

awaiting the rise of a people’s spirit to return. The most common telling of

this story is from Holy Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of the Holy Roman

Empire. The story goes like this:

Enchanted by a spell, the old king retreats into a Kyffhäuser mountain

chamber where he enters a deep sleep while upon an ivory throne, with his

head resting in his hands. His beard continues to grow and has broken

through the table on which he rests his arms and has begun to wrap around

the chamber. Every century, he awakes to ask his servant to venture outside

and check for circling and squawking ravens, if he is to see this, the King

will return to his slumber, awaiting the conquering of the raven by the eagle.

Upon this day, the King will return to restore his land to prominence.

This simple story is commonplace throughout European folklore, being

replaced during the ages with heroes of the time, such as King Arthur in

England. I’m sure many will notice the connection between this and Odin as


Many believe that the king was awoken at one point during the last few

centuries, as the European spirit had returned anew during a time of great
upheaval, only for it to be squashed again shortly after.

As for the conclusion of this myth, I am unsure. However, I find that we

must do everything that we can as a people to return our king.


We are at a crossroads in human evolution, soon we will be forced to decide

on a transhumanist, demonic, and ugly future or a beautiful, natural, and

masculine return to form. The world is counting on punished and abused

men to rebuild the thrones of the great heroes of old, and to return order to

the world.

Throughout this project, I have reiterated the fact over and over again that no

one is coming to save you, that you may never see the fruits of your labor,

and that you are constantly being targeted by subversive forces wishing to

shackle you in ignorance and weakness. The point of this is to wipe the slate

clean and begin anew.

You must have a strong foundation to build upon, you must burn yourself in

the flame of knowledge in order to rise from the ashes and prosper. You

must know that you are on the right path and that you are fighting for a

cause much greater than your individual consciousness.

But, in order to bring in the next golden age, we must all do our part.

A chain is as strong as its weakest link and there are a lot of weak links.
Hopefully, with this book, we have all gotten a little bit sharper and more

refined. A bit more prepared for the conflicts that are approaching.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. It has been a dream come true to

finally overcome writer’s block and fear of failure. To see something come

to form from hard work, research, and dedication is the greatest reward that

I can think of.

Please share this with anyone whom you believe will benefit from the

knowledge within.


Path of Kings.

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