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Physics For Scientists and Engineers A Strategic Approach With Modern Physics 4th Edition Knight Solutions Manual 1

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Conceptual Questions


r r
Two forces are present, tension T in the cable and gravitational force FG as seen in the figure.


r r r
Four forces act on the block: the push of the spring Fsp , gravitational force FG , a normal force from the table top n,
and a kinetic frictional force due to the rough table surface f k .


© Copyright 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No
portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
5-2 Chapter 5

r r
Two forces act on the brick. Air resistance, or drag D, may be present, and the noncontact force due to gravity FG .

© Copyright 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No
portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Force and Motion 5-3

r r r
5.4. Four forces act on the block: the string tension T , normal force n and friction f with the surface, and
gravitational force FG .

5.5. (a) Two forces act on the ball after it leaves your hand: the long-range gravitational force FG and the contact
force of air resistance or drag D.
r r
(b) FG is due to an interaction between the ball and earth, so earth is the agent. Drag D is due to an interaction between
the ball and the air, so the air is the agent. Some students are tempted to list a force due to the hand acting on the ball. As
can be seen in the figure, the hand is not touching the ball, and therefore it no longer applies a force to the ball.

5.6. (a) The object with the largest mass accelerates the slowest, since a = mF . Thus B has the largest mass.
(b) The object with the smallest mass accelerates the fastest, so C has the smallest mass.
(c) Since the same force is applied to both blocks,
m a 3
FA = FB  mA aA = mBaB  A = B =
mB aA 5

5.7. A force F causes an object of mass m to accelerate at a = mF = 10 m/s2. Let a be the new acceleration.
(a) If the force is doubled, (2 F ) = ma  a = 2 ( mF ) = 2a = 20 m/s2. The acceleration is proportional to the force, so
if the force is doubled, the acceleration is also doubled.
(b) Doubling the mass means that F = (2m) a  a = ( ) = a2 = 5.0 m/s2.
1 F
2 m

(c) If the force and mass are both doubled, then (2F ) = (2m) a  a = F
= a = 10 m/s 2.

5.8. A force F causes an object of mass m to accelerate at a = mF = 8 m/s2. Let a be the new acceleration.
(a) If the force is halved, ( F2 ) = ma  a = ( 2Fm ) = a2 = 4 m/s2. The acceleration is proportional to the force, so if the
force is halved, the acceleration is also halved.
(b) If the mass is halved, F = ( m2 ) a  a = 2( mF ) = 2a = 16 m/s2.
(c) If the force and mass are both halved, then ( F2 ) = ( m2 ) a  a = m
F = a = 8 m/s 2 .

© Copyright 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No
portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
5-4 Chapter 5

5.9. No. If an object is at rest its acceleration is zero, so you can only conclude that the net force is zero. Thus there
may be several forces acting on the object, but they all must sum to zero.

5.10. Yes—other applied forces may act to cancel the first force, so that the net force may be zero.

5.11. False. An object will accelerate in the direction of the net force. Its initial velocity may be in any direction.
r r
5.12. No. Newton’s second law relates the applied net force Fnet to the resulting change in motion a. So the quantity
r r
ma is better understood as related to a change in motion. Note, however, that ma has units that are the same as force.


Yes, it is possible for the friction force on an object to be in the same direction as the object’s motion. Consider the
case shown in the figure, in which a box is dropped onto a moving conveyer belt. The box is pushed horizontally in
the same direction as its motion. While an observer standing next to the conveyer belt sees the box move to the right
and eventually reach a constant speed (same as the conveyer belt), an observer standing on the conveyer belt would
see the box slide to the left and eventually come to a stop. The direction of the kinetic friction force is opposite to the
relative direction of motion between the two adjacent surfaces. In the example above, the box is moving to the left in
the reference frame of the conveyer belt and, as expected, the kinetic friction force is to the right.

5.14. The friction force between two surfaces is parallel to the surfaces. Since the wall is vertical, the friction force
is also vertical. To determine whether the static friction force is up or down, imagine that friction slowly disappears.
You can imagine the book beginning to slide downward as no vertical forces are left to counteract the gravitational
force (the normal force is perpendicular to the surface, so is horizontal in this problem). Thus static friction must be up
to balance the gravitational force downward, so the response is c.

5.15. The ball follows path C as it emerges from the tube. The centripetal force keeping it moving in a circle within
the tube is the normal force exerted by the tube wall on the ball. When that force is removed, the ball moves in a straight
line in accordance with Newton’s first law with the velocity it had when the acceleration went to zero, which was
tangential to the circle.


r r
(a) Basketball A is not in equilibrium because | F2 |  | F1 |, so there is a net downward force on A.
r r r
(b) Basketball B is in equilibrium because the vector sum of the three forces is zero: F1 + F2 + F3 = 0.

5.17. Only a and b are inertial reference frames because the car is at constant velocity in only those two cases.

© Copyright 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No
portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Force and Motion 5-5

Exercises and Problems

Section 5.3 Identifying Forces
5.1 Visualize:

5.2. Visualize:

5.3. Visualize:

5.4. Model: Assume friction is negligible compared to other forces.


© Copyright 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No
portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
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