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Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

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DFT/molecular scale, MD simulation and assessment of the eco-friendly

anti-corrosion performance of a novel Schiff base on XC38 carbon steel
in acidic medium
Chérifa Boulechfar a,b, Hana Ferkous a,b, Souad Djellali c, Mohammed A. Amin d, Sihem Boufas a,b,
Amel Djedouani e,f, Amel Delimi a,b, Yasser Ben Amor g,h, Krishna Kumar Yadav i, Byong-Hun Jeon j,
Yacine Benguerba k,⇑
Laboratoire de Génie méncanique et Matériaux, Faculté de Technologie, Université de Skikda, 21000, Algeria
Département de Technologie, Université de Skikda, 21000 Skikda, Algeria
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Hauts Polymères (LPCHP), Faculty of Technology, University Ferhat Abbas Setif1, 19000 Setif, Algeria
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Taif University, P.O. Box 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia
Laboratoire de Physicochimie Analytique et Cristallochimie des Matériaux Organométalliques et Biomoléculaires, Université Constantine 1, 25000 Constantine, Algeria
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Constantine, Ville Universitaire Ali Mendjeli, 25000 Constantine, Algeria
Higher Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Carthage University, BP.1003 Hammam-Lif, 2050 Ben Arous, Tunisia
Laboratory of Wastewaters and Environment, Centre of Water Researches and Technologies (CERTE) Technopark of BorjCedria PB 273, Soliman 8020, Tunisia
Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Republic of Korea
Faculty of Science and Technology, Madhyanchal Professional University, Ratibad, Bhopal 462044, India
Department of Process Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University, Setif, Algeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The 2-furaldehyde semicarbazone (FSC), an environmentally safe Schiff base, has been synthesized and
Received 12 August 2021 tested for the first time as a corrosion inhibitor for XC38 carbon steel in an acidic environment. This com-
Revised 10 October 2021 pound’s anti-corrosion properties are assessed using electrochemical, analytical, and characterization
Accepted 16 October 2021
techniques. At 293 K and an FSC concentration of 500 ppm, the inhibitory effectiveness increased with
Available online 27 October 2021
the FSC concentration, reaching a maximum of around 91.5%. Furthermore, an increase in temperature
from 303 to 323 K increased the corrosion rate, most likely due to the inhibitor agent’s desorption from
the steel surface. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) metal surface exam-
Carbon steel
ination revealed that the presence of FSC causes the development of a protective layer. FSC adsorption
Inhibitor isotherms on carbon steel were measured at different temperatures, displaying an exothermic behavior
Schiff bases that corroborated the earlier observations. Electrochemical experiments show that as the inhibitor con-
Molecular dynamics centration increases from 50 to 500 ppm, Icorr decreases from 0.695 to 0.123 mAcm2. At the same time,
DFT the maximum change in Ecorr values is 23.1 mV, leading to the conclusion that this Schiff base (inhibitor)
is a mixed type of (anodic/cathodic) inhibitor. The FSC Electrophilic/nucleophilic attacks on carbon steel
are theoretically studied. MD simulations revealed the FSC molecules’ adsorption process on the steel
Ó 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction spent to repair infrastructure that has been destroyed by corrosion

and manage and mitigate the effects of corrosion [3]. Corrosion
Corrosion is a process in which the structure of metals deterio- affects many businesses, including the oil and gas industry, fertil-
rates as a result of heterogeneous chemical interactions in particu- izer manufacturing, civil engineering infrastructures such as build-
lar environments [1]. Because metals tend to retreat to their ings and bridges, power plants, and petrochemical [4]. Water, acids
ground states during the corrosion process, it is a recurring prob- in liquid and gaseous forms, air humidity, sulfur, base salts, ammo-
lem that’s difficult to solve [2]. Every year, billions of dollars are nia, particular lubricants, and intensive metal polishing are all rec-
ognized corrosion agents [5]. Some manufacturing operations and
other industrial procedures, such as acid cleaning, oil well cleaning,
⇑ Corresponding author. acid de-scaling, and acid pickling, heavily rely on strong acids for
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Benguerba).
0167-7322/Ó 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

various objectives [6]. Nitric, sulfuric, hydrochloric, formic, and molecular behavior and electronic interaction between the metal
acetic acids are widely employed in these applications [7]. and the produced inhibitor molecule.
Every sector relies on metal alloys, mainly carbon steel, because
of their inexpensive cost and high mechanical strength [8]. Metal, 2. Materials and procedures
building, chemical, marine applications, and oil extraction and
refining are a few industries where carbon steel is used. Pipelines 2.1. Synthesis of inhibitors
and equipment, for example, can be severely corroded by such uses
[9–10]. The standard practice of adding an inhibitor to carbon steel Ibrahim et al. [27] published a technique for synthesizing the
to prevent corrosion is to do so. Inhibitors are usually made up of FSC Schiff base. An ethanolic solution of 2-furaldehyde (9.6 g)
organic and inorganic chemicals that adsorb on the metal surface was added dropwise to an aqueous solution (50 cm3) of semicar-
and protect it from corrosion [11]. bazide chloride (11.15 g) and AcONa (20 g). After 1 h of refluxing,
In the realm of corrosion inhibitors, organic type Schiff bases the FSC precipitated, was filtered, and then recrystallized from
have shown promise in preserving carbon steel against corrosion hot water. The reaction produces a product that is 85% pure and
in various harsh conditions [12–13]. Hugo Schiff (a German scien- has a melting point of 461 K. Fig. 1 illustrates the optimum struc-
tist and Nobel Prize laureate) discovered Schiff bases by condens- ture of the resultant molecule.
ing primary amines with carbonyl compounds [14]. They are also
referred to as ‘‘imines,” ‘‘anils,” and ‘‘azomethine.” A functional 2.2. Carbon steel samples
group with a double carbon–nitrogen bond, where the nitrogen
atom is linked to an alkyl or aryl group, distinguishes them. XC38 carbon steel was utilized to create specimens and the
R1HC = N-R2 is their general formula, with R1 and R2 being aryls, working electrode for the gravimetric and electrochemical tests
alkyls, cycloalkyls, or heterocyclic groups that allow for different in the corrosion experiments. Before being submerged in the corro-
substitution processes [15]. sive electrolyte solution, samples were mechanically abraded (us-
Free-electron pairs produced by the metal surface’s interaction ing emery paper with a mesh/in grade ranging from 400 to 2000),
with hetero atoms of the inhibitor structure, such as nitrogen, sul- washed with double distilled water followed by acetone, and lastly
fur, and oxygen, are generally responsible for corrosion inhibition dried in hot air. Samples were cut into cylindrical shapes
[16–17]. Additionally, since the p-orbital interacts with the metal’s (D = 15 mm and H = 5 mm) and implanted in an inert resin with
surface, compounds containing p-bonds have strong inhibitory a 1.77 cm2 exposed surface section for weight loss and electro-
properties. Schiff bases are corrosion inhibitors due to their chemical tests.
‘‘azomethane” group (C@N). Schiff bases applied to steel [18–19],
aluminum [20], and copper [21–22] have been found to be effec- 2.3. Corrosive working solutions
tive in preventing corrosion in acidic environments.
Schiff bases as corrosion inhibitors have gained much interest in In the presence and absence of the FSC inhibitor, corrosive elec-
recent years since they are ecologically friendly and low-cost to trolyte solutions of 0.5 M H2SO4 were produced from laboratory-
make. This is to avoid unfavorable environmental consequences grade H2SO4 and distilled water. The inhibitor concentration was
connected with the manufacturing and use of corrosion inhibitors varied between 25 and 500 ppm.
while ensuring carbon steel’s long-term durability, which has eco-
nomic and operational benefits. Despite this, there is a paucity of 2.4. Weight loss measurements
literature about how Schiff bases prevent carbon steel corrosion
under various working circumstances, particularly at the molecu- A thermostatic waterbath was used to regulate the temperature
lar level. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and density func- of cylindrical carbon steel samples submerged in a 0.5 M H2SO4
tional theory (DFT) computations have been demonstrated to solution at a set concentration of the produced inhibitor. Temper-
provide important advances to our knowledge of the fundamental atures at three distinct levels were studied (303, 313, and 323 K).
processes governing molecular interactions between various sub- For comparison, a blank solution (i.e., one without the inhibitor)
stances and solid surfaces [23–24]. This can help with product was utilized. The specimens were taken out, washed with distilled
selection and optimization for specific applications, such as corro- water, and dried after a set time in the water. Steel samples were
sion inhibitors. Some researchers investigated the process of corro- weighed using a Shimadzu AUW220D UniBloc Analytical Balance
sion inhibition using DFT and MD theoretical methods [25–26]. with a precision level of 105 g before and after treatment in cor-
Indeed, these numerical methods promise fundamental guidelines rosive solution. Experiments were done in triplicate at a constant
for tuning the physicochemical properties of molecules better at temperature and inhibitor dosage, assuming the mean mass loss.
acting as inhibitors against specific materials that need to be pro- This enabled the following Eqs to be used to calculate the corrosion
tected from corrosion, which is a novel way of looking at this rate (CR), degree of surface covering (h), and inhibition efficiency
research line. The efficacy of 2-furaldehyde semicarbazone (FSC) (Ew) [28].
Schiff base as a corrosion inhibitor of carbon steel in a 0.5 M sulfu-
ric acid medium was examined in the current study. The inhibition
efficacy at various inhibitor doses and temperatures was evaluated
using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potentiody-
namic polarization (PDP), and weight loss measures. Scanning elec-
tron microscopy (SEM), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies were used to verify the
efficient deposition of the FSC protective coating onto the surface
of carbon steel. Using adsorption thermodynamic models, density
functional theory (DFT) calculations, and molecular dynamics
(MD) simulations, a focused modeling campaign was conducted
to clarify the adsorption process, the reactivity of FSC, and the
interaction of FSC with the steel surface. MD simulations were used
to supplement the experimental results and explain the inter- Fig. 1. Optimized molecular structure ofFSC.

Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

DW W1  W2 The following equation expresses the Temkin adsorption

CR ¼ ¼ ð1Þ
At At isotherm:

CR  CRðiÞ expð2ahÞ ¼ K T C ð8Þ

h¼ ð2Þ
CR K T : Constant of Temkin; thesign of the molecular interaction coeffi-
cient, a, is synonymous with attraction or repulsion on the adsorbed
CR  CRðiÞ layer.
Ew ð%Þ ¼  100 ð3Þ
CR Frumkin isotherm is defined as follows:
The weight of the sample (mg) before and after immersion in ðh=ð1  hÞÞexpð2ahÞ ¼ K F C ð9Þ
the corrosive solution, the carbon steel sample area (cm2), and
the immersion duration (h) are represented by W1, W2, A, and t, K F : Constant of Frumkin; the coefficient a represents the lateral
respectively; CR and CR(i) are the corrosion rate (mg cm2h1) interaction.
before and after inhibitor addition, respectively.
2.7. Characterization of the surface
2.5. Electrochemical study
The samples utilized in the various characterizations were sub-
A three-electrode configuration was used for the electrochemi- merged in an acidic solution, H2SO4 (0.5 M), for 24 h at 298 K, with
cal experiments, with carbon steel as the working electrode (WE), or without the FSC inhibitor (500 ppm). After that, the materials
platinum as the counter-electrode (CE), and a saturated Ag/AgCl as were removed, cleaned, and dried with double-distilled water.
the reference electrode (RE). Electrochemical impedance spec- The morphological changes produced by corrosion on the car-
troscopy (EIS) was performed using a potentiostat–galvanostat bon steel surface were monitored using SEM analysis. An FEI
(SP 300) and EC-Lab software computer. Before the measurement, Quanta 250 model equipment with a 20 kV acceleration voltage
the WE was immersed in the corrosive solution for an hour (0.5 M generated the SEM pictures.
H2SO4). EIS measurements were taken at the open circuit potential The chemical composition changes on the carbon steel surface
with a frequency window of 50 kHz to 10 MHz and an amplitude of were investigated using the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) method. A
10 mV. The potentiodynamic polarization curves were produced ZSX Primus ii Rigaku equipment was used to do the XRF analysis.
with a scan rate of 1 mV s1 across a potential range of 200 to X-ray photoelectron (XPS) examination was performed on the
+200 mV. pure FSC and the steel surface-treated with 500 ppm FSC with AlKa
The corrosion inhibition effectiveness was calculated using (1486.6 eV) radiation. XPS measurements were carried out in Kra-
electrochemical experiments and was found to be [29]: tos Axis Ultra equipment. The high-resolution spectra were
  obtained with a resolution of 0.9 eV at pass energy of 20 eV. The
icorr  icorr binding energies of the charge shift were corrected using the
Eicorr ð%Þ ¼ 0
 100 ð4Þ 284.4 eV C1s line.
icorr and icorr , the solution current density in the absence and pres- 3. Theoretical study
ence of the inhibitor calculated from the Tafel plot.
The polarization resistance Rp(Xcm2) was determined us- 3.1. Quantum calculations
ing the Stern-Geary correlation:
The DFT-B3LYB method with the basis set TZVP implemented in
ba bc the Turcopole program package was employed to optimize the FSC
Rp ¼ ð5Þ
2:30icorr ðba þ bc Þ compoundstructure and carry out the quantum chemical calcula-
tions [34]. Materials Studio (MS) for further DFT computations at
ba and bc are the Tafel slopes, respectively, anodic and cathodic.
the level of generalized gradient approximation (GGA-BP) and
The following values of polarization resistance were used to cal-
the basis for double numeric polarization (DNP) was also adopted
culate FSC inhibition efficiency:
  [7,35]. Calculations were conducted in a liquid phase as a
Rp  R0p Conductor-like Screening Model for Real-Solutions (COSMO-RS)
ERp ð%Þ ¼  100 ð6Þ [7,34–35]. The Fukui functions were determinedusing the Dmol3
Rp module to investigate nucleophilicity and electrophilicity [35].
Equations of hardness g and electronegativity v (chemical
R0p and Rp are the polarization resistance values of the system before
potential) have been given based on the ground state energies of
and after the inhibitor addition, respectively.
ionization (I) and the electron affinity (A) values for FSC [35]:
2.6. Adsorption isotherms v ¼ l ¼ ð10Þ
The adsorption isotherm is commonly used to obtain important
information on metal surface/inhibitor interactions at a given tem- g¼ ð11Þ
perature. The inhibitor’s ionization, polarization, and adsorption on 2
the metal surface are essential factors in mild steel protection [30–
I ¼ EHOMO ð12Þ
31]. In this context, Langmuir, Temkin, and Frumkin adsorption
isotherms [32–33] were used to evaluate the connection between
A ¼ ELUMO ð13Þ
surface coverage, h defined by adsorbed inhibitor molecules and
equilibrium concentration of the inhibitor in the liquid phase, C. where l is the chemical potential, and EHOMO and ELUMO represent the
The Langmuir isothermin its reads: energy of HOMO and LUMO orbitals, respectively.
The chemical proton affinity (PA) is proportional to the chemi-
h=ð1  hÞ ¼ b C ð7Þ
cal potential value, which means that calculating the chemical
The Langmuir adsorption constant is b. potential is considered a test for proton affinity.
Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

Softness (r) is the reciprocal of the hardness, and itis commonly

recognized as a parameter closely related to the polarizability:

r ¼ 1=g ð14Þ
The electrophilicity index (x) of ions, atoms, and molecules is
calculated from the electronegativity and hardness values as [35]:

x¼ ð15Þ
The fraction of electrons transferred (DN) from the inhibitor
molecule to the surface of the carbon steelsampleis calculated in
corrosion studies [35]:

DN ¼ ½/  vinh =½2ðgFe þ ginh Þ ð16Þ

where u, vinh, ginhand gFe are the work function, electronegativity of

inhibitor, the hardness of inhibitor, and hardness of (Fe) metal,
respectively. gFe value is taken equal to 0 (I = A for bulk metals).
The work function for Fe (1 1 0) surface is 4.82 eV [35]. Fig. 2. Open circuit potential (OCP) of the XC38 steel at different concentrations of

3.2. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations

these distinctions, it is possible to deduce that the inhibitor is
The Material Studio’ Forcite module was used to carry out MD mixed-type [38].
simulations [35]. The iron structure was imported from the soft-
ware database. It was then cleaved along (1 1 0) plane, and a slab
4.1.2. Polarization analysis
of 15 Å length was obtained. The MD model consists of a top layer
Fig. 3 illustrates the potentiodynamic polarization curves (Tafel
for the solvent and a frozen bottom layer of the Fe(1 1 0). The sol-
curves) for XC38 steel in an acidic solution and different FSC inhi-
vent layer was constructed using one inhibitor molecule, sulfate
bitor concentrations in a blank sample. Corrosion potential (Ecorr),
(10) ions with their counter ions, hydronium (10), and water mole-
corrosion current density (Icorr), polarization resistance (Rp), anodic
cules (1 0 0). Both layers were placed in a simulation box
Tafel slope (ba), and cathodic Tafel slope (bc) may all be determined
(15.20  18.169  43.43 Å3). The system was first optimized using
using extrapolation of Tafel polarization curves. Eqs (4) and (5)
the SMART minimizer algorithm until the energies and tempera-
were used to calculate inhibition efficiency in electrochemical
ture reached a steady-state under periodic boundary conditions
studies (6). Table 1 shows a summary of the parameters retrieved.
and the COMPASS force field. Electrostatic interactions were calcu-
According to the data, as the inhibitor concentration increases from
lated using the Ewald summation technique with an Ewald preci-
50 to 500 ppm, Icorr decreases from 0.695 to 0.123 mA cm2. On
sion of 1.0  104 kcal mol1 and a buffer width of 0.5 Å. The atom-
the other hand, polarization resistance increases with FSC concen-
based summation approach was used to calculate the Van der
tration, with Rp being 5.8 times greater at 500 ppm FSC than the
Waals interactions, a cut-off of 15.5 Å, and the buffer width of
blank sample. The adsorption shields the metal against corrosion
0.5 Å. After the optimization step, the simulation model was sub-
in adverse conditions, resulting in inhibition effectiveness of
mitted to MD, performed using the Andersen thermostat method
around 82 percent at 500 ppm of the inhibitor [39–40]. Table 1 fur-
under the canonical NTV set (constant N, T, and V) at T = 298 K
ther shows that the most significant change in Ecorr values is
[35]. The simulation was performed with a time step of 1 fs and
23.1 mV, much less than ±85 mV when comparing the inhibited
a total time of 2 ns. On MD’s trajectory after simulation, the radial
and uninhibited systems. This indicates that the inhibitor influ-
distribution function, also known as the pair correlation function,
enced both anodic and cathodic processes, implying that this Schiff
was determined to study the interaction between the inhibitory
base (inhibitor) is a mixed (anodic/cathodic) inhibitor [41–42].
molecule and iron surface.
Furthermore, the inhibitor’s adsorption resulted in a minor change

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Electrochemical measurements

4.1.1. Open circuit potential (OCP) measurements

The carbon steel samples were given a 60-minute stabilization
interval before OCP measurements to make it simpler to get a
stable OCP result. In a corrosive solution of 0.5 M H2SO4, Fig. 2
shows the XC38 steel OCP with and without the FSC inhibitor. After
immersion, all systems quickly stabilized their potential, reaching
a steady-state in 15–30 min. As the FSC concentration was raised,
OCP began to move toward more positive values. This implies that
the inhibitor acts as a deterrent to the corrosive processes occur-
ring on the metal surface in sulfuric acid solution (iron oxidation
and hydrogen ion reduction) [36–37]. This is consistent with ear-
lier findings on the increase in corrosion activation energy when
the inhibitor is present. The positive change in OCP might be attrib-
uted to the inhibitor’s adsorption on the metal surface, decreasing Fig. 3. Polarization curves of XC38 steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions with various
the amount of steel exposed to the corrosive solution. From all of amounts of FSC.

Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

Table 1
FSC, polarization parameters for XC38 steel corrosion in 0.5 M H2SO4.

Parameter Ecorr(mV) Icorr(mAcm2) Rp(O cm2) ba(mV dec1) bc(mVdec1) Eicorr(%) ERp(%)
Blank 428.9 0.695 29.2 129 151.7 – –
50 ppm 435.7 0.516 40.96 88.5 127.1 25.76 28.71
100 ppm 435.6 0.415 45.04 87.2 130.8 40.22 35.16
250 ppm 436.9 0.27 72.53 96.7 139.6 61.15 59.74
400 ppm 413.8 0.19 105.8 81.6 300.0 72.66 72.4
500 ppm 414.1 0.123 170 273.6 583.6 82.26 82.82

in both the anodic (ba) and cathodic (bc) Tafel slopes, confirming The CPE magnitude, angular frequency, CPE exponent, and
that the inhibitor controls reactions at both the anode and cathode imaginary unit are represented by Q, w, a, and j, respectively.
electrodes [43]. These results imply that FSC interacts with the The CPE can alternatively be thought of as a perfect capacitor.
XC38 steel surface in a 0.5 M H2SO4 solution, blocking the active The results show that the inhibitor adsorbs on the metal surface,
sites and improving the metal’s corrosion resistance [44–45]. forming a protective layer. This film also helps increase the thick-
ness of the electric double layer and lower the dielectric constant
4.1.3. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of the solution, which improves corrosion resistance [49].
Fig. 4 shows the results for the EIS steel XC38/H2SO4 (0.5 M acid The RS, Rct, Rd, and CPEdl components of the circuit (Fig. 5(a) and
concentration) solution interfaces at various FSC concentrations. (b)) represent the solution resistance, charge transfer resistance,
The ‘‘Nyquist plot” depicts the imaginary part of impedance (Zi) diffuse layer resistance, and constant phase element of the double
vs. the real component of impedance (Ri) for each frequency (Zr). layer, respectively.
The semicircular forms seen in Nyquist diagrams suggest that,
while corrosion is occurring, a significant charge transfer process 4.2. Gravimetric analysis
occurs in the studied system [46–47]. The size of these semicircles
grows as the inhibitor concentration rises, improving metal corro- 4.2.1. Effect of the inhibitor concentration
sion resistance and decreasing corrosion rates [48–49]. In a solution of 0.5 M H2SO4 at 293 K for 48 h, gravimetric tests
The metal-electrolyte interface, defined by a double electric on carbon steel corrosion were performed in the presence or
layer, is sensitive to changes in structure or composition when a absence of FSC inhibitor (concentrations ranging from 25 to
new chemical (inhibitor) is introduced. This means that double- 500 ppm). Fig. 6 shows that FSC is an efficient corrosion inhibitor,
layer capacitance measurements (before and after corrosion inhibi- as seen by the monotonic drop-in corrosion rate (CR) and inhibi-
tor inclusion) might aid in the monitoring of inhibitor adsorption tion efficiency (Ew) increase as inhibitor concentration increases.
[50]. When comparing data obtained in the absence of inhibitor to those
Fig. 5 depicts the equivalent electrical circuit corresponding to obtained at the maximum FSC concentration, CR was decreased by
the EIS data. The constant phase element (CPE) replaces the more than one order of magnitude. At 500 ppm FSC, Ew is around
double-layer capacitance in Nyquist plots when looking at 92%. The inhibitor shields the metal from the aggressive acidic
depressed capacitive loops. In the corrosion sector, it is commonly media, most likely by creating a layer adsorbed on the carbon steel
recognized to utilize the CPE in the equivalent circuit. Dynamic surface (Fe-FSC complex that prevents dissolution) [53–54].
electrochemical processes and microscopic material characteristics
(local charge inhomogeneity and surface imperfections) are inti- 4.2.2. Effect of temperature
mately connected to macroscopic impedance [51–52]. The Corrosion parameters. Fig. 7(a) and (b) show the corrosion
double-layer constant phase elements (CPE), solution resistance, rate and inhibition efficiency for samples submerged for 2 h in a
and charge transfer resistance are the elements that define the 0.5 M H2SO4 solution at 303, 313, and 323 K, respectively. At a con-
equivalent circuit. The equation below represents CPE impedance: stant FSC concentration, the inhibition efficiency drops while the
corrosion rate increases with increasing temperature. On the other
Z CPE ¼ a ð17Þ hand, at 500 ppm FSC, the CR increased five times when the tem-
Q ðjwÞ
perature increased from 303 to 323 K. This is due to inhibitor des-
orption or, more likely, thermal breakdown of the FSC structure at
elevated temperatures, exposing a larger surface area of carbon
steel to acidic corrosive attack (i.e., a minor coverage degree at a
greater temperature level). This suggests that the inhibitor mole-
cules are physisorbed to the steel surface [55–56]. Finally, the rise
in FSC concentration is good for increased corrosion resistance. Ew
reaches a maximum level of approximately 89% at 500 ppm and
303 K, according to the previously described pattern at 293 K. Corrosion thermodynamic parameters. The Arrhenius and

transition state equations may deduce essential energy and ther-
modynamic parameters while explaining the temperature influ-
ence on corrosion results. The Arrhenius equation, in particular,
allows for the calculation of the corrosion process’ activation

energy (Ea ) [57]:

CR ¼ Aexp ð18Þ
Fig. 4. Nyquist plots for carbon steel in the acidic solutionat different FSC

Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

Fig. 5. Equivalent Electrical circuit a) Solution without inhibitor (Blank) and b) Solution containing FSC.

Eq. (17) (see Fig. 8) and Eq. (18) (see Fig. 9). The data were obtained
at various inhibitor doses in an acidic medium.
The activation energy in the presence of FSC is more significant
than in the absence of FSC, suggesting that the dissolving process
of XC38 carbon steel in acidic conditions is delayed [59]. Inhibition
adsorption forms a thick layer on the metal surface, which explains
why corrosion activation energy is more significant in inhibited
systems [60] and the presence of physical adsorption phenomena
by producing an electrostatic adsorptive film on the metal surface

The positive values of DHa indicate that the corrosion process is
endothermic and that the higher the FSC concentration the more
the dissolution of XC38 carbon steel in the presence of the inhibitor
is more energy demanding [62]. The activation entropy in the pres-
ence of FSC was higher than when it wasn’t (in both cases, the val-
ues were negative).
Calculating activation parameters from corrosion rate data elu-
Fig. 6. Corrosion rates and inhibition efficiency for steel samples vs. FSC concen- cidates the inhibitor adsorption mechanism on metal surfaces. The
tration after 48 h of immersion. activation energy was somewhat higher in the presence of FSC
than in its absence. According to the Arrhenius equation, higher
activation energies result in increased temperature variation in
The corrosion rate (as measured by the weight loss technique)
the reaction rate. This accounts for the temperature-dependent
and the Arrhenius pre-exponential factor (mg cm2h1) are repre-
variation in reaction rate seen in the absence and presence of inhi-
sented by CR and A.
 bitor. For both the uninhibited sample and FSC, the rate of corro-
The thermodynamic parameters enthalpy of activation, DHa and sion increased with temperature. Chemisorption occurs when the

entropy of activation, DSa were calculated using the transition state  
Ea and DHa levels of the inhibited system are equal to or less than
equation [58]. those of the uninhibited system, while physisorption occurs when
those values are higher [63]. The table demonstrates that

RT DSa DH a chemisorption is preferable than physisorption. The drop in the
CR ¼ exp exp ð19Þ preexponential frequency component may account for the pace
at which corrosion decreases with increasing inhibitor concentra-

The Avogadro’s number is N, and the Planck constant is h. tion. DSa is negative in the absence of FSC and much more in its
Table 2 presents the activation energies values for XC38 deter- presence (Table 2). This indicates that the rate-determining transi-
mined from fitting corrosion rate data to the linearized versions of tion state is more ordered than the reactants, and that an inhibitor

Fig. 7. The influence of FSC concentration at various temperatures on (a) corrosion rate and (b) inhibition efficiency.

Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

Table 2 lowing the cathodic Tafel slope tabulated in Table 1, we may pre-
Activation thermodynamic parameters at different FSC concentrations sume that in the present case, the reaction shown in eqn (19) is

Ea (kJmol1)

DHa (kJmol1)

DSa (Jmol1K1) the rate determining step. In fact, all these intermediate steps lead
to a decrease in the randomness in their corresponding transition
Blank (Uninhibited) 37.413 34.810 174.268 
25 ppm 38.202 35.600 171.915 states, which is reflected in the negative value for DSa . Again, the

50 ppm 39.034 36.431 169.445 more negative value of DSa in the presence of the inhibitor can
100 ppm 41.927 39.333 160.674
200 ppm 70.003 67.401 73.826
be explained in terms of the blocking of the cathodic and anodic
300 ppm 81.136 78.534 42.067 reaction sites by the inhibitor molecule. For occurrence of any type
350 ppm 72.747 70.145 71.997 of surface reaction, reactants require closer approach or interaction
400 ppm 66.412 63.809 95.110 with a metal surface possessing an inhibitor layer, resulting in
500 ppm 64.757 62.155 102.925
more order during the intermediate stages of the reaction. This also
results in a decrease in the pre-exponential frequency A. Addition-

ally, at 300 ppm FSC, the DSa value becomes less negative (in-

creases) and the DHa value drops, indicating an increase in
disorder at the metallic surface. This strongly suggests that
300 ppm is the saturation level and that it is more than enough
to provide the corrosion preventing effect. Thermodynamics of adsorption. Adsorption isotherm analy-

sis can help researchers learn more about the inhibitor’s adsorp-
tion process and its interaction with the carbon steel surface
[66–68]. Weight loss data on corrosion were evaluated using Lang-
muir (Fig. 10(a)), Temkin (Fig. 10(b)), and Frumkin (Fig. 10(C))
adsorption isotherms. The Frumkin isotherm (R2 > 0.99), according
to statistical analysis of fits, was the most accurate model (Table 3).
According to these results, water molecules are driven away from
carbon steel surfaces by FSC molecules [69]. For values of a > 0
and a < 0, respectively, the lateral interaction parameter (a)
Fig. 8. Arrhenius plots of ln(CR) vs. 1000/T. implies attraction or repulsion between adsorbed species. Similar
to the Langmuir isotherm [69–70], if a = 0, no contact exists. Table 3
lists the lateral interaction parameter (a) values and the adsorp-
tion equilibrium constant (Kads). The following equation was used
to determine the values of the standard free energy of adsorption

(DGads ) using Kads [71]:
Adsorption isotherm analysis may assist researchers in deci-
phering the adsorption mechanism of the inhibitor and its interac-
tion with the carbon steel surface [66–68]. Langmuir (Fig. 10(a)),
Temkin (Fig. 10(b)), and Frumkin (Fig. 10(C)) adsorption isotherms
were used to determine weight loss due to corrosion. According to
statistical examination of fits, the Frumkin isotherm (R2 > 0.99)
was the most accurate model (Table 3). According to these find-
ings, FSC molecules push water molecules away from carbon steel
surfaces [69]. For values a > 0, the lateral interaction parameter (a)
denotes attraction (repulsion for a < 0) between adsorbed species
leading to a type of pitting corrosion due to the presence of differ-
ent impurities in the soil solution. Pitting corrosion is attributed to
the corrosion attack at different points on the same metal at differ-
Fig. 9. Transition-state plots of the ln(CR/T) versus 1000/T. ent potentials as the potential difference is caused by the presence
of impurities in the solution [10].
As with the Langmuir isotherm [69–70], if a = 0, there is no con-
layer on the metal surface enhances the degree of order. This is
tact. The values of the lateral interaction parameter (a) and the
explained by the exact hydrogen evolution mechanism (eqn
adsorption equilibrium constant (Kads) are listed in Table 3. The
(19)–(21)) and inhibitor adsorption on the metal surface [64–65]: 
standard free energy of adsorption (DGads ) was determined [71].
M þ H3 Oþ þ e ! MHads þ H2 O ð20Þ 
DGads ¼ RTlnð55:5K ads Þ ð23Þ
2MHads ! 2M þ H2 ð21Þ 
where the molar concentration of water is 55.5. DGads negative val-
ues suggest that FSC molecules spontaneously adsorb on the XC38
MHads þ H3 Oþ þ e ! M þ H2 þ H2 O ð22Þ 
steel surface [72]. DGads values less than 20 kJ mol1 are usually
In general, when the cathodic Tafel slope is close to 120 mV due to the electrostatic interaction between charged and metal
dec1 for Fe in acidic solution, the first reaction, which is a molecules (physisorption). With levels less than 40 kJ mol1, a
surface-catalyzed charged transfer reaction and designated as the coordinate kind of bond is formed (chemisorption): inhibitor and
Volmer reaction, is considered to be the rate determining step. Fol- steel surface share or transfer charges [73]. The Frumkin isotherm

Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

Fig. 10. Isotherms at different FSC concentrations of a) Langmuir b) Temkin c) Frumkin.

Table 3
Temperature effect on adsorption thermodynamic parameters

T(K) R2 a K ads (Lmol1)

DGads (kJmol1)

DHads (kJ mol1)

DSads (Jmol1K1)
303 0.998 1.474 180.007 23.199
313 0.998 1.644 114.663 22.791 37.255 49.057
323 0.992 1.797 70.527 22.214

plot was used to produce K ads values, which were then linked to the The DGads values observed in this work range from 23.199 kJ/-

standard free energy of adsorption (DGads ) as follows: mol to 22.214 kJ/mol, showing a spontaneous process including
physisorption and forming an adsorbed FSC layer that shields the

1 DG metal from corrosion via inhibitor-metal electrostatic interactions
K ads ¼ expð ads Þ ð24Þ 
55:5 RT [76–79]. As predicted for physisorption, the negative value of DHads

The Gibbs-Helmholtz equation was used to calculate the indicates that the process is exothermic. Finally, the DSads value is
  strikingly negative, implying a significant connection between
enthalpy of adsorption, DHads , and the entropy of adsorption, DSads :
the FSC and the carbon still surface, as well as a decrease in entropy
   following adsorption [80].
DGads ¼ DHads  T DSads ð25Þ
Another calculation method is to take the slope and intercept of 4.3. Surface characterization
the lnðK ads Þ plot versus 1000/T (Fig. 11):
4.3.1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
DHads DS 1 Fig. 12 illustrate the surface morphology of XC38 carbon steel.
lnðK ads Þ ¼ þ ð ads þ ln Þ ð26Þ After immersion in the acidic solution in the absence of the inhibi-
RT R 55:5
tor, the carbon steel surface micrographs show an aggressive
Table 2 shows the estimated values of DGads , DHads and DSads at attack (Fig. 12 (b)). The metal surface has fractures and pits, indi-
various temperatures. Table 2 shows that positive values imply cating that the solution’s corrosive attack has severely harmed it.
attractive lateral interactions in the adsorbed layer, more pro- In comparison to the (b) sample (Fig. 12(b)), the addition of
nounced at higher temperatures. The temperature rise causes a 500 ppm of the inhibitor to the solution (Fig. 12(c)) resulted in a
drop in the adsorption equilibrium constant, and K ads is lowered smoother and more compact surface with very few noticeable frac-
by a factor of around 2.5 from 303 to 323 K, as predicted by earlier tures and pits, showing that the metal was successfully protected
measurements. As a result, the inhibitor tends to desorb from the against corrosive attack. The discrepancy might be explained by
carbon steel surface [74–75]. the deposited FSC molecules covering the working electrode’s steel
surface [37]. This demonstrated that an effective protective layer of
the tested inhibitor was adsorbed on the metal surface and was
influential in inhibiting corrosion.

4.3.2. X-ray fluorescence (XRF)

Table 4 shows the mass percentages of chemical components in
XC38 carbon steel before, after, and in the presence of 500 ppm FSC
following a 24-hour immersion in an acidic solution without an
FSC inhibitor. The results demonstrate an increase in carbon con-
tent on the metal surface before and after immersing XC38 in the
acid solution, which might be due to the organic inhibitor adsorp-
tion on the metal surface in the presence of FSC. On the other hand,
the absence of the inhibitor resulted in a nearly 12-% reduction in
iron, which may be attributed to the severe corrosion process. This
impact is significantly reduced when FSC is introduced to a system
(Fe content is as high as 95.5% vs. 98.4% for the parent sample).
Furthermore, no corrosion chemicals were discovered on the car-
bon steel surface, suggesting that a protective layer (adsorbed inhi-
Fig. 11. Temperature’s effect on Kads. bitor film) had formed on the metal surface [81–83].
Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

Fig. 12. SEM images of the carbon steel surface a) before immersion H2SO4, b) after immersion in H2SO4without FSC, c) after immersion in H2SO4 and 500 ppm FSC.

Fig. 13(a) and (b) show three deconvoluted peaks in the C1s
Table 4
XRF studies of the various components of the XC38 carbon steel core level spectra. The first is at 284.48 eV for pure FSC (Fig. 13a)
and 284.53 eV for FSC-treated carbon steel (Fig. 13b), which is
Elements XC38 steel XC38 steel after XC38 steel after
attributed to the existence of AC@C/ACAC in aromatic rings [84].
before immersion in H2SO4 immersion in
immersion (wt. (wt.%) (H2SO4 + FSC) (wt.%) Carbon atoms linked to nitrogen atoms (CAN/C@N) and sulfur
%) atoms (CAS) are responsible for the second peak, situated at
C 0.37 0.456 0.786
285.78 eV for pure FSC and 286.03 eV for both FSC-treated carbon
Ti 0.011 1.094 0.823 steel. For pure FSC and FSC-treated carbon steel, the third contribu-
Si 0.23 0.116 0.185 tion emerges at 288.38 eV and 288.13 eV, respectively, correspond-
Cr 0.077 1.059 0.756 ing to the C@N+ with varying intensities [85]. All of the peaks above
S 0.016 0.018 0.017
indicate that the FSC molecule was adsorbed on the steel surface.
Mn 0.68 0.786 0.423
Fe 98.388 86.154 95.542 The deconvoluted O1s spectra for pure FSC (Fig. 13c) reveal two
Co 0.009 0.012 0.011 significant peaks at 531.38 and 533.28 eV, respectively, indicating
Ni 0.059 1.252 0.401 the existence of C@O and CAOH bonds [86]. The O 1s spectra for
FSC-treated carbon steel, on the other hand, could be divided into
three distinct peaks (Fig. 13(d)): (i) The oxygen atom linked to Fe
4.3.3. XPS analysis (III) in the Fe2O3 and/or Fe3O4 oxides is responsible for the peak
The XPS measurement was performed at 298 K after 24 h of at 529.06 eV [87], (ii) OH of FeOOH [88] is responsible for the peak
immersion in 0.5 M H2SO4 on pure FSC and steel treated with at 531.13 eV and (iii) The oxygen in the adsorbed water might
500 ppm of FSC. C1s, N1s, S2p, O1s, and Fe2p for the FSC-treated explain the peak at 532.43 eV [88].
steel surface were obtained from XPS spectra of pure FSC and Fig. 13(e) depicts the deconvolution of the N 1s spectrum for
C1s, N1s, S2p, O1s, and Fe2p for the FSC-treated steel surface. A pure FSC, revealing one component at 399.7 eV that may be attrib-
deconvolution fitting technique was performed in all XPS spectra uted to the @NA structure [89]. Despite this, the high-resolution N
to reveal the complex forms for the associated species (Fig. 13). 1s spectra of the XC38 treated by FSC showed two peaks at BE

Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

Fig. 13. The XPS deconvoluted profiles of pure FSC (a) C 1s, (c) O 1s, (e) N 1s and for FSC/Carbone steel (b) C 1s, (d) for O 1s, (f) N 1s (g) S 2p and (h) Fe 2p.

399.43 and 401.23 eV, as shown in Fig. 13(f). Pure FSC contains sig- ðFeSO2
4 ÞAdsorbed $ ðFeSO4 ÞAdsorbed þ 2e ð29Þ
nificantly variable quantities of nitrogen species, including CAN
and the unprotonated N atom (@N-structure) [90]. The nitrogen
cooperation with the steel surface causes the peaks following ðFeSO2 2þ
þ SO2
4 ÞAdsorbed $ Fe 4 ð30Þ
adsorption. Furthermore, the N-Fe bonds can induce peak shifts
to higher binding energies than the uncoordinated @NA structure In the presence of excess, SO2
4 ions that are first adsorbed onto
[91], suggesting that the FSC is adsorbed on the XC38 surface. the positively charged metal surface, the reaction Eq. (28) is also
Fig. 13(g) shows the S 2p high-resolution XPS spectra for XC38 anticipated to proceed extremely fast [92]. Inhibitor, on the other
steel after immersion in inhibited solution, which reveals a single hand, interacts with Fe (II) to create the anticorrosive complex [
signal corresponding to the doublet 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 in the range FeSO2 +
4 , Inhibitor ]. This strong layer prevents aggressive ions from
of 168.17–169.37 eV, indicating SO2 4 ions. the majority of the corrosive solution from reaching the surface of
The Fe 2p spectra for FSC-covered carbon steel surfaces display XC38 steel. The process of cathodic hydrogen evolution is as fol-
two doublets (Fig. 13(h)) associated with high-energy ghost struc- lows [94]:
tures suggesting subsequent steel surface oxidation: 711 eV (Fe
2p3/2) and 724 eV (Fe 2p1/2).
There are four peaks in the Fe 2p3/2 XPS spectra after deconvo- Fe þ Hþ $ ðFeHþ ÞAdsorbed ð31Þ
lution. The initial peak detected at low binding energy (707.28 eV)
is due to iron nitrides (FexN), indicating that the deconvolution
above N 1s is correct (Fig. 13(f)). Ferric compounds such as ðFeHþ ÞAdsorbed þ e $ ðFeHÞAdsorbed ð32Þ
Fe2O3/Fe3O4/FeSO4/FeOOH [53] are responsible for the two signifi-
cant peaks at 710.58 eV and 713.68 eV. The Fe (III) satellite feature
is responsible for the last peak at BE = 716.68 eV [91]. ðFeHÞAdsorbed þ 2Hþ þ 2e ! Fe þ H2 " ð33Þ
+ +
4.4. Mechanism of inhibition Then, in competition with H ions, Inhibitor molecules can be
adsorbed at cathodic sites of XC38 steel, resulting in the decrease
The presence of N1s peaks and a shift of the N1s peak to higher of H+ ions and the evolution of H2 gas [95].
binding energy in the inhibited sulfuric acid solution confirms the
adsorption of the FSC layer onto the steel surface. The interaction Table 5
of protonated inhibitor molecules with iron on a steel surface must The liquid-phase reactivity descriptors
be thoroughly understood. In sulfuric acid solutions, the anodic
Descriptor FSC Protonated FSC
electro-dissolution reactions of iron are represented as follows
EHOMO 5.1973 2.272
ELUMO 2.3075 1.493
Egap 2.8898 0.779
ðH2 OÞAdsorbed þ SO2 2 v
4 $ H2 O þ ðSO4 ÞAdsorbed ð27Þ 3.7524 1.883
g 1.4449 0.390
x 4.872 4.549
Fe þ SO2 2
4 $ ðFeSO4 ÞAdsorbed ð28Þ DN 0.3694 3.771

Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

4.5. Theoretical study Table6

Fukui functions and the dual descriptor of all atoms in the studied inhibitor

4.5.1. Quantum calculations Fukui Indices for Fukui Indices for þ

Df ¼ f  f

The FSC molecule characteristics determined from quantum Nucleophilic Attack, f Electrophilic Attack, f
chemistry computations are shown in Table 5. These electronic N(1) 0.023 0.026 0.003
characteristics may aid in the prediction of FSC reactivity on steel C(2) 0.026 0.011 0.015
surfaces. Fig. 14(a) and (b) demonstrate that the HOMO orbitals O(3) 0.064 0.07 0.006
N(4) 0.005 0.063 0.058
are concentrated around the double bond N(5)@N(6), the simple
N(5) 0.139 0.084 0.055
bounds C(7)AC(8) and C(9)AC(10) and the atoms N(1) and O(3) C(6) 0.097 0.03 0.067
whereas the LUMO orbitals focus on the simple bounds C(2)AN C(7) 0.016 0.059 0.043
(4) and C(6)AC(7) and the atoms C(8), C(10) and 0(11) and also C(8) 0.086 0.068 0.018
on O(3) and N(1). Centralized electrical concentrations in the het- C(9) 0.013 0.034 0.021
C (10) 0.08
eroatomic oxygen and bonding establish physical and chemical
bonds with an electrophilic molecule like iron atoms [89]. The 0.019 O(11)
higher HOMO and LUMO orbital energies in the FSC molecule 0.043
demonstrate the capacity of both donor and acceptor sites to 0.038 0.005
H (12) 0.026
exchange electrons with metal d-orbitals (from/to) as well as a
back-donating bond. 0.001 H(13)
According to the calculated values for the solvated inhibitor 0.037
molecule (neutral and protonated forms), the protonated form 0.037 0
(more active) has a lower gap energy and hardness and a larger H (14) 0.049
N value than the neutral form. This demonstrates the protonated
0.005 H(15)
form’s superior performance when compared to the neutral form. 0.086
This refers to the fact that the inhibition occurs in the protonated 0.069 0.017
(in acid medium) state. The double bond C(6)@N(5) (see Fig. 1) is H (16) 0.064
critical in the inhibitory process, since one of these two atoms
0.005 H(17)
interacts with the medium’s H+ and the other with the metallic 0.07
surface’s Fe2+. 0.078 0.008
Both electrophilic and nucleophilic attacks, as well as suscepti- H (18) 0.076
bility to attacks, may be predicted using the dual descriptor. A neg- 0.085
ative dual descriptor is assigned to an electrophilic attack sensitive
atom, whereas a positive dual descriptor is assigned to a nucle-
ophilic attack sensitive atom. Fukui’s function, as well as the dual
atom description, are shown in Table 6. The defined atomic num-
bering method is seen in Fig. 14. Table 6 shows that N(4) and C molecules on the iron surface is predicted, resulting instrong inter-
(6) atoms are the most electrophilic and nucleophilic reactive sites action with the iron surface.
in the FSC, respectively (see Fig. 14(c) and (d)). Furthermore, all inhibitor molecules were arranged parallel or
nearly flat on the metal’s surface, enhancing their interactivity. A
more thorough examination of the interaction and binding ener-
4.5.2. Molecular dynamics results
gies associated with inhibitor adsorption might provide helpful
The adsorption process of the FSC molecule on the steel surface
information on the iron-inhibitor interaction. The interaction and
was elucidated thanks to MD simulations. During simulations,
binding energies (Ebinding ¼ Einteraction ) may be estimated at the
inhibitor molecules tilt gently and travel towards the bottom of
the solvent layer until they are near the iron surface. Water mole- system equilibrium state using the equation [7,35]:
cules are taken from the metal surface and into the solution in this Einteraction ¼ Etotal  ðEsurfacesolution þ Einhibitor Þ ð34Þ
scenario. As seen in Fig. 15, simultaneous adsorption of inhibitor

Fig. 14. FSC optimized structure molecular descriptors.

Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

Fig. 15. Adsorption of FSC on the Fe surface shown from the side view of the cleaved (1 1 0) plane.

Table 7
Calculated adsorption energies (Kcal mol1) for FSC on the Fe (1 1 0) surface

Molecule Etotal Einhibitor Esurf acesolution Einteraction Ebinding

Neutral 13836.15 98.35 13398.81 338.99 338.99

Protonated 13175.49 10.11 12647.35 518.03 518.03

Fig. 16. RDF of the adsorbed FSC on the Fe (1 1 0) surface in acidic solution.

in which Esurfacesolution , Einhibitor and Etotal are the energies of the metal adsorb preferentially on the iron surface as a protonated molecule
surface-solution, the inhibitor alone, and these two systems and effectively eject water molecules.
together, respectively.
Table 7 contains both the binding energies and interactions of 4.5.3. Radial distribution function (RDF)
the inhibitors that were examined. It is worth noting that both The neutral and protonated form of FSC inhibitor interact with
neutral and protonated FSC molecules showed a pronounced neg- the iron surface, as seen by the first significant peak in the RDF
ative interaction energy. One might argue that the protonated form curves. Chemical interactions (peak at 1–3.5 Å) or physical interac-
has a greater capacity for adsorption and a higher adsorption tions (peaks at a distance longer than 3.5 Å) with the iron surface
energy. This study supports the previous findings that FSC may might occur depending on the molecule’s location [96]. In Fig. 16,
Chérifa Boulechfar, H. Ferkous, S. Djellali et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids 344 (2021) 117874

the first g(r) Fe inhibitor peaks occur at distances of less than 3.5. Acknowledgments
This demonstrates that electrovalent bonds regulate Fe-inhibitor
interactions. We would like to thank the ‘‘La Direction Générale de la
Recherche Scientifique et du Développement Technologique
(DGRSDT) ”. The authors are also thankful to the Taif University
5. Conclusions
Researchers Supporting Project number (TURSP-2020/03), Taif
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