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Can I Take Your Subdomain?

Exploring Same-Site Attacks in the Modern Web

Marco Squarcina, Mauro Tempesta, and Lorenzo Veronese, TU Wien;
Stefano Calzavara, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia & OWASP; Matteo Maffei, TU Wien

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the

30th USENIX Security Symposium.
August 11–13, 2021

Open access to the Proceedings of the

30th USENIX Security Symposium
is sponsored by USENIX.
Can I Take Your Subdomain? Exploring Same-Site Attacks in the Modern Web

Marco Squarcina1 Mauro Tempesta1 Lorenzo Veronese1 Stefano Calzavara2 Matteo Maffei1
1 TU Wien 2 Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia & OWASP

Abstract attacker is traditionally defined as a web attacker with an extra

Related-domain attackers control a sibling domain of their tar- twist, i.e., its malicious website is hosted on a sibling domain
get web application, e.g., as the result of a subdomain takeover. of the target web application. For instance, when reasoning
Despite their additional power over traditional web attackers, about the security of, one might assume
related-domain attackers received only limited attention from that a related-domain attacker controls
the research community. In this paper we define and quantify The privileged position of a related-domain attacker endows it,
for the first time the threats that related-domain attackers pose for instance, with the ability to compromise cookie confiden-
to web application security. In particular, we first clarify the tiality and integrity, because cookies can be shared between
capabilities that related-domain attackers can acquire through domains with a common ancestor, reflecting the assumption
different attack vectors, showing that different instances of underlying the original Web design that related domains are
the related-domain attacker concept are worth attention. We under the control of the same entity. Since client authentica-
then study how these capabilities can be abused to compro- tion on the Web is mostly implemented on top of cookies, this
mise web application security by focusing on different angles, represents a major security threat.
including cookies, CSP, CORS, postMessage, and domain Despite their practical relevance, related-domain attackers
relaxation. By building on this framework, we report on a received much less attention than web attackers and network
large-scale security measurement on the top 50k domains attackers in the web security literature. We believe there are
from the Tranco list that led to the discovery of vulnerabil- two plausible reasons for this. First, related-domain attackers
ities in 887 sites, where we quantified the threats posed by might sound very specific to cookie security, i.e., for many
related-domain attackers to popular web applications. security analyses they are no more powerful than traditional
web attackers, hence can be safely ignored. Moreover, related-
1 Introduction domain attackers might appear far-fetched, because one might
think that the owner of would never grant con-
The Web is the most complex distributed system in the world. trol of to untrusted parties.
Web security practitioners are well aware of this complexity, Our research starts from the observation that both previous
which is reflected in the threat modeling phase of most web se- arguments have become questionable, and this is the right time
curity analyses. When reasoning about web security, one has to take a second look at the threats posed by related-domain
to consider multiple angles. The web attacker is the baseline attackers, which are both relevant and realistic. A key observa-
attacker model that everyone is normally concerned about. A tion to make is that a related-domain attacker shares the same
web attacker operates a malicious website and mounts attacks site of the target web application, i.e., sits on the same regis-
by means of standard HTML and JavaScript, hence any site trable domain. The notion of site has become more and more
operator in the world might act as a web attacker against any prominent for web security over the years, going well beyond
other service. High-profile sites are normally concerned about cookie confidentiality and integrity issues. For example, the
network attackers who have full control of the unencrypted Site Isolation mechanism of Chromium ensures that pages
HTTP traffic, e.g., because they operate a malicious access from different sites are always put into different processes,
point. Both web attackers and network attackers are well so as to offer better security guarantees even in presence of
known to web security experts, yet they do not capture the bugs in the browser [44]. Moreover, major browsers are now
full spectrum of possible threats to web application security. changing their behavior so that cookies are only attached
In this paper we are concerned about a less known attacker, to same-site requests by default, which further differentiates
referred to as related-domain attacker [9]. A related-domain related-domain attackers from web attackers. In the rest of

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the paper, we discuss other (normally overlooked) examples Table 1: Main DNS record types.
where the privileged position of related-domain attackers may Record Type Description
constitute a significant security threat. Finally, many recent A Returns the IPv4 address of a domain
research papers showed that subdomain takeover is a serious AAAA Returns the IPv6 address of a domain
and widespread security risk [8,33]. Large organizations own- CNAME Maps an alias name to the canonical domain name
NS Defines the authoritative DNS record for a domain
ing a huge number of subdomains might suffer from incorrect CAA Specifies the allowed certificate authorities for a domain
configurations, which allow an attacker to make subdomains
resolve to a malicious host. This problem also received at-
tention from the general media [40] and the industry [7]. 2 Background
Though these studies proved that related-domain attackers are
a realistic threat, they never quantified their impact on web DNS Resolution. DNS is a protocol that stands at the core
application security at scale. of the Internet [36]. It translates mnemonic domain names to
IP addresses used by the underlying network layer to iden-
Contributions tify the associated resources. The translation process, called
DNS resolution, is done transparently to applications. For
In the present paper, we perform the first scientific analysis of instance, when a browser attempts to visit a fully qualified
the dangers represented by related-domain attackers to web domain name (FQDN), such as, the lo-
application security. In particular: cal resolver forwards the request to one of the DNS servers
designated by the operating system. In case the DNS server
1. We introduce a fine-grained definition of related-domain
has no information on the requested domain name, it initiates
attacker that captures the capabilities granted to such
the recursive resolution from the root DNS server until the
attackers according to the position they operate and the
authoritative DNS server for the domain is reached, following
associated web security threats. In particular, we sys-
the subdomain hierarchy of the DNS system. Eventually, the
tematize the attack vectors that an attacker can exploit
authoritative DNS server returns to the client a set of Resource
to gain control of a domain, and we present the attacks
Records (RRs) with the format: name, TTL, class, type, data.
that can be launched from that privileged position, dis-
A list of relevant DNS record types is summarized in Table 1.
cussing the additional gain with respect to a traditional
DNS also supports wildcard RRs with the label *, such as
web attacker (§3).
* Wildcard RRs are not matched if an explicit
2. We implement a toolchain to evaluate the dangers that RR is defined for the requested name. In general, wildcard
related-domain attackers can pose to web application se- RRs have a lower priority than standard RRs [31]. For in-
curity. Our toolchain builds on top of an analysis module stance, given a wildcard A record * and an A
for subdomain takeover, which significantly improves record for, requests to and
over previous results [33]. We use the output of this are resolved by the wildcard, while re-
module to perform automated web application security quests to are matched by the corresponding
analyses along different angles, including cookies, CSP, A record. Notice that is not resolvable.
CORS, postMessage, and domain relaxation (§4). Public Suffix List. While DNS defines the hierarchical struc-
3. We report on experimental results established through ture of domain names, the Public Suffix List (PSL) is a catalog
our toolchain. In particular, we enumerate 26M sub- of domain suffixes controlled by registrars [38]. In contrast
domains of the top 50k registrable domains from the to Top-Level Domains (TLDs) that are defined in the Root
Tranco list and discover practically exploitable vulner- Zone Database [27], such as .com, .org, .net, the suffixes
abilities in 887 domains, including major websites like listed in the PSL are called effective TLDs (eTLDs) and de-,,, and We fine the boundary between names that can be registered by
also study the security implications of 31 third-party ser- individuals and private names. A domain name having just
vice providers and dynamic DNS and present a novel one label at the left of a public suffix is commonly referred
subdomain hijacking technique that resulted in a bug to as registrable domain, eTLD+1, or apex domain. Domains
bounty of $1,000. Importantly, we quantify for the first sharing the same eTLD+1 are said to belong to the same site.
time the impact of these vulnerabilities on web applica- Cookies are scoped based on the definition of site, i.e., sub-
tion security, concluding that related-domain attackers domains of the same site can share cookies (domain cookies)
have an additional gain compared to web attackers that by setting their Domain attribute to a common ancestor. This
goes beyond well-studied issues on cookies (§5). attribute can never be set to a member of the PSL: for in-
stance, since is in the PSL, is
We have responsibly disclosed the identified vulnerabilities not allowed to set cookies for This means that
to the respective site operators. For space reasons, the results there is no way to share cookies between different GitHub
of the notification process are shown in Appendix A. Pages hosted sites.

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headers Cookies
Table 2: Capabilities of the related-domain attacker.
May enable

May be required
Capability Description
Expired Domains headers access and modify HTTP headers
html js arbitrary JavaScript code execution
Discontinued Services postMessage
html alter the markup of the website with the exclusion of JavaScript
content alter the textual content of the website with the exclusion of embed tags,
frames and JavaScript code
Deprovisioned Cloud Inst.
domain relaxation file host arbitrary files
file https operate a website under HTTPS with a valid certificate

https CSP Note: js subsumes both html and content, since it is possible to
edit the DOM by using JavaScript. Similarly, html subsumes content.

Figure 1: Summary of related-domain attacker instances for dangling

DNS records. ploiting a reflected XSS on a subdomain of a company poses
several restrictions on the actions that can be undertaken by
the attacker. This motivates the need for a new, fine-grained
3 The Related-Domain Attacker definition of related-domain attacker, which precisely charac-
terizes its power based on the acquired capabilities. In §3.2,
We revise the threat model of the related-domain attacker in
we map concrete attack vectors to the set of capabilities (see
light of the directions that the Web has taken in recent years. In
Table 2) that the attacker may acquire when escalating to a
particular, we systematize for the first time the different attack
related-domain position. In §3.3, we link such capabilities to
vectors that can be exploited to escalate to a related-domain
web security threats, giving rise to a granular framework that
position. We also factorize the related-domain attacker into
defines different instances of the related-domain attacker.
a set of capabilities and we express prerequisites of web at-
tacks in terms of them, as presented below and summarized
in Figure 1 for the most common subdomain takeover vulner- 3.2 Abusing Related Domains
abilities [33]. This systematization allows for a quantification
of the related-domain attacker problem, which we conduct in We provide a comprehensive characterization of the attack
§5 by a large-scale measurement in the wild. vectors that can be exploited to acquire a related-domain po-
sition and identify the set of associated capabilities. While
some of these attack vectors have been already analyzed in
3.1 Threat Model the literature in isolation (e.g., dangling DNS records [33] and
In its original definition, the related-domain attacker is a web domain shadowing [7, 34]), it is the first time they are system-
attacker who operates a malicious website that is hosted on atized to cover the possible abuses which enable escalation to
a related domain of the target website [9]. Two domains are a related-domain position. Furthermore, we introduce a novel
related if they share a suffix that is not included in the PSL. attack vector that exploits DNS wildcards, and we point out
For instance, consider the target site all its concrete instances of roaming services, hosting providers, and
subdomains are related to the target, as well as being related to dynamic DNS services which are vulnerable to the threats
each other. Network attackers are traditionally considered out described in this work.
of scope, given that they could mount person-in-the-middle
attacks via, e.g., ARP spoofing and DNS cache poisoning, 3.2.1 Dangling DNS Records
which allow to easily control the IP address of any hostname
accessed by the victim [14]. Dangling DNS records refer to records in the authoritative
Subdomain takeovers are often caused by DNS miscon- DNS servers of a domain that point to expired resources.
figurations [8, 33], with consequences ranging from altering These records should be purged right away after releasing
the content of a page to full host control. Additionally, orga- the pointed resources. Unfortunately, this practice is often
nizations frequently assign a subdomain of their corporate overlooked, resulting in dangling DNS records to persist in-
domain to their users, who could maliciously take advantage definitely. Possible reasons include lack of communication
of this implicit trust. Vulnerable web applications can also be between the person who releases the resource and the domain
infiltrated to increase the privileges of attackers interested in owner or when the pointed resource expires automatically
exploiting their related domains. after a certain period of time, passing unnoticed. A dangling
As we elaborate in the following, the attack vector exploited DNS record is considered vulnerable if an unintended party
to acquire a related-domain position is not a detail, but has can take control of the expired resource [33].
an impact on the capabilities granted to the attacker. While Expired Domains. A DNS CNAME record maps a domain
full control of the host grants the attacker the ability to con- name (alias) to another one called canonical name. If the
figure the web server to host arbitrary content, other attack canonical name is expired, a third party can simply register
scenarios only grant more limited power. For example, ex- the domain and serve arbitrary content under the alias domain.

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Attackers exploiting this vulnerability have full control of 3.2.2 Corporate Networks and Roaming Services
the host and generally can rely on all the capabilities listed
in our framework. One exception is https in presence of a Large organizations often assign fully qualified domain names
CAA DNS record [25]: this record defines a list of Certifi- (FQDNs) to devices in their network. This practice allows to
cate Authorities (CAs) which are allowed to issue certificates statically reference resources in the network, irrespective of
for a given domain, possibly preventing attackers to rely on the assignment of IP addresses that may change over time.
automated CAs like Let’s Encrypt [2]. Although hosts might be inaccessible from outside of the or-
ganization network, internal users are put in a related-domain
Discontinued Services. Third-party services are widely attacker position with full capabilities, excluding https that
used to extend the functionalities of a website. Domain depends on the network configuration of the organization.
owners can integrate rich platforms by making them ac- Institutions providing roaming services are similarly prone
cessible under a subdomain of their organization, e.g., to the same issue. This is the case of eduroam, a popular in- could show a blog hosted by WordPress ternational education roaming service that enables students
and could be an e-shop run by Shopify. and researchers to have a network connection provided by
To map a (sub)domain to a service, an integrator typically any of the participating institutions. As a novel insight, we
has (i) to configure a DNS record for the (sub)domain, such discovered that system integrators at some local institutions
as A/AAAA, CNAME or NS, to point to a server controlled by are assigning eduroam users a subdomain of the main insti-
the service provider, and (ii) to claim the ownership of the tution, such as, where
(sub)domain in the account settings of the service. If the ser- is a placeholder for the public IP assigned to the user
vice provider does not verify the domain ownership explicitly, connected to the eduroam network. This practice ultimately
i.e., a DNS record pointing to the service is the only condition promotes any eduroam user to a related-domain attacker with
required to claim the ownership of a (sub)domain, an attacker full control of the host that is pointed by the DNS record.
could map to their account any unclaimed (sub)domain with Firewall restrictions might hinder complete visibility on the
a valid DNS record in place [33]. Internet of the personal device of the user. Still, users’ devices
In addition, we observe that dangling records can also might be accessible within the institution network.
occur due to the presence of DNS wildcard. Consider, for
example, a site operator configuring a DNS wildcard such 3.2.3 Hosting Providers and Dynamic DNS Services
as * pointing to a service provider IP to en-
able multiple websites to be hosted under subdomains of Many service providers allow users to create websites un- An attacker could bind a subdomain of their der a specific subdomain, e.g., <username> on
choice, e.g.,, to a new account on the GitHub. Subdomains hosting user-supplied content are not
service provider. Surprisingly, we discovered that some ser- related to each other if the parent domain is included in the
vice providers do not verify the ownership of a subdomain PSL, as in the case of Unfortunately, several ser-
even if the parent domain has been already mapped to an vice providers that we reviewed did not include their domains
existing account. In practice, this allows an attacker to claim in the PSL, turning any of their users into a related-domain also in presence of a legitimate attacker for all the websites hosted on the same platform.
binding for Even worse, we found that A similar consideration applies to dynamic DNS providers.
some service providers perform an automatic redirection of The race to offer a huge variety of domains under which users
the www-prefixed subdomains to their parent domains without can create their custom subdomains, made it unfeasible for
preventing the www subdomain from being associated to a certain providers to maintain a list of entries in the PSL. The
different account. We report on this novel attack in §5.1.2. FreeDNS service [24] pictures well the problem, with 52,443
Attackers’ capabilities vary depending on the platform and offered domains and a declared user base of 3,448,806 active
range from altering the content of a single page to full host users as of October 2020, who are in a related-domain attacker
control. We refer to §5 for the result of a thorough security position to all the subdomains and domains of the network,
investigation conducted on 31 service providers. since none of them has been added to the PSL.
While in the case of hosting and service providers, the capa-
Deprovisioned Cloud Instances. The ephemeral nature of bilities granted to the attacker largely depend on the specific
resources allocated in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) envi- service (see §5.1.2 for more details), a dynamic DNS service
ronments is known to facilitate the spread of dangling DNS allows users to point a DNS record to a host they fully control,
records. DNS records pointing to available IP addresses in capturing all the capabilities discussed in Table 2.
the cloud can be abused by a determined attacker who rapidly
allocates IP addresses in order to control the target of the 3.2.4 Compromised Hosts/Websites
dangling DNS record [8, 33]. Similarly to expired domains,
the presence of a CAA DNS record in a parent domain could Aside from scenarios in which attackers gain control of a re-
hinder the capability of obtaining a valid TLS certificate. source that is either abandoned or explicitly assigned to them,

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another way to obtain a related-domain attacker position is can access sensitive data for a single site only, which mitigates
the exploitation of vulnerable hosts and websites. Intuitively, the leakage of cross-origin data via memory disclosure and
attackers achieving code execution on the vulnerable appli- renderer exploits, including attacks based on Spectre [29, 47].
cation have capabilities ranging from serving arbitrary con- As acknowledged in the original Site Isolation paper [44],
tent to full host control. If the exploited vulnerability is an “cross-origin attacks within a site are not mitigated”, hence
XSS, attackers could take advantage of the ability to execute related-domain attackers can void the benefits of this security
JavaScript code from a privileged position to escalate the architecture.
attack against a more sensitive website. Same Site Request Forgery. The introduction of same-site
Furthermore, attackers have been found employing a tech- cookies [59] and the recent enforcement of this security fea-
nique called domain shadowing [7, 34] to illicitly access the ture by default on major browsers [20,54] received high praise
DNS control panel of active domains to distribute malware as an effective countermeasure against CSRF [26]. In the ab-
from arbitrary subdomains. Alowaisheq et al. recently discov- sence of other defenses [6], the restrictions introduced by
ered that stale NS records [5] could also be abused by attackers same-site cookies are voided by a related-domain attacker
to take control of the DNS zone of a domain to create arbitrary who can mount a same-site request forgery attack just by in-
DNS records. Controlling the DNS of a domain is the highest cluding an HTML element pointing to the target website in
privileged setting for a related-domain attackers, since they one of their web pages.
can point subdomains to hosts they fully control and reliably
obtain TLS certificates.
3.3.2 Cookie Confidentiality and Integrity

3.3 Web Threats Cookies can be issued with the Domain attribute set to an
ancestor of the domain setting them, so as to share them with
We identify for the first time a comprehensive list of web all its subdomains. For example, can issue a
security threats posed by related-domain attackers, discussing cookie with the Domain attribute set to, which is sent
in particular the scenarios where a related-domain attacker to both and Hence, related-
might have an advantage over traditional web attackers. While domain attackers can trivially break cookie confidentiality and
there exists ample literature on threats to cookies confidential- abuse of stolen cookies [62], e.g., to perform session hijack-
ity and integrity posed by related-domain attackers [15, 62], ing. The Domain attribute poses risks to cookie integrity too:
in this work we focus on a complete account of how related- can set cookies for, which can
domain attackers affect web application security by exploring be abused to mount attacks like session fixation. Note that
less-studied mechanisms. the integrity of host-only cookies is at harm too, because a
related-domain attacker can mount cookie shadowing, i.e., set
3.3.1 Inherent Threats a domain cookie with the same name of a host-only cookie to
confuse the web server [62].
Related-domain attackers sit on the same site of their target Site operators can defend against such threats by careful
web application. This is weaker than sharing the same origin cookie management. For example, they can implement (part
of the target, which is the traditional web security boundary, of) the session management logic on top of host-only cookies,
yet it suffices to abuse the trust put by browser vendors and which are not disclosed to related-domain attackers. More-
end users on same-site content. We discuss examples below. over, they can use the __Host- prefix to ensure that security-
Trust of End Users. End users might trust subdomains of sensitive cookies are set as host-only, thus ensuring their in-
sites they are familiar with more than arbitrary external sites. tegrity against related-domain attackers.
For instance, attackers could exploit the residual trust asso- Capabilities. The capabilities required by a related-domain
ciated with the subdomain’s prior use [30] or deceive users attacker to break the confidentiality of a domain cookie de-
into inserting their passwords provided by a password man- pend on the flags enabled for it: if the cookie is HttpOnly,
ager [56]. This is particularly dangerous on some mobile it cannot be exfiltrated via JavaScript and the headers ca-
browsers, which display only the rightmost part of the domain pability is needed to sniff it; otherwise, just one between
due to the smaller display size, hence a long subdomain might headers and js suffices. If the Secure flag is enabled, the
erroneously look like the main site. Attackers could similarly cookie is sent only over HTTPS, hence the https capabil-
abuse the trust inherited from the apex domain to use com- ity is also required. As to integrity, all cookies lacking the
promised subdomains for the distribution of malware or other __Host- prefix have low integrity against a related-domain
types of dangerous content [34]. attacker with the headers or js capabilities, since they are af-
Site Isolation. Site Isolation is a browser architecture first fected by cookie shadowing. There is one exception: cookies
proposed and implemented by the Google Chrome browser, using the __Secure- prefix have low integrity only against
which treats different sites as separate security principals related-domain attackers which additionally have the https
requiring dedicate rendering processes [44]. These processes capability, since these cookies can only be set over HTTPS.

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3.3.3 Bypassing CSP to fetch sensitive data from via JavaScript:
to enable CORS, can inspect
Content Security Policy (CSP) is a client-side defense mecha- the Origin header of incoming requests to detect if they
nism originally designed to mitigate the dangers of content come from and, in such a case,
injection and later extended to account for different threats, set a CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Origin with
e.g., click-jacking. CSP implements a whitelisting approach the value in the response. As
to web application security, whereby the browser behavior on an additional layer of protection, the server must also set
CSP-protected web pages is restrained by binding directives the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header to true
to sets of source expressions, i.e., a sort of regular expres- if the request includes credentials, e.g., cookies, since the as-
sions designed to express sets of origins in a compact way. To sociated response is more likely to include sensitive content.
exemplify, consider the following CSP:
Related-domain attackers can abuse CORS to bypass the
script-src *; security restrictions put in place by SOP when the afore-
frame-ancestors *; mentioned server-side authorization checks are too relaxed,
default-src https: i.e., read access is granted to arbitrary subdomains. For ex-
ample, if was willing to grant
This policy contains three directives, script-src, cross-origin access to any subdomain of be-
frame-ancestors and default-src, each bound to a sides, a related-domain attacker could get
set of source expressions like and * unconstrained access to its data. To avoid these threats, site
It allows the protected page to: (i) include scripts from operators should be careful in the security policy implemented and any subdomain of; (ii) be included upon inspection of the Origin header, e.g., restricting access
in frames opened on pages hosted on any subdomain of just to a few highly trusted subdomains.; (iii) include any content other than scripts over Capabilities. To exploit CORS misconfigurations, an attacker
HTTPS connections with any host. needs the js capability to issue requests via JavaScript APIs
Since the syntax of source expressions naturally supports like fetch and access the content of the response. The https
the whitelisting of any subdomain of a given parent, related- capability may be required depending on the CORS policy
domain attackers represent a major threat against the secu- deployed by the site operator.
rity of CSP. For example, if an attacker could get control of, then they would be able to bypass most of
3.3.5 Abusing postMessage
the protection put in place by the CSP above. In particular,
the attacker would be able to exploit a content injection vul- The postMessage API supports cross-origin communication
nerability on the CSP-protected page to load and execute across windows (e.g., between frames or between a page
arbitrary scripts from, thus voiding XSS miti- and the popup opened by it). The sender can invoke the
gation. Moreover, the attacker could frame the CSP-protected postMessage method of the target window to transmit a mes-
page on to perform click-jacking attacks. To sage, possibly restricting the origin of the receiver. The re-
avoid these threats, site operators should carefully vet the ceiver, in turn, can use event handlers to listen for the message
subdomains included in their CSP whitelists. event and process incoming messages.
Capabilities. A related-domain attacker requires the capabil- Despite its apparent simplicity, the postMessage API
ity to upload arbitrary files on the website under its control should be used with care, as shown by prior research [50, 51].
to void the protection offered by CSP against content inclu- In particular, when sending confidential data, one should
sion vulnerabilities, with the only notable exception of frame always specify the origin of the intended receiver in the
inclusion which requires only the html capability. For active postMessage invocation. When receiving data, instead, one
contents [37], i.e., those that may have access to the DOM of should check the origin of the sender (via the origin prop-
the page, the attacker also needs the https capability if the erty of the received message) and appropriately sanitize the
target page is hosted over HTTPS. Regarding click-jacking content of the message before processing it.
protection, attackers only requires the html capability to in- Related-domain attackers can undermine web application
clude the target website on a page under their control. security when site operators put additional trust in subdo-
mains. In particular, related-domain attackers can try to abuse
3.3.4 Abusing CORS their position to void the aforementioned origin checks and
communicate with inattentive receivers that might process
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is the standard ap- messages in an unsafe way, e.g., messages are provided as
proach to relax the restrictions enforced by SOP on cross- input to eval or stored in a cookie, opening the way to ses-
origin communications, i.e., preventing JavaScript from read- sion hijacking attacks. Site operators can defend against such
ing the content of responses to cross-origin requests. Con- attacks by carefully vetting authorized subdomains for com-
sider a service at, which needs munication between windows.

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Public Datasources Network
first by identifying subdomains of prominent websites that
can be abused by a related-domain attacker exploiting dan-
gling DNS records, and second by evaluating the security
DNS Scanner RDScan Web Analyzer
implications on web applications hosted on related domains
Amass Crawler of the vulnerable websites. Our methodology is based on the
dig PMForce
Disclosure CORS checker pipeline summarized in Figure 2 and further described in this
DNS enumeration Subdomain takeover scanner Web crawler
Construction of resolving chains Vulnerability dislcosure Web vulnerability scanner

Figure 2: Vulnerability scanning pipeline.

4.1 DNS Data Collection
Capabilities. An attacker requires scripting capabilities (js) We enumerated the subdomains of the top 50k domains in the
to open a new tab containing the vulnerable page and commu- Tranco list [42] from March 2020.2 The enumeration phase
nicate with it via the postMessage API. Similarly to CORS, was based on amass [41], a state of the art information gath-
https may be needed depending on the origin checking per- ering tool backed by the OWASP project. The tool supports
formed by the receiver. several techniques to maximize the chances of discovering
subdomains of a target. In our configuration, we extracted sub-
3.3.6 Abusing Domain Relaxation domains using the following approaches: (i) fetch data from
publicly available sources, such as Censys [17], certificate
Domain relaxation is the legacy way to implement commu- transparency logs [49], search engines, etc.; (ii) attempt DNS
nication between windows whose domains share a common zone transfer to obtain the complete list of RRs defined for a
ancestor. Assume that a page at opens a certain DNS zone; (iii) inspect fields of TLS certificates, e.g.,
page at inside a frame. Besides using the Subject Alternative Name and Common Name. To speed
postMessage API as explained, the two frames can com- up the enumeration phase and lower the number of network
municate by relaxing their document.domain property to requests, we avoided bruteforcing DNS resolvers against do-
a common ancestor. In this case, both frames can set such main name wordlists. Similarly, we explicitly disabled the
property to, thus moving into a same-origin resolution of subdomain alterations.
position.1 After that, SOP does not enforce any isolation be-
We modified amass to compute the DNS resolving chains
tween the two frames, which can communicate by writing
of all the domains obtained in the previous step. Similarly
on each other’s DOM. Note that must explic-
to [33], we define a resolving chain as a list of DNS RRs in
itly set the document.domain property to if
which each element is the target of the previous one, starting
it is willing to engage in the domain relaxation mechanism,
from a DNS record of type A/AAAA, CNAME or NS. We ignore
although this is apparently a no-op.
MX records because we focus on web attacks in this study. For
Domain relaxation can be abused by related-domain attack-
CNAME and NS records, we recursively perform a DNS reso-
ers, who can look for pages which are willing to engage in
lution until an A/AAAA RR is detected. Unterminated DNS
such dangerous communication mechanism and abuse it. In
resolving chains can occur in presence of a record pointing
particular, when the attacker moves into a same-origin posi-
to an unresolvable resource or due to the abrupt termination
tion, SOP does not provide any protection anymore, which
of amass after reaching the execution timeout limit of 5 min-
voids any confidentiality and integrity guarantee. Websites
utes. To ensure the correctness of the results, we recompute
that are willing to communicate with a selected list of related
unterminated DNS resolving chains using the dig utility.
domains should refrain from using this mechanism – which
is deemed as insecure – and should implement cross-origin Starting from the set of 50k domains in the Tranco list,
communication on top of the postMessage API. our framework identified 26 million valid subdomains. In a
previous study, Liu et al. [33] used a relatively small wordlist
Capabilities. Besides the js capability needed to perform the
of 20,000 entries to find possible subdomains of the Alexa top
relaxation and access the DOM of the target page, attackers
10k list, 2,700 .edu domains, and 1,700 .gov domains. Com-
need to setup their attack page on the same protocol of the
pared to their work, our domain selection is penalized given
target, hence the https capability may also be required.
that we do not restrict to specific TLD zones. For instance,
.edu domains typically have a high number of subdomains
4 Analysis Methodology in contrast to other categories (see §5.1.1). Nevertheless, our
results outperform the findings of Liu et al. by discovering on
We performed a large-scale vulnerability assessment to mea- average 13 times more subdomains.
sure the pervasiveness of the threats reported in this work,
1 We assume here that the two frames share the same protocol and port. 2

USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 2923

4.2 RDScan Algorithm 1 Detection of Discontinued Services
Input: Set of DNS resolving chains RC, set of supported services S
After populating a database with the DNS records of the dis- Output: Set of vulnerable subdomains Vs
covered subdomains, the framework detects dangling records 1: procedure DISCONTINUED _ SERVICES(RC, S)
and verifies that all the preconditions to mount a subdomain 2: Vs ← 0/
takeover attack are met. By doing so, false positives are mini- 3: for each chain ∈ RC do
4: for each service ∈ S do
mized in the analysis. This component, that we call RDScan, 5: . Check if a record in the chain points to the service
has three different modules that test for the presence of the 6: if chain points to service then
vulnerable scenarios described in §3.2.1. 7: d ← target_domain(chain)
8: if d is unclaimed at service then
Expired Domains. The detection of expired domains is per- 9: Vs ← Vs ∪ {d}
formed according to the following procedure: given a resolv- 10: . Detect wildcard if the service allows a subdomain of a
ing chain that begins with a CNAME record, our tool checks if 11: . claimed domain to be mapped to a different account
12: else if service vulnerable to wildcard issue then
it points to an unresolvable resource and extracts the eTLD+1 13: r ← generate_nonce()
of the canonical name at the end of the chain, that we call 14: rd_chains ← compute_resolving_chains(r.d)
apex for brevity. Then, if the whois command on the apex 15: for each rd_chain ∈ rd_chains do
domain does not return any match, RDScan queries GoDaddy 16: if rd_chain points to service then
17: Vs ← Vs ∪ {r.d}
to detect if the domain can be purchased. In this case, we
consider the domain of the resolving chain, i.e., the alias of
the first record of the chain, as vulnerable. Notice that we
and OVHcloud. We tested each (sub)domain in our dataset
only tested domains that can be registered without special
to check whether the pointed IP was included in any of the
requirements, i.e., we did not consider .edu domains and other
cloud IP ranges. In case the IP falls within the address range
specific eTLDs not offered by the registrar.
of a cloud provider, we make sure that it does not point to a
Discontinued Services. The process of finding discontinued reserved resource such as a proxy or a load balancer. As the
services is summarized in Algorithm 1. RDScan traverses last step, we perform a liveness probe to determine if the IP
each resolving chain to identify whether it points to one of is in use. This is done by executing a ping to the IP: if no
the services supported by our framework. This step is im- answer is received, we use a publicly available dataset [43]
plemented according to the documentation provided by in- comprising a scan of the full IPv4 range on 148 ports (128
dividual services, and typically relies on checking for the TCP, 20 UDP). If no open ports for the given IP are found,
presence of (i) an A record resolving to a specific IP ad- we deem the resource as potentially deprovisioned.
dress, (ii) the canonical name of a CNAME record matching
a given host, or (iii) the existence of a NS record pointing
to the DNS server of a service. (Sub)domains mapped to 4.3 Web Analyzer
services are then checked to verify if the bindings between Our web security analysis aims at quantifying the number of
user accounts and (sub)domains are in place. For the major- domains hosting web applications that can be exploited by
ity of the services considered in this study, a simple HTTP taking over the vulnerable domains discovered by RDScan. In
request suffices to expose the lack of a correct association particular, for every apex domain with at least one vulnerable
of a (sub)domain. Other services require active probing to subdomain, we selected from the CommonCrawl dataset [19]
determine whether a domain can be associated to a fresh test the list of 200 most popular related domains according to the
account that we created. This has been done using the auto- Pagerank score [10]. From the homepage of these domains,
mated browser testing library puppeteer with Chromium [1]. we extracted the same-origin links that appear in the HTML
RDScan also performs the detection of DNS wildcards that code. For each related domain, we considered the homepage
might be abused as described in §3.2. A DNS wildcard and up to 5 of these URLs as the target of our web analysis,
for a domain such as can be easily de- and we accessed these links using the Chromium browser
tected by attempting to resolve a CNAME or A DNS record for automated by puppeteer. In the following, we present the data
<nonce>, where nonce refers to a ran- collection process and the security analyses we have con-
dom string that is unlikely to match an entry in the DNS zone ducted to identify the threats discussed in §3.3. We postpone
of the target domain. the summary of the results to §5.
Deprovisioned Cloud Instances. The detection of poten-
tially deprovisioned cloud instances has been performed sim- 4.3.1 Analysis of Cookies
ilarly to the probabilistic approach adopted by [8, 33]. We
did not create any virtual machine or registered any service We used the puppeteer API to collect cookies set via HTTP
at cloud providers in this process. Instead, we collected the headers and JavaScript. Our goal is to identify cookies af-
set of IP ranges of 6 major providers: Amazon AWS, Google fected by confidentiality or integrity issues. In particular, we
Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, Hetzner Cloud, Linode, flag a cookie as affected by confidentiality issues if, among the

2924 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association

related domains vulnerable to takeover, there exists a domain 4.3.3 Analysis of CORS
d such that:
To evaluate the security of the CORS policy implemented
• d is a subdomain of the Domain attribute of the cookie; by a website, we perform multiple requests with different
• by taking over d, the attacker has acquired the capabili- Origin values and inspect the HTTP headers in the response
ties required to leak the cookie. to understand whether CORS has been enabled by the server.
Inspired by the classes of CORS misconfigurations iden-
We mark a cookie as affected by integrity issues if: tified in [18], we test 3 different random origins with the
following characteristics: (i) the domain is a related domain
• the name of the cookie does not start with __Host-; of the target URL; (ii) the domain starts with the registra-
• we identified a vulnerable domain that grants the capa- ble domain of the target URL; (iii) the domain ends with
bilities required to set the cookie. the registrable domain of the target URL. While the first
test verifies whether CORS is enabled for a related domain,
We also rely on a heuristic proposed by Bugliesi et al. [12] to the other two detect common server-side validation mistakes.
statically identify potential (pre-)session cookies, i.e., cookies Such errors include the search of the registrable domain as
that may be relevant for the management of user sessions. a substring or a suffix of the Origin header value, which re-
The capabilities required to perform these attacks depend sults in having, e.g., whitelisting not only
on the security flags assigned to the cookie and the usage but also For each test,
of cookie prefixes (see §3.3.2). For instance, to compromise we check if the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is
integrity either the capability js or headers is required and, present in the response and if its value is either * or that of the
if the prefix __Secure- is used, https is also necessary. Origin header contained in the request. We also control if the
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header is present
and set to true (when Access-Control-Allow-Origin dif-
4.3.2 Analysis of CSP policies fers from *) to identify the cases in which requests with
credentials are allowed.
For this analysis, we implemented a CSP evaluator according We report a CORS deployment as vulnerable to web attack-
to the draft of the latest CSP version [55], which is currently ers if either the second or the third test succeeds. Instead, a
supported by all major browsers. This is not a straightforward page is exploitable exclusively by a related-domain attacker if
task, due to the rich expressiveness of the policy and various only the first test succeeds and, among the vulnerable related
aspects that have been introduced into the specification for domains discovered by RDScan, one grants the js capability
compatibility purposes across different CSP versions, e.g., to the attacker. Since in our tests we use the same protocol of
for scripts and styles, the ’unsafe-inline’ keyword, which the page under analysis in the Origin header, we conserva-
whitelists arbitrary inline contents in a page, is discarded tively require the https capability when HTTPS is used.
when hashes or nonces are also specified.
In our analysis, we focus on the protection offered against
4.3.4 Analysis of postMessage Handlers
click-jacking and the inclusion of active contents [37], i.e.,
resources that have access to (part of) the DOM of the embed- PMForce [51] is an automated in-browser framework for the
ding page. This class of contents includes scripts, stylesheets, analysis of postMessage event handlers. It combines selective
objects, and frames. force execution and taint tracking to extract the constraints
For each threat considered in our analysis, we first check on the message contents (e.g., presence of a certain string
if the policy is unsafe with respect to any web attacker. This in the message) that lead to execution traces in which the
is the case for policies that allow the inclusion of contents message enters a dangerous sink that allows for code execu-
from any host (or framing by any host, when focusing on tion (e.g., eval) or the alteration of the browser state (e.g.,
click-jacking protection). For scripts and styles, the policy is document.cookie). A message satisfying the extracted con-
also deemed unsafe if arbitrary inline contents are whitelisted. straints is generated using the Z3 solver and the handler under
If the policy is considered safe, we classify it as exploitable by analysis is invoked with the message as a parameter to ensure
a related domain if one of the vulnerable domains detected by that the exploit is successfully executed.
RDScan is whitelisted and the attacker acquires the relevant We integrated PMForce in our pipeline and modified it to
capabilities to perform the attack, which vary depending on generate, for each handler, multiple exploit messages with the
the threat under analysis (see §3.3.3). For instance, script same contents but a different origin property, e.g., a related-
injection requires the file capability, given that attackers domain origin and a randomly-generated cross-site origin.
need to host the malicious script on a subdomain they control. We consider a page vulnerable to any web attacker if any of
Moreover, if the page to attack is served over HTTPS, the its handlers is exploitable from a cross-site position. Instead,
https capability is required due to the restrictions imposed we consider a page exploitable by a related-domain attacker
by browsers on mixed content [37]. if its handlers can be exploited only from a related-domain

USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 2925

position and one of the vulnerable domains discovered by We performed this investigation to capture the magnitude of
RDScan grants the js capability to the attacker, which is the problem, but we excluded the results on deprovisioned
required to open a tab and send messages to it. If the handlers cloud instances from the pipeline to avoid false positives in
whitelist only HTTPS origins, then the capability https is the web analyzer. To avoid misunderstandings in the paper,
also required to mount the attack. we refer to domains matching our heuristic as potentially
4.3.5 Analysis of Domain Relaxation Web Analyzer. The web vulnerabilities discovered by this
module have been identified via dynamic testing and analysis
As a first step, the analyzer detects whether the property
of the data collected by the crawler. We manually verified
document.domain is set after the page is loaded. This task is
samples of each detected vulnerability to ensure the correct-
straightforward except for the case in which the page sets the
ness of the results and confirmed the absence of false positives.
property to its original value (see §3.3.6) since this cannot be
The usage of heuristics is limited to the labeling of cookies
detected just by reading the value of document.domain. To
which likely contain session identifiers and are thus particu-
identify this particular case, we leverage puppeteer APIs to:
larly interesting from a security standpoint; this approach has
• inject a frame from a (randomly generated) subdomain been proved reasonably accurate in prior work [12].
of the page under analysis; Interplay between the modules. The modules of the
• intercept the outgoing network request and provide as pipeline described in Figure 2 have been executed in sequence
response a page with a script that performs domain relax- at different points in time. The DNS enumeration phase termi-
ation and tries to access the parent frame, which succeeds nated in June 2020, while RDScan ran during the first half of
only if the parent has set document.domain. July 2020. The severity of the discovered issues motivated us
to immediately report them to the affected parties. Therefore,
The relaxation mechanism is exploitable by a related-domain
we launched a large-scale vulnerability disclosure campaign
attacker if RDScan discovered a vulnerable subdomain (which
in the second half of the month. We executed the web scan-
is a subdomain of the value of document.domain) that grants
ner right after that. Having the DNS data collection running
the js capability to the attacker. If the webpage is hosted over
first, RDScan might have missed new subdomains that were
HTTPS, the https capability is also required.
issued after the completion of the DNS enumeration. This
leads to a possible underestimation of the threats in the wild
4.4 Heuristics and False Positives concerning unresolvable domains and expired services. On
the other hand, subdomain takeover vulnerabilities might have
Our methodology is based on testing sufficient preconditions
been fixed prior to the web security analysis. We performed a
to execute the reported attacks, thus minimizing false posi-
second run of RDScan 6 months later to verify the fix rate of
tives. Nevertheless, the scanning pipeline makes use of two
notified parties. Surprisingly, we discovered that, as of January
heuristics in the RDScan and web analyzer modules to, re-
2021, 85% of the subdomains that we tested are still affected
spectively, detect potentially deprovisioned cloud instances
by leftover subdomain takeover vulnerabilities, confirming
and label security-sensitive cookies; moreover, we identify a
that the early remediation of the reported vulnerabilities had a
potential TOCTOU issue between the two modules of the anal-
marginal effect on the web analysis. We provide more details
ysis pipeline. We discuss below why this has only a marginal
on our large-scale disclosure campaign in Appendix A.
effect on the overall results of the analysis.
RDScan. We developed automated procedures to test suffi-
cient preconditions for a takeover. Expired domains are triv- 5 Security Evaluation
ially verified by checking if the target domain can be pur-
chased. For discontinued services, we created personal testing We report on the results of our security evaluation on the top
accounts on each service considered in the analysis and used 50k domains from the Tranco list. We quantify the vulnerabil-
these accounts to probe the mapping between the target sub- ities that allow an attacker to be in a related-domain position,
domain and the service. If we detect all necessary conditions and we provide a characterization of the affected websites.
to associate the subdomain to our account, we deem it as vul- Then, we delve into the security of 31 service providers by
nerable. We manually vetted these conditions against our own discussing common pitfalls and the capabilities that could
domain. Due to ethical concerns, we did not mount attacks be abused by an attacker. Finally, we present the outcome
against real websites, but we reviewed all the occurrences of of our web analysis, and we identify practical vulnerabilities
subdomain takeover vulnerabilities before disclosing them to by intersecting the capabilities on vulnerable domains with
the affected sites and found no false positives in the results the threats found on web applications hosted on their related
(see Appendix A). The detection of subdomains pointing to domains. Table 3 provides a breakdown of the results by com-
deprovisioned cloud instances relies instead on a heuristic bining attack vectors and web threats: the values reported in
which might introduce false positives, as discussed in §4.2. the cells represent the number of vulnerable domains/sites

2926 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association

compared to those deploying the corresponding web mecha- and, and IT companies like and
nism. We discuss these results in the following. Due to space Although most of the discovered issues could be
constraints, we move representative examples of confirmed easily fixed by routinely checking the validity of DNS records,
attacks to Appendix B. our large-scale vulnerability assessment raises concerns due
to the number and pervasiveness of the identified threats.
5.1 Attack Vectors and Capabilities
5.1.2 Analysis of Third-Party Services
RDScan identified 1,520 subdomains exposed to a takeover
vulnerability, distributed among 887 domains from the top We examined 26 service and hosting providers and 5 dynamic
50k of the Tranco list. Most of the vulnerabilities are caused DNS services for a total of 31 third-party services. Our se-
by discontinued third-party services (83%), with expired do- lection comprises services mentioned in previous work [33]
mains being responsible for the remaining 17%. The analysis and community efforts [22], excluding those that required
of deprovisioned cloud instances discovered 13,532 poten- payment to carry out our analysis.
tially vulnerable domains, confirming the prevalence of this The results are summarized in Table 4. We combined man-
threat as reported in previous work [33]. ual testing and review of the documentation to assess the
capabilities available to a registered user of each service. We
5.1.1 Characterization of Vulnerable Domains also evaluated the considered services against the security pit-
falls described in §3.2.1: (i) wildcard, the domain ownership
As expected, the likelihood of a domain to be vulnerable is verification allows attackers to claim subdomains of an al-
directly related to the breadth of its attack surface, i.e., the ready mapped domain, e.g., due to the presence of a wildcard
number of subdomains we found. Figure 3a pictures well DNS entry; (ii) redirect, if the www subdomain of a mapped
this correlation, showing that around 15% of the domains domain automatically redirects to the parent domain, e.g.,
with more than 50,000 subdomains are vulnerable. Figure 3b redirects to,
outlines the distribution of vulnerable domains depending on whether the former can be claimed by a different account;
the rank of each site in the Tranco list. Sites in top positions (iii) PSL, if the service allows users to create a website un-
are more likely to have a vulnerable subdomain than those der a specific subdomain, whether the parent domain of the
with a lower rank. assigned website is included in the PSL.
The analyzed websites have been further partitioned into Table 3 shows the distribution of the vulnerable subdo-
categories in Figure 3c. Special care has to be taken when con- mains across service providers. The majority of the vulnerable
sidering dynamic DNS: the 49 domains listed in this category subdomains (93%) are hosted on the first four most used ser-
are those used by dynamic DNS services, such as, vices: WordPress, Shopify, Tumblr, and GitHub Pages. These, RDScan identified vulnerable sub- prominent services give users the ability to host a website with
domains belonging to 8 domains, but 4 of them were listed in a valid TLS certificate for the associated domain. Users are
the PSL. We excluded these domains from our analysis, given allowed to customize the markup and JavaScript code of the
that taking control of one of their subdomains would not put pages, and for Tumblr and GitHub Pages, users are allowed
the attacker in a related-domain position with respect to the to upload arbitrary files to their websites. In general, the ca-
parent domain. The same principle has been adopted when pabilities obtained by an attacker controlling a service vary
evaluating service and hosting providers offering subdomains depending on the specific platform, ranging from content
to their users. We refer to §5.1.2 for a detailed analysis of only (UptimeRobot) to full host control (ngrok). We found
Dynamic DNS services and hosting providers. that 19 out of 26 services grant the js and https capabilities,
The second most affected category concerns education web- while 21 provide the js capability alone. The file capability
sites. We found that academic institutions generally have com- is the most uncommon, being available for 4 services only.
plex and heterogeneous public-facing IT infrastructures that Surprisingly, we discovered that in 20 out of the 31 ana-
translate into a high number of subdomains. By restricting lyzed services, any registered user controls a website that is
the analysis to the .edu TLD, we observed 1,229 domains in a related-domain position to all the other websites hosted
having on average 6,033 subdomains each. The percentage on the platform. Tumblr and WordPress, along with 11 addi-
of domains with at least one vulnerable subdomain is 7.32%, tional services, even share their primary domain with user-
which is substantially higher than any other TLD considered. controlled websites, e.g., is related
For comparison, the percentage in .com is 1.81%. to Only GitHub and ngrok prevent this threat
Overall, we identified vulnerabilities affecting top do- by including the apex domains assigned to their users in the
mains across all categories. To exemplify, we found sub- PSL.
domain takeover vulnerabilities on news websites like Lastly, we found that 17 services have issues with the own- and, university portals like ership verification mechanism. Among the four most used
and, governmental websites like services, only WordPress prevents attackers from claiming

USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 2927

Table 3: Breakdown of the results in terms of affected domains/sites.
Web mechanisms exploitable exclusively by related-domain attackers
Attack Vector Cookies CSP CORS Relaxation
Domains Sites Domains Sites Domains Sites Domains Sites Domains Sites
Expired Domains 260 201 5,394/5,394 195/195 35/141 13/28 35/317 16/107 9/11 6/8
Discontinued Services
 1,260 699 18,798/19,020 662/674 104/294 32/75 196/1,980 37/392 49/88 24/55
WordPress 466 320 13,803/13,803 312/312 43/168 23/52 164/1,221 21/186 30/49 14/28
Shopify 326 254 2,638/2,638 244/244 32/66 5/12 26/459 11/153 7/19 5/15
Tumblr 310 24 404/404 23/23 1/2 1/2 5/29 2/12 1/2 1/2
GitHub 42 25 899/899 24/24 22/49 1/5 2/116 2/18 2/3 2/3
Webflow 24 20 601/601 18/18 0/0 0/0 2/122 2/14 1/3 1/3
Ngrok 22 13 250/250 13/13 7/9 2/2 0/17 0/5 8/11 1/3
Helpscout 18 17 425/425 16/16 1/4 1/3 0/28 0/6 0/2 0/2
Others 52 37 464/724 22/35 1/7 1/3 0/25 0/8 9/10 2/3
Total 1,520 887 23,178/23,400 845/857 139/428 45/100 224/2,254 51/488 57/97 29/61

Note: Deployment of CSP only considers policies that are not trivially exploitable by a web attacker (§4.3.2) and whitelist one or more related domains. CORS policies
are only exposed to requests coming from whitelisted origins [18]: for the deployment we report the count of domains/sites vulnerable either to web attackers or related-domain
attackers that were discovered during dynamic testing. postMessage is omitted since related-domain attackers have no gain compared to web attackers.

16 8
60 5 35
14 50 7

50 30
12 4 6

% Potentially Vulnerable
% Potentially Vulnerable

% Potentially Vulnerable
10 40 5

% Vulnerable
% Vulnerable
% Vulnerable

30 20
8 4

6 2 3
4 2 10

10 1 10
2 1 5

0 0 0 0 0 0





16 2

65 8


32 4

13 36

Tr t (2 4)

W har (6 )
(3 )

4 )

H g ( 7)

u 80 )

si t (3 5)

Fi nol d ( )

Ad g ( )


op n ( 9)

G inm s (6 8)

(9 )

O t (1 )
M er 32

er en 896


ss 58



60 0
80 0
10 00

14 0
16 00

20 00

24 00
26 00

30 00

36 00

40 00

46 00

50 00


40 0

12 00

18 00

22 00

28 00

32 00
34 00

38 00

42 00
44 00

48 00

ng 3

Bu en 04

og 93

ci (85



ch Fo 37

eb in 35

ti n 0

ul 44







pi 43

ea 2

ic (13
os 16
ew 14







nm t (

So s
uc DN


Number of Subdomains Tranco Rank

Sh tio



Ed ic







(a) # Subdomains (b) Tranco Rank (c) Categories

Figure 3: Characterization of vulnerable domains.

subdomains of an already mapped domain. Moreover, 8 ser- of them in the list, leaving their massive user base at risk.
vice providers perform an automatic redirection from the www We reported this major flaw to the FreeDNS maintainer, who
subdomain to the parent domain. Therefore, users of these acknowledged it but took no action, as it would be impossible
services might erroneously assume that the www subdomain is to maintain an updated list of thousands of domains in the
implicitly bound to their account and cannot be claimed by PSL, given the lack of an API to manage PSL entries.
others. Only Shopify and Launchrock do not prevent this sub-
domain from being mapped to different accounts. We reported
to GitHub and Shopify, two of the major service providers, 5.2 Web Threats
the vulnerabilities discovered on the domain ownership verifi-
We now turn the attention to the web application security
cation process. GitHub acknowledged the problem and told
implications of our analysis, as summarized in Tables 3 and
us that they “[...] are exploring various changes to the cus-
further detailed in Table 6.
tom domain flow that will improve this situation by requiring
formal domain ownership verification”. Shopify awarded us We start by discussing confidentiality and integrity of ses-
$1,000 for the report and shipped a fix on April 12, 2021. sion cookies. Overall, our crawler collected 85,169 cookies,
out of which 24,924 have been labeled as session cookies by
Dynamic DNS Services. The adoption of the PSL across our heuristic. Among these, we identify 3,390 (14%) cookies
different dynamic DNS providers is shown in Table 5, together from 5,051 (33%) domains on 687 sites (81%) whose confi-
with the number of domains that a user can choose from. We dentiality can be violated by a related-domain attacker. This
observed that only 2 providers listed all their domains in shows that related-domain attackers can often get access to
the PSL. Noip and DynDNS left out a small number of the session cookies, which may enable attacks like session hijack-
domains they offer, but it is not clear to us whether this is ing. Our analysis also shows that the state of cookie integrity
due to negligence or if this is a deliberate choice. Instead, is even worse: in particular, we identify 24,689 (99%) ses-
FreeDNS, with more than 50k domains, did not include any sion cookies from 14,964 (99%) domains on 834 (99%) sites

2928 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association

Table 4: Attackers’ capabilities on vulnerable services. Table 6: Web security abuses by related-domain attackers (RDA).
Service Wildcard Redirect (www) PSL Capabilities Deployed Exploitable by RDA
Domains Sites Domains Sites
agilecrm V − V js https
anima V − − js https C 15,025 826

all 23,400 857
campaignmonitor V − V content I 23,178 845
cargo V Ë V js C 5,051 687
feedpress V − − html session 15,179 846
I 14,964 834
gemfury V − − file https
github V − Ë js file https script inclusion 1,144 260 901 (0) 212 (0)
helpscout V − V js file https style inclusion 961 232 930 (0) 225 (0)

jetbrains Ë − V content object inclusion 1,027 250 598 (+12) 123 (+5)
launchrock V V V js https frame inclusion 967 229 664 (+45) 152 (+12)
ngrok ? ? Ë js file headers https framing control 1,676 360 344 (+97) 59 (+21)
persona V Ë V js https

pingdom V − − js all - - 2,254 (+224) 488 (+51) V − V js https with credentials - - 179 (+63) 71 (+27)
shopify V V V js https
smartjobboard V Ë V js https postMessage 14,045 823 14 (0) 11 (0)
statuspage Ë − V js https
Domain Relaxation 97 61 57 29
strikingly ? ? V js https
surgesh Ë Ë V js https Note: C and I denote cookie confidentiality and integrity. Numbers within
tumblr V − V js file https parenthesis represent the improvement compared to a web attacker; when missing, the
uberflip ? ? − js https web attacker cannot perform the attack.
uptimerobot V − − content
uservoice ? ? V js https
webflow ? ? V js https
wordpress Ë Ë V js https increase in the attack surface for frame injection: 45 (+7%)
worksites V Ë V js https
domains are exploitable exclusively by controlling one of the
Note: We use the following notation: service not affected (Ë); service is vul-
nerable (V); the conditions of redirect and PSL do not apply (−); could not evaluate, vulnerable subdomains identified in our dataset.
e.g., due to payment required, no public registration form, etc. (?). Helpscout allows As to the other mechanisms, CORS deployments are sig-
to host only arbitrary active content files (js, css); Gemfury allows to host only
arbitrary passive content files (images, media, ...); Launchrock implicitly associates nificantly more at risk against related-domain attackers rather
every subdomain to the mapped domain, not only the www subdomain. than against traditional web attackers. In particular, we iden-
tify 224 (+11%) new exploitable cases, including 63 (+54%)
Table 5: PSL on dynamic DNS services.
cases with credentials. Note that the use of CORS with cre-
Service # Domains PSL dentials is particularly delicate from a security perspective,
afraid (FreeDNS) 52,443 V 0/52,443 hence the strong percentage increase in the number of vulner-
duckdns 1 Ë 1/1 able cases is concerning. Domain relaxation, instead, can be
dyndns 293 V 287/293
noip 91 V 85/91 abused by related-domain attackers in 57 out of 97 domains
securepoint 10 Ë 10/10 (59%) making use of this mechanism. Exploiting domain re-
laxation puts a related-domain attacker in the same origin of
the target web application, hence bypassing all web security
which do not have integrity against a related-domain attacker, boundaries: this is a critical vulnerability, which deserves at-
hence may enable attacks like session fixation and cookie forc- tention. Domain relaxation is a bad security practice, which
ing. This increase comes from the fact that related-domain should better be avoided in the modern Web. Finally, our anal-
attackers can compromise the confidentiality of domain cook- ysis of postMessage shows that all sites suffering from unsafe
ies alone, while they can break the integrity of any cookie by programming practices are already vulnerable against web
exploiting cookie shadowing [62]. The fraction of domains attackers, i.e., for this specific attack vector related-domain
not affected by integrity issues is only due to the lack of ca- attackers are no more powerful than traditional web attackers,
pabilities available for the subdomain we could possibly take at least based on the collected data. In other words, sites either
over. The only robust way to improve cookie integrity in this do not enforce any security check or restrict communication
setting is the adoption of the __Host- prefix, which is unfor- to selected individual origins: this might be a consequence of
tunately negligible in the wild: we only identified one cookie the postMessage API granting access to origin information,
using it in our dataset. rather than site information directly.
Concerning CSP, the first observation we make is that, as
reported by previous studies [15,46,57], the majority of CSPs
in the wild suffer from incorrect configurations, voiding their 6 Related Work
security guarantees even against web attackers. Remarkably,
however, related-domain attackers are more powerful than Related-Domain Attackers. The notion of related-domain
traditional web attackers for real-world CSPs, being able to attacker was first introduced by Bortz, Barth, and Czeskis [9].
bypass the protection mechanism on 139 additional domains. Their work identified the security risks posed by related do-
This is apparent for object injection, frame injection, and mains against (session) cookies and proposed a possible solu-
framing control. For example, we quantified the following tion called origin cookies. A similar defense mechanism, i.e.,

USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 2929

the __Host- prefix, was eventually integrated into major web Web Measurements. Meiser et al. [35] studied the cross-
browsers. Other than that, related-domain attackers received origin data exchange practices of 5k websites to assess to
only marginal attention from the security community, with a which extent their security could be affected by the presence
few notable exceptions. Zheng et al. discussed the security of an XSS vulnerability on one of their communication part-
implications of the lack of cookie integrity in many top sites, ners. In our work, we study a similar problem, but we restrict
considering both network and related-domain attackers [62]. our focus to related domains, and we consider other mecha-
Calzavara et al. presented black-box testing strategies for web nisms that are out of scope for [35], e.g., CSP. Chen et al. [18]
session integrity, including related-domain attackers in their performed a large-scale measurement of CORS misconfigu-
threat model [16]. Related-domain attackers have also been rations. Among the 480k domains that they analyzed, they
considered in formal web security models, again in the con- discovered that 27.5% of them are affected by some vulner-
text of web sessions [13]. Our paper significantly advances the ability and, in particular, 84k trust all their subdomains and
understanding of related-domain attackers by discussing new can thus be exploited by a related-domain attacker. Son and
security threats, which go beyond web sessions and have been Shmatikov [50] analyzed the usage of the Messaging API on
quantified in the wild through a large-scale measurement. the top 10k Alexa websites. The authors found that 1.5k hosts
Attacking Subdomains. Subdomain takeover is an infamous do not perform any origin checking on the receiving mes-
attack, which has been covered by a body of work. Liu et sage, while 261 implement an incorrect check: (almost) all
al. [33] studied the threat posed by dangling DNS records, these checks can be bypassed from a related-domain position,
e.g., records that contain aliases to expired domains or point- although half of them can also be bypassed from domains
ing to IP addresses hosted on cloud services. The authors with a specially-crafted name. More recently, Steffens and
performed a large-scale analysis that uncovered the existence Stock [51] proposed an automated framework for the analysis
of hundreds of dangling records among the subdomains of the of postMessage handlers and used it to perform a comprehen-
top 10k sites of Alexa and under the .edu and .gov zones. sive analysis of the first top 100k websites of the Tranco list.
With respect to [33], we improved the subdomain enumeration The authors discovered 111 vulnerable handlers, out of which
part by a factor of 13 and increased the number of analyzed 80 do not perform any origin check. Regarding the remaining
services from 9 to 31. Also, the paper does not extensively handlers, the authors identified only 8 incorrect origin valida-
analyze the web security implications of subdomain takeover. tions, showing an opposite trend with respect to [50]. Finally,
Borgolte et al. [8] improved on the results of [33] concerning insecure configurations of CSP have been analyzed in a num-
deprovisioned cloud instances and proposed an extension of ber of research papers [15, 46, 57, 58]. However, none of these
the ACME protocol used by some CAs for domain valida- works considered the problem of related-domain attacks.
tion (e.g., Let’s Encrypt). Schwittman et al. [48] studied these
domain validation techniques and discovered several vulner- 7 Conclusion
abilities that could be exploited by attackers to obtain valid
certificates for domains they do not own. In this paper, we presented the first analysis tailored at quanti-
Liu et al. [34] proposed a technique to detect shadowed fying the threats posed by related-domain attackers to the
domains used in malware distribution campaigns, i.e., legit- security of web applications. We first introduced a novel
imate domains that are compromised to spawn an arbitrary framework that captures the capabilities acquired by such
number of subdomains after taking control of the DNS con- attackers, according to the position in which they operate,
figuration panel at the registrar. Alowaisheq et al. [5] recently and we discuss which web attacks can be launched from that
demonstrated a domain hijacking attack that relies on the ex- privileged position, highlighting the advantages with respect
ploitation of stale NS records. Zhang et al. [61] showed how to traditional web attackers. We also studied the security im-
a domain with HTTPS misconfigurations can be abused by plications of 31 third-party service providers and dynamic
a network attacker to force the communication over HTTP DNS to identify the capabilities that a related-domain attacker
with its related domains. However, the authors consider two acquires when taking over a domain hosted by them, and pre-
domains as related if they share the same TLS certificate, sented a novel subdomain hijacking technique that resulted in
which differs from the definition considered in this work. a bug bounty of $1,000. Then, we described the design of our
A large body of works studied the problem of domain im- automated toolchain used to assess the pervasiveness of these
personation (e.g., [4, 28, 45]) where attackers trick users to threats in the wild. The toolchain consists of an analysis mod-
interact with their malicious websites by using domain names ule for subdomain takeover that identifies which subdomains
that mimic those of honest sites. An example is provided by can be hijacked by an attacker. Next, the web security module
doppelganger domains [60] which are spelled similarly to quantifies how many related domains can be attacked from
legitimate subdomain names except for the dots that separate the domains discovered in the previous step. We performed
the components of the domain name. We consider all these a large-scale analysis on the 50k most popular domains, and
threats out of the scope of our analysis, as they have different we identified vulnerabilities in 887 of them, including major
security implications than the vulnerabilities we discuss. websites like and Then, we correlated

2930 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association

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2932 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association

[54] The Chromium Projects. SameSite Updates. https: addresses to avoid reporting vulnerabilities to unrelated par-
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[55] W3C. Content Security Policy Level 3. https://www. using this procedure we could not find any security contact, 2018. for the majority of the considered domains (62%). To inform
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[56] J. Walker. Subdomain Autofill Feature Raises Ques-
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tions over LastPass Security. https://portswigger.
the affected parties on our behalf. Among the few contacted
websites with a bug bounty program, F-Secure awarded us
with e250 for the reported subdomain takeover vulnerability.
[57] L. Weichselbaum, M. Spagnuolo, S. Lekies, and A. Janc. Aside from vulnerability disclosure programs, our notifi-
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web application which contains a detailed description of the
[58] M. Weissbacher, T. Lauinger, and W. K. Robertson. Why problems found for a given domain, the required actions to fix
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[59] M. West and J. Wilander. RFC6265: Cookies: HTTP
State Management Mechanism, 2020. A.1 Outcome of the Notification Campaign
[60] Wired. Researchers’ Typosquatting Stole 20 GB of E- We performed a second run of RDScan on January 2021, 6
Mail From Fortune 500. months after the first analysis, to picture the state of vulnera-
2011/09/doppelganger-domains/, 2011. ble instances left in the wild after our disclosure. We repeated
the test for the whole set of expired domains instances. Con-
[61] M. Zhang, X. Zheng, K. Shen, Z. Kong, C. Lu, Y. Wang, cerning discontinued services, we focused on the 3 largest
H. Duan, S. Hao, B. Liu, and M. Yang. Talking with providers (WordPress, Shopify and Tumblr), representing 87%
Familiar Strangers: An Empirical Study on HTTPS Con- of the vulnerable subdomains found in the first round. Overall,
text Confusion Attacks. In CCS, 2020. we covered 1362 out of the original 1520 vulnerable subdo-
mains (90%), which translates to 781 out of 887 sites (88%).
[62] X. Zheng, J. Jiang, J. Liang, H. Duan, S. Chen, T. Wan, To account for possible changes in services occurred in the
and N. Weaver. Cookies Lack Integrity: Real-World meanwhile, we verified the takeover preconditions included
Implications. In USENIX Security, 2015. in RDScan. After the conclusion of the analysis, we manually
assessed a random sample of 10% of the results to ensure the
A Disclosure and Ethical Considerations correctness of the procedure without finding any discrepancy.
We discovered that only 200 out of 1362 subdomains (15%)
RDScan identified 1,520 vulnerable subdomains on 887 dis- have been fixed during this time frame, for a total of 125 sites
tinct domains, of which 260 are subdomains pointing to an over 781 (16%). We noticed that the sites which we contacted
expired domain and 1,260 are those mapped to a discontin- directly exhibit a noticeably higher fix rate (31% subdomain,
ued service (see §4.2). Besides disclosing the vulnerabili- 22% sites) than those alerted by our national CERT (10%
ties found on service providers (§5.1.2), we also attempted subdomains, 14% sites). Unfortunately, we also observed
to notify all the websites affected by the issues we discov- that a considerable amount of sites fixed only a subset of
ered. Prior work [32, 52, 53] showed that the identification their vulnerable subdomains, resulting still affected by threats
and selection of correct security contact points is the main posed by related-domain attackers.
issue behind an overall unsatisfactory remediation rate. To The overall remediation rate of our notification campaign is
maximize the chances of a successful notification campaign, in line with previous studies [53]. Nonetheless, we report that
we examined the following sources until a valid point of our procedure to identify appropriate contact points turned out
contact was found: (i) the list of bug bounty and security to be successful considering that 34% of the contacted parties
disclosure programs maintained by Bugcrowd [11]; (ii) the accessed the full vulnerability report on our web application.
security.txt file [23] in the root directory of the vulnerable
domains and under the /.well-known/ folder [39]; (iii) the A.2 Ethical Considerations
Abusix [3] database, queried with the ip addresses of the
vulnerable domains to collect the associated email contacts; We consciously designed our vulnerability scanning frame-
(iv) a WHOIS lookups [21]. We validated the obtained email work to avoid raising network alerts or causing harm to the

USENIX Association 30th USENIX Security Symposium 2933

analyzed targets. Specifically, the subdomain takeover assess- ( We have no evidence to assert
ment phase has been carried out mostly by DNS queries and whether this change is connected to our disclosure.
simple HTTP requests. Active websites have never been af-
fected by our tests since we restricted the analysis to aban- B.2 Session Hijacking
doned DNS records. We did not perform any large-scale
portscan, but we opted, instead, for using a public dataset We describe an example of a subdomain takeover vulnera-
consisting of a scan of the full IPv4 range on 148 ports. bility that could have been exploited to hijack authenticated
We also avoided checking the availability of IP addresses user sessions at the FedEx website. RDScan discovered a
on cloud providers by iterating over the creation of multiple dangling DNS affecting the
virtual machines, since this practice could interfere with the subdomain due to a CNAME record pointing to the purchasable
normal operations of the cloud platforms. Similarly, the web domain
analysis module did not execute attacks against the targets, but After taking control of the subdomain, attackers could es-
limited its operations to the passive collection of data (cookies calate their privileges by exploiting the insecure configuration
and security policies), simple HTTP requests, and client-side of session cookies on the main website. We manually verified
testing. Overall, our approach proved to be lightweight and that authenticated sessions with were built
unobtrusive: we did not receive requests from the analyzed upon domain cookies, which are sent by default to all subdo-
websites to opt out from future scans, and no complaints mains (see §3.3.2). Thus, authenticated users would disclose
concerning our activity were sent to the abuse contact of the their session cookies to the attackers just by visiting the com-
IPs used to perform the analysis. promised subdomain. After acquiring the victim’s cookies, an
attacker could automatically break into the victim’s session
and access confidential data stored on the web portal. We no-
B Case Studies tified FedEx about the takeover vulnerability in August 2020.
We report on manually vetted case studies of confirmed at- The company acknowledged our findings and, as of January
tacks. All vulnerable parties have been promptly informed of 2021, we confirmed that the vulnerability was fixed.
the discovered issues, see Appendix A for details.
B.3 Leakage of PII data
B.1 Site Impersonation
Now we show how a related-domain attacker can abuse mis-
We provide a concrete example of how the Shopify vulnera- configurations in the CORS policy to access personally iden-
bility described in §5.1.2 could have been abused to imper- tifiable information (PII) of a user on the F-Secure website.
sonate a major website. As of September 2020, the e-shop Our vulnerability scanning pipeline detected a CNAME record
of was hosted on Shopify and made available at pointing to the deleted using a custom domain mapping. Our scan WordPress blog at No-
verified the two preconditions to connect tice that subdomains of deleted blogs still resolve to a Word-
to a Shopify store under our control, i.e., the existence of a Press IP thanks to a CNAME wildcard for *
DNS A record pointing the domain to To take over the F-Secure subdomain, an attacker could (the IP address owned by Shopify to map cus- simply create an account on and set
tom domains) and that was not associ- as a custom domain.
ated with any registered store on Shopify. We observed that WordPress allows paid accounts to install
We manually investigated the e-shop of and plugins which enable the inclusion of arbitrary scripts as part
found that the redirection performed by Shopify from of the blog’s theme. The ability to execute JavaScript from to caused the www- a subdomain of would allow attackers to ex-
prefixed subdomain to be referenced in the store as a le- ploit a CORS vulnerability identified by our web analyzer
gitimate URL.3 By taking over, crim- on Such domain was configured to
inals could have abused this implicit trust to mount severe relax the SOP on requests originating from any subdomain
attacks against the legitimate store, such as phishing, reputa- of, even when cookies are attached. An at-
tion damage, and credential stealing. We notified the vulnera- tacker could trick a victim into visiting a page on the compro-
bility to Shopify on August 27, 2020 and received a bounty mised subdomain which performs a fetch request to, e.g., the
for our disclosure. Around one month after the report, we endpoint
noticed that FOX moved its e-shop to a different domain to read private information such as past billing details, tokens,
3 See
etc. We notified F-Secure through their bug bounty program
// for a page mentioning in August 2020 and received e250 for the report.

2934 30th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association

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