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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 6, 6622 – 6635

The Relationship between Social Media and Political Awareness:

Applied Study

1Abed Alhakim Isleem Salman Alqaraleh, 2kamel Fathy kamel khedr

Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan, [email protected]
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, [email protected]

The study tackles the relationship between social media and political awareness. It reveals that there is
a correlation between social media and political awareness among Cairo University students. It further
shows a positive correlation between these means and political awareness indicators, such as the
realization of rights and duties, political knowledge, reacting to events, and political participation.
Regardless of such positive correlation, but the study revealed that there is a problem related to
traditional institutions, such as Parliament, government, or political parties that are unable to take
advantage of the opportunities in social media platforms in influencing and communicating with
citizens and using it as a means for political education and channels for communication. The study
finds a weakness in the role and the impact of political parties, the Parliament lack of interest of
popular participation in debating draft legislations, and the government lack of addressing to public
opinion. The study has a number of important implications; the most important one is that the
traditional institutions in Egypt should change their perspectives, ideology, and approach in dealing
with political socialization, along with investing social media in creating channels of communication
with citizens, designing governmental programs for awareness,crowding out virtual entities to draw
youth, establishing observatories to analyze and monitor public opinion, and conducting additional
scientific studies that are specialized in the role of traditional political institutions in Egypt in shaping
political awareness.

Keywords: political awareness, political participation, social media, political parties, political
education, political socialization.

1. Introduction the light of providing a degree of

confidentiality, freely democratic participation,
Recently, political awareness is considered as and easy access to information.
one of the topics that has unfailingly garnered
attention a variety of scholars and researchers, The technological boom has led the social
particularly in Arab region due to their media to attract a large number of youth by
realization of its role in individuals’ considering them as the most vital category that
rehabilitation to understand systems, public look forward to participate. Besides, it raised
policies, governmental plans and participations youth’s awareness, liberated them from
in developing their societies. traditional frameworks of expression and
participation. It further opens doors for them to
After the emergence of the Internet, social engage in political interaction of non-traditional
media platforms created a virtual room, which forms and to participate in creative means in
enabled the individuals to give their opinions, policy decision making.
discuss their ideas directly, interact with each
other at both the national and global levels in
6623 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Undoubtedly, it provides value added in solutions for political problems and increasing
political life, which led to reinforce the active participation.
relationship between the political system and
other cultural, social, and economic systems in 1.3 Statement of the Problem
the society. It has also increased the Political movement that the Arab world has
individuals’ desire to obtain further knowledge witnesses since the late of 2010 has attracted
on political action and prompted them towards researchers and political analysts’ attention in
greater participation and involvement. which popular revolutions occurred in various
The researchers in this study seek to investigate Arab countries that toppled ancient
the impact of social communication of political governments kept under control the political
awareness on Cairo University students in scene for centuries. Social media platforms
Egypt by conducting an applied survey study were considered as a backbone for such
on the Faculty of Economics and revolutions.
Administrative Sciences since youths are the Hence, the problem of the study is manifested
most group of students engaged with the in answering the following study question: Are
general field in general and the political field in the youths able to make change in the virtual
particular. Their study is correlated with the reality by transforming it into reality? Have
political sciences, economy, and the social media platforms raised their political
international law. On the other hand, such awareness, which has been reflected on their
students are educationally and scientifically active participation? How does the role of
successful. social media platform influence youths’
1.1 Significance of the Study political interaction and participation? What
are the reflections of these platforms on the
The significance of the study springs from the youths’ political participations and other
considerable importance of social media movements?
platforms in the light of their significant impact
on influencing the lives of individuals and 1.4 Hypotheses of the Study
communities, along with their growing role in The hypotheses of the study are divided into
affecting and generating political ideas, their main hypothesis and four sub-hypotheses as
role in political culture, mobilization, and follows:
participation. This study highlights the youths
in particular because they are more inclined 1.4.1 Main Hypothesis:
towards using social media platforms and more
There is no statistically significant relationship
willing towards participation and political
between dealing with social media platforms
change; thus, their awareness should be raised.
and the level of realizing political awareness
Besides, the political awareness issue is
among Cairo University students.
correlated with the public policies in any state.
1.4.2 Sub-Hypotheses:
1.2 Objectives of the Study
The following hypotheses emanate from the
This study attempts to envisage the manner of
main hypothesis as follows:
taking the utmost advantage of social media
platforms in increasing political awareness on - There is no statistically significant
Arab youths by developing it in an examined relationship between dealing with social media
ideological framework that enables obtaining platforms and the level of realizing the duties
effective leadership in the future for political and rights among Cairo University students.
action, having the best guidance by
encouraging constructive popular participation, - There is no statistically significant
protecting them from isolated opposition and relationship between dealing with social media
intellectual extremism, harnessing youths’ platforms and political knowledge among Cairo
energies on social media platforms, such as University students.
freedom of expression, political knowledge, - There is no statistically significant
non-conventional means, and engagement, relationship between dealing with social media
which increase their creativity in providing
Abed Alhakim Isleem Salman Alqaraleh 6624

platforms and political events among Cairo Other researchers define it as ‘social systems
University students. that gather millions of people and users by
creating electronic personal accounts that
- There is no statistically significant enable them to exchange the information, news,
relationship between dealing with social media images, videos, conversations, and so forth.
platforms and political participation among They also enable them to build new
Cairo University students. relationships with the newly acquainted people
and bring people with mutual interests closer to
each other”. (Al-Issa, 2021, p. 24).
2. Literature Review
Other scholars define social media platforms as
2.1 Theoretical Framework: ‘electronic networks that permit the participants
to create new private accounts and then
First, the concept of social media platforms:
correlating them with electronic social system
Social media platforms played a pivotal role in with other members who have similar interests
Spring Arab revolutions that occurred by the and hobbies or familiarizing them with friends
end of 2010 that was the main channel for or classmates with mutual interest in the school
exchanging political dialogues among political or work…etc.” (Monsaer, 2018, p. 75). They
activists. They were regarded as a safety means further mean as ‘interactive networks that
for exchanging information, organizing enable their users to communicate with each
protests, and social movements. The spark of other at any time. Social media platforms are
the events launched in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, the most prominent media phenomenon in the
Libya, and so forth. By the beginning of world because they attract a large number of
movement, social media platforms played a key Al-Mamurah residents (Bo-Afya Wayder,
role in organizing the activists, transferring the 2021, p. 502).
events, exchanging information about gathering
They are further defined as ‘a group of
locations and they can be used at home and
networks on the Internet, such as Facebook,
abroad (Ghanem and Bwdaah, 2021, p. 398-
Twitter, You Tube, Whatsapp, Instagram,
Snapchat, and so forth) that enable the
There are a variety of definitions that were individuals to communicate and constitute new
provided for social media platforms; the social relations or maintain the relationships by
concept is varied in literature due to the a group of means that permit building virtual
intervention of opinions and attitudes due to the community that permits youths to express their
rapid developments in communication ideas, opinions, feelings, sharing knowledge,
techniques world and media; such concept experiences, various information, knowledge,
reflects this technical development that has engaging in various social, cultural, religious,
occurred on using technology, which is economic, political, and health activities with
attributed to any individual who uses the individuals who have the same tendencies
technology for communication on platforms; and interests at various age levels and at any
such concept is so-called ‘media means’ the place in the world with different social and
word ‘social’ was added to refer to the cultural backgrounds, which affected on their
indispensable instinct needs in building their values, culture, and the behavior of youths and
lives. The nature of humans entails their played a pivotal role in constituting and
communication with each other (Safko,2010, improving their social awareness” ( Al-Qaws,
p.4). As such, social media platforms are 2018, p. 6).
defined as ‘correlated systems with type and/or
Social media platforms are attributed with a
types of correlation; including, values, visions,
number of characteristics that enable social
mutual ideas, social communication, kinship,
media platforms to make new friendships, to
conflict, financial and commercial exchanges,
constitute relations in various fields, exchange
and mutual membership in the organizations
information and ideas, follow the developments
and participating groups in particular events
of natural, political, and economic events. Such
and other aspects of human relations” (Al-
events are attributed with certain characteristics
Matere, p. 24).
that are summarized as follows (Al-Issa, 2021,
p. 25-28):
6625 Journal of Positive School Psychology

- The interaction and the user of such Second: Political Awareness Concept
platforms are considered as a sender and a
receiver at once. He/she has enough room for There are several definitions for such concept
active participation. that are summarized as follows:

- The ease of use and the diversity of Political awareness is defined as “the citizens’
expression and participation by using symbols, knowledge of their political rights and duties,
images, videos, or writing in which more than the surrounding events and facts, their holistic
75 languages are used for communication. vision of the reality as a total reality with
interconnected elements, rather than separated
- Their low cost because the elements and scattered events. Besides, their
participation of these programs is free. ability to override the experiences of groups or
small groups to address the experiences and the
- The diversity of options and usages problems of the overall political community”
according to the whole tendencies and attitudes. (Mawad, 1983, p. 114).
- The ability to build a content by the Social media platforms further mean the
users and the ability to control the presented process that enables the individuals to know the
content and then participation. world, its changes, and its role in the political
- The increase of friends’ base and the process, their participations, political
freedom of choosing those who are willing to tendencies, party affiliation, and their ability to
participate. evaluate the political reality of the society,
along with the matters that should be either
- The lack of restrictions on participation supported or changed. They further express the
and the ability to maintain privacy. extent of people’s knowledge, realization, and
interest in issues, institutions, and political
Based on the above-mentioned section, the
leadership at various local, regional, and
concept social media platforms can be defined
international levels (Al-Farde, 2010, p. 63).
procedurally according to the following
determinants: Political awareness is defined as ‘the public
understanding of the political climate, is plans
- The platforms that have a significant
and roles. It is defined as the types of
importance for all categories in the societies;
knowledge, values, and orientations that
thus, they become as a contemporary life
constitute the political culture of the people in
necessity that occupy a large portion of daily
terms of its relation to political power. Political
practices by individuals; they are significant in
awareness plays a pivotal role in the
understanding the events that occurred around
preparation and rehabilitation of understanding
them and expanding their cognition and
the plans, objectives, systems, public policies
knowledge to various experiences because they
of the political party, and the participation in
convey the reality without fabrication.
improving them” (Al-Jasser, 2020, p. 147).
- There is a high degree of correlation
Other scholars suggest that awareness
since they attract the individuals towards using
expresses in general mental state that is
them who have great passion and confidence
represented in human’s perception of the world
towards using them because social media
either cognitively or sentimentally. The
platforms give them the ability to contact with
political awareness has different manifestations
others and they contribute to accomplish their
that vary according to the perceived field or the
tasks and they give them the opportunity to
awareness topic since individuals are aware of
contribute to various activities. Therefore, they
religious, scientific, social, and ethical types of
are considered as indispensable life necessity.
awareness. Accordingly, political awareness is
- They are a variety of drivers towards defined as ‘the state in which the individual
using them; including, their easy access to represents political life issues with its various
knowledge and information, entertainment, dimensions and they take from such issues
ability to make new friends, express opinions cognitive and sentimental stance”. (Warklah,
freely, communicate with others, skills 2012, p. 206-207).
improvement, and talent development.
Abed Alhakim Isleem Salman Alqaraleh 6626

It can be deduced that such definitions express state that is grounded in a cognitive and
the individuals’ perceptions towards cultural basis that enables the individual to
themselves and the group they live in, along interact with his or her social environment. It
with their ability to override their experiences also allows the individual to explain the
and problems to the overall community. situation and make changes for the better.
Furthermore, this awareness elevates the
Several researchers underscore the importance individual's personal concerns to the national
of correlating political awareness with concerns of his or her community. (Al-Manofe,
education, which plays a key role at various 1979, p. 76).
levels, starting with constituting national
identity, which contributes significantly to Also, political awareness represents the driving
enhancing political socialization and political force for the individual to effectively contribute
participation, which constitute a fundamental to society's movement and to change society for
aspect in increasing the level of political the better. It is essential to know that political
awareness since political socialization plays a awareness varies according to the levels of
fundamental role in enhancing it by improving society and the ability of society to provide the
the concepts of political participation, which freedom climate that enables such levels to
entails a responsibility towards various national realize the relationship between social and
issues and increasing their role in serving the political awareness. The social awareness
community and vice versa. (Al-Sarayrah et al., among the levels does not necessarily entail a
2013, p. 164-165). conflict among them since the awareness of
each level of their interests, disparities, and
Political awareness is an accumulative and differences supports the necessity to have a
complicated process that contributes to formula. (Saad, 1989, p. 368).
intellectual and cognitive interaction, along
with what people acquire of factual information Based on the above-mentioned definitions, the
about governance and politics that is obtained researchers define political awareness
by various sources and platforms. (Khamoka, procedurally as follows:
2022, p. 91).
• Individual recognition of political
Several studies suggest the political awareness rights and duties resembles recognition of
elements that guarantee various processes that constitutional articles and granted rights;
are summarized as follows (Al-Magale and Al- freedom; existing law; newly promulgated
Khlaylah, 2021, p. 87). laws; or discussed law projects.
• Political culture is a set of values, • Political awareness is described as the
beliefs, and emotional attitudes of individuals level of political culture and the extent of
toward state affairs and community policy. following local and global events and the
awareness of national issues, plans, and future
• Political socialization influences the policies.
ability of the individuals in a society to respond
to various political variables; political • Interaction with events, as well as
participation; political development; dialogue; participation in community dialogues on a
criticism; affiliation; citizenship; political variety of issues from the perspective of
understanding of diverse phenomena and national affiliation and participation in shaping
issues. public opinion
• Political participation that is • Adherence to political parties or
manifested in the individual’s positive role in various political movements; political action
society and his/her keen on being an active such as nomination, election, or realization of
factor in political life and the accession to one's role in political decision-making; and
political parties, being a part of the decision- one's role in the process of change and political
making process, having a sense of political reform.
responsibility, and so forth.
2.2 Previous Studies
The significance of political awareness is
attributed to the fact that it represents a mental The researchers reviewed the literature that
addressed the topic under investigation. The
6627 Journal of Positive School Psychology

following section presents the previous studies awareness from the perspectives of Al Albayt
in chronological order: University students. The study indicated that
social media platforms played a cardinal aspect
Khamoka (2022) investigated the role of social in shaping political awareness among the
media platforms in shaping and raising the respondents because they familiarized them
political awareness among governmental with the internal situations, the public affairs,
university students in Duhok city in Iraq. The events, and regional and international
study concluded that the participants used developments. They further enhanced political
social media platforms with high percentage for participation and highlighted new political
acquiring knowledge, political news because figures.
they are rapid, unmonitored, activate political
participation, and consolidate political Salem (2015) addessed the role of social media
awareness. platforms in raising political awareness among
Asyut university students by measuring their
Abdul Ghani et al. (2020) conducted a study on interest in reading political subjects and
the role of social media as an instrument for acknowledging the extent of using such
political awareness and mobilization in platforms in obtaining political information and
Pakistan. The study found that social media their participation in the most important
platforms are the most commonly used means political events. The findings revealed that
in Pakistani politics and in Punjab province. social media platforms enabled the participants
Such means have changed the political scene to easy access the information, change the
completely. They have been used excessively political information, and to expand their
in political campaigns, protests, talk shows, and knowledge about the political system, which in
they have a significant impact on voters’ turn, prompted them to participate in the
behaviors. demonstrations that occurred on 25 January
Al-Jasser (2020) examined the role of new 2011
social media platforms in raising the awareness Ali (2013) tackled the role of social media
of University Saudi students towards political platforms in shaping political awareness. The
issues. The findings of the study revealed that sample consisted of a number of youths in
the participants relied heavily on Twitter to some of Egypt provinces. The study found that
obtain political knowledge due to its Facebook was the most influential social media
accessibility and easy access to information, platforms among youths since it is considered
which in turn, shapes their political awareness as the main source to obtain information. The
and improves their political knowledge and study indicated that such means were
motivation towards expressing their opinions transformed into an effective pressure element
about political subjects, along with giving them on the governments. The study recommended
the freedom to express their opinions. the necessity to conduct further studies on the
Sayer (2017) carried out a study on the role of advantages of such means.
new media in creating political awareness After reviewing the number of studies that
among youths towards national and global addressed the relationship between social
issues. The study concluded that such means media platforms and political awareness, the
played a key role in raising individual researchers elicited that such studies disagreed
awareness, particularly in the light of the with their resources and subjects, but they
diversity and the ambiguity, and the agreed with the importance of such means on
inaccessibility of the source. The study deduced political awareness. They keened on
that the benchmarks and the references of investigating the types of such means and their
cultural and scientific forum were the reference effective role without determining the tracks of
and the fundamental provision regarding the such impacts and how they are different from
investigated topic. The political awareness that the conventional channels of participations and
includes such means is considered as a passive the attitudes of political parties, Parliament, or
awareness that interacts with the internal government.
conditions and shaped by political advertising.
Al-Sarhan et al. (2016) investigated the role of
social media platforms in shaping political
Abed Alhakim Isleem Salman Alqaraleh 6628

3. Methods and Procedures of the Study The findings of Table (1) show that Cronbach
Alpha coefficient was used to verify the
3.1 Instruments of the Study validity and reliability of the list. It is clear
The researchers designed a questionnaire that from the Table that the list has a very high
consists of two variables, namely, social media validity and reliability degree since the validity
platforms as an independent variable that coefficient amounted to (94.9%), while
contains three indicators (the significance, the reliability coefficient accounted for (90.1%).
degrees of correlation, and the drivers of use); Second: descriptive analysis for the variables of
and the second is political awareness as a the study:
dependent variable, which includes four
indicators (the recognition of the rights and 1. Dependent variable: social media platforms
duties; political knowledge; the interaction with (X) including three indicators that are
the events; and political participation). Then, it illustrated as follows:
was presented to a jury of experts. After
verifying its validity, the researchers distributed Table (2) The Significance of Social Media
the questionnaire to a sample of students at the Platforms:
Faculty of Economics and Administrative No. Statements Means Frequency Arrangement
Sciences at Cairo University. Upon the 1 It becomes a 1
distribution of the questionnaire, the contemporary
4.47 89.3
researchers did not guide nor divide the daily life
participants according to their gender, necessity.
academic year, occupation, or profession. 2 It occupies a 4
high portion of
4.18 83.7
3.2 Population of the Study my daily
It includes all students at Cairo University's 3 It is important 2
Faculty of Economics and Administrative for
Sciences for the academic year 2021-2021, understanding 4.34 86.7
totaling 3040 male and female bachelor what happened
students (the official website of the Faculty of around me.
Economics and Administrative Sciences, 4 It enables me to 3
2022). expand my
4.2 84
horizons and
3.3 Sample of the Study recognition.
5 It equips me 5
The study distributed (300) questionnaires to with various 4.13 82.7
the sample of the study randomly, which experiences.
constituted (10%) of the total population of the 6 It renders the 6
study. abstract reality
4.03 80.7
3.4 Validity and Reliability of the Instrument fabrication.
Total 4.23 84.5
To verify the validity of the questionnaire, the
The findings of Table (2) regarding the
internal consistency test for the scale
significance of social media platforms indicator
paragraphs was conducted using Cronbach's
revealed general trend towards means value
around (4.23 ) with frequency (84.5%).
Table (1) Validity and Reliability Coefficient According to the findings of the study, the
whole participants agreed on the statement that
M Variable Validity Reliability social media is a contemporary life necessity
Coefficient Coefficient for the students at the Faculty of Economics
1 Social Media 0.949 0.908 and Political Sciences with means (4.47), while
the least agreed responses were for the
2 Political 0.945 0.894
statement that the means render the reality
The Total of Axes 0.949 0.901 without fabrication with the means (4.03), the
other responses ranged from agreed and
strongly agreed.
6629 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Table (3) The Degrees of Correlation with the student to accomplish his/her academic task
Social Media Platforms with the means (3.67), and for the statement
that the student has a constant passion towards
No. Statements Means Frequency Arrangements
using it with the means (3.97).
1 I have a 5
constant Table (4) The drivers towards Using Social
passion 3.97 79.3 Media platforms
towards using
2 I become 2 No. Statements Means Frequency Arrange
unable to live 4.13 82.7 ments
without it. 1 An easy means 1
3 I feel very 4 for obtaining
4.37 87.3
confident by 3.98 79.7 knowledge and
using it. information.
4 It gives me the 3 2 It is used for 3
4.23 84.7
opportunity to entertainment.
4.12 82.3 3 Making new 5
communicate 3.8 76.7
with others. friendships.
5 It enables me 6 4 Expressing the 2
4.3 86
to accomplish opinions freely.
3.67 73.3 5 Communicating 4
my academic 3.92 78.3
tasks. with the society.
It gives me the 1 6 It is used for 6
opportunity to skills and talents 3.68 73.7
participate in 4.25 85 development.
various Total 4.06 81.12
activities. The findings of Table (4) concerning the
Total 4.02 80.4 drivers of the students towards using the
The findings of Table (3) regarding the study networks exhibited positive attitudes with the
degree of correlation with social media mean (4.06) with frequency (81.22%). As
platforms were inclined towards strongly shown in the table, the majority of the
agreeing in which the means amounted to respondents agreed; however, the degree of
(4.02) with (80.4%). A closer inspection of the agreement varied from high to low. The highest
table shows that the students’ responses ranged level of agreement was for social media to be
between high and medium approval; the used as an easy means of obtaining information
highest approval degrees were for social media (4.37) and freely expressing opinions (4.3).
platforms that give the opportunity to However, the least level of agreement was for
participate in various activities with the means students’ use of such means for developing
(4.25), followed by the statement stating that their skills and talents with means (3.68).
the student becomes unable to live without it
with the means (4.13), and subsequent by the The dependent variable is political awareness
statement that it gives them the opportunity to (y), which includes four indicators; the
communicate with others with the means recognition of duties and rights, political
(4.12). However, the lowest approval degrees knowledge, interaction with the events, and
were for the statement indicating that it enabled political participation.
Table (5) The recognition of duties and rights:
No. Statements Means Frequency Arrangements

1 It enables me to know the constitution 4

3.83 76.7

2 It enables me to know the fundamental 3

3.87 77.3
political rights.

3 It enables me to know the granted freedoms 5

3.8 76
and their borders.
Abed Alhakim Isleem Salman Alqaraleh 6630

4 It enables me to acknowledge the new laws. 3.9 78 2

5 It enables me to follow-up the draft 6

3.35 67
legislations debated by the parliament.
6 It warns me from prohibited laws and the 1
4.08 81.7
illegal procedures.

Total 3.81 76.1

The findings of Table (5) regarding the level of agreement was for the statement stating
dependent variable related to the recognition of that social media platforms warn me from
duties and rights indicate an agreement attitude prohibited acts and illegal procedures with the
in which the means amounted to (3.81) with means (4.08). There were various attitudes
(76.1%) frequency. It is clear from the table regarding the students’ follow-up of the draft
that there is a strong correlation among the legislation debated by the parliament with the
responses in which the whole responses agree, means (3.35).
except for one neutral response. The highest
Table (6) Political Knowledge
No. Statements Means Frequency Arrangements
1 Developing political culture. 4.4 88 2
2 Following-up local and global events. 4.45 89 1
3 Conveying the details of the events 3
4.3 86
4 Raising the awareness of the national 4
4.08 81.7
5 Acknowledging the details of the 6
3.85 77
national plans.
6 Defining the future policies. 4.03 80.7 5
Total 4.19 83.7
The findings of Table (6) concerning the agreement. The highest response was for the
indicator of political knowledge showed a statement stating that social media platforms
general attitude towards agreement with a high enabled the students to follow-up the local and
level in which the means amounted to (4.19) global events with the means accounted for
with a frequency of (83.7%). As demonstrated (4.45), whereas the least level of agreement
in the table above, there are diverse responses was for the role of the means in acknowledging
among the responses between high and medium the national plans with the means (3.85).
Table (7) The Interaction with the events
No. Statements Means Frequency Arrangements
1 Expressing the opinions freely. 4.2 84 3
2 Enhancing national affiliation. 4.02 80.3 6
3 Activating community dialogue about 5
4.03 80.7
the country’s issues.
4 Opening the participation channels 2
4.32 86.3
among youths’ communities.
5 Increasing communication channels 4
3.31 66.2
among the government and the citizens.
6 Constituting public opinion. 4.13 62.6 1
Total 4 76.7
As shown in Table (7) above regarding the participation among youth communities with
indicator of the interaction with the events, the means received the most responses (4.32).
general attitude towards agreement, the means The opinions varied regarding whether such
amounted to (4) with (76.7%). Except for one means increase communication channels
neutral response, all of the responses agreed, as between the government and the citizens with
shown in the table. The level of agreement was the means (4.31).
between high and medium. The statement that
social media platforms open channels for
6631 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Table (8) Political Participation

No. Statements Means Frequency Arrangement
1 Activating the role of political parties and 6
3.37 67.3
increasing their membership.
2 Increasing the opportunities of joining political 3
4.17 83.3
3 Increasing the opportunity of practicing 1
4.4 88
political act properly.
4 Affecting on political-decision making. 3.38 67.6 5
5 Its ability to bring about political change. 4.15 83 4
6 It plays a role in accelerating reform processes. 4.18 83.7 2
Total 3.94 78.8
The findings of Table (8) concerning political political awareness among the students is
participation indicate a general attitude towards reflected positively.
approval in which the mean value is accounted
for (3.94) with a (78.8%) frequency. Based on Sub-hypotheses:
the findings of the table, there are two Using Spearman's coefficient correlation
responses that were answered neutrally that coefficient, these hypotheses show that there is
revolved around the role of social media no statistically significant correlation between
platforms in activating political parties and dealing with social media platforms and
increasing their membership with the means political awareness indicators such as
(3.37), while the second statement is related to recognition of duties and rights, political
the impact of decision-making with the means knowledge, interaction with events, and
(3.38). The degrees of agreement were high political awareness among Cairo University
concerning the ability of such means to allow students.
the political process with the means (4.4) and
its role in accelerating the reform processes Table (9)
with the means (4.18), and increasing the
r Significance Result
opportunities of joining political parties with Level
the means (4.15).
Correlation 0.715 0.01 Statistical
Third, Hypotheses Testing: coefficient between **
x, y
To test the hypothesis of the study, the
Spearman correlation coefficient was used Table (10)
because of the ordinal data. The researchers
used the 5-Point Likert Scale to investigate the No. Political Awareness Social
relationship between social media platforms Media
and political awareness and the data was as Platforms
follows: 1 The recognition of rights and 0.701
1. Main Hypothesis:
2 Political knowledge 0.832**
This hypothesis entails that there are no
statistically significant differences among the 3 The interaction with the events 0.811 **
social media platforms and the level of political
4 Political participation 0.515
awareness among Cairo University students.
This is clear from the analysis that there is a ** Significance Level (0.01).
significant relationship between social media
platforms and political awareness; such a It is clear from the findings of the table that
correlation was positive; this correlation is there is a strong positive correlation between
strong (77.6%). As such, the main hypothesis social media platforms and the indicators of
was rejected. The study proved a strong political awareness. The degrees of correlation
positive correlation. The more the students use are converging; the highest one was between
the social media platforms, the more the social media platforms and political knowledge
with the means (83.2%), followed by the
Abed Alhakim Isleem Salman Alqaraleh 6632

interaction with political events with the In respect of sub-hypotheses, they were
percentage (81.1%), and subsequent by the rejected in which the study indicated a strong
recognition of duties and rights with the means positive relationship between social media
(70.1%). However, the lowest percentage was platforms and political awareness indicators,
for political participation with the means such as the recognition of the rights and duties,
(51.5%). political knowledge, interaction with events
and political participation. The highest degrees
As such, the sub-hypotheses are rejected and of correlation were for political knowledge,
the study showed a positive correlation while the lowest degrees of correlation were for
between social media platforms and political the recognition of rights and duties.
awareness indicators, such as the recognition of
duties and rights, political knowledge, 4.2 Results related to the Variables of the
interaction with events and political Study:
participation. The highest degrees of
correlation were for political knowledge, while In respect of the dependent variable (social
the lowest degrees of correlation were for media platforms), the study revealed that they
political participation. are highly used by the students. Regarding their
importance, the study showed that they are
It can be deduced that such findings indicate considered as a life necessity. They are
that the benefits of social media platforms on essential for students to understand the events
students in terms of increasing their political that are occurring around them. They further
awareness are in the domain of political expanded their knowledge and horizons. They
knowledge resulting from their interaction with preoccupy an important part of their daily
the events and the degrees of correlation were practices, they gave them many experiences,
high, while the statement of the recognition of and they characterized by a reasonable level of
their duties and rights was low. However, it is credibility in terms of their provided facts.
significantly decreased when addressing
political participation, which means that there With regard to the extent of their attachment
is a need to activate the participation channels with such platforms, there is a high degree of
from the traditional institutions in Egypt to correlation between the students and social
commensurate with the amount of development media platforms. They give them the
regarding increasing political knowledge and opportunity to participate in various activities
the students’ interaction with the events. in which they become unable to live without
them. They further give them the opportunity to
communicate with others. They also have
strong confidence on using them with high
4. Results percentages. However, they have the passion
First: Findings of the Study towards using them and they help them in
accomplishing their academic tasks but with
4.1 The findings related to the Hypotheses of lower levels.
the study
In respect of the motives towards using social
The study hypothesized that there is a media platforms, the study found strong
correlation between social media platforms and motives for the students because they enable
political awareness among the students at Cairo them to obtain the information, express their
University. The main hypothesis generates four opinions freely, entertain them, enable them to
sub-hypotheses indicating a link between social communicate with the community, and to make
media platforms and political awareness friends. However, they develop their skills and
indicators such as recognition of rights and talents to a lesser degree.
duties, political knowledge, interaction with
events, and political participation. The study Regarding the dependent variable (political
rejected the main hypothesis, in which the awareness), the study revealed that there is a
study indicated a strong positive correlation, high degree of awareness among the students at
because the more the students use social media the Faculty of Economics and Administrative
platforms, the more their political awareness Science in Cairo University in the light of their
increases. use of social media platforms. In respect of the
recognition of the rights and duties, the study
6633 Journal of Positive School Psychology

found that social media platforms played a gatherings, community dialogue with have
pivotal role in their recognition of their political level of agreement, which indicates that there is
rights and duties because they warn them from an institutional problem in the process of
prohibited acts and illegal procedures. They building political awareness in Egypt. Such
enable them to know the new laws, the basic problem is attributed to the institutions
political rights, the articles of the constitution, themselves rather than the individuals. To
and the levels of the granted freedoms. verify that, this study addressed a sample of
However, following-up new draft legislations students at the Faculty of Economics and
debated by the Parliament have not received Political Sciences, whose main subject is
much attention. political sciences on the one hand and the
analysis and the follow-up of political
Regarding the political knowledge, social situations on the other hand. As such, these
media platforms play a cardinal aspect in students are more keen on achieving political
obtaining political knowledge because they awareness, along with the high agreement
enable following-up local and global events, among the participants on the other statements
develop their political culture, transfer the related to popular and public (unofficial)
details of the events directly, and raise their determinants in building political awareness.
awareness with national issues, define their The aspects of such problem are defined as
future policies, and acknowledge their national follows:
-The weak role and impact of Parliament in the
The study further showed that social media political life in Egypt in general, the lack of
platforms played a role in students’ interaction interest in popular participation in debating law
with the political events, opening channels of legislations and issues within its agenda, and
participation among youth communities, the weakness of addressing the public opinion.
opening doors for youths to express their
opinions freely, influencing the constitution of - The lack of governmental interest in the role
public opinion, activating community dialogue and the impact of social media platforms in
about national issues, and enhancing national communicating with citizens and using them as
belonging. However, they are unable to a tool for raising political awareness or as a
increase the channels of communication channel for participation.
between the government and the citizens.
- The weakness of political parties and their
The study further indicated that social media limited role that are manifested in their ability
platforms played a role in increasing political to take advantage from social media platforms
participation among the students since they that created a revolution in community
give the opportunity for the students to engage engagement and influence, particularly among
in political activity adequately. They also youths.
accelerate reform processes; they have the
ability to make a political change.
Nevertheless, there is a divergence of views 6. Recommendations
regarding the opportunity to join political
parties and their ability to affect policy decision In the light of the findings, the study
making. recommends the following:
-The traditional institutions in Egypt, such as
the government, Parliament, and political
5.Discussion parties have to change their perspectives,
Based on the foregoing, the study found that ideology, and approach in dealing with political
the differences of opinions among students socialization underpinning the building of
revolved around the statements about political awareness in the light of new
Parliament, government, political parties, and technological means that brought about new
the effect in policy decision making. However, innovative means for attraction and political
the statements that revolved around popular mobilization.
public practices; including political -The traditional political institutions in Egypt
movements, change and reform, youth have to invest social media platforms in
Abed Alhakim Isleem Salman Alqaraleh 6634

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