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You Can't or You Won't
You Can't or You Won't
You Can't or You Won't
Ebook40 pages27 minutes

You Can't or You Won't

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About this ebook

How to Overcome Failure - You Can't or You Won't is about Debunking the Myth of Failure. In other words, it is all about YOU! Failure is not the result of a lack of effort; failure is the result of no effort at all or the fear such as fear of failure! Fear of what else you may ask? How to overcome fear of failure, overcoming the fear of success, how to overcome love failure, how to overcome by fear itself! The book gives examples using overcoming failure stories. This book also discusses the psychology behind failure and why people refuse to grab opportunities that are presented daily to them. it isn't about laziness; it is about FEAR! The author, Dr. Harry Jay, is one of the nation's leading behavioral scientist and deals often with self-improvement in many of his books. If you want to know why you do the things you do then you need to read this book.

Release dateMay 4, 2015
You Can't or You Won't

Harry Jay

Dr. Harry Jay is Director of Research for, a mental health and mind research group of Applied Web Info, and is the author of over 100 books and research papers as a behavioral scientist. In his 31-year career, Dr. Harry Jay has contributed many new mental health treatment treatments and protocols using some of the new advances he has discovered in Energy Psychology. He specializes in addictions of all kinds, sexual abuse, child predation and gender relationships. He is also a board member to and serves on the science committee assisting non-fiction science writers in book publishing and promotion. As a leading behavioral scientist, he provides profiling services to the company's unit as well as criminal psychology research to aid in identifying and apprehending child predators and cyber-criminals of all kinds. He resides in Southern Utah and enjoys the outdoors, fishing and photography.

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    Book preview

    You Can't or You Won't - Harry Jay

    You Can't or You Won't

    By Dr. Harry Jay


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 Dr. Harry Jay. All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Truth Will Set You Free!


    Introduction – Oh Yes You Can!

    Have We Become a Nation of Victims?



    The Incredible Power of Focus

    Focusing the Mind

    Conscious Intention

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    3-Steps to Controlling Your Mind

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    I Have a Special Gift for My Readers

    Meet the Author

    Introduction – Oh Yes You Can!

    I get a ton of emails daily – over 3,000/day – mostly from all of my websites (the list is at the end of this book) as well as from the over 150 books I have published on Amazon alone.

    And I will admit that it is these very emails that have caused me to write this book.

    I call it an attempt to debunk the myth of failure because many of the emails I receive begin with I can’t when they really should begin with I won’t.

    Let me give you an example. The following email was written by a young woman from Austin, Texas…

    Dear Dr Jay,

    I am writing you because I purchased your self-treatment plan, How to get rid of facial hair from I tried the protocol and I can’t get it to work. Can you help me; I really have a bad facial hair problem and I was hoping your program would help me.


    Rebecca A

    Austin, Texas

    As with all of my emails, I personally answer them so in the course of my back and forth communication with Rebecca, I discovered she

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