DLL Diss Psychoanalysis

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to 12 Teacher ANITA G. NAVARRO Learning Area DISS
LESSON Teaching Dates and Time OCT.16-20,2023 Quarter FIRST

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1.Identify the three level of awareness 2.The learners recognize the proponent of the Psychoanalysis

3. The learners analyze the 4. Interpret personal and social experiences using Structures
of personality in relation with Defense Mechanism
person’s personality in terms
of Id, Ego, and Superego.

G. personality in terms Key concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences

 of Id, Ego, and Superego.

H. Performance Standards
I. Learning Competencies/ Psychoanalysis
Objectives Analyze the psychodynamics of the person’s personality in terms of Id, Ego, and Superego
Write the LC code for
 Identify the three level of Interpret personal and
The learners analyze the social experiences using The learners present
person’s personality in terms Structures of personality the Structure of
 The learners recognize
of Id, Ego, and Superego. in relation with Defense Personality through
the proponent of the
HUMSS_DIS11-IIIi-2 Mechanism. Social Experiment


E. References
3. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR)
F. Other Learning Resources  Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences by Carlos Peña Tatel, pages 44-46
 Compiled Lecture Notes in Theories of Personality by Benny S. Soliman, pages 10-12
  How about your
classmates do not
IV. PROCEDURES allow you to copy their
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask the students to give Short review on the past (5 minutes) Ask the students to briefly Teacher will review
C. Presenting the new lesson examples
Group Activity: Map of symbolic- lesson.
Questioning: Ask the students: explain theof“Iceberg
From the responses the rubrics to be
examples/instances of interactionism.
Construction: Guide Question:1. Who is the proponent Model”.
the students, teachers used in grading the
the new lesson  Learners(3willminutes).
be group 1. What was the of psychoanalysis?
situation all Guide
will inject that question:
those has presentation of
into five. the about? 2. Define 1. What
specific terms called is the difference Social Experiment.
 Learners will divide and psychoanalysis?
2. If you are in the same of the three structure of
Defense Mechanism.
plot the three level of (3 minutes)
situation, what will you personality (Id, Ego, Video Presentation
awareness using the choose? Teacher will and Superego)?
discuss of the learner’s
picture of Iceberg. (3
some of the Defenseminutes) Social Experiment.
 Instruct the learners to Mechanism.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Teaser Video: “Titanic” Situation Analysis Before moving further to
a. Projection
discuss among their
group mates regarding A girl/boy went to the mallb.to Displacement
the discussion, the
the division of the will ask question buy school shoes. Upon teacher will ask the
c. Reaction
iceberg. after the video presentation. entering the shoes section, a leaners:
1. What is the video all pair of ragged shoes caught d. Sublimation
 Learners will present their
about? her/his attention. The girl/boy(5 minutes)
What do you usually do
output in the class.
2. What
(10 causes the titanic to was having a hard time to
minutes) whenever you are upset
D. Discussing new sunk? choose between school in a particular situation?
Teacher will show pictures Group the students according Teacher will ask the
3. Why titanic was collided
concepts and practicing that illustrate shoes or ragged shoes.
the three parts to their shoes preference. learners:
new skills #1 to the iceberg? (5 minutes) Example:
of the mind. A. Group School Shoes From our discussion what
(7 minutes)
B. Group Ragged Shoes do you think  You
is theare not allowed by
http://www.youtube.com/wat your parents
From the given pictures, connection of structure of to attend
leaners will be asked to say Guide Question: personality toa Defense
“MINE” if it represents them 1. Why did you choose Mechanism?
otherwise say “NOT”. school shoes? Ragged (3 minutes)
Pictures will be group
according to the three level
of awareness.
(Responses will be written on
Students with the same the board) analyze the
answers will be grouped answers per group.
together and explain the
level of awareness where
(5 minutes) Discuss the Psychoanalysis
they belong. by Sigmund Freud particularly
(10 minutes) the Id,
H. Making generalizations Guide Question: Ego,
3. Whatandare
the three(20(3) (Learners will be given
and abstractions 1. Who is the proponent of minutes)
structure of personality? five (5) minutes review for
about the lesson
E. Discussing new Psychoanalysis? the summative test).
concepts and practicing 2. What are the three level ID- is concerned only with
new skills #2
of awareness? Briefly satisfying personal desires.
F. Developing Teacher Group Activity:
explain.will inject and Group Activity:
The actions Picture
taken by the id
mastery (leads to further discuss the concept Analysis  Group the student into
Formative are based on the Pleasure
of the three
Sigmund level (1856-
Freud of 1. Group the students into
principle. five groups.
Assessment 3) awareness as part of the
1939)- Jewish background, three (3) groups.  Ask them to cite one
though avowed atheist. 2. Eachthe
EGO- group will be
primary job of the (1) situation happened
Lived in Vienna until Nazi assigned to classify
ego is to mediate/ balancedthe in their life wherein
occupation briefinbackground
1938. He had of thedifferent
demands pictures
of the according
Id and the they used defense
a proponent
medical of background to Id, Ego, and Superego.
outer forces of reality. mechanism.
wanted to do 3. Students will justify their  Let the groups identify
(5 minutes)
“neurophysiologic research”. answers.
SUPEREGO- the moral arm the Id, ego, and
He had a private practice in 4. Rubric Attached
of the personality, it superego in that
nervous and brain corresponds to one’s situation given by the
disorders. He is the conscience. students.
founding father of (9 minutes)
G. Finding practical psychoanalysis.
Are there any instances Give certain situations
applications of concepts that you have experience wherein Id, Ego, and
and skills in daily living Psychoanalytic
either one of thesetheory is a
three Superego are evident?
levels of awareness? for
understanding the impact
 In what particular situationof
thedid youunconscious
experience these on
thoughts, feelings,
levels of awareness? and
Conscious- contains those
thoughts of which you are
currently aware.
Preconscious- stores all
the thoughts of which you
could bring into
consciousness fairly easily if
you wanted to; thoughts that
can be easily recall without
special techniques.

Unconscious- the material

that we have no immediate
access to, and we cannot
bring into consciousness
except under certain
extreme situations.
(10 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning Individual Activity: Group Activity: Role Playing 40 items summative Individual Activity:
Construct/ draw your own  Group the learners into test Write a reflection
representation of the level of three (3) groups. Pointers: about the Social
awareness creatively.  The group will pick what 10 items structural experiment
Briefly explain on your own particular structure of functionalism presented by your
words. personality they will 10 items Marxism group.
(10 minutes) perform/ present. (Id, Ego, 10 items symbolic
Superego). interactionism
 Rubrics will be provided to 10 items psychoanalysis
evaluate performance. (30 minutes)
J. Additional activities for Create five groups and Remind the class about
application or prepare a social experiment the presentation of the
remediation showing the three structures Social Experiment for the
of personality. next day.

(e.g. Intentional dropping of

wallet in the public to

Prepared By: Checked and Evaluated By;


Master Teacher II
Principal III

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