Waste Management Notes Class 10 ICSE

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Waste Management

Impacts of waste accumulation(Why there is a need of safe disposal):

 Spoilage of landscape: Spoilage of landscape refers to the accumulation of heaps of
garbage and waste that is simply dumped onto vacant land and left to decompose, which
not only ruins the natural beauty of the land but also provides a dome to rats and other
diseases carrying organism
 Water pollution: occurs when people discharge large amount of waste into water bodies.
 Health hazards (Spread of diseases through contamination): A range of health issues have
been reported for waste collectors who were caused by hazardous household waste or
mismanaged household waste. Other work-related disorders and injuries that have been
detected among the waste collectors around the world are respiratory problems, infectious
diseases, gastrointestinal issues, muscle pain, fever, headache, and poor emotional
 (Effects on terrestrial life )Effects on Aquatic life: Aquatic life- Waste accumulation can
cause significant damage to aquatic life, both freshwater, and marine. Toxins and harmful
chemicals found in these wastes can kill aquatic organisms directly by sufficiently
changing the pH of water, covering the water surface, and causing a reduction in
dissolved oxygen.
Sources of waste:
 Industrial waste
 Biomedical waste
 Agricultural waste
* Eutrophication: is the process of depletion of oxygen from water bodies occurring either
naturally or due to human activities
Need for waste management:
 Transmission of diseases
 Greenhouse effects and global warming
 Depletion of ozone
 Acid rain
 Soil health
Methods of safe disposal of waste
 Segregation: dividing of waste into different categories like dry and wet or biodegradable
and non-biodegradable.
 open dumping: waste materials are dumped in open low lands far away from the city.

This method is not environment friendly as the open pits spoil the sight of the area and
become a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies, insects, etc., that are the carriers of
harmful diseases. They give out foul odour. The burning of waste material in the open
dumps pollutes the air.

Another danger of open dumping is that rainwater could carry the harmful substances to
the nearby streams, ponds or lakes and if the water seeps down it could pollute the

Advantages:dumping is the oldest and simplest method and also inexpensive. The waste
is dumped in low-lying areas on the city outskirts.
 Sanitary landfills:the waste is packed and dumped daily and is covered with earth to
prevent insects or rodents from entering into the landfill. The waste disposal is carried out
with minimal environmental damage and in areas already spoiled already spoiled or in
need of restoration.

*Composting(5): Composting of waste in an aerobic method of decomposing solid wastes.

The organic wastes from households are made to undergo decomposition in such a way that
bacteria and other micro-organisms break them down and produce a safe, clean and soil like
material called compost.
 It enhances soil nutrition and water retention capacity of soils
 It suppresses plant diseases
Biodegradable Waste: Waste which is organic in nature and can be decomposed or broken
down by living organisms is called biodegradable waste. For example- stale food, rotten fruits
and vegetables etc. By products: compost and biogas
Why Segregation of waste:(4)
 If there are any needle and sharps which are infectious to human health many cause
diseases to waste collectors.
 It saves the time. And biomedical waste will not contaminate the recyclable waste

 Reduce: non-hazardous waste are separated from hazardous waste rather than dumping
them together. Then the small amount of hazardous waste can be treated. We can dispose
of a large amount of non-hazardous waste in the traditional way.
 Reuse: Reusing an item means that it continues to be a valuable, useful, productive
item, and replaces new items that would utilize more water, energy, timber, petroleum,
and other limited natural resources in their manufacture. For example, instead of
discarding old or torn shoes, they can be given to under-privileged or poor people for
 Recycle(5):(how to recycle farm waste[BQ]) Recycling of waste to produce paper can
reduce deforestation as in India, we have tonnes of bagasse from sugarcane during a
particular season. Bagasse is used in the manufacture of paper pulp and this helps to
save trees which are normally used for making paper pulp.
Board Questions:
 Any one initiative taken by government for waste management
-make mandatory for all road developers in the country to use plastic, along with
bituminous mixes, for constructing roads this was done to overcome the growing problem
of plastic waste disposal in the country.
 What is acid rain? Mention two effects of its effects
- Acid rain is the result of excessive acids in the rainwater which are formed when oxides
like N02 and SO2 reacts with water
- Effects: 1. It is largely responsible for scarring buildings, monuments, corroding metal
and damages vegetation. It makes water in lakes and weather acidic and make them toxic
for aquatic life

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