Full Stack MEAN Developer Master Program Updated On 17-05-2023

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Full Stack MEAN

Master’s Program
Table of Contents

About the Course 01

About Software Development Industry 02

Key Features 03

Top Skills and Tools covered 03

Program Outcomes 04

Who Should Enroll in this Program? 04

Learning Path 05

Courses 06 - 09

Step 1: Building a strong MEAN foundation 06

Step 2: Develop rich frontend with Angular 08

Step 3: Complete MEAN backend with NodeJS and MongoDB 10

Step 4: Integrate and Deploy your MEAN app on Cloud 13

Step 5: Full Stack MEAN Developer Capstone Project 16

Certifications 17

Classroom-Level Immersion: Delivered Digitally 18

Customer Reviews 19

Corporate Training 20

About Simplilearn 21
About the Course

This Full Stack MEAN Developer program provides complete knowledge of software
development and testing technologies such as JavaScript, Node.js, Angular, Docker, and
Protractor. You’ll build an end-to-end application, test and deploy code, and store data
using MongoDB.

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About Software Development

The global software engineering market is expected to grow to approximately USD

$49.19 billion by 2028 at a CAGR of 7.15 percent in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028.
Corporate initiatives focused on digital transformation will help drive demand for skilled
software developers, which is reflected in current hiring trends and future projections.

Many companies prefer to hire multi-skilled technology professionals such as automation

test engineers. The average annual salary for an automation test engineer is USD $94,270
Additional facts about the state of the software development industry:

Junior developers are getting massive starting salaries compared to those of the last
20 years

83% of working professionals plan to upskill in 2023 (Business Today 2023)

The phenomenal rise of consumer applications in both web and mobile is driven by
the availability of open-source projects and libraries

Smaller, quicker releases—which results in better productivity—are becoming crucial

for software product success. Automation engineers are well-positioned to empower
this trend.

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Key Features

Comprehensive Applied Choose from 3 industry- Job-assist program

Learning program aligned capstone projects included (India only)

160 hours of instructor- 20+ in-demand tools Build capstone projects

led training and skills in four domains and
showcase your projects
to recruiters

4 phase-end projects

Top Skills and Tools covered

Agile Angular Docker

Git Node.js Jenkins



JavaScript Express.js GitHub

BootStrap MongoDB API testing with

TypeScript AJAX

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Program Outcomes

By the end of the program, you will be able to accomplish the following:

Cultivate an Agile mindset with the ability to quickly complete industry projects

Acquire knowledge and skills to build dynamic end-to-end web applications

Master software programming concepts—the basic building blocks of designing great


Architect scalable back-end infrastructure

Learn how to work with a front-end framework to create a front-end website

Deploy static and dynamic websites in the cloud

Prepare to kickstart your tech career in top IT companies

Who Should Enroll in this Program?

This MEAN stack program is designed for:

Freshers, software developers, IT professionals, engineers, test engineers, technical

consultants, and analysts

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Learning Path

1 Building a strong MEAN foundation

2 Develop rich frontend with Angular

3 Complete MEAN backend with

NodeJS and MongoDB

4 Integrate and Deploy your MEAN

app on Cloud

Full Stack MEAN Developer

Capstone Project

Master's Certificate

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5

Building a strong MEAN foundation

Planning projects with Agile Merging Branches in Git

Introduction to Agile Merging Branches in Git

Scrum Roles Check the status of a file

Scrum Practices Q&A with Knowledge Checks (5)

Scrum Estimation Lesson-End Project

Scrum Planning

Q&A with Knowledge Checks (5) HTML/CSS


Version Control System Links, lists, and images

Introduction Tables and forms

Working with Git ID, classes, header, and footer

GitHub as a SCM tool CSS foundation

Create and Clone a GitHub Repository Selectors

Fork, Push, and Pull in Git Text, colours, and forms styling

Create a Pull Request in Git Links and positioning

Push file to GitHub Repository

Branching in Git Javascript

Create a Branch in Git Javascript Introduction

Switching Branches in Git JavaScript basics

Switching Branches in Git Form Validation

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Primitives and Objects Bootstrap

Primitives and Objects Starter Template Guide

Functions and Prototyping Import Bootstrap into your

application: Assisted Practice
Working with functions
Browsers and Devices Compatibility
Functions and Prototyping
Bootstrap: Themes
IIFEs, callbacks, and closures
Bootstrap: Alerts
IIFEs, callbacks, and closures-
Assisted practice Implement Alerts: Assisted Practice:
Assisted Practice
IIFEs and functions
Bootstrap: Cards, Tables, and Lists
IIFEs and functions
Develop a static webpage
Maps and Classes
Bootstrap: Accordion and Carousel
Maps and Classes-Assisted practice
Implement a Slideshow to a Static
Promises and Async
Promises and Async- Assisted
Bootstrap: Forms and Form
Ajax Calls
Forms: Assisted Practice
Ajax Calls-Assisted practice
Bootstrap: Modal Components
Webpack and Modern JavaScript
Implement a Modal to a Static Web
Webpack and Modern JavaScript- Page: Assisted Practice
Assisted practice
Bootstrap: Nav and Navbar
Implement Navbars to a Static Web
Working with Babel Page: Assisted Practice

Canvas Bootstrap: Pagination and Progress

Q&A with Knowledge Checks (5) Pagination and Progress: Assisted

Section-end project

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5

Develop rich frontend with Angular

JSON server Root Scope Progam: Assisted

JSON Server
Create an Angular Application using
Create a JSON server File
Animations: Assisted Practice

HTML elements
Angular Expressions

Create HTML Elements for JSON

Working with Angular Expressions:
Assisted Practice

Set up a JSON DB

Performing GET, POST, PUT, and

Working with Directives: Assisted

Fetching Data

Working with Pipes: Assisted

Working with Angular Application Practice

Introduction to Angular Nesting Components

Angular Components Nesting Components

Creating an Angular Project: Component Level interactions:

Assisted Practice Assisted Practice

Data Binding and Event Handling Component Level interactions

Data binding: Assisted Practice Forms

Event Handling : Assisted Practice Validations

Scope Reactive forms in Angular: Assisted


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Angular Route Use Matchers, Spies, Checks in
Jasmine Hooks
Angular Route and Navigation
A Simple Hook Demo
Services and Injectables: Assisted
Practice Asynchronous specs

Services and dependency Debugging Jasmine Tests

Services and Injectables

Routing Mechanisms Create your first Progressive Web App

with Angular
Routing Mechanisms: Assisted
Practice Set up PWA

Authentication with JWT and Set up PWA: Assisted Practice

PWA - Deep dive
Application to Home Screen
Deploying an Angular application on
server Creating a Responsive App Design

Design a Responsive App

Jasmine Angular Application Shell

Introduction Notification Management

Installation and testing Notification Management: Assisted

Testing a Basic Application
Service Worker
Testing an application
Service Worker: Assisted Practice
Testing Source code and using
Dynamic Data
Various Functions
Working with Offline Page
Jasmine Features

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5

Complete MEAN backend with

NodeJS and MongoDB

NodeJS Events and Event Emitter

Introduction Working with Events: Assisted

Installing and creating an app:
Assisted Practice Functions and arrays

Node server Node.js: HTTP

Creating a Node Server: Assisted HTTP request and callback : Assisted

Practice Practice

Requests and Responses HTTP Paser: Assisted Practice

Working with Requests and TCP/IP and routing

Responses: Assisted Practice
APIs in nodeJS: Assisted Practice
Asynchronous Node.js- part 1
Node.js: App deployment
Blocking and Non-Blocking in Node.
Node.js: App deployment: Assisted
js: Assisted Practice
Asynchronous Node.js- part 2
Node Package Manager
Event loop: Assisted Practice
Install Node Package Manager
File System: Assisted Practice
By Reference and By Value: Assisted
File System commands
Create and test a module: Assisted
Practice Perform various events in Node js:
Assisted Practice
Export and Require

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Debugging Node JS Application: Assisted Practice
Assisted Practice
Response methods
Debugging with Visual Studio
Working with Response methods:
Database connectivity Assisted Practice

Database connectivity commands: Error Handling

Assisted Practice
Error Handling commands: Assisted
Template Engines Practice

Multiprocessing in Node.js CRUD operations

Working with Child API: Assisted CRUD operations: Assisted Practice


Introduction to SQL
Demo: Creating Databases and
Installation of ExpressJS along with Tables: Assisted Practice
Hello world program
Filtering, Consolidating, and
Working with Express.js grouping data

Installation of Express js: Assisted Logical Operators: Assisted Practice

SQL Commands
ExpressJS frameworks
Demo: Insert, Update, and Delete
Working with Express.js frameworks: Records from Table: Assisted
Assisted Practice Practice

Configuration Demo: Using Select Statement with

various clauses: Assisted Practice
Configuration commands: Assisted
Practice Demo: Working with SubQueries:
Assisted Practice
Types of Middleware
Lesson3: SQL Joins
Middleware in Express js app:
Assisted Practice Demo: Joins on Tables: Assisted
Request Handlers
Demo: Working with Related tables:
Working with Request Handlers:
Assisted Practice

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SQL Scripts Exploring the shell and the server:
Assisted Practice
Triggers and cursors
Scaling and Replicating
Creating Triggers and cursors
Managing memory
Built-in Functions- part 1
Memory Management: Assisted
Built-in Functions- part 2

Working with various built in SQL

Relationships in MongoDB
functions: Assisted Practice
Relationships in MongoDB: Assisted
Create Operation
Introduction to MongoDB
Create and insert: Assisted Practice
JSON and BSON structure: Assisted
Read Operation
Read Operation commands: Assisted
Databases, Collections & Documents
Creating Databases & Collections:
Update Operation part-1
Assisted Practice
Update Operation part-2: Assisted
Accessing Structured Data with
arrays: Assisted Practice
Update operation commands
Introduction to NoSQL database
Delete Operation
NoSQL commands: Assisted Practice
Delete Operation commands:
MongoDB as Document Database
Assisted Practice
MongoDB as a document database:
Operations in MongoDB
Assisted Practice
Operations in MongoDB: Assisted
Document Store: Example
Schemas part-1

Schemas part-2

Schema guidelines: Assisted Practice

Shell and server in MongoDB

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5

Integrate and Deploy your MEAN

app on Cloud

Mocha Practice

Introduction to Mocha Reporters: Assisted Practice

Hello world unit test with Mocha: Configuring Mocha

Assisted Practice
Testing Mocha and test duration:
Mocha Overview Assisted Practice

Testing a Promise: Assisted Practice Running Mocha in Browser: Assisted

Detect multiple calls to done():
Assisted Practice

Assertion Librabries: Assisted Docker

Docker Overview
Asynchronous and Synchronous
Docker Image: Build a customer
Code: Assisted Practice
docker image: Assisted Practice
Arrow Functions: Assisted Practice
Introduction to Docker Hub
Hooks: Assisted Practice
Push an image to Docker Hub:
Dynamically generating tests: Assisted Practice
Assisted Practice
Introduction to Docker Swarm
Timeouts: Assisted Practice
Container a Deployment Using
Command-line Usage Docker Swarm: Assisted Practice

Plugins, Fixtures, Interfaces, and Container Scaling with Docker

Reporters in Mocha Swarm: Assisted Practice

BDD, TDD, Exports, QUnit and Distribute your app across a cluster:
Require-style interfaces: Assisted Assisted Practice

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Deploy your app to production: Automated and Continuous
Assisted Practice Deployment

Setting up Jenkins pipeline with Deployment of an App as per

Docker: Assisted Practice Jenkins project: Assisted Practice

Introduction to Docker Compose Deployment of an app with Jenkins

pipeline: Assisted Practice
Docker Compose: Assisted Practice
Jenkins Integration with GitHub:
Docker CE
Assisted Practice

Docker CE: Assisted Practice

Jenkins Pipeline

Pipeline code project: Assisted

Jenkins Practice

Introduction to Jenkins Enable Jenkins Pipeline Plugin:

Assisted Practice
Jenkins Overview

Creating the First Jenkins Job:

Assisted Practice AWS

Jenkins Plugins Cloud Introduction

Create and deploy a Maven project Sign up for AWS: Assisted Practice

on Tomcat: Assisted Practice

EC2 Introduction

Build Jobs and Jenkins Security

Instance Types of EC2

Creating a basic Jenkins pipeline:

EC2 Pricing
Assisted Practice
Launch and connect to an EC2 Linux
Creating a basic build job to clone
instance: Assisted Practice
a git and display the contents:
Assisted Practice Change the volume size of the
instance: Assisted Practice
Jenkins Metrics to Improve Quality
Placement Groups
Managing and Monitoring Jenkins
Launch instances in a placement
Managing Plugins on Jenkins:
Assisted Practice
Security Groups
Managing Users on Jenkins: Assisted
Practice VPC

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Create an EBS volume: Assisted IAM

Creating an IAM user: Assisted
Attaching an Amazon EBS Volume Practice
to an Instance
Creating an IAM role: Assisted
Format and Mount an EBS volume : Practice
Assisted Practice
Creating an IAM group: Assisted
EBS snapshots Practice

Create EBS snapshot Understanding policies and

permissions: Assisted Practice
Initialize a volume restored from a
Web hosting: Assisted Practice
snapshot on Linux: Assisted Practice
Deploying your application: Assisted
ELB Practice

Auto Scaling Session end project

Create and deploy a load balancer:

Assisted Practice

Auto Scaling with launch templates:

Assisted Practice

Amazon S3 introduction

Amazon S3 bucket

Create a bucket: Assisted Practice

Bucket Restrictions and Limitations

Delete an S3 bucket

Empty an S3 Bucket

S3 objects

Object key and metadata

Storage classes

Set the storage class of an object

Operations on Objects

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5

Full Stack MEAN Developer

Capstone Project

Create a dynamic and responsive Java e-commerce web

E-commerce application using technologies such as Angular, React,
MongoDB, and Docker.

Build a food-delivery app from scratch using your

Food Delivery knowledge of the Spring framework, web services, and
MongoDB with a strong back end to support operations.

Create an entertainment application like BookMyShow

Entertainment using your back-end knowledge, API development, and
HTML and CSS skills.

Build a dynamic and effective healthcare app. Create

Healthcare a rich UI for effective diagnosis and health advice with
Angular, Javascript, TypeScript, ES6, and many more.

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Has successfully graduated from the <Course Name> Masters
Program summa cum laude having completed all mandated course
requirements and industry projects with distinction.

Date: __ / __ /2020

Krishna Kumar, CEO

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Classroom-Level Immersion:
Delivered Digitally

Access Online Enrollment and
Access on Web and Mobile

Self-Learning Learner Watches Chapter-End
the Video Quizzes

Classes Live Virtual Live Interaction
Classroom and Mentoring

Experience Final Project Virtual
Assessment Work Labs

Simplilearn Certification Criteria

80% Course Completion

Internal, and
Project Submitted and Accepted

Final Exam and


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Customer Reviews

Raj Kurup
Application Development Senior Director

Simplilearn team is the best. I love the format and

logistics of Simplilearn so much that I would chose them
for future courses at any cost rather than take anything
else. Awesome guys.

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Corporate Training

Top clients we work with:

Features of Corporate Training:

Tailored learning solutions

Flexible pricing options

Enterprise-grade learning management system (LMS)

Enterprise dashboards for individuals and teams

24X7 learner assistance and support

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About Simplilearn

Simplilearn is the world’s #1 online bootcamp provider that enables learners through
rigorous and highly specialized training. We focus on emerging technologies and
processes that are transforming the digital world, at a fraction of the cost and time as
traditional approaches. Over one million professionals and 2000 corporate training
organizations have harnessed our award-winning programs to achieve their career and
business goals.

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Simplilearn Solutions Pvt Ltd.
# 53/1 C, Manoj Arcade, 24th Main,
2nd Sector, HSR Layout
Bangalore - 560102
Call us at: 1800-212-7688

Simplilearn Americas, Inc.
201 Spear Street, Suite 1100,
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States
Phone No: +1-844-532-7688


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