A Case Study Solution To DNS Cache Poisoning Attacks: Usha.g@ktr - Srmuniv.ac - in
A Case Study Solution To DNS Cache Poisoning Attacks: Usha.g@ktr - Srmuniv.ac - in
A Case Study Solution To DNS Cache Poisoning Attacks: Usha.g@ktr - Srmuniv.ac - in
Abstract— In this paper we discuss about home routers and the DNS caches on
DNS cache poisoning attack, which computers as they look up the DNS entry,
exploits the vulnerabilities in the domain receive the incorrect response, and store
name system to divert Internet traffic it. Initially, this paper provides an
away from legitimate servers and towards introduction about DNS systems with an
fake ones. DNS converts human-readable architecture diagram. Second, this paper
addresses like “google.com” to computer- discusses about various types of case
readable IP addresses like studies in literature. Third, this paper
“”. The Internet service also suggests solutions to avoid DNS
provider runs its own DNS servers, which cache poisoning attack.
cache information from other DNS
servers. The home router functions as a Keywords- DNS; DNS cache
DNS server, which caches information poisoning; DNS protection
from the ISP’s DNS servers. The 1. INTRODUCTION
computer has a local DNS cache, so it
can quickly refer to DNS lookups it’s DNS stands for “Domain Name System.”
already performed rather than Domain names are the human-readable
performing a DNS lookup over and over website addresses that are used by every
again. A DNS cache can become human in day-to-day life[1]. DNS works
poisoned if it contains an incorrect entry. transparently in the background that is
For example, if an attacker gets control used to convert human-readable website
of a DNS server and changes some of the names into computer-readable numerical
information on it, let’s say they make IP addresses. DNS suffers for various
google.com actually point to an IP types of security problems. One of the
address the attacker owns. That DNS most vulnerable problems is known as
server would tell its users to look for DNS Cache Poisoning.
Google.com at the wrong address and the
DNS Cache poisoning, also called domain
attacker’s address could contain some
name system (DNS) poisoning or DNS
sort of malicious phishing website. DNS
cache poisoning.DNS cache poisoning[2]
poisoning like this can also spread. For
is the process of corrupting an Internet
example, if various Internet service
server's domain name system table by
providers are getting their DNS
replacing an Internet address with that of
information from the compromised
another, rogue(malicious) address. When a
server, the poisoned DNS entry will
user seeks the page with that address, the
spread to the Internet service providers
request is redirected by the rogue entry in
and be cached there. It will then spread to
the table to a different address. The
following Fig. 1 is an example for DNS the server under their control with names
cache poisoning attack. The attacker matching those on the target server. These
replaces the alternate address record in the files usually contain malicious content,
local DNS server. The home client such as computer worms or viruses. A user
forwards the Domain Name and IP whose computer has referenced the
(malicious) using HTTP Client. In this poisoned DNS server gets tricked into
way the DNS cache gets poisoned and accepting content coming from a non-
malicious packet gets forwarded from one authentic server and unknowingly
client to other client. Next we discuss downloads the malicious content. This
about the Cache Poisoning Technique in technique is used for phishing attacks.
detail. Phishing attack is a attack, that is used to
create a fake version of a genuine website
that contains personal details such as bank
and credit/debit card details.
queries by looking up the information they The DNS offers two mechanisms to send
already possess. and receive data between the ultimate
source and destination namely zones and
Resolver: While, resolvers act as an caching. Zones are divided into sections of
interface between the clients and the name the system-wide distributed database
servers. These resolvers comprise of the which belong to specific organizations.
algorithms required to find the information The organization of a specific zone is
queried by the client. These methods can responsible for distributing current copies
be structured of the zones to various servers which make
the zones available to clients across the
internet. Caching is a mechanism in which
data acquired in response of the client’s
request can be stored on the local server
against future requests by same or different
Fig. 2: DNS System Architecture One major operation carried out by the
name server is to respond to queries from a
according to the needs of the environment.
local or remote resolver or another name
The resolver function can either be
server acting on behalf of the name server.
centralized in one or more special name
The stub resolver is a software library
servers or be separated in hosts such as
installed on the host or PC which converts
PCs also known as a stub resolver.
a user or application request to a query to
The DNS name[4] space is the naming the DNS. A typical query means locating
system on which the DNS is based. It is a the IP address of the Uniform-Resource-
hierarchical and logical tree structure with Locator or URL inserted by the user. The
variable-depth where each node in the tree resolver will identify a locally configured
has a label. The root is reserved at the DNS server to perform the queries.
zero-depth label. Currently, the domain
name space searching operations are case Types of queries
Mechanisms in DNS
Recursive Iterative
Mechanisms in DNS
Queries Queries
working necessary to return the complete sites, the ISPs failed to give back the
response to the query. Responding to a response even if their device queries DNS
query recursively involves multiple to get the correct IP address to connect to.
transactions to the name servers and other But the flaw was that the Turkish Citizen
name server systems. Name serves could override the ban by changing their
necessarily support recursive queries. device's DNS settings to point to open
public DNS Resolvers operated by
Iterative queries are those in which if a Google. Then the Turkish ISPs started
name server has answered, it will respond blocking the addresses for Google Public
otherwise it will return useful information. DNS Servers and other similar services in
But it will not make additional queries to order to engage in the typical kind of
other name server systems. Name servers “what-a-mole” game with their citizens
must support iterative queries. The next where they found a new way to get around
section we discuss about the case study of the censorship and tried to close them
the DNS cache poisoning technique. down.
set the servers up that masquerade as requester will know that this is an attack
Public Google DNS servers. and the packets are discarded.
As a result of it, the Turkish ISPs started DNS resolution software can be
“advertising” the more specific (wrong) implemented which acts as a poll to
route for the Public Google DNS services. multiple other DNS servers in the event
More specifically, The normal Public that the resolver running the software does
Google DNS server settings is at not have information on a particular DNS
“”, instead, they shared the route server. Through this method, an DNS
“” which redirected to their own servers can be known to be malicious and
network. In BGP, a network device tries to its effect is ignored. But if the attacker
connect a given IP address by selecting a gains control over more than half of the
specific route. But in this case, all the servers in DNS region, then there might be
routers on the networks were connected to chances of any security foil for DNS
Turkish ISPs in their specified false route servers.
for Public Google DNS services.
DNS servers should be less trusting of
In this way the Turkish ISPs were information passed to them by other DNS
delivering false DNS information's to the severs. Moreover, they should ignore any
Turkish citizens. This allowed the Turkish DNS records passed back which are not
ISPs to extract personal information's of directly relevant to the query. For example,
citizens very easily and this also opened some versions such as BIND 9.5.0-P1
new opportunities for the crackers to crack perform the above checks.
the personal information of the citizens of
Turkey. DNS servers can use a combination
of crypto graphical techniques to secure
random numbers for selecting both the
source ports. A 16-bit cryptographic
4. SOLUTION TO PREVENT CACHE technique can greatly reduce DNS attacks.
However, various network devices
One of the most readily available defences perform Network Address Translation
against DNS attacks is to secure the attack (NAT), or Port Address Translation in
points on the network infrastructure. There specific often rewrites the source ports in
should be proper use of firewalls, and order to track the connection state. During
patches of known vulnerabilities should be the process, the PAT devices remove the
applied periodically. source port randomness implemented by
A specific technique to foil DNS the name server and stub resolver.
attacks involves randomizing source ports Cryptographic digital[7] signed with a
on the DNS requester[6]. When this trusted key certificate is used by the
technique is applied, a DNS packet that Secure DNS (DNSSEC) to determine the
does not come from a trusted source authenticity of data. DNSSEC was
(attacker) will have a approximate 1/216 employed in Internet root zone servers
chance of going to the victim and the only. But, even DNSEC can still provide
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