Heat Treating of Boron Steels
Heat Treating of Boron Steels
Heat Treating of Boron Steels
ALTHOUGH THE POTENTIAL EFFECT Hardenability of Boron Steel maximum concentration of free boron (presum-
of small additions of boron on the hardenability ably by avoiding boron interaction with oxygen
of steels has been known for over seventy years or nitrogen) is the key to optimizing the boron
(Ref 1–4), the steel industry has been slow to Boron has aroused the interest of many materi- effect.
fully exploit the use of this element. The impor- als scientists with its hardenability-enhancing Effect of Composition on Hardenability.
tance of boron does not lie only in its economic effect when used as an alloying element in steels The boron hardenability effect is undoubtedly
advantages, but more specifically, in the con- (Ref 1–4). The effect of boron and the need to affected by composition. During the last two
tinuing improvement in the understanding of control its location and chemical state have been decades, the consensus has been that only a
its behavior and the development of controls known since the 1940s (Ref 1). Early attempts at small amount of dissolved boron is needed to
and practices that assure consistent and uniform commercial production of heat treatable steels increase the hardenability of steel (Ref 7). The
response from boron additions. resulted in variable properties because of diffi- suggested mechanism is based on the assump-
The advantage of boron—the extremely small culties in ensuring that boron was present in the tion that boron in elemental form segregates at
amount necessary for a significant hardenability desired form, for example, soluble boron in the the prior-austenite grain boundaries, suppres-
effect—is also its primary disadvantage: the case of steels in which boron is intended to sing the ferrite reaction and thus improving
high degree of control required in steelmaking enhance hardenability. Subsequently, the impor- the hardenability. Thus, the effectiveness of
necessitated by the sensitivity of the steels to tance of protecting boron using strong nitride boron in increasing hardenability depends on
very small variations in boron content. Basic formers such as titanium was appreciated the form of boron retained in the steel. These
metallurgical work devoted over the last 30 years (Ref 3). However, problems can be encountered forms are influenced by the presence of other
to a better understanding of the metallurgy of in obtaining a consistent effect, as can be seen elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, titanium,
these steels has brought forth a level of under- from the wider hardenability bands that are spe- and zirconium. Boron reacts with oxygen to
standing sufficient to alleviate the old distrust cified for boron-treated steels compared to their form B2O3, with nitrogen to form BN, and
toward boron steels. Modern steelmaking chromium/molybdenum/nickel equivalents. On with carbon to form iron borocarbide Fe23(CB)6
practices now allow the production of boron the other hand, similar problems can be encoun- and iron borocementite Fe3(CB). The loss of
steels of optimal boron content and consistent tered in areas where an unprotected boron addi- effective boron by the formation of B2O3 is
hardenability. tion is made to modify other properties, for prevented by making the boron addition to
It is not overly surprising to find a strong example, ductility or formability in low-carbon silicon-aluminum-killed steels and by using
renewed interest in boron steels, on the part of steels. good ladle and mold practices to avoid reoxida-
both steelmakers and steel users, at a time when Boron Hardenability Mechanism. Boron tion while pouring the steel. The loss of effec-
the problem of material availability and cost is increases hardenability by retarding the trans- tive boron by formation of BN is prevented by
second only to that of energy. Within the formations to bainite, ferrite, and pearlite (each combining nitrogen with strong nitride formers.
framework of the development of high-strength of which is softer than martensite) that would To protect boron from nitrogen, titanium, a
low-alloy (HSLA) steels, boron alloying should otherwise occur following annealing or hot potent nitride-forming element, is frequently
therefore be envisioned as a potentially very working as the steel cools down after austeniti- used. Titanium nitride (TiN) forms in the liquid
attractive route. Synergistic effects with other zation (Ref 5). With the possibility of boron state prior to solidification and is a very stable
alloying or microalloying elements, such as concentration reaching significant levels, a compound in the solid state. Hence, it does
niobium, should also be taken into serious con- number of mechanisms for retarding ferrite not dissociate during heat treatments and, when
sideration for new energy-saving processes nucleation have been discussed by the authors added in proper quantity, it efficiently blocks
such as direct quenching after the rolling mill. (Ref 6) with due consideration of reduction in nitrogen.
Boron is useful as an alloying element in austenite grain-boundary energy, reduction in Kapadia et al. (Ref 8) have studied the influ-
many materials, but here it is illustrated as an diffusivity, reduction in number of sites, and ence of nitrogen, titanium, and zirconium on
alloying element in steel because of its effect nucleation of ferrite on borocarbides. It was the boron-induced hardenability of construc-
on hardenability enhancement. Even quantities concluded that the proposed boron hardenabil- tional alloy steel and have brought out a physi-
of less than 100 ppm boron provide the same ity mechanisms are remarkably similar, except cally meaningful correlation between the
effect on hardenability enhancement as other for details of how the ferrite C-curve changes. observed hardenability effects of boron, as
more expensive elements that must be added Their predictions regarding grain size, austeni- described by:
in much larger quantities. In recent times, the tizing temperature, and borocarbide concentra-
effect of boron on hardenability has also been tion are qualitatively the same. The reason is Beff ¼ B fðN 0:002Þ Ti=5 Zr=15g0 0
studied through thermomechanical simulation. that all the mechanisms depend directly or indi-
This article discusses the effect of boron in heat rectly on the concentration of boron absorbed in In this equation, the chemical symbols repre-
treated as well as thermomechanically simulated the austenite grain boundaries during austenitiz- sent the total weight percent of the respective
steel. ing. These theories predict that achieving the elements contained in the steel, and Beff is the
Multiplying factor
ing relationship between observed hardenability
and effective boron is shown in Fig. 1.
101.6 (4.0) 4 4 2
The maximum effect is obtained at a boron 7 5
content of approximately 0.001 to 0.003 wt%, 9
with an average value of approximately 0.0015%. 4
Boron content above the optimal amount tends 76.2 (3.0) 6
5 6
to promote the precipitation of boron-rich 7
grain-boundary constituent, which depletes the
austenite grain boundaries of boron atoms and 50.8 (2.0) 1
Base-metal hardenability
results in an overall loss of effectiveness, pro-
duces a reduction in the hardenability effect,
and can cause embrittlement and hot shortness. 25.4 (1.0)
Carbon is yet another element that has a pro- 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007
Effective boron (β), %
nounced effect on boron-induced hardenability
in steel. Figures 2 and 3 confirm that boron is
Fig. 1 Effect of effective boron content on hardenability of the steels. Source: Ref 8. Reprinted with permission of the
most effective in low-carbon steels in which Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST)
hardenability is controlled by the proeutectoid
ferrite reaction, and moreover that the effect is 0.5
In the optimal boron range of 10 to 30 ppm, at 930 C. It is interesting to note that YS and (Ref 6, 16). The austenitizing temperature of
the largest boron effect is observed at low or UTS for the boron-added steel are both substan- 890 C is close to the Ac3 temperature in the
intermediate austenitizing temperatures (unless tially higher for samples austenitized at 890 C present study, and based on the previous theory,
the boron effect is reinforced by the high- than at 930 C. the quantity of effective boron is greater at this
temperature dissolution of niobium). Boron It is worth mentioning that in spite of the temperature than at 930 C. Transmission elec-
hardenability is retained, if not increased, for higher amount of boron in solution at 930 C, tron micrographs of steel in the OQ and WQ
cooling directly after hot rolling. YS and UTS reached their maximum values at states after austenitizing at 890 C (Fig. 7)
890 C in the WQ condition for boron-added clearly show the presence of martensitic laths
steel, although not much difference is observed in the WQ state indicating critical cooling con-
Heat Treatment of Boron Steel in these values for boron-free steel. This result dition somewhere in between OQ and WQ for
can be explained by the segregation of boron unalloyed boron added steel.
As discussed in the preceding section, the to the grain boundaries. Hardenability is domi- The previous study was carried out with low-
effect of boron on hardenability is entirely dif- nated mainly by the grain-boundary concentra- carbon low-manganese unalloyed steel. How-
ferent in low- and high-carbon steel, unalloyed tion of boron atoms. It is established that ever, with increases in carbon and manganese,
and low-alloyed steel, with low and high soak- when boron segregates to austenite grain the hardenability of boron steel increases consid-
ing temperature, and more significantly with boundaries, the austenite-to-ferrite transforma- erably, and a number of steel grades with rela-
low and high cooling rate. These parameters tion is retarded; when it coagulates (or precipi- tively high carbon (0.2 to 0.4%) and manganese
significantly influence the segregation and pre- tates), on the other hand, its retarding effect is (1.0 to 1.5%) have been used as quenchable
cipitation of boron and thereby the final decreased. So the segregated boron is effective, boron steels. These grades are used in applica-
mechanical properties of the steel. A strong but the coagulated or precipitated boron is inef- tions requiring good wear-resistance properties.
dependence of cooling rate on effectiveness of fective in suppressing the transformation. Their extreme hardness after heat treatment
boron as hardener is observed. Hence, it is reasonable to define the boron that makes these grades particularly suitable for
Unalloyed Boron Steel. A study (Ref 15) has been segregated at austenite just before applications requiring high wear/abrasion re-
examined the hardening behavior of boron-free the transformation as “effective boron.” Fur- sistance. Their use allows significant weight
and boron-added low-carbon steel in heat treat- thermore, the effective boron content depends savings (up to 50% compared with an HSLA
ment experiments by varying the austenitizing on the thermal hysteresis in the austenite range grade) in structural and automotive components.
temperatures and cooling conditions. These
parameters were found to influence signifi-
cantly the final mechanical properties of the Effect on YS Effect on UTS
steel. Figure 6 depicts yield strength (YS) and 440 63.8 600 87.0
Boron-free steel 409 Boron-free steel 577
found with respect to the difference in YS value Cooling conditions Cooling conditions
for OQ versus WQ (Fig. 6b, c). With a further (b) Austenitizing temperature: 890 °C (e) Austenitizing temperature: 890 °C
increase in austenitizing temperature to 930 C,
the difference in YS value is found to be greater 440 63.8 600 87.0
Boron-free steel Boron-free steel
for OQ than for WQ (Fig. 6a–c).
Tensile strength, MPa
Yield strength, MPa
further increase in cooling rate for WQ, the (c) Austenitizing temperature: 930 °C (f) Austenitizing temperature: 930 °C
increase in UTS is greater for boron-added steel
than for boron-free steel. The trend for both Fig. 6 Effect of boron on yield strength (YS) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) with varying cooling rate when
cooled from austenitizing temperature of (a and d) 850 C (1560 F), (b and e) 890 C (1635 F), and
steels with increase in cooling rate is similar (c and f) 930 C (1705 F). AC, air cooling; OQ, oil quenching; WC, water quenching
22MnB5 AM FCE 0.200–0.250 1.10–1.40 0.025 0.008 0.15–0.35 0.015 0.020–0.050 0.0020–0.0050
30MnB5 AM FCE 0.270–0.330 1.15–1.45 0.025 0.005 0.17–0.35 0.015 0.020–0.050 0.0010–0.0050
30MnB5 EN 10083 0.270–0.330 1.15–1.45 0.025 0.035 0.17–0.35 ... ... 0.0010–0.0050
30MnB5 DRUM AM FCE 0.270–0.330 1.15–1.45 0.025 0.020 0.17–0.35 0.015 0.020–0.050 0.0010–0.0050
38MnB5 AM FCE 0.360–0.420 1.15–1.45 0.025 0.005 0.17–0.35 0.015 0.020–0.050 0.0010–0.0050
400.00 S355MC
100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 200.00
Hardness, IHM
Fig. 8 Comparison of the abrasion resistance of untreated 30MnB5 AM FCE with standard structural grades (ASTM G
65 test procedure). Source: Ref 17
Fig. 7 (a) Bright-field image (magnification 8000X) 40
showing absence of martensitic laths at oil-
Hardness, HRC
Hardness, HRC
ArcelorMittal (Richfield, Ohio) (Ref 17) produces 35
the following quenchable boron grades: 22MnB5 25
AM FCE, 30MnB5 AM FCE, and 38MnB5 AM 25
FCE (Table 1). Theses grades are suitable for 20
water quenching, which makes the process more
environmentally friendly (less effluent treat- 15 15
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25
ment) than that used for conventional carbon Jominy distance, mm Jominy distance, mm
steels. Their hardening performance is excellent (a) (b)
with both liquid and gas quenching. The main
applications for these steel grades after heat Fig. 9 Jominy curve of (a) 22MnB5 AM FCE and (b) 30MnB5 AM FCE. Source: Ref 17
treatment include agricultural machinery (discs,
plowshares), machinery for public works and
mining, and cutting equipment. Grade 30MnB5 The recommended austenitizing temperature The recommended austenitizing temperature of
DRUM AM FCE is a modified version of for 22MnB5 AM FCE is 880 C (1615 F). The 30MnB5 AM FCE is 830 to 850 C (1525 to
30MnB5 for applications such as concrete mix- temperature at the beginning of the quenching 1560 F). The temperature at the beginning of
ers, in which steel is used untreated. Abrasion process (i.e., at the maximum cooling rate) is the quenching process (i.e., at the maximum
tests (Fig. 8) show a good performance compared 750 C (1380 F). The Ac3 temperature is cooling rate) is 730 C (1345 F). These grades
with standard structural grades. The lower the 860 C (1580 F) for a heating rate of 5 C/s can be hot or cold formed. Typical mechanical
weight loss, the better is abrasion resistance; as (9 F/s), the Ac1 temperature is 750 C, and mar- properties of a 6 mm (0.2 in.) specimen in the
a result, parts have a longer lifetime. The Jominy tensite start temperature (Ms) is 400 C (750 F). rolling direction before and after quenching are
curves of both 22MnB5 AM FCE and 30MnB5 In a tensile test, after austenitization for 5 min at depicted in Table 2.
AM FCE (Fig. 9) give the hardness as a function 850 C (1560 F) followed by WQ, the structure Fatigue resistance is determined after heat
of the distance to the quenched area. of the sample obtained is entirely martensitic. treatment and quenching. Table 3 summarizes
the results of different heat treatments of to the steel without boron (16MnCr5). An addi- and water. Although the trend of increasing
22MnB5 AM FCE steel, 2.65 mm (0.1 in.) tion of 30 ppm of boron in steel that contains strength with increasing cooling rate is similar to
thick, after fatigue testing by cyclical tensile approximately 0.15% C, 1% Mn, and 0.9% Cr that of low-carbon unalloyed steel, a remarkable
loading with a load ratio of Rs = 0.1. Speci- shows a clear increase in hardness of almost change can be observed when the absolute values
mens were austenitized at 950 C (1740 F) 50% to a larger depth from the surface as com- at different cooling rate are observed. The
for 5 min. The fatigue resistance of ArcelorMit- pared to a steel of identical composition but free increase in YS in the OQ condition as compared
tal’s boron-quenchable steels is 40 to 60% from boron (Ref 5). According the same authors, to the AC condition is greater than the increase
higher than that of S355MC AM FCE low-alloy there is no difference in hardness on the surface in the WQ condition as compared to the OQ con-
grade. It can be reduced by over 30% if total between the boron-containing and the boron-free dition, and a similar trend is observed in UTS.
decarburization is carried out. steel, which can be seen in the Fig. 10. Accord- Yield strength in the WQ state is found to be
Low-Alloyed Boron Steel. Boron, in the ingly, the incipient hardness is determined, not 2.25 times higher than that in AC, whereas UTS
presence of C-Mn-Mo-Cr, increases the harden- by boron, but by the martensitic structural state is 2.57 times higher. Figure 12 shows micrographs
ability to many times that of unalloyed steel influenced by the carbon content. The hardness- of samples subjected in the AC and OQ states,
(Ref 18). Many grades in these categories are heat enhancing effect of boron comes into play only respectively, and the martensitic structure can be
treatable boron-containing steels (Table 4) with below the surface. clearly seen even in the OQ state, whereas it could
improved hardness and wear properties. The criti- Boron-alloyed 22MnB5 steel has acceptable be observed in low-carbon unalloyed steel in the
cal cooling rate for these steels is considerably hardenability and produces fully lath martensitic WQ state (Ref 20).
lower than that for C-Mn-B steel. The Society of microstructure after hot stamping. Yield strength These findings clearly indicate that boron
Automotive Engineers (SAE) has designated and UTS after hot stamping are increased to alone is not significantly contributing to the
these grades with an H suffix to denote harden- approximately 1000 MPa (145 ksi) and 1500 MPa increase in hardenability; rather, it is essential
ability where it is a major requirement. Carbon (217.5 ksi), respectively, in a detailed study on to have other alloying elements. The synergistic
steels and alloy steels are designated by a four- heat treatable C-Mn-Cr-B steel (Ref 20). Figure 11 effect of boron with chromium and manganese
digit number, where the first digit indicates the shows YS and UTS of low-alloyed manganese- has led to an increase of 2.5 times in the strength
main alloying element(s), the second digit indi- boron steel (0.2% C, 1.25% Mn, 0.28% Si, of as-rolled steel when subjected to austenitizing
cates the secondary alloying element(s), and the 0.023% Ti, 0.15% Cr, and 25 ppm B) (Ref 21). followed by water quenching, and an increase of
last two digits indicate the amount of carbon, in The thermal treatment was carried out by heating 1.5 times for unalloyed steel.
hundredths of a percent by weight (Ref 19). the sample in the austenite single-phase range Carburized State. Case-carburized (CC) low-
Figure 10 shows hardenability curves of the (900 C, or 1650 F), holding it for 300 s, and carbon steels containing nickel, chromium, and
boron low-alloyed steels (13MnCrB5) compared quenching it in different media such as air, oil, molybdenum alloying elements are widely used
Table 2 Typical mechanical properties of a 6 mm (0.2 in.) specimen in the rolling direction Table 3 Fatigue resistance of 22MnB5 AM
before and after quenching FCE steel
As-received Quenched Endurance Spread Maximum
Specimen heated for
limit (sD) (s) stress (sD)
Re Rm Re Rm 5 min at 950 C (1740 F)
followed by: MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi
Grade MPa ksi MPa ksi A, % Hardness, HRC MPa ksi MPa ksi A, %
Water quenching 253 36.7 6 0.9 562 81.5
22MnB5 AM FCE 350 50.8 520 75.4 27 45 1100 159.5 1500 217.6 10 Oil quenching 260 37.7 5 0.7 578 83.8
30MnB5 AM FCE and EN 10083 440 63.8 660 95.7 25 50 1200 174.0 1700 246.6 8 Water quenching + heat 293 42.5 26 3.8 651 94.4
30MnB5 DRUM AM FCE 530 76.8 750 108.8 21 N/A treatment at 200 C
38MnB5 AM FCE 480 69.6 760 110.2 18 55 1300 188.5 2000 290.1 7 (390 F) for 20 min
Re: yield strength; Rm: ultimate tensile strength
sD = (smax – smin)/2
Standard alloy steel 50B46 0.44–0.49 0.75/1.00 0.15–0.35 0.035 max 0.040 max 0.20–0.35 0.25 max 0.06 max 0.0005–0.003
51B60 0.56–0.64 0.75/1.00 0.15–0.35 0.035 max 0.040 max 0.70–0.90 0.25 max 0.06 max 0.0005–0.003
Standard H steels 50B40H(b) 0.37–0.44 0.65–1.10 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.30–0.70 0.25 max 0.20 max 0.0005–0.003
50B44H(b) 0.42–0.49 0.65–1.10 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.30–0.70 0.25 max 0.20 max 0.0005–0.003
50B46H(b) 0.43–0.50 0.65–1.10 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.13–0.43 0.25 max 0.20 max 0.0005–0.003
50B50H(b) 0.47–0.54 0.65–1.10 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.30–0.70 0.25 max 0.20 max 0.0005–0.003
50B60H(b) 0.55–0.65 0.65–1.10 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.30–0.70 0.25 max 0.20 max 0.0005–0.003
51B60H(b) 0.55–0.65 0.65–1.10 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.60–1.00 0.25 max 0.20 max 0.0005–0.003
81B45H(b) 0.42–0.49 0.70–1.05 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.30–0.60 0.15–0.45 0.08–0.15 0.0005–0.003
86B45H(b) 0.42–0.49 0.70–1.05 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.35–0.65 0.35–0.75 0.15–0.25 0.0005–0.003
94B15H(b) 0.12–0.18 0.70–1.05 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.25–0.55 0.25–0.65 0.08–0.15 0.0005–0.003
94B17H(b) 0.14–0.20 0.70–1.05 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.25–0.55 0.25–0.65 0.08–0.15 0.0005–0.003
94B30H(b) 0.27–0.33 0.70–1.05 0.15–0.35 0.030 max 0.040 max 0.25–0.55 0.25–0.65 0.08–0.15 0.0005–0.003
Standard carbon and carbon boron H Steels 15B21(a) 0.17–0.24 0.70–1.20 0.15–0.35 0.03 max 0.05 max ... ... ... 0.0005–0.003
15B28H 0.25–0.34 1.0–1.5 0.15–0.35 0.03 max 0.05 max ... ... ... ...
15B30H 0.27–0.35 0.70–1.20 0.15–0.35 0.03 max 0.05 max ... ... ... ...
15B35H(a) 0.31–0.39 0.7–1.20 0.15–0.35 0.03 max 0.05 max ... ... ... 0.0005–0.003
15B37H(a) 0.30–0.39 1.0–1.5 0.15–0.35 0.03 max 0.05 max ... ... ... 0.0005–0.003
15B41H(a) 0.35–0.45 1.25–1.75 0.15–0.35 0.03 max 0.05 max ... ... ... 0.0005–0.003
1B48H(a) 0.43–0.53 1.0–1.5 0.15–0.35 0.03 max 0.05 max ... ... ... 0.0005–0.003
15B62H(a) 0.54–0.67 1.0–1.5 0.40–0.60 0.03 max 0.05 max ... ... ... 0.0005–0.003
(a) Unless specified. (b) Boron in steel = 0.0005 to 0.003. Note: For electric furnace steels, phosphorus and sulfur = 0.025 max and the prefix E is added.
Fig. 11 Effect of boron on (a) yield strength (YS) and (b) ultimate tensile strength (UTS) with varying cooling rates
when cooled from austenitizing temperature of 900 C (1650 F). AC, air cooling; OQ, oil quenching;
WQ, water quenching
Table 5 Chemistry of conventional boron steel, developed boron steel, and Ni-Cr-Mo steel Table 6 Inclusion rating of developed
Composition, wt%
boron steel (as per ASTM E 45)
Steel C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo B Al Ti Thickness A B C D
classification (sulphides) (aluminate) (silicates) (oxides)
Ni-Cr-Mo steel 0.17 0.35 0.80 0.98 1.6 0.17 Nil 0.020 Trace
Conventional steel 0.17 0.24 1.20 1.23 0.11 0.07 0.0019 0.020 0.020 Thin 2.5 1.5 0 1.5
Developed boron steel 0.18 0.22 1.24 1.21 0.14 0.04 0.0017 0.020 0.0019 Heavy 1.0 0.5 0 0.5
Boron-added steel
880 1615
Boron-free steel
Ar3 temperature, °C
Ar3 temperature, °F
860 1580
840 1545
Ar3 temperature, °F
peratures have diminishing tendencies as the 800 1470
cooling rates are increased. However, the
decrease is gradual up to a cooling rate of
5 C/s (9 F/s). The proclivity toward decline 750 1380
becomes quite sharp at and above cooling rates
of 10 C/s (18 F/s), and continues to be so until
it again levels off at cooling rates of 20 C/s 700 1290
(36 F/s) and beyond. The CCT diagram shows
the temperature at which proeutectoid ferrite is
first formed from austenite by the line labeled 650 1200
Ar3. There is not much variation in this tempera- 0 10 20 30
ture with cooling rates. The region between the Cooling rate, °C/s
Ar3 line and the the Ps line widens with increas-
Austenitizing temperatures
ing cooling rates. The lines representing Ps and 950 °C 1000 °C 1100 °C 1200 °C
Pf remain nearly parallel up to a cooling rate of (1740 °F) (1830 °F) (2010 °F) (2190 °F)
5 C/s. A marked change in the width of separa-
tion occurs after this cooling rate and the area
widens progressively as higher cooling rates Fig. 15 Variation in Ar3 temperature of unalloyed boron-added steel with cooling rate for different austenitizing
are approached. Therefore, the cooling rate of
5 C/s is critical and seems to signal departure
from formation of a mere pearlite-ferrite phase pearlite phase mixture. However, in the latter, fraction has increased, as can be seen from
mixture. This may also be the cooling rate above the coarse pearlite colony size is slightly bigger. Fig. 17(d), obtained from a sample cooled at the
which bainite may form. The formation of proeutectoid ferrite has occurred rate of 20 C/s (36 F/s). These microscopic
Figure 17 shows scanning micrographs from along the prior-austenite grain boundary. From this examinations corroborate the inferences from
samples cooled at different rates. The microstruc- an estimate of average prior-austenite grain size the CCT diagram.
tures of Fig. 17(a) and (b) from samples cooled at can be made, which works out to be 130 mm. Recently, the original time-temperature-
slower rates of 0.5 C/s and 2 C/s (0.9 and The first indication of the formation of bainite transformation (TTT) diagram has been modi-
3.6 F/s) are completely dominated by ferrite- can be seen in Fig. 17(c). The bainite volume fied to reflect the boron effect in resistance seam
600 Bs 1110
contrast, for medium-carbon (0.4 wt%) high-
1 (1.8)
930 manganese (1.5 wt%) steel, the addition of boron
400 A+B 2 (3.6) (40 ppm) was observed to enable some bainite
A+M 750
570 5 (9) and martensite formation at a cooling rate of only
Mf 10 (18) 0.6 C/s (1 F/s) (Ref 29). Even a slow cooling
200 390
rate, as low as <1 C/s (2 F/s), has suppressed
100 210 20 (36)
the formation of pearlite. In this case, the dra-
0 0 36 (64.8) matic effect on hardenability can be attributed
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10,000
to shifting the upper C-curve to the right by
Time, s
boron and shifting both the upper and lower
Fig. 16 Continuous cooling transformation diagram of low-alloyed boron-added steel C-curves to the right by carbon and manganese.