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Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783

Research Article

Mild Steel Corrosion Inhibition Effect on Pyrazole Compound in Acidic

Muthuvel Ramanathan Ezhilarasi*, Prabha Balakrishnan and Thirumalaisamy Santhi
Department of Chemistry, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, TamilNadu, India

The inhibitive of compound on mild steel in 1M Keywords: pyrazole, mild steel, inhibition efficiency,
H2SO4 and 1M HCl was investigated by weight loss, synergetic effect, adsorption isotherm, kinetics.
Potentio dynamic polarization and electro chemical
impedance studies. The synthesized compound of 1- *Correspondence
acetyl-4,5-dihydro-5-methoxyphenyl-3-(thiophen-2yl) Author: Muthuvel Ramanathan Ezhilarasi
pyrazoles was characterized by FTIR, 1H NMR, 13C Email: [email protected]
NMR. The purity of the compound was confirmed by
TLC. The corrosion inhibition rate was increased in
increasing the concentration of our synthesized
inhibitor (1-acetyl-4, 5-dihydro-5-methoxyphenyl-
3(thiophen-2yl) pyrazoles). The synergetic effect also
studied and observed good correlation between halides
and our inhibitor. The Electro-chemical impedance
studies are carried out for the inhibitor activity with as
well as without presence of halides. The adsorption
isotherm was also confirmed by Langmuir adsorption

Organic compounds containing polar functions with nitrogen, oxygen, or sulphur atoms as well as heterocyclic’s
containing conjugated double bonds are usually used to mitigate the electrochemical corrosion attack on metallic
materials and have been reported as effective inhibitors of mild steel corrosion in acidic media even in very small
concentrations [1-4]. These organic compounds are adsorbed on metallic surface and decrease the corrosion rate.
Heterocyclic compounds represent a potential class of corrosion inhibitors. Corrosion inhibition by N containing
heterocyclic compounds has been widely reported. Heterocyclic compounds containing both N&S atoms are of
particular importance as they often provide excellent inhibition compared to those containing only N or S. The planar
π electrons and lone pair of electrons present on the hetero atoms are the important structural features that determine
the adsorption of these molecules on the metal surface.
C-steel is the most widely used as constructional material in many industries due to its excellent mechanical and
low cost. It is used in large tonnages in marine applications, chemical processing, petroleum production and refining,
construction and metal processing equipment. Acid solutions are widely used in industry, which leads to corrosive
attack. Therefore, the consumption of inhibitors to reduce corrosion has increased in recent years. The corrosion
controls by inhibitors is one of the most common effective and economic methods to protect metals in acid media [5-
Metals are the pre-eminent important materials used in structural and decorative applications. The corrosion,
deterioration or destruction of metals is an unavoidable but controlled process [21]. There are little reports on the
corrosion characteristics of different metal in sulphamic acid media. The sulphamic acid has the advantage of bing a
crystalline solid,and compatible for use with stainless stell and low alloy steels [22]. There are two types of
correlations between the adsorbed inhibitor and metallic surface which are physisorption and chemisorptions [23].
The present work was established to study the corrosion inhibition of C-steel in 1 M HCl and 1M H2SO4 solution
by new ionic liquids derivatives as corrosion inhibitors using weight loss method and theoretical studies. The effect of

Chem Sci Rev Lett 2015, 4(16), 1216-1226 Article CS23204610 1216
Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783

concentration on the inhibition efficiency has been examined. The thermodynamic parameters for dissolution
processes were calculated and discussed. The chemical structure of the studied (1-acetyl-4, 5-dihydro-5-
methoxyphenyl-3-(thiophen-2yl) pyrazole) ionic liquids are given in Figure 1.


Figure 1 Structure of inhibitor.

Experimental Work
Metal composition of mild steel which was used for weight loss method is given in Table 1.

Table 1 Metal percentage in the mild steel strips.

S.No Metal Percentage in (%)
1. C 3.15
2. Mn 0.61
3. P 0.07
4. S 0.049
5. Cu 0.5
6. Cr 0.155
7. Sn 0.035
8. Fe Remaining


Analytical grade chemical and triple-distilled water were used to prepare solution. The corrosion medium was an
aqueous aerated solution 1 M H2SO4. The concentration of the inhibitors employed was 10,20,30,40 and 50 ml. The
experiments were performed by triplicate and the average value of the weight loss and electrochemical tests were
reported. For each test, freshly prepared solutions and a cleaned set of electrodes were used. In weight and
electrochemical tests one size of specimens were used. The metallic coupons for the weight loss tests have dimension
of 1cm x 5 cm x 0.33 cm, and the working electrodes for the electrochemical tests a surface area of 0.339 cm2. Before
each experiment the electrode was first mechanically abraded with various grades of grinding paper (up to 1200 grit)
and then polished successively using emery sheets of 400, 600 grades to remove adhering impurities. At the end they
were cleaned with double distilled water and ethanol.

Measurements and Equipments

The compounds were synthesised and characterized by 1H and 13C NMR and IR spectroscopy. Melting points
(uncorrected) were determined using a Guna melting point apparatus. FT-IR spectra were carried out onaPerkin-
Elmer1650 spectrophotometer and noteworthy absorption values (cm-1) alone are listed.1H and13C NMR spectra are
recorded at 400MHz and 100 MHz respectively on Bruker AMX 400 NMR spectrometer using CDCl 3 as solvent.
Chemical shifts (δ) were reported in ppm. The microwave- assisted reaction was performed using a controllable
single- mode microwave reactor, CEM Discovery, designed for synthetic use. The reactor is equipped with a
magnetic stirrer and device to control pressure, temperature (on-line IR detector) and power. Mass spectra were
obtained on Maspec MSW 9629 spectrophotometer, important fragments are given with the relative abundance in the

Chem Sci Rev Lett 2015, 4(16), 1216-1226 Article CS23204610 1217
Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783

Inhibitor Molecule

Chalcone, (0.01mol), hydrazine hydrate (0.01 mol), anhydrous sodium acetate (0.01) and acetic anhydride taken in a
round bottom flask and the reaction mixture flask was refluxed until the products are formed .The reaction is
monitored by TLC. The reaction mixture is poured in to crushed ice and left overnight. The precipitate is separated by
filtration. Washed well with water, dried and obtained solids are purified by column chromatography using toluene
and ethylacetate (1:1) mixture as eluent which afford the title compound in excellent yields. From a chemical point of
view, an important feature of chalcones is the ability to act as activated unsaturated system in conjugated addition
reactions of carbanions in the presence of basic catalysts [24].

Corrosion monitoring methods

Weight loss tests

Weight loss measurements were performed at various concentrations of acids(10,20,30 & 40 ml) with and without
10ml 0f inhibitor solution, different temperatures (280C, 35°C and 45°C) for 1 h by placing the carbon steel coupons
into the acid solution (20 ml) with and without 10ml of inhibitor and depending on time variations (1,2 and 3 hours)
with concentration of 20 ml of acids & with 10ml of inhibitor as well as without 10ml inhibitor. At the end of the
testing period, the specimens were cleaned and finally their weight losses were recorded. The corrosion rate (V corr
mm/year), inhibition efficiency (IE w %) and surface coverage (θ) were determined by the following equations.




Where W is the weight loss(g), D is the steel density (g cm-3), A is the surface area (cm2), T is the exposure time
(h), and Vcorr,0 and Vcorr,i are the weight loss values in the absence and presence of inhibitors, respectively.

Electrochemical tests

Electrochemical measurements were performed in a conventional three-electrode glass cell. Electrode potentials were
measured against a saturated calomel electrode (SCE), the counter electrode was a mesh of Pt (purity 99.9%) and the
working electrode was made of mild steel (0.339 cm2).
The SCE was connected to a Luggin capillary, the tip of which was placed very close to the surface of the
working electrode to minimize IR drop. Tests were performed at 25±1°C and thermostatically controlled.
Electrochemical testing was performed in a potentio-static Instrument Model: CHI604D controlled by a PC through
the general purpose electrochemical system (GPES); the software provided by AUTOLAB. The specimen was
immersed in the test solution for 40 minutes at the open circuit potential (E ocp) to reach a steady-state condition. The
polarization resistance measurements (Rp) were then performed in the potential range of ±20 mV versus E corr at a scan
rate of 1.0 mVs-1.

Where, Rop and Rip are the polarization resistances in the absence and presence of inhibitor, respectively.

Synergistic effect of halide ions

Effect of the addition of 0.1 N KI and KCl to different concentrations of inhibitors on the corrosion inhibition of iron
in 1M HCl and 1M H2SO4 using weight loss technique was studied. This is called synergistic effect process.

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Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783

Results and Discussion

Structural elucidation of synthesized inhibitor compound

1-acetyl-4,5-dihydro-5-phenyl-3-(thiophen-2yl)pyrazole were synthesized in excellent yields by the reaction of

chalcones with hydrazine hydrate catalyzed by anhydrous sodium acetate/acetic anhydride under conventional
method. In our present study, acetic anhydride is the best solvent for the facile synthesis of acetyl pyrazoles, in
excellent yields without any solubility problem. In addition, insitu acetylation occurs in the course of the reaction due
to solvent, acetic anhydride under the reaction conditions. An array of compound namely 1-acetyl-4, 5-dihydro-5-
methoxy phenyl-3-(thiophen-2yl) pyrazole were synthesized under classical thermal method. The structures of the
synthesized 1-acetyl-4, 5-dihydro-5-methoxyphenyl-3-(thiophen-2yl) pyrazole was confirmed by FT-IR,1HNMR and
C NMR spectral studies and elemental analysis (Scheme 1).

H3CO Ice bath stirring for 1H

Thiophene-2- p-methoxy acetophenone OCH3

carbaldehyde (2E)-1-methoxyphenyl-3-(thiophene-2-yl)prop-2-en-1-one

Hydrazine hydrate Acetic anhydrous

reflux 6-8 hours



1-acetyl-4, 5-dihydro-5-methoxyphenyl-3-
(thiophen-2yl) pyrazole

Scheme 1

FT-IR spectrum of compound shows characteristic absorption frequencies at 3026.31 cm-1 due to aromatic CH
stretching vibration. The absorption bands at 2899.01 cm-1 are attributed to the aliphatic CH stretching vibration. The
absorption frequency at 1660.71 cm-1 is assigned to amide carbonyl stretching vibration. The absorption band at
1425.4 cm-1 is assigned to C=N stretching vibration. The absence of carbonyl band clearly supported for the formation
of the required compound, besides the disappearance of NH stretching vibration, which conforms the situ acetylation
reaction due to acetic anhydride solvent.

Table 2 Elemental analysis of the synthesized compound

Molecular Molecular Elements Present in % Elements Present in %
Formula Weight (Calculated value) (Observed value)
(m/z) C H N S C H N S
C16H18N2SO2 258 63.63 6.00 9.27 10.61 63.57 5.96 9.23 10.59

Chem Sci Rev Lett 2015, 4(16), 1216-1226 Article CS23204610 1219
Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783

In the H1 NMR spectrum of 1-acetyl-4,5-dihydro-5-methoxyphenyl-3-(thiophen-2yl) pyrazole, the methylene

protons (H-4a and H-4e) of the pyrazoline moiety appeared as two doublets of doublets due to multiple coupling
involving both geminal and vicinal protons. The signals for H-4a and H-4e are observed at 3.33 and 3.70 ppm. The
doublet of doublet at 3.33ppm (J 4a5a=17.5 Hz and J 4a,4e=4.0 Hz)is assigned to H-4a proton of the pyrazoline moiety.
Likewise, the doublet of doublet at 3.87 ppm (J4e,4a =17.5 and J4e,5a =11.5 Hz) is assigned to H-4e proton of the
pyrazoline moiety. Similarly, the methine proton (H-5) of the pyrazole moiety is expected to give signal as a doublet
of doublet due to vicinal coupling with the two magnetically non-equivalent protons of the methylene group (H-4a-
H4e) of the pyrazoline moiety and the signals are observed at 5.90 ppm (J5a,4a= 11.5Hz and J 5a,4e =4.0 Hz).Also the
acetyl methyl protons of pyrazoline moiety gives signal as a singlet at 2.41 ppm. The aromatic protons appear as a
multiplet in the range of 7.03-7.72 ppm.
In the 13C NMR spectrum of 1-acetyl-4,5-dihydro-5-methoxyphenyl-3-(thiophen-2yl) pyrazoles, 13C resonance at
55.42 ppm is assigned to C-5 of pyrazole moiety. The 13C resonance observed at 42.17 ppm is due to C-4 of pyrazole
moiety. The 13C resonance observed at 153.70 ppm is assigned to C-3 of pyrazole moiety. The aromatic carbons are
observed in the region of 114.20-128.23 ppm. The 13C resonance observed at 21.96 ppm is due to acetyl methyl
carbon. The remaining 13C signal at 144.48 is due to ipso carbon and the 13C resonance observed at 55.13 ppm is due
to the presence of methoxy phenyl substituted carbon.

Weight Loss Method

The inhibition efficiency with different concentration of the inhibitor on the mild steel in 1M H 2SO4 and 1M HCl has
been evaluated by weight loss measurements and the results are summarized in Table 3.
The Table 1 shows that the inhibition efficiency increases with increase in concentration of the inhibitors. The
behaviour may be attributed to an increase in surface coverage (θ) by the adsorption of inhibitor on the mild steel
surface, in the aggressive solution, which restricts the dissolution of the metal.

Figure 2 Plot of corrosion rate against inhibition efficiency of mild steel in IM H 2SO4 and 1M HCl in presence of the

Table 3 Inhibition efficiency at various concentrations of pyrazole for the corrosion of mild steel in IM H 2SO4 and
1M HCl obtained by weight loss measurements at 28°C.
Medium Inhibitor Weight Inhibition Degree of C/θ Corrosion Rate
Concentration in % Loss in mg Efficiency in % Coverage inθ in mpy×10-3
HCl blank(10 ml) HCl 0.009 0.0115
HCl + 0.1 S 0.008 11.11 0.11 90.9091 0.01028
HCl + 0.2 S 0.006 33.33 0.33 60.6061 0.0077
HCl + 0.3 S 0.005 44.44 0.44 68.1818 0.00643
HCl + 0.4 S 0.004 55.55 0.55 72.727 0.00514
H2SO4 Blank(10ml) H2So4 0.035 0.0449
H 2SO4 + 0.1 S1 0.017 19.61 0.51 51.43 0.0218
H2SO4 + 0.2 S1 0.012 65.714 0.66 60.6061 0.01542
H2SO4 + 0.3 S1 0.01 71.4 0.71 42.2535 0.0128
H2SO4 + 0.4 S1 0.008 77.1428 0.77 51.948 0.01028

Chem Sci Rev Lett 2015, 4(16), 1216-1226 Article CS23204610 1220
Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783

Effect of temperature and Kinetics thermodynamics

To investigate the mechanism of inhibition and to determine the activation energies of the corrosion process, the
weight loss studies were carried out at various temperatures from 301-318K in 1M HCl and 1M H2SO4. The results
are given in Table 4. The decrease in I.E with temperature may be attributed to desorption of the inhibitor molecules
from the metal surface at higher temperature. But the values are not decreased very much which suggests that the
adsorption-desorption equilibrium is not completely shifted towards desorption and still there remains the protective
layer of the inhibitors on the surface. This shows that the compounds are effective even at 318K in both the acids.
Figure 3 represents the Arrhenius plots for the inhibitors in 1M HCl and 1M H 2SO4 respectively. The slopes of the
straight lines permit the calculation of Arrhenius activation energy Ea for the corrosion process. These types of
inhibitors retard the corrosion process at ordinary temperatures whereas the efficiency is considerably decreased at
elevated temperatures [25].

Table 4 Effect of temperature on inhibition efficiency of pyrazole at 0.01 ml concentration in IM H 2SO4 and 1M HCl.
Medium Temperature (K) Weight loss (mg) Inhibition Corrosion Rate
Efficiency % (mpy)
Blank HCl 301 0.036 0.0462
HCl + S 301 0.006 83.33 0.0077
Blank HCl 308 0.04 0.0475
HCl + S 308 0.005 86.5 0.00643
Blank HCl 318 0.037 0.0514
HCl + S 318 0.016 60 0.02056
Blank H2SO4 301 0.142 0.1824
H2SO4 + S 301 0.011 92.2 0.01413
Blank H2SO4 308 0.034 0.0436
H2SO4 + S 308 0.009 73.53 0.01157
Blank H2SO4 318 0.036 0.0462
H2SO4 + S 318 0.015 58.33 0.0193

Figure 3 Arrhenius plot of corrosion rate of mild steel in IM H2SO4 and 1M HCl in presence and absence of the

The corrosion rate (CR) of the mild steel in acidic media is related to the temperature by the Arrhenius Equation,

Log CR = log A – Ea/ 2.303 RT (5)

Where CR is the corrosion rate, Ea is the apparent activation energy, R is the molar gas constant, T is the absolute
temperature and A is the frequency factor.

Chem Sci Rev Lett 2015, 4(16), 1216-1226 Article CS23204610 1221
Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783

Figure 4 log (corrosion rate/T) – (1/T) curves for dissolution in 1M HCl and 1M H2SO4 in absence and presence of

The presence of investigated derivatives increases the activation energy of iron indicating strong adsorption of the
inhibitor molecules on the metal surface. The presence of these additives induce energy barrier for the corrosion
reaction and this barrier increases with increasing the additive concentration. The values of ΔH* are reported are
positive. The positive sign of the enthalpy reflects the endothermic nature of Fe dissolution process. Also, the values
of entropy of activation are negative. The negative values of entropy imply that the activated complex in the rate
determining step represents an association rather than dissociation step, meaning that a decrease in disordering takes
place on going from reactants to activated complex. A decrease in inhibition efficiency with rise in temperature,
suggests a possible desorption of some adsorbed inhibitor molecules from the metal surface at higher temperatures.
Such behaviour indicates that inhibitor molecules were physically adsorbed on the metal surface.

Adsorption isotherm

The effect of inhibition on the corrosion of metallic materials is mainly ascribed to the molecular adsorption of the
corrosion inhibitor on the metal surface. Isotherms provide an idea of the adsorption and desorption processes and the
interactions of metal-inhibitor molecules on the metallic surface. To understand the inhibition process of mild steel in
sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid, the experimental data were related to adsorption isotherms, which described the
operative process between inhibitor-metal. Langmuir (Equation (6)).


Figure 5 Langmuir adsorption isotherms after the addition of inhibitor used for carbon steel in 1 M HCl and 1M

Chem Sci Rev Lett 2015, 4(16), 1216-1226 Article CS23204610 1222
Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783

Tafel polarization tests

In iron or steel corrosion, electrochemical reactions may take place as follows [26]: At the anodic areas

Fe Fe2+ + 2e- (7)

When iron corrodes, the rate is usually controlled by the cathodic reaction. There are several different cathodic
reactions that are frequently encountered in metallic corrosion.
The most common are:

Hydrogen evolution 2H + + 2e- H2

Oxygen reduction (acid solution) O2 + 4 H++4e- 2H2O
Oxygen reduction (neutral or basic solution) O2 + 4H2 O + 4e- 4OH-
Metal ion reduction M 3+ + e- M2+
+ -
Metal deposition M +e M

Hydrogen evolution is a common cathodic reaction since acidic media are frequently encountered. Oxygen
reduction is very common, since any aqueous solution in contact with air is capable of reducing this reaction. Metal
ion reduction and metal deposition are less common. All the above reactions are consuming electrons.

Figure 6 Potentio dynamic polarization curves for carbon steel in 1M H 2SO4 and 1M HCl solution and after addition
of inhibitor S.

Since the anodic and cathodic reactions occurring during corrosion are mutually dependent, it is possible to
reduce corrosion by reducing the rates of either reaction. So, if the surface of the metal is coated with paint or other
conducting film, the rates of both anodic and cathodic reactions will be greatly reduced and corrosion will be retarded.
The corrosion behaviour of metals, and thus the corrosion-inhibiting processes as well, depend greatly on the anion
composition of the electrolyte.

Synergistic effect

The synergistic effect provided by the addition of halide ions such as I -, and Cl- to the solution containing 1M H2SO4
and 1M HCl in the presence of inhibitors was studied by weight loss method and the data are presented in table.
Analysis of the data reveals that the addition of halides to the inhibitors increases the inhibition at each concentration
of the inhibitor tested. This increase in inhibition efficiency shows that the mechanism of the synergistic action is due

Chem Sci Rev Lett 2015, 4(16), 1216-1226 Article CS23204610 1223
Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783

to the co- adsorption of halides and the inhibitor. The strong chemisorptions of halide ions on mild steel surface make
the iron surface to a negatively charged one. Organic compounds containing nitrogen in aqueous acidic solutions may
exist either as neutral molecules or cations. The positively charged propagated cations may be adsorbed by columbic
attraction on the metal surface where halide ions are already adsorbed. This leads to more surface coverage and hence
greater inhibition.

Table 5 Synergistic effect of 0.1N KI on the inhibition efficiency of inhibitors in 1M H 2SO4 and 1M HCl by weight
loss method at 28°C
Name of the inhibitor weight inhibition degree of C/θ corrosion
medium concentration in % loss in mg efficiency in coverage rate in
% in θ mpy×10-3
HCl blank HCl 0.009 0.0115
HCl+ S+ 0.1KI 0.005 44.44 0.44 22.95 0.00643
HCl+ S+ 0.2KI 0.004 55.55 0.56 35.7143 0.00514
HCl+ S + 0.3KI 0.003 66.67 0.67 44.776 0.003855
HCl+ S+ 0.4KI 0.0035 61.11 0.61 65.574 0.0045
H2SO4 blank H2SO4 0.035 0.0449
H2SO4+ S+ 0.1KI 0.012 65.71 0.66 45.4545 0.01542
H2SO4+ S+ 0.2KI 0.014 60 0.60 66.67 0.01799
H2SO4+S + 0.3KI 0.01 71.43 0.71 28.169 0.01285
H2SO4+S+ 0.4KI 0.004 91.4 0.91 11.098 0.0038

Figure 7 Nyquist diagram for mild steel in IM H2SO4 and 1M HCl in presence and absence of the inhibitor.
Comparison of IE in 1M HCl and 1M H2SO4

The order of synergism of halide ions with the tested inhibitors has been found to be I - > Cl-1. The reason for
better synergism with iodide ion is due to the large size and ease of polarisability of I- ion, which facilitates
chemisorptions on the iron surface.
Comparison of IE values of the inhibitors obtained by all the three methods in 1M HCl and 1M H 2SO4 reveal that
the inhibition efficiency is more for both the inhibitors at lower concentration in 1M HCl compared to that in 1M
H2SO4. But the efficiencies are comparable at higher concentration in both the acids. Based on Cl- interaction energy
and induced charge data, reported that anions are not only adsorbing more strongly but inducing also greater negative
charges to the corroding metal atoms. They have also reported that surface concentration of SO42- ions should be low
because of strong electrostatic repulsion operating between these divalent anions at the interface. The organic
inhibitors get protonated as cations in acidic medium. The adsorptions of these cations are assisted by the already
adsorbed Cl- anions giving synergistic effect. In the synergetic effect shows the concentration of the inhibitors is
increased more and more of the inhibitor molecules get adsorbed by planar adsorption of the neutral molecules

Chem Sci Rev Lett 2015, 4(16), 1216-1226 Article CS23204610 1224
Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783

through physisorption between the lone pairs of electrons on N and O atoms and P electrons of the aromatic ring in
addition to the lateral ionic adsorption. Hence the surface is fully covered by inhibitor molecules in both the acids and
hence I.E values are high.

 Pyrazole derivative exhibit excellent inhibition efficiency towards corrosion of mild steel in1M H 2SO4 and
1M HCl solution.
 At lower concentration the inhibitors show better performance in HCl than in H 2SO4 which may be due to the
synergistic effect of the Cl- ions.
 The optimum inhibition efficiency of these compounds was achieved at a concentration 0.2 mM.
 Inhibition Efficiency decreases with increase in temperature but increases with increase in concentration of
inhibitors in both the acid.
 The inhibitors were adsorbed on the mild steel by physisorption mechanism.
 The adsorption of inhibitors on mild steel in 1M H2SO4 and 1M HCl obeys Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
 Potentio-dynamic polarization studies suggest that the inhibitors are mixed type cathodic in 1M HCl and
anodic in 1M H2SO4.
 AC impedance study implies that the charge transfer process mainly controls the corrosion of steel.

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© 2015, by the Authors. The articles published from this journal are distributed to
the public under “Creative Commons Attribution License” Received 23rd Oct 2015
( Therefore, upon proper citation of Revised 19th Nov 2015
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Chem Sci Rev Lett 2015, 4(16), 1216-1226 Article CS23204610 1226

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