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ACT 2013
By Siddharth Pardeshi

What is a Charge?
Charge – a brief
 Charge specially gives security and empower the charge holder that in case the
Company makes a default for the repayment of the loan than charge holder can
get the claim amount from the security which was charged by the Company in
favour of the charge holder.
Charge Under Companies Act, 2013
 As per Section 2(16) of Companies Act 2013, "charge" means an interest or lien
created on the property or assets of a company or any of its undertakings or both
as security and includes a mortgage.

Why Charge is Created ?

1. Almost all the large and small companies depend upon share capital and borrowed
capital for financing their projects. Borrowed capital may consist of funds raised by
issuing debentures, which may be secured or unsecured, or by obtaining financial
assistance from financial institution or banks.
2. The financial institutions/banks do not lend their monies unless they are sure that
their funds are safe and they would be repaid as per agreed repayment schedule
along with payment of interest. In order to secure their loans they resort to creating
right in the assets and properties of the borrowing companies, which is known as a
charge on assets. This is done by executing loan agreements, hypothecation
agreements, mortgage deeds and other similar documents, which the borrowing
company is required to execute in favour of the lending institutions/ banks etc.
3. In other words a charge is a right created by any person including a company
referred to as “the borrower” on its assets and properties, present and future, in
favour of a financial institution or a bank, referred to as “the lender”, which has
agreed to extend financial assistance.

Essential features of a Charge

The following are the essential features of the charge
1. There should be two parties to the transaction, the creator of the charge and the
charge holder.
2. The subject-matter of charge, which may be current or future assets and other
properties of the borrower.
3. The intention of the borrower to offer one or more of its specific assets or
properties as security for repayment of the borrowed money together with
payment of interest at the agreed rate should be manifested by an agreement
entered into by him in favour of the lender, written or otherwise.
4. A charge may be fixed or floating depending upon its nature

Types Of Charges

Floating Exclusive
Fixed Charge
Charge Charge

Subsequent Pari-Passu of Floating
Charge Charge Charge
Charges – a brief
Fixed Charge:
 A charge which is identifiable with specific and clear asset/property at the time of
creation of charge.
 The Company cannot transfer such identified and defined property unless the charge
holder (creditor) is paid off his dues.
Floating Charge:
 It covers the floating and circulating nature of properties of a company, like sundry
debtors, stock in trade etc.
 The nature of the property charged may change from time to time.
 The floating charge crystallizes into fixed charge if the Company crystallizes or the
undertaking ceases to be a going concern.
Crystallisation of Floating Charge
 This conversion of floating charge into a fixed charge is usually called
Crystallisation of floating charge. Such an event happens under the following
 The debtor is unable to pay off the debts.
 The business couldn’t be carried out when the creditor/debenture Holder takes action
against the debtor for not repaying the debts and in all such circumstances which are
listed out under the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
 Company goes into liquidation
 Company cease to carry on its business
 On the happening of any event as specified in deed of agreement.

Charge under Transfer of Property Act 1882

Charge as defined in Transfer of Property Act, 1882
According to Section 100 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882,
where an immovable property of one person is by act of parties or
operation of law made security for the payment of money to
another and the transaction does not amount to a mortgage, the
latter person is said to have a charge on the property, and all the
provisions which apply to a simple mortgage shall, so far as may
be, apply to such charge.

Provisions under Companies Act

2013 & Companies (Registration of
Charges) Rules, 2014
Charge – governing sections under Companies
Act 2013

 77 Duty to Register Charges, etc

 78 Application for Registration of Charge
 79 Section 77 to Apply in Certain Matters
 80 Date of Notice of Charge
 81 Register of Charges to be kept by Registrar
 82 Company to Report Satisfaction of Charge
 83 Power of Registrar to Make Entries of Satisfaction and Release in Absence of
Intimation from Company
 84 Intimation of Appointment of Receiver or Manager
 85 Company's Register of Charges
 86 Punishment for Contravention 87 Rectification by Central Government in Register of

Registration of Charges
The main purpose of registration of a Charge is to give notice to the
Registrar of Companies ("ROC") and to people who intend to advance
money to the company about the encumbrance created on the assets of
the company.
A charge created by a company is required to be registered with the
Registrar within thirty days of its creation in the prescribed form and
on payment of specified fees. According to Companies
(Registration of Charges) Rules, 2014 e-forms prescribed for the
purpose of creating or modifying the charge is Form No. CHG-1
The charge created over security offered becomes void if it is not
registered within the stipulated period prescribed Companies Acts.

Duty to Register Charges

 Every company creating charge within or outside India on it’s property assets or
any undertaking shall register the charge with the Registrar of Company within 30
days from the date of creation or modification of charge

Creation/Modification of charge other Creation/Rectification of charge for

than Debenture Debenture

The Registrar may, on an Application by the Company,

allow such registration to be made

If charge is created Time Limit If not registered within

this time limit, then
registration shall be done
Before the commencement Within 300 days of creation Within 6 months from
of the Companies Commencement on payment
(Amendment) Ordinance of additional and different
2019 [Commencement] fees
On or after the Within 60 days of creation on On an application, within
commencement of the payment of additional fees another 60 days on payment
Companies (Amendment) of advalorem fees
Ordinance 2019

 When the charge is registered with the ROC, he shall give a registration certificate
to the person in whose favor the charge is created

Purpose Registration Certification

in Form
Registration CHG-2
Modification CHG-3

 Note : No charge shall be taken into account by any liquidator, appointed under
Companies Act 2013 or Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, or any creditor unless
the charge is duly registered and certificate to this effect is issued.

Section 78: Application for Registration of

 If the Company fails to register the charge as per Section 77, then the person in
whose favour the charge is registered may make an application to ROC as per
Rule 3 & Rule 6.
 The ROC on receipt of such application, after giving a 14 days’ notice to the
Company allow such registration on payment of fees. However it shall be
registered only if the Company has not itself done it or given a sufficient show
cause as to why such charge shall not be registered.

Section 81 with Rule 7: Register of Charges

to be kept by Registrar
 The Registrar shall maintain a Register of Charges on MCA portal and
shall be open for inspection on payment of fees

Section 82 with Rule 8: Company to Report

Satisfaction of Charge
The Company shall within a period of 30 days from the date of
payment or satisfaction of charge intimate the ROC in Form CHG-4
The ROC may on application by the Company or charge holder allow
such aforesaid intimation to be made within 300 days of such
payment or satisfaction on payment of additional fees.

 On receipt of intimation, ROC shall send a 14 days’ notice to the

chargeholder to show cause as to why such payment or satisfaction
in full should not be recorded as intimated to the Registrar.
Conversely no notice shall be sent if the intimation is received in
Form CHG-4.
 If no cause is received, the ROC shall enter a memorandum of
satisfaction of charge in full in pursuance of section 82 or 83 and
shall issue a certificate of registration of satisfaction of charge in
Form No.CHG-5

Section 84 with Rule 9:Intimation of

Appointment of Receiver or Manager
 Any person appointed upon any order to manage the property of the
company which is subject to a charge, shall intimate the Company &
ROC in Form CHG-6 about such appointment.
However, any cessation of such person shall also be informed in
Form CHG-6

Section 85 with Rule 10: Register of Charges

 Every Company shall maintain a Register of Charges in Form CHG-7 at its Registered Office
Every entry in register shall be authenticated by Director/Secretary/any Authorized Person.
 It shall include details of-
a) all the charges registered with the Registrar on any of the property, assets or undertaking of the
b) particulars of any property acquired subject to a charge
c) particulars of any modification of a charge and satisfaction of charge
 The Company shall also keep copy of the instrument creating the charge or modification thereon
shall be preserved for a period of eight years from the date of satisfaction of charge.

Section 87:Rectification by Central

Government in Register of Charges
 Any company may make an application for extension to Central Government in
Form CHG-8 for intimations not filed within the specified time or misstatements
in previous filings related to charges therein.
 CG on receipt of application may extend the time for filing or rectifying such

Rule 12
 All the fees shall be paid as per Rule 12.

Procedure For Creation Of Charge

Hold a Board Execution of
Prepare Form CHG- File Form CHG-1
Meeting and Pass a necessary
1 with necessary with ROC within 30
Resolution for documents for
attachments days
creation of charge creation of charge

After verification of The details of Company is

Form ROC will Charge will be required to maintain
issue Certificate in displayed on MCA Register of Charge
CHG-2 after creation under CHG-7
List of e-filing under Charge
Sr . No. E-Form Purpose
 1. CHG-1 Creating or Modifying charge (for other than Debentures)
 2. CHG-2 Certificate of Registration of charge.
 3. CHG-3 Certificate of Modification of charge.
 4. CHG-4 Intimation of the satisfaction to the Registrar.
 5. CHG-5 Memorandum of satisfaction of charge.
 6. CHG-6 Notice of appointment or cessation or receiver or manager.
 7. CHG-7 Register of charges.
 8. CHG-8 Application for condonation of delay shall be filed the Central
 9. CHG-9 Creating or modifying the charge in (for debentures including rectification)
 10. CHG-10 Application for delay to the registrar.

Consequences For Non-Registration of Charge

 Non-registration of the Charges with the Registrar of Companies shall not invalidate the
Charge created but the same shall not be taken into account by the liquidator appointed
under the Companies Act, 2013 or the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 on winding
up of the company and the creditor. However, this does not prejudice any contract or
obligation for the repayment of the money secured by the Charge.

 Penalty for default

Section 86 of the Companies Act,2013 provides for the punishment and contraventions of
Section 77. If the company defaults the provision, it shall be punishable with a fine, not
less than one lakh rupees and which may extend to 10 lakh rupees. If the officer of the
company is in default then he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to six months or with fine not less than twenty five thousand rupees which may
extend to one lakh rupees or with both.


Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or
Issue of any Foreign Security) (Third
Amendment) Regulations, 2014
Regulation 18:
An Indian party may create charge by way of pledge, on the shares of Joint venture(JV) or Wholly
Owned Subsidiary(WOS) or Step Down Subsidiary(SDS) outside India in favour of Authorized
Dealer or a public financial institution in India or an overseas lender, for availing of fund based or
non-fund based facility.
Provided that
a) The value of the fund based or non-fund based facility is reckoned as financial commitment for
the Indian party and the total financial commitment of the Indian party remains within the limit
stipulated by the Reserve Bank for overseas direct investments in the JV / WOS from time to
b) In case of the facility from an overseas lender, it should be regulated and supervised as a bank;
c) Subject to the additional terms and conditions prescribed by the Reserve Bank from time to

Regulation 18 A:
 An Indian party may create charge by of mortgage, pledge, hypothecation or otherwise,
on its assets in favour of overseas lender as security for availing of the fund based
and/or non-fund based facility for its Joint Venture (JV) or Wholly Owned Subsidiary
(WOS) or Step Down Subsidiary (SDS) outside India.
Provided that
a) The value of the facility is reckoned as financial commitment for the Indian party and
the total financial commitment of the Indian party remains within the limit stipulated by
the Reserve Bank from time to time for overseas direct investments in the JV / WOS;
b) The overseas lender is regulated and supervised as a bank as per the law of the host
c) A ‘No Objection’ is obtained from the domestic lender in whose favour if charge is
already created on the domestic assets; and
d) Subject to the additional terms and conditions prescribed by the Reserve Bank from
time to time.
 An Indian party may create charge by of mortgage, pledge, hypothecation or otherwise
on the assets of its overseas JV or WOS or SDS in favour of an AD bank in India as
security for availing of the fund based and/or non-fund based facility for itself or its JV
or WOS or SDS outside India.
Provided that
a) The value of the facility is reckoned as financial commitment for the Indian party and
the total financial commitment of the Indian party remains within the limit stipulated by
the Reserve Bank from time to time for overseas direct investments in the JV / WOS;
b) The overseas lender is regulated and supervised as a bank as per the law of the host
c) A ‘No Objection’ is obtained from the overseas lender or domestic AD bank in whose
favour if charge is already created on the overseas assets;
d) The facility extended by the domestic AD bank to the Indian party / JV / WOS / SDS is
governed by the prudential norms and other guidelines issued by the Department of
Banking Operations and Development, Reserve Bank; and
e) Subject to the additional terms and conditions prescribed by the Reserve Bank from
time to time.”
The following are the compliance requirements under FEMA
 Compliance to the provisions under Regulation 18A(2) of the Notification ibid;
 The overseas assets, on which charge is being created, are not securitized;
 The period of charge, if not specified upfront, may be co-terminus with the
period of end use (like loan or other facility) for which charge has been created;
 The loan / facility availed by the JV / WOS / SDS from the domestic lender shall
be utilized only for its core business activities overseas and not for investing
back in India in any manner whatsoever;
 A certificate from the Statutory Auditors’ of the Indian party, to the effect that the
loan / facility availed by the JV / WOS / SDS has not been utilized for direct or
indirect investments in India, is to be obtained and kept by the designated AD;
 The invocation of charge resulting into the domestic lender acquiring the
overseas assets shall require prior approval of the Reserve Bank.

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Above Corporation Bank, Worli, Mumbai – 400 018 |
B: +91 (22) 6611 9696 | D: +91 (22) 6611 9623 |

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