Science QP

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Name: Gaqana Soi
Roll No: G
Date: yI \o/2023
Subject: Science
Examination GINST

Grade: XSec: D Time: 3hours

General Instructions Marks: 80
L. IhLs
1. All question paper consists of 39
Invigilator's signature:
compulsory. questions in 5
iii. to attemptofonly one ofHowever,
Section Aconsists
these internal choice is provided in somne
iv. 20 objec tive typequestions.
Section Bconsists of 6 Very questions. Astudent is
should in the rangeof 30 to Short questions
questions carrying I mark each.
V. 50
Section Cconsists of 7Short words. carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these
questionsDshould in the rangeAnswer type questions questions
Vi. Section consists of3 Long of 50 to 80 words carrying 03 marks each. Answers to these
questionsEshould be in the range of 80 to questions carrying 05 marks each.
vi. Section 120 Answer to
consists of 3 words. these
source-based/case-based units of
assessment of 04 marks each with sub-parts.

Select and write one most appropriate option outSection -A

of the four options given for each of
Q. No the questions -20
1. 3Fe(s) 4H0(g) ’X+ 4H (g)
+ Questions Marks
Identify X from the following. 1
(a) FezO: (b) FeO (c) FesO2 (d) FesO4
2. When Ag is exposed to air it gets a black coating of
a) AgNO3 b) AgzS c) AgS2 d) Ag:CO: 1
3. Select the oxidising agent for the following reaction:
H2S + I2 ’ 2HI + S
a) I2 b) H2S c) HI d) S
4. On immersing gold pins in CuSO solution for few minutes, you will observe
a) The solution gets gold colour
b)The colour of sokition fades away 1
c) The surface of gold pins acquires a black coating
d) No change
5. Complete the missing components/variables given as x andy in the following reactions:
Pb (NO:)2 (aq) +2KI (aq)’ Pbl2 (x) +2KNO3 (y)
a) x ’ (s); y ’ (aq); 1
b) x (g), y ’ (s);
c)x ’ (), y ’ (); d) x ’ (aq), y ’ (s);
6. A student adds a few drops of the universal indicator to a
Drop of
dilute solution of sodium bicarbonate taken in atest tube.
indicator The colour of mixture of universal indicator and dilute
Dilute sudium
sodium bicarbonate is:

a) Red b) Blue c) Violet d)Yellow

14. 13.
12. 10. 9.
440power 11.| 7.
a)W AnA/section 2 a)
A d) c)
a) (1) body.
beGiven d) c) b) a)due toThe Energy
a) a)B budding The
clectric cylindrical following
options: Carbonate?
of inonly only only Halving Doubling
Doubling Breathing Observe he
1 tWhich
all number d)
following from plant. c) cells.
pulls b) a)
the Conductor In Translocation:
Transpiration: Parent
-), in in in whichbelow in in oneExcretion: Evaporation:
bulb? (i) (ii) (1) the ycast water the of
conductor () and of of of of
of acid the
is3A/2 b) is
chromosomes following
110connected and of chromosomes
chromosomes chromosomes b)case are cell inside b)
of (ii) Heart
these Tissue is: to helps andgiven
length the
(ii1) higher
of b)
D another. maintains base
of regions/organs sketches helps crcates
the options
length respiration D in díagram
to 2A excreting plant. of
c) and 2l during after after
after in plants
in c)3
220V l representation transporting a correctly
resistance and gamete parents made suction water
c)W brain
(iii) gamete gametezygote and and
generator. uniform c) by out contents identify
could animals force
formationformation andOrgan some wastewater d)
3A formationformation c)C materials
d) Rof it off-springs which
area of respiration is students. in the
The the
0.0023 d)
W ofblood
cellRed process a obtained
leaf process
current cross-section
4 3 2 Parent
taking of The
material by AANWeter and
is particular a d)A sketch
0.50 d) its HCIHCOsH2CO3 HCI
place significance
has A Digestion
A. not:of
has in species
What area illustrative
resistance the
/W2 is of human of -Leaf Base
-Blood vapour
Water Mg(OH)2 MgCO,Parent
the cross remains food from Mg(OH)2MgCl2
R. the

1 1 1 1
20. 19. 18. 17. Q.
No (e) (d) (Cstatements
(b) (a) In Q.
h The
BotAssertion The Both the no 16.
following 17
the Reason: Reason: AssertionstatementAssertion the to Which d) c) b) a) What
graph Assertion:
Assertion: carefully 20 Chlorophyll Light Plants Plants
positive black ws ofThe
is removed.paper blackfor
true Questions, are of
was paper diagram
Asexual The is Left Acid LOWER
PARTS) E these
HFPARTS can is make starch.for
Asexual Ifa The The and ofbut and Assertion
OF HEART UNeS required the
a atrium the and and BODY)THE
straight graph is Reason
thickest process Assertion the
respire experiment tested On below
added Reason the cho flowcharts is
reproduction Reason the - required testing, a
reproduction is
isline receives Reason ose
Reasoning in for own negative period shows
directly plotted musclesslowly of are is are Assertion the theplants
passing dissolving false.false is correct correctly absence for foodtrying it
to false.
correct are was of a
proportional deoxygenated
between arewater plants to for leaf
isthrough but corTrect (Abased ) make to starch days.found 3
a present an but BOOYLOWEROF
HFE of test? that
primitive the alternative and BTPARTS)
E CF shows to
only withQuestions
acid Reason the and questions. make light food that After was
the in and
potential blood constant to Reason the Reason the the covered
mitotic type origin. left water
circulation food th e
is Reason from area days 3
potential atrium.
from true. is (R)
division. of stirring. is rest under
reproduction. difference the highly not the have the
is tested paper picce by
lungs. following:
the the
been of the
difference. correct
correct blood
and endothermic put
the in
explanationforward. the
current human
flowing, Read
ofof body?
26/qi the the both
Assertion. the
Section -B
answer questions.
0. No Q. no. 21 to 26 are yery short
Questions Ma
In the below graph, identify the nature of
substances A, B, C and D. Justifyyour answer:
21. pH 7

Nature of substance

Rajesh observed apatch of greenish black powdery mass on astale piece of bread.
22. (a) Name the
organism responsible for this and its specific mode of asexual
(b) Name its vegetative and

a) How is the reproductive parts.

wall of small intestine adapted for performing the function of
absorption of food?
b) Name the largest gland and state the
roles of it in digestion.
23. OR
a) What is the significance of
b) A plant X was enclosed in atranspiration?
glass jar with some lizards. A similar plant Y was
enclosed in another glass jar but without lizards. Both the jars are kept under the same
light conditions for a few hours. Which plant is likely to
why? photosynthesize more and
What are magnetic field lines? Justify the following statements:
24. a) Two magnetic field lines never intersect each other.
b) Magnetic field is closed curves
When a current of 4A passes througha certain resistor for 10 minutes, 2.88x104 J of
heat are produced. Calculate:
(a) the power of the resistor.
(b) the voltage across the resistor.
25. (OR) 2

Refer to the image and state how the magnetic field pattern
indicates regions where the magnetic field is stronger Amagnetc hat ine

outside the magnet? What happens to the magnetic field

when the current in the circuit is reversed?
Study the diagram given below:

a) Identify the process.

b) Which organism uses the above method of

c) How is the above method different from the
process of fragmentation?

No Questions
An element X reacts with dilute H2SO4 as well as with Marks
NaOH to produce salt and H
a) Identify X. 3
b) Write the balanced chemical equations for the above reactions.
In the given figure, ablack substance "X" is shown which
is obtained by heating a shiny brown metal in presence of
Oxygen. When the given metal comes in contact with air
and water it develops a green layer"Y" on its surface.
a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the formation of
28. X and Y. 3
b) Identify the type of chemical reactions in the above
a) How do you prepare Plaster of Paris?
b)Write a chemical formula for
ii) Baking soda iü) Baking powder
i) washing soda
Study the figure given below and answer the A

following questions: B
a) Identify the image shown [CI
b) Labl in the figure [A], B] and parts
c) State the functions of the
[A], (B] and [C].

While preparing for class X board exam, they

a) Rahul'and Rohit were good friends.
in human digestive
noticed a leaf like structure labeled
They identified and discussed the HEPATIC OUCT
system. opMMON BILE DUCL
part A" in the given figure. A
Name the labeled part "A" identified by
30. (i)
and Rohit.
secreted by part A".
(ii) Mention the enzymes which one will have a
b) Out of a goat and a
Justify your answer.
longer small intestine?
R has resistance of10 2.How would the
length L and radius
a) Nichromewire of when: 3
resistance of the wire change
is doubled.
31. (i) Only length of the wire
wire is doubled. Justify your answer.
(ii)Only diameter of the alloys?
element of electrical heating devices made up of
b)Why are direction of the
State Right Hand Thumb rule to find the conductor.
32. a) carrying straight
magnetic field around a current the plane of the paper is as
conductor in AI
b)A cuIrent carrying
shown in figure. fields produced by it
d1rections of magnetic
(i) What are the 0?
atpointsP will the strength of themagnetic field
(i)Given rl> 12, where
be larger? SIS/OP2023-24/Pp #5
Three resistors are connected as shown in the diagram:
Through the resistor 5 Q ohm, a current of 1A 1s 10
33. flowing.
K) What is the current through the other two
A 5 B C
K11) What is the p.d. across AB and across resistors?
Kiii)What is the total AC?
resistance? 15

Section - D
Q. No Q. no. 34 to 36 are long
answer questions.
a) Observe the given Questions Marks
i)Write a figure, what happens when the tube is
chemical equation of the reaction.
b) A calcium brown gas X evolved. ’ Test

disinfectant compound,
and also in yellowish
white in colour is used as
compound. How is it industry. Name the calcium
involved. prepared? Give the chemical reaction Copper
(I) nitrate
34. a) When the OR
concentrated aqueous solution of a substance 'X is
Y',chlorine and hydrogen gas
are produced.
i) Identify the substance Xand 'Y.
electrolyzed, 5

ii)What is the name given to Xin this

iii) Name this process.
iv) Write a balanced chemical equation.
b) A pale green coloured compound Y loses its
water of crystallizati on on heating.
Name the compound Y' and write its formula.
a) Name the human male
a hormone. Mention the namereproductive organ that produces sperms and also secretes
and functions of
b) What happens when egg is not fertilized? the secreted hormone.
c) What is placenta? What happens if
placenta is not developed?
35. OR
a) Differentiate between
b) Name the reproductivegermination
and fertilization.
parts of an angiosperm. Where are these 5
Explain the structure of parts located?
c) Draw a neat labelledmale reproductive part.
d) Which of the germination diagram. State the function of the parts.
following will have higher possibility of
Mustard, Papaya, Hibiscus, Watermelon
a) Show how would you self-pollination?
join three resistors, each of
equivalent resistance of the combination is
resistance 9 Q so that the
b) A current of 5A flows in () 13.5 Q, (i) 6 Q
the winding of an electric
winding being100S2. Determine () the motor, the resistance of the
(1) thepower dissipated by the coil. potential difference across the winding, and
a) With the help of a
suitable circuit diagram prove that the
equivalent resistance of a group of resistances joined in
reciprocal of the
of the reciprocals of the
individual parallel is equal to the sum
(b) In an electric circuit two resistances.
resistors of 12
battery. Find the current drawn from the S2 each are joined in parallel to a6 V

SIS/OP/2023-24/Pg. 16 37 to 39 are case -
Internal choice is -basedinquestions with 2 to 3
pH is quite provided one of these short sub - parts.
useful to us ina number of Questions sub-parts.
Control of pH of the soil: Plants ways in daily life.
Some of its Marks
may be acidic, basic or need a specific pH range for properapplications are:
.The pH of any soil can be depending upon the relative growth. The soil
be corrected by determined by using pH paper. concentration of H+ and OH.
If the soil is too
adding lime to it. If the soil is too
organic manure which contains basic, it can be correctedacidic, it can
by adding
vessel by use of acids: A copper acidic materials. Regaining shine of a
on its surface. On vessel gets tarnished due to tarnished copper
rubbing lemon on the vessel, the formation an oxide layer
begins to shine again. This is due tothe fact that surface is cleaned and the vessel
reacts with the acid (citric acid) copper oxide is
37. present in lemon to form a salt basic in nature, which
washed away with water. As a result, the (copper citrate) which is
surface the vessel and the shining
of layer of copper oxide is removed from the 4

a) When copper oxide surface is exposed.

placed in a beaker is treated with dilute HCI.
Identify the products formed.
b) Pis an aqueous solution of acid and Q is an
When these two are diluted separately, what happenssolution
of base.
to the pH of these solutions?
c) Name the acid present in bee
d) Name any two compounds that can be added to neutralize the acidic
nature of soil.
d) The pH of soil X' is 7.5 while that of soil Yis 4.5. Which of the two soils, shoul d
be treated with powdered chalk to adjust its pH?
Ourbodyneeds to remove the wastes that build up from cell activities and from digestion.
If these wastes are not removed, then our cells can stop working and we can get very sick.
The organs of excretory system consist of a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, a urinary
bladder and a urethra. Each kidney is made up of nearly one million complex tubular
structures called nephrons. The formation of urine involves various processes that take
place in the different parts of the nephrons.
a) Name two common nutrients that is absorbed in the small intestine and reabsorbed
by the kidney tubules.
b) What arethe factors on which the amount of water reabsorbed depends?
38. c) Mention two vital functions of the human kidneys. 4
d) Proteinuria is a condition in which significant amounts of
protein can be detected in urine. Which process in the nephron
is likely to be affected causing proteinuria? Justify.
d) Given is a diagram of nephron. >

Name the part of nephron where filtration and reabsorption takes


Astudent was on a current
asked to perform an experiment to study the force carrying
conductor in a magnetic field. He took a small aluminium rod AB, a strong horseshoe
highet, Some connecting wires,a battery and a switch and connected them as shown. He
observed that -On passing current, the rod gets displaced. On reversing the direction of
current, the direction of displacement also gets reversed.


On the basis of your understanding of this phenomenon, answer the following questions:
a) Why does the rod get displaced on passing current through it?
b)State the rule that determines the direction of the force on conductor AB.
)() In the above experimented set up, when current is passed through the rod, it gets
displaced towards the left. What will happen to the displacement if the polarity of the
magnet and the direction of current both are reversed?
(ii) Name any two devices that use current carrying conductors and magnetic field.
c) Draw the patterm of magnetic field lines produced around a current carrying straight
conductor held vertically on a horizontal cardboard. Indicate the direction of the field
lines as well as the direction of current flowing through the conductor.


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